Luận án nghiên cứu những hàm ẩn đa trị là ánh xạ nghiệm của hệ ràng buộc hoặc hệ biến phân có tham số. Ba tính chất của ánh xạ nghiệm được nghiên cứu trong luận án là tính chất Lipschitzlike (tức là tính chất giốngLipschitz, còn được gọi là tính chất Aubin), tính metric chính quy, và tính ổn định Robinson. Công cụ được sử dụng ở đây là đối đạo hàm. Phần 1 của luận án nghiên cứu sự ổn định nghiệm của một hệ ràng buộc tuyến tính suy rộng có tham số dưới nhiễu tổng thể và nhiều tuyến tính, và áp dụng những kết quả thu được vào các bài toán bù tuyến tính và bài toán bất đẳng thức biến phân affine. Phần 2 của luận án nghiên cứu độ nhạy tập điểm dừng của một bài toán tối ưu trơn có tham số với một ràng buộc phiếm hàm trơn dưới nhiễu tổng thể.
VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS DUONG THI KIM HUYEN STABILITY OF SOME CONSTRAINT SYSTEMS AND OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MATHEMATICS HANOI - 2019 VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS DUONG THI KIM HUYEN STABILITY OF SOME CONSTRAINT SYSTEMS AND OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS Speciality: Applied Mathematics Speciality code: 46 01 12 DISSERTATION FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MATHEMATICS Supervisor: Prof Dr.Sc NGUYEN DONG YEN HANOI - 2019 Confirmation This dissertation was written on the basis of my research works carried out at the Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, under the guidance of Prof Nguyen Dong Yen All results presented in this dissertation have never been published by others Hanoi, October 2, 2019 The author Duong Thi Kim Huyen i Acknowledgment I still remember very well the first time I have met Prof Nguyen Dong Yen at Institute of Mathematics On that day I attended a seminar of Prof Hoang Tuy about Global Optimization At the end of the seminar, I came to talk with Prof Nguyen Dong Yen I said to him that I wanted to learn about Optimization Theory, and I asked him to let me be his student He did say yes A few days later, he sent me an email and he informed me that my master thesis would be about “openness of set-valued maps and implicit multifunction theorems” Three years later, I defensed successfully my master thesis under his guidance at Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology I would say I am deeply indebted to him not only for his supervision, encouragement and support in my research, but also for his precious advices in life The Institute of Mathematics is a wonderful place for studying and working I would like to thank all the staff members of the Institute who have helped me to complete my master thesis and this work within the schedules I also would like to express my special appreciation to Prof Hoang Xuan Phu, Assoc Prof Ta Duy Phuong, Assoc Prof Phan Thanh An, and other members of the weekly seminar at Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Institute of Mathematics, as well as all the members of Prof Nguyen Dong Yen’s research group for their valuable comments and suggestions on my research results I greatly appreciate Dr Pham Duy Khanh and Dr Nguyen Thanh Qui, who have helped me in typing my master thesis when I was pregnant with my first baby, and encouraged me to pursue a PhD program I would like to thank Prof Le Dung Muu, Prof Nguyen Xuan Tan, Assoc Prof Truong Xuan Duc Ha, Assoc Prof Nguyen Nang Tam, Assoc Prof Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, and Dr Le Hai Yen, for their careful ii readings of the first version of this dissertation and valuable comments Financial supports from the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) are gratefully acknowledged I am sincerely grateful to Prof Jen-Chih Yao from Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, and Prof ChingFeng Wen from Research Center for Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, for granting several short-termed scholarships for my doctorate studies I would like to thank Prof Xiao-qi Yang for his supervision during my stay at Department of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, by the Research Student Attachment Program I would like to show my appreciation to Prof Boris Mordukhovich from Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, USA, and Ass Prof Tran Thai An Nghia from Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Oakland University, USA, for valuable comments and encouragement on my research works My enormous gratitude goes to my husband and my son for their love, encouragement, and especially for their patience during the time I was working intensively to complete my PhD studies Finally, I would like to express my love and thanks to my parents, my parents in law, my ant in law, and all my sisters and brothers for their strong encouragement and support iii Contents Table of Notation vi Introduction viii Chapter Preliminaries 1.1 Basic Concepts from Variational Analysis 1.2 Properties of Multifunctions and Implicit Multifunctions 1.3 An Overview on Implicit Function Theorems for Multifunctions Chapter Linear Constraint Systems under Total Perturbations 2.1 An Introduction to Parametric Linear Constraint Systems 2.2 The Solution Maps of Parametric Linear Constraint Systems 11 2.3 Stability Properties of Generalized Linear Inequality Systems 19 2.4 The Solution Maps of Linear Complementarity Problems 21 2.5 The Solution Maps of Affine Variational Inequalities 27 2.6 Conclusions 33 Chapter Linear Constraint Systems under Linear Perturbations 35 3.1 3.2 3.3 Stability properties of Linear Constraint Systems under Linear Perturbations 36 Solution Stability of Linear Complementarity Problems under Linear Perturbations 38 Solution Stability of Affine Variational Inequalities under Linear Perturbations 48 iv 3.4 Conclusions 57 Chapter Sensitivity Analysis of a Stationary Point Set Map under Total Perturbations 59 4.1 Problem Formulation 60 4.2 Auxiliary Results 61 4.3 Lipschitzian Stability of the Stationary Point Set Map 64 4.3.1 Interior Points 64 4.3.2 Boundary Points 70 4.4 The Robinson Stability of the Stationary Point Set Map 80 4.5 Applications to Quadratic Programming 84 4.6 Results Obtained by Another Approach 92 4.7 Proof of Lemma 4.3 96 4.8 Proof of Lemma 4.4 97 4.9 Conclusions 100 General Conclusions 101 List of Author’s Related Papers 102 References 103 Index 110 v Table of Notations R ¯ R ∅ Rn x, y ||x|| B(x, ρ) ¯ ρ) B(x, BX N (¯ x) Rn+ Rn− Rm×n detA AT ker A E rank C C X∗ X ∗∗ A∗ : Y ∗ → X ∗ d(x, Ω) N (¯ x; Ω) or NΩ (¯ x) N (¯ x; Ω) or NΩ (¯ x) Ω x −→ x¯ the set of real numbers the set of extended real numbers the empty set the n-dimensional Euclidean vector space the scalar product in an Euclidean space the norm of a vector x the open ball centered x with radius ρ the closed ball centered x with radius ρ the open unit ball of X the family of the neighborhoods of x¯ the nonnegative orthant in Rn the nonpositive orthant in Rn the vector space of m × n real matrices the determinant of matrix A the transpose of matrix A the kernel of matrix A (i.e., the null space of the operator corresponding to matrix A) the unit matrix the rank of matrix C a negative semidefinite matrix the dual space of a Banach space X the dual space of X ∗ the adjoint operator of a bounded linear operator A : X → Y the distance from x to a set Ω the Fr´echet normal cone of Ω at x¯ the Mordukhovich normal cone of Ω at x¯ x → x¯ and x ∈ Ω vi Limsup ∇f (¯ x) ∇2 f (¯ x) ∇x ψ(¯ x, y¯) epif ∂f (x) ∂ ∞ f (x) ∂ f (¯ x, y¯) ∂x ψ(¯ x, y¯) g◦f F :X⇒Y gph F D∗ F (¯ x, y¯)(·) D∗ F (¯ x, y¯)(·) int D L⊥ L∗ cone D resp diag[Mαα , Mββ , Mγγ ] LCP AVI TRS MFCQ the Painlev´e-Kuratowski upper limit the Fr´echet derivative of f : X → Y at x¯ the Hessian matrix of f : X → R at x¯ the partial derivative of ψ : X × Y → Z in x at (¯ x, y¯) the epigraph of a function f : X → R the Mordukhovich subdifferential of f at x the singular subdifferential of f at x the second-order subdifferential of f at x¯ in direction y¯ ∈ ∂f (¯ x) the partial subdifferential of ψ : X × Y → R in x at (¯ x, y¯) the composite function of g and f a set-valued map between X and Y the graph of F the Fr´echet coderivative of F at (¯ x, y¯) the Mordukhovich coderivative of F at (¯ x, y¯) the topological interior of D the orthogonal complement of a set L the polar cone of L the cone generated by D respectively a block diagonal matrix linear complementarity problem affine variational inequality the trust-region subproblem The Mangasarian-Fromovitz Constraint Qualification vii Introduction Many real problems lead to formulating equations and solving them These equations may contain parameters like initial data or control variables The solution set of a parametric equation can be considered as a multifunction (that is, a point-to-set function) of the parameters involved The latter can be called an implicit multifunction A natural question is that “What properties can the implicit multifunction possess?” Under suitable differentiability assumptions, classical implicit function theorems have addressed thoroughly the above question from finite-dimensional settings to infinite-dimensional settings Nowadays, the models of interest (for instance, constrained optimization problems) outrun equations Thus, Variational Analysis (see, e.g., [50, 80]) has appeared to meet the need of this increasingly strong development J.-P Aubin, J.M Borwein, A.L Dontchev, B.S Mordukhovich, H.V Ngai, S.M Robinson, R.T Rockafellar, M Th´era, Q.J Zhu, and other authors, have studied implicit multifunctions and qualitative aspects of optimization and equilibrium problems by different approaches In particular, with the two-volume book “Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation” (see [50, 51]) and a series of research papers, Mordukhovich has given basic tools (coderivatives, subdiffentials, normal cones, and calculus rules), fundamental results, and advanced techniques for qualitative studies of optimization and equilibrium problems Especially, the fourth chapter of the book is entirely devoted to such important properties of the solution set of parametric problems as the Lipschitz stability and metric regularity These properties indicate good behaviors of the multifunction in question The two models considered in that chapter of Mordukhovich’s book bear the names parametric constraint system and parametric variational system More discussions and references on implicit multifunction theorems can be found in the books viii The result stated in Proposition 4.2 is better than assertion (b) of Theorem 4.3, which says that if (4.29) is fulfilled, i.e., (4a)–(4d) are valid, then S is Lipschitz-like around (w, ¯ x¯) 4.7 Proof of Lemma 4.3 By the definition of Robinson [76, p 45], the strong regularity of (4.50) at (¯ x, λ) is identical to the strong regularity of the affine variational inequality 0∈A x + q¯ + NRn ×R+ (x, α), α (4.55) where A := ∇(x,α) g(¯ x, λ, w) ¯ = ∇2xx L(¯ x, λ, w) ¯ −∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ (4.56) and q¯ := g(¯ x, λ, w) ¯ −A x¯ , λ at (¯ x, λ) According to [18, Theorem 1], the affine variational inequality (4.55) is strongly regular at (¯ x, λ) if and only if the multifunction L : Rn × R ⇒ Rn × R with x x L(q) := : 0∈A + q + NRn ×R+ (x, α) α α is Lipschitz-like around (¯ q , (¯ x, λ)) Furthermore, applying [18, Theorem 2], we can assert that the latter is valid iff the critical face condition holds at (¯ q , (¯ x, λ)), i.e., for any choice of closed faces F1 and F2 of the critical cone K0 with F1 ⊃ F2 , u ∈ F1 − F2 , AT u ∈ (F1 − F2 )∗ =⇒ u = Here, K0 = K((¯ x, λ), v0 ) := (x , α ) ∈ TRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ) : (x , α ) ⊥ v0 , with v0 := −A x¯ − q¯ ∈ NRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ) λ 96 (4.57) Recall that a convex subset F of a convex set C ⊂ Rp is a face of C if every closed line segment in C with a relative interior point in F has both endpoints in F When K0 is a linear subspace of Rn × R, it has a unique closed face, namely itself Then, the critical face condition is reduced to u ∈ K0 , AT u ⊥ K0 =⇒ u = (4.58) In the case λ > 0, the critical face is equivalent to the nonsingularity of the matrix in (4.51) Indeed, the condition λ > implies NRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ) = {(0, 0)}, TRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ) = Rn × R, and v0 = (0, 0) It follows that K0 = Rn × R So, the critical face is reduced to (4.58), which is AT u = =⇒ u = The latter means that A is nonsingular; or, equivalently, the matrix (4.51) is nonsingular Thus, we have proved that the generalized equation (4.50) is strongly regular at (¯ x, λ) iff the matrix (4.51) is nonsingular ✷ 4.8 Proof of Lemma 4.4 The arguments described in the beginning of the proof of Lemma 4.3 in the preceding section show that the generalized equation (4.50) is strongly regular at (¯ x, λ) iff the critical face condition holds at (¯ q , (¯ x, λ)), i.e., for any choice of closed faces F1 and F2 of the critical cone K0 with F1 ⊃ F2 the condition (4.57) is fulfilled Since λ = 0, NRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ) = {0} × R− , and TRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ) = Rn × R+ As v0 ∈ NRn ×R+ (¯ x, λ), there are two situations: (a) v0 = (0, β) with β < 0; (b) v0 = (0, 0) If (a) occurs, then K0 = Rn × {0} Since K0 is a linear subspace, the critical face condition is reduced to (4.58) Using the formula for A in (4.56), one can easily show that (4.58) is equivalent to the requirement that the matrix ∇2xx L(¯ x, λ, w) ¯ is nonsingular As λ = 0, one has ∇2xx L(¯ x, λ, w) ¯ = ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ So, (4.58) is also equivalent to the condition saying that the matrix ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ is nonsingular Now, suppose that the situation (b) occurs Then, K0 = K((¯ x, λ), v0 ) = Rn × R+ 97 Obviously, K0 has only two nonempty faces: Rn × {0} and Rn × R+ For F1 = F2 = Rn × {0}, one has F1 − F2 = Rn × {0} Then, (F1 − F2 )∗ = {0} × R and (4.57) is satisfied iff, for any u ∈ Rn , ∇2xx L(¯ x, λ, w)u ¯ = =⇒ u = As λ = 0, it holds that ∇2xx L(¯ x, λ, w) ¯ = ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ Therefore, (4.57) is valid n iff, for any u ∈ R , ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w)u ¯ = =⇒ u = This is equivalent to saying that ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ is nonsingular For F1 = F2 = Rn × R+ , F1 − F2 = Rn × R Then, (F1 − F2 )∗ = {0} × {0} and (4.57) is satisfied iff the matrix AT = ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T −∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ is nonsingular, or, A is nonsingular For F1 = Rn × R+ and F2 = Rn × {0}, F1 − F2 = Rn × R+ , (F1 − F2 )∗ = {0} × R− Then, (4.57) is fulfilled iff x, w)u ¯ − γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ =0 ∇xx f0 (¯ ∇ F (¯ x, w) ¯ Tu ≤ x u ∈ Rn , γ ≥ u = =⇒ γ = (4.59) The proof of the “necessity part” of Lemma 4.4 will be completed if we can show that (4.52) is valid If (4.52) does not hold, then by putting u = ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w), ¯ we have ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T u = ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ ≤ So, for γ = 1, one has x, w)u ¯ − γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ =0 ∇xx f0 (¯ ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ Tu ≤ u ∈ Rn , γ ≥ 98 This contradicts (4.59) We have thus proved (4.52) is valid To prove the “sufficiency part” of Lemma 4.4, we suppose that the matrix x, w) ¯ is nonsingular and (4.52) is fulfilled To verify x, λ, w) ¯ = ∇2xx f0 (¯ ∇2xx L(¯ the fulfillment of the critical face condition at (¯ q , (¯ x, λ)), we need only to show that the matrix A is nonsingular and the implication (4.59) holds To obtain the nonsingularity of A, suppose to the contrary that there exists a pair (u , γ) = (0, 0) satisfying ∇2 f (¯ ¯ − γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ =0 xx x, w)u ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T u = (4.60) If γ = 0, then the first equation of (4.60) forces u = 0, because the matrix x, w) ¯ is nonsingular So, we must have γ = From the first equation ∇2xx f0 (¯ of (4.60) we deduce that u = γ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ Hence, by the second equation of (4.60), we obtain γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ = This obviously contradicts (4.52) Thus, A is nonsingular Finally, to obtain the implication (4.59), let u ∈ Rn and γ ≥ be such that ∇2 f (¯ ¯ − γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ =0 xx x, w)u (4.61) ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ Tu ≤ Multiplying both sides of the equation in (4.61) from the left with the × n matrix ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 , one obtains ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T u − γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ = (4.62) Due to (4.52) and the condition γ ≥ 0, −γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ ≤ Combining this with the inequality ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T u ≤ from (4.61), by (4.62) one has −γ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ T ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ −1 ∇x F (¯ x, w) ¯ = Due to (4.52), γ = Then, the first equation in (4.61) implies equality ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w)u ¯ = As ∇2xx f0 (¯ x, w) ¯ is nonsingular, one has u = Thus, (4.59) is valid ✷ The proof is complete 99 4.9 Conclusions In this chapter, we have analyzed the Lipschitz-like property and the Robinson stability of the stationary point set map of a smooth parametric optimization problem with one smooth functional constraint under total perturbations in two different cases: interior points and boundary points The interior point case, which somewhat means that the inequality constraint could be neglected in considering the stationary point set map locally, has a strong connection with the classical implicit function theorem The boundary point case is much more involved Our detailed consideration has been given for the nondegenerate subcase (where the corresponding Lagrange multiplier is positive) and degenerate subcase (where the corresponding Lagrange multiplier is zero) 100 General Conclusions The main results of this dissertation include: 1) Criterion for the Lipschitz-like property and the Robinson stability of the solution map of a parametric linear constraint system under total perturbations and applications to the linear complementarity problems and affine variational inequality problems; 2) Analogues of the above results for the case when the linear constraint system undergoes linear perturbations; 3) The Lipschitz-like property of the stationary point set map of a smooth parametric optimization problem with one smooth functional constraint under total perturbations; 4) The Robinson stability of the above stationary point set map and applications to quadratic programming Recently, we have developed a part of the results in Chapter 4, which were obtained for an optimization problem with just one inequality constraint, for the case where finitely many equality and inequality constraints are involved 101 List of Author’s Related Papers D.T.K Huyen and N.D Yen, Coderivatives and the solution map of a linear constraint system, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26 (2016), pp 986–1007 (SCI) D.T.K Huyen and J.-C Yao, Solution stability of a linearly perturbed constraint system and applications, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 27 (2019), pp 169–189 (SCIE) D.T.K Huyen, J.-C Yao, and N.D Yen, Sensitivity analysis of an optimization problem under total perturbations Part 1: Lipschitzian stability, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 180 (2019), pp 91–116 (SCI) D.T.K Huyen, J.-C Yao, and N.D Yen, Sensitivity analysis of an optimization problem under total perturbations Part 2: Robinson stability, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 180 (2019), pp 117–139 (SCI) 102 References [1] L.Q Anh, P.T Duoc, and T.N Tam, On Hăolder continuity of solution maps to parametric vector primal and dual equilibrium problems, Optimization 67 (2018), pp 1169–1182 [2] L.Q Anh, T.Q Duy, and D.V Hien Stability for parametric vector quasi-equilibrium problems with variable cones, Numer Funct Anal Optim 40 (2019), pp 461–483 [3] L.Q Anh, P.Q Khanh, and T.N Tam, On Hăolder continuity of approximate solutions to parametric equilibrium problems, Nonlinear Anal 75 (2012), pp 2293–2303 [4] L.Q Anh, P.Q 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