Assessment the factors affecting the agricultural farming model in Ta Dung National Park Cuong.Q.Nguyen1 and Phuong H V Phan2 1Faculty of Environmental and Food engineering Nguyen Tat Thanh University Abstract Agricultural the main production sector of the economy that provides essential products such as food and foodstuff for people to day agricultural production takes place everywhere agricultural activities have been directly affecting the natural environment of the environment Including Ta Dung national parks, where agricultural people are concentrated around the buffer zone In recent years, there have been many agricultural farming model taking place around the buffer zone most of which are small scale model of intercropping of farmers, causing a number of factors affecting the surrounding area buffer zone From the situation agricultural cultivation, there have been solution to contribute to agricultural development in Ta Dung National Parks in combination with conservation with conservation of the National Park to improve the knowledge and scientific level of cultivation techniques of dissertation provide information to regulatory agencies The paradigm agriculture in national parks Ta Đung INTRODUCTION Ta Dung national park located on territory belong commune buffer zone was commune Đaksom the provincial Đak Nong and commune Phi Lieng, commune Da K’ Nang the provincial Lam Dong In years recently have a lot of element affect to the development of the national parks Ta Dung inside there are activities culture farming of people Majority citizen live in the area buffer zone mainly produce , the paradigm culture farming inside have coffee … in addition, the have some action livestock model retail in the buffer zone area Crop Figure 5: Area and productivity of some agricultural products buffer zone communes Corn Rice Cassava Paradigm breed Investigate 232 households in communes Investigate on agricultural farming models Figure 6: number of cattle and poultry in communes in the buffer zone of Ta Dung National Park 1000 900 800 700 Qualitative intervews Field survey Direct observation Field survey method Management national parks in Ta Đung Expert method 600 500 400 300 Consult the experts 200 100 cow Data processing methods Excel Data processing Types crops primaril include coffe, hybrid corn cassava… inside paradigm tree cultivation coffe acconting for the highest rate than 90 In recent years then the people have started some traditional farming model by shifting crop structure and enter some other coffe varieties like dwarf green coffe … Breed RESEARCH METHODS Interview method coffee Beans Paradigm crops buffalo Đăk Som stale Phi Liêng goat Poultry Đạ K’nàng Breeding activities have not really developed and less of a commodity nature Current livestock models in buffer zone communes mainly livestock activities retail the breeding density is quite Small scale animal husbandry activites are concentrated in the buffer zone Propose solutions enhance the effectiveness of farming models RESUlTS RESEARCH Some suggestions solution to deploy the paradigm production agriculture in buffer zone combining conservation work in national Parks Ta Đung Results household survey Commune Through the results investigating synthesis data area buffer zon national Ta Đung community local live mostly it’s people mạ take account rate 42% besides what about some community people migration like you Dao people kinh people K’ho Solution for resources society Solution for resources naturally Cognitive feature Solution for resources man By data investigate shows, number of household heads qualified high as intermediate, college and university was few (accounting for 2%) Majoritytl level education of the head of a household primary school (tallest commune Phi Lieng accounting for 64,28%) Some solution solution paradigm culture Agriculture in national Parks Ta Đung Figure 1: Survey results on the main ethnic group of the household head Solve land issues and develop agriculture Facilitating agricultural development support to ensure food safety Solving land and housing needs well, preventing land lease by ethnic minorities to kinh people Increase income for indigenous people Support agricultural establishment of sectoral funds expertise to the development of agriculture, support the market to attract investment capital from state investment projects to agriculture Propose in each buffer zone commune to estabkish a forest management and rural development board to address the agricultural needs of people and implement solution to protect firest Results investigating resources naturally Results investigating water source Figure 2: Investigation results of irrigation water follow results investigating data show quantity water irrigation average of cultivated plant in time through I’m increase up pretty high 15%, 20%, 25%, Lake water 35%, River water Clean water Proposal solution protect recover development agriculture at national park Ta Đung participation of community At the same time give some solution development agriculture combine extraction element protect forest Water wells Conclude Results investigating land agriculture In the last few years the area land farming agrculture of people no change follow time in there were then most little bit according to the results investigating 33% to take a population census area land average 4000m2, 25% there was a book and the rest Figure 3: Results of a survey of the land area of households living around the national park 40000 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 30000 20000 10000 residential land area of production area land medium (m2) the land is protected sovereign land ratio Results investigating plant varieties According to the results of the data survey in communes, most of the people planting coffee trees mainly intercropped, growing maize with wet rice and cassava mainly intercropping seasonally but accounting for a very small percentage Through the eva luation survey process give some suggestions to develop agricultural farming model at the buffer zone solve land inssues type of tree and factors affecting to the development agriculture overcome difficulties go back to production in order to improve the lives of people to reduce pressure on forests increase go on business propaganda and given the solution develop agriculture and given some paradigm culture agriculture and combined with the work bảo nature conservation Ta Dung national parks Figure 4: Results of survey of plant varieties 7% 7%3% coffe Corn 83% cassava Other plants References Nguyen Van Huan, & Hoang Đinh Phu (2003) Economic issues – social and cultural in sustainable development Ta Dung nature reserve management board (2013) introduce the history of Ta Dung nature reserve formation Bui Đinh Toai (2004) Brief report factors supporting and hindering poor households from accessing livelihood sources to sustainably reduce poverty agricultural publishing house, Ha Noi