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Innovations upper intermediate coursebook

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To the sludent How you learn a language? There is no easyanswerto this question Peoplelearn series starts from the basisof natural languagesin many different ways The lnlrorriliolrg conversationspeople haveevery day,then teachesyou the languageyou need to havesimilar conversationsin English To make this processas interesting,motivating,and productive as possible,the Innoilttllcnc series: containsnumerousexamplesof the way grammarand vocabularyare naturallyused You can learn a lot of usefulvocabularyfrom good grammar exercises,and good vocabularyactivitieswill give you practicewith the grammarof English introducesyou to many new featuresof spokengrammar and usefulidiomaticlanguage, followed by opportunitiesto practisethem in meaningfulcontexts givingyou plenty to talk - and includesreadingtexts that are intriguingand challenging, think about features'Learneradvice'pages,which will help you study better We hope you find lmcrrriloltt as fun and interestingto learn from as we did to write! Acknowledgements The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers for their valuable input on this material at various stages during production: and Continuing David Frank Barnes,TheBritish Instituteof Florence;RichardBooker,Schoolof Professional Education,Universityof Hong Kong;MichaelBowles,The British CouncihJohnCargill,TheBritish Councih Alex Chevrolle,EF EnglishFirst ;JoseOlavo de Amorim, Col6gio Bandeirantes;Audrey Don, Universidad British Schoolof Milan;FrankFarmer,Universidadde Quintana Roo, LatinadeAmerica;JohnEaglesham, Humphreys,The British CouncihMaria Helena Unidad Cozumel;KirstenHolt, St Giles Eastbourne;Pamela Primon lema,SociedadeBrasileirade Cultura InglesaSdo Paulo;BelginOgrek, Ozel Florya Koleji;Guy Perring,TheBritish CouncihMark Rendell,EF EnglishFirst;Mark Rossiter,American Universityof Dubai; Andre Joao Rypl,Cultura lnglesaPorto Alegre In additionto those atThomson,and in particularJimmie,Andrew would like to thank Harry and Shirley Macu for her love and support,and Harry Dancey Walkley for beinggreat parentsand true internationalists, - a good friend made through teaching Hugh Dellar has taught EFL,ESPand EAP in Indonesiaand Britain,where he is now a teacher and teachertrainer at the University of Westminsten London He trains both native-speakerand non-nativespeaker teachers.He has also givenpapersand teacher developmentworkshops all over the world He would like to Maud Dunkeld, Andy thank the following people:Lisa- for just beingthere;his mum and dad,JulianSavage, Fairhurst,Nick Groom, Carole Patilla,SallyDalzell,Nick Barrett,Darryl Hocking,AndrewWalkley,Rob Batstone,lvor Timmis,ScottThornbury,ChrisWenger,Howard Middle,StuartTipping,MichaelLewis and JimmieHill for their help,support,inspirationand enthusiasmover the yearsandThierry Henry,Patrick Viera,Robert Pires,Curtis Mayfield,PharoahSanders,lain SinclairandWong Kar-Wei for bringingbeautyand joy to my rare moments of free time and for helpingme get through!! Darryl Hocking is a teacher and teacher-trainerin both ESOLand EABas well as a lecturer in art and design,atAuckland University of Technology,New Zealand.He specialisesin developingacademicliteracies programmesin art and designand has also worked in this area at Goldsmiths,Universityof London.He would like to thank Rosemary,Luciaand lsaac Conlents Unit I Listening: The Brother from Hell! l0 Using Grommor Tolking oboul people Reoding: F u l l - t i m Jeo b ! Present tenses: l'm o journolistMy dod'sworkingin Monchester l2 Friendr ernd relolives Reoding: Surprisefor Jailbird Dad l3 UsingVocobulory Describing people: good-looking, a bit dull Adjectives - positive or negative: tidy,messy Unit g Modifierszvery,reolly,o bit g || Using Grammor 14 14 Comparatives: not os os t6 Comparing the present with the past: It wosn'tos hot os the lost time t5 UsingVocabulory ldioms focus: like o houseon fire, Body idioms: coston orm ond a leg,keepo stroightfoce Phrasal verbs with up: fill up, cheerup,mix up Talking about disasters: Everyone's been evacuated Giving bad news: Oh, haven'tyou heord? Unit Your inleresls Listening: SoWhat ShallWeDo Tonight? Unusuol inleresls Reoding: lt's a Man'sWorld? 17 Ig |9 Using Grommar 22 Reoding; 26 AreYou a BagPerson? 74 Unit |5 28 ZO Agreeing?,me too,me neither 23 Auxiliary verb practice: so l, neitherom I 23 UsingYocabulory Free timez goingto see bonds,eotingout 20 Expressions of frequency: not os often os I usedtq how oftendo you 2l How- questionsz how much,how long Zl Expressions of (dis)interese not reollykeen,I reoilyloveit ldioms focus: not my cup of teo, rightup your street ZS Expressions with thingz the thingis,for one thing Zs 23 Using Grommar The -ing form as a verb: He spendsoll his freetime singing 26 The -ing form as a noun z Mountoineering pretty be dongerous 26 Would and 'd: I wouldif I could.I'd quitefiketo 3| Using Vocabulory Yiofent or dangerous sports: boxing,bungeejumping Revlew: Units l-4 Unit Big decisions 30 32 Listening; Forty a Day! Using Grommor 40 Giving explanations with the past perfect continuous: I hodn't been getting on with my flatmotes,so I just decidedr needed a placeof my own 37 Second conditionals: lf I hod o job like that,t'd go crozy 39 Likely or unlikely (conditionals): lf I possmy exom lf I won o lot of money 39 Using Yocobulary Tough decisions: decidingro get morried,decidingto chongejobs Expressions: Whot o nightmore, 36 ldioms focus: pieceof cake,nothingto it Taf king about jobs: surgeon,mechonk,builder 37 36 3g Decisions: wise,wrong 39 How come? How come you'releovingeorty? 4l ll Or ,tJ Reoding The Cost of a Cigarette 43 UNTT O ftying 42 Using Grommar Gerunds and infinitives: I cleorlyrememberpostingyour lener I must rememberto post your letter 46 Using Vocobulory Unit 44 enormous Strong adiectives: disgustlng, 45 Smoking: o choinsmoker,o heovysmoker 47 45 Using Grammor Listening Thank Goodnesslt's Friday! Your weekend Ffying vocabularyz o boordingcard,an eight-hourflight Adjectives - strong comparatives: much worse,much nicer Four difrerent future forms: present simple 'll going I to / present continuous / 49 More ways of talking about the futurez I've gogl'm supposedto, 5I I mightbe UsingVocobulory Typicaf weekend activities: go out for o wokhove peopleround 48 Unit Porty onimcrls Reoding Raveto the Grave 54 lp,vlc,wc Unlts 5-8 52 ldioms focus: No rest for the wicked 53 UsingYocobulory Parties: o dinnerporty,o birthdoyporty o porty Party collocations: breokup o party,goteuosh Party politics: left-wing, right-wing o low,tighten o low Talking about the law: introduce 54 54 58 58 60 Unit Losl nighr 56 Collocations with gozl'm goingon o dote Listening: The Worst Disco in Town! Using Grommor 66 64 Responding with auxiliary verbs: Oh,didyou?Oh,hoveyou? 67 Not untiL' I didn't getin untilthree 68 Linking ideas: lt wos so loud,I couldhardlyheor myselfthink 69 Using Yocobulary Unit rO lelotionships 70 Reoding ls She ReallyGoing Out with Him? Lifestyle activities: I went to my eveningcloss 64 Colfocations with gefi get up,getsomemoney 65 Problem words: chotltokwoshlwosh-up 65 Using Grommor 72 Appearances: looks(adj),lookslike o (n),looksos if (clause) 70 Expressions with modals: I could'vetold you thot You might soy thot ogoin! 74 Using Yocabulory Descriptive adjectives: musculor,moture 7| I bet: I bet het studyingcomputing 7| Chat-up lines: Do you comehereoften? Stages of a relationship engaged,manied, separated Iend to: Men tend to eot more junk food thon women 7l 73 75 Unit ll Telling slories Listening Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow! 76 76 Using Grommor -ing clauses.' I wosjust stondingthere,mindingmy own business UsingYocobulary Reoding: SpiderWoman Hairstyfes: She'sgot curlyhoir Difficuh ro believe Reoding Home Alone 83 Urban Myths 87 77 Sfang: Het o reollynicebloke T7 Different kinds of storieszbedtime story,thesomeold story 78 Storytelling 7g gl expressions: You'rejoking.Reolly? ldiomatic comparisons: like clockwork,likeo log Exaggerating using idioms: I'm dyingfor o coffee Unit 12 19 I I Using Grammor 82 Past simple and past continuous: I resignedfrom my job on Fridoy I wos livingin ltoly when 84 Being vague: or something, or onythifrg, -ish 86 UsingVocobulary On the woy: As I woson my woy bockfrom France Travel words: tip,tour, journey Review: Units 9-12 Unit 13 Old friends 85 85 88 Listening: LongTime,No See! Using Grommor 93 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous: Where on eorth hoveyou been?I've beenwaitingfor on hour 96 Adverbs with the present perfect: I've neverbeento Siberio Present perfect collocations: l've beentrovelling 94 I wish (with past perfect): I wish lU oskedfor her oddress 94 92 Reoding Long Lost Friends 94 94 Using Yocobulary Expressions with pointz get the poin[ see the point,mokeo point 95 Unit l4 Art Reoding Art Attack Using Grommar 100 98 Relative clauses: I went to thot new Motisse exhibition,whichwos reollynice 102 UsingYocabulary Recommending: Youshouldgo ond seeit Describing paintingsz portroiglondscape,st/llife Oh,thot reminds me! Oh,thot remindsme! I must phone my mum tonighL Unir 15 Describing things 104 Listening Not Exactly Shakespeare! 99 99 102 Using Grommor | 06 Conjunctions: olthough,considering,in spiteof Negative questionsz Don'tyou likecheese? 105 107 ldioms focus: deod tired,brondnew 107 Comparing: lt wos o bit like but not os good /l4ust for guessing: Oh,thot must'vebeenwonderful | 08 109 Unit 16 Film crnd television Reoding TV Robocop: NotViolent Enough I 12 forViewers I l0 Using Grammor Past perfect simple:TheW versionhad beencensored | |3 Mixed conditionals: lf it hodn't beenfor him,l would never hovegone | |5 Using Vocabulory Reviewr Units 13-16 Unit 17 G or s ond c i l i e s Fifm types: sci.-f,onimoted, blockbuster I l0 Asking questions about films: Who'sin it? ||| Film vocabulary: bonned,dubbed,direaor lll Tefevision vocabulary: series,chonnel,digitol I 14 Audiences: spectotors, congregotion, fans I 14 il6 Listening More Sleeping Policemen Using Grommar l2l 120 Second conditionals for making suggestions: lt'd be better if the shopsstoyedopen loter 122 The passive: fhe bonk hos beenturned into o videoshop 124 ldioms focus: black sheep,wild goosechose | 25 Using Yocabulory Personal opinions: personolly, os for as l'm concerned Talking about cities: innercity,shontytowns,industrial Unit 18 Annoying things Reoding: with Economical theTruth! lhe world of work Reoding: We Can Work lt Out 138 Review: Units l7-2O t44 Tapescript t48 t57 t59 t67 Grommor lntroduction Grommor Commentory Expression Organiser Was/were going toz l thoughtit wos goingto be the holidayof o lifetime | 28 Using Yocabulory Listening Now You're Talking! 133 unir 20 124 Using Grommor 126 176 Unit l9 Y our f ulur e Reoding A Sticky Problem | 23 | 36 Phrasaf verbs: put up with,go on obout 127 Complaining about things: to top the wholethingoff, the lost thingI need 129 Expressions with bother: Sorryto botheryou |3I ldioms focus: a Cotch22 siuation,the tip of the iceberg |3| Using Grommor Starting with whotzWhot I reallyneedto is 134 lf expressions (to talk about future plans): lf oll goeswell ''37 Using Yocabulary Plans for the future: woit ond see,cont reallysoy 134 Collocations: my own county,whereI grewup 135 Using Grommor Future continuous: l'llbe meetingmy bossnext week 143 139 Using Yocobulory V(ork or job? hord work,o dirty job 140 Questions about work: How are thingsatwork? The ideaf boss (describing your boss)z opproochoble, domineering l4l 142 Describingpeople Think of three people you know - friends or family Write their initials besidethree of the adiectivesor expressionsbelow Then tell a partner about your choices Tick the six adiectivesor expressionswhich best describe you Then describe yoursetfto your partnen Age young Hair Height quite tall a bit on the short side fair in his/hertwenties darkish quite elderly youngerthan (s)he looks completelywhite going grey older than (s)he looks losinghis hair almost bald Looks good-looking not very good-looking Weight a bit thin overweight on the plump side Other lazy hard-working bad-tempered easy-going friendly moody energetic a bit of a fitnessfanatic Personality amusing a bit dull conservative warm narrow-minded independent fun a bit of a workaholic religious musical sPorty creative very political a good senseof humour Speaking Discuss these questions with a partner f When you're speakingyour own language, which adjectivesdo you use most to describepeople? What featuresof a person's appearancedo you usuallynotice firstl Are you happywith your own appearance? Why/why notl t-isten to the descriptionsof fenny,Nick, Matt, and Kirsty Decide who's who Then work f, t7 in pairs, trying to remember as much as you can from the descriptionsyou heard Talkingaboutpeople Usirtg grarrrrrBr Modifiers The words used before adjectives or nouns to md

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2020, 12:00

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