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Ôn thi HSG Anh 9

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néi dung båi dìng häc sinh giái M«n: tiÕng anh - Líp 9 N¨m häc 2009 – 2010 Tên bài Kiến thức chuẩn Nâng cao Dạng bài tập Unit one frien d 1.Words to describe the geography of a country: climate, population, religions, languages, social customs, habits 2. The past simple, 3. Past simple with wish, 4. Structures : To get in touch with, depend on , belong to …- Used to + Verb (with out to) 1.Wish , if only * Future wish -S + wish + S + would/could + V ( bare-inf ) -If only + S + could / would + V ( bare inf ) * Present wish -S + wish + S+ V ( past tense / were ( be ) -If only + S+ V ( past tense / were ( be ) * Past wish. -S+ wish + S+ Past perfect -If only + S + Past perfect 2.To be / get used to + V–ing, To make a great impression on SB 3. Regular and irregular verbs 4. Write : Complete a letter by using the suggested word 1.Rewrite the following sentences : with wish / used to / to be ( get ) used to … 2. Verb form. 3. Word form - V+ tion= N ( addition, collection, impression ) - N+ ly = Adj (friendly,lovely ) - N + al = Adj ( official, industrial ) - N + ful = Adj ( beautiful, helpful, peaceful ) 4.Choose A,B,C or D to complete the passage. 5. Fill in the blank with one suitable word. 6.Complete a letter / sentence by using the suggested words 7. Reading comprehension. Unit two cloth ing 1.Words about clothing: types / styles, colours, fashions, material, designs 2.The present perfect tense 3.Passive voice 4. Structures: prefer St to St would rather + V ( with out to ) ;to make ( in , of , from ) 5. Verb + to inf / V-ing 1.Passive voice (special cases) ( To have ST done / verbs of opinion , imperative, phrases verbs, continue, begin and start… ) 2. The present perfect tense 3. Structures: prefer doing St to doing St ; would rather + V with out to ; would rather Sb did St, to allow Sb to do St. ; make + N/ pro + adj … 4. Preposition after verb 5.Write an argument” “ “Secondary school students should ( not ) wear uniforms” 6. Word form. 1. Rewrite the following sentences : with present perfect, simple past tense, passive voice, make + … , comparisons 2.Verb form. 3.Word form N+ able= adj; N+ ian = N ; Adj +ly = Adv 4. Prepositions 5. Correct the mistakes 6. Complete the sentence by using the suggested words 1. Words to describe the country / a trip to the country : natural 1. Clauses and phrases of result such … that, so … that, too+ adv / adj ; adj / adv + 1. Rewrite the following sentences : Clause and phrases of result, clause and phrases of 1 Unit three Home village landscapes, location, direction, outing activities 2. Preposition of time at ,in , on, for , after… 3. Adverb clause of result 4. Verb after feel like … enough 2.Clauses and phrases of Concession: Though, inspite of… 3.Preposition after verb 4.Write a passage of 100- 120 words 5. Structures : It takes/ took * Verbs: watch/ hear / notice + N/ Pro + V- ing / V with out to concession ( although, even though, inspite of , despite ) comparison 2. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition. 3. Verb form. 4. Fill in the blank with one suitable word 5. Complete a letter or a passage by using the suggested words Unit 4 Educ ation 1. Words to describe school settings, study courses, school life … 2. Reported speech ( statements and Wh- questions 3. Model verbs with if 1.Direct & indirect speech ( invite , offer advise ) 2. Read the advertisements then do the task given below. 3. Word form. V + or / er ; V= ment ; dis , un, im, in + adj 4. Because, because of , so… 1. Rewrite the following sentences : Reported speech ; conditional sentence type 1 2. Word form. 3. Correct the mistakes 4. Fill in the blank with one suitable word 5. Complete a letter or a passage by using the suggested words 6. Reading comprehension. Unit 5 The media 1.Words to talk about the media; history, different uses, development; Words to express opinions about the media: like , dislike, advantages , disadvantages 2.Tag – questions 3.Verbs: Enjoy, like, love , hate, dislike …+ V- ing 4. Structures: to make N + N ; to get access to, to find ST + Adj, SO spend ( s ) + time + V+ ing; not only … but also 1.Tag – questions ( some special cases ) 2. Structures : to be fond of , to be interested in … 3. Word form: Violent ( adj )- violence ( N ); V+ ive = Adj 4. V+ to Verb / V-ing 1. Choose A,B,C or D to complete the sentences 2. Rewrite the following sentences : Tag- questions , V- ing; to find + St + Adj; it takes; spend time + V+ing … 3. Word form. 4. Correct the mistakes 5. Fill in the blank with one suitable word 6. Complete a letter or a passage by using the suggested words 7. Reading comprehension. 2 3 . néi dung båi dìng häc sinh giái M«n: tiÕng anh - Líp 9 N¨m häc 20 09 – 2010 Tên bài Kiến thức chuẩn Nâng cao Dạng bài tập Unit one. suggested words 7. Reading comprehension. Unit two cloth ing 1.Words about clothing: types / styles, colours, fashions, material, designs 2.The present perfect

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2013, 18:10

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