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Chiến lược marketing đối với hàng mây, tre đan xuất khẩu việt nam tt tiếng anh

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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NGUYEN VIET ANH MARKETING STRATEGY FOR EXPORTING BAMBOO AND RATTAN PRODUCTS IN VIETNAM Major: International Economics Major code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS HANOI - 2020 The thesis is completed at GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SUPERVISORS: PROF PHD NGO XUAN BINH ASSOC.PROF., PHD DINH CONG TUAN Reviewer 1: Assoc.Prof., Phd An Nhu Hai Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof., Phd Nguyen Quoc Thinh Reviewer 3: Assoc.Prof., Phd Nguyen Ngoc Thanh The thesis shall be defended in front of the Thesis Committee at Academy Level at Graduate Academy of Social Sciences At hour date month year 2020 The thesis can be found at - The National Library - The Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences INTRODUCTION The necessity of the thesis Over the past few years, the system of marketing strategy theory (marketing) has been developing continuously In the context of extensive and powerful globalization, export marketing strategy theory requires a more integrated approach to the concept and measurement of the factors that determine the effectiveness of marketing strategy implementation In order to conduct such an approach, studies need to be adjusted and measured across different fields in different countries in the implementation of marketing strategies Currently, most researches on new export marketing strategies have been conducted in developed countries (such as the US, Canada and Western Europe), while developing countries, especially in Vietnam, have not yet Pay much attention to these studies The marketing strategies used in previous studies often reflect the strengths that countries focus on exports However, at present, in Vietnam, there is no adequate and systematic research on the content of developing export marketing strategies for export products of enterprises In addition, studies often focus on developing export marketing strategies, but little research on the implementation of export marketing strategies The research model relating to export marketing strategy, especially the effectiveness of the implementation process, remains unique, without comprehensive comprehension of all aspects of the scope of management and management business value such as planning, implementation, and testing In addition, the expansion of business environment is usually done only in export environment or import country environment Studies of export marketing strategies for rattan products have been conducted in Vietnam, not to mention internal and external factors related to the development and implementation of export marketing strategies Internal and external factors are important inputs in formulating strategies in general and export marketing in particular In particular, for rattan and bamboo, previous studies did not discuss the decision-making process to formulate export marketing strategies for this item It can be said that in Vietnam, the assessment of the current state of the factors influencing the marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo export is still open, thus studying "Export marketing strategy for rattan products." , Vietnam bamboo and rattan industry "with the aim of evaluating the implementation of export marketing strategy and clarifying factors affecting the effectiveness of the export marketing strategy for Vietnam's rattan and bamboo industry clarifying the process of implementing export marketing strategies in Vietnamese rattan and bamboo enterprises Research purpose and research task 2.1 Research purpose Overview of the rationale for export marketing strategy and the main factors affecting the implementation of export marketing strategy, thereby sketching a model to understand the factors affecting the implementation of marketing strategy Exporting rattan and bamboo products in Vietnam, at the same time, conducting a survey and analyzing the current situation of implementing marketing strategies for exporting rattan and bamboo products of Vietnamese enterprises and assessing the real situation of the cooperative factors impact on the implementation of this strategy From there, propose solutions to improve the implementation of marketing strategy for exporting rattan and bamboo products of Vietnamese enterprises in the coming time 2.2 Research task: Summary, analysis and establishment of a basic theoretical framework for implementing export marketing strategies (CLMXK) for rattan, bamboo and rattan products (MTTD) in Vietnamese enterprises Analyze and evaluate the current situation of implementing export quality for rattan and bamboo products in Vietnamese enterprises in the current period through primary and secondary data; point out the success, limitations and causes of the limitations in implementing CLMXK on rattan and bamboo products in Vietnamese enterprises Proposing solutions to improve the implementation of export quality for rattan and bamboo products in Vietnamese enterprises to certain target markets, period to 2025 and vision to 2030 Research subject and research scope 3.1 Research subject The research object of the thesis focuses on theoretical and practical issues of export quality with respect to rattan and bamboo products in Vietnamese enterprises Accordingly, the thesis focuses on the components of the model, the content of implementing export quality for rattan and bamboo products in Vietnamese enterprises in relation to factors of the marketing environment 3.2 Research scope Regarding the content: Deploying exporting strategy marking for export products of mobile phone enterprises is a combination of factors closely linked to the content and is implemented under the management of marketing managers in enterprises Therefore, the research limits on the content synthesized by the author in the theoretical model include: (1) Market analysis; (2) select the target market; (3) implementing a mixed marketing strategy for export products; (4) Develop marketing strategy resources for export products; (5) Checking and evaluating the implementation of export quality of enterprises Since then conduct evaluation of the main factors affecting the implementation of export marketing strategies for this item in Vietnamese businesses Research object: The research object of the thesis is enterprises exporting rattan and bamboo products in Vietnam In terms of space, the thesis focuses on the practical implementation of marketing strategies for exporting rattan and bamboo products of enterprises operating in the Northern Delta region and some enterprises in the Central region and Southern About the time for enterprise survey: from 1/2017 to 12/2017 Theoretical and practical basis and research methodology 4.1 Theoretical and practical basis On the basis of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the thesis has applied the theory of export marketing as well as the theoretical basic system of international economy, especially knowledge related to economic management, export enterprise management in the context of integration associated with the practical activities of enterprises producing rattan and bamboo products for export 4.2 Research methodology The thesis combines both main research methods, qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods Specifically: The qualitative research method used in the thesis is decision marketing system analysis (DSA) to formalize a process of interviewing managers involved at different stages of the same decision-making process from multiple businesses DSA allows systematic description of the strategic decision making process In addition, through in-depth interviews with experts, business management directors, the author also built a set of indicators to measure the factors affecting export marketing activities, thereby forming the table content surveying enterprises exporting rattan and bamboo products in practice The quantitative research method used here is to conduct enterprise sample survey by questionnaire and use SPSS statistical software with processing and analysis techniques such as: (1) descriptive data analysis statistical data; (2) reliability analysis by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient; (3) EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) analysis; (4) formulating regression equations and correlation analysis; (5) analysis of one-factor variance (Oneway-Anova) to analyze data and test research hypotheses 4.3 New scientific contributions of the thesis Based on a comprehensive research on the implementation of export marketing strategies for rattan and bamboo products of Vietnamese enterprises, the thesis has made new contributions in terms of science as follows: Based on the overview and systematization of relevant theories, the thesis has conducted a survey and analyzed the current situation of implementing export marketing strategies for rattan and bamboo products of Vietnamese enterprises, thereby, export solutions to develop export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo in Vietnam Thereby, the thesis contributes to supplementing the theoretical and practical basis for implementing export marketing strategy including issues related to export marketing activities such as market research, selection of target markets and market positioning; policies to implement mixed marketing strategies; resource allocation, inspection and evaluation of marketing strategy implementation activities, and identification and modeling of factors affecting the effective implementation of export marketing strategies Theoretical and practical contribution of the thesis 5.1 Theoretical contribution of the thesis The thesis contributes to adding useful knowledge to the current theory of export marketing The new point of the thesis compared with previous studies in theory is expressed in aspects: Firstly, the thesis has identified and built a theoretical framework and laid out research hypotheses and index systems (criteria) to measure factors affecting the implementation of export marketing strategies, specifically analysis of macro environment, competitive environment and internal environment of exporting enterprises Secondly, through the analysis according to the multivariate regression model, the thesis shows the extent of the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable, thereby providing a functional model for developing export marketing strategies 5.2 Practical contribution of the thesis Through the research results, the thesis will help policy makers, business executives, and people working in rattan and bamboo industry have a more specific view about making development decisions developing export marketing strategy, especially, is necessary and useful for enterprises exporting rattan and bamboo products The research results will also be a document to help policymakers have a better overview of the export market of rattan and bamboo, thereby building policies that are constructive and supportive for businesses in finding and penetrating foreign markets from the stage of raw material supply to production, and distribution of goods to consumers Structure of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion and Appendix, the thesis consists of chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of research images related to the topic of the thesis Chapter 2: Rationale, research model and research method Chapter 3: Actual situation of implementing export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products of Vietnamese enterprises Chapter 4: Solutions to develop marketing strategies for exported products of Vietnamese rattan and bamboo enterprises Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION RELATING TO THE THESIS 1.1 Overview of reseach in marketing strategy 1.1.1 Domestic studies In Vietnam, there have been many researches on export marketing strategies, however, they are usually done within the framework of topics related to marketing strategies in general or in association with international trade promotion activities of countries or to increase the quantity and value of exports for a certain item, including some typical projects: Development of export marketing strategy to the US market of Vietnamese garment enterprises (2012, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi) by authors Nguyen Hoang Long, Nguyen Duc Nhuan In addition to books and publications on the basic theoretical framework of export marketing, many dissertations also mentioned this content, including the doctoral thesis of economics author Vu Tri Dung ( 2000), Export marketing of Vietnamese businesses, theoretical and practical Another work that also analyzes export marketing strategies at both macro and micro levels, as well as the experience of several countries that have been systematically mentioned, is the author's doctoral economics thesis Pham Thu Huong (2004), Situation and solutions to promote international trade promotion activities of Vietnam Economic doctoral thesis by Le Minh Dien (2002), Administration of export marketing strategies of Vietnamese commercial enterprises, Trade Research Institutes, - In general, Vietnamese researchers mainly focus on advising businesses to understand and actively implement synchronously the contents of export marketing strategy, in which, emphasizing the use of mixed marketing as a major tool to promote the export of goods In addition, a number of researches on marketing strategies for specific agricultural commodities, such as the doctoral thesis of Do Quoc Dung (2010), Solutions to implement marketing strategies for exporting Vietnamese peanuts to 2010 The article "Evaluation and solutions to develop marketing channels of agricultural products" by Nguyen Van Luyen published in Trade Journal, No 16/2004, is a remarkable study 1.1.2 International studies Export marketing is a topic that many foreign authors are interested in In particular, there are famous studies of authors such as Bilkey, Johanson, Terpstra, Cateora, Kirpalani Discussion of export marketing activities with analysis of the business expansion process from the domestic market to the international market, including the famous work of the author V.H Kirpalani (1993), International Marketing (International Marketing, Prentice Hall, 1993) In addition, some works mention solutions to improve the effectiveness of export marketing strategies, such as the book Difference - Exiting the competitive herd (Diffirent, 2017, Labor - Social Publishing House) of Dr Youngme Moon, In addition, there are a number of in-depth works that discuss the close relationship between the effectiveness of export marketing strategies and export performance Typically, the book Assessing Export Activities at the Enterprise Level: Looking Back, Assessing and Developing, (Katsikeas et al (2000)) In addition, the research of Czinkota et al is included in the book International Business (International business, 1996, The Dryden Press) Collis (1991) in his work “Analysis on the resources of global competition: A case study of bearing manufacturing” Economic doctoral thesis "Strategic Marketing of exporting key agricultural products of Lao PDR to 2020" (2016) published by Thatsanadeuane Khamkeo 1.2 Overview of reseach in marketing strategy for exporting bamboo and rattan products 1.2.1 Domestic studies The analysis of marketing strategies for exported products of traditional Vietnamese trade villages can be mentioned as an economic doctoral thesis by Tang Thi Hang (2018), Developing marketing strategies for products exports of traditional craft villages in the Red River Delta Economic doctoral thesis of Tran Doan Kim (2007), Marketing strategy for handicrafts and fine arts of Vietnamese craft villages until 2010 Besides, there are also many studies on trade situation brand of Vietnamese handicrafts such as the research of Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Huu Khai, Trademark of traditional handicrafts (2006, Labor - Social Publishing House) In addition, many articles also mention this content such as the article "Solutions to support branding of products of craft villages in Quang Binh" published in Quang Binh Newspaper by Nguyen Van Phat (2013) The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry has published a study entitled "The status of domestic production and consumption of traditional Vietnamese handicrafts" by Pham Van Dinh, Ngo Van Hai and other authors associates implemented in 2002 Trade Research Institute, Ministry of Trade has published Science Project Code: 2002-78-015 on "Continuing to renovate policies and solutions to promote product consumption of traditional trade villages in Northern Vietnam period 2004 to 2010 "in 2004 The report" Assessing Vietnam's export potential "under the Vietnam Trade Promotion and Export Development Project (VIE / 61/94) in 1994 gave make comments and assess export potential for commodity groups, such as minerals and fuels; Sea food; agricultural; processing industry products and handicrafts… Doctor of Economic thesis "Marketing strategy for handicrafts of Vietnamese craft villages up to 2010" by Tran Doan Kim (2007); Economic doctoral thesis of Nguyen Duc Nhuan (2010), "Developing garment export marketing strategy into the US market of VINATEX enterprises", Ministry level scientific project "Market research - Marketing in Vietnam's tea export ”conducted by Dr Nguyen Thi Nhieu (project leader) in 2006, focusing on analyzing the characteristics and development trends of the world tea market The author's book Nguyen Van Tho (2002, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House), Some measures to perfect the marketing strategy of Vietnam's rice export In particular, although it is quite rare, there have been a few domestic studies mentioning export marketing for rattan and bamboo products, such as: The work "Solutions to promote the export of rattan and bamboo products from rattan and bamboo handicraft villages in the Red River Delta" by Bui Huu Duc (2010) Topic "Some solutions to promote the development of rattan and bamboo handicraft villages in Nghe An province" by Tran Van Hang in 2007 In addition, another project that does not analyze much about the export aspect, but also opens the direction of developing marketing strategies for traditional craft villages associated with CBT On the spot through tourism and foreign tourists are "Community tourism in Duong Lam ancient village, Van Phuc silk village and Phu Vinh rattan and bamboo village" of author Pham Quynh Phuong (2013) giving an overview of community tourism 1.2.2 International studies Many international researches also devote much effort to researching the development strategy of traditional crafts industry such as the works of the authors Zulaikha, Ellya, Brereton and Margot (2011), Development strategy of traditional crafts industry (Innovation strategies for developing the traditional souvenir craft industry), Report at the First International Conference on Engineering, Design and Development of a Built Environment for Safety and Sustainability, held between 22 - 29 April 2011 at Queensland University of Technology - Initiative "One village per product" (Onevillage one product / OVOP) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Japan (2003) - A very remarkable research conducted by Kuladilok, Thaiutsa et al (1990) is "Potential of export market of rattan products." - Research on "Commercialization of bamboo products in the European Union: Analysis of problems and opportunities" by Van der Lugt and Ottgen (2006) Huang, Fang et al (2010) in the project "Commercial research on rattan and bamboo products of China, Japan and Korea" 1.3 Synthesis and assessment Through the synthesis of research of domestic and foreign authors, it can be seen that the above works have solved some main contents: Firstly, the studies are fully and logically systematized about export marketing strategy, including: - Export marketing strategy concept - The need to develop export marketing strategy - The basic contents of export marketing strategy Second, studies have shown that export marketing is a complex activity, associated with the specific characteristics of each commodity Thirdly, studies have pointed out the factors that influence export marketing, including positive impact factors and negative impact factors, thus showing the need for master the mechanism of action of these factors to have an appropriate response Fourth, studies also show the role of the state and industry associations in the effectiveness of the implementation of export marketing strategy for goods In summary, at present, there is no separate, independent and in-depth research at home and abroad on "Marketing strategy for exported rattan and bamboo products from Vietnam" Therefore, it can be affirmed that the research project of the PhD student is new and very necessary in the current period in order to meet both theory and practice SUBCONCLUSION CHAPTER Rattan and bamboo products in general and marketing strategies for exported rattan and bamboo products in particular are still attracting the attention of researchers in the world and in Vietnam In particular, in recent years, there have been a number of scientific works on individual handicraft villages producing rattan and bamboo for export but they have only stopped at studies on one or some aspects of development policies manufacturing, building material areas, or developing and promoting the essence of traditional craft villages Currently, Vietnamese rattan and bamboo production establishments are quite loose in linking trade village development policies and solutions; The marketing strategy for exported rattan and bamboo products has not been systematically studied, yet has identified the factors affecting this strategy Therefore, the thesis of the PhD student is an effort, an attempt to make up for the gap that needs to be filled in this very important and necessary issue Chapter THEORY ON IMPLEMENTING EXPORT MARKETING STRATEGIES AND RESEARCH METHODS 2.1 Theory on marketing strategy and export marketing strategy 2.1.1 Marketing strategy Marketing strategy is the process by which the business responds to the situation of the competitive market and is a force response from the environment and internal forces to enable businesses to achieve their goals in the market target market, through all aspects of mixed marketing (Lee and Griffith, 2004) [77] enterprise's operation, deciding the success or failure in the market; in which the most important resource is the people 2.4 Research model and research hypotheses 2.4.1 Research models The model and research method of the thesis are implemented through the following steps: Tổng quan nghiên cứu liên quan dến chủ đề luận án Tổng quan Nghiên cứu nội dung triển khai chiến lược marketing xuất Khảo sát liệu thứ cấp phân tích thực trạng marketing XK MTĐ Việt Nam Nghiên cứu lý Nghiên cứu định tính Hiểu trình hoạch định chiến lược marketing XK Đưa mơ hình nghiên cứu Kết cần đạt được: Lưu đồ hố q trình hoạch định kế hoạch triển khai chiến lược MKT XK Mô hình nghiên cứu nhân tố ảnh hưởng Tiến hành vòng vấn Tham khảo ý kiến chuyên gia thang đo Phân tích nội dung triển khai CL marketing Phân tích nhân tố Phân tích thị trường Kiểm tra, Xác định thị trường mục tiêu đánh giá hoạt động triển khai Chiến lược marketing mix Kết nghiên cứu Phân bổ nguồn lực Kết đạt Đánh giá hoạt động triển khai chiến lược marketing xuất ngành hàng mây tre đan Việt Nam Hạn chế nguyên nhân Kết luận đề xuất giải pháp thực Figure 2.2 Research models Source: Authors Based on the overview of export marketing strategy in the country and abroad, the author offers a research model and the hypotheses for this thesis: 11 Figure 2.3 Test model of research hypotheses Source: Authors From the above research model, the thesis focuses on understanding and analyzing three factors (1) Environment of exporting country; (2) Environment of importing country; (3) Factors within the enterprise from which to complete and improve the export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products 2.4.2 Research hypotheses On the basis of the research overview, the theoretical basis of export marketing strategy and the research model, the thesis proposes research hypotheses to clarify the research model: H1 The domestic environment affects Vietnam's export marketing of rattan and bamboo products H2 The foreign environment affects Vietnam's export marketing of rattan and bamboo products H3: Internal factors affecting marketing strategy for exporting rattan and bamboo products in Vietnam 2.5 Research process and research methods 2.5.1 Research process As presented in the research method of the introduction of the thesis, the research uses a combination of both main research methods as qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods To carry out this study, the thesis deploys the following stages: 12 Hệ thống lý luận Xây dựng khung lý thuyết Xây dựng thang đo nhân tố ảnh hưởng Tham khảo ý kiến chuyên gia Phân tích thực trạng Phân tích nhân tố Xử lý, phân tích liệu Điều tra khảo sát Đề xuất, kiến nghị Figure 2.4 research process Source: Authors 2.5.2 Research Methods Qualitative research methods Qualitative research method Decision making system analysis (DSA) to formalize a process of interviewing managers involved in different stages of the same process process decisions from many businesses The objective of the qualitative research in the thesis is to clarify the variables (factors) affecting the marketing strategy of Vietnam's rattan and bamboo export industry The thesis uses qualitative research methods Analysis of decisionmaking systems to formalize the process of managers participating in different stages of the decision-making process Specifically, this study implements the process of interviewing experts through three rounds as shown in Figure 2.1 below: Vòng  Phỏng vấn chun gia  Mã hố thơng tin theo ý kiến chuyên gia Vòng  Vẽ lưu đồ thể trình tự định  Gửi lại chuyên gia thống ý kiến, chỉnh sửa lưu đồ Diagram 2.1 Interview process 13 Vòng  Phỏng vấn xin ý kiến lưu đồ với nhóm chuyên gia độc lập  Điều chỉnh lưu đồ theo ý kiến đóng góp Source: Authors Quantitative research In order to collect information to be studied, the questionnaire (see Appendix 2) was used to collect information at exported rattan and bamboo enterprises After the questionnaire has been developed, the number of samples to be collected and the questionnaire has been sent directly to rattan and bamboo exporting enterprises to collect information Information collected is processed on SPSS statistical software Below is the process of building a questionnaire, a scale of variable structure and coding; Sampling; data analysis SUBCONCLUSION CHAPTER In chapter 2, the author has systematized the theoretical basis for implementing marketing strategy and export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products of enterprises, the content of implementing marketing strategy for exporting goods rattan and bamboo enterprises From the analysis of the theoretical basis mentioned above, the thesis proposes a research model and assumptions corresponding to the mentioned model This chapter presents the content of the two main research methods used in the thesis: the qualitative method Decision making system analysis (abbreviated as DSA) and the research methodology amount used to survey rattan and bamboo enterprises using questionnaires and using SPSS statistical software to process survey data with techniques (1) descriptive analysis of statistical data; (2) reliability analysis by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient; (3) EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) analysis; (4) formulating regression equations and correlation analysis; (5) analysis of one-factor variance (Oneway-Anova) to analyze data and test research hypotheses The chapter also describes the interview process, sampling techniques, and scale construction for the study Chapter CURRENT SITUATION OF IMPLEMENTING MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR VIETNAM'S RATTAN AND BAMBOO PRODUCTS FOR EXPORT 3.1 Overview of the actual export of rattan and bamboo products Trading in rattan and bamboo products from a regional perspective, Asia is the main source of rattan and bamboo products In 2018, the export value of rattan and bamboo products from Asia reached US $ 2499.7 million, accounting for 78.5% of the global export value Next is Europe, with export turnover of 518.4 million USD, accounting for about 16.2% of global exports In the annual export turnover of rattan and bamboo, the product structure also shows diversity Bamboo and rattan Tet products dominate the rattan and bamboo export market, contributing over 50% of Vietnam's total export turnover to the 14 world over the years Next is bamboo and rattan industrial products, which account for 30-35% depending on the year 3.2 Analyze the current situation of implementing export marketing strategy 3.2.1 Decision making process to implement export marketing strategy Through interviews to collect experts' opinions on the implementation of the marketing strategy for exporting rattan and bamboo products through three rounds as described at, the author mapped out this process and presented in diagram 3.1 Observing diagram 3.1, it can be seen that the decision-making process of implementing export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products for export is shown by enterprises as follows: To formulate an export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products, enterprises, conduct an analysis of the macro and competitive environment of enterprises Diagram 3.1 Flowchart of decision making process of marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo export Source: Authors 15 3.2.2 Situation of market analysis According to the statistics of Trademap (updated database system on the trade situation of countries), the market share of rattan and bamboo of Vietnam in the world market is only about 3.37% In particular, the two major markets are the US accounting for 20%, Japan 16% of total export value According to experts in rattan and bamboo industry in Vietnam, there are still many opportunities for development, capable of capturing 8% - 10% of the world market and reaching a value of about US $ billion in the future 3.2.3 Actual situation of selecting target market Business managers participating in the survey were asked to answer only one major market where they currently account for the largest export turnover compared to other markets show that there are 38 enterprises claiming to have products exported to the United States (accounting for 19%); There are 41 enterprises cooperating mainly with Japan (accounting for 20%); There are 28 enterprises currently in the EU market Export activities (accounting for 13%) in ASEAN countries are 23 enterprises (accounting for 11%); Africa: 30 enterprises (14.5%); other markets have 45 enterprises and account for 22.5% (including countries such as UAE, Saudi Arabia - China, China ) In general, as analyzed, due to the characteristics of Vietnam's rattan and bamboo production enterprises, mainly in craft villages, the awareness of implementing effective and professional marketing activities remains Modest, especially aware of implementation of STP strategies, market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning, although Vietnam's handicrafts already have a certain brand In the international market, however, it is still limited on the part of enterprises to take advantage of this position to position themselves in the target market 3.2.4 Actual situation of implementing a mixed marketing strategy for export products Vietnam is one of the countries with large bamboo sources in the world Currently, the national bamboo area is nearly 1.4 million (accounting for 10.5% of the national forest area) Regarding rattan resources, it is estimated that there are about 30 species of rattan in our country Although there are many potentials and advantages to grow and develop bamboo, neohouzeaua, rattan, our country still has to import rattan materials for production and processing from some countries in the region with a demand of about 33 thousand tons / year Meanwhile, the export market share of Vietnam's rattan industry accounts for less than 3% of the world market The market share of Vietnam's rattan products in the period of 2010-2015 is about 12% To meet such growth, the demand for bamboo materials by 2020 needs at least one billion bamboo trees per year Germany, the US and Japan have for many years been the main import market for rattan, bamboo and handicraft products from Vietnam The main items are furniture, 16 decorative lamps, packages, containers made of wood, water hyacinth, rattan Currently, the trend is that all importers have made available samples and placed line In general, Vietnamese products are appreciated for quality, skillful craftsmen, but in the long run to compete with cheap Chinese and Indian goods, the improvement of design quality is very important Products made from rattan and bamboo are divided into groups, including traditional products (food, handicrafts, blinds, mats, toothpicks, paper, etc.) and new products (bamboo flooring, art boards) and making furniture, pressed bamboo for making lining of the road, pressed bamboo for construction, making activated carbon, making fiber ) In terms of product policy, there are criteria to be analyzed including: Products are always improved on design and quality; Products imbued with Vietnamese culture; Friendly products with the environment; Products bring value to users 3.2.5 Actual situation of deploying marketing strategy resources for exported products The survey results show that the main human resources working in the current market in rattan and bamboo enterprises are mainly directors or business owners In addition to operating production, business, foreign affairs, these business owners concurrently work as marketers to take care of the output of products In fact, surveys of rattan and bamboo enterprises show that most enterprises are small-scale, lack of working capital, so even if the labor force can reach up to 100 people but mostly workers manual, and marketing team is very little Obviously, the business activities of many businesses are still relatively passive now Businesses are not fully aware that they need to proactively search for the market but cannot passively wait for orders from abroad while their products are not strong compared to competitors from other countries 3.2.6 The situation of checking and evaluating the implementation of export marketing strategy of enterprises Examining and evaluating the implementation of marketing export strategies is an activity aimed at re-evaluating marketing policies and strategies for export goods, drawing lessons on successes and failures of enterprises However, the survey results show that most of the rattan and bamboo export enterprises not really care about this activity 17 3.3 Assess factors affecting the implementation of export marketing strategy 3.3.1 Results of analyzing the impact of the exporter's environment on the export marketing strategy 3.3.2 Results of analyzing the influence of the environment of the importing country on the export marketing strategy 3.3.3 Results of analyzing the internal environmental impact of enterprises on export marketing strategies 3.3.4 Results of testing differences in export marketing strategies based on business characteristics 3.4 Discuss the research results The results of qualitative research have pointed out the steps to develop an export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products and factors affecting the marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo export of rattan enterprises exported bamboos using DSA research methodology (decision system analysis) based on interviews with experts including the following steps: 1) analysis of PEST model (model of environmental analysis of macro : Political - legal factors of Vietnam and importing countries, Vietnam's economic environment and importing countries, socio-cultural environment of Vietnam and importing countries and environment Vietnamese-imported technology and technology; 2) analysis of the competitive environment using a 5-person model The number includes: Current competitors; potential competitors; alternative products; supplier pressure (for exporting country) and customer pressure (for importing country); 3) analysis of internal corporate environment From these analyzes, the export rattan and bamboo enterprises build export marketing strategies based on four marketing schemes, including: product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and marketing strategy Promotion These findings complement previous research results of several authors, such as Bui Huu Duc (2009), Anderson & Buvik (2002) and Cavusgil et al (2004), and Brouthers, LE, & Nakos , G (2005); 3.5 Conclusion 3.5.1 Achievement Through the analysis of survey data and combined with field observations, secondary information can be seen in recent years, enterprises producing rattan and bamboo products for export have made achievements in the field The export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo is as follows: Regarding market analysis, rattan and bamboo export enterprises have conducted thorough market research and analysis activities Most of the scores for this activity have reached above average In particular, besides the implementation of Market Research Activities, it also shows the awareness of these businesses about the role and importance of market research Regarding market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning, rattan and bamboo export enterprises have paid attention to these 18 activities The fact that some rattan and bamboo export enterprises actively find niche markets through recommendations of trade promotion agencies and organizations (VCCI, Vietnam Association of Rattan and Bamboo) shows this activity was taken seriously.Đối với việc triển khai chiến lược marketing hỗn hợp: Regarding products, exported rattan and bamboo enterprises have confirmed that they have made serious investments in researching suitable models and materials to produce innovative and friendly products environment friendly In terms of prices, rattan and bamboo export enterprises have been flexible in formulating price policies in line with the market, the price policies have been tied to the market more, promoting the advantage of rattan price , Vietnam woven bamboo The company's product distribution policy is quite diverse, in addition to using traditional distribution channels, businesses have diversified distribution channels through retail websites of Vietnam and the world Promotion policies have been paid more attention by investment enterprises There have been businesses actively participating in trade fairs Through the actual survey also showed that there are businesses actively writing PR articles promoting images through trade promotion websites 3.5.2 Limitation Although market analysis activities have been more properly perceived, businesses are still quite passive, not active in capturing information as well as implementing activities to learn about customer needs in depth In general, as analyzed, because the characteristics of Vietnam's rattan and bamboo enterprises are mainly in craft villages, the awareness of marketing activities is professional and effective Especially awareness of implementation of STP strategies, market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning remains modest Although Vietnam's handicrafts have certain brand images in the international market, the export of rattan and bamboo enterprises takes advantage and promotes this advantage to position their businesses Its target market is quite limited SUBCONCLUSION CHAPTER In this chapter, in the first part, the thesis describes and generalizes the situation of import and export of rattan and bamboo products on the world market as well as in Vietnam Next, the author analyzes the implementation of export marketing strategies based on the inheritance of the results of the review, expert interviews, and the flow chart of the implementation of export marketing strategies exported by DSA research method Next, the thesis also identified the factors affecting the marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo export Specifically, the five factors of the exporting country environment (Political-legal factors, Economic, Culturalsocial and technical-technological and competitive environment) have a positive impact on the war Export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products 19 However, the study did not find any difference in export marketing strategy according to the characteristics of exported rattan and bamboo enterprises; The five factors of the importing country's environment (political, legal, economic, cultural, social, technical and technological factors) have a positive impact on the export marketing strategy rattan and bamboo products; The internal environment of enterprises also has a positive impact on the export marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo products Chapter SOLUTIONS TO IMPLEMENT EXPORT MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR BAMBOO AND RATTAN PRODUCTS OF VIETNAMESE ENTERPRISES 4.1 Solutions to develop the current export marketing strategy 4.1.1 Solution to deploying market analysis In the current process of our country's extensive international economic integration, especially in the context of Vietnam's accession to the World Trade Organization, the information issue has and will play a decisive role for the city in competition of Vietnamese goods and products on the international market Rattan and bamboo enterprises need updated information on the market to plan an effective competition strategy, focusing on high potential products, supporting the research and development of new products One method that can be considered is to establish a Database of Vietnamese rattan and bamboo products in general and exported rattan and bamboo products in particular In fact, as stated above, there is no separate data on rattan and bamboo products, this database will provide information which is investigated, collected, collected by this inter-database management unit compiled and published, various Web sites related to rattan and bamboo stakeholder For commercial information, especially secondary information obtained from market surveys and market research, it is required that anyone who wants to have information must pay for the purchase, the facility manager The data still needs to show the item's full name, name, summary of the content and contact information for readers to know and if interested, contact the information ownership agency to buy 4.1.2 Implementing solutions to select target markets In order to gradually reduce the dependence on one or several familiar markets, direct the competitive advantage into niche markets based on the advantages of price, quality, usefulness, time to supply businesses to choose Choose the right value to meet for different target markets Therefore, in order to penetrate deeper into the world market in addition to providing maximum benefits to importers, it is necessary to pay attention to meeting the additional values for final consumers:4.1.3 Solutions to implement a mixed marketing strategy for export products 20 Product policy Price policy Distribution policy Promotion policy 4.1.4 Solutions to deploy resources for implementing export marketing strategies Firstly, enterprises have policies to support the training of managers and craftsmen for businesses with a concentrated number, ensuring that all craftsmen in the enterprises are trained carefully Secondly, businesses have financial solutions such as calling for foreign investment capital, joint ventures, through which to learn new techniques, modern technology equipment, advanced management qualifications produce and partially solve financial problems Performing associate and merger with other enterprises to increase the scale and efficiency of capital use and investment efficiency 4.1.5 Solution of checking and evaluating the implementation of export marketing strategy In fact, the current planning and implementation of marketing strategy for export products of the EMs is limited, so the inspection has not been paid attention However, the SMEs can check the combination of marketing programs that they implement: exhibitions, sales promotion In the coming time, when they are fully aware of the importance of Applying to the life of enterprises, the work, inspection and evaluation of the strategy implementation should be conducted in parallel with the implementation process of the strategy.4.2 Đề xuất, kiến nghị nhằm phát triển chiến lược marketing xuất 4.2.1 For state agencies Complete the policy on management of exported rattan and bamboo villages: Complete policies on raw material areas for rattan and bamboo production Completing the trade policy and promoting trade and consumption of rattan and bamboo products for export Focus on supporting the branding of a number of traditional craft villages with high market development potential 4.2.2 Improve the technical - technological factors Thus, in order to implement the marketing strategy for exporting rattan and bamboo products, researches and recommendations on solutions related to the improvement of technical and technological factors to improve the export marketing strategy for goods rattan Technology - technology is an extremely important and breakthrough factor to develop rattan and bamboo production enterprises in the direction of industrialization and modernization in order to improve competitiveness in economic integration world 21 4.2.3 Capacity building in enterprises exporting rattan and bamboo Formulate a policy of training human resources towards a highly skilled labor force; attracting the participation of artisans in labor training policies in order to diversify models, preserve the artistic value of products, and raise product competitiveness Improving knowledge of market economy, international economic relations, international trade; professional skills in foreign trade operations, market research and international marketing, organization of information collection and processing information, foreign language proficiency, ability to communicate and negotiate well Improving financial capacity through calling for foreign investment capital, conducting associate and merger with other enterprises to increase the scale and efficiency of capital use and investment efficiency SUBCONCLUSION CHAPTER The marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo export plays an important role in bringing rattan and bamboo products to the world Therefore, the determination of the process of implementing export marketing strategies and the factors affecting the proper implementation of the strategy and the scientific and objective solutions will create favorable conditions for this industry to develop Fast growing Depending on the characteristics of each country, how to set the direction and solutions in each period will be different In order to export rattan and bamboo export marketing strategies, orientations and solutions have been developed in this chapter The groups of proposed solutions are quite detailed, focusing on addressing factors affecting the completion of the marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo export CONCLUSION After analyzing and evaluating theoretical and practical contents on export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo, the researcher draws some important conclusions: Firstly, the qualitative research results show the steps to implement the marketing strategy for exporting rattan and bamboo products and the factors affecting the marketing strategy for exporting rattan and bamboo products, including: 1) Macro factors: Factors related to politics and law of Vietnam and importing countries, Vietnam's economic environment and importing countries, socio-cultural environment of Vietnam and importing countries import and technical environment - technology Vietnam and the importing country; 2) Competitive environment: Current competitors, potential competitors, substitutes, supplier pressure (for exporting country) and customer pressure (for importing country) password); 3) internal corporate environment: Product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy The results indicated that the five factors of the exporting country environment (Political-legal factors; Economic; Cultural-social; Technical and competitive environment) have a positive impact on the marketing strategy export 22 rattan and bamboo products However, the study found no difference in export marketing strategy for firm characteristics Five factors of the importing country's environment (political, legal, economic, cultural, social and technical factors and competitive environment) all have positive impacts on the rattan export marketing strategy , woven bamboo The internal environment of enterprises also has a positive impact on the export marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo products (p 1.96) Secondly, based on the previous research models combined with the actual implementation of export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products for enterprises exporting this item, the thesis proposed a model studying factors influencing export marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo enterprises and using collected data to build, test scales, hypotheses and linear regression correlations of individuals element The results show that there are eleven factors that correlate and influence the export marketing strategy of Vietnamese rattan and bamboo exporting enterprises: From the exporting country of rattan and bamboo products, the marketing strategy of exporting rattan and bamboo products is most affected by domestic political and legal factors, followed by technology and technology followed by socio-cultural factors, followed by economic and environmental factors and finally by environmental factors In terms of rattan importing countries, marketing strategy of exporting rattan and bamboo products is most influenced by technological factors of importing countries, followed by economic environment factors of importing countries The next step is the competitive environment of the importing country, followed by the political and legal factors of the importing country and finally the social and cultural environment of the importing country Internal factors affecting the marketing strategy of exporting Vietnamese rattan and bamboo products in which the internal environment of Vietnamese rattan and bamboo exporting enterprises has a significant relationship to export marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo products Thirdly, the evaluation of 4Ps of mixed marketing policy, "The company's product policies are very diverse and suitable to the tastes of each target market segment" is the criteria with the highest score among the criteria evaluation of export marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products "The pricing policy of the business is very flexible and consistent with the target market segment", showing that businesses have a price policy, but the level of flexibility and suitability for each type of market is still not high yet “Enterprises have diversified and flexible distribution policies in all countries” the results show that enterprises perform well this criterion "Promotion policies of enterprises are very diverse with many forms for the characteristics of each market" showing that the promotion policies of enterprises are not really flexible and attract customers' attention 23 Fourthly, the thesis has summarized a number of achievements and limitations of export marketing strategy for enterprises exporting rattan and bamboo products in Vietnam in recent years From there, combine with the research results to propose development perspective and solutions to develop marketing marketing strategy for rattan and bamboo products in the near future Fifthly, the thesis only focuses on analyzing the export marketing strategies of domestic rattan and bamboo enterprises, not analyzing the experience in implementing marketing strategies for exported handicraft products of other countries which Vietnam has similar conditions Therefore, the solutions and recommendations have not given detailed measures related to the marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo export under the model of countries around the world Therefore, the next research direction of the thesis will be policy advice, export market research of this item The research in the thesis draws conclusions and recommends solutions to support policy makers, associations, management agencies, rattan and bamboo exporting enterprises with a view Comprehensive, overall and the importance of factors affecting the export marketing strategy of rattan and bamboo in particular and handicraft products of Vietnam in general 24 LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS OF THE AUTHOR RELATING TO THE THESIS Nguyễn Việt Anh (2017), "Nghiên cứu quy trình định xây dựng chiến lược marketing xuất hàng mây, tre đan", Journal of Asia-Pacific Economics, No 506, month 11/2017, page 44 - 46 Nguyễn Việt Anh (2017), "Thực trạng chiến lược marketing xuất hàng mây, tre đan", Journal of Asia-Pacific Economics, No 507, month 12/2017, page 19 - 21 Nguyễn Việt Anh (2018), “Xuất nhập sản phẩm mây, tre đan Việt Nam hướng nghiên cứu chiến lược marketing xuất thời gian tới”, Journal of Asia-Pacific Economics, No 514, month 4/2018, page 10 – 11 ... Việt Anh (2017), "Thực trạng chiến lược marketing xuất hàng mây, tre đan" , Journal of Asia-Pacific Economics, No 507, month 12/2017, page 19 - 21 Nguyễn Việt Anh (2018), Xuất nhập sản phẩm mây,. .. khai Chiến lược marketing mix Kết nghiên cứu Phân bổ nguồn lực Kết đạt Đánh giá hoạt động triển khai chiến lược marketing xuất ngành hàng mây tre đan Việt Nam Hạn chế nguyên nhân Kết luận đề xuất. .. of Vietnam in general 24 LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS OF THE AUTHOR RELATING TO THE THESIS Nguyễn Việt Anh (2017), "Nghiên cứu quy trình định xây dựng chiến lược marketing xuất hàng mây, tre đan" ,

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2020, 23:32

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