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68 CHUYÊN đề sửa lỗi SAI

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CHUYÊN ĐỀ SỬA LỖI SAI Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet toindicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 1: The house created by the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright are still A B viewed as uniquely, innovative and valuable C D-> unique Khi có and vế cân chức từ loại ngữ pháp Question 2: Ceramic can be harder, light, and more resistant to heat than metals A->lighter B C D Question Lightning, it is essentially an enormous electric spark that seeks the path of least A->essential B C D resistance to ground Sau to be + adj Question Because (A) not food is (B) as nutritious for a baby as its mother’s milk Many women No food are returning (C) to the pratice of (D) breast feeding Sau no + N Question Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class should be for A B students to practice speaking words C D-> saying words Question In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he A work as fastly as possible B C D-> fast Question Several (A)people have apparent (B) tried to change the man’s mind(C), but he refuses to listen(D) apparently Giữa hai động từ trạng từ Question 8: The skin receives nearly the third of the blood pumped out by the heart A B-> one C D - Cách viết phân số tiếng Anh: + Tử số (numerator) viết số đếm; mẫu số (denominator) viết số thứ tự E.g: 1/10 one-tenth; 1/5 one-fifth Question 9: It is now believed that some damage to tissues may result from exposing it to frequent X-ray A B C D ->them Ở dùng it, tân ngữ (danh từ) thay cho tissues (số nhiều) => phải dùng them không dùng it Question 10 Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane A ->despite/in spite of B C D Question 11: My father often gives us good advices, so we ask him for it A B->advice C D Question 12: If you are working with young children in a primary school, you will find that A B C teaching lively songs and rhymes are very popular D-> is - Danh động từ (Ving) giữ chức chủ ngữ câu, động từ theo sau chia dạng số Question 13 Little they knew in 1926, when the first T.V broadcast began, that it would have such an A->did they know B C D impact on people’s everyday lives Question 14 A mosquito (A)is filled with blood (B) is carrying (C) twice its own body (D) weight Question 15 The injured man was taken to the hospital A B C D->hospital Question 16 What happened in that city were a reaction from city worker, including firemen and A B ->was C policemen who had been laid off from their jobs D Question 17: The assumption that smoking has bad effects on our health have been proved A B C D->has been proved Question 18: Not until (A) I was on my way(B) to the airport that I realized(C) I had left my passport at home(D) did I realize Question 19: Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called A B->reports C D Each/ every + V(số ít) Question 20: The biologist went fishing after he has finished with the conference A B C D->had finised Trước after chia khứ đơn sau chia khứ hoàn thành Question 21: Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job and is looking for a new one D A B C-> was looking Question 22: I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn't work A B-> repaired C D - have sb st: nhờ làm - have st done by sb: có làm Question 23: Foreign students who are doing a decision about which school to attend may A-> are making B C not know exactly where the choices are located D Make a decision = decide: định Question 24: I didn't feel like to go to church this morning because it was raining hard A B-> going C D Feel like + Ving: hứng thú làm Question 25 Drug (A) addition has resulted (B) of many (C) destroyed careers, and (D) expulsions from school or college Result in: dẫn tới, dẫn đến, gây Question 26: Grover Cleveland was the only American president served two nonconsecutive terms A B->to serve C D Sau the only + to V/to be Vp2 Question 27: It is important that you turned off the heater every morning before you leave for class A B->turn C D It’s important that + S +(should) + V(bare) It is important for sb to st/for st to be done Question 28: Students suppose(A) to read all the questions(B) carefully and find out(C) the answers to them(D) are supposed To be supposed to V: cho là, có bổn phận Question 29: Tom likes to gossip about other people, so he doesn't like them to gossip about him A B-> but C D Question 30: The headmaster of our school have been very busy since he returned from Hanoi A B->has been C D Question 31: While they were away at the beach, they allowed their neighbors use their car A B C D-> to use Allow/permit sb to st = let sb st: cho phép làm Allow/permit doing st: cho phép làm Question 32: The man whom red car is parked in front of our house is a prominent physician in this town A-> whose B C D Question 33 Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities A B-> is causing C D S1+ together with + S2+ V(S1) Question 34 No matter what different, various music types have one thing in common: touching the A B C D hearts of the listeners How different Now matter + what + S + V No matter how + adj/adv + S + V Question 35 Most doctors agree that it is not good for patients to lay in bed without exercising A B C-> to lie D Lie –lied –lied: nói dối Lie- lay-lain: nằm Lay-laid –laid: đặt, dọn, đẻ Question 36: Species become extinct or endangerment for a number of reasons, but the primary cause A-> endangered is the destruction of habitat by human activities C D B Khi có “or” vế cân Question 37: Without the particularly habitat, the species could not survive A B-> particular C D Trước danh từ tính từ Question 38: Raising living costs, together with escalating taxes, have proved to be a burden for A B C-> has proved everyone D Ving đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ câu động từ chia số Question 39: Someone who use a personal computer to perform only such tasks as word A ->uses B processing and sending e-mail need not buy the most advanced model available on the market C D Question 40: From the driver’s point of view, the new speed limits enacted by the state were more A B C stricter than the old laws D Question 41: The number of people killed in last week's attacks in Paris have risen to 130 A B C D Has risen A number of +… + V(số nhiều) The number of + … V(số ít) Question 42: Drug addiction has resulted of many destroyed careers and expulsions from school or A B->in C D college Result in: dẫn tới, gây Question 43: Prediction of earthquakes remains inexactly, but general predictions can be made after A monitoring magnetic changes D Sau remain + adj B-> inexact C Question 44: Families who are enough fortunate to own a historic home may be able to get restoration A B-> fortunate enough C D funds from the government Tính từ đứng trước enough Danh từ đứng sau enough Question 45: Traditionally, Americans and Asians have had very different ideas about love and married A B C D marriage Question 46: It was in 2006 when she got married to a well-known movie star A->that B C D Question 47: To attract someone's attention we can use either verbal and non- verbal forms of A B C-> or communication D Question 48: My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday A B C D->the last day Question 49: Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet A->had he B C D Question 50 Mrs Brown’s children are used to be picked up after school every day A B C D being picked used to st: thường làm khứ tobe/get used to doing st : thường làm 51 My father asked us not to spend too much time play computer games 52 They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience 53 When Cliff was sick with the flu, his mother made him to eat chicken soup and rest in bed 54 She wishes that we didn’t send her the candy yesterday because she’s on a diet 55 The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience 56 Before she moved here, Arlene had been president of the organization since four years 57 The fire began in the fifth floor of the hotel, but it soon spread to adjacent floors 58 Could you take care in my handbag while I am going to the toilet ? 59 I’ll be back in a minute, Jane I just want to trying out my new tape recorder 60 It’s becoming hard and harder to find a job 61 Read the book careful and you can find the information you need 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 : The more careful you drive , the fewer accidents you will have If I knew you were coming, I would have met you at the airport I enjoyed talking to the people with that I met at the party last night Despite of the fact that I washed my hands, they still look dirty In my opinion, he maybe elected because he is honest, knowledgeable and competent My teachers congratulated me for my success I had an artist drawn my portrait It looked just like me .The house which she lived was destroyed by the storm .It was a kind of machine with that we were not familiar .You and I went there together, weren’t we? Bangkok, is the capital of Thailand, has many beautiful temples was in this city where I was born .Everybody wanted to know the truth, didn’t them? The 14th Asian games, that was held in Korea in 2002, attracted many participants .My mum is a good cook She can cook many kinds of dishes very good .The train on whom I wanted to travel was fully booked .Neither Nam nor Minh enjoy playing football after class .Th is the room that cleans every day by my sister .Jane asked Brian if had he ever been to South-east Asia .They work in a hospital who is sponsored by the government It is the room that cleans every day by my sister .The film is about a spy his wife betrays him [betray: be disloyal to] The sun, water, and the wind are other alternative source of energy .The bus will be leaving on five minutes so you’d better hurry up Many teachers have devoted their lives to teaching, therefore teaching is not a well-paid job My parents often take careful of me when I am ill She passed the board exam, who made her parents proud Lack of properly physical exercise cause tiredness and poor health ... find a job 61 Read the book careful and you can find the information you need 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 : The more careful you drive ,

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2020, 17:03

