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Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 TỔNG HỢP NGỮ PHÁP, KỸ NĂNG LÀM BÀI TRONG PHẦN READING TOEIC READING ( 100 câu – 75 phút – 495 điểm) Part Hoàn thành câu (40 câu từ câu 101 đến câu 140) - Phần bao gồm câu chưa hoàn thành với từ cụm từ đánh dấu tương ứng A, B, C, D Thí sinh lựa chọn số từ cụm từ phù hợp nhất, sau tơ vào phương án trả lời tương ứng Answer Sheet Part Hoàn thành đoạn vắn (12 câu từ câu 141 đến câu 152) - Phần có đọc ngắn, đọc có chỗ trống cần điền từ cụm từ Mỗi chỗ trống câu hỏi có phương án trả lời từ cụm từ đánh dấu A, B, C, D tương ứng Trong từ cụm từ đó, thí sinh lựa chọn từ cụm từ phù hợp để điền vào chỗ trống Part Đọc hiểu (Số lượng câu hỏi: 48 (từ câu 153 đến câu 200) - Bài đọc đơn: 28 câu hỏi (từ câu 153 đến câu 180): Trong phần này, thí sinh đọc số đoạn ngắn, có nội dung dựa vào tài liệu đọc thư từ, thông báo, biểu mẫu, báo, tạp chí quảng cáo Sau đoạn có số câu hỏi đọc hiểu, phương án trả lời A, B, C, D Thí sinh chọn phương án trả lời cho câu hỏi sau tơ vào phương án trả lời tương ứng Answer Sheet - Bài đọc kép: 20 câu hỏi (từ câu 181 đến câu 200): Trong phần này, thí sinh đọc đọc kép, đọc kép có đọc nhỏ có câu hỏi, câu hỏi có phương án trả lời A, B, C, D Thí sinh chọn phương án trả lời cho câu hỏi sau tơ vào phương án trả lời tương ứng Answer Sheet Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Như bạn biết tồn ngữ pháp chủ yếu xuất phần part 5+6 Rất nhiều bạn ln có câu hỏi em yếu ngữ pháp có học khơng? Nói ln với bạn ngữ pháp TOEIC gần dễ kiếm 990 khó kiếm 800+ học ngữ pháp đơn giản tổng số 52 câu part 5,6 có tầm 30 câu ngữ pháp, là câu hỏi từ vựng Trong phần part đọc hiều yêu cầu 100% từ vựng Vậy nên điểm số cao hay không từ vựng định 30 câu ngữ pháp có đến 20-25 câu thuộc dạng dễ với trung bình bạn học kỹ chủ điểm ngữ pháp sau: Từ loại(danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ): phần chiếm từ 8-15 câu Giới từ/ liên từ: chiếm từ 4-8 câu Đại từ: 2-3 câu Mệnh đề quan hệ: 1-2 câu So sánh: 1-2 câu Bị động: 1-2 câu Ving – to V: - câu Câu điều kiện: -1 câu Cịn 1-5 nằm chủ đề khó cơng thức khơng theo chủ điểm.( 990 cần học hết) Như liệt kê bạn biết phải học phần Chỉ cần bám sát thơi bạn đạt 800+ học lượng từ vựng định Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Bài 1: TỪ LOẠI TRONG LUYỆN THI TOEIC Trong thi có dạng tập sau bạn làm thử: Ex: She is a………….girl A attract B attractive C attraction D attractively Đây gọi dạng tập từ loại Nguyên tắc làm phần part 5+6 phải nhìn đáp án trước để xác định dạng tập để chiến lược làm Ở ta thấy tiền tố viết giống khác đuôi suy tập từ loại Theo công thức Mạo từ + adj + N đáp án xác đáp B Tại B tính từ dựa vào dấu hiệu ive tính từ Vậy học đuổi để xác định từ loại quan trọng DANH TỪ (nouns)  Dấu hiệu nhận biết danh từ: Thường có là: - Ance : Insuarance, deliverance… - Tion: Nation,education,instruction… - Sion: Question, television, impression,passion…… - Ment: Movement, environmemt…… - Ness: Kindness, friendliness……… - Th: Growth - Ence: Independence… - Ity: Community… - Ce: Difference……… - Ism: Tourism…… - Ure: Nature, culture, measure - y: beauty, democracy(nền dân chủ), army… - er/or : động từ+ er/or thành danh từ người: worker, layer, visitor, -ist: người, hệ tư tưởng, ngành nghề: Marxist, Guitarist - ship: trạng thái, phẩm chất, tình trạng, khả nhóm: Friendship, citizenship, musicianship, membership, Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 I, vị trí danh từ Đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ câu Ex: Negotiations for the proposed merge are going well  TRỌNG TÂM: Chọn từ điền vào chỗ trống …………in the global market has increased A complete B competition C completely D completed Customer……is our top priority A satisfaction B satisfy C satisfied D satisfying ……………….will be given to each trainee A encourage B encouragement C encouraged D encouraging ……….can be ordered through internet A to produce B produce C products D produced ………….on the road is on schedule A construct B constructed C constructive D construction Danh từ làm túc từ câu: Bổ nghĩa cho động từ Ex: all employees are required to submit receipts to verify travel expense We hired supervisors for the construction  TRỌNG TÂM: Chọn từ điền vào chỗ trống We not accept…… for lost items A responsible B responsibly C responsibility The company has begun…… of new digital cameras A produce B production C To produce Mr John provides……of official documents A translation B translate C translated The storm has caused……… to the building A damage B damaged C To damage The new products will give…….to our customers A satisfaction B satisfy C satisfying Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Danh từ đứng sau mạo từ(a/an/the) tính từ sở hữu Ex: The performance was very exciting His performance was very exciting  TRỌNG TÂM They made many changes to the…… A propose B proposal C proposed Our bank will review your… A application B apply C applied The company reserves the……… to revise the contents A rightful B rightfully C right Please turn off your cell phone during the ……… A perform B performance C performed We have to maximize our…………… A produce B productivity C production Danh từ đứng sau tính từ Ex: He is a creative man  BÀI TẬP THỰC TẾ Part v: chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ chống You have to present your……… A identification B indentify C identifiable C identified The……… of the new bridge is expected to begin next month A construct B constructive C constructive D construction ……….for the government contract is usually intense A competitive B compete C competition D competitively We prepared the foods and tables to your…… A satisfy B satisfaction C satisfied D satisfactory Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 The special team will conduct an…… on the reports A inspect B inspected C inspection D inspecting Part VI: Điền vào chỗ trống The city university is open special classed for foreigners to learn Korean We offer……….of levels and classes for those who are interested in learning Korean A vary B variety C various D varies The ……………….of the semester is September 21, so you should hurry to join this wonderful A beginning B begin C begins D began Opportunity You can find more………about this program at our website A informative B inform C informed D information Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 TÍNH TỪ - Tính từ từ tính chất, mức độ, phạm vi, người vật Nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ, đại từ động từ liên kết (linking verb)  Dấu hiệu nhận biết tính từ - Tận “able”: comparable, comfortable, capable, considerable Ví dụ: (Ex): We select the hotel because the rooms are comfortable - Tận “ible”: responsible, possible, flexible Ex: She is responsible for her son’s life - Tận “ous”: dangerous, humorous, notorious, poisonous Ex: She is one of the most humorous actresses I’ve ever known - Tận “ive”: attractive, decisive Ex: She is a very attractive teacher - Tận “ent”: confident, dependent, different Ex: He is confident in getting a good job next week - Tận “ful”: careful, harmful, beautiful Ex: Smoking is extremely harmful for your health - Tận “less”: careless, harmless Ex: He is fired because of his careless attitude to the monetary issue - Tận “ant”: important Ex: Unemployment is the important interest of the whole company - Tận “ic”: economic, specific, toxic Ex: Please stick to the specific main point Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 - Tận “ly”: friendly, lovely, costly Ex: Making many copies can be very costly for the company - Tận “y”: rainy, sunny, muddy (đầy bùn), windy… Ex: Today is the rainiest of the entire month - Tận “al”: economical (tiết kiệm), historical, physical… Ex: Instead of driving to work, he has found out a more economical way to save money - Tận “ing”: interesting, exciting, moving = touching (cảm động) Ex: I can’t help crying because of the moving film - Tận “ed”: excited, interested, tired, surprised… Ex: He has been working so hard today, so he is really exhausted I Các loại tính từ * Thứ tự tính từ câu Opinion (nhận xét, ý kiến) > Size (kích thước) > Quality (chất lượng) > Age (tuổi) > Shape (hình dạng) > Color (màu sắc) > Participle Forms (thì hồn thành) > Origin (xuất xứ) > Material (nguyên liệu) > Type (loại) > Purpose (mục đích sử dụng) II Vị trí tính từ a Tính từ đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ Ex: we are preparing a marketing campaign for our new product  TRỌNG TÂM He received the award for his……….idea A creative B creatively C Create D Creation The special team will conduct an …………inspection A extend B extension C extensive D extensively The country will experience an ………….growth rate of 10 percent A annually B annual C to annual Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 We will conduct a………….inspection of the facility A thorough B thoroughly We are not able to meet the…………….production schedule A presently B present C presentation b Đứng sau số động từ trạng thái bổ nghĩa cho danh từ + động từ như: become, get, seem, look, appear, sound, smell, taste, feel, remain, keep, make Ex: the new plant will become operational next month Your friend seems very nice She is getting angry You look tired! He remained silent for a while c Đứng sau động từ tobe Ex: she is beautiful  Bài tập thực tế Part V: chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống Our company recorded…………profits this year A impress B to impress C impresses D impressive The university is seeking…………individuals to participate in a survey A interest B interests C interested D interestingly Managers will discuss…….methods for the promotion of our products A addition B additional C additionally D additions Due to the recent…… conditions, the company made a lot of money A economy B economic C economist D economically Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 All……….information should be submitted by next week A necessarily B necessity C necessaries D necessary Part VI: Điền vào chỗ trống mẫu sau Business cards BizCard offers great products and services with…prices 6: A excellent B excellently C excellence D excel We sometimes have sales and promotions for our… products 7: A reliable B reliably C reliability D rely Our……………designers guarantee the most impressive business cards for your business 8: A experience B experiential C experientially D experienced Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 THÌ TƯƠNG LAI - Simple Future  Khẳng định: S + shall/will + V(infinitive) + O  Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ V(infinitive) + O  Nghi vấn: shall/will + S + V(infinitive) + O? Ex: I will go to school tomorrow Cách dùng: Khi dự đoán (predict, guess), dùng will be going to Khi hành động dự định trước, dùng be going to không dùng will Ex: I am going see a film at the cinema tonight 10 Thì tương lai tiếp diễn - Future Continuous  Khẳng định: S + shall/will + be + V_ing+ O  Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ be + V_ing+ O  Nghi vấn: shall/will +S+ be + V_ing+ O Từ nhận biết: in the future, next year, next week, next time, and soon Ex: I will be visiting Tokyo next year Cách dùng:Thì tương lai tiếp diễn diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm tương lai 11 Thì tương lai hồn thành - Future Perfect  Khẳng định: S + shall/will + have + Past Participle  Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ be + V_ing+ O  Nghi vấn: shall/will + NOT+ be + V_ing+ O? Từ nhận biết: by the time and prior to the time (có nghĩa before) Ex: I will have finished my homework before o’clock this evening Cách dùng: Thì tương lai hồn thành diễn tả hành động tương lai kết thúc trước hành động khác tương lai Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 12 Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn - Future Perfect Continuous  Khẳng định: S + shall/will + have been + V_ing + O  Phủ định: S + shall/will + NOT+ have been + V_ing + O  Nghi vấn: shall/will + S+ have been + V_ing + O? Ex: By November, we’ll have been living in this house for 10 years Cách dùng: Thì tương lai hồn thành tiếp diễn nhấn mạnh khoảng thời gian hành động xảy tương lai kết thúc trước hành động khác tương lai II CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG Trong phần phải nắm thể bị đơng cụ thể Trong tiếng anh có 12 khơng phải có dạng bị động bị đơng thì: Các Chủ động Bị động Hiện đơn S+V(s, es) S+BE(am, is, are)+PII Eg: Long plays guitar every morning Guitar is played by Long every morning S+BE(am, is, are ) + Ving S+BE+ BEING + PII Eg: Long is playing guitar at the moment Guitar is being played by Long at the moment S+HAVE/HAS+ PII S+ have/has+ been+ PII Eg: Long has played guitar for years Guitar has been played by Long for years S+ Ved, cột S+BE(was, were) +PII Long played guitar last night Guitar was played by Long last night S+BE( was, were)+ Ving S+ was, were+ being+ PII Long was playing guitar at o’clock last night Guitar was being played by Long at o’clock last night Hiện tiếp diễn Hiện hoàn thành Qúa khứ đơn Qúa khứ tiếp diễn Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC Quá khứ hoàn thành S+ had + PII ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 S+ had+ been+PII Long had played guitar before I came to his Guitar had been played by Long home before I came to his home Tương lai đơn S+ will+ Vinf S+ will+ be+PII Long will play guitar next week Guitar will be played by Long next week Tương lai hoàn thành S+ will have + PII Tương lai gần Khuyết thiếu S+ will have+ been + PII Long will have played guitar for 20 years when he is 40 Guitar will have been played for 20 years when he is 40 S+ be(am, is, are ) going to + Vinf S+ be going to+ be+ PII Long is going to play guitar next week Guitar is going to be played by Long next week S+ can, could…+Vinf S+ can, could…+be +PII Long can play guitar Guitar can be played by Long Như muốn có câu bị động câu chủ động phải có tân ngữ có ngoại động từ Bài tập bị động My father waters this flower every morning -> This flower every morning by my father A was watered B is watered C will be watered George is getting Lisa A marry with B marry to C married with D married to Someone was cleaning the room when I arrived A The room cleaned when I arrived B The room was being cleaned when I arrived C The room was cleaned when I arrived D The room was cleaning when I arrived Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 They built this house 100 years ago A This house was built 100 years ago B This house was being built 100 years ago C This house being built 100 years ago D This house built 100 years ago He has made no mistakes in his composition A His composition has made no mistakes B No mistakes have made in his composition C No mistakes have been made in his composition D A & C are correct "When can I have my car back?" "I think it'll late this afternoon." A finish B be finished C have finished D be finish You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 A This machine mustn’t be used after 5.30 B This machine mustn’t used after 5.30 C You mustn’t be used this machine after 5.30 D A & C are correct Mary is cutting a cake with a sharp knife A A cake is cut with a sharp knife by Mary B A cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary C A sharp knife is cut with a cake by Mary The teacher is going to tell a story A A story be told by the teacher B A story is going to tell by the teacher C A story is going to be told by the teacher D A story is going to tell the teacher 10." about the eight o'clock flight to Chicago?" - "Not yet." A Has been an announcement made B Has an announcement made C Has an announcement been made D Has been made an announcement Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 11.People believe that red is the symbol of luck A Red believes people to be the symbol of luck B It is believed that red is the symbol of luck C Red is believed to be the symbol of luck D Both B and C 12.This exercise may with a pencil A be written B be to write C be writing 13.How can they open this safe? A How can they open this safe? B How can this safe opened? C How can this safe be opened? 14.She advised me to sell that house A I am advised to sell that house B I advised her to sell that house C I was advised to sell that house D She was advised to sell that house 15.She helps me to all the difficult exercises A I am helped to all the difficult exercises B I am helped her to all the difficult exercises C I help her to all the difficult exercises 16.You should give us this information A We should give you this information B We should be given this information C This information should give us 17.No one has cleaned the floor for weeks A The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks B The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks C The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks 18. this work before you went to Paris? A Will - have been done C Had - been done B Has - been done D Will - be done’ D write Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 19.Let the children taken to the cinema A to B be C to be D being 20.The police stopped us on our way to school A We were stopped by the police on our way to school B We stopped by the police on our way to school C We stopped the police on our way to school Đáp án: – b, – d, – b, – a, – c, – b, – d, – b, – c, 10 – c, 11 – d, 12 – a, 13 – c, 14 – c, 15 – a, 16 – b, 17 – b, 18 – c, 19 – b, 20 – a Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Bài 9: DANH ĐỘNG TỪ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU I II Danh động từ Cách sử dụng - Làm chủ ngữ câu Ví dụ: Painting a picture is very hard - Làm bổ ngữ câu Ví dụ: My dream is becoming a supperstar - Làm tân ngữ gián tiếp ( sau số động từ) Các động từ theo sau V-ing admit, avoid, allow, anticipate, appriciate, delay, enjoy, excuse,escape ,face, consider, deny, finish, imagine, forgive, keep, mind, miss, postpone, practise, resist, risk, propose, detest, dread, resent, pardon, try, fancy, can’t help, can’t stand, feel like,suggest, recommend… Ví dụ: would you mind closing the window for me? Ví dụ:I look forward to hearing from you Cách dùng đặc biệt - To be worth + Ving ( đáng làm gì) - Be used to/ get used to( quen với việc gì) + Ving - Prefer Ving to Ving - Spend/ waste+ time/ money…+ doing sth Động từ nguyên mẫu Cách sử dụng - Làm chủ ngữ câu Ví dụ: To become a supperstar is my dream - Làm bổ ngữ Ví dụ: My dream is to become a supperstar - Làm tân ngữ gián tiếp cho số động từ sau afford, appear, ask, bear, begin, choose, decide, expect, forget, hate, hesitate, intend, like, manage, neglect, prefer, pretend, propose, regret, seem, swear, try, wish, agree, arrange, attempt, beg, care, consent, determine, fail, happend, help, hope, learn, love, mean, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, remember, start, trouble, want, would like /prefer, vow, threaten,… Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Ex: She agreed to pay 200% - Đứng sau tính từ ( happy, glad, sorry…) Ví dụ: she is sure to win I’m eager to meet you - Sau từ để hỏi What, when, where, why,how Ví dụ: I don’t know what to say( tơi khơng biết nói gì) - V+O+ ToV Advise Allow Encourage Tell Force Persuade Teach Urge Warn Wish + Sb + to V - Trong cấu trúc “ too/enough” Ta có: Too+ adj Ví dụ: this dress is too long to wear Adj+ enough This house is big enough to stay  Các cấu trúc với động từ ngun mẫu khơng có TO - Make + sb+ sth ( bắt làm gì) - Let + sb+ sth - Allow + sb+ sth - Had better/ shoud+ sth - Hear/ find/ watch / see + sb+ sth Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Lưu ý: phân biệt to V V_ing - Các từ dùng với to V Ving có nghĩa tương tự nhau: Like, hate, begin, start, continue… - Các từ dùng với to V Ving có nghĩa khác To V V_ing stop Dừng để làm Dừng làm việc Try Cố để làm Thử làm Remember Nhớ để làm Nhớ làm Forget Quên phải làm Quên làm - Advise/allow/permit/recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/cho phép/ đề nghị làm - Advise/allow/permit/recommend + V-ing: khuyên/cho phép, đề nghị làm Ex: He advised me to apply at once He advised applying at once They don’t allow us to park here They don’t allow parking here - See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V-ing: cấu trúc sử dụng người nói chứng kiến phần hành động - See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V: cấu trúc sử dụng người nói chứng kiến tồn hành động Ex: I see him passing my house everyday She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising We saw him leave the house I heard him make arrangements for his journey Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Part - Infinitive and Gerund - Practice 1 An independent Scotland could reasonably expect London the profligacy it's shown in the past five years A avoiding B to avoid C to be avoided D be avoided If you're not busy at the moment, would you mind me with my homework? A to help B help C helping D to helping I just knew he wasn't the sort of guy I would want to go with A fish B to fish C fishing D fished When she was arrested and interviewed, 28-year-old Apsley denied anything wrong but she later pleaded guilty A to B to doing C doing D have done Arriva Trains Wales had advised people on the line between Holyhead and Chester after a power cable came down A travelling B to travelling C not travelling D not to travel The Members of Scotland's largest teaching union have said they are willing in a row over pensions A Strike B striking C to strike D not to strike The Forestry Commission allows us the roads to allow people who are not too good at walking to actually drive into the woods and see the bluebells A open B to open C opening D to have opened A Schmallenberg surveillance scheme is about to in Scotland A be started B start C starting D have started Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 to new music is rewarding for the brain, a study suggests A To listen B Listen C Listening D Have listening 10.She was very good at If I didn't understand something, she would explain it simply A explaining B to explain C explain D to explaining 11.Politicians met with representatives from the third sector, charities and voluntary groups, on Wednesday to discuss more closely together A working B work C to work D to working 12.We not think that US President Barack Obama is visiting the region for tourism and to enjoy the churches of Bethlehem and Jerusalem A see B to see C to seeing D seeing 13.Strong computer and instructional skills are required; ability and read in Spanish is a plus A speak B to speak C speaking D to speaking 14.To this, we'll to listen to our customers' feedback, focus on their needs and fix the causes of complaints and urge any customer who has an issue with their account to contact us A continue B continuing C have continued D be continued 15.It would be illegal, it has not happened and we would never contemplate such a thing A to B C doing D to doing 16.The government will have to repay a lot more than it has to now and they are going to have a big problem that A to B C doing D to doing Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 17.Molly hates the children out too late A to stay B stay C to staying D staying 18.NewTech has been successful in a profit after two years of losses worldwide A make B making C to make D made 19.An annual bluebell event in Wiltshire which attracts hundreds of visitors may have to due to poor weather A delay B delayed C be delayed D delaying 20.The program accused Apple of failing to new replacement iPhones if major repairs are needed during a one-year warranty A offering B offer C be offered D have offer Part - Infinitive and Gerund - Practice It’s time a break, relax, and enjoy some time away from the office A taking B to take C took D have taken Mr Woodhams added he was keen the momentum of discussions continued A to ensuring B to ensure C ensure D to be ensure We very much look forward to closely together to continue to deliver exceptional audio in Samsung's smartphones and tablets A work B be working C working D have worked Would you happen what kind of money they pay their service managers? A knowing B to know C know D to have know Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Kingfisher is planning profitability by buying more goods from cheaper sources, such as China A to boosting B to boost C boosting D to be boosted Meanwhile, in a surprise reversal of traditional roles, five big developing countries are to discuss financial support to Europe A provision B provide C providing D to provide Please take a moment through our guidelines and regulation to make sure you are up to date on all safety practices A looking B to looking C to look D having look Powys council intends more than £2m on a new camp and said it could open in April next year A going to spend B spending C to spend D spend Staffordshire County Council has launched a campaign to encourage parents of 11 to 14 year-olds about the effects of drinking A talking B talk C to be talking D to talk 10.The UK's services sector grew at its fastest pace for five months in January, raising hopes that the economy will avoid back into recession A Falling B to fall C to falling D to have fallen 11.The funding will enable us a substantial contribution to the understanding of the cultural heritage of Wales and the other Celtic countries A to make B make C by making D making 12.They are identifying dairy farms that would be willing to the testing of bulk milk to help flag up any spread of the virus across the country A Taking part in B take part in C taking parting in D take parting in Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 13 What she's done for children's literacy is far more important Children still enjoy her and that's why we should celebrate her A to read B read C reading D to reading 14 is becoming more popular among young people, and they are starting to smoke at earlier ages than before A To smoke B Smoke C Be smoking D Smoking 15.We would like that it will be necessary for all warehouse personnel to increase their work hour load beginning November 11 until the first week of January A to announce B announce C announcing D to be announced 16.Heavy snow is expected for hours in north and mid Wales after falls closed hundreds of schools and brought chaos on the roads A continuing B to continuing C to continue D continue 17.There are no concessions to following vehicles that risk contact with the hearse or the car in front and not finding their way to the cemetery or crematorium A to lose B to losing C losing D have lost 18.She says her parents can't afford them adequate meals; they eat bread and milk for dinner and nothing for breakfast A feeding B to feed C feed D to feeding 19.Cummings said she will miss involved with the community but is excited for the village to benefit from having new people A to be B being C be D to being 20.ComEd is responsible for the lines and is still the company customers will call in case of a power outage A maintain B maintaining C having maintained D having mainting Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC Đáp án: Đáp án 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Phần B C C C D C B B C A A D B A C C D B C B Phần B B C B B C C C D A A B C D A C C B B B ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 ... phần Chỉ cần bám sát thơi bạn đạt 800+ học lượng từ vựng định Tự học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Bài 1: TỪ LOẠI TRONG LUYỆN THI TOEIC Trong thi có dạng tập sau bạn làm. .. 800+ học ngữ pháp đơn giản tổng số 52 câu part 5,6 có tầm 30 câu ngữ pháp, là câu hỏi từ vựng Trong phần part đọc hiều yêu cầu 100% từ vựng Vậy nên điểm số cao hay không từ vựng định 30 câu ngữ pháp... học TOEIC - Quân Nguyễn TOEIC ID Facebook: 0166 945 6699 Như bạn biết tồn ngữ pháp chủ yếu xuất phần part 5+6 Rất nhiều bạn ln có câu hỏi em yếu ngữ pháp có học khơng? Nói ln với bạn ngữ pháp TOEIC

Ngày đăng: 17/08/2020, 19:52

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    Part 5 - Infinitive and Gerund - Practice 1

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