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Date of preparing: Period 15 Unit 3:At home Lesson 3: HOA'S FAMILY: B1, 2 ( p.33, 34) A)* Mục đích yêu cầu: Sau giờ học, học sinh có thể: - Biết được công việc của một người làm nghề giáo viên, y tá . là gì và nơi làm việc. - Đọc đoạn văn kể về công việc và trả lời câu hỏi. * Kĩ năng luyện tập: - Ôn thời hiện tại đơn để nói về công việc và nơi làm việc. - Luyện kĩ năng đọc hiểu. * Ngôn ngữ cơ bản: - Từ mới: farm (n), journalist (n), newspaper (n), sick (a), primary shool (n), to raise cattle (v), to take care of. - Cấu trúc câu: Câu hỏi nghề nghiệp: What do you do? What is your job? I'm a farmer. I grow vegetables and raise cattle. What dose she do? She is a nurse. She takes care of sick children. Câu hỏi nơi làm việc: Where do you/ dose she work? I work on the farm/ she work in a hospital. - Ôn thời hiện tại đơn. - Thành ngữ được sử dụng: write for, from till, elder brother. * Kiến thức cần đạt được: + Đạt chuẩn: Dùng thời hiện tại đơn để: - Hỏi và đáp về nghề nghiệp của người trong gia đình Hoa và Lan. - Kể về công việc, nơi làm việc của bố mẹ mình. + Nâng cao: B, Teaching aids: book, poster C,Methods Rub out and remember , Matching, T / F statement prediction , Comprehension questions Survey D.Contents I. Orgnization:(1)' Teaching date: 7A: absent'ss 7B: . Teacher and students activities’ Board writing II. Warm up:((5)’ Teacher asks students some real questions about the weather, inviroment or others such as: Is it hot today? III. New lesson: Step1. Pre reading:(10)'– a/ Vocabulary: Teacher introduces new vocabulary following steps. to) raise: nu«i (to) take care of: tr«ng nom, ch¨m sãc cattle (n): gia sóc a journalist: nhµ b¸o a newspaper: b¸o (tê b¸o b/ Checking meanings: Rub out and remember c/ Matching:B3p35 Teacher hangs a poster on the board and asks students to match the job with the discription. *set the sence d/ T / F statement prediction: Teacher hangs a poster on the board and asks students to find out which statements are true and which ones are false. 1. Hoa’s father is a worker. 2. Her mother does the housework and helps on the farm. 3. Her sister is 10. 4. Lan’s father takes care of sick children. 5. Her mother is a doctor. 6. Her brother works on a farm. Step 2. While reading:(15)'– Students read and correct their prediction. Answer key above. Comprehension questions: B1 P. 33 – 34 g. What does lan’s father do? h. Does her mother teach in a school? ss can answers ss copy down (to) raise: nu«i (to) take care of: tr«ng nom, ch¨m sãc cattle (n): gia sóc a journalist: nhµ b¸o a newspaper: b¸o (tê b¸o) ss open the books at p35 and matching Ss can guess Answer key: 1 – F, 2 - T, 3 – F, 4 – T, 5 – F, 6 - F ss work in 2 teams black (0) - blue (x) a farmer a doctor a journalist a teacher writes for a newspaper works on the farm teaches at school takes cares of sick people Statements Guess Read Correction 1 2 … i. What is her brother’s job? Let's play a game "nought and crosses T divides class in to 2 teams who 's winner? Step3. Further practice(10)': Survey Pairwork Have students to use this table to practice in pairs first. answers : a, Hoa's father is a farmer b, He works on our farm in the countryside c, Her mother 's job is a housewife d, she does the housework and helps on the farm e,yes, they are f, Hoa's sister is 8 g , Lan's father is a doctor , h , yes, she does i, Her brother 's job is a journalist ask ss to copy down the table eg : How old is your father? What is your father job? Where does your father do ? IV: Summary(3)' read the text , write it up V: Homework:(1 ) ' Rewrite new words 5 times. Do exercises in the students’work book. Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Members Age Job Place of work Father Mother Brother Sister 40 worker fatory a h c b b f c d g

Ngày đăng: 26/09/2013, 17:10

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