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English9 2010 - 2011 Period 2: Date 13/08/2010 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PENPAL. Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read ( Page 6 - 7) I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read the text for details to know about some places Lan went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together. II. Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan, flipcharts, pictures. III. Procedure: Time Teachers activities Students activities 07ms 10ms 15ms * Warm up : Chatting. - Do you have any penpal?. - If, yes, where does he/ she live?. - Has he/ she ever visited your city?. - What activities would you do during the visit ? * Getting started: (using 6 pictures). Ask Ss to guess " Where is this? " A. Pre_reading. 1. Vocabulary: T elicits from Ss then models: - to correspond: (If you and your friend regularly write to each other, you ) - a mosque (n): nhà thờ Hồi giáo (pict) - be impressed by: cú n tng (trans). -friendliness (n):sự hiếu khách ->friendly (adj) - atmosphere(n): bầu không khí (trans). - to pray: cầu nguyện ( mine) - to keep in touch: giữ liên lạc (explanation). - worship (n): sự thờ phụng ( translation). * Checking stress. * Let Ss copy down. * Checking vocabulary : ROR. B. While reading: Ask Ss to guess and finish exercise on page 7. * Checking predition. - Yes, I have/ No, I havent. - He/ she lives in - Yes ./ No . - I think Ill take my friend to the beach/ to the mountains/to the restaurants . * Look at each picture and say where it is: a) Hung temple. b) Quoc Tu Giam. c) Dong Xuan Market. d) Museum. e) The restaurant f) Churches * Ss give vocabulary. - Repeat chorally (2) - Repeat individually (3) - Give meaning. - The whole class. - Copy down. - "Rub out and remember". - Guess information and finish exercise ( page7). Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 10ms 03ms Answer key: 1- C ( two weeks). 2- B ( HN people were friendly). 3- D ( all the above). 4- B ( invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur). C. Post reading: - Ask Ss to recommend places of interest in their city and discuss where they should take their friends to: - What activities should they do?. * HOMEWORK + Practise reading the text many times at home. + Write short paragraph about what they have just discussed with their partner. + Prepare lesson 2 of Unit 1 Speak (Page 8). - Read the text in silence to check their prediction by choosing the correct option to complete the sentences. - Lang Co Beach. - Bach Ma National Park. - Linh Mu Pagoda. - Tu Duc Tomb. - The Royal City. 1- Go swimming in the beach. 2- Climbing in Bach Ma Natinal Park. 3- Visit some beautiful sights such as: Linh Mu Pagoda, Tu Duc Tomb Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Period 3: Date 17/08/2010 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL. Lesson 2 : Speak I. Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to introductions. II. Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, flipcharts. Iii. Procedure: Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 05m s 13m s 15m s • Warm up : "Pelmanism" • Prepare 10 cards with numbers on one side and the countries and cities on the other. Make sure the countries or cities are mixed up. - Stick all the cards on the board. - Divide class into teams and ask them to choose 2 numbers. Turn over the cards. If they can match (Ex: HoiAn- Viet Nam) the team gets 2 marks. If not, turn the cards face down again and ask the other team to choose. Continue till all the cards are turned over. England Perth Liverpool Bombay Hanoi Japan Australia Vietnam India HOI AN A. Presentation: (Use a flipchart). 1. Set the scene: (Use picture of Nga and Maryam). Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. Put their dialogue in the correct order to make a complete dialogue. Start like this: A: Hello. You must be Mariam ? B: That’s right, I am. B. Practice: (pairwork) *Answer key (a): 1. Hello. You must be Maryam. c. That’s right. I am. 5. Pleased to meet you ( Nga). Let me introduce myself. I’m Nga. b. Please to meet you Nga. Are you one of Lan’s classmates?. 4. Yes, I’m. Are you enjoying your stay in VN?. d. Oh, yes, very much. Vietnamese people are very friendly . 2. Do you live in a city, too?. - Work in 2 groups. - Choose 2 numbers. If the two numbers can match, they will get 2 marks. - The team which get more marks than other will be the winner. - Read the sentences . - Work in pairs to put the dialogue in correct order to make a complete dialogue. Practise the dialogue in pairs. Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 10 ms 02 ms e. Yes, I live in Kuala Lumpur 3. No. Is it very different from Ha Noi?. a. The two cities are the same in some ways. 6. I see,Oh ! Here’s Lan. Let’s go. Ask some questions to check student’s understanding: * Questions: a. Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? b. Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Ha Noi? c. What does she like in VN? * Role play (b): 2. You are talking to Maryam’s friends. Introduce yourself. Make similar dialogue. Take turns to be one of Maryam’s friends. * Do the same with Pall and Jane. C. Further practice: - Teacher goes around, takes notes things should be corrected afterwards. HOMEWORK: * Copy one dialogue they like into their notebooks. * Prepare Lesson3: Listen and Language focus (page 9,11,12) of Unit 1. Ask and answer the questions in pairs: - No. they haven’t. - Yes, she is. - Vietnamese people. * Role play 1) A- Hello, you must be Yoko. B- That’s right. A- Are you enjoying your staying in Hue?. B- Oh, yes, very much. I like Vietnamese people and Hue city is very interesting. A- do you live in the city, too?. B- Yes, I live in Tokyo. Have you been there?. A- No. What’s it like?. B- It’t a busy big capital ciy. It’s very different from Hue. A- I see. - Work in pairs to practice the dialogues. - Present their dialogues. Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Period 4 : Date 19/08/2010 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 3 : Listen + Language Focus I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information to select the correct pictures and further practice in past simple with "wish" II. Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, flipcharts. III. Procedure: Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5ms 13m s 15m s 10 ms * Warm up: "Jumbled words" Ask Ss to put the letters in order to make meaningful words: 1. tacch 2. krap 3. nodp 4. ssrag 5. rrubhameg A. Pre listening: * Set the scene: "Tim Jones‘s Mexican pen pal, Carlo, is visiting The USA. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one, where the place is, what the people are doing. * Open prediction: Tell Ss that Tim is taking Carlo to visit some places. Ask them to think of 3 things that Tim and Carlo are doing. - Ask Ss to listen to the tape to check their guess. B. While reading: 1. Checking prediction: - Ask them to listen to the tape before checking prediction. - Listen to the tape again and choose the correct pictures. * Answer key: a. 1 b. 2 c. 2 C. Language focus: The Past simple * Set the scene: This is the conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend. Tan asks: "What did Ba do on the weekend? " - Work in two teams to put the letters in order to make meaningful words: 1.catch 2. park 3. pond 4. grass 5. hamburger The team which is faster with more correct words will win the game. Look at the pictures. Guess the 3 things that Tim and Carlo are doing. 1. They are going to the park 2. They are taking a bus. 3. They are going to the restaurant. - Listen to the tape before checking prediction. - Listen to the tape again and choose the correct pictures. - Ss listen and answer Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 2ms - "When did he see it?" * Form: S + Regular Verb - ED S + Irregular Verb ( column 2) * Use: Describe an action that happened in definite time in the past. * Pronunciation: Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions about what Ba, Nga, Lan, Nam and hoa did on the weekend ( Exercise 1/ Page 11) HOMEWORK: * Study the lesson at home. * Prepare lesson 4: Read / page 9 + 10) of Unit 1. - He went to see a movie called "Ghosts and Monsters". - "He saw it on on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock". Give form, meaning, use and pronunciation. Practice asking and answering the questions about what they did on the weekend. * Possible conversations: 1. A. What did Nga do on the weekend? B. She went to the concert with / performed by Hanoi singers. A. When did she go? B. She went there on Saturday at 8 pm. 2. A. What did Lan do on the weekend? B. She went camping held by Y and Y. A. When did she go? B. She went camping all the weekend. 3. A. What did Nam do on the weekend? B. She watched a soccer match Dong Thap vs The Cong. A. When did he watch it? B. She watch it on Sunday at 4 pm Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Period 5 : Date24/08/2010 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL. Lesson 4: Read (Page 9 + 10) I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read the test for details to have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the Asean. II. Teaching aids: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures, map of countries of the Asean. III. Procedure: Time Teachers activities Students activities 5ms 13 ms 15 ms * Warm up: " Hangman" - Draw strokes on the bb. Each stroke stands for a letter of the word. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Malaysia) The word has 8 letters. Ask Ss to guess the letters of the word. A. Pre reading: 1.Vocabulary: T elicits from Ss, then models (3 times for each) - Asean: (Association of South East Asian Nations): Hiệp Hội các nớc Đông Nam á (What does Asean stand for? ) - region (n): vùng, miền (example) - to comprise: bao gồm, gồm có (translation) - currency (n): tiền tệ (Ex) Islam (n): Đạo hồi (example) - official religion: tôn giáo chính thức (example) - Buddhism (n): đạo Phật (example) - Compulsory (adj): bắt buộc (ex) * Checking stress * Let Ss copy down * Checkingvocabulary: What and where 2. Set the scene: Ask Ss to close their books and answer these questions (use a map on page10) 1. Where is it? 2. What is the capital of Malaysia? 3. What is its population? 4. How big is Malaysia? 5. What language is spoken in this country? B. While reading: Ask Ss to read the text silently to find out the answers. - The whole class. - Take turn to guess the letter of the word. - If a students guess is not right, the teacher draw a stroke (according to the order the picture). - If they guess wrong 8 times, they lose. Teacher gives the answer. => Ss give vocabulary. + Repeat chorally (2) + Repeat individually (3) + Give meaning. * Checking stress * Copy down * What and where - Close the books and answer the questions. - In the South East - Its Kuala Lumpur - Its over 22 milion - Its 329.758 sq Km - Its Bahasa Malaysia - Read it the second time to fill in the table in exercise (a) on page 10. Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 10 ms 2ms MALAYSIA 1. Area: 329.758 Sq Km 2. Population: over 22 milion 3. Climate: Tropical climate 4. Unit of currency: ringgit (consisting of 100 sen) 5. Cappital city: Kuala Lumpur 6. Offical religion: Islam 7. National language: Bahara Malaysia 8. Compulsory second language: English Ask Ss to read the text again to choose the statements are true or false Answers: 1. True 2. False ( There are more than 2 religions). 3. False ( English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken). 4. False ( One of the three: Malay, Chinese or Tamil). 5. False ( English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction). C. Post reading: - Discussion - Correction. HOMEWORK: * Practise reading the text many times. - Answer the questions. - Prepare lesson 5 ( Write) / Page 11 of unit 1./. - Read the text again silently and choose if the statements are the true or false. Then correct the false statements. - Work in 6 groups to discuss these questions: 1. Where is your city?. 2. What is it famous for?. 3. What is the capital of your country?. - Each group present their idea. * Practise reading the text many times. - Answer the questions. - Prepare lesson 5 ( Write) / Page 11 of unit 1./. Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Period 6 : Date 26/08/2010 Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 5: WRITE (page 11) III. Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a personal letter. II. Teaching aids: Lesson plan, textbook, flipcharts III. Procedure : Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5ms 13m s 15 ms * Warm up: Chatting - Have you ever visited any other places in VN? - Where did you go? - How did you get there? - Did you visited any places of interest? - Did you buy any thing? A. Presentation: * Set the scene: Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of VN or a different cuontry. Ask Ss on their own answer the following questions: * Questions: 1. Where are you now? How did you get there? 2. Who did you meet? 3. What have you done? + What places have you visited? + Who have you met? + What kinds of food have you tried? + What souvenirs have you bought? 4. How do you fell now? 5. What do you think interest you most? 6. When are you returning home? B. While writing: - Ask Ss write the letter to their family, telling them about their visit. Suggested ideas: * First paragraph: I arrived at Danang train station at 8 Am in the morning, on Tuesday. - Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. - I went to Dalat/Da Nang - By train. - Yes, I did. - Yes, I did. - Answer the questions. 1. Now, I’m visiting my friend in Danang city. 2. Lan met me at Danang airport at 8 Am in the morning. 3. I have visited many places in Danang like the beaches, the Museum, supermarkets, the water Park . - I’ve tried different foods: seafood,Danang speciality 4+5. Now, I fell so happy and the people here are so nice and friendly. The foods are so delicious. 6. I will leave Danang at 2 Am next Thursday, and will arrive home at 5 pm. - Look at the outline on page 11 and write their own letter. * Write it in groups of 6. After finishing, hang the flipcharts on the bb and give remark. Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 10 ms 2ms My friend Lan met me at the train station, then she took me home by taxi. * Second paragraph: I’ve visited many places like the beaches, Marble Mountains, supermarketets, the water Park . I’ve tried different foods: seafood Danang speciality . I’ll visit Hoi An tomorrow morning. * Third paragraph: I fell so happy. The people here are so friendly, the foods are so delicious and the sights are so beautiful. I’ll leave Dn at 2 pm next Sunday. Please pick me up at the railway station. C. Post writing: Chosse some letters to correct in class. HOMEWORK : - Write the letter after correction on their notebook. - Prepare Parts 1+ 2 of Unit 2. * Correction: Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School [...]... (n): sự lập luận, tranh luận (trans) * Checking stress * Let Ss copy down * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember 2 Presentation: - Draw this table on the bb - Tell the Ss it is the outline to present one side of an argument - Give out to the Ss sets of differrent color strips of paper, on which the content of the out line is written as follow Organization Language Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ Students activities... clothes, using the outline on page 19 Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ * Compare their writing and correct mistakes HuongToan Secondary School English9 C Post writing: 02ms - When Ss have finished writing, let them compare their writing - Correction HOMEWORK : - Write the passage into their notebooks - Prepare Lesson 6 (Language focus 2,3,4,5/ Page 20) of Unit 2 Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ 2010 - 2011 - Write the passage into... first day? *Activity 1: ( exercise 2/ page 30) The second day? The third day? Look at Mr Thanh itinerary for his business trip And the last day? " to Singapore Complete the sentences using the - Finish exercise (2) using the prepositions in the box (exercise 2): prepositions in the box: Answer key: Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 02ms 2010 - 2011 a on b between c till / at -... Three people said that they liked their uniform - Two people said that they usually wore colorful T-shirt on the weekend - Chi said she loved baggy pants Period 9 Date 09/9/2010 Unit 2: CLOTHING Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Lesson 3: Listen + Language focus 1, 2 I Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information, describe what people... little girl called Mary then answer the questions: * Answer * Questions: 1 Her names Mary 1 Whats her name ? 2 She is three years old 2 How old is she ? 3 20 minutes ago 3 When was she last seen ? Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 4 Where was she last seen ? 4 Near the main entrance to the Car Fair 5 She has short dark hair 5 How is her hair ? Listen again and check the letter... friends have described to their friends * Prepare Lesson 4 ( Read / page 17) of Unit 2 / * Prepare Lesson 4 ( Read / page 17) of Unit 2 / Period 10 Date 14/09/2010 Unit 2: CLOTHING Lesson 4: Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ Read (page 17, 18 ) HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 I Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and understand the text for details about Jeans II Teaching aids: Textbook,... out the answers to their questions and add more ideas 15m s B While reading: - Ask Ss to read the text the 2 nd time to fill in the missing dates and words) exercises a/Page 17) * Answers key: Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ Students activities - Play the game in 2 groups - Have to try to guess any letter of the word If their guess is wrong, the girl has to step down If their guess is right, theyll get 1 mark The... text then answers the questions * Practise reading the text then answers * Prepare lesson 5 of Unit 2 ( Write / Page 18, 19) the questions * Prepare lesson 5 of Unit 2 ( Write / Page 18, 19) Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 Period 11 Date 16/9/2010 2010 - 2011 Unit 2: CLOTHING Lesson 5: Write (page 18, 19 ) I Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an exposition,... India - She is wearing a sari e He comes from the USA - He is wearing Jeans f- She comes from Arabia - She is wearing a veil - Checking stress - Copy down - Checking vocabulary B While reading: Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 s 10 ms 2010 - 2011 * Set the scene: (use real object) - Whatt this? Yes, It a traditional dress of Vietnamese women When do women wear ao dai? To know well... down what they have spoken to their partner and adding their opinion whether they like wearing ao dai or not * Study the lesson at home * Prepare lesson 2 (Speak)/ page 14, 15 of Unit 2 Period 8 Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Date 07/09/2010 Unit 2: CLOTHING Lesson 2: Spẹak (page 14, 15) I Aim: By the end off the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and repond to questions . remember". - Guess information and finish exercise ( page7). Võ Thị Thanh Thuỷ HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 10ms 03ms Answer key:. Visit some beautiful sights such as: Linh Mu Pagoda, Tu Duc Tomb Vâ ThÞ Thanh Thuû HuongToan Secondary School English9 2010 - 2011 Period 3: Date 17/08/2010

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2013, 07:11

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- to embroider: thêu hoa văn, hình.( realia) - to label (v): nhãn, hiệu.( realia) - TIEN ANH
to embroider: thêu hoa văn, hình.( realia) - to label (v): nhãn, hiệu.( realia) (Trang 17)



