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0521896223 cambridge university press principles and practice of lifespan developmental neuropsychology mar 2010

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  • Cover

  • Half-title

  • Title

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Contact information for authors

  • Biography for Jacobus Donders and Scott J. Hunter

  • Introduction

    • References

  • Section I: Theory and models

    • Chapter 1 A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy

      • On the development of functional neural systems

      • Brain structure

        • Brain cells

        • Neurons

        • Neurotransmitters

        • Cranial nerves

        • Rhombencephalon

        • Mesencephalon

        • Telencephalon

        • Thalamus and hypothalamus

        • Basal ganglia

        • Limbic system

        • Cerebral cortex

      • Brain development

      • References

    • Chapter 2a Developmental models in pediatric neuropsychology

      • Introduction

      • Modeling in development

      • Models in clinical practice

      • The knowledge base of developmental models

        • Addressing when in developmental modeling

        • Addressing how in developmental modeling

        • Genes and epigenetics

        • Plasticity

        • Additional themes related to how

      • Examples of developmental models

        • Modeling in evolution

        • Modeling by disorder

        • Modeling by lesion

        • Modeling the brain–experience interface

        • Modeling from typical to atypical and back

        • Modeling by time

        • Modeling by domain

        • Modeling brain–behavior relationships

      • Heterogeneity of outcomes

      • Methodological issues

      • Implications

        • Clinical assumptions

        • Clinical neuropsychological assumptions

        • Intervening

      • Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 2b Models of developmental neuropsychology: adult and geriatric

      • Normal neurobiological aging: conceptual issues

        • Defining normal, healthy, and optimal aging

        • Attributes of normal and optimal aging

      • Integrity of the aging brain

        • Structural changes

        • Functional changes

          • General functioning

          • Specific cognitive functions

          • Age and variability

      • Summary and future directions

      • References

    • Chapter 3 Multicultural considerations in lifespan neuropsychological assessment

      • Introduction

      • Theoretical considerations

      • Defining cultural variables influences on assessment

        • Culture

        • Ethnicity

        • Race

        • Culture, ethnicity, and race: influences on assessment

        • Acculturation

        • Age

        • Gender

        • Socioeconomic status

        • Ethical considerations for the culturally competent neuropsychologist

      • Approaches to culturally competent neuropsychology

        • Preassessment procedures

        • Measuring pre-morbid estimates of function

        • Neuropsychological measures

      • Summary and conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 4 Structural and functional neuroimaging throughout the lifespan

      • Introduction

      • Conventional neuroimaging methodologies

      • Advanced neuroimaging research methods

      • Advanced MRI techniques

      • Advanced PET techniques

      • Limitations and considerations

      • Integrative and future directions

      • Acknowledgements

      • References

  • Section II: Disorders

    • Chapter 5a Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents

      • ADHD Phenomenology

        • Comorbidity profiles in children with ADHD

        • Chapter premise and objectives

      • Neuropsychology of pediatric ADHD across development

        • Neuropsychological characterization of ADHD

          • Neuropsychological profiles of preschool children with ADHD

          • Neuropsychological profiles of school-age children with ADHD

          • Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents with ADHD

        • Potential moderators of group differences in neuropsychological functioning

        • Stability of neuropsychological functions across development

        • Neuropsychological stability relative to symptom stability

        • Diagnostic utility of neuropsychological measures

      • Etiological mechanisms in ADHD

      • Neuroimaging in pediatric ADHD

        • Structural magnetic resonance imaging

          • Cerebral cortex

          • Basal Ganglia

          • Corpus callosum

          • Cerebellum

        • Functional magnetic resonance imaging

          • Prefrontal-subcortical connectivity

        • Developing vs. mature neural systems

      • Evidence-based interventions

        • Behavioral interventions

          • Behavioral parent training

          • Classroom behavior management

          • Summer Treatment Program

        • Pharmacological interventions

        • Key clinical trials

          • Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA)

          • Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS)

      • Cognitive remediation strategies for children with ADHD

        • Remediation of attentional functioning

        • Remediation of working memory

        • Enhancement of executive function development

      • Summary and future directions

        • ADHD phenomonology

          • ADHD phenomonology

          • Neuropsychological profiles

          • Etiological mechanisms

          • Structural and functional neuroimaging

          • Psychosocial and psychopharmacological intervention

      • References

    • Chapter 5b Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults

      • Introduction

      • Epidemiology of ADHD in adults

        • Diagnostic issues in adult ADHD

          • Age-of-onset controversy

        • Comorbidity issues

        • Gender differences in adult ADHD

        • Conclusion

      • Neuropsychological functioning

        • Cognitive functioning

        • Core symptoms: attention and impulsivity

          • Inattention

          • Response inhibition

        • Memory

          • Verbal memory

          • Visual memory

        • Additional executive functions

          • Planning

          • Mental flexibility, fluency, and speed

        • Daily functioning

        • Neuropsychological measurement of adult ADHD

        • Conclusion

      • Neuroimaging in ADHD

        • MRI findings

        • Frontal lobe activation in adults with ADHD

        • Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)

        • Medication and imaging

        • Conclusion

      • Treatment for adults with ADHD

        • Pharmacological treatments

        • Psychotherapy and psychoeducation

        • Coping strategies/environmental modification

        • Conclusion

      • Final thoughts

      • Key chapter points

      • References

    • Chapter 5c Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a lifespan synthesis

      • Introduction

      • Theoretical conceptualizations of ADHD

      • Sources of phenotypic variability across the lifespan

      • Developmental heterogeneity of ADHD and psychiatric comorbidities

      • Neuropsychological heterogeneity

      • Current treatments and new directions

      • Summary, conclusions and directions for future endeavors

      • References

    • Chapter 6a Learning disorders in children and adolescents

      • Introduction

      • Specific learning disorders in childhood

      • Reading disorder

        • Prevalence

        • Epidemiology of reading disorder

        • Differential diagnosis

        • Specific deficits with reading disorders

        • Neuroanatomical features of reading disabilities

        • Interventions for reading disorders

      • Mathematics disorder

        • Epidemiology of mathematics disorder

        • Subtypes of mathematics disorder

        • Neuroanatomical features of mathematics disorders

        • Interventions for mathematics disorder

      • Disorder of written expression

        • Development of written language

        • Written language disorder subtypes

          • Spelling

          • Handwriting

          • Written language processes

        • Neuroanatomical features of written language disorders

        • Interventions for written expression

      • Role of neuropsychological assessment in learning disorders

      • Psychosocial correlates of learning disorders

      • Conclusions and future directions

      • References

    • Chapter 6b Learning disorders in adults

      • Overview

      • Diagnosis

        • Diagnostic models

        • Diagnostic terms and criteria

        • Legal definitions

      • Characteristics and features

        • Etiology

        • Course and prognosis

        • Prevalence

        • Demographics

        • Comorbidity

        • Associated features

      • Assessment

        • Background history

          • Red flags for possible LD

        • Differential diagnosis

          • Keys to assessing LD in adults

        • Areas to assess

        • Specific evaluation needs

        • Inclusion of strengths

      • Treatment

        • Types of treatment and treatment issues

          • Keys to instruction and accommodation for LD

        • Primary treatment settings

        • Self-advocacy

      • Resources

      • Summary and future directions

      • Notes

      • References

    • Chapter 6c Synthesis of chapters on learning disabilities: overview and additional perspectives

      • Common themes

      • Children and adolescents

      • Adults

      • Three questions plaguing the field

        • What is a learning disability?

        • What role does IQ play in the diagnosis?

      • Alternatives to the discrepancy model

        • What treatments work?

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 7a Infants and children with spina bifida

      • Introduction

      • Spina bifida myelomeningocele

      • Model of neurocognitive function in spina bifida

      • Cognitive functioning in infants and children with SB

        • Core deficits: factors that impact learning

          • Motor functioning: control/movement and timing

          • Attention

        • Functional strengths and weaknesses

          • Motor learning/adaptation

          • Visual perception

          • Goalirected behavior: ruleased problem-solving

        • Language

      • Impact on academic skills in school-age children with SB

      • Psychosocial adaptation and behavior adjustment

        • Psychosocial adaptation

          • Behavior adjustment

      • Environmental influences

        • Socioeconomic status

        • Parenting

      • Clinical implications

        • Assessment

        • The role of childhood intervention

        • Medical procedures: preparing and supporting families

      • Concluding comments: future research

      • Acknowledgement

      • References

    • Chapter 7b Adolescence and emerging adulthood in individuals with spina bifida: a developmental neuropsychological perspective

      • Introduction

      • Models of adolescent and adult development

        • Biopsychosocial-contextual model of normative adolescent development (ages 10–18)

          • Biological/pubertal changes

          • Changes in social roles

          • Cognitive/psychological changes

        • Emerging adulthood as a distinct developmental period (ages 18–25)

      • Empirical findings in adolescents and emerging adults with SBM

        • Medical factors

        • Cognition

          • Executive functions

          • Attention

          • Language

          • Visual-spatial abilities

          • Memory

          • Academic achievement

          • Motor functions

        • Psychosocial adaptation

          • Emotional adjustment

          • Family functioning

          • Peer social functioning

          • Sexuality

        • Functional adaptation

          • General independence skills

          • Driving

          • Employment

      • Clinical implications

        • Academic functioning

        • Executive function

        • Vocational training

        • Transition to adult care

        • Assistive technology

        • Protective factors

      • The role of the neuropsychologist and neuropsychological assessment

      • Concluding comments

      • Acknowledgements

      • References

    • Chapter 7c Spina bifida/myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus across the lifespan: a developmental synthesis

      • Introduction

      • Cognitive funtioning

        • Attention

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Executive functions

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Language

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Motor functioning

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Visual–spatial abilities

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Memory

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

      • Academic achievement

        • Infants and children

        • Adolescents and adults

      • Psychosocial adaptation

        • Psychosocial adjustment

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Social adjustment

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Family functioning

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

      • Environmental issues

        • Infants and children

        • Adolescents and adults

      • The role of neuropsychology

        • Assessment

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

        • Therapy

          • Infants and children

          • Adolescents and adults

      • Future directions

      • References

    • Chapter 8 Cerebral palsy across the lifespan

      • Introduction

        • Definition

        • Classification

        • Epidemiology and etiology

        • Neuropathology

        • Impairments

      • Neuropsychology

        • Intelligence

        • Psychomotor speed

        • Attention

        • Executive abilities

        • Learning and memory

        • Visual spatial and perceptual abilities

        • Language

        • Academic abilities

        • Universal assessment issues

        • Assessing choice-making capabilities

          • Case illustration

      • Psychosocial development and quality of life

        • Family influences on social development

        • Quality of life

      • Issues specific to adulthood and aging

        • Social participation

        • Employment

      • Research directions

      • Acknowledgements

      • References

    • Chapter 9a Intellectual disability cross the lifespan

      • Introduction

      • Definitions of intellectual disability: history, components, and contemporary controversies

        • Diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability

      • Components of the current AAIDD definition and current controversies

        • Areas of controversy

        • Intelligence

        • Adaptive behavior

        • Level of functioning

      • Etiologies of intellectual disability

        • Manifestations associated with preconceptual stage

          • Numerical chromosomal

          • Sex-linked single gene

          • Structural abnormality

          • Metabolic

        • Manifestations associated with intrauterine exposures

        • Manifestations associated with perinatal complications

        • Manifestations associated with childhood etiologies

      • Description and interventions for common difficulties

      • Psychopathology and problem behavior

        • Mood disorders

          • Anxiety disorders

          • Psychotic disorders

          • Stereotyped and selfnjurious behavior

          • Aggression

          • ADHD

        • Language difficulties

        • Occupational and physical therapy needs

        • Use of assistive technology

      • Developmental junctures of importance and the role of neuropsychology

        • Developmental junctures of importance

          • Infancy and preschool years

          • Grade-school and middle-school years

          • High-school years: transition to independence

          • Adulthood and independence

        • Role of neuropsychologists

      • References

    • Chapter 9b Lifespan aspects of PDD/autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

      • Introduction

      • Pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorders

        • Head and brain growth in autism

        • Abnormalities in social brain circuitry

      • Cognitive manifestations of autism spectrum disorders

        • Attention

        • Memory

        • Language

        • Visual-spatial/perceptual skills

        • Executive functioning

      • Psychosocial and behavioral manifestations of ASD

        • Infancy

        • Childhood

        • Adolescence

        • Adulthood

      • The role of assessment in diagnosing ASD

      • Interventions for individuals with ASD

      • Future research directions

      • References

    • Chapter 10a Hearing loss across the lifespan: neuropsychological perspectives

      • Introduction

      • Hearing-loss characteristics

        • Degree

          • Frequency

          • Site

          • Time of onset

      • Identification and management

      • Epidemiology of hearing loss

      • Anatomy of the hearing system

      • Etiology of hearing loss

        • Hereditary deafness

          • Non-syndromic hereditary deafness

          • Syndromic hereditary deafness

        • Nonereditary causes

          • Congenital infections

          • Acquired infections

          • Hypoxia

          • Ototoxic drugs

          • Noise-induced hearing loss

          • Presbycusis

          • Otitis media

      • Neuropsychological correlates of hearing loss

        • General cognitive functioning

        • Attention and executive functioning

        • Language

        • Visuospatial cognition

        • Memory

        • Motor development

        • Social–emotional development

          • Persons with progressive hearing loss

          • Individuals who are hard of hearing

          • Cochlear implant users

          • Deaf sign language users

      • Assessment

      • Intervention

      • Future research directions

      • Acknowledgement

      • References

    • Chapter 10b Visual impairment across the lifespan: neuropsychological perspectives

      • Introduction

      • Epidemiology and pathophysiology

        • Prevalence

        • Infancy and childhood

          • Structural abnormality

          • Refractive errors

          • Cortical vision impairment (CVI)

        • Adulthood

          • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

          • Diabetic retinopathy (DRP)

          • Acquired injury

      • Cognitive and psychosocial sequelae in visual impairment

      • Childhood

        • Developmental issues

          • Developmental acquisition

        • Motor development

          • Reaching and grasping

          • Gross motor skills and locomotion

        • Cognitive development in children

          • Object permanence

          • Conservation

        • Executive function in children and adolescents

          • Attention and memory

        • Language and communication development

          • Early language development

          • Linguistics

          • Classification

          • Social communication

          • Perspective-taking and theory of mind

          • Autismike behaviors and VI

        • Academic functioning

        • Behavioral characteristics of visual impairment

        • Social and emotional development in childhood and adolescence

          • Social–emotional development in early childhood

          • Social interaction

          • Parent–child interaction

          • Adolescence

      • Adulthood

        • Cognitive development in adulthood

        • Executive functioning in adults

          • Attention and memory

        • Psychological and social functioning in visually impaired adults

          • Emotional functioning

          • Social issues among visually impaired adults

      • Neuropsychological assessment

        • Overarching issues

          • Establishing rapport

          • Family context

          • Ethical considerations

        • Neuropsychological assessment in specific visually impaired populations

          • Assessing developmental acquisition in early childhood

          • Assessing intelligence and learning

          • Assessing older adults

      • Prevention and intervention

        • Early intervention in infancy and childhood

      • Future directions

      • References

    • Chapter 11a Traumatic brain injury in childhood

      • Introduction

      • Epidemiology

      • Pathophysiology

      • Neurobehavioral and familial consequences of pediatric TBI

        • Cognitive

        • Psychosocial

        • Functional

        • Educational

        • Familial

      • Influences on outcome

        • Injury-related

        • Contextual

        • Developmental

      • Neuropsychological assessment

      • Neuropsychological evaluation

        • Historical data

        • Observational data

        • Psychological test data

      • Neuropsychological management

        • Rehabilitation

        • Pharmacological intervention

        • Psychosocial intervention

        • Educational support

      • Prevention

      • Future research directions

      • References

    • Chapter 11b Adult outcomes of pediatric traumatic brain injury

      • Introduction

      • Epidemiology

      • Pathophysiology

      • Functional manifestations

      • Assessment of neurobehavioral outcomes and functional abilities

      • Cognitive assessment

      • Vocational assessment

      • Emotional, social and behavioral assessment

      • Interventions

      • Cognitive interventions

      • Emotional, social and behavioral interventions

      • Educational, vocational interventions

      • Novel, innovative intervention approaches

      • Future directions

      • References

    • Chapter 11c Neurobehavioral aspects of traumatic brain injury sustained in adulthood

      • Introduction

      • Classification of injury severity

      • Effects of TBI on the brain

      • Cognitive effects of TBI

      • Neurobehavioral effects of TBI

        • Disinhibition syndromes

        • Impairments in initiation

        • Impairments of self-awareness

        • Neuropsychiatric disorders

      • Psychosocial effects of TBI

      • Neuropsychological assessment following adult TBI

        • Assessment following mild TBI

        • Assessment following moderate to severe TBI

      • Interventions for TBI

      • Future directions

      • Acknowledgements

      • References

    • Chapter 11d Traumatic brain injury in older adults

      • Introduction

      • Risk factors affecting outcome of TBI in older adults

        • Age

        • Severity of injury

        • Pathophysiological considerations

        • Physical and cognitive status

      • Cognitive outcome

        • Early cognitive manifestations

        • Cognitive recovery

        • Cognitive outcome according to injury severity

        • Cognitive performance associated with TBI versus Alzheimer’s disease

      • Affective functioning

      • Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 12a Pediatric aspects of epilepsy

      • Introduction

      • Classification of seizures

        • Etiology

        • Generalized and localization-related seizures

        • Epilepsy syndromes

          • Generalized idiopathic epilepsies

          • Focal idiopathic epilepsies of childhood

          • Epileptic encephalopathies

      • Epidemiology

      • Neuropsychological findings in pediatric patients with epilepsy

        • Overall cognitive functioning

        • Academic achievement

        • Linguistic processing

        • Visuospatial processing

        • Processing speed

        • Everyday memory

        • Verbal learning and memory

        • Nonverbal learning and memory

        • Attention

        • Executive functioning

      • Psychological functioning and comorbidities

        • Differential diagnosis between seizures and inattention

        • Depression and anxiety symptoms

        • Social functioning

      • Treatment

        • Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)

        • AED side effects

        • Surgical management

        • Wada testing

        • Cortical language mapping

        • Surgical interventions

        • Postoperative results

      • Long-term outcomes

      • Summary

      • Future directions

      • Key points to remember

      • References

    • Chapter 12b A lifespan perspective of cognition in epilepsy

      • Introduction

      • Cognitive reserve

      • Early onset and cognitive status

      • Early onset and brain status

      • Cognitive progression in epilepsy

      • Aging and cognitive status

      • Summary and conclusion

      • Acknowledgements

      • References

    • Chapter 13a Leukemia and lymphoma across the lifespan

      • Introduction

      • Pathophysiology of leukemia

      • Pathophysiology of lymphoma

      • Treatment factors

      • Mediators and moderators

      • Neurocognitive outcomes

      • Evaluation and management

      • Future directions

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 13b Lifespan aspects of brain tumors

      • Introduction

      • Epidemiology

      • Classification of brain tumors

        • Types of brain tumors

      • Signs and symptoms of brain tumors

        • Presentation in adults

        • Signs and symptoms in children

      • Treatments for brain tumors

        • Surgery

        • Radiation

        • Chemotherapy

      • Neuropsychological and adaptive outcomes in children

        • Characteristic deficits

        • Attention

        • Working memory

        • Speed of information processing

        • Psychosocial and adaptive function

        • Role of neuropsychological assessment

        • Management and interventions

      • Adult brain tumors

        • Neuropsychological issues in adult brain tumors

      • Future research directions

      • Acknowledgement

      • References

    • Chapter 14 Lifespan aspects of endocrine disorders

      • Endocrine disorders across the lifespan

        • Overview of the endocrine system

      • Thyroid disease

        • Hypothyroidism

        • Hyperthyroidism

        • Hashimoto’s encephalopathy

      • Parathyroid disease

        • Hypoparathyroidism

        • Hyperparathyroidism

      • Diabetes

        • Pregestational and gestational diabetes

        • Type 1 diabetes

        • Type 2 diabetes

      • Disorders of the adrenal gland

        • Hypercortisolism

        • Hypocortisolism

        • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

        • Androgen insensitivity

      • Hormones and aging

        • Testosterone

        • Estrogens and progesterone

        • Growth hormone

        • Melatonin

      • Conditions associated with neuroendocrine disorders

        • Klinefelter’s syndrome

        • Turner syndrome

        • Cancer

      • Summary and implications for assessment

      • References

    • Chapter 15 Metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders across the lifespan

      • Introduction

      • Neuropsychological evaluation in neurodegenerative disease

        • Repeated testing and practice effects

        • Test selection

        • Test consistency

        • Importance of developmental growth curves and use of age-equivalent or raw scores for monitoring

        • Importance of the physical condition of the child

        • Testing demented adults and children

        • Examining predictors of outcome

        • Correlations with neuroimaging and biological markers (imaging, genetic information, enzyme levels, etc.)

        • Clinical recommendations

        • Treatment outcome monitoring

      • Lysosomal and peroxisomal disease

      • Mucopolysaccharidoses

        • Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I

          • Hurler syndrome

          • Attenuated MPS I

        • Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II

        • Mucopolysaccharidosis Type III

        • Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI

      • Leukodystrophies

        • Adrenoleukodystrophy

          • Laboratory diagnosis

          • Cerebral ALD

          • Treatment and management

          • Neuropsychological functioning

        • Metachromatic leukodystrophy

          • Diagnosis

          • Phenotypic variability

          • Treatment

          • Neuropsychological functioning

        • Globoid cell leukodystrophy

          • Phenotypic variability

          • Treatment

          • Neuropsychological functioning

      • Future directions

        • Newborn screening

        • Early diagnosis

        • New treatments

      • References

    • Chapter 16b Psychopathological conditions in adults

      • Introduction

      • Schizophrenia

        • Schizophrenia in early and middle adulthood

          • Neuropsychological function

          • Assessment issues

          • Treatment

        • Schizophrenia in older adults

          • Neuropsychological function

          • Assessment issues

          • Treatment

      • Bipolar disorder

        • Adult bipolar disorder

          • Neuropsychological function

          • Assessment issues

          • Treatment

        • Bipolar disorder in older adulthood

          • Neuropsychological function

      • Major depression

        • Major depression in early and middle adulthood

          • Neuropsychological function

          • Assessment Issues

          • Treatment

        • Major depression in older adulthood

          • Neuropsychological function

          • Assessment issues

          • Treatment

      • Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 16c Neuropsychological aspects of psychopathology across the lifespan: a synthesis

      • Information gathering in neuropsychology

      • Types of psychopathology

      • Treatment of psychopathology and its impact on neuropsychological status

      • Conclusion

      • References

  • Index

Nội dung

This page intentionally left blank Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology Jacobus Donders Scott J Hunter CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521896221 © Cambridge University Press 2010 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2010 ISBN-13 978-0-511-67360-3 eBook (EBL) ISBN-13 978-0-521-89622-1 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Contents Contact information for authors page vii Biography for Jacobus Donders and Scott J Hunter Introduction Jacobus Donders and Scott J Hunter Section I: Theory and models 6c Synthesis of chapters on learning disabilities: overview and additional perspectives H Lee Swanson 163 7a Infants and children with spina bifida Heather B Taylor, Susan H Landry, Lianne English and Marcia Barnes 169 A lifespan review of developmental neuroanatomy John Williamson 2a Developmental models in pediatric neuropsychology Jane Holmes Bernstein 17 2b Models of developmental neuropsychology: adult and geriatric Tyler J Story and Deborah K Attix 41 Multicultural considerations in lifespan neuropsychological assessment Thomas Farmer and Clemente Vega 55 Structural and functional neuroimaging throughout the lifespan Brenna C McDonald and Andrew J Saykin Section II: Disorders xi 69 83 7b Adolescence and emerging adulthood in individuals with spina bifida: a developmental neuropsychological perspective Kathy Zebracki, Michael Zaccariello, Frank Zelko and Grayson N Holmbeck 183 7c Spina bifida/myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus across the lifespan: a developmental synthesis Ilana Gonik, Scott J Hunter and Jamila Cunningham 195 Cerebral palsy across the lifespan Seth Warchausky, Desiree White and Marie Van Tubbergen 205 9a Intellectual disability across the lifespan Bonnie Klein-Tasman and Kelly Janke 221 5a Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents David Marks, Joey Trampush and Anil Chacko 83 9b Lifespan aspects of PDD/autism spectrum disorders (ASD) Julie M Wolf and Sarah J Paterson 239 5b Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults Margaret Semrud-Clikeman and Jodene Goldenring Fine 97 9c Autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability: common themes and points of divergence Marianne Barton, Colby Chlebowski and Deborah Fein 251 5c Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a lifespan synthesis Jeffrey M Halperin, Anne-Claude V Bedard and Olga G Berwid 113 6a Learning disorders in children and adolescents Gregory M Stasi and Lori G Tall 127 6b Learning disorders in adults Elizabeth P Sparrow 143 10a Hearing loss across the lifespan: neuropsychological perspectives Betsy Kammerer, Amy Szarkowski and Peter Isquith 257 10b Visual impairment across the lifespan: neuropsychological perspectives Lisa M Noll and Lana L Harder 277 Contents 11a Traumatic brain injury in childhood Michael W Kirkwood, Keith Owen Yeates and Jane Holmes Bernstein 299 11b Adult outcomes of pediatric traumatic brain injury Miriam Beauchamp, Julian Dooley and Vicki Anderson 315 11c 11d Traumatic brain injury in older adults Felicia C Goldstein and Harvey S Levin 345 11e Traumatic brain injury across the lifespan: a long-term developmental perspective Jacobus Donders 357 12a Pediatric aspects of epilepsy Lindsey Felix and Scott J Hunter 12b 13a vi Neurobehavioral aspects of traumatic brain injury sustained in adulthood Tresa Roebuck-Spencer, James Baños, Mark Sherer and Thomas Novack 329 13b Lifespan aspects of brain tumors Celiane Rey-Casserly 393 14 Lifespan aspects of endocrine disorders Geoffrey Tremont, Jennifer Duncan Davis and Christine Trask 409 15 Metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders across the lifespan Richard Ziegler and Elsa Shapiro 427 16a Psychopathological conditions in children and adolescents Abigail B Sivan 449 16b Psychopathological conditions in adults Anthony C Ruocco, Elizabeth Kunchandy and Maureen Lacy 455 16c Neuropsychological aspects of psychopathology across the lifespan: a synthesis Alexandra Zagoloff and Scott J Hunter 469 359 A lifespan perspective of cognition in epilepsy Michael Seidenberg and Bruce Hermann Index 371 Leukemia and lymphoma across the lifespan Kevin R Krull and Neelam Jain 379 477 The color plates are to be found between pp 276 and 277 Contact information for authors Vicki Anderson, Ph.D Department of Psychology Royal Children’s Hospital Parkville, Victoria, Australia Anil Chako, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY Deborah K Attix, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC Colby Chlebowski, M.A Department of Psychology University of Connecticut Storrs, CT James Baños, Ph.D., ABPP-Cn Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation University of Alabama, Birmingham Birmingham, AL Jamila Cunningham, M.A Department of Psychology Loyola University Chicago, IL Marcia Barnes, Ph.D Children’s Learning Institute University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Houston, TX Jennifer Duncan Davis, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Warren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University Providence, RI Marianne Barton, Ph.D Department of Psychology University of Connecticut Storrs, CT Jacobus Donders, Ph.D Department of Psychology Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital Grand Rapids, MI Miriam Beauchamp, Ph.D Department of Psychology Royal Children’s Hospital Parkville, Victoria, Australia Julian Dooley, Ph.D Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Melbourne, Australia Anne-Claude V Bedard, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY Jane Holmes Bernstein, Ph.D Neuropsychology Program Children’s Hospital Boston Department of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School Boston, MA Olga G Berwid, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY Lianne English Department of Psychology University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada Thomas Farmer, Psy.D The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Chicago, IL Deborah Fein, Ph.D Department of Psychology University of Connecticut Storrs, CT Lindsey Felix, Ph.D Alexian Brothers Neuroscience Institute Chicago, IL Contact information for authors Jodene Goldenring Fine, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Betsy Kammerer, Ph.D Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program Children’s Hospital Boston Waltham, MA Felicia C Goldstein, Ph.D Department of Neurology Emory University School of Medicine and Wesley Woods Center on Aging Atlanta, GA Michael W Kirkwood, Ph.D Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation The Children’s Hospital Aurora, CO Ilana Gonik, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, IL Jeffrey M Halperin, Ph.D Department of Psychology Queens College, CUNY Flushing, NY Kevin R Krull, Ph.D Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control St Jude Children’s Research Hospital Memphis, TN Lana L Harder, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Children’s Medical Centre Elizabeth Kunchandy, Ph.D Rehabilitation Care Service VA – Pudget Sound Seattle, WA Bruce Hermann, Ph.D Department of Neurology University of Wisconsin Madison School of Medicine Madison, WI Maureen Lacy, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry University of Chicago Chicago, IL Grayson N Holmbeck, Ph.D Department of Psychology Loyola University of Chicago Chicago, IL Susan H Landry, Ph.D The University of Texas Health Science Center Department of Pediatrics Children’s Learning Institute Houston, TX Scott J Hunter, Ph.D Departments of Psychiatry & Pediatrics University of Chicago Chicago, IL Peter Isquith, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, NH Neelam Jain, Ph.D Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control St Jude Children’s Research Hospital Memphis, TN viii Bonnie Klein-Tasman, Ph.D Department of Psychology University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI Kelly Janke, M.A Department of Psychology University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI Harvey S Levin, Ph.D Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX David Marks, Ph.D Department of Psychiatry Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY Brenna C McDonald, PsyD Departments of Radiology and Neurology Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN Neuropsychological aspects of psychopathology neuropsychological factors, ascertained through selfand teacher-reports, Kusche et al [14] classified a community-based population of children into one of four groups based on self- and teacher-reports: anxious, externalizing, comorbid anxious/externalizing, and unaffected controls Groups were created using individual and combined reports Children from each of the groups were assessed across multiple variables, including intellectual functioning, academic skill development, performances on select verbal and nonverbal tasks, executive functioning, classroom behavior, and emotional functioning Results revealed that the control group obtained the highest scores with regard to status and functioning, while the comorbid anxious/externalizing group obtained the lowest The singularly classified anxious and externalizing groups obtained scores that fell in between the other two groups This was true for IQ, academic achievement, verbal and nonverbal tasks, emotional understanding, executive functioning, and classroom functioning Interestingly, the anxious group was elevated on externalizing symptoms, and the reverse was true for the externalizing group The authors suggested that their results indicate that a mild overlap exists between the groups However, this lack of difference may speak to the frequent comorbidity of psychopathology under consideration (co-occurring symptoms of anxiety and externalizing behavior), and may call into question the validity of results regarding differences between the two groups The authors conducted discriminant analyses and found that IQ, academic achievement, nonverbal functioning, and executive functioning contributed unique variance in terms of distinguishing the controls from children with psychopathology Statistics were re-analyzed excluding children with IQ scores below 85 One-fourth of the previously significant findings no longer remained so primarily because the Auxious/Externalizing group had a significantly higher percentage of children with low IQ The comparisons between the control group and the pathological groups remained similar With regard to neurocognitive findings, the authors argue that observed patterns of dysfunction for the anxious group suggest that early identification of children with affective symptoms is important given the broad range of deficits and the tendency for these problems to go undetected The authors also highlighted the high rate of comorbid depression, and the value of dividing externalizers into more specific groups (e.g aggressive, impulsive), in addition to differential identification based on teacher and self-reports Davis [15] has reviewed studies of the neuropsychological basis of childhood psychopathology, in order to help school psychologists understand the range and presentation of behavior problems and learning concerns frequently encountered in academic settings While primarily studies of older adolescents and adults, his review of selective findings highlights that depression can interfere with processing speed, attention, and aspects of memory Davis suggests that differential structural findings in individuals with psychopathology, such as amygdala volume abnormalities seen in adults with depression, may relate to the variabilities in memory performance seen with mood disorder earlier in life Davis observes, correctly, that a combination of biological, neuropsychological, and observational approaches are coalescing to tie difficulties with executive functions, memory, and emotional dysregulation with psychopathology Data from a broad range of studies also suggest that with appropriate intervention, either pharmacological or behavioral, improvements in cognitive and neuropsychological profiles may be observed Treatment of psychopathology and its impact on neuropsychological status Pharmacological treatment of psychopathology is not neurocognitively benign Accumulating evidence indicates that many of the pharmacological agents used to treat psychiatric disorders impact aspects of cognitive functioning Given the prevalence of pharmacological interventions and their continued emphasis as a firstline approach to treatment, ongoing research concerning their cognitive effects is strongly needed Barker and colleagues [16] conducted a metaanalysis of 13 studies that investigated the effects of benzodiazepine use on 12 cognitive domains Across the studies, 60% of the participants were female, the average age was 47.6 years, the mean duration of use was 9.9 years, and a variety of benzodiazepines were investigated (most commonly lorazepam and diazepam) The extent to which results can be generalized is complicated by the wide age range (21–75) of the participants as well as the length of time the medication was used (1–34 years) The most frequently measured abilities were verbal memory, working memory, and attention/concentration Effect sizes ranged from 473 Section II: Disorders −0.42 for verbal reasoning to −1.30 for sensory processing, indicating that long-term benzodiazepine users were significantly impaired on a variety of neuropsychological measures Time since last dose was the only moderator that reached significance with respect to its effect on psychomotor speed Based on their results, the authors expressed concern that long-term effects of benzodiazepine use are a potential source of neurocognitive disruption, specifically in adults This has provided additional support to the concern that use of these medications to treat psychopathology, over time, may intensify or exacerbate already subtle to more significant neuropsychological concerns Neuropsychologists working with patients complaining of long-term anxiety and increased memory difficulties are warranted to examine the potential for cumulative effects given medication management of the disorder A similar concern has long been standing regarding the potential impact of selective antiepilepsy medications, including more recently developed compounds such as levetiracetam Children with partial seizure disorders treated with levetiracetam have shown an increased vulnerability to behavioral and mood disruption [17] Because these compounds are more commonly being explored for the treatment of mood difficulties, both in adults and pediatric populations over time, it is imperative that we gain an understanding of the potential impact these drugs may have on functioning, in order to effectively parse what is associated with the disorder, and what is likely to be a medication effect Conclusion 474 Across the chapters in this volume an emphasis has been placed on how both individually, and comorbidly, neuropsychological and psychopathological conditions impact functioning, both at the level of the disorder itself, and with regard to treatments utilized What is also clear is that there remains a significant need to continue to study these relationships, in order to more effectively parse the variety of influences illness and disorder may have on functioning Regardless of the patient’s age, it is important that the information gathered regarding an individual and her or his difficulties, as well as capabilities, be reliable and valid While adults and children often present quite differently, the range of presenting problems across time is similar in its ability to disrupt and affect developmental processes, with a potential for doing so quite dramatically Assessment and treatment of impairments related to psychopathology, both independently and comorbid with known brain pathology, require a careful process of parceling out effects, and involve a broad consideration of what difficulties are at play Taking a hypothesis-driven approach will continue to provide an appropriate avenue for investigating the impact of psychopathology across the lifespan Currently, far more research has been conducted that addresses disorder and treatment effects in adults with psychopathology, as opposed to children This is changing, but at a slow pace As a result, avenues for improved understanding across the lifespan, of both the range of developmental comorbidities that exist, and the more general impact mood and behavioral disorders can have on neuropsychological functioning, requires an increased emphasis in research Utilizing multidisciplinary approaches to investigation, taking advantage of multiple sources of data, and taking into account the variable impact treatments may have on status are all important guidelines for advancing our knowledge By better defining the impact psychopathology may have on functioning, as well as potential treatment effects that exist, neuropsychology will be better situated to guide future avenues of etiological theorization and intervention References Ruocco AC, Kunchandy E, Lacy M Psychopathological conditions in adults In Donders J, Hunter SJ, eds Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010 Sivan A Psychopathological conditions in children and adolescents In Donders J, Hunter SJ, eds Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010 Leibenluft E, Rich BA Pediatric bipolar disorder Annu Rev Clin Psychology 2008;4:163 87 Pavuluri M, West A, Hill SK, Jindal K, Sweeney, JA Neurocognitive function in pediatric bipolar disorder: year follow up shows cognitive developmental lagging behind healthy youths J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2009;48:299 307 Walker E, Kestler L, Bollini A, Hochman, K Schizophrenia: etiology and course Annu Rev Psychol 2004;55:401 30 Cicchetti D, Walker EF, eds Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms in Psychopathology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004 Neuropsychological aspects of psychopathology Stefanatos GA, Baron IS Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a neuropsychological perspective towards DSM V Neuropsych Rev 2007;17:5 38 Boonstra AM, Kooij JJS, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Buitelaar JK Does methylphenidate improve inhibition and other cognitive abilities in adults with childhood onset ADHD? J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2005;27:278 98 Weiss RD, Greenfield SF, Griffin ML, Najavits LM, Fucito LM The use of collateral reports for patients with bipolar and substance use disorders Am J Drug Alchocol Abuse 2000;26(3):369 78 10 Achenbach TM As others see us: clinical and research implications of cross informant correlations for psychopathology Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2006;15(2):94 11 Havey JM, Olson JM, McCormick C, Cates GL Teachers’ perceptions of the incidence and management of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Appl Neuropsychol 2005;12(2):120 12 Muris P, van der Pennen E, Sigmond R, Mayer B Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and aggression in non clinical children: Relationships with self report and performance based measures of attention and effortful control Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 2008;39:455 67 13 Airaksinen E, Larsson M, Forsell Y Neuropsychological functions in anxiety disorders in population based samples: evidence of episodic memory dysfunction J Psychiatric Res 2005;39:207 14 14 Kusche CA, Cook ET, Greenberg MT Neuropsychological and cognitive functioning in children with anxiety, externalizing, and comorbid psychopathol J Clin Child Psychol 1993;22(2):172 95 15 Davis AS The neuropsychological basis of childhood psychopathology Psychol Schools 2006;43(4):503 12 16 Barker MJ, Greenwood KM, Jackson M, Crowe SF Cognitive effects of long term benzodiazepine use CNS Drugs 2004;18(1):37 48 17 De la Loge C, Hunter S, Schiemann J, Yang H, LEV N01103 Pediatric Study Group Adjunctive levetiracetam for partial onset seizures: assessment of behavioral and emotional function in children and adolescents in a randomized placebo controlled study Presentation to the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, IL: 2008 475 Index Note: The following abbreviations are used: ADHD for attention deficity/hyperactivity disorder; ASD for autism spectrum disorder; CP for cerebral palsy; D/HH for deaf/hard of hearing; ID for intellectual disorder/disability; SB for spina bifida; TBI for traumatic brain injury; VI for visual impairment/visually impaired absence and atonic seizures 359 academic achievement/functioning ADHD children 84, 91 and cerebral palsy 210 children with TBI 301, 322 epilepsy patients 362 learning disability adults 149 150, 152, 156 children 127 128 pediatric leukemia 384 in spina bifida 172 173, 186 187, 188 189, 197 198 and visual impairment 286 accommodations for adults with ADHD 108 adults with LD 153 155, 157 children with SB 189 acculturation, variable in assessment 58 59 acquired brain injury and visual impairment 280 281 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) see leukemia acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) see leukemia adaptive behavior/functioning in autism, evaluation of 245 children treated for brain tumors 401 deficits in childhood TBI 301 intellectual disability 223, 224 in spina bifida 174, 188 Addison’s disease 417 418, 438 adolescent development 183 185 and emerging adulthood 185 adrenal gland disorders congenital adrenal hyperplasia 418 419 hypercortisolism 417 418 hypocortisolism 417 418 adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) 431, 438 cerebral ALD (C ALD) 438 treatment and management 439 440 neuropsychological functioning 440 adversity in early life 30 causing intellectual disability 228 “reserve” and resilience concepts 34 age related macular degeneration (AMD) 280 age/timing age of onset controversy, ADHD 98 brain development and ADHD 117 critical/sensitive period 26 27, 264, 415 of injury in TBI, effect on outcome 303 of leukemia diagnosis 381 382 timing of motor development in SB 170 variable in assessment 59 60 aggression following TBI 332 333 people with ID 231 aging 41 attributes of normal and optimal 42 44 brain research functional changes 46 50 structural changes 44 46 and chronic epilepsy 375 376 concepts of normal, healthy, and optimal 41 42 future directions 50 51 and hormones 419 421 intraindividual variability 49 50 Alzheimer’s disease aging with epilepsy 375 role of estrogen 420 TBI as a risk factor for 332 and testosterone 420 vs TBI, cognitive performance 350 351 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 145, 146, 292 amygdala 10, 240 androgen insensitivity 419 androgen overexposure 418 419 antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) 365 potential impact on functioning 474 vascular risk factors 375 376 anxiety disorders 451 adults with TBI 333 334 children with epilepsy 364 effect on performance 152, 450, 470 and memory dysfunction 472 people with ID 230 apoptosis 12 Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) 245 arterial spin labeling (ASL) 74 75 assessment and evaluation of adults with TBI in childhood 317 320 and autism diagnosis 244 245 bipolar disorder in adults 460 brain tumors, children 402 children with cerebral palsy 210 212 clinical assumptions 35 clinical neuropsychological assumptions 35 36 deaf/HH individuals 267 270 endocrine disorders 421 422 learning disorders in adults 150 154 in children 137 138 major depression 462, 464 neurodegenerative disease 428 431 pediatric cancer 386 spina bifida children and adults 176, 199 200 TBI in adulthood 335 336 TBI in childhood 303 307 visually impaired people 289 292 see also multicultural issues in assessment assistive technology 190, 232, 245 attention in ADHD 91, 101 102 after brain tumor treatment 401 autism 241 cerebral palsy 208 D/HH individuals 264 265 epilepsy patients 364 pediatric leukemia and lymphoma 384 spina bifida 170 171, 186, 195 visually impaired people 284, 288 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 113 114, 122 current treatments and new directions 120 122 Index 478 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (cont.) directions for future research 122 123 and individuals with ID 231 neuropsychological heterogeneity 118 120 phenotypic variability 115 117 psychiatric comorbidities 117 118 theoretical conceptualizations 114 115 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults 97 future research suggestions 109 key points 109 110 literature review 100 comorbidity issues 98 99 diagnostic issues 97 98 epidemiology 97 gender differences 99 100 neuroimaging studies 104 107 recent research 100, 104 additional executive functions 103 cognitive functioning 100 102 daily functioning 103 104 inattention 102 memory 102 103 neuropsychological measurement 104 response inhibition 102 treatment 107, 108 109 coping strategies/environmental modification 108 pharmacological 107 psychotherapy and psychoeducation 107 108 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children comorbid with bipolar disorder 452 etiologic mechanisms 86, 93 future directions 92 93 interventions 88, 93 behavioral 88 89 clinical trials 89 90 cognitive remediation strategies 90 92 pharmacological 89 neuroimaging studies 86 88, 93 neuropsychology of 83 86, 93 phenomenology 83, 93 attenuated MPS I 436 437 auditory neuropathy/auditory dys synchrony (AN/AD) 258 Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) 244 autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) 239 behavioral link to VI children 286 brain behavior relationships 241 cognitive manifestations 241 attention and memory 241 242 executive functioning 243 language 242 visual spatial/perceptual skills 242 243 comorbidities 254 future research directions 246 and intellectual disability (ID) 251 cultural influence on screening and diagnosis 253 etiologies 251 252 ID stability and interventions 252 253 “optimal outcome” of ASD 252 prevalence rates 251 service availability, factors influencing 253 similarities with 253 transition periods 253 254 interventions 245 246 pathophysiology abnormalities in social brain circuitry 240 241 head and brain growth 239 240 psychosocial and behavioral manifestation 243 244 role of assessment in diagnosing 244 245 Barkley, R A 107 108, 109 basal ganglia 9, 87 Bates, Elizabeth 29 30 Batten disease 434 behavior adaptive behavior in ID 223 adjustment, children with SB 174 autism spectrum disorder 243 244 goal directed, SB children 171 172 issues in measurement of 34 35 observation of, pediatric TBI 306 problem behavior in ID 230 231 visually impaired children 286 see also brain behavior relationships behavioral interventions ADHD children 88 89, 108, 120 121 ASD children 245 TBI in adulthood 321 benzodiazepines, effects of long term use 473 474 Biederman, J 98, 99 100, 451 452 bipolar disorder 458 459 in adults assessment issues 460 neuropsychological function 459 460 treatment 460 in children, and comorbid ADHD 452 in older adulthood 460 461 blindness see visual impairment bone marrow transplant 381, 385, 435 436, 439 440, 441, 442 brain behavior relationships adult child differences in 302 303 modeling 32 33 autism spectrum disorder 252 brain damage caused by TBI 330 331 brain development 12 13 aberrant brain growth in autism 239 240 in ADHD children 87 88, 117 cultural influences 23, 57 and early androgen overexposure 418 419 effect of brain tumor treatment 400 effect of early onset epilepsy 372 373 functional changes during aging general functioning 46 48 intraindividual variability 49 50 specific cognitive function 48 49 impact of socioeconomic status 60 61 structural changes during aging 44 46 brain experience interface, developmental models 30 31 “brain reserve” concept 34, 371, 374 375 brain structure(s) age related changes 44 46 in autism 240 241 brain cells “brain reserve” concept 34 cranial nerves mesencephalon neurotransmitters rhombencephalon telencephalon brain tumors 393 in adults 403 neuropsychological issues 403 404 in children 399 400 attention and working memory 401 characteristic deficits 400 Index interventions 402 403 long term outcome of treatment 399 400 psychosocial functioning 401 role of neuropsychological assessment 402 speed of information processing 401 classification of 393 395 epidemiology 393 future research directions 404 signs and symptoms of 396 treatments 396 397 chemotherapy 398 radiation 397 398 surgery 397 types of 395 396 Broca, Paul Brodmann’s areas 10 11 cancer and endocrine dysfunction 421 ototoxic drugs and hearing loss 263 see also brain tumors; leukemia; lymphomas cataracts 278 centenarians 44 cerebellum 7, 87 cerebral ALD (C ALD) 438 440 cerebral cortex 10 12, 86 cerebral palsy (CP) adulthood and aging issues 214 215 assessment issues 210 212 classification 205 206 definition of 205 epidemiology and etiology 206 impairments 207 neuropathology 206 207 neuropsychology 207 academic abilities 210 executive abilities 208 intelligence 207 208 language 210 learning and memory 208 209 psychomotor speed and attention 208 visual spatial and perceptual abilities 209 210 psychosocial development 212 213 family influences on social development 214 quality of life 214 research directions 215 216 “cerebral reserve” concept 34, 371, 374 375 cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and VI 280 281 cerebrum see telencephalon chemotherapy brain tumors 398 pediatric leukemia and lymphoma 380 381, 382 effects on cognition 382 386 choice making abilities, assessing in children with CP 211 212 chromosome disorders 226, 421 classroom behavior management 88 89 cochlear implants 264, 267, 272 Cogmed Working Memory Training Program 91 cognitive development in children 283 284 cognitive functioning adults with ADHD 100 101 age related decline in 46 49 autism spectrum disorders 241 243 deaf and HH people 264 in epilepsy patients 361 362 effect of early onset 371 372 effects of aging 375 376 following surgery 366 progression over the lifespan 373 375 estimation of pre morbid 64 intraindividual variability 49 50 leukemia and lymphoma survivors 382 386 spina bifida 170 172, 186 187, 195 197 traumatic brain injury (TBI) in adulthood 331 332 children 300 outcome in older people 347 351 survivors of childhood 318 319, 320 321 variance of across the lifespan 49 VI children and adults 283 284, 288 see also intelligence cognitive remediation for ADHD adults 108 ADHD children 90 92 children with brain tumors 402 403 for schizophrenia 457 TBI in adults 337 “cognitive reserve” 34, 371, 374 375 coma, TBI patients 331 measures of 302, 329, 335 communication development blind and VI children 284 285 hearing impaired children 265 see also language development comorbidity issues 450 451 ADHD in adults and children 98 99, 117 118 ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders 451 452 ADHD and mood disorders 452 in epilepsy 364 learning disorders 148 see also substance use disorders conductive hearing loss 258 congenital adrenal hyperplasia 418 419 congenital hearing loss 262 congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) 262 conservation, blind children 283 284 continuous spike wave discharges during sleep 361 corpus callosum 87, 372 373 cortical electrical stimulation, epilepsy surgery 366 cortical vision impairment (CVI) 280, 282 corticosteroids, neurotoxic effects of 385 cranial nerves cranial radiation therapy (CRT) 380 crime and learning disorder 150 critical/sensitive period 26 27, 264, 415 crystallized intelligence 47 48, 58 culture acculturation 58 59 definitions of 56 developmental models 30 31 influence on screening and diagnosis 253 influencing assessment 57 Cushing’s syndrome 417 418 daily functioning adults with ADHD 103 104 individuals with ID 232 people with LD 156, 223 224 deafness see hearing loss dementia and chronic epilepsy 375 376 see also neurodegenerative disorders Dennis, Maureen 29, 170, 171, 371 depression adults with TBI 333, 351 effect on neuropsychological assessments 450 effects on cognition 473 youth with SB 174 see also major depression 479 Index 480 developmental models 17 18, 37 adolescence 183 185 adults and geriatrics 41 changes associated with aging 44 50 normal neurobiological aging 41 44 in clinical practice 19 21 concepts of 18 19 emerging adulthood 185 examples of brain behavior relationships 32 33 brain experience interface 30 31 evolutionary models 27 29 modeling by domain 32 modeling by lesion 29 30 modeling by time 31 32 modeling from typical to atypical and back 31 models by disorder 29 heterogeneity of outcomes 33 34 implications of 35 clinical assumptions 35 36 for intervention 36 37 knowledge base of models 22 how question, addressing 24 27 when question, addressing 22 24 methodological issues 34 35 written language 136 diabetes 414 pregestational and gestational diabetes 414 415 Type diabetes 415 416 Type diabetes 416 417 diabetic retinopathy (DRP) 280 diagnosis ADHD 97 98, 449 450 autism 244 245, 251 252 definition and classification of CP 205 206 intellectual disability (ID) 221 222, 253 learning disorders 143 diagnositic models 143 144 diagnostic terms and criteria 144 145 differential diagnosis 151 153 legal definitions 145 146 role of IQ 165 reading disability 165 166 diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) 13, 71, 106, 339 discrepancy model of learning disability 128, 143 disinhibition syndromes, TBI 332 333 Down syndrome (DS) 31, 226 Dravet’s syndrome 360 dyslexia, brain abnormalities 149 ear infections 149, 258, 263 early intervention for children with ADHD 121 122 for children with VI 292 for D/HH children 270 services of children with ID 233 services for children with SB 177 electrical status epilepticus during sleep 361 emotion laterality of brain function in 11 12 role of amygdala emotional development see socio emotional development employment adults with LD 156 adults with SB 188 benefits for TBI survivors 319 people with CP 215 see also vocational interventions endocrine disorders 409 androgen insensitivity 419 assessment implications 421 422 conditions associated with 421 diabetes 414 pregestational and gestational diabetes 414 415 Type diabetes 415 416 Type diabetes 416 417 disorders of the adrenal gland congenital adrenal hyperplasia 418 419 hypercortisolism 417 418 hypocortisolism 417 418 endocrine system overview 409 hormones and aging estrogens and progesterone 420 growth hormone 420 421 melatonin 421 testosterone 419 420 parathyroid disease hyperparathyroidism 413 414 hypoparathyroidism 412 413 thyroid disease Hashimoto’s encephalopathy 412 413 hyperthyroidism 411 412 hypothyroidism 409 411 environmental influences children with TBI 303 leading to ID 228 229 nature nurture debate 18 spina bifida (SB) 175 176, 199 enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) 435, 443 epilepsy 359, 366 367 classification of seizures 359 361 comorbidities 364 epidemiology 361 future directions 367 lifespan perspective 371, 376 aging and cognitive status 375 376 cognitive progression 373 375 cognitive reserve 371 early onset and brain status 372 373 early onset and cognitive status 371 372 long term outcomes 366 neuropsychological findings 361 364 social functioning 364 365 treatment antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) 365 surgery 73 74, 365 366 epileptic encephalopathies 360 361 equipotentiality estrogens, age related effects of 420 ethical issues in assessment multicultural testing 61 63 visually impaired individuals 290 291 ethnicity, definition 57 evidence based practice 19 20 and model building 20 21 evolutionary models of development 24, 27 29 executive functioning (EF) adults with ADHD 102 103 adults with VI 288 in autism 243 children with ADHD 119 120 enhancement of 92 children with epilepsy 364 children with VI 284 D/HH individuals 264 265 evolutionary models 27 28 “hot” and “cool” processes 104 pediatric leukemia 384 385 in spina bifida 186, 189, 196 expertise of clinicians 20, 307 eye conditions cortical vision impairment (CVI) 280 refractive errors 279 280 structural abnormalities 278 279 Fabry disease 433 face processing 240 241, 242 243 Index families of adolescents with SB 187 and assessment of VI 290 impact of childhood TBI 302 influence on social development of CP children 214 of SB children, support for 177 family interventions children with SB 177 for deaf and HH children 270 for TBI children 308 Faraone, S V 98 fluid intelligence 47 48, 58 focal idiopathic epilepsies of childhood 360 Fragile X syndrome 226 frontal lobes activation in adults with ADHD 106 executive function link 27 28 functional MRI (fMRI) adults with ADHD 106 107 advanced techniques 72 74 children with ADHD 87 evaluating medication effects 106 limitations and considerations 76 78 TBI studies 339 functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) 75 Gaucher disease 433 gender differences 60 in adult ADHD 99 100 in brain volume loss with age 45 in learning disabilities 148 pediatric cancer 381 generalized idiopathic epilepsies 360 genetics epigenetic processes 25 etiology of ASDs and ID 251 252 gene expression profiling, leukemia 382 genetic disorders causing ID 225 227 hereditary deafness 261 262 heritability of ADHD 86, 93 modeling behavior with 25 26 pediatric leukemia link to ADHD 385 386 reading disorders 147 spina bifida 169 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 302, 329 glaucoma 278 globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD) 442 neuropsychological functioning 442 treatment 442 GM1 gangliosidosis 434 GM2 gangliosidosis 434 goal directed behavior, children with SB 171 172 Graves’ disease 411 412 gray matter, age related decline in 45, 46 growth hormone 420 421 handwriting skills 136 137 Hashimoto’s encephalopathy 412 413 head injury in childhood, ID resulting from 228 229 see also traumatic brain injury (TBI) hearing loss 257 assessment 267 270 characteristics 257 258 epidemiology 259 etiology 259 261 hereditary deafness 261 262 non hereditary causes 262 263 future research directions 271 272 hearing system anatomy 259 identification and management 258 259 intervention 270 271 neuropsychological correlates 263 264 attention and executive functioning 264 265 general cognitive functioning 264 language 265 memory 266 motor development 266 social emotional development 266 267 visuospatial cognition 265 266 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) 381, 385, 439 440, 441, 442 hereditary deafness 261 262 heterogeneity in ADHD 113 neuropsychological 118 120 of psychiatric comorbidities 117 118 in ASD phenotype 241, 251 252 of developmental outcomes 33 34 “heterotypic continuity” 451 hindbrain structures hippocampus 10 age related degradation of 44 45 damage from cranial radiation 398 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) see lymphomas hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 420 hormones and aging estrogens and progesterone 420 growth hormone 420 421 melatonin 421 testosterone 419 420 Hunter syndrome 437 Hurler Scheie syndrome 436 437 Hurler syndrome 432 436 hydrocephalus secondary to spina bifida 195 200 hypercortisolism 417 418 hyperparathyroidism 413 414 hyperthyroidism 411 412 hypocortisolism 417 418 hypoparathyroidism 412 413 hypothalamus 8, 409 hypothyroidism 409 411 hypoxia, causing hearing loss 262 263 imaging techniques see neuroimaging inattention and absence seizures 364 in ADHD adults 102 see also attention inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) 427 428 neuropsychological evaluation 428 age equivalent scores/raw scores for monitoring 429 430 clinical recommendations 431 correlations with neuroimaging and biological markers 430 431 importance of child’s physical condition 430 predictors of outcome 430 repeated testing and practice effects 428 429 test selection and consistency 429 testing tips 430 treatment outcome monitoring 431 phenylketonuria (PKU) 227 see also lysosomal and peroxisomal disease independence individuals with ID 233 people with SB 188, 199 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 128 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) 143 144, 145 146, 165, 292 infections, causing hearing loss 262, 263 inflammation and cognitive aging 376 481 Index 482 information gathering 470 472 information processing speed see processing speed initiation impairments, TBI 333 injury severity and outcome of TBI 302 303 intellectual disability (ID) 221 and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) 251 254 controversial areas 222 adaptive behavior 223 intelligence 222 223 level of functioning 223 224 definitions/diagnostic criteria 221 222 developmental junctures 232 233 etiologies 224 225 childhood causes 228 229 intrauterine exposures 227 perinatal complications 227 228 preconceptual stage 225 227 interventions 229 229 importance of early 252 253 occupational and physical therapy needs 232 use of assistive technology 232 psychopathology and problem behavior ADHD 231 anxiety and psychotic disorders 230 language difficulties 231 232 mood disorders 229 230 stereotyped and self injurious behavior 230 231 role of neuropsychologists 234 intelligence assessment of childhood TBI 300 assessment of, VI people 291 cerebral palsy (CP) 207 208 crystallized vs fluid 47 48, 58 decline following chemotherapy 382 384 ID diagnosis 222 223 reading disability diagnosis 165 166 interleukin 6, risk factor for age associated decline 43 44 interventions 36 37 ADHD 114, 120 122 in adults 107 108 in children 88 90 ASDs 245 246, 252 253 hearing loss 270 271 intellectual disability (ID) 229 229, 252 253 learning disorders (LDs) 154 157 mathematics disorder 135 reading disorder 137 132 research synthesis 166 167 written expression 137 spina bifida (SB) 177, 200 traumatic brain injury (TBI) in adulthood 336 338 in childhood 308 309 post TBI impairments 320 323 visual impairment 292 see also treatment intracarotid amobarbital test (IAT or Wada) 73 74, 365 intraindividual variability in older adults 49 50 intrauterine exposures leading to ID 227 Jackson, John Hughlings Klinefelter’s Syndrome 421 Krabbé disease 442 Landau Kleffner syndrome (LKS) 361 language adolescents and adults with SB 186, 196 in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 242 cortical language mapping, epilepsy 366 effects of childhood TBI 300 301 laterality of brain function 11 processing in epilepsy 362 sign language 259, 265 use of fMRI prior to epilepsy surgery 73 74 written language disorder 135 137 language development blind and VI children 284 286, 287 288 brain behavior relationships 33 brain structures involved in 29 30 children with SB 172, 176, 196 deaf/hearing impaired children 258 259, 265 delay in individuals with ID 231 232 effect of socioeconomic status 60 sociocultural experiences 31 Lashley, Karl lateralization of brain function 11 12 language and epilepsy 73 74, 365 lead exposure, effects of 228 learning disorders (LDs) 163 in adults 143, 164 assessment 150 151; areas to assess 153; background history 151; differential diagnosis 151 153; specific evaluation needs 153 154 associated features 148 150 characteristics and features 146 147; comorbidity 148; course and prognosis 147; demographics 148; etiology 147; prevalence 147 148 diagnosis 143 145; legal definitions 145 146 future directions 157 158 resources for 157 treatment 154; effectiveness of 166 167; primary treatment settings 156; self advocacy 156 157; types of treatment and treatment issues 154 155 in children and adolescents 163 164 assessment/evaluation 127 classification and diagnosis 127 disorder of written expression 135 137 future directions 138 139 mathematics disorder 132 135 models for identifying and placing 128 reading disorder 129 132 role of neuropsychological assessment 137 138 socio emotional functioning 138 definition/identification of 164 165 research emphasis on RD 164 role of IQ in diagnosis of 165 alternatives to discrepancy model 165 166 left handedness 11 legal definitions of learning disability 145 146 Lennox Gastaut syndrome 361 lesions, developmental models based on 29 30 leukemia 379 evaluation and management 386 387 future directions 387 388 late effects 388 mediators and moderators 381 382 neurocognitive outcomes 382 386 pathophysiology 379 treatment 380 381 leukodystrophies 438 adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) 438 neuropsychological functioning 440 cerebral ALD (C ALD) 438 treatment and management 439 440 Index globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD) 442 neuropsychological functioning 442 treatment 442 metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) 440 441 neuropsychological functioning 441 442 treatment 441 “life underachievement,” adults with LD 149 150 lifestyle factors and cognitive decline 42 43, 376 limbic system 10 literacy effect on brain development 30 31 effect on earnings 150 protective factor in memory decline 59 60 localization of brain function 4, 11 reading disabilities 131 132 use of fMRI prior to surgery 72 74 localization related (focal) seizures 359 360 Luria, Alexandr Romanovich lymphomas 379, 388 evaluation and management 386 387 future directions 387 388 mediators and moderators 381 382 neurocognitive outcomes 382 386 pathophysiology 379 380 treatment 380 381 lysosomal and peroxisomal disease 431 432 future directions 442 443 mucopolysaccharidoses 432 mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) 432 attenuated MPS I 436 437 Hurler syndrome 432 436 mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) 437 mucopolysaccharidosis type III 437 mucopolysaccharidosis type VI 437 438 other lysosomal diseases 433 434 MacArthur Foundation studies of aging 42 44 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) advanced techniques 70 75 see also functional MRI (fMRI); structural MRI magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) 71 72 major depression 461 461 in early and middle adulthood assessment issues 462 neuropsychological function 461 462 treatment 462 463 in older adulthood 463 assessment issues 464 neuropsychological function 463 464 patients with TBI 351 treatment 464 malnutrition, source of ID 228 maternal diabetes 414 415 mathematics ability in children with CP 210 disabilities in SB children 173 mathematics disorder 132 133, 144 epidemiology of 133 interventions for 135 neuroanatomical features 134 135 subtypes of 133 134 medical procedures, preparing children for 177 medication using PET to study effects of 106 see also pharmacological interventions melatonin 421 memory ADHD adults 102 103 and anxiety disorders 472 in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 242 and brain tumor treatment 401 cerebral palsy children 208 209 in deaf/HH individuals 266 and epilepsy 363 364 and learning disability 149 spina bifida 186, 197 in visually impaired adults 288 mental illness see psychopathological conditions mercury exposure, effect on IQ 228 mesencephalon metabolic diseases see inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) 440 neuropsychological functioning 441 442 phenotypic variability 440 441 treatment 441 methotrexate (MTX) 380 381 neurocognitive problems 384 and white matter changes 382 383 midbrain structures mood disorders individuals with ID 229 230 see also bipolar disorder; depression motor development/functioning blind and visually impaired children 282 283 deaf children 266 spina bifida (SB) 170, 171, 187, 196 MTA study, childhood mental health 89 90 mucopolysaccharidoses 432 mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) 432 attenuated MPS I 436 437 Hurler syndrome 432 436 mucopolysaccharidosis Type II 437 mucopolysaccharidosis Type III 437 mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI 437 438 multicultural issues in assessment 55, 65 66 acculturation 58 59 age effects 59 60 definitions of cultural variables 56 57 ethical considerations 61 63 gender effects 60 impact of culture, ethnicity, and race 57 58 neuropsychological measures 64 65 pre assessment procedures 63 64 pre morbid estimation of function 64 socioeconomic status 60 61 theoretical considerations 55 56 myelination 13, 27 myelomeningocele see spina bifida (SB) myoclonic astatic epilepsy 361 neural tube defects 12 see also spina bifida (SB) neuroanatomy brain development 12 13 brain structure 12 development of functional neural systems neurodegenerative disorders 427 428 Alzheimer’s disease and TBI 332, 350 351 leukodystrophies 438 442 lysosomal and peroxisomal disease 431 438 neuropsychological evaluation 428 431 483 Index Neurodevelopmental Systems Model 304 305 neuropsychological evaluation 305 307 neuropsychological management 307 309 neurogenesis 46 neuroimaging 17 18, 69 adults with ADHD 104, 106 107 diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) 106 medication effects 106 MRI findings 104 106 adults with reading disability 149 advanced techniques 70 76 bipolar disorder 459 459, 461 children with ADHD 86 88 in children with epilepsy 373 conventional methodologies 69 70 deaf individuals 263 264, 265 integrative and future directions 79 limitations and considerations 76 78 neurodegenerative diseases 430 431 neuronal plasticity 26 in the aging brain 46 in blind people 288 erroneous ideas 323 and mental retardation 253 and outcomes after childhood TBI 317 318 and reading acquisition 30 31 sensitive period for 26 27 synaptic plasticity 13 neurons neurotransmitters and ADHD 86 Niemann Pick diseases (A, B and C) 433 noise induced hearing loss 263 non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) lymphomas nonverbal deficits, children with epilepsy 362 364 484 object permanence, blind children 283 older adults bipolar disorder in 460 461 with chronic epilepsy 375 376 hearing loss affecting 263 major depression in 463 464 schizophrenia in 457 458 social isolation of deaf people 266 traumatic brain injury in 345 352 visually impaired assessment of 292 cognitive function 288 see also aging optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) 278 279, 286 otitis media and conductive hearing loss 263 ototoxic drugs and hearing loss 263 outcome, modeling by 32 parathyroid disease hyperparathyroidism 413 414 hypoparathyroidism 412 413 parenting behavioral parent training (BPT) 88 of children with CP 214 of children with SB 175 176, 187 interactions in VI 287 288 interventions, children with SB 177 Pendred syndrome 261 262 perfusion MRI techniques 74 75 perinatal complications leading to hearing loss 262 263 leading to IDs 227 228 peroxisomal disease see adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) personality disorders comorbid with ADHD 99, 117 118 comorbid with BP 460 and learning disability 152 perspective taking, blind children 285 pervasive developmental disorders 152, 239 pharmacological interventions ADHD 89 90, 107, 231 antiepileptic drugs for epilepsy 365 bipolar disorders 460 children with brain tumors 402 for depression 463 following TBI 308, 337 338 pharmacotherapy for ASD 245 psychopathological conditions 473 474 for schizophrenia 458 phenylketonuria (PKU) 227 phonological awareness 130, 131 children with cerebral palsy 210 interventions 137 132, 137 necessary for spelling 136 neuroanatomical features of 131 phrenology plasticity see neuronal plasticity Pompe disease 434 positron emission tomography (PET) 70 advanced techniques 75 76 limitations 77 studying effects of medication 106 post traumatic amnesia (PTA) 302, 329, 331, 335 336 post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 333 334 practice effects 318, 374, 428 429 pregestational and gestational diabetes 414 415 presbycusis, age associated hearing loss 263 Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS) 90 preterm infants developmental models 30 and intellectual disability 227 228 and reduced visual perception 209 210 problem solving 128, 165 166, 171 172 processing speed children with brain tumors 401 children with epilepsy 363 and cognitive decline with age 48 49 in pediatric leukemia 383 progesterone, age related changes 420 psychometric tests cross cultural bias, avoiding 64 65 measure of behavior outcome 34 see also assessment and evaluation psychopathological conditions 469 470 in adults 455, 464 465 bipolar disorder 458 461 major depression 461 464 schizophrenia 455 458 in children and adolescents 449 453 classification issues 472 473 future research 474 information gathering 470 472 in people with ID 230 treatment effects 473 474 psychosocial functioning adolescents and adults with SB 173 174, 187 188, 190, 198 autism spectrum disorders 243 244 children with CP 212 214 children with learning disorders 138 children treated for brain tumors 401 program for ADHD children 89 TBI in adulthood 334 335 TBI in childhood 301 visually impaired adults 289 psychotherapy ADHD adults 107 108 LD adults 155 spina bifida (SB) 200 Index quality of life (QoL) children with CP 212 213 cochlear implant users 267 D/HH people 266 267, 270, 272 patients with brain tumors 403 404 people with cerebral palsy 214 visually impaired adults 289 race APA definition 57 impact on assessment 57 58, 62 and visual impairment 278 radiation therapy for brain tumors 397 398 and decline in IQ 400 for leukemia and lymphoma 380 rapport, establishing during assessment 290 reading acquisition, and brain plasticity 30 31 reading comprehension 131, 132 reading disorder (RD) 129, 144 differential diagnosis 130 epidemiology 129 130 genetic research 147 interventions for 137 132 neuroanatomical features 131 132 prevalence 129 specific deficits with 130 131 reading fluency 130 131 Rehabilitation Act (1973) 146, 292 repetitive behavior, ASD and ID individuals 230 231, 239, 243 resilience 34, 61 response inhibition in ADHD 85, 87, 102 responsive parenting style 175 176, 177 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) 278 rhombencephalon RTI problem solving model, identification of LD 128, 165 166 Rutter, M 451 Sandhoff disease 434 SARAH program, TBI 322 323 schizophrenia 455 456 in early and middle adulthood assessment issues 456 457 neuropsychological function 456 treatment 457 in older adults assessment issues 458 neuropsychological function 457 treatment 458 screening for metabolic diseases 442 443 segmental autosomal disorders 226 seizures see epilepsy self advocacy, adults with learning disability 156 157 self awareness deficits, TBI 333 self injurious behavior 230 231 sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) 258 sensory loss with age, effect on cognitive functioning 48 sexuality, people with SBM 188 sign language 259, 265 socio emotional development of users 267 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 70 sinistrality 11, 148 social functioning adults with LD 155 in ASD children, interventions 245 cerebral palsy (CP) 213 214, 215 children with brain tumors 401 developmental models 32 epilepsy 364 365 evolutionary models 28 29 spina bifida (SB) 174, 187 188, 198 visually impaired adults and children 285, 287, 289 young deaf/HH people 270 271 socio emotional development cerebral palsy (CP) 212 214 children with ID 138 deaf/HH individuals 266 267 emotional adjustment, SB 187 visually impaired people 286 288, 289 socioeconomic status (SES) and availability of services 253 impact on SB children 175 and learning disorder 148 moderating factor in assessment 60 61 sound localization 259 “specific learning disability” (SLD), legal definition 145 146 spelling problems 136, 137 spina bifida (SB) 12 adolescents and adults 183, 191 assessment, purpose of 191 clinical implications 188 190 cognitive functioning 186 187 medical challenges 185 models of development 183 185 psychosocial adaptation 187 188 role of the neuropsychologist 190 191 children 169 academic achievement 172 173 clinical implications 176 177 cognitive functioning 170 172 developmental models 29, 169 170 environmental influences 175 176 future research 177 178 psychosocial adaptation and behavior adjustment 173 174 developmental synthesis 195 academic achievement 197 198 cognitive functioning 195 197 family functioning 199 future directions 200 psychosocial adaptation 198 role of neuropsychology 199 200 social adjustment 198 Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, The (Fadiman) 55 stereotyped behavior, people with ID 230 231 “stereotyped threat,” ethnic minorities 58 strabismus 278 stressors of poverty, effect on cognitive development 61 stroke survivors and VI 281 structural MRI 69 70 children with ADHD 86 87 substance use disorders LD people 150, 151 schizophrenia patients 456 457 study of bipolar disorder patients 471 Summer Treatment Program (STP), ADHD children 89 support groups for adults with LD 155 surgery for brain tumors 397 epilepsy 73 74, 365 366 synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity 12 13 Tay Sachs disease 434 telencephalon basal ganglia cerebral cortex 10 12 hypothalamus limbic system 10 thalamus teratogens 227 testosterone age related effects of 419 420 androgen insensitivity 419 congenital adrenal hyperplasia 418 419 thalamus theory of mind 285 485 Index 486 thyroid disease Hashimoto’s encephalopathy 412 413 hyperthyroidism 411 412 hypothyroidism 409 411 time, modeling by 31 32 tonic clonic seizures 359 Tools of the Mind program, ADHD children 92 transitions from child to adult care 189 190, 199 periods in lives of children with ID and ASD 253 254 to independence and adulthood 188, 191, 233 traumatic brain injury (TBI) across the lifespan 357 358 traumatic brain injury (TBI) in adulthood 329 assessment 335 336 brain, effect on 330 331 classification of injury severity 329 cognitive impairment 331 332 future directions 338 339 interventions 336 338 neurobehavioral effects 332 disinhibition syndromes 332 333 impairments of self awareness 333 initiation impairment 333 neuropsychiatric disorders 333 334 psychosocial effects 334 335 traumatic brain injury (TBI) in childhood 299 adult outcomes of 315 assessment 317 318, 320; cognitive 318 319; emotional, social and behavioral 319 320; vocational 319 functional manifestations 316 317 future directions 323 324 interventions 320; cognitive 320 321; educational and vocational 321 322; emotional, social and behavioral 321; novel, innovative approaches 322 323 epidemiology 299, 315 future research directions 309 310 neuropsychological assessment 303 305; neuropsychological evaluation 305; historical data 305 306; observational data 306; psychological test data 306 307 neuropsychological management 307; educational support 308 309; pharmacological intervention 308; psychosocial intervention 308; rehabilitation 307 308 outcomes 300 300 cognitive 300 301 educational 301 factors influencing 302 303 familial 302 functional 301 psychosocial 301 pathophysiology 299 300, 315 316 prevention 309 traumatic brain injury (TBI) in older adults 345 affective functioning 351, 352 cognitive outcome 347 according to injury severity 349 350 cognitive recovery 349, 352 early cognitive manifestations 348 349 vs Alzheimer’s disease 350 351, 352 risk factors affecting outcome 351 352 age 345 pathophysiological issues 347 physical and cognitive status 347 severity of injury 345 347 treatment brain tumors 396 398 in adults 403 in children 402 403 cerebral ALD (C ALD) 439 440 epilepsy 365 366 Hurler syndrome 435 Krabbé disease 442 metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) 441 neurodegenerative disorders 431 pediatric cancer 380 382, 386 387 psychopathology 473 474 bipolar disorder 460 major depression 462 463, 464 schizophrenia 457, 458 see also interventions tumors see brain tumors Turner syndrome 133, 421 Type diabetes 415 416 Type diabetes 416 417 typical development, modeling from 31 Usher’s syndrome 261 vascular risk factors in epilepsy 375 376 Victoria Longitudinal Study, aging 43 virtual reality technology, TBI rehabilitation 322, 339 visual impairment 277 assessment 289 291 in specific populations 291 292 children with spina bifida 171 cognitive and psychosocial sequelae 281 in adulthood 288 289 in children 281 282; academic functioning 286; behavioral characteristics 286; cognitive development 283 284; executive function 284; language and communication 284 286; motor development 282 283; social and emotional development 286 288 future directions 293 pathophysiology in children and adults acquired injury in adults 280 281 age related macular degeneration (AMD) 280 cortical vision impairment (CVI) 280 diabetic retinopathy (DRP) 280 refractive errors 279 280 structural abnormalities 278 279 prevalence 277 278, 280 prevention and intervention 292 visual spatial processing in autism spectrum disorders 242 243 deaf/HH people 265 266 epilepsy patients 362 363 in spina bifida (SB) 171, 186, 196 197 vocabulary acquisition 31 effect of environmental information 33 visually impaired children 285, 286 287 vocational interventions training for adolescents with SB 189 traumatic brain injury (TBI) 321 322 voxel based morphometry (VBM) 70 71 Index Waardenburg’s syndrome 261 WADA test prior to epilepsy surgery 73 74, 365 web based technology for TBI interventions 323 web resources for clinicians 324, 443 444 West Syndrome 361 white matter 13, 27 abnormalities in autism 240 abnormalities following MTX chemotherapy 381, 382 384 and age of epilepsy onset 372 373 age related decline in 45 46 damage in cerebral palsy 206 damage from radiation 398, 400 demyelination in ALD 438, 440 diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) 13, 71, 106, 339 working memory children with cerebral palsy 208 children treated for brain tumors 401 enhancing in ADHD children 91 92 and mathematic ability 135 people with spina bifida 173, 197 written expression disorder 135 136 development of written language 136 interventions 137 neuroanatomical features 137 subtypes of 136 137 487 ... Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology Jacobus Donders Scott J Hunter CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, ... Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www .cambridge. org Information... Ph.D Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Warren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University Providence, RI Marianne Barton, Ph.D Department of Psychology University of Connecticut Storrs,

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2020, 20:14

