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TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång Häc kú II Period 37 Teaching date : 02/01/2009 Unit 6 : The environment Lesson1 getting stared + listen and read A. objective : 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know the topic of the Unit and they will know some environmental problems being. . 2, Skill : Listening, Speaking and Reading B. teaching aids: - Pictures, tapes, chalks and book c. procedure: 1. Warm up :(5’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities Activity 1 : Getting started T: lead into the lesson with some questions Ss: listen and think to answer T: ask ss to look at six pictures and explain some word phrases given to describe the environment Ss: listen and note down T; ask ss to match the environmnetal problems with the suitable pictures Ss: listen and do as the request T: call ss to give out their matching. Then remark and give correct asnwers Ss: listen and note down. T: ask ss to give more environmental problems that they know before the class. Ss: think to do. + What do you think of the environment nowadays ? + What do you do to keep the environment clean ? * Now there are some environmental problems given. You will match each one with the picture in the book. a) air pollution b) spraying pesticides c) garbage dump d) water pollution. e) deforestation f) dynamite fishing. 2. Presentation: (25’ Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities Activity 2 : Listen and read T: lead into the passage Ss: listen * As you know the environment is being polluted. So “What do you do solve this proble and to keep the environment clean ?” + cleaning the school yards/ streets/ TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång T: play the tape for the first time. Ss; listen T: show some new words from the passage Ss; listen an note down. T: ask ss to read the passage in silence and think to do the first task. Ss: listen and think to do the task. T: call ss to give their answers. Ss: raise the hand to do. T: call others to remark and then give the correct answer. Ss: listen and note down the correct answers. T: help ss know how to form and use the conditional sentence type 1 Ss: listen carefully. T: ask ss to read the passage again in silence to answer the questions given. Ss: read in silence and think to answer the questions given. T: call some ss to answer the questions before the class Ss: raise the hand to do. T: call others to remark and give the correct answers Ss: listen and note down the correct answers roads/ … + planting trees/ flowers + collecting trash so on …. * New words : + conservationist. + shore + sand + rock a) Match the names in column A with the task in column B. 1. f 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d * Conditional sentence type 1 : If + simple present, simple future. Eg: If we work hard today, we will make this beach a clean and beautiful place. b) Answer questions : 1. The speaker is Mr Brown. 2. The listeners are some volunteer conservationists 3. They are on the beach. 4. They are going to clean the beach. 5. If we work hard today, we will make this beach a clean and beautiful place again. 6 + 7 ( students answer themselves ) 3. Consolidation:(13’) T: call ss to read the apssage aloud before the class Ss; raise the hand to do T; call someone to translate the passage into vietnamese. Ss; raise the hand to do. 4. Homework:(2’) TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång T: ask ss to write something about the environmental pollution. Prepare the next lesson “ Unit 6 : speak” Ss: listen and note down D. remark : Period 38 Teaching date : 07/01/2009 Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 2 listen & speak a. objective : 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to persuade others to agree with them about the environmental pollution and persuade others to something . - Ss will be able to develop their listening to a passage about the pollution of oceans in order to fill in the information table. Understand the main ideas of the lesson. 2, Skill : Listening and Speaking B. teaching aids: - Pictures, chalks and book c. procedure: Warm up :(2’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: greet and call some ss to retell some environmental problems. Ss: raise the hand to do. T: call one student to say what they should do to protect the environment * Who can say some environmental problems before the class. * What should you do to keep the environment clean ? Pre- speaking: (8’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: divide class into small groups and ask them to discuss about what they should do to protect the environment Ss: listen and work in group to discuss T: call some ss to present their ideas before the class Ss: raise the hand to do. T: lead ss to the table and then give some new words from it. Ss: listen and note down. * Work in group to discuss : What you should do to protect the environment ? * Now look at the activities given in the table as suggestion to persuade. + wrap + banana leaves + disolve + reduce + exhaust fume TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång T: ask ss to revise the phrases used to persuade someonewith examples given Ss: listen carefully. * Phrases used to persuade others ( in the book on page 49 ) Speaking: (8’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: ask ss to work in pair to practice speaking Ss: work in pair to practice persuading others to do something. T: call some pairs to present before the class Ss: raise the hand to do. T: explain the next task. And ask ss to write the possible answers to the questions given. Ss: listen and do as the request T: after ss finish, ask them to work in pair to ask and answer in order to persuade the other to do something Ss: work in pair to do T: call some piars to present before the class Ss: raise the hand to do . T; remark and correct the mistakes if they have made Ss; listen carefully. a) Practice persuading others : b) Find the possible answers to the questionaire. Suggestion answers: + Write on both sides of the paper ; recycle used paper. + save plastic bags ; clean and reuse them + don’t throw wast and garbage into streams, lakes and even oceans. + discard / throw garbage in waste bins + use fewer private vehicles and don’t release pollutants into the air. + try to reuse and recycle things. Post ’ speaking:(7’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: request ss to work in group again to make the list of things they should do to keep the environment clean and beautiful. Ss; listen to the guide and work in group to make the list. T; call the representative of each group to present the class. Ss: raise the hand to do. * Work in group to make the list of things you should do to keep the environment clean and beautiful. 2. Pre- listening: (5’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: introduce the topic of the lesson. Ss: listen carefully. T: ask ss to look at the table and guess the * Now you will listen to a passage about the causes of the oceanic pollution. Listen and find out those causes. TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång causes of oceanic pollution Ss: listen and do as the request. T: give some new words from the passage Ss: listen and note down new words. * New words : + raw sewage + be guilty of : + ship + oil spill + leak + vessel + marine + deliberate 3. Listening: (7’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: call ss to give their guessing. Then play the tape twice. Ss: listen and fill in the gaps in the table T: call ss to give out their filling. Call others to reamrk. Ss: raise the hand to do T; play the tape again to remark and give correct answer Ss: listen and note down Secondly : garbage is … Thirdly : … come from ships at sea. Next : Waste materials come from factories Finally : Oil is washed from the land. 4. Post ’ listening:(6’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: ask ss to work in group to discuss what they should do to save the oceans and marine life. Ss: work in group to discuss T; call some representative of each group to present before the class Ss: raise the hand to do T; remark and then correct th mistakes * What shold we do to save oceans and marine life .? + Don’t catch fish with dynamite + Don’t litter trash and waste into rivers + Conserve precious species. + Don’t allow factories dump chemical waste into oceans …. 5. Homework:(2’) T: ask ss to use the cues in the information table to write into a passage about the oceanic pollution. Prepare the next lesson : “ Unit 6 : Read” Ss: listen and note down D. remark : Period 39 Teaching date : 09/01/2009 TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 3 read A. objective : 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand a poem about the environmental pollution. 2, Skill : Reading comprehension B. teaching aids: - Subordinate, tapes, chalks and book c. procedure: 1. Warm up :(3’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: greet and call ss to read their composition about the ceanic pollution written at home Ss: listen and raise the hand to do. * Now who can read you composition written at home aloud before the class. 2. Pre- reading: (10’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: teach new words from the poem Ss: listen and note down. T: use suitable techniques to show meaning of new words. Ss; listen and guess new words. T: introduce the scene Ss: listen T: give some sentences in order for ss to guess which is true and which is false. Ss: listen and read the poem to guess the sentences given. T: call ss to give out their guessing and write them on board. Ss; raise the hand to do. * New words : + stream (n): + foam (n) : + minimize (v) : + mass (n) : + bubbles (n) : + flow (v) : + hedge (n) : * Set the scene : A mother and her son are having a picnic in aprk. The son sees the place is polluted. He asks his mother about the problems of pollution. Now you read the poem and guess the following sentences True or False. 1. The boy is really interested in the problems of pollution 2. He doesn’t make the place more polluted. 3. His mother is aware of danger of pollution 4. His mother thinks she should TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång protect the environment even when she is on holiday. 3. Reading: (15’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: read the poem and then let ss read silently to find the answer Ss; read in silence to find true sentences and false one T; call ss to give their answer Ss: raise the hand to do . T; remark and give correct answers T: guide the next task they have to do. Ss; read the words and match, basing on the sentences in the poem. T: call ss to give their answer. Ss: raise the hand to do T: call others to remark and then give correct answer Ss: listen and note down. T: ask ss to work in pair to ask and answer the questions given. Ss: work in pair to ask answer the questions. T: call some ss to read the poem aloud before the class Ss: raise the hand to do. T: go on calling some pairs to present their answers before the class. Ss: raise the hand to do. T; remark and give correct answers Ss: listen and note down. T: call one student to read the poem again. * Prediction check : 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F a) Match each word with its explanation. 1 – c 2 – g 3 – f 4 – e 5 – d 6 – a 7 – b b) Comprehension questions : 1. The world will end up like a second-hand junk-yard, with all of its treasures quite gone. 2. She thinks other folk pollute the environment but not her and her son. 3. His mother will take him home right away. 4. Ss’ answers. 5. The poem wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution. 6. Ss’ answers. 4. Post ’ reading:(10’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: devide class into small group of four and ask them to discuss about the topic given. Ss: listen and work in group to discuss. T: call the representative of some groups to present before the class. Ss: raise the hand to do. * Discussion : What we could do in our school to minimize the pollution. TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång 5. Homework:(2’) T: ask ss to write 50 word composition about environment protection. Prepare the next lesson “ Unit 6 : Write”. Ss: listen and note down D. remark Period 40 Teaching date : 09/01/2009 Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 4 write A. objective : 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a complaint letter. 2, Skill : Writing B. teaching aids: - Chalks , picturs, extra boards and book c. procedure: 1. Warm up :(3’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: greet and call ss to read their composition before the class. Ss: raise the hand to do. * What you should do in your school to minimize the pollution. 2. Pre- writing: (10’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: lead into the topic with some questions and give the extra board with sections of a complaint letter in oder for ss to arrange them in correct oder. Ss: listen and do as the request. T: ask ss to open their books and check. T: ask ss to read the letter given in the book well in order to label and put the sections given in correct order. Ss: read the letter to label and put the sections in correct order. T: call ss to give their answer key. Ss: raise the hand to do. + Have you ever written any complaint letters ? + In what situation ? + What did you write in a complaint letter ? + How many sections do you know there are in a complaint letter ? * Now take out and open your books to check. a) Ordering the sections in the letter : * Answer : + What does Mr Nhat complain about ? TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång T: ask ss to reread the letter and answer the following questions. Ss: reread and think to answer questions . T: call some ss to answer before the class. Ss: raise the hand to answer. T: request ss to read situation in Part b. Then answer some questions given. Ss: read and think to answer T: give correct answers + What problems does he mention ? + What does he suggest ? b) Read the situation : 1. What do you complain about ? 2. What problems do you want to mention ? 1. What do you want to suggest ? Answer : 1. The way people catch fish. 2. Fish and other animals have died 3. Prohibiting and fining heavily anyone catching fish in this way. 3. Writing:(17’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: allow ss time to write a complaint letter. Ss: write a letter basing on the situation given. T: go around to help ss. * write a complaint letter. 4. Post ’ writing:(13’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: request ss to exxchange their letters to check mistakes Ss; exchange to check the letters. T: correct some typical mistakes that Ss can not correct them. Ss: listen carefully. * Exchange complaint letters written already to check. 5. Homework: T: ask ss to think a difficult situation they have faced to write a similar complaint letter to the person who caused that trouble. Prepare the Part “ Language focus” Ss: listen and note down . Period 41 Teaching date : 11/01/2009 Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 5 language focus A. objective : TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to know some grammar points in this unit such as : + adjectives and adverbs + adverb clauses of reason + adjective + that clause conditional sentence type 1. 2, Skill : Use grammatical points in communication and doing exercises B. teaching aids: - Chalks and book. c. procedure: 1. Warm up :(3’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities T: call ss to read their complaint letter aloud before the class Ss: raise the hand to do T: ask ss to remind what grammar points they havae learnt in this lesson. Ss: listen and recall to say. * Who raise the hand to read your letter written at home ? * What grammar points have you learnt in this unit ? 2. Revision and 3. Practice: (40’) Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content of the activities Activity 1 : Adjectives and adverbs T: encourage ss to recall how to use adjectives and adverbs Ss: recall to say their use T: ask ss to work in pair to change adj given into adv Ss: listen and work in pair to do T: ask ss to fill in the gap in each sentence Ss: try to fill in T; request ss to exchange to check . Then reamrk to give correct answer. Ss: do as the request. Then note down correct answer * Adj + ly  Adv careful carefully beautiful beautifully clever cleverly noisy noisily good well hard hard fast fast Ex1/ page 53: a) extremely b) slowly c) sadly d) happily e) well Acticity 2 : Adverb clauses of reason. T: help ss to understand more about adverbs of reason such as : because ; as ; since. Ss: listen and note down. * Because , since and as have the same meaning. Ex2 / page 54 a) Ba is tired because / as / since TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 2009 [...]... activities 2 Revision and 3 Practice: Teachers and Students activities Content of the activities Activity 1 : Acticity 2 : Activity 3 : 4 Homework: Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng Ss: listen and note down D remark : Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 ... Im glad to b e here this evening My name is Nam I come from grade 9A Im going to tell you about reusing paper There are three ways to reuse paper Firstly, we should have separate wastebasket for waste paper Secondly, we should keep sheets with single printed paper for drafting If you follow these simple rules, not Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng only wll you save money, but... sửa ống nớc 2 Enermous b Hoá đơn tiền nớc 3 Crack c Vòi nớc bị nhỏ giọt 4 Pipe d To, lớn 5 Pumber e ống nớc 6 Dripping f Vết nứt, gãy faucet 2 Practice: Mrs Mi is talking to her neighor , Mrs Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng T: play the tape for the first time Ss: listen to the tape T: ask ss to practise the dialogue with a partner Ss: pratice the dialogue in pair T: call some... Reduce Plumber cracks 4 Homework: T: Summarize the main points Ask ss to learn the dialogue by heart and then prepare the next lesson Unit 7 : Speak. Ss: listen and note down D remark : Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng Unit 7 : saving energy Period 44 speak Date of planning : b objective : 1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand and use suggestions... suggestions about how to save energy Follow the example Ss: work individually Content of the activities Make suggestions : Eg : I think we should turn off the faucet I suggest fixing the faucet Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng T: Call some ss to read the suggestions aloud Ss: raise the hand to do T: feedback a nd give some suggested Answers Ss: listen and note down 4 Post speaking:... of the lesson , Ss will be able to develop their listening for gist and specific information They will understand and know how to do two common listening tasks : True or False andGap filling Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng - They will get general knowledge about one kind of alternative energy : solar energy 2 Skill : Listening comprehension B teaching aids: pictures, tapes,... comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power ) 3 False ( It is enough to provde power for total population ) 4 True 5 False ( in 2015 ) T: guide the second task and ask ss to guess Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng the missing words Ss: listen to the guide and then try to guess the missing words T: play the tape again and ask ss to do the second task Ss: listen and try... comprehension for gist and details about ways to save energy B teaching aids: subordinate, tapes, chalks and book c procedure: 1 Warm up : Teachers and Students activities Content of the activities Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng T: greet and ask ss some Yes/ No questions to lead into the lesson Ss: listen and try to answer the questions + Do you usually turn off the light when it... money Ss: raise the hand to do and natural resources T: feedback and give correct answer Because three others are too specific Ss: listen and note down They only cover one part of the passage Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng T: tell ss to read the passgae again and answer the questions Ss: read and think to answer T: ask ss to compare their answers with a friend Ss: do as the... the passage into Vietnamese Prepare Unit 7 : Write Ss: listen and note down D remark : _ _ Week 24 Unit 7 : saving energy Period 47 write Date of planning : Tiếng Anh 9 2008 20 09 Trần Văn T Trờng THCS Nghĩa Đồng B objective : 2 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a short, simple speech with clear organization about energy saving . Read” Ss: listen and note down D. remark : Period 39 Teaching date : 09/ 01/20 09 TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 20 09 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa §ång Unit 6 : The. Period 41 Teaching date : 11/01/20 09 Unit 6 : The environment Lesson 5 language focus A. objective : TiÕng Anh 9 – 2008 – 20 09 TrÇn V¨n T – Trêng THCS NghÜa

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