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Innovations pre intermediate workbook

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q course in nqturql English Hugh Dellor ond Andrew Wolkley THOIVTSON #.- U n i t e dK i n g d o m U n i t e dS t a t e s A u s t r a l i a C a n a d a M e x i c o S i n g a p o r eo S p a i n rContenls $c€SredwsFfims€ % ffireffiw $ftS$aemep ffiEre*r@qr6seemx? I ffi Wmffiw &$Hqes ecs?dd$s$$6sws 12 Wmwffiw ffi ywesg*# - ? &€*xw* 16 ffi Wreffi@ ?&m*s sxeeddmff*s r,:rl.l.:rli :2':,: 20 :r,3:,lr: t::::4 II :::l:5' ffiffi @*m wffi%ffiw ffi ffiarp*argp *$efim6w ffiffi Ss** 24 # WffiffiWffi ffie*ewxawe3r'*ea? ::::i::iit,:ti;,,ti;,: 28 W WwffiW Sefuss$w**d s&wc$p$xag 32 ;,:lll'l::-:' :i:tl'l: Key word:look Wwwffiffi ffi $&fl*pc,fu mmd$mfu* 36 Wwffiffi W ffiee$fimg wn** r::;;:6:ri;':l ,::,,::T.aa,a,l:::, I ;l l::r, .: r: :::a:8;1.'.:,.: ,,,,,'9 ],,,,'' 40 ,:t,o.r.,.' WwwffiW %ffi #eamc*&$g 44 Wmffiffi WW ffie**$rtegwywaxsxc$ 48 WreffiW %ffi ffiree **#xme 52 Wwffiw %ffi ffiHwwes*w s$mSn r.'.1'r ltl: 56 :.E Wmffiffi %@ Bfrffuex# #ess #* $6ke? ,9 :ll:,:.:: : :'':l]:':'tl ,:,:,:::tt ;.;',.':',;;6 60 W#mwffiw Wffi W*aw&'s se*? ::,.7_ ],8 64 I t.t:::,:::t.:-: ::::aa : I Wmwffiw Wffi Y*$egxfuw*x*aag 68 WwwffiW WW &eq$c$sm&er 72 WwwffiW Wffi Fw*fu$ems 76 Wwwffiffi WW ffiem*gn 80 Wreffiffi ffiffi S*e$c*fur ,, g4 ' , , , d&aasx*www ffiegr 88 8, , I l'0 ' :11 News stories Talkingaboutsociety Glking about people you know Used to (t)r Usedto (2) lnlroduction The main goal of the INNOVATIONS series is to help you speak English fluently and understand spoken English Because of this, most of the exercises in this book give spoken models of how the language is normally used One of the most important things to think about when studying English on your own is collocation ffi what is a collocation? Making the most of your self-studytime Translating from English into your own language is normal at this level When you study this book at home, it is a good idea to also keep your own vocabulary notebook Write down new bits of English on the left and translations on the right Here is an exercise which shows you how to translate well A collocation is two or more words which go together.This often means an adjective + a noun, a verb + a noun, or a noun * a noun Some ofthe exercises in this book look at collocations of common words - hove, sort out, get - because it is important to learn how to use these useful words in lots of different ways Start your vocabulary notebook by copying the sentences below on a page Write a translation next to each sentence in your own language Test yourself in a week's time Cover the sentences and use your translations to help you remember the whole sentences in English Match the verbs with the nouns to make collocations Haveyou been there? l to play send work study * a tennis * b in a bank * * * c medicine d swimming e an e-mail Now match these adjectives with the nouns to make collocations srront a long aheavy .abis 10 auseful m ;* t m * b"g fan of Bob Marley I h coffee i.) subjectto study j way to walk Learnfurg new collocations is a big part of learning a language You need to be careful when translating into your own language lt is always better to translate collocations - or even whole sentences - than single words L What're you doing tonight? lt's the secondcity How long'veyou been doing that? Not very long.Only abour a month Did you havea nice weekend? Let'sgo to the caf6 round the corner I went to bed really late last night terms ffi Grammatical This Workbook gives you plenty of chances to look at the most common, useful grammatical structures in English You will look at both how to form these structures and how to use them in everyday contexts Match the underlined words in the sentences with the grammatical terms l I'm meetinga friend of mine later I've never heard of it * That was the worst film I've ever seen There's one in my bag I just stayedat home * * This one is better I dont feel well * Sorry.I wasnt looking where I was going a a comParativeadiective e Pastcontinugus b present continuous f pastsimple c Presentperfect simple d a superlativeadjective m m ru a PrePosrtton h an adverb m *J ffi **J ffi Conversation Startingconversations Match the conversation starters with the replies l What's your name? * Complete the conversation with ONE word in each space C: Do you (l) ? Where are you from? ffi ls this the bus stop for the centre of town? * D: No, thanks.I'm trying to (2) ls anyonesitting here? * C: Yes,I should too I'm sorry,what'syour name (3) ? a No, you need to go to that one over there, on the other side of the road D: Danko.And yours? b Tsuyoshi,but just call meYoshifor short C: Caroline.Hi, so where are you from, Danko? c Panama in CentralAmerica D: Croatia d Sorry,I'm.saving it for a friend .t Tagreb? C: Oh, yes?Whereabouts (4) Now match these conversation starters with the replies D: No, Split.lt's on the (5) lt's so hot! C: I've heard of it, but I've never been there.There was Haveyou been waiting for a long time? Do you know anyonehere? What a horribleday! * * * m e Yes,a few people.I was in the same classas Joanand Ali last term f I know lt's awful.isnt it? g I know lt's boiling h No, I only just got here myself Do you know it? a tennis playerfrom there, wasnt there?Whatt his name? D: Goran lvanisevic C: Yes,that's the one He was lovely D: Yes,wellyou shouldcome to Split.Thereare lots of lovely people there lt's a beautifulcity C: I'd (6) to go one day.So how long haveyou been here in Britain? D: Almost six months now I came here in September C: Right.When are you (7) back to Croatia? D: In May.I've got to go back then C: Why?What you back (8) D: Oh, I'm a student.I'm at university.I haveto (9) some examsin June C : Oh right.What are you studying? D: Englishlanguageand culture.That'sthe main ( | 0) l'm here C: Right,right.Well,youspeakEnglishvery well D: Thanks.I hope so C: No, really Write a conversation betweenYOU Caroline For example: and C: Do you smoke? Y: No, I dont thanks,but dont let me stop you Whereareyou from? I ffi Whereand whereabouts Complete the descriptions with the names of the places on the map t is a town on the north-west coastof England Paragraph I I is in the north-west of Englanc, very close to the border with Scotland Complete the paragraphs with the words in the boxes l'm a (l) is an islandoff the north coast of Wales is a city in the middleof England is in the north of Scotland is in the south-eastof England originallyand cameover here to (2) the fightingin my country Back home, I was an engineer, but becausemy (3) is from Addis Ababa University,it's not recognisedhere I'm doing two is a town in the west of England, close to the border with Wales I come from Ethiopia jobs at the moment to try to (4) my wife and children: I drive taxis at nightand then a cleaningjob in the mornings.lt's reallyhard work is a town in the south-westof Paragraph Scotland, closeto the border with England broughtup closed down Inverness degree graduate I was born and (5) unemployment in Tomsk,a city in the centre of Russia.I moved to Moscow about six Dumfries years ago becausethe factory I was working in Carlisle Anglesey Blackpool Birmingham Gloucester (6) and I lost my job.There'sa lot of (7) in my home town, so I decidedto move to look for work I've been working in a hotel for the last three years and I'm also doing a part-time Hastings (8) | finishnext summerand I hope I can get a better job after | (9) Paragraph Whereabouts exactly is it? Match the descriptions with the places on the maP l lt's halfwaydown Lambert Street lt's on the right,just off Lambert Street It's at this end of Lambert Street lt's.& the end of Lambert.Street lt's on the left,just'pasttne mosque lt's just before you get to the mosque Lambert Street 13 I'm an (10) * m m m m * h.e r e l ' m f r o m G e o r g i a originallyand I cameto Londonwhen I got married.My wife is Englishand we met when she was on ( | l) in Tblisi,my home town I lilceit here most of the time, but I ( l2) the food and especiallythe wine from my country.I think Georgiansare more relaxedand generousthan people here.We ( | 3) thingsmore Whereareyou from? Moving Complete the sentences with the pairs of words in the box Complete the sentences with the words in the box l I dont cook very much.Theret a reallygood I We moved to Berlin becauseof my mum's usuallyjust get somethingfrom there on the way multinational nome I moved to Shanghaito look for a lt's great where I live becausethere's a really nice There was a lot of near my house.I go joggingthere in my home town and take my dog for a walk there in the mornings I left SierraLeoneto the war It just wasn't there any more near There'sa reallybig shopping my house.lt's got everything- a McDonald's,a Starbucks,a Gap,a Levit shop.It's great We moved to be nearer my wife's Her mum and dad are gettingquite A: What're you reading?Oh, this looks interesting Where did you get it? We moved here so we could be by the We both grew up on the There wasn't in the placeI livedin before the station lt's really bad where I live becausethere's a my family.My I leftTelAviv to mum alwayswantedto near my house and they work all night there Sometimesit's so noisy,I cant sleep what I was doingall the time! A: What're you doing now? Do you want to get somethint to eat? We moved out of the city becausewe neededa B: Yeah.ld love to There'sa nice lt's a lot cheaperto buy bigger near B: There'sa Frenchlanguage I movedto Milanto a near my house,so I Chinese Sheworks for a big near here.We could get a sandwichand a drink down here there, if you want **J / thereare ffi There's There'sa reallygood work They're showingthis Frenchfilm tonight and it Chocise the correct form looks reallygood Do you want to come and see it | lt's a great placeto live.There'slThere ore lots of nice shopsand caf6sround there ft's a b1t boring sometimes.Ihere'slThere ore not much to round there with me? lt's great where I live,becausetherel a near my houseand itt open 24 lt's quite a dangerousarea.Ihere'slThere ore quite a lot of crime round there I moved to the city becausethere\ | thereore quite highunemploymentin my home town I moved to the city becausethere'sI thereore more jobs available here ft's a great placeto live.Iheret lThereore a really good transport system,so it! very easyto get around near where I hours a day,so you can your shoppingat any time Complete each expression from the sentences above with ONE word a on the b home my dog for a walk c | s.l.e .e p lt's quite a nice city,but therebI thereore too many people livingthere lt's really crowded d somethingto eat ft's a very convenientplaceto live.Iheret lThere ore quite a few trains and busesthat stop near there f e near it's I work 24 hours a day Wherearevou from? I ffi Complete the sentences with miss,missed,lose or lost l Writinge-mails:changingaddress Choose the correct words to complete this e-mail I'm reallyworried about May.She's a lot of weight recently.Do you think she'sOK? I really goingto the beachnow I live in London.I lived by the seawhen I was younger Did you see the match last night?RealMadrid 3-0 to Juventus Sorry I'm late.I got on the way here I turned left coming out of the station,not right Sorry I classyesterday.I had to go to the dentist's Did you see that film last night?| the end becauseI had to go out Do you know what happened? Can you give me your addressand phone number again?I've DearKathy SorryI haven'twrittento you recentty, but I've been busy(1) gota new a house Myhusband (2) inKingston, whichis morethanonehour bycar(3) wherewe livenow.Hedidn'twant to drive(4) ., sowedecided to movethere.We (5) averynicethree-bedroom flat neara park got(6) .of space, We've soyoumustcome and (7) withus.We'removing (8) Tuesday 13th.0urnewaddress is: F[at6, Sandringham Vit[as, 35 Queens Way,Kingston KSg7BR.Seeyousoon Love.Victoria my addressbook Sorry I'm late.I woke up late and my bus My dad'sworking in Taipeiat the moment.I really ., him t Hurry up! | dont want to the beginningof the play Keywordsfor writing: We use so to introduce the result and becouse to introduce the reason For example: I didnt want to drive an hour a day to work, so Read this e-mail from someone who is moving Underline the common ways we start and finish e-mails Then the same for the e-mail above we decidedto move We decidedto move becauseI didnt want to drive an hour a day to work Complete the sentences with so or becouse l lt's quite boringhere there'snothing to There are lots of restaurantsand caf6snear my house, it! quite livelyat night Hi.Pete Justa quicke-mailto tetlyouI'm moving house tomorrow Nowthatthe kidsaregettingbigger,they needto havemorespace We't[sti[[havethe same phonenumber because we'restaying in thesamearea 0ur newaddress is: 156Fairfax Rd.LondonN90AP Attthe best.Sam I live closeto the schoolwhere I teach, I usuallywalk there lt's very convenient I usuallytake the train to work the traffic is really bad in my town I want to move house in now is too small the place I live Write an e-mail to a friend about moving house Tell them where you're moving to, why you're moving and what your new house and area are like Invite them to visit Use some of the language from this unit ffiffiverbforms ffi Conversation Regular verbs have two basic forms For example: Complete the conversation with the words in the box infinitive: work carrY pastsimple: worlced carried pastparticiple: worked carried Howeve4 many common verbs are irregular For example: infinitive: put pastsimple: did put past participle: done put ask else heard l J: , broke,broken , left, left , read,read , met, met , chose,chosen ate, eaten , forgot, forgotten 10 , f e l l ,f a l l e n I l , dranl

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2020, 12:00

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