Levin 345 11e Traumatic brain injury across the lifespan: a long-term developmental perspective Jacobus Donders 357 12a Pediatric aspects of epilepsy Lindsey Felix and Scott J.. Section
Trang 3Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology
Trang 6São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo
Cambridge University Press
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First published in print format
ISBN-13 978-0-521-89622-1
ISBN-13 978-0-511-67360-3
© Cambridge University Press 2010
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Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org
eBook (EBL) Hardback
Trang 7Contact information for authors pagevii
Biography for Jacobus Donders and Scott J Hunter xi
Jacobus Donders and Scott J Hunter 1
Section I: Theory and models 3
1 A lifespan review of developmental
John Williamson 3
2a Developmental models in pediatric
Jane Holmes Bernstein 17
2b Models of developmental neuropsychology:
adult and geriatric
Tyler J Story and Deborah K Attix 41
3 Multicultural considerations in lifespan
neuropsychological assessment
Thomas Farmer and Clemente Vega 55
4 Structural and functional neuroimaging
throughout the lifespan
Brenna C McDonald and Andrew J Saykin 69
Section II: Disorders 83
5a Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
in children and adolescents
David Marks, Joey Trampush and Anil Chacko 83
5b Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
6a Learning disorders in children and adolescents
Gregory M Stasi and Lori G Tall 127
6b Learning disorders in adults
Elizabeth P Sparrow 143
6c Synthesis of chapters on learning disabilities:overview and additional perspectives
H Lee Swanson 1637a Infants and children with spina bifidaHeather B Taylor, Susan H Landry, LianneEnglish and Marcia Barnes 169
7b Adolescence and emerging adulthood inindividuals with spina bifida: a developmentalneuropsychological perspective
Kathy Zebracki, Michael Zaccariello, FrankZelko and Grayson N Holmbeck 1837c Spina bifida/myelomeningocele andhydrocephalus across the lifespan:
a developmental synthesisIlana Gonik, Scott J Hunter and JamilaCunningham 195
8 Cerebral palsy across the lifespanSeth Warchausky, Desiree White and MarieVan Tubbergen 205
9a Intellectual disability across the lifespanBonnie Klein-Tasman and Kelly Janke 2219b Lifespan aspects of PDD/autism spectrumdisorders (ASD)
Julie M Wolf and Sarah J Paterson 2399c Autism spectrum disorders and intellectualdisability: common themes and points
of divergenceMarianne Barton, Colby Chlebowski andDeborah Fein 251
10a Hearing loss across the lifespan:
neuropsychological perspectivesBetsy Kammerer, Amy Szarkowski and PeterIsquith 257
10b Visual impairment across the lifespan:
neuropsychological perspectivesLisa M Noll and Lana L Harder 277
Trang 811a Traumatic brain injury in childhood
Michael W Kirkwood, Keith Owen Yeates and
Jane Holmes Bernstein 299
11b Adult outcomes of pediatric traumatic
brain injury
Miriam Beauchamp, Julian Dooley and Vicki
Anderson 315
11c Neurobehavioral aspects of traumatic brain
injury sustained in adulthood
Tresa Roebuck-Spencer, James Baños, Mark
Sherer and Thomas Novack 329
11d Traumatic brain injury in older
Felicia C Goldstein and Harvey
S Levin 345
11e Traumatic brain injury across the
lifespan: a long-term developmental
Jacobus Donders 357
12a Pediatric aspects of epilepsy
Lindsey Felix and Scott J Hunter 359
12b A lifespan perspective of cognition in
Michael Seidenberg and Bruce Hermann 371
13a Leukemia and lymphoma across the lifespan
Kevin R Krull and Neelam Jain 379
13b Lifespan aspects of brain tumorsCeliane Rey-Casserly 393
14 Lifespan aspects of endocrine disordersGeoffrey Tremont, Jennifer Duncan Davis andChristine Trask 409
15 Metabolic and neurodegenerative disordersacross the lifespan
Richard Ziegler and Elsa Shapiro 42716a Psychopathological conditions in childrenand adolescents
Abigail B Sivan 44916b Psychopathological conditions in adultsAnthony C Ruocco, Elizabeth Kunchandyand Maureen Lacy 455
16c Neuropsychological aspects ofpsychopathology across the lifespan:
a synthesisAlexandra Zagoloff and Scott J Hunter 469
The color plates are to be found between pp.276
Trang 9Contact information for authors
Vicki Anderson, Ph.D
Department of Psychology
Royal Children’s Hospital
Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Deborah K Attix, Ph.D
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
James Baños, Ph.D., ABPP-Cn
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
Marcia Barnes, Ph.D
Children’s Learning Institute
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Royal Children’s Hospital
Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Colby Chlebowski, M.A
Department of PsychologyUniversity of ConnecticutStorrs, CT
Jamila Cunningham, M.A
Department of PsychologyLoyola University
Chicago, ILJennifer Duncan Davis, Ph.D
Department of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorWarren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown UniversityProvidence, RI
Jacobus Donders, Ph.D
Department of PsychologyMary Free Bed Rehabilitation HospitalGrand Rapids, MI
Julian Dooley, Ph.D
Murdoch Childrens Research InstituteMelbourne, Australia
Lianne EnglishDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of GuelphGuelph, Ontario, CanadaThomas Farmer, Psy.D
The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyChicago, IL
Deborah Fein, Ph.D
Department of PsychologyUniversity of ConnecticutStorrs, CT
Lindsey Felix, Ph.D
Alexian BrothersNeuroscience InstituteChicago, IL
Trang 10Jodene Goldenring Fine, Ph.D.
Emory University School of Medicine and Wesley
Woods Center on Aging
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
Children’s Medical Centre
Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control
St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Department of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationThe Children’s Hospital
Aurora, COBonnie Klein-Tasman, Ph.D
Department of PsychologyUniversity of Wisconsin, MilwaukeeMilwaukee, WI
Department of PsychiatryUniversity of ChicagoChicago, IL
Baylor College of MedicineHouston, TX
David Marks, Ph.D
Department of PsychiatryMount Sinai Medical CenterNew York, NY
Brenna C McDonald, PsyDDepartments of Radiology and NeurologyIndiana University School of MedicineIndianapolis, IN
Trang 11Lisa M Noll, Ph.D.
Learning Support Center for Child Psychology
Texas Children’s Hospital
Houston, TX
Thomas Novack, Ph.D
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Andrew J Saykin, PsyD
Departments of Radiology, Neurology, and Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine
Departments of Psychology & Psychiatry
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Elsa Shapiro, Ph.D
Pediatric Clinical Neuroscience
University of Minnesota Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN
Mark Sherer, Ph.D., ABPP-Cn
TIRR Memorial Hermann
Baylor College of Medicine
Elizabeth P Sparrow, Ph.D
Sparrow Neuropsychology, P.A
Durham, NCGregory M Stasi, Ph.D
Rush Neurobehavioral CenterSkokie, IL
Tyler J Story, Ph.D
Division of NeurologyDuke University Medical CenterDurham, NC
H Lee Swanson, Ph.D
Graduate School of EducationUniversity of California-RiversideRiverside, CA
Amy Szarkowski, Ph.D
Deaf and Hard of Hearing ProgramChildren’s Hospital Boston
Waltham, MALori G Tall, PsyDRush Neurobehavioral CenterSkokie, IL
Christine Trask, Ph.D
Department of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorWarren Alpert School of Medicine of BrownUniversity
Providence, RIGeoffrey Tremont, Ph.D
Neuropsychology Program, Rhode Island HospitalProvidence, RI
Contact information for authors
Trang 12Marie Van Tubbergen, Ph.D.
Department of Physical Medicine and
Keith Owen Yeates, Ph.D
The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’sHospital
Columbus, OHMichael Zaccariello, Ph.D
Department of Psychiatry and PsychologyMayo Clinic
Alexandra Zagoloff, M.S
Department of PsychologyIllinois Institute of TechnologyChicago, IL
Kathy Zebracki, Ph.D
Department of Behavioral Sciences,Rush University Medical Center,Pediatric Psychologist,
Shriners Hospital for Children,Chicago, IL
Frank Zelko, Ph.D
Neuropsychology Service, Children’s Memorial HospitalDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral ScienceFeinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern UniversityChicago, IL
Richard Ziegler, Ph.D
Pediatric Clinical NeuroscienceUniversity of Minnesota Medical CenterMinneapolis, MN
Trang 13Biography for Jacobus Donders
Jacobus Donders obtained his PhD from the University
of Windsor in 1988 He completed his internship at
Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI, and his residency
at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI
He is currently the Chief Psychologist at Mary Free
Bed Rehabilitation Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI
Dr Donders is board-certified by the American
Board of Professional Psychology in both Clinical
Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology He
has served on multiple editorial and professional
exec-utive boards, has authored or co-authored more than
100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, and has
co-edited two books about neuropsychological
inter-vention He is a Fellow of the National Academy
of Neuropsychology and of Divisions 40 (Clinical
Neuropsychology) and 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology)
of the American Psychological Association His main
research interests include construct and criterion
valid-ity of neuropsychological test instruments and
predic-tion of outcome in congenital disorders and acquired
brain injury
Biography for Scott J Hunter
Scott J Hunter is an Associate Professor of
Psychiatry, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Pediatrics
in the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University
of Chicago, where he serves as the Director of
Pediatric Neuropsychology and Coordinator for
Child Psychology training Dr Hunter obtained hisPhD in Clinical and Developmental Psychology fromthe University of Illinois at Chicago in 1996 Hecompleted his internship at Northwestern UniversitySchool of Medicine’s Stone Institute of Psychiatry,and residencies in Pediatric Neuropsychology andDevelopmental Disabilities in the Departments
of Pediatrics and Neurology at the University ofRochester He serves as an ad-hoc editor for a number
of peer-reviewed publications, and has authored orco-authored multiple peer-reviewed articles, presen-tations, and book chapters He co-edited PediatricNeuropsychological Intervention (CUP, 2007) withJacobus Donders Both clinically and in his research,
Dr Hunter specializes in identifying and izing neurocognitive and behavioral dysfunction inchildren with complex medical and neurodevelop-mental disorders
character-To Harry van der Vlugt, my original mentor, forsharing his lifespan wisdom and support
Jacobus DondersThis book is dedicated to the memory of ArthurBenton and Rathe Karrer, who each mentored myprofessional development, and to Richard Renfro, forhis ongoing support and understanding during thedevelopment and completion of this project
Scott J Hunter
Trang 15Jacobus Donders and Scott J Hunter
Neuropsychology is the science and practice of
evaluat-ing and understandevaluat-ing brain–behavior relationships and
providing recommendations for intervention that can be
implemented in the daily lives of persons when brain
dysfunction compromises functioning at home or
school, on the job, or in the community at large The
associated target behaviors and skills can range from
specific cognitive abilities to emotional and psychosocial
functioning This specialty has advanced significantly
over the past several years, but recent well-respected
published works about common neuropsychological
disorders have tended to focus primarily or exclusively
on either children or adults, or have provided separate
discussions of conditions that are traditionally seen more
commonly at either end of the age spectrum (e.g
Morgan and Ricker [1], Snyder et al [2]) Similarly,
there is a dearth of comprehensive discussions in the
available literature to date of various neuropsychological
syndromes in their different manifestations across the
lifespan, and the longitudinal development and
longer-term outcomes of such conditions This has contributed
to a sometimes unwarranted bifurcation within thefield,
where developmental course has been left out of the
diagnostic and treatment equation In response, the
pri-mary goal of this volume is to provide an integrated
review of neuropsychological function and dysfunction
from early childhood through adulthood and, where
possible, old age, to support the understanding and
consideration of the role development plays in the
pre-sentation and outcome of neuropsychological disorders
across the lifespan
Each chapter in this volume is intended as an
empiri-cal review of the current state of knowledge concerning
the manifestation and evaluation of common
neuropsy-chological disorders as well as their intervention, with
additional consideration of what still needs to be done to
improve efficacy of practice and research The first
sec-tion provides a review of the general principles behind
lifespan developmental neuropsychology The second
section examines a number of commonly
encoun-tered neurodevelopmental, behavioral, and cognitive
disorders For many of the disorders, there is one chapterfocusing on pediatric aspects of the condition, oneemphasizing adult and/or geriatric concerns, and a sum-mary commentary chapter that consolidates and synthe-sizes the knowledge shared across the age-specific reviewchapters, with a focus on identifying and guiding areas offurther research and practice in the domain For someconditions (e.g cerebral palsy) there are currently simplynot enough data about outcomes into adulthood towarrant a separate chapter, whereas for other diagnosticgroups (especially some of the neurodegenerative ones,which are often associated with death prior to adult-hood), the emphasis is placed on the time frame inwhich they most commonly occur However, for severalother disorders (e.g traumatic brain injury), there is awealth of information about the correlates of new-onsetcases of the condition at different ages, as well as longi-tudinal outcomes
Each of the chapters in this volume was written byone or more authors who specialize in clinical practice
as well as research with the disorder being discussed
As a result, these experts give the reader an up-to-dateaccount of the state of the art of thefield at this time,and make suggestions for improvement in approachestoward assessment, intervention, and empirical inves-tigation of the disorders as they present across thelifespan We hope that this book will provide a vantagepoint from which to explore lifespan developmentalaspects of a wide range of commonly encounteredneuropsychological disorders We anticipate that itwill be of interest not only to pediatric neuropsychol-ogists but also to professionals in rehabilitation, neu-rology, and various allied healthfields
Association; 2006
Trang 17Section I
neuroanatomy John Williamson
On the development of functional
neural systems
The structure of the brain is in constantflux from the
moment of its conception to thefiring of its final nerve
impulse in death As the brain develops, functional
networks are created that underlie our cognitive and
emotional capacities Our technologies for evaluating
these functional systems have changed over time as
well, evolving from lesion-based case studies,
neuro-pathological analyses, in vivo neurophysiological
tech-niques (e.g electroencephalography), and in vivo
structural evaluation (CT scan, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)), to
in vivo functional methodologies (functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission
tomog-raphy (PET)) And with these rapidly developing
tech-nologies, we are able to more thoroughly test some of
the earlier hypotheses that were developed about the
nature and function of the brain
Although attempts to localize mental processes to
the brain may be traced to antiquity, the phrenologists
Gall and Spurtzheim may have initiated thefirst
mod-ern attempt, by hypothesizing that language is confined
to the frontal lobes [1] While these early hypotheses
were largely ignored as phrenology fell in ill-repute,
they were resurrected in the early 1860s by Paul
Broca, who, inspired by a discussion of the
phrenolo-gists’ work, sparked a renewed interest in localization of
brain function with his seminal case studies on aphasia
[2] Broca’s explorations were among the earliest
exam-ples of lateralized language dominance
Recently, high-resolution structural MRI was applied
to preserved specimens taken from two of Broca’s
patients, to examine the localization of damage on the
surface and interior of the brains This modern
technol-ogy revealed extensive damage in the medial regions of
the brain and highlighted inconsistencies with previous
hypotheses in the area of the brain identified by Broca,
which is now identified as Broca’s area [3] This is
interesting, both from a historical perspective and also
with respect to our current understandings of the brainsystems involved in the behavioral presentations Brocadescribed (beyond the articulatory functions of the infe-rior frontal gyrus); specifically the extent of behavioralchanges identified by Broca is now more accuratelyreflected by the apparent neuropathology
A contemporary of Broca’s, John HughlingsJackson, offered a different perspective regarding local-ization While Jackson had no problem with the notion
of probabilistic behavior profiles with specific brainlesions (e.g a left inferior frontal lesion most likely willaffect expressive speech), he did not agree with theprevailing idea at the time that these lesion/behaviorobservations represented a confined center of function[4] Jackson proposed a vertical organization of brainfunctions, with each level (e.g brain stem, motor andsensory cortex, and prefrontal cortex) containing a rep-resentation, or component of the function of interest.Though this idea was at the periphery of opinion at thetime, when strict localizationist theory was gainingmomentum, it has come to form the basis of modernthought regarding the mechanisms of brain and behaviorrelationships
Holes and gaps in the models of strict localization ofbehaviors to specific, contained brain regions becamemore salient to the mainstream neuroscience communityover time (cf the disrepute of phrenology and conflictingfindings from lesion/behavior studies) In response, KarlLashley’s search for the memory engram typified anotherera in the exploration of brain–behavior relationships.Using an experimental approach rather than the classiccase study method, Lashley, famously unable to localizememory function in rats (through progressive brain abla-tion), introduced the constructs of equipotentiality andmass action [5] Equipotentiality is the concept that allbrain tissue is equally capable of taking over the function
of any other brain tissue (demonstrated in the visualcortex) and, relatedly, mass action references the ideathat the behavioral impact of a lesion is dependent onits size, not its location Also, although less popularized,
Trang 18he suggested that, at any given time, the pattern of neural
activity is more important than location when
under-standing higher cognitive functions [6] Although
plasti-city in the human brain does not conform to notions of
equipotentiality, recent research on stem-cell treatments
in neurodegenerative diseases has reinvigorated the
con-struct in an albeit new form Guillame and Zhang [7]
review the use of embryonic stem cells as a neural cell
replacement technique and strides in functional
integra-tion, axonal growth, and neurotransmitter release (e.g the
development of dopamine-producing cells in mouse
brains after stem cell implantation)
Historically, political and social influences on the
philosophy of science trended Western societies away
from the study of brain structures in the
understand-ing of behavior after World War I [8] In contrast,
researchers in the former Soviet Union continued that
approach For example, while in opposition to the idea
of equipotentiality, Filimonov (cited in Luria, 1966 [9,
10]), a Soviet neurologist, presented the concepts of
functional pluripotentialism and graded localization
of functions Specifically, he postulated that no
cere-bral formation is responsible for one unique task, and
that the same tissue is involved in multiple tasks, given
the right conditions These concepts signaled a move
from strict localization approaches to understanding
brain–behavior relationships to a dynamic functional
systems approach (i.e back to a Jacksonian view), most
notably attributed to Alexandr Romanovich Luria His
approach to neuropsychological investigation stood
in contrast to Western psychometric methods, by
instead focusing on the effect of specific brain lesions
on localized/adjacent functional systems (syndrome
analysis) [10]
Luria stated that simple to more complex behavioral
operations are not localized to a particular brain region,
but instead managed by an“elaborate apparatus
con-sisting of various brain structures” [11] Though other
definitions of functional systems, or even neural
net-works, have since been posited, this early view
elo-quently described the construct Luria proposed that
all functional systems must involve three core blocks
including (1) the arousal block, (2) the sensory input
block, and (3) the output/planning unit Structurally,
the arousal unit referenced reticular formation and
related structures that impact cortical arousal; the
sen-sory input unit referenced post central-fissure
struc-tures and the integration of cross-modal sensory data;
and the output/planning unit referenced primarily the
frontal lobes and involved planning and execution of
behavior [12]
Luria presented a theory of functional systemsdevelopment based on these three functional units Hesuggested that the three functional units develop hier-archically in the form of increasingly complex corticalzones These zones correspond to primary, secondary,and tertiary motor and sensory areas, which develop inorder of complexity, with the tertiary planning unit(anatomically demarcated by prefrontal areas) appear-ing last [12] Luria’s developmental theory mirrorsJackson’s proposal that neuro-anatomical developmentproceeds upward from the spinal cord to neocortex andfrom the posterior to anterior [4]
Functional systems, of course, are organizedwithin a far more complicated web than Luria’s orig-inal three-tiered theory Still, modern brain research-ers have“run” with the idea of the functional system.Recent research has explored questions of the nature
of top-down control (vertical integration), with someinvestigators arguing for specific areas within thestream as primary originators (e.g lateral prefrontalcortex [13]), while others argue for different corticalsystems as top-down controllers (e.g fronto-parietaland cingulo-opercular control networks [14]).Functional neuroanatomy is the basis of ourunderstanding of the human condition, as is an under-standing of how that anatomy interacts with the bodyand its environment; a complex dance What we doknow is that almost any behavior, even a slight devia-tion in heartbeat interval, may be influenced bymyriad factors within the nervous system A deviation
of heartbeat interval can be influenced by fluctuations
in physical activity, thinking, and emotional status [15,
16] Our exploration of brain–behavior relationships
is further complicated by language, and more specically the definition of constructs that are chosen to
fi-define these relationships Take, for example, ourunderstanding of a change in heartbeat interval andits relationship to emotion Constructs such as fear,anger, sadness, and happiness describe rather largesubsets of behavior In order to capture these emotions
at a brain level, Arne Ohman has suggested that tion is a “flexibly organized ensemble of responses,which uses whatever environmental support is avail-able to fulfill its biological function” [17]
emo-This is a noticeably loose definition It has to be withconstructs such as emotional memory [18], expressiveaprosodia and receptive aprosodia [19], emotional intel-ligence [20], approach and withdrawal [21], and termssuch as melancholy, wistfulness, euphoria, mirth, anddoldrumsfloating around in the collective consciousness
of researchers and the lay public To understand that
Trang 19minute shift in heartbeat interval, we need to understand
the emotional state of our subject To evaluate the
func-tional systems involved in that heartbeat shift, we need to
understand the interconnecting pathways involved in
vagal (cranial nerve X) control of the heart (direct
para-sympathetic nervous system influence is necessary in a
beat-to-beat change in heart rate) What structures
con-nect to the vagus? What structures concon-nect to those
structures? Are there afferent feedback loops? How do
these control systems develop? The so-called“decade of
the brain” has extended and we have an ever-developing
complexity in our understanding of the brain’s role in
defining what it means to be human It is an exciting time
to be a neuropsychologist
The development of functional neuroanatomy
across the lifespan is a complicated topic This chapter,
necessarily, is not a comprehensive review of the subject,
but is instead a detailed introduction As such, the
purpose of the following sections is to discuss current
research and our current knowledge regarding the
neu-roanatomical structures that are of particular interest
with regard to understanding cognitive and emotional
development The chapter is therefore organized as
follows: (1) Brain structure In this section, we cover
cellular structures and brain areas in their prototypical
forms, discussing general associated functions (2)Brain
development across the lifespan This section covers the
mechanism of brain development and notable changes
over time in anatomy and function
Brain structure
The nervous system is composed of central (CNS),
peripheral (PNS), and enteric branches The brain
and spinal cord form the CNS Nerves that connect
the spinal cord and brain to peripheral structures such
as the heart compose the PNS The enteric nervous
system controls the gastrointestinal system primarily
via communication with the parasympathetic and
sympathetic nervous systems
Brain cells
The brain has two classes of cells, neurons and glia There
are many different types of cells within each class,
although they all share characteristics that distinguish
these nervous system cells from other cells in the body
Generally stated, neurons are specialized electro-chemical
signal transmitters and receivers Glia serve a supporting
role in the brain (e.g nutritional and scavenger functions,
growth factors, blood–brain barrier components, and
myelin–white matter creation) and have a role in genesis during development (e.g radial glia as neuronprogenitors [22])
neuro-NeuronsWithin the adult neocortex, there are billions of neu-rons and 10 to 50 times more glia The total number ofsynapses is estimated to be approximately 0.15 quad-rillion Myelinated white matter is estimated to spanbetween 150 000 and 180 000 kilometers in the youngadult [23,24]
Neurons are composed of a cell body, axon, anddendritic fields The cell body contains less than
a tenth of the cell’s entire volume, with the der contained within the axon and dendrites [25].Synapses are interaction points between neurons
remain-An individual neuron communicates via actionpotential Action potentials are all-or-none electricalevents which are excited (promoted) or inhibited(prevented) based on the nature of synaptic stimu-lation (e.g the nature of chemical and electricalstimulation via neurotransmitters and graded poten-tials) A single neuron may be in direct contact (viasynapse) with thousands of other neurons Thefiringrate of a neuron is influenced by the summation ofinhibitory and excitatory events along the axon anddendritic–synaptic interactions among the numer-ous connections Speed of transmission is a function
of white matter width and myelination
White matter may be myelinated or unmyelinated.Myelination increases transmission speed Myelinsheathes (covering axons) are generated by specializedglial cells in the brain calledoligodendroglia, and in theperiphery by cells calledSchwann cells
Neurons may be classified as unipolar, lar, or bipolar depending on the cell body form andnumber and arrangement of processes Functional char-acteristics are also used in classification (e.g afferentneurons that conduct signals from the periphery to theCNS are also called sensory neurons, and efferent neu-rons that conduct signals from the CNS to the peripheryare also called motor neurons) Further, neurotransmit-ter receptor types are also used to describe neurons.For example, neurons containing serotonin or gluta-mate are referenced as serotonergic or glutaminergicneurons [26]
pseudounipo-NeurotransmittersNeurotransmitters are chemical agents that bind tospecialized receptors on neurons Neurotransmitters
A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy
Trang 20specifically relevant to neuropsychology include,
but are not limited to, serotonin (e.g depression/
anxiety), acetylcholine (e.g memory), dopamine
(e.g motor), norepinephrine (e.g depression),
gluta-mate (e.g memory), and gamma-aminobutyric acid
(e.g anxiety) The effect of a particular
neurotrans-mitter on a functional system is largely determined
by receptor types Each neurotransmitter can bind to
multiple receptor types The distribution of receptor
types is not even throughout the brain and may
influence emotional state/traits, disease outcomes
in mental health, and response to
psychopharmaco-logically active medications For example, protein
expression of serotonin receptors in the prefrontal
cortex differentiates successful suicidal patients and
controls [27] Asymmetry in serotonin receptors is
found in depressed patients with greater right
prefron-tal receptor density than left compared with controls
[28] Moreover, higher baseline binding potential in
chronic depression pharmacological treatment is
associated with worse outcomes [29] For a more
comprehensive review of neuronal structure and
function, see Levitan and Kaczmarek [30]
Cranial nerves
There are 12 cranial nerves A solid understanding
of the effects of cranial nerve lesions, or the effects
of upstream lesions on cranial nerve activity, is an
important tool for neuropsychologists in evaluating
patient presentation Cranial nerves have both
sen-sory and motor functions For example, cranial nerve
level control of the muscles of the eye is distributed
across three nerves (the oculomotor, trochlear, and
abducens nerves), whereas sensory information from
the eye is transmitted via the optic nerve The optic
nerve projects from the retina, to the thalamus,
through the temporal and parietal cortices, and to
the calcerine cortex in the occipital lobe Processing
is not performed at the level of the cranial nerves,
which only serve to connect/transmit information
from processing centers Testing cranial nerve
func-tion can, however, give clues as to the nature of a
lesion For example, the optic radiations of the optic
nerve travel close to the surface of the cortex of the
temporal lobe A unilateral lesion of the temporal
lobe can cause a contralateral visual field cut
Examining associated behavioral changes can suggest
a location for a functional lesion For a more detailed
review of cranial nerve functions and assessment see
Monkhouse [31]
RhombencephalonThe rhombencephalon, or hindbrain, is composed ofthe medulla oblongata, the pons, and the cerebellum.Functionally, the hindbrain contains several structuresinvolved in neural networks regulating autonomicnervous system (ANS) function and arousal Cranialnerves regulating the ANS (vagus), and movements ofthe mouth, throat, neck, and shoulders (glossophar-yngeal, hypoglossal, trigeminal, spinal accessory) arefound in the hindbrain Additional structures includethe reticular formation (basic autonomic functions,respiration), nucleus of the solitary tract (in actuality,this refers to several structures) and the nucleus ambi-guus The nucleus ambiguus and the nucleus of thesolitary tract are the primary interface junctions forthe vagus nerve, which enervates the viscera In think-ing about the development of brain structures andfunctional systems relevant to emotional and cognitivebehaviors, it may be helpful to consider phylogeny andlessons from comparative neuroscience
Transitioning from reptiles to mammals, we seethe emergence of myelinated vagus Returning to ourearlier example of emotion and changes in heartbeatintervals, Porges [32, 33] discusses the impact of thissystem and its development on social engagementbehaviors in humans with his polyvagal perspective,contrasting and elucidating the interactions of brain-stem structures, peripheral afferents, cortical andsubcortical top-down control, and myelinated andunmyelinated vagal efferents Regulation of the auto-nomic nervous system is a complex component ofsocial behaviors and emotional response Cortical, sub-cortical, and other brain structures such as the amyg-dala, hypothalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, and temporalcortex all interact via direct and indirect pathwayswith these hindbrain structures to influence parasym-pathetic and sympathetic nervous system response.Further, the nucleus of the solitary tract receives affer-ent input from the periphery (e.g baroreceptors, whichmonitor and relay changes in blood pressure), which
is in turn distributed to subcortical and cortical tures for processing
struc-These hindbrain structures should be considered asoutput and input nuclei for a range of supportive behav-ioral features in the human (e.g facilitating appropriatearousal levels for performing cognitive, exertional, andsocial functions) Also contained within the rhomben-cephalon are the pons and cerebellum Functionally,these structures contribute to fine motor control viapostural and kinesthetic feedback to volitional areas
Trang 21(e.g premotor and motor cortex) This includes
facili-tating motor movements in speech
In addition to fine motor control, lesions of the
cerebellum have a wide range of behavioral and cognitive
consequences The cerebellum has reciprocal
connec-tions to brainstem nuclei, hypothalamus, and prefrontal
and parietal cortices (among other areas) Behavioral
effects of cerebellar lesions observed in the literature
include autonomic disregulation [34],flattening of affect,
distractibility, impulsiveness, stereotyped behaviors,
depression [35], memory and learning dysfunction,
lan-guage problems, and visuospatial effects [36] Though
these problems in cognition and behavior are clearly less
severe than lesions in associated areas of neocortex and
some reported issues have not been replicated, the variety
of impacts suggests an important role for the cerebellum
in some of these functional systems There are some
interesting clues as to what that role may be
Recent research has shown additional roles of the
cerebellum in speech with lesion effects beyond dystaxic
motor impairments in speech formation Ackerman
et al [37] review recent clinical and functional imaging
data as they pertain to speech syndromes and potential
connections to other cognitive functions following
cer-ebellar lesions They argue that connections to language
areas in the cortex function as conduits to
subvocaliza-tion (self speech) which is involved in verbal working
memory (a right cerebellar/left frontal interaction)
This subvocalization argument is also present in other
modalities (e.g imagined movements) These
connec-tions, along with the hypotheses of planning and
rehear-sal components attributed to cerebellar activity, may
explain the increasing evidence of wide-reaching
cogni-tive and behavioral effects with cerebellar lesions
The midbrain includes the substantia nigra (linked
to dopamine production and Parkinson disease), the
superior and inferior colliculi (visual and auditory
sys-tem actions), and a large portion of the reticular
acti-vating system (RAS) The reticular actiacti-vating system,
formed in part by nuclei in the midbrain tegmentum,
plays a role in consciousness The discovery of the RAS
was critical for understanding coma It serves as a
modulator of sleep and wakefulness via connections
to the diencephalic structures, the thalamus (thalamic
reticular nucleus) and hypothalamus These
connec-tions ascending from the reticular formation are part
of the ascending reticular activating system Also nested
within the midbrain are projections from the dorsal
raphe nucleus (from the hindbrain structure, the pons).The raphe is a source of serotonin and is also involved
in the regulation of sleep cycles
The substantia nigra is functionally linked to thebasal ganglia, specifically the caudate nucleus and theputamen (referred to collectively as the striatum) It isdivided into two sections, the pars compacta and thepars reticulata The pars compacta projects to thestriatum and the pars reticulata projects to the supe-rior colliculus and thalamus The substantia nigraprovides dopamine to the basal ganglia and it is part
of the extrapyramidal motor system Lack of mine in the striatum leads to parkinsonian symptoms(rigidity, tremor, slowing); the system still functionswithout the substantia nigra as long as the level ofdopamine is regulated properly
dopa-The superior and inferior colliculi are nected small structures in the midbrain that areinvolved in visual and auditory orientation and atten-tion The superior colliculus receives projections fromthe frontal eyefields (premotor cortex) and controlssaccadic movements The interconnection and func-tional relationship to the prefrontal cortex has led tothe use of saccadic eye movement models in evaluatingthe neural circuitry of schizophrenia and other psychi-atric illnesses thought to involve prefrontal corticalsystems [38]
intercon-TelencephalonThe telencephalon includes the entirety of the cerebralhemispheres including the diencephalon, limbic sys-tem, basal ganglia, and other structures We will con-tinue working our way through the brain from theventral to the dorsal and the caudal to the rostral Webegin the discussion of the telencephalon with thethalamus and hypothalamus
Thalamus and hypothalamusThe thalamus and hypothalamus, among other struc-tures, compose the diencephalon The thalamus is acomplex bilateral structure with extensive reciprocalconnections to major structures throughout the brain,including efferent fibers to cortical regions (thalamo-cortical axons) and afferent fibers from cortical regions(corticothalamic axons) There are 11 thalamic nucleithat are classified as either relay or association nucleibased on their target projections These are specificnuclei There are also nonspecific nuclei, stimulation
of which yields activations along a large area of cortex.The thalamus has nuclei with projections to all major
A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy
Trang 22sensory areas except for olfaction Further, it is a
pro-jection site for the RAS (important role for arousal and
sleep; logical, given the sensory connections) For a
comprehensive review of thalamic nuclei and function,
please see Jones [39]
Because of the heterogeneity of nuclei, associated
functional systems, and projections of the thalamus,
it can be difficult to understand which systems are
involved in the neuropsychological sequelae of
thala-mic lesions One approach is to use functional imaging
technologies, such as PET scan, to evaluate diaschesis
effects of a localized thalamic lesion [40]
The thalamus is the most likely location for a
strategic infarct (e.g from a stroke) to cause a
demen-tia This is probably a consequence of the role of the
thalamus in regulating higher-brain activity As a
sub-cortical structure with dense connections throughout
both hemispheres, the thalamus reflects the
lateraliza-tion of funclateraliza-tion of involved cortical areas For
exam-ple, contralateral attentional neglect occurs with
right-sided thalamic lesions A similar presentation is also
evident with right parieto-temporal lesions [41]
Developmentally, abnormalities in thalamic nuclei
(e.g massa intermedia), have been associated with
future manifestations of psychiatric conditions such as
schizophrenia The massa intermedia is detectable early
in development, within 13 to 14 weeks of gestation [42]
There is some evidence that the medial dorsonuclei
reduces in volume as schizophrenia progresses, an
area rich in connections to prefrontal cortex (an area
implicated in the expression of schizophrenia) [43]
Shimizu et al [44] find evidence of a developmental
interaction between the massa intermedia and
medio-dorsonuclei in schizophrenic patients
The hypothalamus is primarily involved in
viscer-omotor, viscerosensory, and endocrine (oxytocin and
vasopressin) functions It directly modulates autonomic
nervous system activity It functions as one connection
point for limbic structures (involved in emotional
reg-ulation) to control of the autonomic nervous system
The stria terminalis, an afferent white matter tract,
connects the amygdaloid bodies to the hypothalamus
The hypothalamus then has direct efferent connections
to brainstem nuclei, including the output nuclei for
vagal control (nucleus ambiguus) and sympathetic
neu-rons in the spinal cord These connections make the
hypothalamus a critical component in functional
sys-tems involved in rage and fear responses
The interaction of three structures, the
hypothal-amus, pituitary gland, and adrenal gland, is
impor-tant in the regulation of mood, sexuality, stress, and
energy usage The so-called adrenal (HPA) axis has been implicated in socialbonding and mate-pairing in comparative neuro-science and human research Developmentally, ithas been found in prairie voles that exposure to oxy-tocin (a hormone produced in the HPA) early on isassociated with capacity for social bonding in adultanimals [45,46]
hypothalamic-pituitary-Further connections also involve the hypothalamus
in memory functions (e.g the hippocampus and millary bodies are connected via the fornix) Lesions tothe mammillary bodies, a hypothalamic structure, cancause severe anterograde memory deficits Deterioration
mam-of this system is associated with the development mam-ofAlzheimer’s disease
Basal gangliaThe basal ganglia are a set of subcortical grey matterstructures most often associated with aspects of motorcontrol, though recent research demonstrates addi-tional roles in functional systems, including cognitivedomains such as attention Unlike primary motor cor-tex lesions, paralysis does not occur with basal gangliadamage Instead, abnormal voluntary movements atrest, and initiation and inertia deficits are typical.The structures included in the basal ganglia vary bynomenclature, but commonly reference the caudateand putamen (i.e dorsal striatum or neo-striatum),globus pallidus (internal and external segments), sub-stantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus Other nomen-clatures include the amygdala (discussed here withlimbic system structures), and the nucleus accumbensand olfactory tubercle (ventral striatum)
There are two pathways of activity in the basal glia with opposing behavioral outcomes, the indirect andthe direct pathways These pathways facilitate and inhibittheflow of information through the thalamus and oper-ate simultaneously (the overall effect is a function of thecurrent balance of activation pattern between the path-ways) Activation of the direct pathway increases thala-mic activity and activity of the cortex Activation of theindirect pathway decreases thalamic activity and activity
gan-of the cortex Damage to the basal ganglia can eitherdecrease or increase movement depending on whichstructures/neurotransmitters are impacted within thedirect and indirect pathways
Several neurodegenerative disorders are associatedwith basal ganglia structures including Parkinson dis-ease, Huntington disease, Wilson disease, and variousmultisystem atrophies (MSAs) Psychiatric disorders
Trang 23that appear in childhood including attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Tourette syndrome
are also associated with abnormalities in the basal
gan-glia Recent studies have shown reduced overall caudate
volumes and lateralized differences in caudate and
globus pallidus volumes (left greater than right) in
chil-dren diagnosed with ADHD [47] Further, fractional
anisotropy, a measure of apparent white matter integrity
using a structural imaging technique called diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI), is reduced in ventral prefrontal
to caudate pathways in children with ADHD [48]
Behaviorally, this prefrontal/caudal circuit is thought to
relate to inhibitory control (e.g a go–no go task) As for
etiological factors, there is recent evidence that early diet
can influence future caudate volumes and intellectual
aptitude [49], suggesting a potential avenue for
environ-mental factors such as nutrition on neural structure and
cognitive/behavioral outcome
The role of basal ganglia structures in cognitive
pro-cesses is multi-factorial Aron et al [50] present
converg-ing evidence on the role of a fronto-basal ganglia network
in inhibiting both action and cognition They review
both comparative and human data using go–no go
tasks and conclude that the fronto-basal ganglia systems
are critical in determining individual differences in a
variety of human behaviors, stating, “Variation to key
nodes in this circuitry (or to their connections) could
produce important individual differences, for example,
in aspects of personality, in the response to therapy
for eating disorders, and in liability toward and
recovery from addiction Developmental, traumatic,
or experimentally induced alterations to key nodes in
the control circuit lead to psychiatric symptoms such
as inattention, perseveration, obsessional thinking
and mania, and could also have relevance for
move-ment and stuttering.”
Limbic system
The limbic system is a network of structures involving
subcortical, cortical, and brainstem regions that play a
role in emotional behaviors including emotionally
related memory/learning and social interactions
Important subcortical gray matter structures of the
limbic system include the amygdala, nucleus
accum-bens, and hypothalamic nuclei (as illustrated above in
the HPA), among others Cortical structures include
aspects of the prefrontal cortex (orbitofrontal),
cin-gulate gyrus, and the hippocampus
The amygdala, probably the most central structure
(conceptually) of the limbic system, is almond-shaped
and located deep in the anterior temporal lobe Thereare multiple nuclei which can be divided into twogroups, a basolateral group and a corticomedialgroup The amygdala is rich with connections to cort-ical areas including the orbitofrontal cortex and tem-poroparietial cortex, subcortical structures includingthe basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, brainstemstructures including autonomic output nuclei, and thehippocampus (a phylogenetically older area of cortexinvolved in memory consolidation)
The amygdala is involved in functional systems ofemotion, reward, learning, memory, attention, and moti-vation Though researchers have strongly focused on fearconditioning and negative emotions in the amygdala (therole of the amygdala in fear startle reflex), it also has arole in positive emotion For a review of the role of theamygdala in positive affect see Murray [51] Direct stim-ulation of the amygdala via electrodes has been shown tomost probably elicit fear or anger responses In rats,electrical stimulation of the amygdala elicits aggressivevocalizations [52] In humans, in a study of 74 patientsundergoing presurgical screening for epilepsy, fearresponses were most frequent with amygdala stimulation(higher rate for women than men) [53]
Functionally, in addition to a central role in tional processing, the amygdala has a role in olfaction(the corticomedial cell group is directly connected tothe olfactory bulbs), though there are also intercon-nections to other sensory areas The amygdala appears
emo-to respond emo-to threatening sensory stimuli via zation of fight or flight responses [54], but it alsoresponds to positive sensory stimuli The key is notthe modality of the sensory input or the valence, theamygdala will respond to all, but whether the sensorydata contain affective content The amygdala alsoenhances cognitive performance in the context ofemotional stimuli (e.g emotional memory formationvia linkages to the hippocampus) [55]
mobili-Developmental disorders such as autism have beenlinked to abnormal changes over time in the amygdala
In addition to increased white matter volumes andoverall head size early in autism, in a study of youngchildren with autism (36–56 months of age), theamygdala was enlarged by 13–16% Amygdala vol-ume differences, both larger and smaller, are found inmany psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia,depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disor-der, and borderline personality disorder Sometimes,conflicts appear with one study showing increasedamygdala volume in depression and another showingdecreased amygdala volume Tebartz et al [56] suggest
A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy
Trang 24a resolution to such conflicting results may be a
func-tion of the“dominant mode of emotional informational
processing.” They hypothesize that an enlarged
amyg-dala may relate to depressed mood, anhedonia, phobic
anxiety, and rumination and that a smaller amygdala
may relate to emotional instability, aggression, and
psychotic anxiety
Another limbic structure, the hippocampus, is
located ventrally and medially in the temporal lobe, and
can be divided into four regions, designated CA1, CA2,
CA3, and CA4 CA stands for cornu ammonis A major
input pathway to the hippocampus stems from the
ento-rhinal cortex and the main output pathway from the
fornix The hippocampus is a critical structure to
learn-ing new information Damage to the hippocampus can
cause severe anterograde learning deficits such as in
Korsakoff’s syndrome, a condition caused by vitamin
deficiencies in chronic alcohol abuse that damages
hip-pocampal structures Classically, the role of the
hippo-campus in memory was brought to the attention of the
scientific community via a case study in 1957 [57] of a
patient who underwent bilateral temporal lobe
resec-tions, referred to as HM HM had intact remote and
autobiographical memory until the surgical procedure,
but was unable to learn new information subsequently
Corkin [58] reviews 45 years of research on HM
Laterality and extent of peripheral involvement
determine the type and severity of memory impairment
with hippocampal lesions Involvement of projection
areas such as the entorhinal cortex increases the severity
of anterograde deficit This is the system that
deterio-rates in cortical dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease
Bilateral lesions produce dense anterograde memory
deficits A unilateral left or right hemisphere lesion will
produce verbal or spatial memory deficits, respectively
Normal development of the hippocampus can be
interrupted by environmental factors Hippocampal
volumes are reduced in victims of childhood abuse
[59] Pediatric temporal lobe epilepsy can also have a
significant impact on hippocampal development
Hippocampal atrophy in children with epilepsy has
been shown to relate to reduced neuropsychological
performance [60]
Cerebral cortex
The cortex is divided into four lobes, the frontal,
temporal, parietal, and occipital As was discussed
ear-lier in the chapter on top-down control and the
organ-ization of functional systems, the cortex is the most
highly organized and complex aspect of brain
management The cortex is thought to be necessaryfor conscious behaviors (thalamo-cortical relation-ships), though recent research suggests that somelevel of consciousness can exist without the cortex[61] There are two hemispheres divided by a largefissure called the longitudinal fissure They are generallysuperficially symmetrical and structures are mirroredacross the two Though there are individual differences
in brain structure, on average it is known that the rightfrontal lobe tends to be wider than the left and the leftplanum temporale of the superior temporal cortex islarger than the right (thought to be related to languagedevelopment) Recent neuroimaging research has alsodemonstrated substantial differences in white matterconnectivity; for example, in systems underlying lan-guage functions between the left and right hemisphereusing diffusion tensor imaging [62]
Several helpful mapping systems have been created
to identify various brain regions Brodmann’s map isone of the best-known systems and it is based oncellular architecture (seeFig 1.1)
9 8
2 5 7
17 18 19 37 20 21
17 18 19 37 20
38 11 10 9 8
23 31
26 29 30 27 25 34 28 38 35
38 11
40 39 41
Trang 25The motor and sensory areas of cortex are divided
by a largefissure called the central sulcus (also known
as the Rolandic fissure and cruciate fissure) This
divides frontal and parietal areas and represents
a steep functional boundary The regions on either
side of the fissure are the primary motor cortex
(Brodmann’s area 4, anterior of the fissure) and
pri-mary somatosensory cortex (Brodmann’s areas 3, 1,
and 2, posterior of thefissure) Organizationally, it is
helpful to think in terms of primary, secondary, and
tertiary association cortex Functions progress from
simple to complex, from unimodal to multi-modal
Each sensory system is composed of a primary
projection area and secondary and tertiary association
areas Functionally, the primary projection areas are
thefirst area of cortex to receive information from a
specific sensory system Sensory data reaching the
primary projection area are necessary for conscious
perception Lesion of primary sensory cortex can
result in a loss of awareness of the affected modality;
however, the individual may still respond reflexively to
the modality (e.g blindsight) Further sensory
pro-cessing occurs in secondary association cortex, but it
is still limited to one modality Finally, tertiary
associ-ation cortex (e.g Brodmann’s area 7 in the parietal
lobe) integrates data from multiple sensory modalities
The primary sensory projection areas are as
fol-lows: (1) vision = occipital cortex (calcerine cortex,
Brodmann’s area 17), (2) audition = superior temporal
gyrus, temporal lobe (Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42),
(3) somatosensation = postcentral gyrus, parietal cortex
(Brodmann’s areas 3, 1, and 2), (4) gustation = parietal
operculum (Brodmann’s area 43), (5) olfaction =
ante-rior tip of the temporal lobe (Brodmann’s area 38)
The secondary and tertiary association cortices
sur-round and extend from the primary projection areas
(e.g visual association areas roughly correspond to
Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19)
In a normally organized brain, the left hemisphere
is dominant for language functions Around 90%
of the population is estimated to be right-handed
Sinistrality is a clue that a brain is not normally
organ-ized Recent neuroimaging studies have demonstrated
different activation patterns in left-handers when
pro-cessing language, with greater bilateral activations and
shifts towards right-hemisphere language processing
[63] Assumptions about localization and
lateraliza-tion of funclateraliza-tion should be treated with greater caulateraliza-tion
in these cases The occurrence of sinistrality appears
to be a combination of genetic and environmental
factors Sinistrality is over-represented in several
neurological/psychiatric conditions such as epilepsy,autism, and schizophrenia A recent study demon-strates a potential genetic link between sinistralityand schizophrenia [64]
The hemispheres are functionally specialized todeal both with different kinds of information and thesame information in different ways Although an in-depth review of laterality is well beyond the scope ofthis chapter, a few common areas of study includelanguage, neglect (attentional space), memory (non-verbal versus verbal), and emotion
In a normally organized brain, different aspects oflanguage functions are divided across the hemisphereswith semantic content, production, and rhythm local-ized to the left hemisphere, and expressive and recep-tive prosody/melody localized to the right hemisphere.Further, there is evidence that the right superior tem-poral lobe is instrumental in the identification of indi-vidual voices [65] Lesions, depending on laterality andposition relative to the central sulcus (anterior orposterior), will have expressive or receptive conse-quences, or both (e.g a right frontal lesion may pro-duce an expressive aprosodia, or inability to modulatethe tone of speech output in a meaningful way,whereas a left frontal lesion may produce an expressiveaphasia, inability to produce speechfluently)
In emotion, laterality is not a simple matter Forexample, a model of aspects of emotional experiencethat has been applied across the lifespan is proposed
by Fox and Davidson [66] They present a view ofemotional expression with emphasis on right andleft frontal modulation Much of Fox’s work hasconsisted of developmental EEG research Specifi-cally, Fox infers right and left frontal activationfrom localized alpha bandwidth (~8–12 Hz) sup-pression Two constructs are proffered as indicative
of left versus right frontal activation respectively,approach and withdrawal
Approach and withdrawal behaviors as recentlyconceptualized refer to social interactions Approachbehaviors are associated with positive affect and with-drawal behaviors are associated with negative affect.These behaviors are evident, at least in some form,
as early as infancy In one study, with a group selectioncriterion of motor reactivity and a disposition compo-nent (assessed through parent report and observation)infants with high motor reactivity and a dispositiontowards negative affect were found to be more likely
to evidence greater right frontal EEG asymmetry,supporting the notion of right frontal mediation ofnegative emotion [67]
A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy
Trang 26In another study, with implications for the extent
of behavioral generalization of Fox’s constructs from
EEG records, it is demonstrated that resting frontal
EEG asymmetry and social behavior during peer play
were related to the occurrence of maladaptive behavior
in preschool-aged children Fox et al [68] assert that
resting frontal asymmetry within the alpha band may
be a marker for certain temperamental dispositions
Brain development
Higher-order cognitive and emotional development
in humans is in part a byproduct of consciousness
Human consciousness and cognitive and emotional
characteristics develop through the integration of
increasingly complex functional systems starting
early in life The process of neural development begins
simply (cell division) Brain weight increases from
the heft of a few dozen cells to about 800 g at birth
(males > females), to 1200 g at six years old, to around
1500 g and back down again to 1100–1300 g in the very
elderly [69]
Among the very first markers of neural
develop-ment, prenatally, is the appearance of the neural
groove The neural groove progresses to form the
neural plate and then the neural tube Progenitor
cells along the various zones (ventricular,
intermedi-ate, and marginal in order of appearance) of the early
developing nervous system develop into neurons and
glial cells, forming the basic context of spinal and brain
systems The neural tube eventually forms into the
central nervous system and it evolves from posterior
to anterior with modifications to accommodate
speci-alized brain regions along the rostral–caudal stream
through a process called neurulation
Neural tube defects are a leading cause of infant
mortality in the USA and a mechanism of future
disability in live births (5.59 per 10 000 live births)
[70] Ingestion of folic acid supplements drastically
reduces risk Neural tube defects, often manifesting
as incomplete closure, can present in different ways
depending on the etiology and the extent of
malfor-mation The most common defects include spina
bifida and anencephaly Anencephaly results in
incomplete formation of the brain and skull
Consciousness cannot occur and neonates generally
die within a few days of birth
Spina bifida malformations occur in three
varia-tions, occulta, meningocele, and cystic The most
severe condition is spina bifida meningocele, which
can result in significant disability The symptoms areprimarily physical (degree of paralysis, bowel andbladder control problems, and scoliosis), though cog-nitive issues also occur, especially with co-occurrence
of hydrocephalus (15–25% of meningocele cases).Neuropsychological impairments tend to center ondelayed/absent development of executive functionsover time [71], and memory deficits including pro-spective and episodic memories [72]
A related condition, the Arnold-Chiari tion, occurs in almost all children born with spinabifida meningocele, though it also occurs independ-ently The Arnold-Chiari formation is the etiology ofhydrocephalus in spina bifida meningocele The cer-ebellum is herniated through the foramen magnum inthe base of the skull, blocking the ventricular system.Severity is graded from one to four (four is the mostsevere) It is often undetected and symptoms, if theyoccur, can manifest later in life and include deficitsassociated with hindbrain functions (cranial nerves)and the cerebellum
malforma-By ten weeks after conception, all of the majorstructures of the central nervous system are recogniz-able by their appearance Functional capacity is notachieved until much later The earliest detection of
“normal” EEG patterns in neonates has been denced as young as 24 weeks after conception [73].This is about the time that production of neuronshalts At this point, there can be as many as twice thenumber of neurons present as in the mature adultbrain After this, there is programmed cell death.Sleep stages, such as REM, can be matched behavior-ally and via EEG as early as 25 weeks post-conceptionage [74] The earliest detection of auditory response(auditory evoked potentials) is at a post-conceptionage of 27 weeks Evoked potentials change over time,even after birth, shifting temporally [75], as do EEGpatterns in general (e.g infant alpha)
evi-There are several cellular processes that are tant to understand in the developing brain Amongthem apoptosis, synaptogenesis, and myelination occurthroughout the lifespan and are critical in brain plas-ticity and processes such as learning Apoptosis, orprogrammed cell death, is an active process in braindevelopment It plays a prominent role in eliminatingthe excess neuronal growth produced prenatally and inshaping synaptic connections
impor-Synaptogenesis is, as one might expect, the tion of synapses It is a dynamic process and occursthroughout the lifespan Synapses form and are
Trang 27replaced if they are not reciprocated properly by the
target cell The process is called synaptic stabilization
Not all synapses are equally susceptible to replacement
For a variety of reasons, synaptic plasticity is
nec-essary throughout the lifespan, e.g in the case of
learning A vexing problem in literatures on cellular
processes in learning is the formation and
strengthen-ing of new synapses A hypothesis that has received
increasing support is that of synaptic tagging and
capture (STC) proposed by Frey and Morris in 1997
[76] Barco et al review ten years of subsequent
research and conclude that the model remains the
most compelling hypothesis to explain
synapse-specific plasticity processes [77] The concept
stipu-lates that, “the persistence of changes in synaptic
strength is mediated by the generation of a transient
local synaptic tag at recently activated synapses and by
the production of plasticity-related proteins that can
be used or captured only at those synapses marked by
the tag.” This is a necessary factor for selection of
synaptic modification at the cellular level In other
words, this is the process by which synapses are
iden-tified and strengthened in facilitation of long-term
structural change in learning
In the development of higher-level primates
includ-ing humans, it becomes apparent that connectivity is
a major discriminating factor in the evolution of
cog-nitive functions There is a disproportionate increase
in white matter volume throughout primate evolution,
with prefrontal white matter differentiating humans
[78] There is both myelinated and unmyelinated
white matter in the brain Myelin is created by
oligo-dendrocytes (specialized glia) in the central nervous
system This process is called myelination It begins
around the 24th week post conception and increases
dramatically through adolescence, with a slow increase
through as late as the fourth decade of life [79]
With the development of diffusion tensor imaging
over a decade ago [80], due to its sensitivity to changes
in white matter structure, there have been several
valuable studies of normal development of white
mat-ter from childhood through adulthood The trend is
that maturation is associated with increased fractional
anisotropy Fractional anisotropy values increase with
greater myelin presence More recently, efforts have
been made to quantify regionally specific changes in
white matter integrity and association with cognitive
development In a cross-sectional design, Qui et al
[81] find increased FA in cerebellar, right temporal,
superior frontal, and parietal white matter with age
In the elderly, neuropathological studies have gested a faster rate of white matter loss than greymatter loss Neuroimaging results with conventionalstructural methods have been less clear with respect tochanges in white matter as both significant and non-significant results have been reported Diffusion tensorimaging consistently shows a decline in fractional ani-sotropy with age [82] Regionally, the areas that appear
sug-to be most affected include prefrontal white matter, thesplenium, and periventricular white matter
Disorders of white matter tend to preferentiallyimpact fronto-subcortical functional systems Damage towhite matter anywhere in the brain results in hypoperfu-sion of frontal cortex [83] We see in disorders of whitematter such as multiple sclerosis, small vessel ischemicdisease, and dementia due to HIV among others, a fronto-subcortical syndrome with characteristic behavioral andcognitive features such as executive functioning deficits,bradyphrenia, abulia, apathy, and encoding problems
Among gray matter structures, the prefrontal tex is the latest to fully develop, extending into youngadulthood, and thefirst to decline heading into to oldage John Hughlings Jackson termed this pattern offunctional decline“dissolution”, namely, those func-tions which appear last in evolutionary terms, andwhich emerge later in human development, are themost fragile and are among thefirst lost
cor-This late development of prefrontal-related tional systems coincides behaviorally with rapidchanges in social behaviors, decision-making, risk-taking behaviors, and the transition from child toadult in terms of responsibility Comparisons of frontalactivity with functional imaging between childhoodand adolescence show gender-specific increases inprocessing affective faces, for example (right frontalincreases for boys and bilateral increases for girls)[84] This activity tends to decrease and become morefocal in adults [85] Cognitive tasks show similar devel-opmental curves, with decreased and more focal frontalactivity in well-performing adults With aging, increasedfrontal lobe activity to cognitive demand is shownwith decreased efficiency in performance, suggest-ing more effort/resources are necessary to achieveperformance results [86] Clearly, consideration ofneuroanatomical development across the lifespan is
func-a criticfunc-al emphfunc-asis in driving our understfunc-anding ofthe behavior of life Integrating our rapidly advanc-ing ability to analyze structural and functionalchanges in neural network activity into theories oflifespan development is the future of ourfield
A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy
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Trang 31neuropsychology Jane Holmes Bernstein
“A single good model is worth a thousand empirical studies”
James Heckman (Nobel Prize, Economics, 2000)
quoted by David Kirp [1]
“Good models are like good tools: they do a certain job rea
sonably well… simple models that work well for a wide variety
of jobs are especially valuable… (they yield) islands of concep
tual clarity in the midst of otherwise mind numbing complexity
and diversity”
Richerson and Boyd [2]Introduction
On what grounds does a hard-nosed number-crunching
economist make such a claim? What does he mean?
What are the implications for the elaboration of the
knowledge base? For clinical practice?
A model is a tool for thinking, for organizing a
body of data into a theoretically coherent construct
whose validity can be tested Thinking in both
research and clinical arenas is based on a constant
interaction between models and evidence The
chal-lenge of empirical data (evidence) is that at any one
point there may be much to make sense of Data are
not always internally consistent; and, until established
by multiple replications across data sets, evidence
is constantly subject to discussion, argument, and
change Models may not be subject to as rapid change
as the evidence base They cannot, nonetheless, be
static: as evidence accumulates, models must be
scru-tinized and reformulated
There are two major sources of change in science
One is the shift in the zeitgeist, the way in which people
view the world, to which scientific developments
con-tribute, but do not solely define; the second derives
from developments in technology Both of these are
shaped by the modeling⇆evidence transactions that
are critical to the advancement of knowledge and
influence them in turn
Change in the zeitgeist and the advent of new
technologies have had major implications for the
behavioral neurosciences In the modern era,
behav-ioral neurology and neuropsychology got their start in
the observations of language breakdown made by Dax,Broca, and Wernicke in the late nineteenth century,and the nature of language has remained a focus ofintense scrutiny This is easy to understand: our lan-guage capacities are central to our existence, and untilrecently their believed uniqueness reinforced habits
of thought that put human beings at the pinnacle
of a hierarchical view of life However, in the wake ofthe “Modern Synthesis” of evolutionary theory andgenetics, the intellectual context in which we viewour position in the natural world has changed dramat-ically, and the implications of the modern synthesishave gained traction in scientific thinking What isperhaps the most important– and hard-won – impact
is the recognition that humans do not represent somesort of pinnacle of life on earth This change in view-point has opened thefloodgates for cross-species com-parisons of behavior and adaptation, which allow us
to explore in greater detail (and with much greaterhumility) what we share with other organisms, andhow we as a species were shaped by natural forces thatadapted us to our environments over time The range
of models available to extend our thinking has ingly expanded many-fold The inclusion of an evolu-tionary framework has great potential for integratingmultiple disciplines [3]
accord-The advent of modern neuroimaging technologyhas in the last several decades also changed the inves-tigative landscape significantly and promoted progress
in behavioral neuroscience at a rapid rate Multipleforms of neurodiagnostic imaging have been intro-duced, assessing structure and function at the ana-tomical level (computed tomography (CT), positronemission tomography (PET), magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI)); the physiological level (single photonemission computed tomography (SPECT), quantita-tive electroencephalography (qEEG) and transcranialmagnetic stimulation (TMS)); and the functional level(functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), dif-fuse tensor imaging (DTI)) The ability to image thebrain in action via fMRI, tractography and TMS
Trang 32has led to a remarkable rapprochement of
neuro-science and experimental psychology – and to the
new cognitive neurosciences (developmental, social
cognitive, affective) Other developments that augur
well to advance our understanding of behavior come
from such different disciplines as genetics and
com-puter modeling Microarray technologies that support
multivariate genetic analysis and gene expression
mapping are being used to determine the role of
genes and epigenetic processes in the risk for and
manifestation of diseases and disorders, both medical
and psychiatric [4] Computer models range from the
cellular level to that of cognition and behavior [5]
The technology-supported paradigms that are
increasingly available to support the testing of
pro-posed models also bring their own constraints
Computer modeling is a powerful technique that can
answer questions of how things may work, but it does
not necessarily address what actually works or why
Similarly, functional neurodiagnostic imaging may
provide detailed information about discrete
compo-nents of complex behavior, but it is not easy to
extrap-olate from behavior that occurs “in the tube” to
behavior that is elicited in response to the meaning,
goals, and intentions of the individual in the world
There are considerable hurdles to be overcome in fully
understanding the data obtained from these new
tech-nologies, both methodologically (what, in the neural
substrate, is being indexed– exactly?); and practically
(what is the relationship between behavior observed in
the specific technology setting and behavior observed in
the real world?) Nonetheless, these paradigms allow
us to ask questions that we have not been able to ask
before, and, in so doing, further our understanding of
brain–behavior and structure–function relationships
Modeling in development
The core concept of development is that of
dynamic change over time in response to experience
Developmental models have to incorporate concepts
of change– but also of continuity/stability The genetic
processes that facilitate selection allow organisms to
change more or less rapidly to meet changing
condi-tions in their environments Absent such external
change, however, genetic processes function to
main-tain the match between the organism and its niche
Concepts of development imply a“start-state” to
change from and an“end-state” to change to [6] The
start-state for the human organism is the information
in the genome This represents the end-state of themacro-developmental processes of evolution Modelbuilding in development thus addresses two questions:one – at the species level – considers the evolution
of the brain to this point, asking what changes overtime have shaped the brain– and the behavior – of thespecies The other– at the individual level – asks howand when species-specific brain organization andbehavior is acquired by the individual
These questions cannot be addressed without ence to the contexts that have constrained and canal-ized developmental trajectories over time Models
refer-of development– both evolutionary and ontogenetic –entail an environment in which the organism acts
At the evolutionary level, the environment has shapedthe species’ behavioral repertoire, providing biologi-cally prepared capacities that must be activated inresponse to particular environmental demands Atthe individual level, it is experience with this particularenvironment that shapes the neural architecture sup-porting the individual’s behavior Over time and underspecific environmental forces, the individual acting inconcert with others in a population has the potentialfor rerouting the trajectory of the species
The long history of chronic polarization aroundthe nature–nurture debate has been rendered moot inmany aspects by thefindings of modern neuroscience.Since the formulation of the modern synthesis– and inspite of constant critique from both within and outsidescience – our understanding of the relationship ofintrinsic neurobiological characteristics and extrinsicenvironmental influences is that it is one of vital inter-dependence Both nature and nurture must operatetogether and questioning must be guided by the twoqueries offered by Mayr [7]: how does the organismwork? and why is it advantageous to work that way?The concept of development is one that has notbeen easy to integrate at the behavioral level wherehumans are the focus of investigation Developmentalthinking runs counter to long-prevailing concepts ofthe nature of cognition Psychological theory in theWestern tradition has been dominated by the idea
of the autonomous individual as the center of edge and cognition [8] The fundamental assumption
knowl-is that “the boundaries of the individual provide theproper framework within which psychological pro-cesses can be adequately analyzed” [9] Cognition isthus conceptualized as a set of processes that are inter-nal and accessible only to the person to whom theybelong Furthermore, in Western thought, scientific
Trang 33investigations have been strongly shaped by the
Platonic essence tradition and conducted in terms of
dichotomous-sources-of-variation strategies The
for-mer is simply not a developmental concept; the other
requires careful evaluation of the appropriateness of
its application to developmentally framed questions
In neuropsychology, a major challenge to the
con-struction of developmental models is the specialization
of the adult human brain This view was derived from
observation of the selective disruptive effects of brain
lesions in parsing behavioral capacities in the
neurol-ogy tradition and from investigative paradigms that
parse target behavioral capacities into subcomponents
in the experimental psychology tradition These two
investigative approaches quickly merged into what is
now known as cognitive neuroscience The primary
strategy has been one of dissociation As behavior was
subject to more and more dissection, brain
organiza-tion was revealed to be highly specialized– and
inter-preted as mediated by special-purpose modules that
function more or less independently, although the
nature of the modules and the degree of their
inde-pendence remain the subject of debate
When the focus is on brain development and
organization in children, however, there is a problem:
the modules of the adult cognitive architecture cannot
be presumed to be present They have to emerge in
some process of modularization that takes place over
time Thus, models based on a view of adult modular
architecture cannot be correct as a description of the
child’s developing capacities Nonetheless, such
mod-els have proved over and over again to be very
seduc-tive, and have been utilized on numerous occasions to
attempt to make sense of pediatric brain function
It has been unfortunate– though not surprising –
for the developmental behavioral sciences that the
neural specialization model of the adult brain meshed
perfectly with the (up to recently) dominant
“cogni-tive” paradigm in modern Western psychology and led
to the“downward extension” of adult models – both
of brain organization and behavioral measurement–
into the pediatric arena However, it did so because
the model as it applied to behavioral measurement
meshed perfectly with what was already “on the
ground” Measurement tools for children were
con-structed in the shape and form of those derived for
adults in the cognitive tradition
The influence of the modern synthesis on thinking
across all branches of scientific endeavor has, however,
paved the way for a re-evaluation of brain functioning
and organization Developmental thinking in lar benefits from this, and is starting to act as a power-ful antidote to the influence that has existed to datefrom both cognitive models of neural organizationand behavioral measurement tools that are con-structed in an older cognitive tradition
particu-Models in clinical practiceThe increased influence and application of develop-mental modes of thinking in understanding behavior
is particularly exciting for the clinician The guidingquestions at the level of the organism are those thatthe pediatric clinician wrestles with on a daily basis inworking with an individual: how does an organismachieve adaptive success? What is an optimal out-come? What is needed to facilitate this? What factorscould constrain the individual from reaching theexpected end-state? What is the role of the individual’sunique experiences to date and opportunities in thefuture? And for the clinician specifically: how can
I best intervene to maximize the outcome?
Until relatively recently, clinicians have been poorlyserved by the neuropsychological knowledge base.The“individual-as-cognizer” model and “dichotomous-sources-of-variation” methodologies do not enrich theportrait of a real person in the real world, and so fail tomeet the mandate of clinicians– to match the personmore effectively to the demands of his or her world.This mismatch is one source of the failure of clinicians
to respond enthusiastically to evidence-based practicethinking and guidelines
Nonetheless, in the modern era, clinical practicemust be evidence-based Such a statement hardlyseems controversial: with the welfare and lives ofpeople at issue, clinicians can hardly go around mak-ing up treatments on an ad hoc basis However, callsfor evidence-based medicine and clinical psychologicalpractice are all too often resisted by clinicians; clinicalpractice guidelines may be treated as nonrelevant to anindividual’s practice; and long lags can occur betweenthe identification of new successful treatments andtheir application This gap between practice guidelinesderived from research knowledge and the actualbehavior of clinicians is of concern Arguably, mentalhealth clinicians are even more vulnerablethan physicians to resisting standardized guidelines,inasmuch as the focus of treatment/intervention isbehavior and an individual’s behavioral repertoire ishighly individual, constantly influenced by transactionsDevelopmental models in pediatric neuropsychology
Trang 34with the full range of intrapersonal and interpersonal
environmental variables that are more or less unique to
him or her
One reason for the resistance seems to be a lack of
consensus about the nature of evidence-based practice
(EBP) EBP is widely viewed as emphasizing data
(evi-dence) collected under research conditions, with the
randomized clinical trial all too often being held up
as the gold standard, in spite of the availability of
detailed analyses of a range of relevant data sources
(effectiveness studies, single-subject designs,
process-outcome studies, qualitative analyses, hypothesis
gen-eration/evaluation, metaanalyses and the like) The
label “evidence-based” has focused the discussion
on research knowledge even though the Institute of
Medicine’s defining report Crossing the Quality Chasm
[10] provided a much more nuanced view of the
endeavor, one that requires the integration of “the
best available research evidence, clinical expertise,
client values and available resources” The
contri-bution of practice-based evidence has also been
out-lined Nonetheless, in spite of this clear recognition of
their critical role in EBP, many clinicians continue to
resist evidence-based clinical practice guidelines,
argu-ing that they are not responsive to the experience of
the individual patients they actually see in the office,
and thus cannot be a substitute for the practitioner’s
knowledge and experience with individual patients
There are reasons for this attitude among clinicians
that need to be examined– and taken seriously by both
research teams and clinical practitioners
One very substantial problem for the application to
clinical settings of the data collected in research
inves-tigations is the mismatch between the two modes of
thinking Research investigations seek universals, are
variable-centered and aim to maximize internal
valid-ity Clinical investigations deal with individuals, are
person-centered and have as a primary goal the
max-imization of external validity The products of the one
cannot simply be transferred wholesale to the other
Standards for research investigations (especially in the
behavioral or mental health domains) are often too
rigorous to be useful in real conditions, a situation
that easily provokes resistance to standards-based
care How is this tension resolved? How is
research-obtained knowledge applied to the individual person
who seeks care?
The interpretation of the research product to the
real world setting of the individual who seeks care
requires that thoughtful clinicians build coherent
models of their clinical behavior Indeed, cliniciansare master makers of models Like everyone else, they
do it all the time As clinicians, however, they have
a responsibility to know that they are modeling andgenerating hypotheses whenever observing behavior.Modeling does not await the evaluation of systemati-cally collected data in the clinical interview Cliniciansgenerate hypotheses on first meeting the patient/client – or reading the medical record Failing torecognize that they are doing so means that theyalso fail to evaluate the many sources of bias (social/interpersonal, methodological) that can potentiallyundermine their“judgment under uncertainty” [11].Model-building – rigorous, systematic and prin-cipled– is at the core of clinical expertise In evidence-based practice, the “big E” of Evidence must becomplemented by the“big E” of Expertise Researchevidence is useless if the practitioner does not knowhow to use it– which data to select, when and how toapply them Indeed, clinicians typically organize theirthinking within a theoretical framework to do justthis [12] The core of the clinician’s expertise then is
a theory-based“good (working) model” as advocated
by Heckman and it is the need for a thinking structurethat guides both the selection and the application ofrelevant knowledge that is the emphasis of his boldstatement
Both of the“big Es” must be subjected to the sameintensity of methodological scrutiny The latter is,however, frequently given short shrift in this regard.Training in clinical neuropsychology in particularcan be very vulnerable, on the one hand, to an over-emphasis on exciting developments in neuroimagingtechniques and cognitive neuroscience and, on theother hand, to a more or less rigid application of thepsychological test batteries preferred by a trainingsite – with at times less, or even no, comprehensiveinstruction in the nature of clinical work itself True, it
is hard to encompass in a few years of training all ofthe information currently available in an excitingfieldlike neuropsychology, but clinical neuropsychologiststraining the next generation of professionals need toprovide students with afirm theoretical foundation ofthe assessment process itself that will guide their think-ing as the knowledge base with which they work grows,changes, and is refined
The good working model guides clinical practice.The model is“working” to the extent that it is not fixed
in stone but must be subject to ongoing scrutiny andrevised as new knowledge becomes available In the
Trang 35clinical setting, the model that you use guides, but
can also seriously limit, what you look for, what you
see and how you interpret your observations
Clinically, the utility of a model depends on its ability
to account both for normal behavioral functioning
and for different patterns of behavioral breakdown,
to be implemented in assessment strategies, and to
provide a principled approach to management and
Actually, however, for the clinician “the good
working model” is a misnomer The clinician typically
works within a theoretical framework in which more
than one working model is required to encompass
the range of activity As a clinical neuropsychologist
working with children, I parse the domain in which
I am working into three primary components: the
organism, the potential threats to development to
which the organism is subject (including the impact
of diseases/disorders and that of adverse
environmen-tal experience), and theassessment strategy The model
of the organism– how the organism works – is central,
shaping the understanding of how threats to
develop-ment have their impact, and determining how the
assessment of behavior proceeds The organism is
viewed through the lens of the
brain-context-development matrix [13] The model of the organism
necessarily incorporates models of brain, models
of context (physical, psychological) and models of
Modeling the organism The primary model
guid-ing the clinician is the model of the organism in
question How does this organism work? All
assess-ment is based on current views of the expected
capaci-ties of the individuals under study There is little point
in trying to evaluate behavior in the absence of a sense
of what behavior the organism is capable of, nor can
the impact of a given disorder be assessed without a
sense of the organism’s capacities under typical
conditions Models of neuro psychological
function-ing must be based onbrain; an understanding of brain
cannot be achieved – as I have argued elsewhere –
without an analysis of context; models of the
neuro-behavioral capacities of the child must reflect its
developing status and thus must incorporate
Within this larger brain-context-development
matrix for modeling the organism, there are two
other strands of investigation in which specific models
are invoked to help organize the available data and set
up the questions that will lead to greater understanding
of the concepts involved One set of models attempts tospecify how brain is related to behavior (brain–behav-ior relationships) Another seeks to account for thenature of specific behavioral capacities such as lan-guage, spatial cognition, social behavior, executivecapacities and so forth As previously noted, thesemodels draw from neurology and neuroscience onthe one hand and from experimental psychology onthe other Currently,“neuropsychology” has given way
to“neuroscience” and modeling of specific behavioralcapacities rarely takes place without reference to thepotential neural substrates that support the behavior inquestion Indeed, the cross-fertilization provided bythese two sources of models is what has given thefield its power as a source of new insights In theclinical setting the contribution of these models isfurther extended by models drawn from clinical psy-chology All are brought together under the umbrella
of the model of the assessment process itself with thegoal of making as comprehensive and nuanced adescription of the individual as possible as the basisfor acting to promote his or her optimal adaptation inthe future
Modeling the disorders The disorders that threatenthe lives and the optimal development of children aredifferent from those that affect adults Structuralanomalies, genetic syndromes, and prematuritychange the course of development from the beginning.Different types of brain tumor and seizure disorder areseen at different ages, require different treatments andhaving different consequences for behavior Even theconditions that seem comparable across ages– stroke,head injury– have different types of outcomes whenthey occur in a developing brain (see the chaptersconcerning traumatic brain injury in this volume).The core principle is that the neuropathologies ofchildhood occur in the context of dynamic changeover the course of development and thus the pathologybecomes part of the developmental course Behavioraldevelopment can be derailed and behavioral outcomeschanged Genetic and structural disorders set up con-ditions for alternative developmental trajectories; lateracquired derailments have potential for resulting inso-called“late effects” Models of brain–behavior rela-tionships that derive their data from neuropathologymust address the altered dynamics of the brain–expe-rience interactions of the child with changed neuralcapacity Determination of such relationships in thechild cannot proceed without reference to develop-mental processes, both typical and atypical
Developmental models in pediatric neuropsychology
Trang 36The knowledge base of developmental
In neuropsychology, developmental modeling calls
on an extended knowledge base that can be roughly
parsed by the so-called“wh” questions: what, where,
when, how The knowledge bases that address thewhat
question are those of the behavioral sciences,
psychol-ogy and cognitive neuroscience Thefindings of these
disciplines are central to the discipline of
neuropsy-chology and have been extensively outlined in a variety
of texts, both comprehensive and focused on specific
domains In recent years, as neuropsychological
investigations of children’s behavior have increased,
relevant texts have focused on neuropsychological
development in the child To date, these have largely
been the work of clinicians and have focused on the
behavioral impact of threats to normal development
in the presence of disease or disorder and/or the
strategies needed to evaluate and treat children who
present for clinical services The where question is
answered by the neurosciences, embracing biology,
physiology, and chemistry; neuroanatomy and
embry-ology; neuropathembry-ology; and behavioral neurology
Again, the range of texts available is extensive and
specific systems warrant their own extended
descrip-tions Neuropsychologists gain familiarity with the
what and the where knowledge bases as part of their
training – and develop models for future research
investigations or for clinical practice based on this
emphasis However, when the goal is modeling of
developmental processes, the what and where data
require supplementation, by data addressing when
Addressing when in developmental
Thewhen question is addressed through the
knowl-edge bases of the evolutionary sciences, developmental
psychology and the developmental neurosciences
These disciplines all seek to understand the dynamic
processes that have created and continue to shape
biological organisms Thewhen question is concerned
with time passing It deals in start-states and end-states
and the nature of the journey between them
The start-state of the individual’s journey is
the end-state of the macrodevelopmental processes
of evolution Evolution is affected by changes in
developmental mechanisms over time Successful
adaptation at any point in a species’ or an individual’sdevelopmental trajectory entails both flexibility andstability The understanding of development in bothits phylogenetic (evolutionary) and its ontogenetic(individual) manifestations requires appreciation ofthis dramatic tension at the core of the construct:change and continuity Development proceeds via pro-cesses that maintain and reinforce existing structures,
as well as setting up the conditions for the formation ofnew ones– with the latter always constrained by whatpre-exists At the‘macro’ level of evolutionary develop-ment, selection acts to maintain those morphologiesand behaviors that support successful adaptation to
a given niche by removing fitness-reducing alleles –constraining variability for stable functioning incurrent contexts, as well as to facilitate new responsi-tivity to changed environmental conditions– providingadaptiveflexibility in future contexts At the individuallevel, this involves the products of biological evolution–already evolved proclivities or preparedness to learn–and of epigenesis– the expression of the potentiality
in response to the actual– and unique – experience ofthe individual
Across evolutionary time, behavior is selected
to solve problems that are species-relevant and topromote optimal adaptation to the setting in whichthe animal finds itself The potent force is that
of survival – of the species and of the individual.Protection, nutrition and reproduction are central –and the structures, both neural and behavioral,selected to support them are critical substrates for all
of our subsequently acquired behavioral capacities.Acquisition of the species-specific behavioral reper-toire will be the developmental task of the individual.Optimal adaptation for any organism is defined
by the environment in which it lives Both the largerplanetary environment with its specific physical prop-erties and more specific ecological niches shape theevolution of species For humans, for example, theanthropological record reveals a relationship betweenthe inhospitableness of the environment and thesize of the human brain and paleoclimatological datareveal that periods of harsh environmental conditionsare correlated with rapid changes in human brain[14,15] Climate variation demands behavioralflexi-bility for success– and brain power to facilitate it Thishighly flexible adaptive repertoire of humans meansthat they can respond not only to different physicalconditions, but also to highly complex, non-physicalenvironments of their own making, those that are
Trang 37shaped by social organization and language The
acquisition of culture that these facilitated then shaped
the modern human brain-mind, an impact that cannot
easily be overstated The point at which genes and
culture became intertwined in a mutual relationship
can be considered a major transition in human
evolu-tion [2]
The evolution of culture – the shared meanings
(knowledge, beliefs, values) embedded in systems of
kinship, cosmology, law and ritual– itself depends on
Darwinian principles operating within and between
populations Human beings transmit large amounts
of information by imitation, by instruction, and by
verbal communication This leads to an extraordinary
range of behavioral variation, even in the same
envi-ronment, on which selection processes can work
Indeed, the ability both to transmit and to receive
this information shapes the brain to be more
respon-sive to the information itself Cultural evolutionary
processes in specific environments lead to the
evolu-tion of uniquely human social instincts, and the ways
in which we learn, feel and think shape the culture in
which we live Those cultural variants that are most
easily learned, remembered and/or taught then tend to
persist and spread The rate of cultural change is
con-strained by evolved rate of brain development and rate
at which culture can be acquired by learning Broadly
speaking, at this point in our social and economic
evolution, it takes 15 to 25 years to complete physical
development and cultural learning, with the years
from twenty tofifty being the window for fully realized
cultural transmission (allowing for the erosion of
cognitive capacity with greater age) The importance
of the cultural environment to the evolution of the
human species is echoed in the development of
the individual Family environment and resources,
parenting/caretaking style and beliefs, personal and
societal beliefs and values, all shape the acquisition of
thinking, social, and regulatory capacities in the
indi-vidual, and can influence in significant ways the
response to disease or adversity These effects can be
seen at a basic biological level– the impact of stress
on fundamental neuroendocrine systems [16] or of
adverse conditions on the development of
neuropep-tide systems critical for social behavior [17] They can
be seen at the level of acquisition of the behavioral
repertoire, for example early adversity on subsequent
neurobehavioral development [18] and the impact of
socioeconomic variables on the acquisition of basic
skills in young children [19] They can also influence,
both positively and negatively, outcomes post-injury,i.e., family variables have bidirectional influence onbehavioral outcomes in pediatric head injury [20]
The end-state of the evolutionary journey then isthe start-state of the individual Evolution prepares thebiological organism for its role as a member of thespecies to which it belongs The individual’s develop-mental trajectory is the journey from biological pre-paredness to the end-state of the adult in the particularenvironment obtaining at the time Modeling thisjourney requires consideration both of models ofthe end-state to be achieved and of models of thejourney itself– and of the interaction between them.Constraints imposed by the end-state shape the under-standing of the nature of the architecture on arrival–and potentially redefine the end-state given its expres-sion across time, within a particular environment Asnew knowledge is acquired in the biological neuro-sciences, the realities of how biological mechanismsand processes constrain and reshape models of theoverall system and its construction are more deeplyappreciated In this way developmental thinking influ-ences cognitive science
Developmental psychology has actively generatedmodels to account for the development of cognition.These range from nativist, innate specification ofbehavioral capacities/maturation of genetically speci-fied forms; to associationist, experience with properties
of objects in the world leads to mental associations ofthose properties; toconstructivist, integration of intel-lect and senses to create constructed representations.For many theorists, the acquisition of new knowledgewithin a social context is preeminent– and needs to beexplained As a result, sociocognitive models that aim
to integrate the social dimension into the other modelsare the focus of ongoing research [21] With the advent
of new modes of thought and new technologies inthe post-modern synthesis era, such model-building
is now the province of the “developmental sciences” and, as such, models are being tested andreformulated in the light of newfindings in the widerbrain sciences In this context, combined models seemlikely to have a betterfit with the workings of otherprinciples that are widely applicable to the building
neuro-of brain and behavior The combination neuro-of nativistand constructivist models as explicated most fully
by Karmiloff-Smith et al [22] appears to align mostcomfortably with the“gene + plasticity” story
The nativist + constructivist position is, however,being further extended to integrate the role ofDevelopmental models in pediatric neuropsychology
Trang 38experience and context even more fully into a model of
the individual actually behaving The observation that
the sea squirt, one of the workhorses of neural science
research, only has neural cells during the time it is
moving around, which it then digests once it enters
its stationary life stage, invites consideration of the
brain as a system not for cognizing but for action
[23] and has provided a rationale for the development
of ecologically framed dynamic systems models of the
mind This perspective argues against the inherent
reductionism of the cognitive neurosciences paradigm,
explicitly resists the decontextualized representations
of mind that derive from the classical understanding,
and proposes that the mind is“an emergent property
of interactions of brain, body and world” [24],
prompting systematic study of the dynamics of
trans-actions between them Without reference to the
contexts in which behavior– and the processes that
support it – has been forged (from the biological
neurosciences), the cognitive neurosciences fail to
sit-uate their findings in a model of how the organism
actually behaves, a powerful constraint on any theory
of human behavior Integrating evolutionary thinking
with cognitive and dynamic systems modeling holds
promise to achieve a more comprehensive account [3]
Addressing how in developmental
The how question accesses two major mechanisms
critical for the building of the neural and cognitive
architecture: genes and epigenetics and plasticity
Answering thehow question also requires some sense
of the framework within which these processes are
assumed to work A discussion of developmental
mod-els cannot proceed without reference to a concept that
has polarized much debate– that of modularity How
one understands this concept shapes the theoretical
framework within which models are generated– and
how specific processes are deemed to contribute In
1983, Fodor [25] used this concept in making a
dis-tinction between perception and cognition– between
input systems that are encapsulated, mandatory, fast
operating, and hardwired, and central systems that
are unencapsulated and domain-neutral The former
he described as modular in architecture The concept
proved enticing: its match with the specialization
models of brain–behavior relationships in the adult
human brain derived from neuropsychology, and
behavioral neurology investigations led to it being
extended well beyond Fodor’s initial formulation tocharacterize “cognitive” domains such as language,spatial processing, and social processing, in addition
to basic sensory inputs Modularity in the sense ofcommitted processing units is widely accepted as
a core feature of the cognitive architecture of theadult human brain Fodor’s “cognition” has beenreplaced by a modular concept of executive functions
or processes at the behavioral level (Baddeley’s centralexecutive) that itself has been subject to modularfractionation at the neural level
The concept– and its cognitive tradition – has alsobeen adopted into the evolutionary context, being used
in the evolutionary psychology sense of biologicalpreparedness, the end-state of macro (evolutionary)development The innate proclivities, the products
of our evolutionary history that prepare us to meetspecies-specific behavioral expectations, are consideredmodules The evolutionary psychologists Cosmidesand Tooby have proposed a multiplicity of mentalmodules, arguing that the modern human mindevolved under selection pressure in Pleistocene envi-ronments and is made up of a wide range of modulesthat address specific adaptive challenges in that setting[26] The modules are now not only not restricted
to sensory inputs, but are“content-rich” in that theyprovide both rules for solving problems and the infor-mation needed to do so In this view the developmentalmodel proposes that the modules come on line atdifferent times in ontogenetic development
It is not clear that the concept of modularity willcontinue to prove an optimal description of adultbrain organization as greater knowledge of neuralfunctioning emerges The behavioral modules ofcognition – linguistic, spatial, social – are no longerthought to be supported in some sort of modularfashion at the neural level: network models whereinbehavioral functions are supported by transactionsamong systems with nodes in different networks arenow being widely explored The same ‘nodes’ mayparticipate in more than one network; given networksmay support a range of different behavioral functions.Other data available now, however, significantlyconstrain the“promiscuous modularity” mindset [27]and provide further reason for strong influenceexerted on the thinking of neuropsychologists by theobservations of specialization of function manifest inadult behavior to be resisted At deeper levels of anal-ysis this specialization is not the rule At the gene level,for example, essential genes encoding hub proteins
Trang 39(as opposed to disease genes) are expressed widely in
tissues of different types At the neural level, all areas
of cortex initially send outputs to nearly all types of
cortical targets (via extra branching of axons) With
experience, these are pruned back so that visual areas
project to subcortical visual processors, auditory to
auditory, and the like [28] What must be explicated
by the developmental scholar is how the organism
goes from a brain that is widely interconnected and
undifferentiated to one that can be described in terms
of specialized modules
The current data support the position that
devel-opmentally the gradient is from global to local
pro-cessing mechanisms The overall logic of development
is one of association, rather than dissociation: from
interactivity to competition to compensation to
redundancy to specialization to localization to
modu-larization [29] Development in this view is a
modula-rizing process that takes place over the lifespan of an
individual and is dependent on the developmental
transactions between brain and context over time
(see Johnson et al.’s interactive specialization model
[30]) For one mechanism in support of this general
framework, Elman and his colleagues [31] have
argued that the logic instantiated in the work on
gene expression and cortical sprouting also obtains
at the behavioral development level: the availability
of domain-relevant learning algorithms (the
biologi-cally prepared end-states of evolutionary processes)
“jumpstart” the infant brain Initially all algorithms
attempt to process all inputs Eventually, however,
one becomes the winner (probably the most
domain-relevant one), leading to domain specificity that
becomes even more narrowly specified (modularized)
and efficient with continued experience over time
Biological proclivities, the end-state of
evolution-ary development, are the foundations of subsequent
cognitive capacities; they are encoded in the genome
and provide the start-state for individual development
Behavior will emerge and be continually elaborated as
the individual experiences the world; processes of
plasticity will sculpt and re-sculpt the neural
architec-ture in response to the brain–environment interaction
as it is experienced by the individual over time The
precise nature of the steps from biological proclivity
to adult modularity may be debated for some time to
come but the outline seems clear
More complete models will need to take into
account both evolutionary and ontogenetic
perspec-tives At the one end, different brain systems are
more or less conserved, and dedicated processing units (modules?) that provide informationabout the environment that “cannot be obtained bythought in an ecologically useful timeframe” [32] arecrucial for survival At the other end, within behavioraldomains, different functions can be parsed into thosethat are relatively“focal” in representation and thosethat depend on widespread activations across net-works Processes of elaboration also appear to reflectboth increasing specialization of and increasinglysophisticated interactions among brain systems/networks– among other things, to maximize the effi-ciency of resource utilization in the adult brain [33]
information-Genes and epigeneticsThe gene story involves genomic information andepigenetic processes The genome is the end-state ofevolutionary development, providing the infant with abasic species-specific plan with which to begin to mapthe actual world in which it finds itself Epigeneticprocesses control gene activity over time, regulatingthe turning-on and turning-off of gene expression[34] Gene action is inherently developmental, inher-ently contextually embedded [35] The expression ofgenetic information from the individual’s genome laysout the body plan and the large-scale neural structuresrelated by tissue organization and cell type Epigeneticprocesses in dynamic transactions with experience inthe environment permit the brain to“learn” the nature
of itself in a given setting and sculpt andfine-tune thespecialized networks needed for mature function Thelaying down of structures and circuits begins in utero.Postnatally, the dance between structure and experi-ence speeds up exponentially as the infant has greaterand greater access to stimulation: not only sensory, butnow social, communicative, cognitive – and rapidlydevelops the capacity to engage with all the stimuli ofthe world on his or her own recognizance
The application of genetically informed models tothe understanding of the child’s behavior will requireclear differentiation of the role of single genes and ofmultiple genes in the elaboration of complex behaviorsand appreciation of the difference in genetic contribu-tions to normal function and to disease It is unlikelythat the complexity of processes underlying a behav-ioral skill such as reading, for example, could be orch-estrated by a single gene or even gene family.However, by the same token, it is entirely plausiblethat the uncomplicated acquisition of such a complexlyDevelopmental models in pediatric neuropsychology
Trang 40orchestrated skill could easily be derailed by the action
or inaction of a few genes Genetically informed
mod-eling will also require close analysis of the biology–
environment interaction Kovas and Plomin [36]
argue, for example, that pleiotropy (one gene in
fluen-ces many traits) and polygenicity (many genes in
flu-ence one trait) mean that the impact of genes on brain
and behavior is“generalist” and not modular In their
analysis of the genetic contributions to learning
abil-ities and disabilabil-ities, for example, they conclude that
discrepancies in children’s profiles of performance are
largely due to “specialist” environments But, as the
genetic revolution in neuroscience bears more and
more fruit, it appears that the range of variables that
both researchers and clinicians will need to consider
in the brain–behavior analysis only grows – and that
gene–environment interactions will have to be
con-sidered in light of very specific genetic characteristics
of the individual Thus, adverse environments, that–
generally speaking– can be so detrimental to
neuro-behavioral development may not be so maladaptive
for everyone, but may vary as, for example, a function
of serotonin gene structure in the individual [37]
Plasticity is “an obligatory consequence of neural
activity in response to environmental pressures,
func-tional significance and experience” [38], a “baseline
property of the brain” [39] It is neutral with respect
to outcome, being the fundamental mechanism for
learning and development, but also the cause of
path-ology and subsequent clinical disorders It is not a
process that builds a brain and then stops, but an
inherent property of the nervous system that is always
present Alternative connectivity is held in check by
normal functioning in the world In parallel to the
forces operating at the evolutionary level, as long as
the individual keeps acting within his/her repertoire,
that is, in an environment with specific parameters,
then the attained brain organization remains stable
Should the individual’s repertoire change, then plastic
responses will re-shape the system to adapt to the
new status Thus, losing sight results in allocation of
receptivefields previously committed to visual cortical
inputs to auditory and/or tactile inputs [40];
con-straining or losing a digit or limb leads to reshaping
of the receptive fields [41] Such resculpting of
con-nections may not work to a patient’s advantage, as
when an undermined body plan leads to secondary
“phantom” experiences including severe and (to
date) largely intractable pain [42] It may, however,
be the basis for therapeutic strategies that after injurychange outcomes for the better, as in constraint-induced therapy [43] But disease or injury is not theonly way the individual’s repertoire may change.Plastic responses are recruited when an individualcommits to a demanding musical or motor discipline.The brains of musicians [44], of chess players [45], and
of expert golfers [46] are resculpted as they achieve theamount of practice needed for expert performance Ofnote is the fact that the increased skill the individualsgain seems to be specific to the domain of practice.There are two major components of plasticity:expression of normal physiological responses thatare subject to inhibitory control when the relevantstimuli are present, and cross modal plasticity denovo in response to severe sensory deprivation [47].Processes involve unmasking of existing connections(shifts of strength in existing connections) and estab-lishment of new connections The meaning of stimuli
to the organism is crucial– and is reflected in the range
of activation elicited For example, phonemic wordgeneration elicits focal brain activity associated withauditory processing; semantic word representationactivates multiple sites, including visual
Other mechanisms are integral to the workings ofplasticity Competition for connectivity is salient andspecific processes of apoptosis with their own trajecto-ries and time lines are crucial sculptors of architecture
in the developing brain [48] The balance between tatory and inhibitory processes is also dynamic [49],and has important implications for pharmacologicalinterventions in pediatric epilepsy, for example.Additional themes related to howTwo additional themes are central to the how ofdevelopment – timing and white matter Issues oftiming are critical to all models of developmentalchange and stability Both genes + epigenes and plas-ticity are dependent on the timing of expectableinputs Critical and/or sensitive periods are those dur-ing which exposure to relevant stimulation is optimal.Both the onset and the offset of such periods can bebiologically specified: gene activity both switches onand switches off a developmental process The classicdemonstration of this principle was provided by Hubeland Wiesel, who showed that development of thecolumnar organization of the visual receptive fields
exci-in the cat depended on visual experience withexci-in aparticular time frame The practical application is