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Select readings upper intermediate qiuzzes

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A-PDF MERGER DEMO QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Choose one of the words or phrases from the box to complete the figures of speech in each statement below Some words or phrases will not be used stepping stones moonlight dancing eccentric tick hearts of stone lock stuff like the wind moonlight dancing Example: The _ on the water was a beautiful sight The queen’s behavior could not be understood by most people A creative person is able to use problems as the to new levels of understanding Old attitudes and ideas can our thinking into approaches to life that never change Some people are kind and generous, but others have We still don’t know exactly what makes creative people PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Begin the noun phrase in each of the sentences below with that, what, when, why, which, or how how Example: We know where we want to go but not to get there Jack isn’t sure class he wants to take—music theory or biology We don’t need to be creative for most of we The author feels that most people have not been taught to think creatively Most people agree it is important to find new ways of solving problems Please tell me you haven’t finished the assignment yet PART C: Comprehension (10 points) What is the key to being able to think creatively? _ _ In your own words, describe at least one famous example of creative thinking _ _ Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Chapter Name Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Use a phrasal verb from the box to complete each of the sentences below pay off stamp out give up lay on put up with take care of give up Example: Although Sung-Ho was making a lot of money, he decided to his job He did not want to the stress any longer After Sheila graduated, she had to her college loans It’s not easy to young children and hold down a full-time job Large companies sometimes benefits such as free meals and travel Some employees are so devoted to their jobs that they the desire for a personal life outside the office PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the past conditional sentences below hadn’t stayed Example: If I (not stay) up so late, I wouldn’t have gotten such a bad headache Sam wouldn’t have built up a big debt if he (not use) his credit card If Christine (learn) how to play golf, she might have had to play with her colleagues every weekend Matsui (might not meet) his wife if he had stayed with the company If the employees hadn’t asked for more sick leave, they (would not receive) it The students couldn’t have learned English so well if they (had not study) abroad PART C: Comprehension (10 points) Name one advantage and one disadvantage of working for a large company in Japan Explain why Mr Iwashita said that he would have gone crazy if he had stayed Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Chapter Name Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Use context to guess the meanings of the boldfaced words in the following sentences Circle a, b, or c A healthy organ grown from a patient’s own cells is less likely to be rejected than a faltering one that is transplanted from another person a unhealthy b frightening c fictional Doctors studying tissue regeneration now have a journal in which to report their progress a hospital b laboratory c publication The child suffered from a rare condition known as Poland’s syndrome a medical problem b ambition c society His parents were gleeful because the surgery was successful a upset b very angry c very happy Now, Sean can walk around without a shirt on in front of his peers without embarrassment a friends b doctors c professors PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence below Example: The practice of medicine could (revolutionize / be revolutionized ) by the science of tissue regeneration Children born with serious medical conditions may (have / be have) new hope Accident victims and elderly people could also (benefit / be benefited) from this research If living tissue can be grown, damaged organs could (replace / be replaced) with new ones Doctors are hopeful that the process might (work / be worked) in a few years In 20 years, organ transplants may (see / be seen) as a thing of the past PART C: Comprehension (10 points) How has tissue engineering helped Sean McCormack live a more or less normal life? How might the process described in “The Body Shop” help patients in the future? Give at least one example Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Combine the prefixes in the left column with the words on the right to create new words Prefixes New Words Meaning un- re consider think again re- mature not mature, childish im- game before the game semi- final one of two games before the final pre- ordinary very unusual, amazing extra- inspired not inspired, dull PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Put quotation marks (“ ”) around the direction quotations in the statements below Example: “I’m very proud of the team tonight,” answered the coach with a smile “They did remarkably well.” You’ve just set a new world record How does it feel? asked the reporter Fantastic! replied the runner I never dreamed I could it What you think made the difference? continued the reporter The athlete thought for a moment Well, she commented, I felt great at the start, and I guess all that training kicked in at the right time The whole nation is proud of you, added the reporter Good luck at the Olympics PART C: Comprehension (10 points) Who were the three big winners of World Cup 2002? Describe two ways in which South Korea and Japan were successful as host countries Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Complete each sentence with the adverbial form of a word in the box Use each word only once careful nonjudgmental sincere automatic effective nonverbal nonjudgmentally Example: A good friend listens openly and A person can learn to become a good speaker; for most people, it doesn’t happen You can learn to communicate by following a few simple guidelines First, in order to gain a person’s trust, you should speak You should also keep in mind that we all express ourselves through tone of voice, facial expressions, and eye contact Finally, slow down, take a deep breath, and choose your words PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Insert a dash (—), a colon (:), or a semicolon (;) in each of the following sentences Example: Good speakers communicate empathetically—with their hearts as well as with their tongues Yesterday was a rainy day we managed to have fun anyway Our neighborhood has several great restaurants Chinese, Indian, Mexican, and Thai Tom and Sara enjoy playing mahjong a Chinese board game There might be a good movie on television they usually show good films on Saturdays Last week we saw The Pianist the true story of a Polish musician during World War II PART C: Comprehension (10 points) Why does the author feel it is important for supervisors to be good listeners? Give three suggestions for becoming a good listener Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Choose the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete each sentence Example: It is not ( surprising / surprised) that we typecast people from an early age Television often has the effect of giving young people a (standardized / standardizing) view of the world Although the images we see can be (excited / exciting), they are rarely true to life Most people find it easier to think about the world in an (organized / organizing) way However, philosophers are often (bored / boring) by conventional ways of thinking They try to understand the world in new and (interested / interesting) ways PART B: Language Focus (5 points) ^ Mark ( ) at the place in the sentence where the relative clause should go Sentences Relative Clauses Most college students not go out on blind dates who live in dormitories The fact is not surprising that most people have some prejudices Many of the jokes are based on stereotypes that we hear every day Stereotypes are especially cruel and unfair which pre-judge people based on their appearance In fact, many ideas cannot be proved that we believe to be true ^ People are unable to distinguish a circle from a square who recover their eyesight after many years PART C: Comprehension (10 points) What are three examples of commonly held stereotypes? In what two ways are stereotypes harmful? Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Chapter Name Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence below Use each modifier only once potential vast educated independent mundane prosperous vast Example: There is a _ difference between Eastern and Western cultures After a period of economic decline, we are hoping for a _ new year Some American men are critical of _ women After getting married, people usually settle down to the _ tasks of everyday life There are _ problems in any relationship, especially in Internet marriages _ people who travel a lot are less likely to get ripped off by Internet predators PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Complete the statement below with The fact or It’s not surprising The fact Example: _ that people use the Internet for many different purposes is interesting _ that we are able to send images to the other side of the world electronically is amazing _ that some of the people who business on the Internet are dishonest _ that potential suitors reveal a lot about themselves through their e-mails is fascinating _ that a few customers have been cheated out of their money _ that many Internet romances have resulted in happy marriages is encouraging PART C: Comprehension (10 points) What is the main reason Russian women are seeking husbands in other countries? Describe two ways things can go badly wrong in international cyber-relationships Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Match the boldfaced expressions in the sentences on the left with their meanings on the right e Colleges are going to great lengths to a the amount of weight gained during provide students with information Students can click through the dining hall the first year of college b arrive at college or university menus on their college’s website Melissa gained the “freshman 15.” c not able to make progress Some days Dan felt like he was banging his d browse on a computer head against a wall People gravitate toward popular foods e making a serious effort Most students develop their eating habits long f prefer before they set foot on campus PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Write that, what, or why to begin the reported speech clause in each of the sentences below that Example: A senior at one American university reported _ her friend ate only bread I asked another student _ she usually ate for breakfast She told me _ she usually has a piece of fruit and a cup of coffee I wanted to know _ she skipped breakfast I wasn’t surprised when she reported _ she was afraid of gaining weight She admitted _ she felt guilty because she went out for pizza and ice cream PART C: Comprehension (10 points) Give two reasons American students are concerned about the nutritional value of foods What health officials believe to be the underlying cause of compulsive overeating and undereating? Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Complete each sentence using a compound word created from two words from the box below high recognition story motion voice slow teller wide pea risk world sized pea-sized egg, which must be kept safe and warm Example: The creature begins as a _ The children enjoyed listening as the _ told the tale of an unusual race between a turtle and a rabbit As _ technology becomes more sophisticated, we may be able to control our computers using verbal commands Soon after the Brazilian team scored its game-winning goal, soccer fans were able to see a _ replay on a huge video screen The _ Web has changed the way people shop, play, and communicate You could lose all of your money if you put it into a _ investment PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Circle the best form of the verb to complete each sentence below Example: Thank you for (listen / listening / to listen) to my problem Let’s (talk / talking / to talk) about it after lunch I don’t recommend (go / going / to go) out in this weather I don’t want (leave / leaving / to leave) you here alone I look forward to (see / seeing / to see) you again very soon Don’t forget (try / trying / to try) to your best PART C: Comprehension (10 points) In what way does the author feel that games have become a universal language? Give two examples of the benefits of playing interactive video games Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Chapter 10 Name Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) For each item below, circle the best synonym for the boldfaced word a safe b funny c hazardous d irritable shout: a boom b whisper c chat d wish certain: a intelligent b organized c clear d unmistakable inexpensive: a polite b affordable c popular d appropriate applause: a ovation b apology c mistake d conversation ban: a fend off b prohibit c allow d restrict Example: dangerous: PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Combine each pair of sentences below into a sentence containing a reduced relative clause Example: Wei-Ling disagrees with some rules The rules prohibit cell phones Wei-Ling disagrees with rules prohibiting cell phones The students agreed to enforce a new rule The rule banned the use of cell phones on campus Most people have good manners These manners include respect for others’ private space The audience listened closely to the presentation The presentation gives advice on how to get rich quick Some people talk very loudly on their cell phones Those people can be irritating The law is expected to reduce violent crime The law makes the sale of handguns illegal PART C: Comprehension (10 points) Why has the use of cell phones become so widespread? Give two reasons Describe two problems caused by the use of cell phones in public places 10 Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Name Chapter 11 Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Complete the chart below by adding the missing word forms Then, choose words from the chart to complete the sentences that follow Noun Verb Adjective Adverb envy envy _ enviable enviably _ inform informative informatively cultivation cultivate cultivatable X quiz quiz quizzically informative The lecture on Shakespeare’s life and early work was very _ Professor Lee tries to _ an appreciation of poetry in her students Jill’s understanding of Emily Dickinson’s poems is _ She looked at him _, then asked him to explain exactly what he meant PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Write like, as, between, or from in the blanks to complete the sentences below like Example: Poetry is _ music in that it appeals to the emotions The difference _ Joe and Mike is that Joe loves to read However, Joe is _ Mike in that he doesn’t enjoy giving speeches Kim is different _ Ann in that she likes to play interactive video games Some video games can be seen _ a way to improve your English Although there are similarities _ books and computers, there are also some important differences PART C: Comprehension (10 points) What is the main difference between a person who enjoys reading and a person who does not? What does the author believe is the most significant event in a person’s intellectual development? Why? Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use 11 QUIZ SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate Chapter 12 Name Score PART A: Vocabulary (5 points) Choose a word from the box below to complete each sentence Add the before the word if necessary Some words will not be used public extraterrestrial discovery candidates French particulars high-tech humans system the system Example: The computer had to be fixed because there was a bug in _ It is important to keep _ informed of all new developments It is not likely that any of us will ever meet a(n) _ in our lifetime _ of aliens would change the world There are three _ for president of the amateur astronomers’ club Is it true that _ love soccer as much as the Brazilians do? PART B: Language Focus (5 points) Complete the sentences below with the active or passive future perfect form of the verb in parentheses will have finished my Ph.D Example: Ten years from now, I (finish) _ By that time, I expect that a new president (elect) _ It is possible that cures for AIDS and cancer (discover) _ I’m certain that I (travel) _ to England and France I really don’t know if signals from extraterrestrials (confirm) _ I hope that scientists (find) _ a way to save the environment PART C: Comprehension (10 points) How will scientists know if thinking beings actually exist elsewhere in the Galaxy? Describe two ways in which aliens from a technologically advanced civilization might try to help us 12 Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ Answer Key Part A: Vocabulary eccentric stepping stones lock hearts of stone tick Part B: Language Focus which what how that why Part C: Comprehension Chapter The Body Shop Part A: Vocabulary a unhealthy c publication a medical problem c very happy a friends Part B: Language Focus have benefit be replaced work be seen Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Answers will vary Chapter Why I Quit the Company Part A: Vocabulary put up with pay off take care of lay on stamp out Part B: Language Focus hadn’t used had learned might not have met wouldn’t have received hadn’t studied Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Chapter And the Big Winners Were… Part A: Vocabulary immature pre-game semifinal extraordinary uninspired Part B: Language Focus “You’ve just set a new world record How does it feel?” asked the reporter “Fantastic!” replied the runner “I never dreamed I could it.” “What you think made the difference?” continued the reporter The athlete thought for a moment “Well,” she commented, “I felt great at the start, and I guess all that training kicked in at the right time.” “The whole nation is proud of you,” added the reporter “Good luck at the Olympics.” Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • QUIZ Answer Key QUIZ Answer Key Chapter What is Creative Thinking? Chapter Listen Up Part A: Vocabulary automatically effectively sincerely nonverbally carefully Part B: Language Focus Yesterday was a rainy day; we managed to have fun anyway Our neighborhood has several good restaurants: Chinese, Indian, Mexican, and Thai Tom and Sarah enjoy playing mahjong—a Chinese board game There might be a good movie on television; they usually show good films on Saturdays Last week we saw The Pianist—the true story of Polish musician during World War II Chapter East Meets West on Love’s Risky Cyberhighway Part A: Vocabulary prosperous independent mundane potential Educated Part B: Language Focus The fact It’s not surprising The fact It’s not surprising The fact Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Chapter Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment Part A: Vocabulary standardized exciting organized bored interesting Part B: Language Focus The fact that most people have some prejudices is not surprising Many of the jokes that we hear every day are based on stereotypes Stereotypes which pre-judge people based on their appearance are especially cruel and unfair In fact, many ideas that we believe to be true cannot be proved People who recover their eyesight after many years are unable to distinguish a circle from a square Chapter Students Won’t Give Up Their French Fries Part A: Vocabulary d a c f b Part B: Language Focus what that why that that Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary SELECT READINGSUpper-Intermediate ã QUIZ Answer Key Copyright â 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use Chapter Getting Into the Game Chapter 11 The Art of Reading storyteller/story teller voice-recognition/voice recognition slow-motion/slow motion World Wide high-risk/high risk Part A: Vocabulary Part B: Language Focus talk going to leave seeing to try information quizzical cultivate enviable quizzically Part B: Language Focus Part C: Comprehension between like from as between Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Answers will vary Chapter 10 Call of the Riled Chapter 12 When E.T Calls Part A: Vocabulary a boom d unmistakable b affordable a ovation b prohibit Part A: Vocabulary Part B: Language Focus The students agreed to enforce a new rule banning the use of cell phones on campus Most people have good manners, including respect for others’ private space The audience listened closely to the presentation giving advice on how to get rich quick People talking very loudly on their cell phones can be irritating The law making the sales of handguns illegal is expected to reduce violent crime the public extraterrestrial The discovery candidates the French Part B: Language Focus will have been elected will have been discovered will have traveled will have been confirmed will have found Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Part C: Comprehension Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • QUIZ Answer Key QUIZ Answer Key Part A: Vocabulary Chapter What is Creative Thinking? n P h a n i n N o b e l f h c o p e r e o a s 10 11 H a g g l e c b r i s t l e s a e e c s s c 12 y k n o w l e d g e o o d d a n s n 14 y t a d m n r 15 i s t a 16 c r a n i a Pages 7–9 a a a d a c Page 13 Understanding the Text A Crossword Puzzle teach readers… contemplate the bristles… transform one thing… think something… ask students… entertaining B Answers will vary Reading Skill Page √ √ √ √ Carl Ally is… Creative thinking requires… The real key… In short… The purpose of the coin punch… A nanosecond… As each musician finished… By changing perspective… 13 t r i r a l n t u s f o r m Understanding the Text Page 19 Building Vocabulary A 1 a the raw material c ways to achieve b the process or activity B Answers will vary These are suggested answers The orchestra wanted to tell the Duke that they wanted a vacation The candle stands for each musician’s creative energy, and the act of blowing it out communicates that we all need a rest from time to time Language Focus Pages 11–12 A i n i o n Chapter Why I Quit the Company Pages 10–11 A d l e STUDENT BOOK Answer Key STUDENT BOOK Answer Key what they knew what you What Gutenberg did that we have not been taught to be B Answers will vary √ √ √ After three months… He graduated… He found a new job… As a student… As soon as he started… He has a busy life… While he was living… He quit the company… Immediately after that… commuting for an hour and a half each day falling into debt collapsing from working too hard taking a lot of paid sick leave playing golf with clients B Answers will vary Reading Skill Page 20 A F F O F F F O O I started working… There’s a lot of competition… I was set on course… The working day… Very few employees… Many company employees… My life is still busy… I think I would have… B Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key T I T T I Building Vocabulary Page 21 A Answers will vary These are suggested answers looking after: taking care of used up: consumed stamp out: kill; extinguish pay off: settle; finish paying opt out of: choose not to give up: refuse; reject B Answers will vary These are suggested answers Because he was used to looking after himself Because they must first pay off their debts They are thinking of opting out of this lifestyle Language Focus B Answers will vary Reading Skill Page 31 c a b a c he is very enthusiastic he mostly does… They wanted him to live… He is pleased… She is happy… Building Vocabulary Page 32 Page 22 A Hindu surgeons experimented… Most children born with Poland’s… Sean McCormack is the first… Reconstructive surgery has allowed… Sean will never have problems… Answers will vary These are suggested answers Meaning: something surgeons wear Reason: words before and after Meaning: taken from Reason: words before and after Meaning: damaged, broken Reason: the verb “repair” Meaning: not simple, complicated Reason: different from “simple” Meaning: fade away, disappear Reason: following sentence gone stayed played had would B Answers will vary Crossword Puzzle Page 24 u p c n r i o l a i d o n p p z n d o r m i t o r y k o a s p a y o f f r p r e 10 c o l l e a g u e s t s c s t h t t e 11 y u p p i e s i r 12 e l g s 13 n o v e r t i m e a o v u 14 e s n o w b a l l Language Focus Page 33 A could revolutionize might kill may be used P B The practice of medicine could be revolutionized by tissue regeneration His parents worried that he might be killed by the baseball In the near future, doctors may use injectable tissue to repair damaged bones Chapter The Body Shop Understanding the Text Page 30 A F F T Dr Vacanti believes… Of the 50,000 Americans… In Dr Vacanti’s opinion… SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use Building Vocabulary Page 35 Page 44 A Answers will vary These are suggested answers Example Meaning reignite become happy again uninspired not motivated; dull impenetrable thick; tightly packed overwhelming tremendous; overpowering extraordinary very unusual semifinal one of two matches before the final inseparable unable to be separated predestine decided in advance B precaution unbeaten overtime immature reconsider Language Focus Page 45 A.“I could not understand those boys running after the ball.” “But now, I read every World Cup article in the newspapers.” Chapter And the Big Winners Were… B Understanding the Text Pages 41–42 A B c b c b d a just after the tournament… the German fans… he had recovered… North Korea did not ignore… infrastructure World Cup 2002… “It’s a fantastic feeling to be Brazilian tonight.” Answers will vary Answers will vary Crossword Puzzle Page 47 Speaker b Oliver Kahn c Chung Mong Joon d Po Soon Bun Description German goalkeeper FIFA official Korean grandmother Answers will vary Reading Skill Page 43 A Answers will vary These are suggested answers Main Idea: The skills of the Brazilian team… The Brazilian team won the tournament Ronaldo scored two goals in the final Other teams did not play their best Main Idea: Football is a remarkable life force It helped Brazilians forget their problems The Koreans discovered unity in their people Watching great athletes is a fantastic experience B Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key STUDENT BOOK Answer Key Crossword Puzzle Chapter Listen Up Understanding the Text Pages 54–55 A B T T F F T T T The author’s purpose… According to the author… The opening conversation… The article states… In the author’s breakdown… The author has observed… The fact that… 3 1 Looks for an area of interest… Pretends to listen… Listens mainly to words… Responds defensively… Listens with both understanding… Crossword Puzzle Page 61 a n p o s t i c i t p o a 11 i n s t e e d v o c a t e u r e r i t i c i s m b i a s 10 s n 12 i n c t q e 13 e u m i s u n i p 15 d a y d r e a m r e t 16 r i h 17 e m p o w e r y 18 v d e m e a l e n h a n c e o m e i s m s p a a g c 14 d e r s t a n d a p p o r n s t r a t e C Answers will vary Reading Skill Pages 56–57 A B He did this This lack of effective listening This, you these words the experience Chapter Don’t Let Stereotypes… Understanding the Text Pages 67–68 B Answers will vary These are suggested answers Group Stereotype held by Americans criminals swarthy intellectual wears glasses businessmen reactionary French men sexy Page 58 B totally, completely, very, extremely Language Focus Page 59 These levels are not sharply distinct but rather general categories into which people fall; they may overlap or interchange, depending on what is happening Level 1—the most effective—the potential several things: the circumstances cause readers to think… less appealing… there is no connection… intellectual ability the ability to see ourselves… forming and strengthening… stereotypes are more harmful… Building Vocabulary A Answers will vary These are suggested answers carefully, closely, patiently, empathetically, nonjudgmentally clearly, directly, sincerely, openly, intelligently b d c d d b a A In addition However For instance Reading Skill Pages 69–70 A Row Row Row Row Source: social psychologist Idea: The world is very confusing Idea: stereotypes are substitutes for observation Source: authority on semantics B Answers will vary Building Vocabulary Pages 70–71 A SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key accustomed surprising impoverishing standardized Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use Reading Skill Page 81 B Answers will vary Language Focus Pages 71–72 A thing [that distinguishes people with glasses] gossip [that makes us prejudge people before we see them] process [which adds bits and pieces of reality to the pictures in our heads] facts [which hang in the gallery of stereotypes in our heads.] B Answers will vary Crossword Puzzle Page 73 Tatiana Gurko, head of the independent Center for Gender Studies Yelena Khronina, satisfied Russian bride Paul O’Brian, frustrated web designer Chris, middle-aged businessman Alevtina Ivanova, confident cyber-marriage advisor Building Vocabulary Page 82 demanding, independent, critical potential, dating, home attractive, educated, good beautiful, orderly, prosperous real, mundane vast, terrific Language Focus Page 83 A Answers will vary B Answers will vary Crossword Puzzle Page 85 Chapter East Meets West… Understanding the Text Pages 79–80 A Paragraph is the best summary B √ √ √ √ It is estimated American women Internet dating services Some Western men In 2001, Norwegians One Russian e-mail Some of the matchmaking agencies Russia has become C Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key STUDENT BOOK Answer Key embarrassing buzzing Chapter Students Won’t Give Up… Understanding the Text Pages 91–93 A a c a d c d a b b c b c they are concerned about nutrition they don’t want to gain weight providing students… hiring more… they are not eating… they are not cutting down… adding color-coded… setting computer kiosks… obesity eating disorders are caused by… are a major issue… B Answers will vary Reading Skill Pages 93–94 A B Debra Lee-Cadwell more than 13 grams NetNutrition 144 pizza University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill fruits and vegetables 2010 National Cancer Institute and Produce for Better Health Foundation Crossword Puzzle Page 98 Chapter Getting Into the Game Understanding the Text Pages 106–107 A Building Vocabulary Page 95 c say one thing but another b strongly believe in c arrive at university or college Language Focus Pages 96–97 A if it was red, yellow, or green that pizza is still the most popular item that only unhealthy options were available whether they ate fast foods or healthy foods more frequently B Answers will vary c o n d i m e n t s m f a b e v e r a g e g e t e x t r e m e s h e a d h n r k m i 10 o p i z z a c o m n m c m h 11 12 c a l o r i e t b 13 e s u s h i s e s 14 k i o s k 15 i f 16 o v e r e a t n t b c a c a b c d b d persuade readers… convince parents… is very enthusiastic… has a computer… children see themselves children think learning to care… learning how hard… games use ways… the language of… B Benefit how hard it is to be an adult participate in storytelling communicate with people in other parts of the world Example The Sims The Sims Magic: The Gathering Online Reading Skill Pages 107–108 Example Get to your places! Example Be what you would Example That’s very curious SELECT READINGSUpper-Intermediate ã STUDENT BOOK Answer Key Copyright â 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use Chapter 10 Call of the Riled Pages 108–109 A Answers will vary These are suggested answers slow-motion: at a very slow pace voice-recognition: able to recognize the human voice pea-sized: the size of a pea; tiny strong-willed: determined to win flesh-and-blood: living; alive storytelling: how to tell a story; narration cyber-life: life that exists on computers B Answers will vary These are suggested answers good-looking; nice-looking statewide; nationwide 6-month-old (or six-month-old) Understanding the Text Page 118 A F I T T T F I At the performance… In many countries… More people speak… Drivers using cell phones… The professor who talked… In a survey… New York City has established… B Answers will vary Reading Skill Page 119 Language Focus Page 110 A no gerund no gerund [By writing] her own story… no gerund We’re [at the beginning] of… therein conduct loud talkers Building Vocabulary Pages 120–121 A B Answers will vary Crossword Puzzle Page 112 10 play roared unmistakable grateful rolling down mistakenly boorish limit maven immortal B Answers will vary These are suggested answers thoughtless: careless; inconsiderate regardless: not thinking about; despite watchful: careful; attentive respectful: polite; showing respect for thankful: grateful Language Focus Page 122 A wishing …there is another motorist who wishes… hoping annoying for tired commuters who just hope… restricting Thirteen states are considering bills that restrict the use… B Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key STUDENT BOOK Answer Key Building Vocabulary psychologically (adv.) spectate (v.); spectacularly (adv.) informer, information (n.); informative, informed (adj.) cultivation (n.); cultivated (adj.) quiz (n.); quizzically (adv.) Crossword Puzzle Page 124 c o n s u m e F r i s u b s o h a z a r d o b r u b i r s 11 n t h e 14 w i r e l e B b a c k l a m u r b p a u s d r i v e g 10 l l s s c e n e y 12 e r e i n e o 15 s s a n t o n y m u y 16 d e a l m 17 t s h u s h a s h Language Focus Page 134 Answers will vary Crossword Puzzle 13 p o s h Page 136 a f f Chapter 11 The Art of Reading Understanding the Text Page131 A √ √ √ quizzical immediately cultivation information Travel to different countries Read mainly to improve Read mainly for the pleasure Cultivate friends Begin with great books Search for your own Study hard Punish yourself Take up a book B Answers will vary i n i i n e w s p s i p r p i s 10 d p o e 12 C l h l e 14 s d t 15 e n v i r t o n t y a s c h o l a t S p e c t a t o h a p e r k e c l u d e s p 11 e t p o i s o a l 13 r i v e r e a s e v o u r r a b l e r r a p i d s n Reading Skill Page 132 Answers will vary These are suggested answers taste for reading : taste for food because in both cases, it is best to make personal choices about what we like finding one’s favorite author : falling in love because in both situations, everything seems perfect Building Vocabulary Page 133 A historic (adj.); historically (adv.) envy (n.); enviable, envious (adj.) immediate (adj.); immediately (adv.) psychology, psychologist (n.); Chapter 12 When E.T Calls Understanding the Text Pages 143–144 A Corrections to the false statements may vary These are suggested answers F The author predicts… T Computers now monitor… T In the author’s view… T So far, none of the signals… F If a signal is “confirmed by FUDD,” it is recognized by scientists as a possible communication… SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use F T T There is no hard scientific evidence… The discovery of fossilized Martian microbes proves that intelligent life existed… Once a signal from outer space is detected, it will probably not be easy… In general, Dr Shostak… 10 From the tone… Crossword Puzzle Page 149 B Answers will vary Reading Skill Pages 144–145 A Place: a radio telescope’s control room Main character: a lone astronomer Main events: a computer detects a signal the signal is confirmed by FUDD the signal returns the astronomer calls to request assistance the signal is confirmed beyond doubt B Answers will vary Building Vocabulary Pages 145–147 A electronics = noun high-tech = adjective electronics = adjective extraterrestrials = noun human = adjective alien = adjective aliens = noun candidate = adjective particulars = noun B the French French the Chinese Chinese the Dutch Americans English the Sudanese Language Focus Pages 147–148 A Answers will vary These are possible answers will (not) have received will (not) have advanced will (not) have endured B Answers will vary Copyright © 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use SELECT READINGS–Upper-Intermediate • STUDENT BOOK Answer Key STUDENT BOOK Answer Key F F ...QUIZ SELECT READINGS? ? ?Upper- Intermediate Chapter Name Score PART A: Vocabulary... 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS? ? ?Upper- Intermediate Chapter Name Score PART A: Vocabulary... 2004 Oxford University Press Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use QUIZ SELECT READINGS? ? ?Upper- Intermediate Name Chapter Score PART A: Vocabulary

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2020, 16:11

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