: lnnovotionsis o newthree-levelgenerolEnglishcoursefor closseslooking for new moteriolwith o freshopprooch.Bosedon o longuoge-rich, lexicol/grommqticol syllobus,it stqrtsfrom the kindsof noturql conversqtions thot leornerswont to hove Presents ond proctisesvocobulory,collocotions, fixed expressions, ond moreidiomoticlonguoge Motivotesleqrnersby presentinginterestingond unusuoltexts Emphosizes sound-chunking ond orol fluency Coversproductiveond receptivepronunciotion work Includesin-builtleorner-troining pogesthot offertipsond odvice Teqchesmqny ospectsof grommorond spokenlonguogenot found in othercoursebooks The lnnovotionsTeocher'sBook includesstep-by-stepteoching notes os wellos explonotions of culturolond linguistic itemspresentedin the Coursebook Innovotions upper-intermediote: Coursebook O-759 -9847 -X WorkbookO-2593-9850-X Tebcher'sBook 0-2593 -9849 -6 Teocher'sResourceBook (Photocopioble) O-7593-9848-8 Audio CD O-7593-9844-5 Audio TooeO-7593-9846-1 ExamView@ ProTestBonk0-2593-9838-O [-7513-18q1-r 00 0 THOTVtSON =# HEINLE Visit Heinleonline ot: www.heinle.com Foryour leorningsolutions:www.thomsonleorning.com U Contenls Infroduction U*e##ffi qwfu*pes$ pwe*p#w W#ffiffifu#meg t0 &I*effg ffi wqpffisw#ffiesmw ffiw&wmw#w wmmd t6 Uxsa#8 ffi ffise&epatrwwtrm Wmewwwsmffi 20 Uxsffi* @ 3flwwsw ffim#wwww#w 26 Review: Unirs | -4 3l l"*xeffi# ffi ffiffi6d**wffim#epmww 33 Hm€i# ffi ffi#p#mw6 39 Uxeff# K ftflwwpw wepspfumwsd 45 U*e&sffi W*ww#p wswffmexlewffiw Review: Units 5-8 5l 56 UxeH* ffi 58 ffismw# meffismfu# Uxx$s %ffi ffiemffm#ffiwmwwfu#ww 64 Umffi# ffi% 'Wwffiffi#r*xg w*wwffiww 69 Uxeffis %ffi ffiffiWffiwq#ffi* *qpfue*ffiffiwww 75 R.eview:Units 9-12 80 {Ixe## Hffi ffiffid#wffieewedw 82 Uss$# ftffi &ws 87 *J*ei*B %ffi ffispwwwffifuffimg *fuffimegm 9l &!mffi# Hffi [ffiffiffimee #wffie*w#m&qsffiB emmed 96 Review:Unifs l3-16 t02 Ww Hffi ffiswrym erusru# wffi#&w*s 104 &$xe$s trffi #&wwmwwp&xmg #fuffxxryw r09 ffillffiffi# Hffi |4 Wmesw #wssqswep qe#wswwfu ffimffi# ffiffi Wfuqp ewwwffd il9 Reviewl Units 16-20 t24 lnlroduction lnnovotions, first publishedin 2000,was createdto provideintermediateto high-intermediate studentswith interestingmodelsof naturalspol