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O ES2 This page intentionally left blank THIRD EDITION Carl P Weiner, MD, MBA, FACOG K E Krantz Professor and Chair Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division Head, Maternal Fetal Medicine Professor, Molecular and Integrative Physiology Director, Center for the Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City, Kansas Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Kansas School of Pharmacy Lawrence, Kansas Clifford Mason, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City, Kansas 1600 John F Kennedy Blvd Ste 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899 DRUGS FOR PREGNANT AND LACTATING WOMEN, THIRD EDITION ISBN: 978-0-323-42874-3 Copyright © 2019 by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein) Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein Previous editions copyrighted in 2009, 2004 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Weiner, Carl P., author | Mason, Clifford, 1981- author Title: Drugs for pregnant and lactating women / Carl P Weiner, Clifford Mason Description: Third edition | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, Inc., [2020] | Includes bibliographical references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2018010207 | ISBN 9780323428743 (hardcover : alk paper) Subjects: | MESH: Pregnancy–drug effects | Breast Feeding–adverse effects | Contraindications | Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions | Fetus–drug effects | Infant | Pharmaceutical Preparations | Pregnancy Complications–chemically induced | Handbooks Classification: LCC RG627.6.D79 | NLM WQ 39 | DDC 618.3/2–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018010207 Senior Content Strategist: Sarah Barth Senior Content Development Specialist: Anne Snyder Publishing Services Manager: Catherine Jackson Senior Project Manager: Sharon Corell Book Designer: Patrick Ferguson Printed in China Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Foreword to the Second Edition This is a dream come true for all of those who care for pregnant and nonpregnant women There is nothing like this in medical literature In the past, I have been involved in the publications of several texts on drugs and pregnancy This new text is on the leading edge of science and knowledge for women and drugs, with more than 720 generic drugs with their 1500 trade names listed in alphabetical order to make identification easy for each drug Over-the-counter drugs are also included The information provided in both hard text and electronic versions is very extensive, concise, and user friendly Its availability as an electronic version for hand-held computer devices, that will be updated for the life of the edition, is particularly exciting This will not only benefit all health care workers in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, but will also allow instantaneous access to drug related questions Included in text and electronic versions are the following headings: Name Class Indications Dosage with qualifiers Maternal Considerations Fetal Considerations Breastfeeding Safety References Summary Also included are lists of known teratogens, pregnancy drug registries, AHA endocarditis guidelines, FDA category definitions, and the percent of drugs assigned to them Thanks go to Dr Weiner for his ingenuity in taking a complicated problem and making it straightforward and simple for those who care for pregnant and nonpregnant women This effort is the first to simultaneously embrace text and an electronic version for hand-held computers The combination of Elsevier—the world's largest health sciences publisher—and Dr Weiner—an individual who has a longterm interest in female reproduction and especially high-risk obstetrics—assures success of the project This is the new frontier in medical publishing, and we will look forward to additions and revisions in the electronic format Frederick P Zuspan, MD Professor and Chairman, Emeritus The Ohio State University School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Emeritus Editor American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Las Vegas, Nevada This page intentionally left blank Foreword to the First Edition The study of medication use in pregnancy is one of the least developed and most neglected areas of clinical pharmacology and drug research Although pregnancy is widely regarded as a special population due to both the unique maternal physiology and the vulnerability of the developing fetus, researchers and pharmaceutical companies have been reticent to evaluate optimal modalities of treatment for this group The issue is compounded by the enormous number of medications women are exposed to during pregnancy Epidemiological surveys indicate nearly two thirds of all pregnant women use four to five drugs during pregnancy through delivery Women with medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, and hypertension must continue therapy while pregnant In some cases, due to a justified or unjustified concern for the developing fetus, the medication prescribed is either withheld, inadequate to treat the maternal condition, or not monitored closely enough as pregnancy progresses for needed adjustments in dosing The result is a double negative, that of fetal exposure without maternal or fetal benefit The lack of Food and Drug Administration obstetric labeling and the near universal off-label use of drugs are the direct result of the paucity of research and clinical trials in this special population The public concern stems from the use of drugs in pregnancy based on an empiric approach rather than a scientific basis, and does not take into account the many alterations in pregnancy There are profound physiologic changes in pregnancy involving the mother, placenta and fetus that may alter absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs For example, there is a decrease in gastric emptying and an increase in intestinal transit time, both of which may alter gastrointestinal absorption of drugs Similarly, the physiologic increase in pulmonary blood flow, hyperventilation, or increased tidal volume during pregnancy may increase the absorption of inhalants The dramatic increase in blood volume with subsequent dilutional hypoalbuminemia, especially in the third trimester, can be associated with a decreased drug binding capacity and may profoundly affect the distribution of many drugs during pregnancy These are but a few of the many examples of the complex changes in pregnancy that affect the type, dosing, and effectiveness of medications in this special population Daily advances in therapeutics dramatically increase the number and types of medications available more rapidly than textbooks can be updated This new text by Weiner and Buhimschi, Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women, helps fill the void It is a comprehensive resource addressing the unique needs of this special population Each drug entry includes the generic and trade names, drug class, indication(s) (on and off label), mechanism(s) of action, dosage, maternal and fetal considerations, breastfeeding safety, references, FDA pregnancy and lactation categories, and a summary Wherever possible, evidence- based recommendations are made This unique reference combines the printed word with an electronic version updated quarterly to allow for the incorporation of the new therapeutics This design is user friendly for the busy clinician and includes prescribing information as well as a review of the published experience with the drug in pregnancy and lactation As the first of its type, Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women will simplify the clinician’s ability to maintain updated information on medications in pregnancy and facilitate the incorporation of more rigorous study into the use of medications in the pregnant and lactating populations Catherine Y Spong, MD Chief, Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch PPB CRMC NICHD NIH Bethesda, Maryland This page intentionally left blank procarbazine, 282–283t, 730 Procardia, 605–608 Procardia XL, 605–608 Procef, 123 prochlorperazine, 195– 196t, 414–415t, 731 dofetilide and, 242–243t Prochlorperazine edisylate, 731 Prochlorperazine maleate, 731 Procimeti, 149–150 Procren, 450–451 Procrit, 261–262 Proctocort, 369–371 Procto-Hc, 369–371 Proctospre, 149–150 procyclidine, paroxetine and, 659–661t Prodop, 536–538 Profen, 378–379 Proferdex, 416–417 Profilate, 40 Profilnine, 291 Progenitor cell donors, filgrastim for, 302–303t Progenitor mobilization, sargramostim, 797t Progestaject-50, 732–733 progesterone, 732–733 meclizine and, 494t mifepristone and, 557–558t prednisolone and, 718–720t Proglycem, 212–213 Prograf, 837–839 proguanil, 49–50t pyrimethamine and, 749–750t ProHIBIT, 357 Prokine, 797 Prolex, 352–353 Prolia, 955–968t Prolixin, 315–316 Prolopa, 455–456 Proloprim, 891–893 Promacid, 142–143 Promacta, 955–968t Prometa, 515–516 Promethacon, 733–735 promethazine, 733–735 ondansetron and, 632–634t Promethazine w/DM, 208–209 Prometrium, 732–733 Promide, 143–144 Promine, 728–729 Promylin, 653 Pronestyl, 728–729 Prontalgin, 378–379 propafenone, 25–26t, 28–29t, 85–86t, 108t, 164–165t, 169–170t, 196–197t, 199–200t, 224–225t, 247–248t, 383–384t, 735–736 metoprolol and, 547–548t paroxetine and, 659–661t propranolol and, 739–741t protriptyline and, 743–744t Propan, 688–689 propantheline, 122t, 224–225t, 736–737 Propionibacterium acnes infection cefonicid for, 116–117t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t clindamycin for, 160–161t lincomycin for, 463–464t Proplex T, 291 propofol, 737–739 dexmedetomidine and, 204–205t droperidol and, 252t methohexital and, 527–528t midazolam and, 553–555t oxymorphone and, 647t propoxyphene, 206–207t, 394–404t alprazolam and, 17–18t carbamazepine and, 101–102t codeine and, 172t propranolol, 23–24t, 43–44t, 92–93t, 142–143t, 147t, 149–150t, 210–212t, 226t, 228–229t, 234–235t, 245–246t, 254–255t, 304–305t, 317–318t, 322–324t, 332–333t, 367–368t, 739–741 propranolol (Continued) flurbiprofen and, 318–319t glimepiride and, 344–345t levothyroxine and, 459–462t metoprolol and, 547–548t miglitol and, 559t modafinil and, 568–569t pindolol and, 696–697t primidone and, 725–726t propafenone and, 735–736t Propulsid, 153–154 propylthiouracil, 741–742 methimazole and, 525–526t ProSom, 272–273 Prostaphlin, 637–638 ProStep, 603–605 Prostigmin, 594–595 Prostin E2, 231–232 Prostin E2 Vaginal Suppository, 231–232 protamine, 258–259t, 742–743 Protease, 653 Proterytrin, 266–268 Proteus infection P mirabilis carbenicillin for, 103t cefadroxil for, 110–111t cefamandole for, 111t cefazolin for, 112t cefdinir for, 113t cefepime for, 114–115t cefmetazole for, 115–116t cefonicid for, 116–117t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t cephalexin for, 130t Proteus infection (Continued) cephapirin for, 131t cephradine for, 131–132t cinoxacin for, 150–151t levofloxacin for, 456–458t lomefloxacin for, 474–475t mezlocillin for, 551–552t moxifloxacin for, 572–573t netilmicin for, 596–597t norfloxacin for, 618–619t P multocida, linezolid for, 465–466t P vulgaris cinoxacin for, 150–151t mezlocillin for, 551–552t Protexillin, 29–30, 34–35 Prothazine, 208–209 Protilase, 653 Protilase Mt 16, 653 Protonix, 655–656 Protopam, 712–713 Protopic, 837–839 Protran, 142–143 protriptyline, 31–32t, 206–207t, 743–744, 955–968t Protylol, 217–218 Provaine penicillin, 668–669 Provent, 858–860 Proventil, 10–11 Provera, 496–497 Providencia infection P rettgeri, mezlocillin for, 551–552t P stuartii, mezlocillin for, 551–552t Provigil, 568–569, 955–968t Prozac, 313–315, 955–968t Prozine, 733–735 Pruritus doxepin for, 247–248t hydrocortisone for, 369–370t hydroxyzine for, 375–376t Prysoline, 725–726 pseudoephedrine, 744–745 cetirizine and, 132–133t chlorpheniramine and, 141–142t hydrocodone and, 368–369t 1013 pseudoephedrine (Continued) midodrine and, 556t phenylephrine and, 687–688t phenylpropanolamine and, 688–689t Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection cefepime for, 114–115t cefonicid for, 116–117t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t levofloxacin for, 456–458t lomefloxacin for, 474–475t meropenem for, 511–512t mezlocillin for, 551–552t moxifloxacin for, 572–573t norfloxacin for, 618–619t Psittacosis, agents of, oxytetracycline for, 648t Psoriasis etanercept for, 279–280t halobetasol topical for, 358–359t methotrexate for, 528–531t methoxsalen for, 532t pustular, anthralin for, 39t severe, etretinate for, 288–289t tazarotene topical for, 842t Psoriatec, 39–40 Psoriatic arthritis, etanercept for, 279–280t Psychosis See also Schizophrenia adjunct for, reserpine for, 767–768t chlorpromazine for, 142–143 1014 Psychosis (Continued) clozapine for, 169–170t fluphenazine decanoate for, 315–316t haloperidol, 359–360t loxapine for, 481–482t olanzapine for, 627–628t perphenazine for, 678–679t prochlorperazine for, 731t quetiapine for, 751–752t risperidone for, 779–780t psyllium, 745–746 PT 105, 680–681 PTU, 741–742 Pulmicort, 80–81 Pulmo, 858–860 Pulmonary edema, furosemide for, 334–336t Pulmonary embolism alteplase for, 18–19t streptokinase for, 824–825t urokinase for, 898–899t Pulmonary hypertension epoprostenol for, 262–263t tadalafil for, 839–840t treprostinil for, 884t Pupiletto-Forte, 687–688 Purinethol, 510–511 Pyelonephritis, sulfamethoxazole, 830–831t pyrantel pamoate, 746 pyrazinamide, 419–421t, 747 ethambutol and, 281t probenecid and, 727t Pyridiate, 679–680 Pyridium, 679–680 pyridostigmine, 747–748 methocarbamol and, 527t pancuronium and, 654–655t pyridoxine, 748–749 prochlorperazine and, 731t Pyridoxine deficiency, pyridoxine for, 748–749t pyrimethamine, 749–750 chlorambucil and, 135–136t dapsone and, 193–194t mefloquine and, 498–500t pyrimethaminesulfadoxine, 193–194t Q Qm-260, 755–757 Q-Mibid-Dm, 208–209 Qrp, 593–594 Qualaflex, 636 Quelicin, 825–826 Questran, 147–148 Questran Light, 147–148 quetiapine, 751–752, 955–968t olanzapine and, 627–628t Quinaglute Dura-Tabs, 753–755 Quinalan, 139–140t Quin-Amino, 755–757 Quinaminoph, 755–757 Quinamm, 755–757 quinapril, 367–368t, 752–753 Quinasul, 755–757 Quindan, 755–757 Quinidex Extentabs, 753–755 quinidine, 3–4t, 19–20t, 24–26t, 28–29t, 50–51t, 69t, 74–75t, 108t, 153–155t, 157–159t, 164–165t, 169–170t, 196–197t, 199–200t, 210–212t, 217t, 224–225t, 234–235t, 244t, 304–305t, 317–318t, 322–324t, 383–384t, 427–428t dofetilide and, 242–243t mefloquine and, 498–500t metformin and, 517–519t metoprolol and, 547–548t octreotide acetate and, 624–625t oxycodone and, 644–645t pancuronium and, 654–655t phenytoin and, 690–691t pramipexole and, 713–714t propafenone and, 735–736t propantheline and, 736–737t protriptyline and, 743–744t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t quinine and, 755–757t quinidine gluconatesulfate, 753–755 quinine, 19–20t, 755–757 carbamazepine and, 101–102t mefloquine and, 498–500t metformin and, 517–519t pramipexole and, 713–714t pyrimethamine and, 749–750t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t Quinite, 755–757 quinolone, 300–301t ofloxacin and, 625–627t Quinora, 753–755 quinupristin-dalfopristin, cyclosporine and, 182–184t Quiphile, 755–757 Quit Spray, 603–605 Quixin, 456–458 R RabAvert, 760–761 rabeprazole, 758 Rabies exposure rabies immune globulin, human, 759t rabies vaccine, 760–761t rabies immune globulin, human, 759 rabies vaccine, 760–761 Racepinephrine, 260–261 radiation exposure, potassium iodide for, 711–712t Radiography, iohexol for, 411–412t Radiostol, 264–265 Radtue, 220 raloxifene, 761 ramipril, 762–763 Ranexa, 764–765 ranitidine, 124–125t, 149–150t, 153–154t, 293t, 320–322t cyclosporine and, 182–184t dofetilide and, 242–243t lansoprazole and, 443–444t metformin and, 517–519t miglitol and, 559t oxaprozin and, 638–639t pramipexole and, 713–714t quinine and, 755–757t Ranitiget, 763–764 ranolazine, 419–421t, 764–765 rapamycin, 196–197t Rapifen, 12–13 Rapilax, 241–242 Rapilysin, 768–769 Raston, 874–875 RBC-Scan, 842–843 Rebetol, 662–663, 770–772 Rebif, 407–409 Recombivax HB, 364–365 Rederm, 369–371 Redutemp, 2–3 Refludan, 447–448 Regitine, 686–687 Reglan, 546–547 Regular Iletin II, 401–402 Regulax, 241–242 Rela, 106–107 Relafen, 574–575 Relapsing multiple sclerosis glatiramer acetate for, 343–344t interferon beta-1a for, 407–408t interferon beta-1b, recombinant for, 409t Relaxazone, 145–146 Relax-ds, 145–146 Relenza, 933–934 Relief, 885–886 Reloxyl, 29–30 Relpax, 256 Remeron, 562–563, 955–968t Remicade, 392–393 Remifentanil, 765–766 propofol and, 737–739t Remodulin, 884–885 Remular, 145–146 Renal biopsy, vasopressin for, 915–916t Renal failure, chronic, epoetin alfa for, 261–262t Renal Multivit Form Forte Zin, 324–325 Renal osteodystrophy, dihydrotachysterol for, 227t Renal transplantation, sirolimus for, 814–815t Reno-M-30, 209–210 Reno-M-60, 209–210 Reno-M-Dip, 209–210 Renova, 885–886 repaglinide, 341–342t, 766–767 Reposans, 137–138 Requip, 788–789 Resan, 34–35 Rescriptor, 196–198 Resectisol, 490 Reserpaneed, 767–768 reserpine, 31–32t, 72–73t, 75–76t, 107–108t, 140–141t, 144–145t, 206–207t, 212–213t, 269–270t, 394–404t metoprolol and, 547–548t phenoxybenzamine and, 684t phenytoin and, 690–691t propranolol and, 739–741t pseudoephedrine and, 744–745t Resistant CML, hydroxyurea for, 374–375t Resonium, 818 resorcinol, levothyroxine and, 459–462t Respair, 4–6 Respbid, 858–860 Respiratory diseases, methylprednisolone for, 542–543t Respiratory distress syndrome, prevention in preterm neonates, betamethasone for, 70–72t Respiratory infections, oxytetracycline for, 648t Respiratory tract, infection of, netilmicin for, 596–597t Restamin, 232–233 Restocalm, 137–138 Reston, 141–142 Restoril, 845–846 Retavase, 768–769 Retcin, 266–268 reteplase, 768–769 retigabine, 294–295t Retin-A, 885–886 Retin-A Micro, 885–886 Retinitis, cytomegalovirus cidofovir for, 148–149t foscarnet for, 329t ganciclovir for, 339–340t valganciclovir for, 903–904t Retinoic Acid, 885–886 Retrograde cystourethrography, diatrizoate for, 209–210t Reumofil, 833–835 Reutol, 875–876 Reversol, 253–254 Revex, 579 ReVia, 581–582 Revimine, 245–246 Rhabdomyosarcoma, vincristine for, 924t Rhesonativ, 769–770 Rheumatic disorders, methylprednisolone for, 542–543t Rheumatic fever aspirin for, 44–46t prophylaxis, penicillin VK for, 669–670t Rheumatic heart disease, erythromycin for, 266–268t Rheumatoid arthritis adalimumab for, 7t auranofin for, 53t azathioprine for, 54–55t celecoxib for, 128–130t cyclophosphamide for, 180–181t diclofenac for, 214–215t diflunisal for, 222t etanercept for, 279–280t etodolac for, 286–287t gold sodium thiomalate for, 349–350t hydroxychloroquine for, 373–374t ibuprofen for, 378–379t indomethacin for, 389–392t infliximab for, 392–393t ketoprofen for, 434–435t leflunomide for, 445–447t meclizine for, 494t mefenamic acid for, 497–498t methotrexate for, 528–531t nabumetone for, 574t naproxen for, 583–584t oxaprozin for, 638–639t penicillamine for, 665t piroxicam for, 702–703t rofecoxib for, 787–788t sulfasalazine, 831–832t sulindac for, 833–834t tolmetin for, 875t Rheumatrex, 528–531 Rhindecon, 688–689 Rhinitis allergic azatadine maleate for, 53–54t cetirizine for, 132–133t chlorpheniramine for, 141–142t cromolyn for, 177t cyproheptadine for, 184–185t dexchlorphe­niramine for, 204t fexofenadine for, 301–302t Rhinitis (Continued) flunisolide for, 310–311t loratadine for, 477–478t mometasone for, 569t promethazine for, 733–735t triamcinolone for, 886–887t beclomethasone for, 62–63t budesonide for, 80–81t clemastine for, 159–160t ipratropium bromide for, 413t Rhinocort, 80–81 Rhinocort Aqua, 80–81 Rhinorrhea, ipratropium bromide for, 413t Rho(D) immune globulin, 769–770 ribavirin, 218–219t, 405–406t, 770–772, 955–968t peginterferon alfa-2b and, 662–663t riboflavin, 772–773 Rickets, ergocalciferol for, 264–265t Rickettsia infection chloramphenicol for, 136–137t demeclocycline for, 198t oxytetracycline for, 648t Ricobid-D, 687–688 Ridaura, 53 Ridenol, 2–3 rifabutin, 49–50t, 157–159t, 254–255t, 388–389t, 427–428t, 773–774 megestrol and, 500–501t Rifadin, 774–775 Rifamate, 774–775 Rifamed, 774–775 Rifampicin, 289–290t, 344–346t, 426t, 774–775 rifampin, 23–24t, 36–37t, 49–50t, 70–72t, 75–76t, 83–88t, 108t, 169–170t, 175–176t, 224–225t, 228–229t, 243–244t, 254–255t, 273–277t, 283–284t, 299–300t, 308–309t, 317–318t, 369–370t, 388–389t, 419–421t, 427–428t, 432–433t, 774–775 carbamazepine and, 101–102t 1015 rifampin (Continued) cyclosporine and, 182–184t dapsone and, 193–194t ethambutol and, 281t fluconazole and, 305–307t lamotrigine and, 441–443t leflunomide and, 445–447t levodopa and, 455–456t levothyroxine and, 459–462t methadone and, 520–522t methylprednisolone and, 542–543t miconazole and, 552–553t midazolam and, 553–555t mifepristone and, 557–558t modafinil and, 568–569t olanzapine and, 627–628t phenytoin and, 690–691t prednisolone and, 718–720t prednisone and, 720–722t probenecid and, 727t propafenone and, 735–736t propranolol and, 739–741t quetiapine and, 751–752t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t quinine and, 755–757t Rifamycin, 774–775 rifapentine, 776 Rifarad, 774–775 Rifocina, 774–775 Rifumycin, 774–775 Rigedal, 422–423 Rilutek, 777 riluzole, 777 Rimactane, 774–775 rimantadine, 777–778 Rimifon, 419–421 Rimpacin, 774–775 Rinderon, 70–72 Ripolin, 137–138 risedronate, 778–779 Risperdal, 779–780, 955–968t risperidone, 85–86t, 779–780, 955–968t paroxetine and, 659–661t 1016 Ritalin, 541–542, 955–968t Ritalin LA, 541–542 Ritalin-SR, 541–542 Ritmocam, 728–729 ritodrine, 10–11t, 426t potassium chloride and, 711t ritonavir, 27t, 80–81t, 83–88t, 142–143t, 153–154t, 157–159t, 246t, 273–277t, 283–284t, 299–300t, 319–320t, 427–428t, 781–783 almotriptan and, 15t cyclosporine and, 182–184t meperidine and, 504–506t methadone and, 520–522t methylergonovine and, 539–540t paclitaxel and, 651–652t paricalcitol and, 658t rituximab, 279–280t Rival, 210–212 rivaroxaban, 783–784 rivastigmine, 784 Rizalt, 785 rizatriptan, 785, 955–968t RobafenDm, 208–209 Robaxin, 527 Robinul, 348–349 Robitet, 855–856 Rocaltrol, 95–96 Rocephin, 126–127 rocuronium, 786–787 Rodex, 748–749 rofecoxib, 787–788 Roferon A, 404–405 Roferon-A, 662–663 roflumilast, 384–385t Rogaine, 561–562 Roganidin-Dm, 208–209 Romazicon, 309–310 Romazine, 142–143 Romycin, 266–268 Rondec, 104–105 Ronemox, 29–30 ropinirole, 788–789 Ro-Pyridine, 679–680 Ro-Salcid, 794 rosiglitazone, 789–790 rosuvastatin, 790–791 Rotalin, 106–107 Rotape, 700–701 Roundworm mebendazole for, 492–493t pyrantel pamoate for, 746t Rowasa, 512–514 Rowecef, 126–127 Roweprazol, 631–632 Roxanol, 570–572 Roxicodone, 644–646 rt-PA, lepirudin and, 447–448t RU-486, 557–558 rubella virus vaccine, live, 791–792 Rubesol-1000, 178 Rubisol, 178 Rubivite, 178 Rubramin Pc, 178 Rucaina, 462–463 rufinamide, 294–295t Rum-K, 711 Ruvite, 178 Rythmarone, 24–25 Rythmol, 735–736 Rytmonorm, 735–736 S Safitex, 875–876 Salagen, 693–694 Salbusian, 10–11 Salbutamol, 10–11, 394–404t Salflex, 794 Salgesic, 794 salicylates, 345–348t glimepiride and, 344–345t phenytoin and, 690–691t probenecid and, 727t Salicylsalicylic acid, 794 salmeterol inhaled, 793–794 Salmonella infection, S typhi, chloramphenicol for, 136–137t salsalate, 794 Salsitab, 794 Sal-Tropine, 51–52 Salural, 65–66 Saluretil, 140–141 Samosillin, 29–30 Samthongcillin, 29–30 Sandimmune, 182–184 Sandoglobulin, 385–387 Sandostatin, 624–625 SangCya, 182–184 Sanotensin, 354–355 Sansac, 266–268 Sansert, 545 Saphris, 955–968t saquinavir, 36–37t, 80– 81t, 196–197t, 246t, 248–249t, 254–255t, 388–389t, 427–428t, 794–797 cyclosporine and, 182–184t methylergonovine and, 539–540t saquinavir (Continued) midazolam and, 553–555t paclitaxel and, 651–652t paricalcitol and, 658t Sarafem, 313–315 Sarcoma cisplatin for, 155–156t cyclophosphamide for, 180–181t Kaposi's (see Kaposi's sarcoma) sargramostim, 797t Sarocycline, 855–856 Savacol, 138–139 Savella, 955–968t saxagliptin, 797–798 Sayomol, 733–735 Scabex, 464–465 Scabies ivermectin for, 428–429t lindane for, 464–465t permethrin topical for, 677–678t Scandopa, 536–538 Schistosomiasis, praziquantel for, 716t Schizoaffective disorder, lithium carbonatecitrate for, 470–473t Schizophrenia See also Psychosis chronic, fluphenazine decanoate for, 315–316t clozapine for, 169–170t refractory, thioridazine for, 862–863t thiothixene for, 863–864t trifluoperazine for, 889–890t ziprasidone for, 936–937t Scopoderm, 798–799 scopolamine, 251t, 798–799 lorazepam and, 478–479t Scrat, 826–827 Scurvy, ascorbic acid for, 43–44t Scutamil-C, 106–107 Seasonal affective disorder, melatonin for, 501–502t Sebo-Lenium, 802–803 Seborrhea, selenium sulfide topical for, 802–803t Seborrheic dermatitis, bromides (sodium, potassium salts) for, 78t Secadol, 93 Secanal, 799–801 secobarbital, 799–801 midazolam and, 553–555t Seconal, 799–801 Secondary amenorrhea, progesterone for, 732–733t Secretory diarrhea, octreotide acetate for, 624–625t Sedarest, 272–273 Sedation amobarbital for, 27–28t bromodiphen­ hydramine for, 80t butalbital for, 89t diphenhydramine for, 232–233t hydroxyzine for, 375–376t midazolam for, 553–555t pentobarbital for, 672–673t phenobarbital for, 682–683t preoperative, meperidine for, 504–506t promethazine for, 733–735t propofol for, 737–739t scopolamine, 798–799t of ventilated patients, dexmedetomidine for, 204–205t Sedizepan, 478–480 Sedofen, 682–683 Segurex, 81–82 Seizures See also Epilepsy; Status epilepticus absence (petit mal) clonazepam for, 165–166t ethosuximide for, 284–285t phensuximide for, 684–685t carbamazepine for, 101–102t complex partial, tiagabine for, 864–865t diazepam for, 210–212t divalproex for, 236–239t felbamate for, 294–295t fosphenytoin for, 331–332t gabapentin for, 337–338t lamotrigine for, 441–443t mephobarbital for, 507–508t Seizures (Continued) methsuximide for, 533–534t oxcarbazepine for, 641–642t partial, zonisamide for, 940t partial-onset, levetiracetam for, 453–454t phenobarbital for, 682–683t phenytoin for, 690–691t primidone for, 725–726t tonic-clonic, topiramate for, 876–878t valproate for, 904–907t valproic acid for, 907–909t selegiline, 801–802, 955–968t selenium sulfide topical, 802–803 Seles, 46–47 Selgene, 801–802 Seloxen, 547–548 Sel-Pen, 802–803 Selsum, 802–803 Selsun, 802–803 Selukos, 802–803 senna, 803–804 Senna-Gen, 803–804 Sennokot, 803–804 Senox, 29–30 Sensorcaine, 82–83 Sepsis, netilmicin for, 596–597t septicemia, ticarcillin for, 865–866t Septra DS/SS/IV, 893–894 Seranase, 359–360 Serax, 640–641 Serevent, 793–794 Serevent Diskus, 793–794 Seromycin, 181–182 Serophene, 163–164 Seroquel, 751–752, 955–968t Serpalan, 767–768 Serpasil, 767–768 Serpatabs, 767–768 Serpate, 767–768 Serpivite, 767–768 sertindole, 153–154t sertraline, 28–29t, 85–86t, 156–157t, 164–165t, 199–200t, 226t, 247–248t, 254–255t, 268–269t, 313–315t, 322–324t, 332–333t, 383–384t, 804–806, 955–968t almotriptan and, 15t levothyroxine and, 459–462t sertraline (Continued) methadone and, 520–522t paroxetine and, 659–661t perphenazine and, 678–679t phenelzine and, 681–682t protriptyline and, 743–744t Servidone, 144–145 Serzone, 589–590, 955–968t Setamine, 377 Setomin, 184–185 Severe chronic neutropenia, filgrastim for, 302–303t Severe cystic, isotretinoin for, 424–425t sevoflurane, 418–419t, 806–808 dexmedetomidine and, 204–205t propofol and, 737–739t Sevorane, 806–808 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), erythromycin for, 266–268t Shigella infection demeclocycline for, 198t mezlocillin for, 551–552t minocycline for, 560–561t oxytetracycline for, 648t Shigellosis, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole for, 893–894t Shikitan, 19–20 Shiton, 936–937 Shock dexamethasone for, 201–203t dopamine for, 245–246t hydrocortisone for, 369–370t metaraminol for, 516–517t phenylephrine for, 687–688t Shodram, 230 Shodryl, 232–233 Sholog A, 886–887 Sholog K, 886–887 Shovite, 178 sibutramine, 808–809 Sickle cell disease, hydroxyurea for, 374–375t Sideril, 883–884 Sifrol, 713–714 Sigmopen, 29–30 Silapap, 2–3 sildenafil, 809–810 Sildimac, 811–812 Silino, 214–216 Sil-O-Tuss Dm, 208–209 Silvadene, 811–812 Silvazine, 811–812 silver nitrate, 810–811 silver sulfadiazine topical, 811–812 Silverderma, 811–812 Silverol, 811–812 Silvirin, 811–812 simethicone, 812 levothyroxine and, 459–462t Simulect, 61–62 simvastatin, 24–25t, 157–159t, 320–322t, 427–428t, 812–814 cyclosporine and, 182–184t lovastatin and, 480–481t pravastatin and, 714–715t Sinanin, 509 Sinequan, 247–248, 955–968t Sinomin, 830–831 Sipental, 675–676 sirolimus, 427–428t, 814–815 sitAgliptin, 815–816 sitagliptin phosphate, 955–968t sitagliptin phosphate plus metformin hydrochloride, 955–968t Sjögren's syndrome, pilocarpine for, 693–694t Skedesin, 527 Skin fungal infection, oxiconazole for, 642–643t Skin infections naftifine for, 577t netilmicin for, 596–597t ticarcillin for, 865–866t Skin preparation, hexachlorophene for, 365t Sleep promotion, melatonin for, 501–502t Slo Niacin, 600–601 Slo-Bid, 858–860 Slo-Phyllin, 858–860 Slow-K, 711 Smoking cessation bupropion for, 85–86t nicotine for, 603–605t varenicline for, 912–913t 1017 sobutramine hydrochloride, 955–968t Socotrine, 16 sodium, 78–79 sodium bicarbonate, 816–817 lithium carbonatecitrate and, 470–473t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t sodium ferric gluconate, 817–818 Sodium Heparin, 360–361 sodium polystyrene, 818 Sofargen, 811–812 Soft tissue infection, ticarcillin for, 865–866t Solaquin Forte, 372–373 Solezorin, 365–367 Solfoton, 682–683 Solid tumors, hydroxyurea for, 374–375t Solpurin, 727 Solu-Phyllin, 858–860 Soluston, 133–134 Soma, 106–107 Somac, 655–656 somatropin, 394–396t, 399–404t Somniton, 888–889 Somophylin, 23–24 Somophyllin, 858–860 Sonapex, 862–863 Sonata, 932–933 Sonazine, 142–143 Sorbitrate, 422–423 Sorine, 818–820 Sosol, 832–833 sotalol, 142–143t, 153–154t, 818–820 Soxa, 832–833 Span Niacin, 600–601 Spancap No 1, 206–208 sparfloxacin, 153–154t Spasdel, 377 Spasticity See also Muscle spasm baclofen for, 59–60t chronic, dantrolene for, 192–193t tizanidine for, 870–871t Spectazole, 253 spectinomycin, 820 Spectracef, 113–114 Spectro-Atropine, 51–52 Spectro-Bacitracin, 59 Spectro-Chlor, 136–137 Spectro-Con, 582–583 Spectro-Dilate, 687–688 Spectro-Nephrine, 687–688 1018 Spectro-Pilo, 693–694 Spiriva, 869–870 Spiriva Respimat, 869–870 spironolactone, 64–65t, 99–100t, 224–225t, 256–257t, 330–331t, 367–368t, 820–822 lisinopril and, 469–470t perindopril erbumine and, 676–677t quinapril and, 752–753t Sporanox, 427–428 Sporostatin, 351–352 Sps, 818 Squamous cell carcinoma, bleomycin for, 76–77t SSD, 811–812 SSKI, 711–712 St John's wort, 299–300t, 414–415t, 424–425t, 823–824 paroxetine and, 659–661t S-T Cort, 369–371 Stadol, 90 Staphaloxin, 637–638 Staphcillin, 216–217 Staphylococcus infection carbenicillin for, 103t penicillinaseproducing, nafcillin, 576t penicillin-resistant, dicloxacillin for, 216t S aureus cefadroxil for, 110–111t cefamandole for, 111t cefazolin for, 112t cefdinir for, 113t cefmetazole for, 115–116t cefonicid for, 116–117t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t cephalexin for, 130t Staphylococcus infection (Continued) cephapirin for, 131t cephradine for, 131–132t clindamycin for, 160–161t demeclocycline for, 198t levofloxacin for, 456–458t linezolid for, 465–466t loracarbef for, 476–477t methicillin-resistant (MRSA) cefepime for, 114–115t clarithromycin for, 157–159t mezlocillin for, 551–552t minocycline for, 560–561t S epidermidis cefamandole for, 111t cefazolin for, 112t cefdinir for, 113t cefepime for, 114–115t cefmetazole for, 115–116t cefonicid for, 116–117t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t clindamycin for, 160–161t S saprophyticus levofloxacin for, 456–458t lomefloxacin for, 474–475t netilmicin for, 596–597t norfloxacin, 618–619t Starlex, 586–587 Statcillin, 34–35 Staticin, 266–268 Statin, 622–623 Statobex, 680–681 Status asthmaticus See also Asthma hydrocortisone for, 369–370t Status epilepticus See also Epilepsy; Seizures diazepam for, 210–212t fosphenytoin for, 331–332t lorazepam for, 478–479t phenobarbital for, 682–683t phenytoin for, 690–691t stavudine, 218–219t, 822–823 methadone and, 520–522t Staxyn, 911–912 Steady-state theophylline, ofloxacin and, 625–627t Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic, ursodiol for, 900–901t SteiVAA, 885–886 Stelara, 955–968t Stelazine, 889–890 Stemetic, 890–891 Sterapred, 720–722 Sterapred DS, 720–722 Steremal, 731 Steroid-induced osteoporosis, risedronate for, 778–779t Steroid-responsive dermatitis, 316–317t fluocinolone topical for, 311t halcinonide topical for, 357–358t halobetasol topical for, 358–359t hydrocortisone for, 369–370t prednicarbate topical for, 718t Stie-Cort, 369–371 Stilphostrol, 220–222 stiripentol, 294–295t Stomach cancer, mitomycin for, 566–567t Storz-Fen, 687–688 Storzine, 693–694 Streptase, 824–825 Streptococcus infection carbenicillin for, 103t clindamycin for, 160–161t group A Streptococcus infection (Continued) benzathine penicillin G for, 667–668t penicillin VK for, 669–670t group B (GBS) clindamycin for, 160–161t erythromycin for, 266–268t β1-hemolytic cefadroxil for, 110–111t cephalexin for, 130t cephapirin for, 131t cephradine for, 131–132t S agalactiae, linezolid for, 465–466t S faecalis (see also Enterobacter infection) demeclocycline for, 198t mezlocillin for, 551–552t minocycline for, 560–561t S pneumoniae cefaclor for, 109–110t cefamandole for, 111t cefazolin for, 112t cefdinir for, 113t cefepime for, 114–115t cefmetazole for, 115–116t cefonicid for, 116–117t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t clarithromycin for, 157–159t demeclocycline for, 198t levofloxacin for, 456–458t Streptococcus infection (Continued) linezolid for, 465–466t loracarbef for, 476–477t meropenem for, 511–512t mezlocillin for, 551–552t minocycline for, 560–561t moxifloxacin for, 572–573t netilmicin for, 596–597t norfloxacin for, 618–619t S pyogenes cefaclor for, 109–110t cefamandole for, 111t cefmetazole for, 115–116t cefoperazone for, 117–118t cefotaxime for, 119t cefotetan for, 120t cefoxitin for, 121t cefpodoxime for, 122t cefprozil for, 123t ceftazidime for, 123–124t ceftibuten for, 124–125t ceftizoxime for, 125–126t ceftriaxone for, 126–127t cefuroxime for, 127–128t clarithromycin for, 157–159t demeclocycline for, 198t levofloxacin for, 456–458t lincomycin for, 463–464t linezolid for, 465–466t loracarbef for, 476–477t minocycline for, 560–561t moxifloxacin for, 572–573t netilmicin for, 596–597t norfloxacin for, 618–619t S saprophyticus, moxifloxacin for, 572–573t S viridians, meropenem for, 511–512t streptokinase, 824–825 lepirudin and, 447–448t streptomycin, 419–421t inactivated poliovirus vaccine and, 706–707t oral poliovirus vaccine for, 707–708t pancuronium and, 654–655t streptozocin, 248–249t Stress ulcer lansoprazole for, 443–444t rabeprazole for, 758t Strifon Forte DSC, 145–146 Stroke, acute ischemic, alteplase for, 18–19t Stromectol, 428–429 Strongyloidiasis, ivermectin for, 428–429t Stubit, 603–605 Subarachnoid hemorrhage, with vasospasm, nimodipine for, 608–609t Sublimaze, 299–300 Subutex, 83–85 Sucafate, 826–827 succinimides, phenytoin and, 690–691t succinylcholine, 50–51t, 180–181t, 224–225t, 244t, 253–254t, 269–270t, 334–336t, 825–826 amikacin and, 20–21t pancuronium and, 654–655t procainamide and, 728–729t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t Sucostrin, 825–826 Sucrace, 826–827 sucralfate, 37–38t, 149–151t, 334–336t, 826–827 ciprofloxacin and, 151–153t lansoprazole and, 443–444t levofloxacin and, 456–458t levothyroxine and, 459–462t lomefloxacin and, 474–475t ofloxacin and, 625–627t phenytoin and, 690–691t Sudac, 833–835 Sudal-DM, 208–209 Sufedrin, 744–745 Sufenta, 827–828 sufentanil, 90t, 421–422t, 827–828 Sular, 609–610 sulconazole nitrate topical, 828–829 Sulcosyn, 828–829 Sulesorin, 365–367 sulfadiazine, 829–830 pyrimethamine and, 749–750t sulfadoxine, mefloquine and, 498–500t sulfadoxinepyrimethamine, pyrimethamine and, 749–750t Sulfalar, 832–833 sulfamethoxazole, 830–831 dofetilide and, 242–243t mercaptopurine and, 510–511t methotrexate and, 528–531t phenazopyridine and, 679–680t sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim, pentamidine and, 670–671t sulfasalazine, 224–225t, 831–832 mesalamine and, 512–514t Sulfazin, 832–833 Sulfazole, 832–833 sulfinpyrazone, 44–46t, 65–66t, 75t, 258–259t sulfisoxazole, 832–833 phenazopyridine and, 679–680t sulfonamides, 34–36t, 345–348t glimepiride and, 344–345t phenytoin and, 690–691t pyrimethamine and, 749–750t sulindac, 833–835 cyclosporine and, 182–184t Sulphafurazole, 832–833 sulphasalazine, mercaptopurine and, 510–511t Sulsoxin, 832–833 sumatriptan, 75–76t, 90t, 156–157t, 226t, 256t, 268–269t, 313–315t, 322–324t, 332–333t, 835–836 1019 sumatriptan (Continued) almotriptan and, 15t methysergide and, 545t paroxetine and, 659–661t Sumital, 27–28 Sumycin, 855–856 Sunchlormycin, 136–137 Supplementation ascorbic acid for, 43–44t calcitriol for, 95–96t β-carotene for, 69–70t ferrous gluconate for, 300–301t pantothenic acid for, 656t riboflavin for, 772–773t Supramycin, 855–856 Suprapen, 29–30 Supraventricular arrhythmias amiodarone for, 24–25t digitoxin for, 223t paroxysmal, adenosine for, 9t Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) digitoxin for, 223t esmolol for, 269–270t propranolol for, 739–741t quinidine gluconatesulfate for, 753–755t Supra-Vir, 6–7 Suprazine, 889–890 Supres, 365–367 Surfak, 241–242 Surgical paralysis, atracurium for, 50–51t Surgical prophylaxis, ceforanide in, 118t Surmontil, 895–896, 955–968t Surplix, 383–384 Sus-Phrine, 260–261 Sustaire, 858–860 Sustiva, 254–256 Sutony, 583–585 Suxamethonium, 825–826 Sux-Cert, 825–826 Swimmer's ear, benzocaine for, 66–67t Symmetrel, 19–20 sympathomimetics, 344–348t Symptomatic bradycardia, atropine for, 51–52t Synacort, 369–371 Synalar, 311–312 1020 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), urea, 898t Synecl, 130–131 Syntaxil, 774–775 Synthophyllin, 23–24 Synthroid, 459–462 Synthrox, 459–462 Syntocinon, 649–650 Syntopressin, 482–483 Syntoren, 774–775 Syntovent, 850–851 Syphilis benzathine penicillin G for, 667–668t penicillin G, aqueous for, 666t penicillin G, procaine for, 668–669t Syraprim, 891–893 Systemic infection penicillin G, aqueous for, 666t penicillin G, procaine for, 668–669t Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) azathioprine for, 54–55t hydroxychloroquine for, 373–374t Sytobex, 178 T Tabloid, 860–861 Tac, 886–887 Tachycardia paroxysmal atrial, digoxin for, 224–225t supraventricular digitoxin for, 223t esmolol for, 269–270t propranolol for, 739–741t quinidine gluconatesulfate for, 753–755t Tachyrol, 227–228 tacrine, 322–324t, 837 tacrolimus, 21–22t, 136–137t, 142–143t, 157–159t, 196–197t, 266–268t, 384–385t, 427–428t, 432–433t, 837–839 cyclosporine and, 182–184t tadalafil, 839–840 Tagagel, 149–150 Tagamed, 149–150 Tagamet, 149–150 Tagamin, 149–150 Taidin/Fulvicin P/G, 351–352 Taidon, 201–204 Talofren, 858–860 Taloxa, 294–295 Talwin, 671–672 Tambocor, 304–305 Tamiflu, 636–637 tamoxifen, 142–143t, 289–290t, 840–841t letrozole and, 448–449t levothyroxine and, 459–462t Tampicillin, 34–35 Tanpinin, 143–144 Tapanol, 2–3 Tapazole, 525–526 Tapeworms, praziquantel for, 716t Tara, 552–553 Tarabine PFS, 185–186 Tarein, 378–379 Tasmolin, 74–75 Tavist, 159–160 Tavist-1, 159–160 Taxol, 651–652 Taxotere, 240–241 tazarotene, 8t topical, 842 Tazicef, 123–124 Tazidime, 123–124 tazobactam, piperacillin and, 698–699t Tazorac, 842 Tazosyn, 699–700 TC, 439–441 T-Circ, 230 T-Diet, 685–686 Tebamide, 890–891 Techlon, 675–676 technetium-99m (99mTc), 842–843 Tecnal, 89–90 Tega Dryl, 232–233 Tega-Cort, 369–371 Tega-Cycline, 855–856 Tega-Flex, 636 Tegamide, 890–891 tegaserod, 843–844 Tegison, 288–289 Tegretol, 101–103 telavancin, 955–968t telbivudine, lamivudine and, 439–441t Teline, 855–856 telithromycin, 16–17t, 246t lovastatin and, 480–481t paricalcitol and, 658t telmisartan, 367–368t, 844–845 Telmycin, 855–856 temazepam, 845–846 lorazepam and, 478–479t Tementil, 731 Temodar, 846–847 Temoxol, 846–847 temozolomide, 846–847 Tempra, 2–3 tenecteplase, 847 Tenex, 355–356 Ten-K, 711 Tenofax, 99–100 tenofovir, 218–219t, 254–255t tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, 847–849 Tenolin, 46–47 Tenormin, 46–47 Tensig, 46–47 Tensilon, 253–254 Tension headache butalbital for, 89t caffeine for, 92t caffeine plus ergotamine for, 93t Tensium, 210–212 Tenuate, 220 Tenuate Dospan, 220 Teofilina, 858–860 Teophyllin, 858–860 Tepanil, 220 Tequin, 340–341 Teramine, 685–686 Teratogens, examples of, 972t Terazol, 851–852 terazosin, midodrine and, 556t terbinafine, 849–850 terbutaline, 10–11t, 328t, 394–404t, 850–851 potassium chloride and, 711t terconazole, 851–852 terfenadine, 55–57t, 157–159t, 196–197t, 210–212t, 240–241t, 266–268t, 301–302t, 317–318t, 322–324t, 427–428t, 432–433t carbamazepine and, 101–102t octreotide acetate and, 624–625t quinine and, 755–757t teriflunomide, 955–968t Terramycin, 648–649 Testo-B, 544–545 testosterone, mestranol and, 514–515t Testred, 544–545 Tetanus chlorpromazine for, 142–143 immune globulin for, 852–853t tetanus immune globulin, 852–853 tetanus toxoid, 853–854 Tetmosol, 235–236 Tetocain, 854–855 Tetocyn, 855–856 tetracaine, 854–855 Tetracap, 855–856 Tetrachel, 855–856 Tetraciclina, 855–856 Tetracitro-S, 855–856 Tetracon, 855–856 tetracycline, 4–5t, 34–36t, 75t, 147t, 174–175t, 250t, 300–301t, 855–856 benzathine penicillin G and, 667–668t methotrexate and, 528–531t metoclopramide and, 546–547t nafcillin and, 576t oxacillin and, 637–638t pancuronium and, 654–655t penicillin G, aqueous and, 666t penicillin VK and, 669–670t procaine penicillin G and, 668–669t quinapril and, 752–753t quinine and, 755–757t tetracycline-class agents, 216t Tetracyn, 855–856 Tetralan, 855–856 Tetram, 855–856 Tetramed, 855–856 Teveten, 263–264 Texacort, 369–371 Tfp, 889–890 T-Gen, 890–891 THA, 837 thalidomide, 856–858 Thalidone, 144–145 Thalitone, 144–145 thallium, 232–233t Thalomid, 856–858 Theo-24, 858–860 Theobid, 858–860 Theochron, 858–860 Theoclear, 858–860 Theocontin, 858–860 Theocot, 858–860 Theo-Dur, 858–860 Theolair, 858–860 Theomar, 858–860 Theophyl, 858–860 theophylline, 23–24t, 55–57t, 85–86t, 90t, 149–151t, 157–159t, 210–212t, 251t, 266–268t, 317–318t, 322–324t, 393–394, 404–406t, 412–413t, 858–860 theophylline (Continued) carbamazepine and, 101–102t cetirizine and, 132–133t cidofovir and, 148–149t ciprofloxacin and, 151–153t dipyridamole and, 233–234t fluconazole and, 305–307t lansoprazole and, 443–444t levofloxacin and, 456–458t methimazole and, 525–526t methotrexate and, 528–531t ofloxacin and, 625–627t pantoprazole and, 655–656t paroxetine and, 659–661t pentoxifylline and, 675–676t phenytoin and, 690–691t probenecid and, 727t propafenone and, 735–736t propranolol and, 739–741t Theophylline Anhydrous, 858–860 Theosal, 10–11 Theosol-80, 858–860 Theospan Sr, 858–860 Theostat 80, 858–860 Theo-Time, 858–860 Theourin, 23–24 Theovent, 858–860 Theox, 858–860 Thermazene, 811–812 thiamine, 860 Thiasin, 832–833 thiazides, 344–348t Thiazidil, 534–535 thimerosal, latanoprost and, 445t Thinin, 862–863 thiocyanate, levothyroxine and, 459–462t thioguanine, 860–861 thiopental, 861–862 ketamine and, 431–432t probenecid and, 727t thiopentone, promethazine and, 733–735t thioridazine, 85–86t, 313–315t, 862–863 carbamazepine and, 101–102t paroxetine and, 659–661t thioridazine (Continued) pindolol and, 696–697t quetiapine and, 751–752t thiothixene, 435t, 863–864 thioxanthenes, pramipexole and, 713–714t Thorazine, 142–143 Thosutin, 284–285 Thrombate III, 40–41 Thrombocythemia, essential anagrelide hydrochloride for, 37–38t anakinra for, 38–39t hydroxyurea for, 374–375t Thrombocytopenia alloimmune, immune globulin for, 385–387t heparin-induced argatroban for, 42–43t lepirudin for, 447–448t oprelvekin in, 634t Thromboembolic disease, 928–930t heparin for, 360–361t Thrombophilias, heparin for, 360–361t Thrombosis argatroban for, 42–43t prophylaxis, ardeparin sodium for, 41–42t streptokinase, 824–825t venous, enoxaparin for, 258–259t Thrombotic stroke prophylaxis, ticlopidine for, 866–867t Thrombus prophylaxisDVT, dipyridamole for, 233–234t Throxinique, 459–462 Thyradin, 459–462 Thyroid cancer, doxorubicin for, 248–249t Thyroidectomy, preoperative, potassium iodide for, 711–712t Thyrolar, 468–469 Thyrotoxicosis, potassium iodide for, 711–712t Thyroxine, 459–462 tiagabine, 294–295t, 864–865 carbamazepine and, 101–102t Tialam, 888–889 Tiamina, 860 Tiazac, 228–229 Tibirim, 774–775 Ticar, 865–866 ticarcillin, 159t, 865–866 Ticlid, 866–867 ticlopidine, 866–867 cyclosporine and, 182–184t dipyridamole and, 233–234t Ticon, 890–891 Tiempe, 891–893 Tigan, 890–891 Tija, 648–649 Tiject-20, 890–891 Tikosyn, 242–243 Tilade, 588–589 Tiloptic, 867–868 Timentin, 865–866 timolol, 367–368t, 867–868 Timoptic, 867–868 Timoptic-Xe, 867–868 Timoptol, 867–868 Timpotic, 867–868 Tinea econazole nitrate for, 253t terbinafine for, 849–850t Tinea capitis griseofulvin for, 351–352t ketoconazole for, 432–433t Tinea corporis clotrimazole for, 168–169t griseofulvin for, 351–352t ketoconazole for, 432–433t sulconazole nitrate topical for, 828–829t Tinea cruris clotrimazole for, 168–169t griseofulvin for, 351–352t ketoconazole for, 432–433t sulconazole nitrate topical for, 828–829t Tinea pedis clotrimazole for, 168–169t griseofulvin for, 351–352t ketoconazole for, 432–433t sulconazole nitrate topical for, 828–829t 1021 Tinea unguium, griseofulvin for, 351–352t Tinea versicolor clotrimazole for, 168–169t ketoconazole for, 432–433t selenium sulfide topical for, 802–803t sulconazole nitrate topical for, 828–829t tinzaparin, 868–869 tiotropium, 869–870 Ti-Plex, 890–891 Tis U Sol, 486–489 tizanidine, 870–871 TMP-Ratiopharm, 891–893 TNKase, 847 Tobradistin, 871–872 tobramycin, 871–872 cyclosporine and, 182–184t piperacillin-tazobactam and, 699–700t Tobrasix, 871–872 Tobrex, 871–872 tocainide, 872–873 lidocaine and, 462–463t tocilizumab, 955–968t Tocolysis indomethacin for, 389–392t magnesium sulfate for, 486–489t terbutaline for, 850–851t tocopherol, pentoxifylline and, 675–676t tofacitinib, 384–385t, 955–968t Tofnil, 383–384 Tofranil, 383–384, 955–968t Tofranil-Pm, 383–384 Tokiocillin, 34–35 tolazamide, 873–874 Tolbusal, 874–875 Tolbutamida Valdecases, 874–875 tolbutamide, 874–875 clofibrate and, 162–163t dantrolene and, 192–193t fluconazole and, 305–307t leflunomide and, 445–447t phenytoin and, 690–691t Tolectin, 875–876 Tolinase, 873–874 Tolisan, 873–874 1022 tolmetin, 875–876 tolterodine, 876 Tonocard, 872–873 Topamax, 876–878 Topharmin, 19–20 Topicycline, 855–856 topiramate, 294–295t, 876–878 carbamazepine and, 101–102t levetiracetam and, 453–454t oxcarbazepine and, 641–642t phentermine and, 685–686t phenytoin and, 690–691t Topisone, 369–371 topotecan, 302–303t Toprol XL, 547–548 Tora, 685–686 Toradol, 435 Toround, 871–872 Tosmar Dm, 208–209 Totacillin, 34–35 Tourette's syndrome haloperidol, 359–360t pimozide for, 695t Touro Ex, 352–353 Toxins, fetal, examples of, 972t Toxoplasmosis pyrimethamine for, 749–750t sulfadiazine for, 829–830t TPA, 18–19 T-Phyl, 858–860 Tracrium, 50–51, 154–155 Tramacort 40, 886–887 Tramacort-D, 886–887 tramadol, 2–3t, 878–879 paroxetine and, 659–661t Trancot, 509 Trandate, 436–438 trandolapril, 879–880 tranexamic acid, 880–882 Tranmep, 509 Tranquil, 210–212 Transderm Scop, 798–799 Transderm-Nitro, 612–615 Transfusion reduction, epoetin alfa for, 261–262t Transiderm, 612–615 Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), aspirin for, 44–46t Transplant recipients azathioprine for, 54–55t cyclosporine for, 182–184t kidney, basiliximab for, 61–62t Transplant rejection prophylaxis, azathioprine for, 54–55t Tranxene, 168 tranylcypromine, 159–160t, 210–212t, 317–318t, 882–883, 955–968t trastuzumab, 955–968t Tratol, 149–150 Trauma, hydroquinone topical for, 372–373t Traumacut, 527 Traveler's diarrhea norfloxacin for, 618–619t trimethoprim for, 891–892t Travelgum, 230 Trazalon, 883–884 Trazil, 871–872 trazodone, 883–884, 955–968t phenytoin and, 690–691t Trazonil, 883–884 Tremetex, 528–531 Tremor, essential, primidone for, 725–726t Trental, 675–676 Treponema pallidum infection demeclocycline for, 198t minocycline for, 560–561t treprostinil, 884–885 Tresortil, 527 tretinoin, 885–886 Trewilor, 917–919 Trexan, 581–582 Triacet, 886–887 Triacort, 886–887 Triam-A, 886–887 Triamcinair, 886–887 triamcinolone, 319–320t, 886–887 Triamcot, 886–887 Triam-Forte, 886–887 Triaminoral, 886–887 Triamolone 40, 886–887 triamterene, 64–65t, 99–100t, 256–257t, 330–331t, 367–368t, 389–392t, 887–888 dofetilide and, 242–243t lisinopril and, 469–470t metformin and, 517–519t perindopril erbumine and, 676–677t pramipexole and, 713–714t quinapril and, 752–753t triamterene/ hydrochlorothiazide, 19–20t Trianal, 89–90 Trianide, 886–887 Triatex, 886–887 triazolam, 157–159t, 228–229t, 254–255t, 266–268t, 427–428t, 432–433t, 888–889 modafinil and, 568–569t Triban, 890–891 Tribenzagan, 890–891 trichloroethylene, propranolol and, 739–741t Trichomonas vaginalis infection, metronidazole for, 549–551t Trichophyton infection miconazole for, 552–553t T mentagrophytes naftifine for, 577t oxiconazole for, 642–643t T rubrum naftifine for, 577t oxiconazole for, 642–643t T tonsurans, naftifine for, 577t Tricor, 296–297 Triderm, 886–887 Tridil, 612–615 trifluoperazine, 889–890 Trigeminal neuralgia, carbamazepine for, 101–102t Tri-Kort, 886–887 Trilafon, 678–679 Trilaxan, 34–35 Trilaxin, 29–30 Trileptal, 641–642 Trilifan, 678–679 Trilog, 886–887 Trilone, 886–887 Trimazide, 890–891 Tri-Med, 886–887 trimethobenzamide, 890–891 trimethoprim, 891–893 dapsone and, 193–194t dofetilide and, 242–243t mercaptopurine and, 510–511t metformin and, 517–519t methotrexate and, 528–531t trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, 893–894 trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole (Continued) cyclosporine and, 182–184t dapsone and, 193–194t ganciclovir and, 339–340t pyrimethamine and, 749–750t trimetrexate, 427–428t, 894–895 chlorambucil and, 135–136t Trimexazole, 891–893 trimipramine, 895–896, 955–968t Trimopan, 891–893 Trimpex, 891–893 Tri-Onex Dm, 208–209 Triostat, 466–468 tripelennamine cetirizine and, 132–133t chlorpheniramine and, 141–142t epinephrine and, 260–261t pentazocine and, 671–672t Tripid, 341–342 Triprim, 891–893 Triptil, 743–744 Tristoject, 886–887 Tristo-Plex, 886–887 Trizam, 888–889 Trobicin, 820 troleandomycin, 23–24t, 153–154t, 175–176t, 210–212t, 240–241t, 317–318t, 369–370t carbamazepine and, 101–102t methylergonovine and, 539–540t methylprednisolone and, 542–543t prednisone and, 720–722t quinine and, 755–757t Trophoblastic disease chlorambucil for, 135–136t gestational cyclophosphamide for, 180–181t dactinomycin for, 188–189t fluorouracil for, 312t methotrexate for, 528–531t vincristine for, 924t Troymycetin, 136–137 Truphylline, 23–24 Truxadryl, 232–233 Truxazole, 832–833 Truxophyllin, 858–860 Trylone A, 886–887 Trylone D, 886–887 Trymex, 886–887 tryptophan, 322–324t T-Stat, 266–268 Tuberculosis (TB) cycloserine for, 181–182t isoniazid for, 419–421t pyrazinamide for, 747t rifampin, 774–775t rifapentine, 776t tubocurarine, 21–22t, 54–55t, 140–141t, 144–145t, 334–336t, 896–897 amikacin and, 20–21t methyclothiazide and, 534–535t d-Tubocurarine pancuronium and, 654–655t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t Turimycin, 160–161 Tusnel, 208–209 Tusside, 208–209 Tussidin Dm, 208–209 Tussidin Dm Nr, 208–209 Tussigon, 368–369 Tussin, 352–353 Tussin Dm, 208–209 Tussi-Organidin DM, 208–209 Tussi-Organidin DM NR, 208–209 Tussi-Organidin DM-S NR, 208–209 Tussi-R-Gen Dm, 208–209 Tusso-DM, 208–209 Tussol, 520–522 Tusstat, 232–233 Twicyl, 29–30 Tylenol, 2–3 U Uad Dryl, 232–233 Ubacillin, 35–36 Ukapen, 34–35 Ulcer aphthous, thalidomide for, 856–857t corneal, ofloxacin for, 625–627t duodenal belladonna for, 63–64t lansoprazole for, 443–444t nizatidine for, 616–617t rabeprazole for, 758t Ulcer (Continued) ranitidine for, 763–764t sucralfate for, 826–827 gastric famotidine for, 293t lansoprazole for, 443–444t NSAID-induced, misoprostol for, 563–566t ranitidine for, 763–764t gastrointestinal, omeprazole for, 631–632t pancreatic, mitomycin for, 566–567t peptic cimetidine for, 149–150t glycopyrrolate for, 348–349t methscopolamin for, 533t propantheline for, 736–737t prophylaxis lansoprazole for, 443–444t rabeprazole for, 758t stress lansoprazole for, 443–444t rabeprazole for, 758t Ulcerative colitis adalimumab for, 7t balsalazide for, 61t hydrocortisone for, 369–370t mercaptopurine for, 510–511t mesalamine for, 512–514t olsalazine for, 630–631t sulfasalazine for, 831–832t Ulcinfan, 149–150 Ulcona, 826–827 Ulcumaag, 826–827 Ulpax, 149–150 Ulsidex, 826–827 Ultane, 806–808 Ultiva, 765–766 Ultracef, 110–111 Ultracortenol, 718–720 Ultragris, 351–352 Ultra-K-Chlor, 711 Ultram, 878–879 Ultramicrosize Griseofulvin, 351–352 Ultrase, 653 Ultrase Mt, 653 Ultratag, 842–843 Ultravate, 358–359 Ultrazine-10, 731 Umi-Pex 30, 685–686 Unasyn, 35–36 Uncomplicated gonorrhea gatifloxacin for, 340–341t ofloxacin for, 625–627t Uni-Ace, 2–3 Unicillin, 29–30 Unicort, 70–72 Uni-Dur, 858–860 Unifyl, 858–860 Unipen, 576–577 Uniphyl, 858–860 Unitrim, 891–893 Unizuric, 13–15 Upcyclin, 855–856 Urate nephrolithiasis prophylaxis, 13–14t Urazole, 832–833 urea, 898 Ureaphil, 898 Urecholine, 73–74t Urethritis, ofloxacin for, 625–627t Uricemil, 13–15 Uriconorm-E, 13–15 Urimor, 534–535 Urinary alkalinization, acetazolamide for, 3–4t Urinary incontinence, midodrine for, 556t Urinary infections, oxytetracycline for, 648t Urinary retention bethanechol for, 73–74t neostigmine for, 594–595t Urinary tract infection cinoxacin for, 150–151t ciprofloxacin for, 151–153t nitrofurantoin for, 610–612t sulfisoxazole for, 832–833t trimethoprim for, 891–892t Urispas, 303–304 Uri-Tet, 648–649 Urobak, 830–831 Urocid, 727 Urodine, 679–680 Urodol, 679–680 urokinase, 898–900 Urolene Blue, 538–539 Urolin, 144–145 Uropyridine, 679–680 Urovist Cysto, 209–210 Urovist Cysto 100Ml in 300Ml, 209–210 Urovist Cysto 300Ml in 500Ml, 209–210 1023 Urovist Cysto Pediatric, 209–210 Urovist Meglumine, 209–210 Urovist Meglumine DIU/ CT, 209–210 Ursacol, 900–901 Ursodamor, 900–901 ursodeoxycholic acid, 147t ursodiol, 900–901 Urticaria azatadine maleate for, 53–54t cetirizine for, 132–133t clemastine for, 159–160t loratadine for, 477–478t US Food and Drug Administration, pregnancy risk categories in, 969t ustekinumab, 955–968t Uterine atony, carboprost tromethamine for, 105–106t Uterine bleeding, dysfunctional medroxyprogesterone for, 496–497t mestranol for, 514–515t norethindrone for, 617–618t norgestrel for, 620–621t Uterine carcinoma, dactinomycin for, 188–189t Uterine fibroids, leuprolide for, 450–451t U-Tri-Lone, 886–887 V Vaginitis, atrophic dienestrol for, 219t estradiol for, 273–274t estrogens, esterified, 276t ethinyl estradiol for, 283–284t Vaginosis, bacterial, clindamycin for, 160–161t Vagistat, 622–623 valacyclovir, 902–903 Valcyte, 903–904 valganciclovir, 903–904 Valisone, 72 Valitran, 210–212 Valium, 210–212 Valmagen, 149–150 Valodex, 840–841t valproate, 27–28t, 44–46t, 236–239t, 266–268t, 284–285t, 294–295t, 317–318t, 904–907 1024 valproate (Continued) carbamazepine and, 101–102t lamotrigine and, 441–443t levetiracetam and, 453–454t mephobarbital and, 507–508t pantothenic acid and, 656t pentobarbital and, 672–673t phenobarbital and, 682–683t phenytoin and, 690–691t valproic acid, 27–28t, 907–909 carbamazepine and, 101–102t mefloquine and, 498–500t mephobarbital and, 507–508t meropenem and, 511–512t pentobarbital and, 672–673t phenobarbital and, 682–683t phenytoin and, 690–691t primidone and, 725–726t Valrelease, 210–212 valsartan, 367–368t, 909–910 Valtrex, 902–903 Valvulopathy, dipyridamole for, 233–234t Vanatrip, 25–27 Vanceril, 62–63 Vanceril DS, 62–63 Vancocin, 910–911 Vancoled, 910–911 vancomycin, 910–911 amikacin and, 20–21t cephradine and, 131–132t cyclosporine and, 182–184t metformin and, 517–519t Vancor, 910–911 Vantin, 122–123 Vapine, 137–138 Vapo-Iso, 421–422 Vaqta, 361–362 vardenafil, 911–912 varenicline, 912–913 Varicella exposure, varicella-zoster immune globulin for, 914–915t Varicella pneumonia, acyclovir for, 6–7t varicella vaccine, 913–914 olsalazine and, 630–631t Varivax, 913–914 Vascor, 69 Vasocon, 582–583 Vasomotor symptoms estradiol, 273–274t estrogens, conjugated, 274–275t estrogens, esterified, 276t estropipate, 277t ethinyl estradiol, 283–284t vasopressin, 915–916 methoxamine and, 531–532t Vasotec, 256–258 Vasoxyl, 531–532 vectavir, penciclovir topical and, 664t Vectrin, 560–561 vecuronium, 916–917 dantrolene and, 192–193t pancuronium and, 654–655t piperacillin and, 698–699t piperacillin-tazobactam and, 699–700t vedolizumab, 955–968t Veetids, 669–670 Veillonella species, mezlocillin for, 551–552t Velban, 922–924 Velosef, 131–132 Velosulin, 401–402 Velosulin BR, 403–404 Velsar, 922–924 Venereal infection, amoxicillin for, 29–30t venlafaxine, 917–919, 955–968t phenelzine and, 681–682t venlafaxine hydrochloride, 955–968t Venoglobulin-S 5%, 385–387 Venoglobulin-S 10%, 385–387 Venous thrombosis enoxaparin for, 258–259t prophylaxis, ardeparin sodium for, 41–42t streptokinase for, 824–825t Ventilated patients, sedation, dexmedetomidine for, 204–205t Ventolin, 10–11 Ventolin Rotacaps, 10–11 Ventricular arrhythmia amiodarone for, 24–25t disopyramide for, 234–235t flecainide for, 304–305t magnesium sulfate for, 486–489t procainamide for, 728–729t propafenone for, 735–736t quinidine gluconatesulfate for, 753–755t sotalol for, 818–819t tocainide for, 872–873t verapamil, 27t, 46–47t, 86–88t, 174t, 224–225t, 234–235t, 269–270t, 427–428t, 919–921 adenosine and, 9t almotriptan and, 15t carbamazepine and, 101–102t cyclosporine and, 182–184t dofetilide and, 242–243t labetalol and, 436–437t lovastatin and, 480–481t midazolam and, 553–555t oxcarbazepine and, 641–642t pramipexole and, 713–714t quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t veratrum alkaloids, pseudoephedrine and, 744–745t Verelan, 919–921 Vermidol, 700–701 Vermizine, 700–701 Vermox, 492–493 Vernacetin, 136–137 Verpal, 919–921t Versed, 553–555 Versel, 802–803 Vertigon, 731 Vesanoid, 885–886 Vfend, 926–927 VF/pulseless ventricular tachycardia, vasopressin for, 915–916t Viagra, 809–810 Vialicina, 34–35 Vibal, 178 Vibativ, 955–968t Vibisone, 178 Vibramycin, 250–251 Vibra-Tabs, 250–251 Vibrio infection demeclocycline for, 198t V cholerae, chloramphenicol for, 136–137t V comma minocycline for, 560–561t oxytetracycline for, 648t V fetus minocycline for, 560–561t oxytetracycline for, 648t Vicks Sinex, 646–647 vidarabine, 13–14t, 921–922 pentostatin and, 674–675t Videx, 218–219 Videx EC, 218–219 vigabatrin, 294–295t Vigorex, 544–545 Viibryd, 922, 955–968t Vilantae, 656 vilazodone, 922 vilazodone hydrochloride, 955–968t vinblastine, 313–315t, 922–924 ganciclovir and, 339–340t Vincasar PFS, 924–925 Vincent's infection, demeclocycline for, 198t Vincrex, 924–925 vincristine, 924–925 ganciclovir and, 339–340t vinorelbine, 925–926 Vio-Moore, 653 viomycin, amikacin and, 20–21t Viprasen, 153–154 Vira-A, 921–922 Viracept, 590–593 Viral infection cidofovir for, 148–149t delavirdine for, 196–197t didanosine for, 218–219t efavirenz for, 254–255t Viramid, 770–772 Viramune, 597–600 Virazid, 770–772 Virazole, 770–772 Viread, 847–849 Virgoxillin, 29–30 Viridium, 679–680 Virilon, 544–545 Virormone, 544–545 Visedan, 774–775 Visine, 646–647 Visken, 696–697 Vistacot, 375–377 Vistaril, 375–377 Vistazine, 375–377 Vistide, 148–149 Vita Liver, 178 Vitabee 12, 178 Vitamin A, 69–70t Vitamin B1, 860 vitamin B5 See pantothenic acid Vitamin B6, 748–749 Vitamin B-12, 178 Vitamin B12 deficiency, cyanocobalamin for, 178t Vitamin C, 43–44 Vitamin D, 95–96t, 264–265 phenytoin and, 690–691t Vitamin D deficiency, calcifediol for, 93–94t Vitamin K deficiency, phytonadione for, 692–693t Vitamin K1, 692–693 Vitanon, 860 Vitantial, 860 Vitaplex, 600–601 Vita-Plus B-12, 178 Vivactil, 743–744, 955–968t Vivelle, 273–274 Volbro, 79–80 Volmax, 10–11 Voltaren, 214–216 Vomiting See Nausea/ vomiting von Willebrand disease, desmopressin for, 200–201t voriconazole, 16–17t, 136–137t, 246t, 254–255t, 926–927 methadone and, 520–522t methylergonovine and, 539–540t paricalcitol and, 658t vortioxetine, 955–968t Vulvovaginal candidiasis clotrimazole for, 168–169t terconazole for, 851–852t Vyvanse, 955–968t W Wakezepam, 640–641 Wampocap, 600–601 warfarin, 44–46t, 54–55t, 85–86t, 128–130t, 136–137t, 147t, 149–151t, 164–165t, 191–192t, 196–197t, 201–203t, 210–212t, 271–272t, 280–281, 286t, 296–298t, 313–315t, 317–318t, 320–324t, 326–327t, 351–352t, 360–361t, 393–394, 427–428t, 434–435t, 928–930 carbamazepine and, 101–102t ciprofloxacin and, 151–153t dantrolene and, 192–193t diflunisal and, 222t dipyridamole and, 233–234t flurbiprofen and, 318–319t lansoprazole and, 443–444t leflunomide and, 445–447t levofloxacin and, 456–458t lomefloxacin and, 474–475t meclofenamate and, 494–495t meloxicam and, 502–503t mephobarbital and, 507–508t moxifloxacin and, 572–573t nabumetone and, 574t nafcillin and, 576t ofloxacin and, 625–627t olsalazine and, 630–631t omeprazole and, 631–632t oxaprozin and, 638–639t pantoprazole and, 655–656t paroxetine and, 659–661t pentobarbital and, 672–673t pentoxifylline and, 675–676t phenobarbital and, 682–683t piroxicam and, 702–703t prednisolone and, 718–720t propafenone and, 735–736t propranolol and, 739–741t warfarin (Continued) quinidine gluconatesulfate and, 753–755t quinine and, 755–757t Wasserlax, 241–242 Wasting syndrome, in AIDS, megestrol for, 500–501t Wehamine, 230 Wehdryl, 232–233 Weight loss, methamphetamine for, 523–524t Welchol, 174 Wellbutrin, 85–86, 955–968t Wellbutrin SR, 955–968t Wellcoprim, 891–893 Wellcovorin, 449–450 Wergen, 149–150 Wernicke's encephalopathy, thiamine for, 860t Wesmycin, 855–856 Westadone, 520–522 Whipworm mebendazole for, 492–493t pyrantel pamoate for, 746t Wigraine, 93 Wigrettes, 265–266 Wilms' tumor dactinomycin for, 188–189t doxorubicin for, 248–249t vincristine for, 924t Wilson's disease, penicillamine for, 665t Winii, 210–212 Winleril, 862–863 Winlex, 130–131 WinRho SDF, 769–770 Wintellin, 855–856 Wintin, 478–480 Wintrex, 855–856 Worm, 700–701 Wound healing, aloe vera for, 16t Wound infection, oxychlorosene for, 644t Wound preparation, hexachlorophene for, 365t Wycillin, 668–669 Wydox, 637–638 Wymox, 29–30 Wytensin, 353–354 X Xalatan, 445 Xanax, 17–18 1025 Xanax TS, 17–18 Xanolam, 17–18 Xanthine derivatives, 23–24t Xarelto, 783–784 Xeljanz, 955–968t Xenical, 635–636 Xepacycline, 855–856 Xepagan, 733–735 Xerostomia, pilocarpine for, 693–694t Xitocin, 649–650 Xopenex, 451–452 X-Trozine, 680–681 Xylocaina, 462–463 Xylocaine, 462–463 Y Yeast infection ciclopirox for, 148t miconazole for, 552–553t nystatin for, 622–623t Yersinia pestis infection demeclocycline for, 198t minocycline for, 560–561t Yisulon, 29–30 Yobramin, 178 Yodoxin, 410–411 Yonyun, 494 Yuwan-S, 826–827 1026 Z zafirlukast, 931–932 zalcitabine, lamivudine and, 439–441t zaleplon, 932–933 Zamocillin, 29–30 Zanaflex, 870–871 zanamivir, 933–934 Zantac, 763–764 Zantryl, 685–686 Zanzibar, 16 Zarontin, 284–285 Zefazone, 115–116 Zelnorm, 843–844 Zemplar, 658 Zemuron, 786–787 Zenapax, 187–188 Zenecin, 137–138 Zentropil, 690–691 Zepaxid, 210–212 Zerit, 822–823 Zestril, 469–470 Zetaxim, 119–120 Ziak, 75–76 zidovudine, 6–7t, 157–159t, 218–219t, 934–936 chlorambucil and, 135–136t cidofovir and, 148–149t epoetin alfa and, 261–262t zidovudine (Continued) fluconazole and, 305–307t ganciclovir and, 339–340t lamivudine and, 439–441t megestrol and, 500–501t methadone and, 520–522t pyrimethamine and, 749–750t zileuton, 936 methylergonovine and, 539–540t Zinacef, 127–128 Zinc (Pork), 401–402 Zinepress, 365–367 ziprasidone, 936–937, 955–968t Zithromax, 55–57 Zocor, 812–814 Zoflut, 319–320 Zofran, 632–634 Zolam, 17–18 Zoldac, 17–18 Zoldan-A, 191–192 Zolicef, 112–113 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome cimetidine for, 149–150t famotidine for, 293t zolmitriptan, 937–939 Zoloft, 804–806, 955–968t zolpidem, 939–940 Zomig, 937–939 Zomigoro, 937–939 Zonalon, 247–248 Zonegran, 940–941 zonisamide, 294–295t, 940–941 Zopax, 17–18 Zoralin, 432–434 Zorprin, 44–46 Zostavax, 941 zoster vaccine, live, 941 Zosyn, 699–700 Zoton, 443–445 Zovirax, 6–7 Zyban, 85–86 Zyflo, 936 Zykinase, 824–825 Zyloprim, 13–15 Zymase, 653 Zyprexa, 627–629, 955–968t Zyroric, 13–15 Zyrtec, 132–133 Zyvox, 465–466 ES3 ... include bronchospasm with inhaler form, arrhythmia, tremor, nervousness, tachycardia, dizziness, headache, hypertension, nausea, hyperactivity, hypokalemia, and hyperglycemia Fetal Considerations... include seizures, coma, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction, N/V, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, lethargy, rash, and confusion Fetal There are no adequate reports or well-controlled studies... author | Mason, Clifford, 1981- author Title: Drugs for pregnant and lactating women / Carl P Weiner, Clifford Mason Description: Third edition | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, Inc ., [2020] | Includes

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2020, 23:38



