Recently, most teachers do not teach local history and geography lessons, although these lessons have been specified in the program distribution.In these local lessons, teachers often ha
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Trang 21 Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Tuyet Nga
2 Assoc.Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Than
Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Tinh
Thai Nguyen University of Educational
Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof Dr Tran Duc Minh
Nam Dinh College of Education
Reviewer 3: Assoc. Prof Dr Pho Duc Hoa
Ha Noi National University of Education
The thesis will be defended in front of the Basic Thesis Assessment Council
at Hanoi National University of Education At… … , day… month… year 2020
The thesis can be found at:
- National Library, Hanoi
- Library of Hanoi University of Education
1 The urgency of the thesis
The socio-economic development of Vietnam in order to be an industrial and developing country requires education to have the renewal of educational goals, contents, and methods.In particular, general education must focuson intellectual and physicaldevelopment whileforming qualities and capacitiesofcitizens,enhancing the various practical skills andcapabilities, applying knowledge in real life, anddeveloping creativity and self-learning ability.The integrated teaching of local history and geography (LHG) in a lesson can support
to clarify numerous parts of the history and geography of Vietnam Furthermore, the knowledge of this practical value can assists students to be able to apply to their daily life, work in local production, and educate students about their homeland and country, and the sense of responsibility and lofty duty of citizens towards their homeland
A current issue can be easily found that the integration of the content of LHG is still unclear intextbooksand teachers' books, so many teachers have not been able to integrate effectively Recently, most teachers do not teach local history and geography lessons, although these lessons have been specified in the program distribution.In these local lessons, teachers often have not fully exploited the local content and the fact is that the current forms of teaching organization have not promoted the active learning of students In real, teachers often teach based on self-collecting experiences and documents, so effective local knowledge is not directly related to where students live.Meanwhile, investigations on teaching LSĐLĐP in primary schools are still rare, which can cause many difficulties for a teaching process, they don’t have instructions on the integrated teaching process, methods and have difficulty in finding documents
For the above reasons, we decided to choose the issue of "Integrated teaching local
history and geography in History and Geography subject for primary students in Phu Yen province" as our research topic
2 The objects and scope of the research
2.1 The objects of research :
- Integrated teaching process of LHG in History and Geography subject in primary school
2.2 The subjects of the research
The process, and methods to organize integrated teaching LHG in History and Geography in primary schools in Phu Yen
3 Scope of research
- Survey areas: Teachers and students in grades 4 and 5 in some primary schools in
Phu Yen province
- Research content: The thesis focuses on studying the history and geography of Phu
Yen province and the process of organizing integrated teaching this content through History and Geography subject in elementary schools
- Experimental location: Lac Long Quan Primary School - Tuy Hoa City, Son Ha
Primary School - Son Hoa District, Au Co Primary School - Song Cau Town
Trang 44 The purposes of the research
The thesis focuses on building the process, and proposing integrated teaching methods
of LSĐLĐP in History and Geography in elementary school in Phu Yen province to improve the learning outcomes of this content for elementary students in Phu Yen Province
5 Research task
- Systematizing numerous theoretical issues of integrated teaching LHG in History and
Geography in elementary school
- Studying the actual situation of integrated teaching of LHG in primary schools in Phu Yen province
- Buliding an integrated teaching process of LHG in History and Geography
- Proposing these methods of teaching LHG in History and Geography in elementary school in Phu Yen province
- Testing and pedagogical experiment to evaluate the scientific theory of the subject
6 The basis of the methodology and research methods
- Pedagogical experimentation to check the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed process and measures
7 The scientific hypothesis
If LHG integrated teaching processes and methods are built in History and Geography suitable for elementary students in Phu Yen and apply them flexibly, effectively, ensuring teaching principles integrated LHG learning results will be improved
8 The contributions of the thesis
8.1 About theoretician
- Systematizing various theoretical issues of integration and integrated teaching
- Developing principles and integrated teaching process LHG in History and Geography in primary schools
- Proposing measures to integrate the local content in History and Geography in primary schools
8.2 About real situation
- Overall assessment of the current situation of the content, methods, and forms of organizing integrated teaching of LHG in primary schools in Phu Yen today On that basis, pointing out the shortcomings and limitations in the organization of LHG and finding out the reasons
- Designing lesson plans and conducting integrated experimental organization of LHG
in History and Geography in primary schools in Phu Yen
9 Protection points
- Integrated teaching of LHG is necessary and consistent with the objectives of the
Trang 5elementary curriculum
- Integrated teaching of LHG is not only formed and practiced through learning
activities in class but also experienced through practices in the locality where pupils are living
- Integrated teaching of local content in History and Geography by applying appropriate teaching process and methods is an effective way for elementary pupils in Phu Yen province
10 The structure of the thesis
Besides the introduction, conclusions, appendix, and references, the thesis is structured in three chapters:
Chapter 1 The basis scientific of integrating local history and geography in History and Geography in primary school
Chapter 2 Processes and methods of integrated teaching local history and geography
in History and Geography subject for Phu Yen primary students
Chapter 3 Testing and pedagogical experimentation
1.1 Overview of the problem study
1.1.1 Integrated teaching
1 1.1.1 On the world
Integrated teaching (IT) has been an interesting tendency of pedagogical modern alongside other pedagogical movements, including learning projects, teaching problem solving, and interactive teaching
There are many different opinions on this topic in the subject program, but the authors generally divided IT into different groups with different types and ways of integration, such as:
- Xavier University Roegiers divided into 2 groups of 4 ways: bringing out the
application across multiple disciplines and coordinating the learning process of many subjects together
- Susan M.Drake believed that there are 5 ways to build integrated programs according
to the increasing level of integration (This opinion is consistent with the viewpoint of Xavier Roegiers): Interdisciplinary approach, Combining integrated, Multidisciplinary Integration, Interdisciplinary Integration, Transdisciplinary Integration
- According to D'Hainaut, there are 4 different integration views for the following subjects: Internal subject, Most subjects, Interdisciplinary, Cross-disciplines
In the context of the thesis research, we use an integrated perspective in the form of integration to implement integrated LSDLDP teaching in History and Geography in primary schools
In the syllabus, the subjects also have forms of integration In the Social studies/ Social Science in many countries, such as the US, Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand In
Trang 6these countries, History and Geography are integrated with other contents into new subjects from the elementary level Although the historical and geographical content is compiled into different subjects or compiled into independent subjects, these contents are also designed to integrate into the teaching process based on topics and programs, framework of the country, state, The degree of integration is manifested in all subjects and reaches the level: internal, multi-disciplinary, and trans-disciplined Domestic
In Vietnam, there have been many researches on case study in terms of teaching theory
in general and theory of teaching subjects in particular Some researches on case study of famous psychologists and educators in Vietnam include: Thai Duy Tuyen, Do Huong Tra, Cao Thi Thang, Hoang Thi Tuyet, etc The authors mentioned the issues such as developing
an integrated teaching capacity, designing a cultivating program on case study, implementing case study in some subjects from an interdisciplinary teaching perspective Currently, the Ministry of Education and Training has integrated some new educational content into the subjects already included in the program or integrated some duplicates in the subjects to reduce the learning time Integration trends have been studied and applied in program and textbook innovation after 2018
Many theses have studied the integration of educational contents, such as life skills education, environmental education, population education, etc into a specific subject, such as Mathematics, Science, Nature and Society, and Ethics
In particular, the book "Integrated teaching to develop the capacity of students" provided the basic theory of the integrated teaching towards the development capacity and introduced topics with integrated at different levels of natural science / social science subjects
Therefore, the concept of a case study has been discussed and applied to teach practically in Vietnam in several different aspects However, the application of this view in teaching is still limited and focused on content integration.Especially, the integrated contents along with the development goals of students' capacity
1.1.2 Integrated teaching local history and geography in primary school On the world
Different research methods but focus on the task of comprehending a locality in order
to build that locality (A O Berrkov 1961) Studying a locality is a comprehensive study of regions and research units in that region (Petter Hagg) The research works on the locality are mainly associated with the understanding of the local nature, history, economy, culture, society and people
In general, the study of local contents is widely studied around the world such as the Soviet Union, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc Through the works, the authors have shown the understanding of the content about the history of formation and development, geographical position and geographical characteristics of each specific locality which in relation
to the history and geography of the country This is a resource for educators (especially teachers and students) to refer and organize activities to educate the homeland's love and be passionate about learning about their locality
Trang 7Teaching contents in the social field at the primary level in the world is usually done through integrated subjects with different names, such asSocialstudiesin the US, Canada, Guyana, Germany, Japan, and Singapore;Study of society and environment in Australia, Culture Humanism in France These subjects integrate the content of various fields of history, geography, cultural, legal, religious, economic, and philosophical, Integrated learning content is designed into major topics that can link the lessons.The local content is taught to integrate with the content/topics related to history and geography of Social Studies / Social Studies in elementary schools.In addition, the program is designed on the way to develop the capacity of learners Besides that, teachers organize activities to encourage students to form and train their academic abilities Moreover, the syllabus has also developed theacademic capacity throughlearningactivities: carrying out surveys, prospecting, handling matters concerning the lesson content,or using IT to process and synthesisinformation, reporting learning products Domestic
There are research papers on local contents as follows:
Methods of Research and Teaching Local Geography (Episode 1,2) of Le Ba Thao ,; Study and compile local Geography for high school teaching and learning - Le Thong; Compilation of local content documents - Geography of Nguyen Tuyet Nga, Pham Thi Thanh; Local geography in high school - Lam Quang Doc These documents mainly research on teaching methodology and compile teaching materials in high schools
For local hisroty, there many issues as follows: Local history (2007) of the Project for development of primary teachers; "History, culture, landscapes, economic potential of 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam" by Pham Duy Thanh Long (2012), "Local history curriculum"
by Nguyen Canh Minh (editor) (2007)
Numerous dissertations and thesis have discussed theteaching of local content.In general, the authors have pointed out the importance of the LSĐLĐP documents in teaching History and Geography in high schools and emphasized the relationship between the locality and the nation.Thereby, the authors alsoproposedsome methodologiesuse the LSĐLĐP documents in each region, such as Quang Nam, Đa Nang, Thai Nguyen, Quang Binh,Bawc Ninh,Tay Ninh, This information is an important theoretical basis for the author to understand the direction of solving the tasks of the subject
In addition, in the current elementary syllabus of grades 4 and 5, the historical content
is integrated with the geography content into theHistory and Geography subject.The lessons give teachers several opportunities to integrate their localities into teaching, help
homeland.Moreover, to apply the knowledge of history and geography into practice, solve problems of practice, students also have to mobilize their knowledge of many different subjects, including Mathematics, Essay writing, Story Telling, and Art.Besides, to help teachers have the opportunity to educate local content for students, the program also has some local lessons, through which teachers have many chances to organize a variety of teaching activities on local content for students However, the compilation of local teaching materials is still spontaneous, lacking in synchronization, and not fully exploiting the local
Trang 8content Furthermore, the materials only focus on designing lessons but not on integrating the lessons in the program
In Phu Yen, several materials about the teaching of LHG "Local Geographic
Documents (For Secondary schools)", "Phu Yen’s Literature, History, and Geography Teaching Materials (Used in Secondary Schools)" are available; The "Local Geographic
curriculum of Phu Yen" by Nguyen Thi Ngan and "Local History Curriculum of Phu Yen Province" Nguyen Van Thuong refers to the approach to teaching Phu Yen history and
geography for colleges and universities In addition, the Scientific Conference ''Local
history and geography research and teaching in Phu Yen province '' had numerous
discussions about the method to incorporate these contents into teaching and methods and forms of teaching to positive learning activities of students However, these proposals only apply to teach in high school, universities, and colleges
Through several studies, it has been found that there are many documents referring to the different levels and aspects of teaching LHG in the direction of positively activating students' activities and many documents about integrated teaching local contents of provinces and nationwide However, there is no research material on the study of local content in History and Geography in elementary schools as well as the organization guide of integrated teaching of LHG in History and Geography in Phu Yen province This is the array of content that needs clarification in this thesis
1.2 Theory of integrated teaching Integrated teaching
Integrated teaching is a teaching concept which teachers infuse educational content into
inherent content of the subject, through learning activities organized and guided by teachers, students not only know how to collect, select and process information but also actively raise issues, apply the knowledge and skills you have learned to solve learning and life problems Therefore, Integrated teaching helps learning become meaningful for students, meeting the requirements of innovation in education today
- The knowledge associated with the life experience of students and is applied to specific situations and practical significance for students
- Integrated teachinghelpsthe teacherclearly define the objectives and distinguish important content when choosing teaching content
- Integrated teaching develops the capacity of students in solving complex problems andmaking learning becomesmore meaningful
Trang 9- Integratedteaching helps to teach students how to use knowledge in a
- Integrated teaching assists to establish the relationship between the learned knowledge
1.2.3 Characteristics of integrated teaching
- Integrated teaching aimes at learners
- Integrated teaching towards capacity development
- Integrated teaching combines theory with practice
- Integrated teaching puts learners in real situations
1.2.4 The form and level of integration
There are 3 levels of integration in teaching: Integration, Infusion, Permeation
Based on the above-mentioned levels of integrated teaching local contents, the teachers can distinguish three levels of lesson that can organize teaching LHG into three forms as follows:
- Form 1: The lesson has content about the locality In the syllabus of History and Geography in elementary schools, all-inclusive integrated lessons are shown in the Local History and Local Geography lessons according to the program distribution approved by the Ministry of Education and Training
- Form 2: Lesson has some contents and activities integrated teaching about LHG
- Form 3: Lesson with one or more content that is capable of supplementing and relating knowledge about LHG Local knowledge is not clearly stated in the textbooks but based on the lesson knowledge, teachers can contact to clarify the lesson knowledge This type
of lesson is quite common in integrated teaching in classes, which is also a favorable condition
Many authors have come up with the process of integrated teaching, however, each author has different approaches and needs to describe and concretize each step in the process Through the study, the author found that the teaching organization process of the Tran Thi Thanh Thuy and the authors of the training material is appropriate with the research direction of the topic Specifically:
Step 1: Determine the objectives and output products of students at the end of the topicStep 2: Select topics, integrated situations
Step 3: Identify other elements of the teaching process
Step 4: Design teaching activities
Step 5: Build assessment tools
Step 6: Organize teaching
Step 7: Evaluate and adjust the teaching plan
1.3.1 Concept
Integrating LHG is a combination of local history and geography of the lesson into
acontent thatis closely linked to each other, helping learners know, understand, and apply their knowledge and skills related to history and geography, which can help to educate
Trang 10students to love their homeland, national pride, and changes in attitudes and behaviors
which is needed to build their hometown becomes more beautiful
1 3.2 Program of History and Geography in elementary school The viewpoint of building a program Program objectives Content
- History syllabus begins to be taught from 4th grade including knowledge of
Vietnamese history from the era of the country up to the beginning of the Nguyen and 5th grade including knowledge from the French colonialists invading our country (1858) to the years after 1975.Each lesson is a typical event, phenomenon, and/or historical figure of a certain period in a specific context that is relevant to a lot of events, phenomena, and historical figures in that context
- Geography in the syllabus of grade 4th is primarily provided geographical symbols and initially form some simple geographical concepts and relationships At this time,
knowledge is included in the content of different regions of Vietnam based on the outstanding characteristics of that region.Each domain selects a "sample case" to focus on some typical symbols of the country's geography The geography grade 5th presents the relative system in the order from natural features residential to economic Vietnam characteristics, brief geography of the continent, the country's typical those continents, and the oceans
History and geography contents are interrelated, intertwined and interacted with each other in school Historical events and processes take place in geographical space and are influenced by geographical factors and vice versa, historical activities are also affected significantly to geographical factors In primary schools, historical and geographic content is integrated in History and Geography (current and new programs)
1.3.3 The role and meaning of integrated teaching local history, geography in elementary schools
Documents of Nguyen Thi Coi, Lam Quang Doc, said that teaching local contents has an extremely important role and significance in high schools in general and primary schools in particular
Local contents are an important source of knowledge to help students understand their local history, about the natural, economic and social characteristics, the construction and development of their homeland Through teaching local contents, students have specific and vivid insights about the traditions, the typical characteristics and the achievements that their homeland has achieved Moreover, teaching local contents also helps students gain a deeper understanding not only the history and geography of the nation but also the close relationship between the local contents and history and geography
of ethnic minorities, discovering the special features of their homeland
From the knowledge of LHG, students are aware of preserving and protecting the cultural heritage and fine traditions of the locality that their fathers leave behind At the same time, students show passion, excitement; train general analytical skills, general skills in learning History and Geography
Trang 111.3.4 The ability of integrated teaching about local history and geography in History Some guiding documents on organization of teaching local history and geography
Official document 5982/ Ministry of Education and Training - primary education about the instructions for implementing local education content of subjects in Primary school issued July 7th, 2008
For Phu Yen, the Department of Education and Training of Phu Yen province has relied on the official dispatch of the Ministry of Education and Training to direct the organization of teaching local history and geography in primary schools through official l
document No.1159/ Department of education, August 19 th ,2008 about Regarding the
guideline for implementing the tasks of the 2008-2009 school year for primary education ”.issued Official document 3536 / The Ministry of Education and Training - primary education about Regarding the compilation, evaluation of educational content of local primary schools in the 2018 General Education Program and implementation from year 2020-2021 school, issued on August 19, 2019 History and Geography with integrated teaching local history, geography
The historical content of Phu Yen province was selected based on historical events occurring in Phu Yen province and happened along with the history of the nation Local geography content of Phu Yen province can be integrated with the contents of geographical features and symbols of the country in the program of History and Geography
in elementary schools
The History and Geography program has been built to expand gradually into the scopeof geospace and social space The knowledge of LHG is integrated into local, regional, national, and world topics through the expansion of geographic and social space.In addition, the subject program has also connected the knowledge and skills of the subjects and educational activities in the schools, through which students can apply the knowledge and skills of many other subjects to deal with activities and appliesto a living situation which is suitable for ages
Regarding the content, History and Geography in elementary school in the current program, there are several historical and geographic periods of local content that are also integrated through regional and national topics, the new program is structured into circuits, topics with a lot of space/content so that local contents can be put into a teaching organization, namely the content circuit of My hometown and coa stal areas This is a perfect opportunity for teachers to exploit local content and organize to teach for students At the same time, the course focuses on forming and developing learning skills, such as observation,giving comments, questions, discussing, ask questions, present your own understanding of historical events, simple geographical symbols
of Phu Yen country and locality in particular
Especially, integrated teaching LHG in History and Geography in the primary has created excitement and attracted the active participation of students, from which teachers can organize active activities to help students more proactive in exploring knowledge,
Trang 12improving the ability to study the subject as well as expressing the love of the homeland, where they were born and grow up
We can confirm that: history and geography is potential subjects for teachers to exploit the local contents, which can be used to not only educate for Phu Yen students, in particular, but also suitable for students in the whole country, in general, through two basic approaches: exploiting the content of the subject and organization, using a combination of methods and forms of active teaching
1.4 Psychological characteristics of elementary students and integrated teaching local history and geography in History and Geography in elementary school
- Dominant visual and nervous system characteristics are dominant, so learning in the field, practical experience, and organizing project activities, the contents of the labor contract with specific symbols will create inspiration and interesting learning Therefore, it
is suitable for grade 4.5 students
- Awareness activity with specific and emotional characteristics of students is convenient for teachers when giving orientations for learning content, and organizing experience activities, developing topics to integrate the content of the LHG However, because of their unsustainable attention, teachers need to pay attention and control the implementation of their learning activities and encourage them to perform the tasks
1.5 Current status of local history, geography teaching in Phu Yen primary school
We investigated 20 primary schools in Phu Yen province with 4340 students and 153 teachers The results obtained through the questionnaire are as follows:
- Primary school teachers have recently had a good awareness of the role and purpose
of teaching the labor union in primary schools, initially consciously using a combination of forms of organizing learning activities on local content However, the outcome is not effective yet Teachers also face many difficulties in choosing the content and ways to organize teaching activities for the local content
- Teachers have a lot of difficulties in choosing the content and instructions on how to organize integrated teaching of LHG In many elementary schools, LH and LG periods are also formal, coping and not attractive to students Therefore, there is a need for guidance on the process of organizing teaching practice on LHG issues and suggestions on LHG topics and contents suitable for elementary students so that teachers have a basis for selection and measures
to organize activities to bring the best effect, to promote students' learning ability
- Students really want to learn about the local history and geography, but they are less involved in activities organized by teachers In the lessons of Local History and Local Geography, teachers often disregard or just organize curiosity, in which local knowledge is not included in the review content and test so they often overlooked or not even interested in these contents
Trang 132.1 Principles of integrated teaching local history and geography in History and Geography
2.1.1 Ensuring the objectives of the History and Geography program
2.1.2 Ensuring the ability of students
2.1.3 Ensuring authenticity with local contents of Phu Yen province
2.1.4 Ensure flexibility and creativity towards developing the learning capacity of students 2.1.5 Ensuring feasibility and effectiveness
Geography in primary school
Teaching integrated LHG into History and Geography in primary schools can be conducted in the following stages:
Stage 1: Building integrated lesson plan
- Step 1: Detfining the objectives and contents of integrated locality in History and Geography
- Step 2: Selecting forms, methods and means of teaching to integrate the knowledge of LHG into lessons
- Step 3: Designing integrated activitives LHG
Stage 2: Organizing integrated teaching LHG
- Step 1: Transfering the learning tasks
- Step 2: Organising the integrated activities to pupils
- Step 3: Organising for pupils to report the learning tasks
Stage 3: Assessing pupils
Step 1: Assess the process
Step 2: Evaluation of improvement
for primary students in Phu Yen
2.3.1 Determining the local contents in History and Geography
After studying and learning the typical contents in accordance with the program objectives of History and Geography, teachers will compare with the program content distribution to exploit addresses that can help to easily integrate local contents Thereby, the local knowledge is not separated but is attached to the history of the country and the geographical characteristics of the country, which can help students understand more about their homeland, where they were born and grew up The history and geography of Phu Yen province has been included in the curriculum of History and Geography in primary schools
Based on the documents published in Phu Yen, we have selected the knowledge of the local content to ensure the scientific contents, update the contemporary issues in accordance with the program content, and ensure inheritance and development Besides that, teachers have to create several conditions for students to practice, experience, discover knowledge, and form skills and necessary competencies in studying the subject
Table Address integrated local historical content
History of 4 th grade
Trang 14- The people of Phu Yen have responded to the Tay Son
uprising from the beginning Create favorable conditions for the victorious uprising
- Lo Chao, Ngan Dien, Son Xuan, in Phu Yen are places
to make weapons: fire, ball fire, etc, and open forging weapons for Tay Son army, contributes to a great deal, so he won the army of Qing dynasty
Local history
- The formation of Phu Yen land
Lesson 17:
Historical victory
of Dien Bien Phu
From January 20th, 1954 to June 1954, the Phu Yen army and people broke the Atlane campaign of the French army and supported the main battlefield of Dien Bien Phu
Lesson 19: The - On September 7th, 1954, the Ngo Dinh Diem government Permeation