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Progress to first certificate students book 1

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Pĩpgress CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS PƯBLISHING to Pỉrst Certỉfỉcate NEW EDITION ^ sruD EN rsBO O K Leo ỉones I Progress to First Certiíicate New Edition Leo Jonoe Cambridge University Press C am b iu lp c N cw Y ork Porl C licslcr M clb o urnc Sydncy Contents Thanks iv A;kn()wĩedgements * V WeIcome! 1 Shopping 2 Leisure activities 17 Nature and the environmenl 31 Transport and ưave! 45 Somewhere to iive 6() Science and technology 72 GcMxlhealth! 85 Holidays 1(X) VVeicome! book is dcsigncd to prcparc you progrcssiveỉy íor Ihc Cambridgc I irsi Ccĩtiíicatc in Knglish cKaĩììination(rCn) 'Vhc cxcrciscs and activiiics will hclp you lo Icam and not just tcsl your knoNvlcdgc 'iìic naturc ol thc cxcrciscs and a c iiv iiics ch an g c s g rad u all ^ th ro ugh Ihc book unlil, by ihc liiiic y o u r c a t h ìit 14 youMI b c an sw crin g qu cstions w hich arc ju sl ihc samc as !hc oncs you'11 havc to answcr in ihc cxam itscir ‘l ovvards thc cncl ol ihc bcK>k Ihc c x c r c is e s hcc(ỉinc lucirc likc tcsls w iih, íor cxainp lc, niulliplc-clu>ict: cỊutslitius lo ansNvcr 'To ticỉp >(>u líi p rcp arc í b r í h c i C l i c x a n i , Ihc scclioiis in cach unit Líiticcnlraie ou tliỉTcrcnl parts ol i h t cxoỉìi: > P ap er : R cad iiig C o m p rc h c n sio n Víìcabulary an d Readiiìg cxcrciscs > l^apcr Composilion ^ O»inpsilion CXCTCÍSCS * w a r d s íhc cnd o f cach unil) > !’a p c r ; Usc o t l:n g lish ỉ xcrciscs on C iram inar.W (ỉrJ sludv.V crbs aiìd iilịo in s.l^ cp o siù o iis aiul IVoblcin soỉv in g(ílircclcd Nvriling') > P aper : í istcỉìm g CcHtiprciiciisitín Lislcniíìg ací!vịiics b a s c J P a p t s ỉn icrv icw liỉiiiuỉucation a c ú v iiic s ỈVonưiìCíatkni cxcrciscs, Piclurc Voỉỉ* cisatio n s an d tiiscu ssio n qucstu>ns !’.ac:h unií is b ascd o n a d in c rc iu lo p ic aad aỉi ihc cxcrciscs and a c liv iiics m Ihc Uíiỉi arc rcla itii lo Ihc ĩopic 11ìc>c lopics arc thc on cs thai arc niosl hkcly [o iíMiic u p in th c cxaiii - b u t p crh ap s íĩiorc im p o ita iu , Ihcy arc líiỊHí s WỈÌK h w ill intcrc';! yjni am l ^iv c vnu p lcn ty lo lalk ibout V: líK'* siuiw ti vviili UK' c íM iiinuiiK aũon a c lịv iiic \,w h c rc yv>u ai.'ỉ ) W p a rln c r arc g iv c n đ in c rc n t iiiío m ìalio ii *luỉl y(iu nỉUSl nìun un K jK- vach o lh c r llicsc arc priiilcti al tỈK crui o f ihc h(H,k hui (hcv art' 'n iix ctỉ p ' so (lìa! y o u r p artỉicr c a ir i scc y o u r in ỉo n n a ũ o ii : Ui0'caic^ lÌK ihcrc IS rccordcd íỉKilcrial un thc casscUcs \s!a r iV ỉíulieau ^ uivivc poinis rcíTicnihcr or cxain íip.s In í la>‘^ \ L *!* hc ilf>ing n u a y oi ihc aclivilics in pairs or sniaỉi u ro u p s, !l‘,ií CVI -v.ti.i ịicls p lcn ỉy o í p raciK c n ^p cak in g lũ ig lish Buỉ ih c rc vviỉl -Is M'-tịUiỉ Iì\p< M I r r * Ni :\.ỉt "Vmi ì ' , ị'MLị ưiỉiị? u ad nỉg p.!S^agLs ihaí yt>»i wiỊI hc liisiusNiiiU 111t la^-s and fị[ ; c ^ liví k n ‘ t.ti cr iii CÌJ\.' ’ íỉv h n rk ; i t 5iHÌ hu K r.Vi/UK ĩ.Mal you wỉỊl bc cx p cc !cJ »1>tJ() ỉìiis v/ill in v o lv c wril MI>I ÍSI i! ỉ vo u r t.:.i liv: ỉt I • Ị'.' icavc i'ul soinL* nc: iio p ’ 1- Siỵr.c í-i.'* OI' ■ V ' 'f ‘ K^ ^’Ị1 't ''.1- ' 'V lí tiiis V.av ' -^V'r%s f ) I ỉrsí (cflì/ií*iỈL ỉíMn»’ Shopping Voi a h u lu ry 1 S h o p p i n g h a b i t s A Work in groups or pairs Ask yi>ur panncrs (hcsc qucsíiaas: • • • • • • lỉ Whuí kinds wn lor ludd, LÌoihcs, books inusk or sht)cs? Whal kind (i| shops ỏo you ncvcr or hardly CVCT go mUìì VVhy? Whal kind r you as an cxainplc: In 'd slu»p y o u can usc a c rcdil t a r J u r chargc card, W!1S a Síiìuli shop arul wh(i scrvcs ptiiplc iu Ì1 is callcd a s StHìiconc wh(ì is ciuploycd U) scrvc cuslnincrs in u shop or sUnc is a s li ị IIC salcspcrsi>n iii a shop usually scrvcs Ihc lusionicrs rriiin hehiiid a c S u ĩc sp c rio n : 'C a n I h y ou ? ’C u s!o m tr: ' S o , il's aỉl riiĩhl, ih a n k s I ’in ju sl 'I’h is rcal Icathcr h an d b ag w as rcíiưccil in Ihc su íìiin cr s so I oiily hatl lo pay £5.95- ìl was ã‘ rcai b ! H lììc assislaiỉl a d d c d u p th c p r i t t s Uì lìnd Ihc l p ricc w c had [o pay In c a s c yt)U waiil l o cx d iu tig c S(iinclhin*ĩ, rcnicnibcT {u k cep Ihc r l(^ if ihc rudit» ^CÍÌ wr».»nỆ w ithin iw clv c rcmenìHt*r i l \ w stKks W(»n*ỉ in your swcalcr anil anyway ycllow di)csn’l s IK To fiiKl oul h«w 1(1 wash a ganucnt.lík al ihc ìnstructioDs on Ihc I 19 You can usualỉy gcl ỊIHHÌS dicapcT il V«'U huy thcm in an opcn-air in you 20 IỈ'y«Hi h av c a NtutỈLMl icỉcniiiy canl NUIIIC shops inay givc you a d 21 l*niil ami vcịiLiablcs iii a supcniKirkcl arcu í as Ircsh IS J| a g 2 You t a n sp rcad Ihc p ay in cn ls o v tr Ivvcivc lUDtiihs hy h u y in g s u m c lh in g OIỈ h 23 You can iỊcl aliDoM anyiliiiii* yt»u \vant in a hig d s prcic r u> b uy ilỉings by lìì hut so n ic pcí>pk o 24 li so in c llù n g is u>' luMtic y o u rscir, tlic sh íip can d ị\ 25 P crso n ally s p c a k in g ,I’đ say Iha! gì;uỉ(>n ^ : 7X' f’ic(>htinc 01 7'‘»I2'14Tdcgrits Mui^ods lAiiukmIclt** Tclc* liN i liR A DIllT-RHísrr WORlJJ NVcỉconic to iíarrods-a diffcrcnl world for a miliion rcasons, llarrods is thc largcst storc in Hurope with goods displayccl in 60 wind(>ws and 5'/2 hcctarcs of sclling spacc In onc ycai ovcr 14 milỉion purchascs are made in ihe 214 dcpartmcnts whcrc you can buy anyỉhing 1'rom a pin lo an clcphaiu-ií y(ỉu can convincc (he nianagcr of ihc Fci Dcparlincnl Ihal you arc a suiiablc clcphaiu owncr, Ihat is! ll ìs Harrods pt)licy lo Mock a vvidc and cxciling rangc a ỉ mcrchandisc in cvcry dcpartmcm lo give Ihc r!]slomcr a choicc ol goods vviiith is Vipiquc in ils v arie tv and w hich no olhcT siorc can in a ith : H arrods siiK ks ỈÍK) d iffc m t w hisk ics, includiiig 57 singỉc m a ỉts tliíTcrcnt chcc.scs,5()0 ly p c s oí shirts and 9,{y>0 tics tu go w ith íhcni, K,(KX) drcsscs and I.Sv) tlirrcTcní piaiìos U arrods aiso ulTcr': đ ĩìu in h cr ol scr^ icrs l ) ÌK c d ^ ^ ^ c r s in c lu d iíig a Sank,a)! Hisuranc^t iỉcpartm cnt,a iravcl v»ícv, ỉiv ìd u íi s L-,í Ciiv.uláng lib;u*>,a ỉh cairc úgcnv í nủ a Ỉuncỉai sí‘rvHv L4Ọ '.iìiỉii'!! Vt^>nh t'l ’ LiiTru!;; i nd ' ’ic F'^pmputcriscd vvarchousc IS b c ín g b u ill ll wHl h c ih c lurgcsl w ỉirchousc ìn B ritain an d ihe s e c o n d l;irgcst in Europe and will dcal with a widcr rangc of goods than any olhcr dislribulioii ccnlrc in ihc w orld 'l'h an k s lo its m o d c rn le ch n o lo g y a cu sio m c r w ill be ab le to o rd c r an y pr(K Ìucl(for exampđe, a dining tablc or a diswasher) from any assislanl in Ihc slorc The ạssisiani will bi ablc to chcck its availability immediately on a compuicr scrccn, dccidc vvith Ihc cusiomcr on a suilăbie đclivcry date and limc and then pass the ordcr dircclly to Ihc Nvarchouse íhrough thc computcr The úmc of dciivcry will bc^guaraniccd U) wiihin (>nc hour Porm any o f London’s visitors Harrods is an importani siop on Ihcir sighisccing progranunc Hcnry Charles HaiT0d ’s first shop was opcHcd in 1849, but Ihe building as il Slands loday was started in 1901 and iỉ has bccomc onc ỉ)l London’$ landmỉiỉks It has many Hcms of architcctural iiìtcrcsi: thc plastcr ■'Ị ccilings arc original, as is the famous Meal Haii wilh its Vicloríiin wall lilcs, Hnd Ihc lighl nttings on thc ground íloor datc back lo Ihc 1930* A morning spcnl strolling round Harrods is guaranleed to givc any shoppcr an appctite.and lo fced its customers Harrods bas six restaurants ranging from Ihe Cirelc self-servicc restaurants onering deliciouỉ food at rcasonablc priccs to thc ramous Ilaưods Rcstauranl, whcrc qucucs fonn cvciy alìcnioon for llic ‘Grand lìuffcr I ca’, which íor a Hxal price allows yoo lo cal HS many crcam cakcs and galcaux as your gĩccd will allow whilc vvailrcsscs scrvc you wúh India or China Ica lf you fccl likc a íị/ink you Citn choosc hc(wccn Ihc pub Htinosplicrc ol the G rccn M án T av crn and (hc so p h isú catio n oí lhc C(x:ktail IxHingc iliiưcxls Iruly iv a dirícrciU worI(l B Dccidc whclhcr the foilowing slalcmcnls arc Iruc Cl') r Talsc (l'),accordiiig lo thc passagc l ind and undcrliiìu ihc vvords iii thc Icxt Ihal hclp you U) answcr cach qucsiioii The Pct l>;partmciu will r prcscnl tcnscs in linglish l-ill Ihc gaịMi with morc cxainplcs, usiiig your owii idcas 'llic lìrsl is ilonc lor yt)U as an cxainplc; Pcmiancat or rcgular actk>n.s aiid silualioiis : always líavc lw o cups o ĩtd H c c 1'or hrcaklasi I'RIÙSI'N I SIMPU- \Vhcrc you livc?(= Wlial i.s your pcruiancnl aiklrcss'0 /Mlcr lunch SOIIICIÌIIK-S havc a c u p 1)1 black colícc l Iicvcr livcry cvcniiigl 'l aiipòrary, dcvcỉopiug of changũig iidions and silu a lio n M B r n i Irying lu coiiccntratc, so pk asc clon’t intcrrupl l’Ri:SHKl Ì’U(X’|1ỈI.SS1VI' Whcrc arc ytHi living?(= Whal is your Icmporary ad(Jrcss ?) Al Ih c m d in c n t I a l'irsi Ccrtilicatc toursc Ihis ycar ActicHis or situation.s hcguii in ll»c pasl and still Inic IM)W t»r continuiiig IM)W: Soiiiconc has culcn all ihc cakcs 1>R1uS1-;N-1 I>I-:RI I:ci SIMI>I J, I’vc ncvcr sniokcd a cigar iii niy lilc W c Iiours on Ilús uiiit SI) ĩar W c’vc hccn wuiiing lorlvvciìly niiiiuics MKlvSliNri I’I;R1 liCl l’U(X:ui ,SSl'vi: Whal havc you bccn doing sincc "sc lasl mcl? Ị Kiiglish Ibr - ycars ■ R ancm bcr Ihal 1()R is uscd wilh a pcriod oi limc and SINCIi is uscd wiih a p(»inl ol limc lo r cxainplc: fc)rlwoycars lor a long tiiuc lor a lew minulcs lor Ihc lasl ihrci: days (N(rr: sincc lwi) ycar.s ) MIICC 19XK siiKC ycslcrday SÌIILC ()‘cl()i.k MIICL-luni.ltlimi; > iiux A jiril lỉ Soinc vcrbs(si , HV1 -; vcrbs) arc Iioi nonnally uscil iii llic pr(i}ircssivc lonn, Ik u iu s c Ihc y usually rolcr u> ptnii;iiiciu NiaiLN cs this c o M N O T : 1u>w Iiiuth IS Ihis (.osiiiiịỊ Shc has ()wncd u cai íor 1W() ycars NOI : Slic has hccn ovvning a ta r Writc u scnlcncc using cach orihcsc slalivc vcrbs in NI-.C.AHVl sciiLciitcs 'Ilic llrst ihrcc arc donc lor yuu as cxainplcs h c lic v c c o iila iii ctisi tlc s c rv c in atlcr Ì)WC rcalisc rcincnihci lĩl sccm kanw lik c Id o k lik c sm cll suil lo v c undcrslaiid / uscd to M ic v c llnil sluipỊvng IV.7.V íun hut now Ị don 'I hchcvc lliat aiiỵtiioiv 'Hiis y o g iu l (l(ìC'iii a)iil:;/n uny A (/Ú l/O/Uìty (/ocsii 'I cosl vtry /IIIILÌI lo huy c Decide which adverbs from the ỉist below fĩt into the gaps in these sentences 'rhe fưst two are done for you as examples: She’s looking for a new sunamcr outĩit in H aưođs H c buys his clothes at Hairods He goes shopping Shc has been feeling u n w ell ailday aỉways aỉ the moment gcnerally once in a while from time to tũne oílen today occasionalỉy this raomiDg for a week sometimes for a ỉong time ncver cvery vcck hardiy evcr rarcly usually frequoitly IW)W sincc Tuesday D Six of these sentences contain errors and two are correct Find the errors and correct them The fưst is done fof you as an example: Tbis packet is coatãiaừỉg SOOgnms ofcoffee Aí tbe mament 1rcad ã ĨMsciDãíing book Ị'm sometừaes buỵmg dotbes ừi Ibe market I've beea WMÌtiag for tbein to MiTÌve siace 12 o 'cỉock My motbcT pĩcícrtobuy ừuit iDtbe mãiket lãm w»itiag siace o'clock Tbis CD is costing kio.99 How ãre ỵou teclùig todãy ? Better ỉ hopc ! E Complete the uníìnished sentences in this dialogue The first onc is done for you as an example : A ssistant: Good moming Havc you bcen waiting loQg ? Customer: No, only for a few moments Could you hclp rae, Pleasc ? A ssistant: Certainly W h at ? Customer; I ’m looking for a pair of jeans in my size Assistant : What ? Customcr: I take a size 30, normaliy A ssistant: Thirty Well, we have these Lcvis on special offer D o ? Customer: Oh.very nice, yes, I bkc that style vcry much A ssistant: You can try thcm on in Ihc changing room over there Customer: Oh, right, ưianks r u just sec if thcy f i l ( The customer trics them on ) Assistant : D o ? Customer: Ycs, thcy fit períectly How m u ch .? Assistant : L 16.99 ỉs there anything elsc you’d like to see? Customer : Ycs, h a v e ? Assistant : I’m aữaid we’re out of slock of the matching jackets at thc moment, but we'U bc getting some more in soon Customer : W h e n ? Assistant ; W e'rc cxpecting a delivery at the end of the week íf ìiK**, ĩ ' ĩ pat onc dsiúc ỈO I' >ou when theycome in Customcr : Oh, thaiíks very much Ajid I think r u keep these jeans on now D o Assislanl : Yes, we takc all major credit cards Custonier : Good, hcre.you are Assistant : Thanks Let mc just cut off the labcl there we are !And if you could just sign here 1.4 I had to go to ưie shops Ustaiing A Bâ Beíore you hcrc ihe recording read these siatemcnts through Then lislen to thc rccording and decide whcther thcy are true(D or false (O.according to thc conversation The Tirst is done as an ẹxampic L.isten to the rccordiiig more than once to get all the informati()n jf necessary Tim is latc because he has bcen shopping 'lìiere would be no timc for Tim to go shoỊ^ing in the evening ^ Tini didii’t use the ‘fast* checkout because there was a longer queue Iherc Tim cnjoys shopping for íbođ Ann likcs buying prcscnts forpcople ) > Tim likes buying prescnts for pcople T lìoih Tim and Aiin like looking for bargains in thc salẹs Ị ' Aiin hates shopping al Christmas > "ĩ - (j lĩolh Tim and Ann likc small shops Ị 10 'l'im agrccs that supcrmarket prices are lower 11 Aiiii likcs mail ordcr shopping T 12 Tim looks Tonvard to automaỉcd shopping by Computer ị B Malch Ihcsc Products lo the conlainers in Avhich they’re sold How thcy lìl into ihis sentence; Coulil you gcl inc a of please? ('ONTAINIĨRS boillc box cancaiton jar bar packet lin tube n tO D H c hiscuU s ch o co late C oke h o n cy nsalches m ilk inincral water peas toothpastc 1.5 Abbrcvialions and numbers w o rd sỉu d y A Work in pairs L.ook at these common abbreviations and wrile down vvhal cach onc stands for The first is done for you as an cxample : approx approximatcly c/o ci)nt’d (ÌM T incl info intro max misc ITO RSVP VAT VIP vocab Xmas < B Write these nutnbers out in íiiU The first is done as an example; 333 Ihrcc hundred and UiHty-thrcc 144 850,000 ’ /8 113 5,75 '/4 + ^ ^ = 3.9167 227 1,992 V ‘/2 =2.25 Whcn y o u ’ve rmished, compare your ansvvers yvith a partner c 1® Listen to the recording and write down the numbers you h t-i The first six are telephonc numbcrs, and the rcst are diffcrent kinds ol nutnbcrs The first is done for you as an examplc; ‘Five one cight o four doublc seven’ 5180477 When you’ve finished, compare your ansvvcrs with a partner If necessary, iisten to the recording again to check your answers D Work in pairs One of you should look at Activity l(on page 209), thc ơthcr at Activity 10(on page 212).You’Il each have somc namcs, addrcsscs and phone numbcrs Ihal you must dictale to your partner Wrilc down all the iníomiaiion ihat your partncr givcs you 1.6 Advcrtiscraents A lx)ok at this advcrtiscmcnt Iniaginc that you want to dcscribc it lo a íricnd who hasn*l seen it • Whai would you lell Ihcm about it? • What you íìnd aniusing or intcrcsting about thc producl advcnised? íp c a k m g and listening B Work pairs One oỉ you shuuld look at Activity 13, the other at 20 Y(»u*li cach scc an advcrtiscnicnt that you will have to dcscribc to your parlner c » You’11 hear five authentic radio comtnercials Usten lo the recording and fill the gaps in thc&e senlciKes, using the iníonnation given HARRODS is opcn on August 29th(Bank Holiday Monday) fro m a.m.to p.m PILIPPO BERIO is a brand of ‘Pilippo Berio -the choice.’ HEATBƯSTERS can help to make your o n ic e in weather Hcatbustcrs su p p ly air on hire ‘Call Frcefone Heatbuslers- n o CITRUS SPRING is a sparkling blend o f water a n d juice ‘Ciirus Spring, the Tniity drink’ loicy pm uaded Dirk Sludebaker to gel oul of his car by cooking him a mcal ‘ I c(H>kcd hiin dinner: firankfurtcrs a n d wilh two and for a smprise, we had somc gamraon with a ring, th at’s what I cooked him ’Dỉd you m is s ? ‘ ‘Don’t think so ‘Was Ih c on the sidc o f his plalc?’ ‘ ỉt was Meinz, it was Heinz on hìs piate.’ ■ Givc inc give m e of that Heinz ketchup taste Fat it all, cat it ail,’cause it's too good t o .* ’ Are ybu sceũig Dirk again tonight, Lucy?' ‘You betcha!!’ ‘i ic n u is the ketchup so and s o I ic iiu is the ketchup f o r for twọ ’ yes,definitely!! W hcn you’ve fỉnished, compare your aiíswers with a paitner Which of the Products WQuld you buy and / or not buy? D Work in groups Look at some more m a^a/inc or ncwspaper advcrtịscments POSSIBLE c r SOME ADVERTISEMENTS Ol/TfW3 MAr.A7INRSANn BHINr, THEM T n riASS TO n i s n i s s • Which is the most attractive and the Icast attractivc? Why? • Which is thc most amusing ? Why ? • Which is thc inoost erícctive and thc Icast clicctivc? Why? E Dcscribc your íavourile AND most hated r v commercials to your partncrs W h i c h g i f t ? Probỉcm soỉving 'ỉ hc problcm-solving scctions in Progrcss to Hrst Certiíĩcate will hclp you lo dcal with thc last question in the Use v,f niigiÌMi papei in inis part of the cxaiii you will havc lo cxlract iníonnation from a text.advertisement, picturc or cỉiagram and then rewritc somc of it in your own wòrds A Work in sinall groups ỉ\sk your parlncrs thcse qucstions: • What points you considcr whcn buyiiig a prescnt foi a íriend or rclation ? • What kind o f giíts you likc lo rcccive ? B Read ahoiil these Products and note down the MMN AITRACTĨON of each onc Which of Ihcm (if any) would you likc lo roceive as a gin? TTie A larư i vvalict It ỉooki li k e a h i|( h - q i ia i tiy l c a l h r r w a líi t m a t!c o f s o f t ic a lÌK - lể L S u li' U íc rc a i c a p c c i a l pockct5ft>fcredi! c u n i s ỉ o o s r c h n n K c , l i c k c t s H iu i & t a { ii|i s - a s w c ỉ l ÚS toíuUỉcnxtit pockciỉ fc>rULS frNvouiíỉ bcaslííUiK'I«>InvoJ»uchanaitr«cfivc praciical w«ỈỊcỉ-hut you won'ỉ, bccAtiSLMindcrchc j Ị o ỉ ( j - c n U n ỉ r c d p u t c o t i ( h c í r o n t IS a l i g h ỉ ' $ c i i s i l t v c cc!! WhcnycMput Ihcxvallcí IIUOyoiirpockct siiílc UíC p l a l e l o t h c i e i x ! f a n y m i c r e m o v e * I h e Couidyou hc «popsiarM.ikc loSUỈ^'^ \( so ứtisis for you.lỉsiưig Ihis biUcuiiit V,IỈUyour V o ic c O v c r w ‘illr^í í r o r n O ic d a r k n c s s c f y o u r p o c k c t o r h « u d b ii j» ( t> r i í t( JUS( í a l t S o i i l ) a U>U(( c l c c ỉ r o t ỉ i c a l a n i t w i l ỉ s o u n d \ V i t h i h c A l a f i u W a l l c t Y o u ’U n e v c r l o s c y o u r w a l í c t A g a in ! £14.95 (íncl baltcry) p c r s o n a l o r h o n ỉC h i - f i y o u cansưì)5ovcr your favountc tapc andrucordOur rcsult «1 s u i d ỉ o quí»*M y I h c n u x c i u n n u ic lm lc s cchucíícci.stcrcohcadphoncs/ m'^rophoiic.a lapcoí popular b a c k m jỊ( u a c k s a n d A b o o k ỉ c t o f l y n c s Y o u c a n s i n g s o l o o r W ỈƯ a í r i c n đ T h e V o i c c C > v c r c a n i i l ĩ o \k u& ed w iih a o y c l c c i r o n t c m M ru m c itt f 39.95 Shoppcr C alculalor J i i s l \ v h a t y o i í n c c d í i ) f tlu > s c ỉ n p s lhcMi|H'nnarkc( Hùs h.iiKÌycalciilí»iof Wỉli addiipr pnccs ASyou|Ị() so y o u ’ll k i i t ) w h n w n i u c h y o n h a v c S ị» c iit l i c í o r c y u u r c i c h t h e !ÌU Y o u c a n n l s o MSC ii t o v K ír k O III whc(ticr thiiỉ \ỉ%ĩ$e packet ISreallycỉicrt(M:rIti.mlwo S i n a l ỉ c r O IÌCS C o i i i p ỉ c i c w iU > i r o i l c y a U a c h i n c i t ỉ a n d ncckcord £5.95 (whik' or ttlackì lk’ach CJhaứ ỉlic (mU) (.onipaniunyouIiccil lor ;i (liiyinthcSUIIM ; n l c t r o n i s l i o n i ? y c ll» ìW n y lc H i w » ỉh a i j |» l i i w c i í ; h l S t e e l í r i u n c I h e ỈW,ich(liair ISCâsytocan>but has in.isscí (lí rtuMM»11Itsmjíiiialc(ỉ íooỉ hccpiiigtiiciii ctKii «iul ou! oí Ihchca( 11icrc‘scvcnspaccíor «in;i|ĩit/UiCof sinishaílc {'iiíoMcíl Il’scomíoriablc cliairíor 5unbaihiii>i or rcl.ixing wrckLiul$ £14.95 w iih /Ịo m ) b o o k J n s t w h a t y o u n c c d fo r h o lu la y s o r c bnifiinc th«( your two íricnds, Chhs and Jo, have búthdays very soon : Chrís is a student a person who likes being out of doors, enjoys playíng spoits and aỉso watching sport on TV Chris also likes learning ỉanguages and enjoys shopping- especiaỉỉy in supennarkets! Next summer Chrís hupes to go to the USA to work in a sunưner vacation camp for chiỉdren to cam enough moncy to spcod two weeks tnveiling round the counưy Jn is a student who likes readmg, going to the cinema and listening to music - aad also plays the g u itv and likes singin( Jo also enjoys swimming and livcs ncar the sea and in the summer holidays uncn spends thc day at the hcuch 'lìic uther a c m b e n of Jo’s íìunily all work, so Ju is the one who has to all thc shopping for the family Work in paữs or groups From thc itcms shown in B, choose a giíl for Chris and a giíì for io Decide fìrst if they arc mate or femaie fríendsthis isn’t clcar froin their names If a pricc seems too high, you could share thc cost wiứì your paitners MAKE NOTES of the reasons: • Why each ĩríencị would appreciate the gift you havc chosen • What uscs he or shc wouid find for it • AND why thc olhcr Products wouỉ(i be less suitable Ijook at iVrtiviiy 4, whẹre you will see some model notes D Now wrítc two paragraphs, expUining which of the giíts you would buy Tor Chris and Jo Here are some structures you could use: As Jo likcs , thc idcal gift would b c Jo enjoỳs and ,s o would be a suiuble gift for Jo becausc Whcn you’vc lĩnishcd, contpare your wríuen work with a pâẩtncr’s work lìtcn lcK)k at Activily 27, wherc you will sce two mudel paragraphs \ H U s in g p r c p o s itio D S - R c v is io n íAc oílỉngUsh ahou! M hy wn íor in o f OÍT (Mi rwiof OVCT to undcr up wHh This cxcrcisc givcs you a chaocc lo ITĨST VOLK KNOWl£D0 E '.of sonie prepositions and adverbs that you should already know Fill the gaps in thcsc sentences with a suitable t>rq)OSÌtion from the liit abovc The fírst is dorve for you as an exampte : A i s f o r apple Chris is a very good ừiend .ơỊ mine We both shạre a lo v e music lt’s vvaiin the timc of year ỉ ’ve bcen w ;iitin u an hour l ’m looking íor a b o o k animals Why have you goi Ihat íunny hat ? ■ i r ^ n í *01 ' ' P i i í i r o v -4.1!!, c l W.ĨS w T iíí( 'n i is V ''k c '.p v ''n rc ‘ iiì ỉ*vc iC.id'ỉir work> Shak^sptdr ; 11 W e'il discuss this lunch 12 Whcn does ihe tra in lojndon Icave 13 Pari-lime Nvorkers are p a id Ihc houí, 14 Whcn will shc b c hospilal ? 15 I cauM scc bccause Ihc lights a re 16 The shops arc c lo sed .Sỉsndays !7 ()n Monday I”m taking the d a y 18 'ĨÌÌC bilỉ inust bc p a id Monday 19 Whcii you leavc, make sure Ihe gasi s 20 I hought i t £ m a sccond hand shop J\ ĩ opencd ihc c a n a can opcner 22 'ITiis p ulH vt is a bargain £ 1* 99 23 I was lo gí) out whcn iì.t' phonr rj ì|' M l.ivcrpHx ' ìA ^ poals (ỉ 25 il.irro u s ị 2\t a » :*'V>US s l o r - i »Uj lfc- 2/ ! lii |USI ! *Midíni SicCi 10 u> ’v n u> ú , '-tiiíìi C.'uiiibritỉgc i' ỉíi.* kn; iU>ril» ÌẢĩii^l s som a peopte tind spth n g esp ecìềly ờiíicuit o Mi>.ní spclling uirors can bc avoidcd if yini usc a diclitxiary lo Ìoiìk up any wtưds youVc unsurc (>r - and if you chcck your vvriucn work carclully B Anoihcr priỉblcm i» punctiialion: cspccially thc usc lii commus and apí)strophcs Hcru is antỉthcr sluUcnrK work Find Ihc puncluation misí;ikcK and corrccí íhcm The firsl is clone as m\ cxí»mplc: Harroờs is Lonởons most ỉamous department sĩore, ỵ o u can buy almost anything there its one o f the Landfnark's of London? f peopte come eat at /Y's Restaurants and ỊooỊn/Ịound /f's 214 O ep ề ĩtm e n ts^ B u ĩ n o t e v e r y o n e c o m e s to òuỴệrnàny o f r/ie p c o p te who go the&e are ịusĩ having a ỉook at the enormous range o f goođs on dispỉay and at the Oĩher customers c This piiragraph has no puncUialitm 'éi all? Hcwrilc il iidding iiny piincluiilK ìn n cccssary Every Tuesday Ffiday and Sâturdavyn 0Uf part of th« city therts an open-air in tha m»in squar«.which flv«ryon« goes to Farm«rs cotne in from th« countryside to sell their tresb vsgetablM and fruit,Othar staUs sell af! kinds of thingsỊ chceft«.ỉeans^fish snd cvcn second'h»nd ♦urnitufejts almo*t impossibỉe to carry on a conversation above thc nciae and shoutìng, ^ M customeis putfiì xhmr w «v to th« ffony^v»«' «Ur»ct tha ftt«il-holders attentỉon »fxí đemnnílỉno the ríp«#t fr«shpsi or th e lo w e s t prices YouMI rrnd a corrcclcd vcníum oí ihis paragraph n Acùviíy 37 D W u rk in sm all g ro u p s o r puirs and d iscu ss Ihcsc q u c stio n s ; • W h al IS youT ía v o u rile sh o p o r sto rc? • Whal facts di) you know about it? • W h IS it lik c lo bc ih c re ? W hal im p rcssio n iUycs a f hciim usiialỉy r v tin Pntiiiys ihat rK‘w liìm >ct ’ ! 'ỉl w hat c an Jl ^>AI HOC OUOCGIAHA n Ị i ! nỉiwr:TÍỈằJTijn»»/ .- f 17 ^ All ihc pupiỉs rcspcct IhciT tcachcr A ! cavc ii lo mc! vu tgkc carc of all ihc arrangcmcius llic pílicc arc invcsligaling n casc ol shopliQing ^ H llc said hc was innocciU but thcy rcaliscd his slory was uniruc ỉỉ you ikni’i know thc mcaniĩitt, find ihc wor(J in a tliciiduary Ị() Ncxt tim c yo uV c in l()wn, w hy cJun't y o u pay us a call and say hcllo I lỉcắbrc you haiỉd your work in chcck il carciuỉly 12 Tin tlìinkiuiĩ aboul n)y ncxl holiday vvilh plcasurc Ỉ ựịiỉ U) INiO l ilROUiìí ĩV iN riỉKOUai I (>RWA1Í1) () ỉlic rc arc lour lypcs o í phrasal vcrh N oiicc Ihc slru cturcs in íhc.sc cxaiupỉcs: ỈXH)K Al-Ti-k ( = carc ỉ‘o r)-!hc sainc as a vcrb + prcpi):siũoa i looked alìcr soinconc I l(>()kcd ailcr liun 1Ic wa.s lìkcd allcr HUi NOi : I lookcd sorncoiu: allcr ỉ l )okcd hun alìcr ÍXK)K oưr (= bc careíul)- inlransilịvc phrasal verhs( nu (>bjcct) You musl ỉook ouiĩ IU"I M) I : You wcrc kx)kcd i)ul I.OOK l K=:lìnd inlbrmalion)- ‘scparable’ phrasal vcrbs I Ux>kcd up a wuul ĩ lookcd a word up I lLK)kcd II up The word was ltx)kc(l up in NO í ! lo o k cd Iip II I.(X)K l ’P lí)( - respccl)- ‘inscpíirablc phrasal vcrhs 1lí>t)k up to son.conc ỉ kx)k up lo hcr Shc was ltK)kcd up to by cvcryonc lỉi I NO! ■I l(H>k somcoiic up (o Ị loi)k hcr tip to U n lu rlu n u iy :di'>malic phrasal vcrbs AKI- d iỉììc u ll- thc onỉy thing ítì tf() is to lcam thcm by hcarl M o ĩco v cr, m an y phrasal vcrhs híìvc m o rc Ihan onc mcaninịi In ihc Vcrbs and idioms cxcrcỉscs in ỈỶo^rc.ỹs Ị(> /;/>/ nr////cv#/c viHi'!! orily mccl thp morc cumnion usclul mcanin^s ỈU*, ■‘>ìefr' ... newsagent*s or kiơk H 10 11 a Street ptan o f your to vn or ciíy and a guidehook ahouĩ your counrry a litre ()f milk- and a ỉila.ss to drink it fro m a kiỉo ọ f (omatocs ' and a knifc to cut th tm wiĩh... (j lĩolh Tim and Ann likc small shops Ị 10 'l'im agrccs that supcrmarket prices are lower 11 Aiiii likcs mail ordcr shopping T 12 Tim looks Tonvard to automaỉcd shopping by Computer ị B Malch... misc ITO RSVP VAT VIP vocab Xmas < B Write these nutnbers out in íiiU The first is done as an example; 333 Ihrcc hundred and UiHty-thrcc 14 4 850,000 ’ /8 11 3 5,75 '/4 + ^ ^ = 3. 916 7 227 1, 992

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2020, 23:45

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