Catalogue Bu lông, Gu Jông, đai ốc theo tiêu chuẩn
Revisione generale01 10/01 General revision R. Rainis Toso U. Moro D.DTN CCUT UQENuova emissione00 11/95 First issue De Paolis Tomat Dalla Franc.DTN DMH UGQREV. DATA DESCRIZIONE MODIFICA REDATTO CONTROLLATO APPROVATODATE DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION COMPILED CHECKED APPROVEDSTANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121Tiranti, Prigionieri, Barre Filettate- Tutti i Tipi -Stud Bolts, Studs, Threaded Rods- All Types -According to law Danieli&C. considers this document to be a company secret and thereforeprohibits any person to reproduce it or make it known in whole or in part to other parties or tocompetitors without specific written authorization of Danieli's ManagementA termini di legge la DANIELI & C. S.p.A. considera questo documento come segreto aziendale condivieto per chiunque di riprodurlo e/o di renderlo comunque noto, in tutto o in parte, a terzi, ovvero aditte concorrenti, senza specifica autorizzazione scritta della Direzione DANIELI.1 313.100.401INDICE DEI CONTENUTI1 - SCOPO .Pag. 22 - ABBREVIAZIONI .Pag. 23 - APPLICABILITA' Pag. 24 - DEFINIZIONI .Pag. 25 - RIFERIMENTI Pag. 26 - RESPONSABILITA' Pag. 37 - NORMA Pag. 37.1 - INDICAZIONI GENERALI Pag. 3ALLEGATI01-Tiranti Pag. 4A01.1- chiusura masselli STD Danieli .Pag. 402-Prigionieri Pag. 6A02.1- radice "1,5 x d" (UNI 5911 - UNI5912) .Pag. 6A02.2- radice "1,25 x d" (DIN 939) Pag. 1203-Barre filettate .Pag. 18A03.1- DIN 976-1 Pag. 1850-ASME "Metrici" - Tiranti, Prigionieri,Barre filettate .Pag. 2051-Tiranti ASME "Metrici" .Pag. 20A51.1- interamente filettati ASME B16.5 .Pag. 20A51.2- interamente filettati completidi 2 dadi esag. ASME B18.2.4.1M Tipo 1 .Pag. 2560-ASME "Inch" - Tiranti, Prigionieri,Barre filettate .Pag. 2961-Tiranti ASME "Inch" .Pag. 29A61.1- interamente filettati ASME B16.5 .Pag. 29CONTENTS1 - PURPOSE .Page 22 - ABBREVIATIONS .Page 23 - APPLICATION Page 24 - DEFINITIONS Page 25 - REFERENCES .Page 26 - RESPONSIBILITY Page 37 - STANDARD .Page 37.1 - GENERAL INDICATIONS Page 3ANNEXES01-Stud bolts Page 4A01.1- bosses locking Danieli STD Page 402-Studs .Page 6A02.1- stud end "1,5 x d" (UNI 5911 - UNI5912) .Page 6A02.2- stud end "1,25 x d" (DIN 939) .Page 1203-Threaded rods .Page 18A03.1- DIN 976-1 .Page 1850-ASME "Metrics" - Stud bolts, Studs, Threaded rods Page 2051-Stud bolts ASME "Metrics" .Page 20A51.1- full threaded ASME B16.5 Page 20A51.2- full threaded complete with2 hex. nuts ASME B18.2.4.1M Style 1 Page 2560-ASME "Inch" - Stud bolts, Studs, Threaded rods Page 2961-Stud bolts ASME "Inch" Page 29A61.1- full threaded ASME B16.5 Page 29 STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121Tiranti, Prigionieri, Barre Filettate- Tutti i Tipi -Stud Bolts, Studs, Threaded Rods- All Types -2 313.100.4011 - SCOPOLa presente Norma ha lo scopo di stabilire i tiranti, pri-gionieri e le barre filettate (tutti i tipi) da utilizzare nellaprogettazione e fabbricazione di macchinari DANIELI.2 - ABBREVIAZIONIVengono utilizzate solo ed esclusivamente abbrevia-zioni codificate dalla Normativa di riferimento e appli-cabili a livello internazionale.3 - APPLICABILITA'La presente Norma si applica ai Disegni e distinte dimateriali emessi dalla DANIELI. E' applicabile sia almontaggio in sede che a quello in cantiere e può esse-re utilizzata anche per montaggi privi di disegno e/odistinte facendo riferimento esclusivamente ai codiciDANIELI citati nella presente Norma.4 - DEFINIZIONILa terminologia utilizzata nella presente Norma e lerelative definizioni sono riportate nei documenti elen-cati nel capitolo 5 "RIFERIMENTI".5 - RIFERIMENTILe Norme citate nel presente paragrafo si intendonosempre applicabili nello stato di revisione corrente.NORME DANIELI 2.3.009 : Fori filettati e passanti per unione a tenuta di corpimacchina e masselli.2.8.020 - Prescrizioni per la subfornitura di bulloneria e simili.2.050.900 : Bulloni e tiranti per flange ASME B16.5 -Lunghezze standard.NORMATIVA INTERNAZIONALEASME B 1.1 : Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNRThread Form).ASME B 1.13M : Metric Screw Threads - M Profile.ASME B 16.5 : Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.ASME B : Metric hex nuts, style 1.ASTM A 193/A 193M-96 : Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service.ASTM A 194/A 194M-96 : Standard Specification for Carbonand Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure andHigh-Temperature Service.DIN 939 : Studs with a length of engagement equal to about1,25 d.DIN 976-1 : Metric thread stud bolts.EN ISO 898-1 : Caratteristiche meccaniche degli elementi dicollegamento in acciaio al carbonio e acciaio legato -Part 1: Viti e viti prigioniere.EN ISO 898-6 : Caratteristiche meccaniche degli elementi dicollegamento in acciaio al carbonio e acciaio legato - Part 6:Dadi con carichi di prova determinati. Filettatura a passo fine.EN 10083-1+A1 : Acciai da bonifica - Condizioni tecniche difornitura degli acciai speciali.EN 10204 : Prodotti metallici - Tipi di documenti di controllo.EN 20898-1 (ISO 898-1) : SOSTITUITA DA EN ISO 898-1.Caratteristiche meccaniche degli elementi di collega-mento - Part 1: Viti e viti prigioniere.ISO 261 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -General plan.ISO 263 : ISO inch screw threads - General plan andselection for screws, bolts and nuts - Diameter range0.06 to 6 in.1 - PURPOSEThis STD defines the stud bolts, studs and threadedrods (all types) they shall always be applied in the de-sign and manufacture of DANIELI machinery. 2 - ABBREVIATIONSThese are used only when codified by referenceNorms and internationally applicable.3 - APPLICATION This STD applies to drawings and lists issued by Da-nieli. The STD applies to both the installation in theworkshop and at the building site. The STD can alsobe used for erection works without drawing and/orlist; in this case if refers only to the Danieli codes men-tioned in this STD.4 - DEFINITIONSThe terminology used in this STD and the relevantdefinitions are the ones applied to the documentsmentioned in Chapter 5 - REFERENCES.5 - REFERENCESThe STDs mentioned in this paragraph always applyto the updated revision.DANIELI STANDARDS2.3.009 : Threaded and through holes for tight jointing ofmachine bodies and bosses.2.8.020 - Prescriptions for the subsupply of fittings and similar.2.050.900 : Bolts and stud bolts for ASME B16.5 flanges -Standard length.INTERNATIONAL STDsASME B 1.1 : Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNRThread Form).ASME B 1.13M : Metric Screw Threads - M Profile.ASME B 16.5 : Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.ASME B : Metric hex nuts, style 1.ASTM A 193/A 193M-96 : Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service.ASTM A 194/A 194M-96 : Standard Specification forCarbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressureand High-Temperature Service.DIN 939 : Studs with a length of engagement equal to about1,25 d.DIN 976-1 : Metric thread stud bolts.EN ISO 898-1 : Mechanical properties of fasteners made ofcarbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts, screws andstuds.EN ISO 898-6 : Mechanical properties of fasteners made ofcarbon steel and alloy steel - Part 6: Nuts with specifiedproof load values - Fine pitch thread.EN 10083-1+A1 : Quenched and tempered steels -Technical delivery conditions for special steels.EN 10204 : Metallic products - Types of inspection documents.EN 20898-1 (ISO 898-1) : REPLACED BY EN ISO 898-1.Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 1: Bolts,screws and studs.ISO 261 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -General plan.ISO 263 : ISO inch screw threads - General plan andselection for screws, bolts and nuts - Diameter range0.06 to 6 in. STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121Tiranti, Prigionieri, Barre Filettate- Tutti i Tipi -Stud Bolts, Studs, Threaded Rods- All Types -3 313.100.401ISO 898-1 (EN ISO 898-1) : Mechanical properties of faste-ners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs.ISO 898-6 (EN ISO 898-6) : Caratteristiche meccanichedegli elementi di collegamento in acciaio al carbonio eacciaio legato - Part 6: Dadi con carichi di provadeterminati. Filettatura a passo fine.ISO 965-1 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances - Part 1: Principles and basic data.ISO 965-2 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purposebolt and nut threads - Medium quality.ISO 965-3 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances - Part 3: Deviations for constructionalthreads.ISO 4032 : Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B.ISO 4042 : Threaded components - Electroplated coatings.ISO 4759-1 : Tolerances for fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screwsand nuts with thread diameters between 1,6 (inclusive)and 150 mm (inclusive) and product grades A, B and C.ISO 5864 : ISO inch screw threads - Allowances andtolerances.ISO 8673 : Hexagon nuts, style 1, with metric fine pitchthread - Product grades A and B.ISO 8992 : Fasteners - General requirements for bolts,screws, studs and nuts.UNI 5911 : Viti prigioniere a radice media (bm =1,5d).Filettatura metrica ISO a passo grosso. Categoria A.UNI 5912 : Viti prigioniere a radice media (bm =1,5d).Filettatura metrica ISO a passo fine. Categoria A.UNI 7324 : Filettature metriche ISO a profilo triangolare.Sistemi di tolleranza per accoppiamenti stabili.6 - RESPONSABILITA'NON APPLICABILE7 - NORMA Negli allegati seguenti, divisi per tipologia e dimensioni,sono elencati i materiali oggetto della presente Norma.7.1 - INDICAZIONI GENERALI.Nella presente Norma vengono trattati i Tiranti, Prigio-nieri e Barre filettate normalmente utilizzati nella pro-gettazione e fabbricazione di macchinari DANIELI. Per gli approvvigionamenti utilizzare, per le partiapplicabili, la Norma 2.8.020.ISO 898-1 (EN ISO 898-1) : Mechanical properties of faste-ners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs.ISO 898-6 (EN ISO 898-6) : Mechanical properties offasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 6:Nuts with specified proof load values - Fine pitch thread.ISO 965-1 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances - Part 1: Principles and basic data.ISO 965-2 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purposebolt and nut threads - Medium quality.ISO 965-3 : ISO general purpose metric screw threads -Tolerances - Part 3: Deviations for constructionalthreads.ISO 4032 : Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B.ISO 4042 : Threaded components - Electroplated coatings.ISO 4759-1 : Tolerances for fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screwsand nuts with thread diameters between 1,6 (inclusive)and 150 mm (inclusive) and product grades A, B and C.ISO 5864 : ISO inch screw threads - Allowances andtolerances.ISO 8673 : Hexagon nuts, style 1, with metric fine pitchthread - Product grades A and B.ISO 8992 : Fasteners - General requirements for bolts,screws, studs and nuts.UNI 5911 : Medium end studs (bm =1,5d). ISO metriccoarse thread. Product grade A.UNI 5912 : Medium end studs (bm =1,5d). ISO metric finethread. Product grade A.UNI 7324 : ISO Metric threads with triangular profile.Tolerance system for interference fits.6 - RESPONSIBILITYNOT APPLICABLE7 - STANDARDThe following annexes list the materials treated in thisSTD, divided according to type and dimensions.7.1 - GENERAL INDICATIONS.This standard deals with the stud bolts, studs andthreaded rods which are normally used for the designand manufacture of the DANIELI equipment.For procurements refer to the Standard No.2.8.020, in its applicable parts. STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 01-P.01 di 02 - Tiranti. ANN. 01-P.01 of 02 - Stud bolts.4 313.100.401A01- Tiranti. A01.1- chiusura masselli STD Danieli.A01- Stud bolts.A01.1- bosses locking Danieli STD.-Fabbricaz. secondo: - STD Danieli (3.100.401).-Barre da: Trafilato h11 (o equivalente) in accordo con le ca-ratteristiche del materiale richiesto.-Prescrizioni generali: ISO 8992.-Filettatura: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2-3. Tolleranza 6g.-Materiali: Vedere tabella.-Categorie ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A".d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B".-Finitura: Vedere tabella.-Marcatura richiesta: Classe di resistenza.-Tiranti adatti per filettature interne "Destre":-ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2-3. Tolleranza 6H.-Categ. ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A".d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B".-Manufact. according to: - STD Danieli (3.100.401).-Rods from to: Drawn h11 (or similar) according to the re-quired material characteristics. -General prescriptions: ISO 8992.-Thread: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2-3. Tolerance 6g.-Materials: See table.-Grades ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A".d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B".-Finishing: See table.-Required Marking: Property class.-Stud bolts suitable for internal threads "Right":-ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2-3. Tolerance 6H.-Grades ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A".d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B".Es. des.: 0.010664.K - Tirante chiusura masselliSTD Danieli - M42x3x760Cl. 6.8 - EN ISO 898-1NaturaleEx. des.: 0.010664.K - Stud bolt locking bossesSTD Danieli - M42x3x760Cl. 6.8 - EN ISO 898-1PlainSmusso =1passo x45°Chamfer = 1pitchx45° CODICE /CODEM (d) L lMassaMassmm mm mm kgM 20 250 50 0,62 0.010641.K 0.350443.WM 24 260 55 0,92 0.010642.L 0.350444.XM 20 280 50 0,69 0.010643.M 0.350445.ZM 24 290 55 1,03 0.010644.N 0.350446.SM 24 310 55 1,10 0.010645.P 0.350447.TM 30 330 65 1,83 0.010646.Q 0.350448.BM 30 360 65 2,00 0.010647.H 0.350449.CM 36x3 370 70 2,96 0.010648.S 0.350450.ATab. A01.1/2aCl. 6.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Cl. 8.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Naturale /Plain Sconsigliato / Not recommended(1): In alternativa EN 10083-1 - 36CrNiMo4+QT Bonificato. (1): Alternative EN 10083-1 - 36CrNiMo4+QT Quenched & Tempered.Fig. A01.1/1M20 M24 M30 M36x3 M42x3 M48x3 M56x4 M64x4P Passo / Pitch mm 2,5 3 3,5 3 3 3 4 4d h11 Trafilato / Drawn mm 20 24 30 36 42 48 60 65 Sconsigliato / Not recommendedFilett.ThreadM (d)Tab. A01.1/1Marcatura classe di resistenza.Marking property class. STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 01-P.02 di 02 - Tiranti. ANN. 01-P.02 of 02 - Stud bolts.5 313.100.401 CODICE /CODEM (d) L lMassaMassmm mm mm kgM 30 390 65 2,16 0.010649.T 0.350451.WM 36x3 400 70 3,20 0.010650.Z 0.350452.XM 30 430 65 2,39 0.010651.M 0.350453.ZM36x3 440 70 3,52 0.010652.N 0.350454.SM 30 470 65 2,61 0.010653.P 0.350455.TM 36x3 480 70 3,84 0.010654.Q 0.350456.RM 42x3 500 80 5,45 0.010655.H 0.350457.VM 36x3 520 70 4,15 0.010656.K 0.350458.DM 42x3 540 80 5,89 0.010657.L 0.350459.EM 36x3 560 70 4,47 0.010658.R 0.350460.CM 42x3 580 80 6,32 0.010659.V 0.350461.ZM 42x3 640 80 6,98 0.010660.T 0.350462.SM 48x3 660 90 9,37 0.010661.P 0.350463.TM 42x3 700 80 7,63 0.010662.Q 0.350464.RM 48x3 720 90 10,22 0.010663.H 0.350465.VM 42x3 760 80 8,28 0.010664.K 0.350466.WM 48x3 780 90 11,08 0.010665.L 0.350467.XM 56x4 810 110 17,98 0.010666.M 0.350468.FM 48x3 820 90 11,64 0.010667.N 0.350469.GM 56x4 850 110 18,87 0.010668.W 0.350470.EM 48x3 860 90 12,21 0.010669.X 0.350471.TM 56x4 890 110 19,76 0.010670.V 0.350472.RM 48x3 920 90 13,06 0.010671.H 0.350473.VM 56x4 950 110 21,09 0.010672.K 0.350474.WM 48x3 960 90 13,63 0.010673.L 0.350475.XM 56x4 990 110 21,98 0.010674.M 0.350476.ZM 64x4 1010 120 26,26 0.010675.N 0.350477.SM 48x3 1000 90 14,20 0.010676.P 0.350478.AM 56x4 1030 110 22,87 0.010677.Q 0.350479.BM 64x4 1050 120 27,30 0.010678.Z 0.350480.ZM 48x3 1060 90 15,05 0.010679.S 0.350481.MM 56x4 1090 110 24,20 0.010680.P 0.350482.NM 64x4 1110 120 28,86 0.010681.C 0.350483.PM 48x3 1120 90 15,90 0.010682.D 0.350484.QM 56x4 1150 110 25,53 0.010683.E 0.350485.HM 64x4 1170 120 30,42 0.010684.F 0.350486.KM 48x3 1160 90 16,47 0.010685.G 0.350487.LM 56x4 1190 110 26,42 0.010686.A 0.350488.RM 64x4 1210 120 31,46 0.010687.B 0.350489.V(1): In alternativa EN 10083-1 - 36CrNiMo4+QT Bonificato. (1): Alternative EN 10083-1 - 36CrNiMo4+QT Quenched & Tempered.Tab. A01.1/2bCl. 6.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Cl. 8.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Naturale /Plain Sconsigliato / Not recommendedSmusso =1passo x45°Chamfer = 1pitchx45°Fig. A01.1/1Marcatura classe di resistenza.Marking property class. STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 02-P.01 di 12 - Prigionieri. ANN. 02-P.01 of 12 - Studs.6 313.100.401A02- Prigionieri.A02.1- radice "1,5 x d" (UNI 5911 - UNI 5912).A02- Studs.A02.1- stud end "1,5 x d" (UNI 5911 - UNI 5912).Fig. A02.1/1Lato radiceStud endLato dadoNut endbmu45°u45°-Fabbricaz. secondo: - Simile per i criteri generali alla:- UNI 5911 per il passo grosso.- UNI 5912 per il passo fine.-Barre da: Trafilato h11 (o equivalente) in accordo con le ca-ratteristiche del materiale richiesto.-Fori filettati e passanti: In accordo 2.3.009.-Prescrizioni generali: ISO 8992.-Filettatura: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2-3.-Tolleranza lato radice: 2m UNI 7324.-Tolleranza lato dado: 6g ISO 965-1.-Materiali: Vedere tabella.-Categorie ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A".d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B".-Finitura: Vedere tabella.-Marcatura richiesta: Classe di resistenza.-Prigionieri adatti per filettature interne "Destre":-ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2-3. Tolleranza 6H.-Categ. ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A".d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B".-Manufact. according to: - Similar for general criteria to:- UNI 5911 for coarse pitch.- UNI 5912 for fine pitch.-Rods from to: Drawn h11 (or similar) according to the re-quired material characteristics. -Threaded and through holes: According to 2.3.009.-General prescriptions: ISO 8992.-Thread: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2-3.-Tolerance stud end: 2m UNI 7324.-Tolerance nut end: 6g ISO 965-1.-Materials: See table.-Grades ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A".d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B".-Finishing: See table.-Required Marking: Property class.-Studs suitable for internal threads "Right":-ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2-3. Tolerance 6H.-Grades ISO 4759-1: d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A".d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B".Es. des.: 0.000637.T - Prigioniero Radice 1,5dSimile UNI5911-M12x100Cl. 5.8 - EN ISO 898-1NaturaleEx. des.: 0.000637.T - Stud Stud end 1,5dSimil. UNI5911-M12x100Cl. 5.8 - EN ISO 898-1Plain(*) (**) (**) (**) (**) (**)M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36x3 M42x3 M48x3 M56x4 M64x4P Passo / Pitch mm 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,5 3 3,5 3 3 3 4 4d h11 Trafilato / Drawn mm 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 36 42 48 56 64u mm 1 P(*): Non previste da UNI 5911. / Not foreseen by UNI 5911.(**): Non previste da UNI 5912. / Not foreseen by UNI 5912. Sconsigliato / Not recommendedFilett.ThreadM (d)Tab. A02.1/1Sim. UNI 5911 - UNI 5912Marcatura classe di resistenza.Marking property class. STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 02-P.02 di 12 - Prigionieri. ANN. 02-P.02 of 12 - Studs.7 313.100.401Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM8 1,25 12 22 8 30 0,014 0.000650.F18 40 0,018 0.000651.R28 50 0,022 0.000652.V38 60 0,026 0.000653.W48 70 0,030 0.000654.X58 80 0,033 0.000655.Z68 90 0,037 0.000656.S78 100 0,041 0.000657.T88 110 0,045 0.012771.C98 120 0,049 0.012772.D28 102 130 0,054 0.012773.E112 140 0,058 0.012774.F122 150 0,062 0.012775.G132 160 0,066 0.012776.A142 170 0,070 0.012777.B152 180 0,074 0.012778.K162 190 0,078 0.012779.L172 200 0,082 0.012780.AM10 1,5 15 23 7 30 0,024 0.000658.B26 14 40 0,030 0.000659.C24 50 0,036 0.000660.A34 60 0,042 0.000661.W44 70 0,048 0.000662.X54 80 0,054 0.000663.Z64 90 0,060 0.000664.S74 100 0,066 0.000665.T84 110 0,073 0.012781.W94 120 0,078 0.000666.R32 98 130 0,084 0.012782.X108 140 0,090 0.012783.Z118 150 0,096 0.012784.S128 160 0,102 0.012785.T138 170 0,108 0.012786.R148 180 0,114 0.012787.V158 190 0,120 0.012788.D168 200 0,126 0.012789.E45 165 210 0,132 0.012790.C175 220 0,138 0.012791.Z185 230 0,144 0.012792.S195 240 0,150 0.012793.T205 250 0,156 0.012794.R215 260 0,162 0.012795.VNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/2aSim. UNI 5911Fig. A02.1/1Lato radiceStud endLato dadoNut endbmu45°u45°Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM12 1,75 18 30 10 40 0,046 0.000667.V20 50 0,055 0.000668.D30 60 0,063 0.000669.E40 70 0,072 0.000670.C50 80 0,081 0.000671.Z60 90 0,089 0.000672.S70 100 0,098 0.000673.T80 110 0,107 0.012796.W90 120 0,116 0.000674.R36 94 130 0,124 0.012797.X104 140 0,132 0.000675.V114 150 0,141 0.012798.F124 160 0,150 0.012799.G134 170 0,159 0.012800.E144 180 0,168 0.012801.T154 190 0,177 0.012802.R164 200 0,186 0.012803.V49 161 210 0,195 0.012804.W171 220 0,204 0.012805.X181 230 0,213 0.012806.Z191 240 0,222 0.012807.S201 250 0,231 0.012808.A211 260 0,240 0.013060.C221 270 0,249 0.012809.B231 280 0,258 0.012810.X241 290 0,267 0.012811.L251 300 0,276 0.012812.M261 310 0,285 0.012813.N271 320 0,294 0.012814.PM16 2 22 32 8 40 0,089 0.000676.W38 12 50 0,104 0.000677.X22 60 0,119 0.000678.F32 70 0,135 0.000679.G42 80 0,150 0.000680.W52 90 0,166 0.000681.K62 100 0,181 0.000682.L72 110 0,197 0.012815.Q82 120 0,212 0.000683.M44 86 130 0,227 0.012816.H96 140 0,242 0.000684.N106 150 0,258 0.012817.K116 160 0,274 0.000685.P126 170 0,290 0.013061.Z136 180 0,306 0.012818.T146 190 0,322 0.012819.R156 200 0,338 0.012820.S57 153 210 0,354 0.012821.N163 220 0,370 0.012822.P173 230 0,386 0.012823.Q183 240 0,402 0.012824.H193 250 0,418 0.012825.K203 260 0,434 0.012826.L213 270 0,450 0.012827.M223 280 0,466 0.012828.V233 290 0,482 0.012829.W243 300 0,498 0.012830.R253 310 0,514 0.012831.Q263 320 0,530 0.012832.H273 330 0,546 0.012833.K283 340 0,562 0.012834.L293 350 0,578 0.012835.M303 360 0,594 0.012836.N313 370 0,610 0.012837.PNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/2bSim. UNI 5911(1): In alternativa (per d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Bonificato.(1): Alternative (for d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Quenched & Tempered. STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 02-P.03 di 12 - Prigionieri. ANN. 02-P.03 of 12 - Studs.8 313.100.401Fig. A02.1/1Lato radiceStud endLato dadoNut endbmu45°u45°(1): In alternativa (per d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Bonificato.(1): Alternative (for d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Quenched & Tempered.Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM20 2,5 28 46 14 60 0,20 0.000686.Q24 70 0,23 0.000687.H34 80 0,25 0.000688.S44 90 0,27 0.000689.T54 100 0,30 0.000690.Z64 110 0,32 0.012838.X74 120 0,35 0.000691.M52 78 130 0,37 0.012531.L88 140 0,39 0.000692.N98 150 0,42 0.012839.Z108 160 0,44 0.000693.P118 170 0,47 0.012840.D128 180 0,49 0.000694.Q138 190 0,51 0.012841.S148 200 0,54 0.000695.H65 145 210 0,56 0.012842.T155 220 0,59 0.012843.R165 230 0,61 0.012844.V175 240 0,63 0.012845.W185 250 0,66 0.012846.X195 260 0,68 0.012847.Z205 270 0,71 0.012848.G215 280 0,73 0.012849.A225 290 0,75 0.012850.F235 300 0,78 0.012851.R245 310 0,80 0.012852.V255 320 0,83 0.012853.W265 330 0,85 0.012854.X275 340 0,87 0.012855.Z285 350 0,90 0.012856.S295 360 0,92 0.012857.T305 370 0,95 0.012858.B315 380 0,97 0.012859.C325 390 0,99 0.012860.A335 400 1,02 0.012861.W345 410 1,04 0.012862.X355 420 1,07 0.012863.Z365 430 1,09 0.012864.SNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/2cSim. UNI 5911 Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM24 3 32 50 10 60 0,31 0.000696.K54 16 70 0,34 0.000697.L26 80 0,37 0.000698.R36 90 0,41 0.000699.V46 100 0,44 0.000700.B56 110 0,48 0.012865.T66 120 0,51 0.000701.X60 70 130 0,55 0.012532.M80 140 0,58 0.000702.Z90 150 0,62 0.012534.P100 160 0,65 0.000703.S110 170 0,69 0.012866.R120 180 0,72 0.000704.T130 190 0,76 0.012867.V140 200 0,79 0.000705.R73 137 210 0,83 0.012868.D147 220 0,87 0.000706.V157 230 0,91 0.012869.E167 240 0,95 0.012870.C177 250 0,99 0.012871.Z187 260 1,03 0.012872.S197 270 1,07 0.012873.T207 280 1,11 0.012874.R217 290 1,15 0.012875.V227 300 1,19 0.012876.W237 310 1,22 0.012877.X247 320 1,26 0.012878.F257 330 1,30 0.012879.G267 340 1,34 0.012880.W277 350 1,38 0.012881.K287 360 1,42 0.012882.L297 370 1,46 0.012883.M307 380 1,50 0.012884.N317 390 1,54 0.012885.P327 400 1,58 0.012886.Q337 410 1,62 0.012887.H347 420 1,66 0.012888.S357 430 1,70 0.012889.T367 440 1,74 0.012890.Z377 450 1,78 0.012891.M387 460 1,82 0.012892.N397 470 1,86 0.012893.P407 480 1,90 0.012894.Q417 490 1,94 0.012895.HNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/2dSim. UNI 5911 STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 02-P.04 di 12 - Prigionieri. ANN. 02-P.04 of 12 - Studs.9 313.100.401Fig. A02.1/1Lato radiceStud endLato dadoNut endbmu45°u45°(1): In alternativa (per d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Bonificato.(1): Alternative (for d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Quenched & Tempered.Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM36x3 3 45 70 10 80 0,94 0.000741.W78 12 90 1,02 0.000742.X22 100 1,10 0.000743.Z32 110 1,18 0.012930.Z42 120 1,26 0.000744.S84 46 130 1,33 0.012931.M56 140 1,41 0.000745.T66 150 1,49 0.012932.N76 160 1,57 0.000746.R86 170 1,65 0.012933.P96 180 1,72 0.000747.V106 190 1,80 0.012538.T116 200 1,88 0.000748.D97 113 210 1,96 0.012934.Q123 220 2,03 0.000749.E133 230 2,11 0.050205.X143 240 2,19 0.000750.C153 250 2,27 0.012936.K163 260 2,35 0.000751.Z173 270 2,43 0.012937.L183 280 2,51 0.000752.S193 290 2,59 0.012938.R203 300 2,67 0.000753.T213 310 2,75 0.012939.V223 320 2,83 0.012940.A233 330 2,91 0.012941.W243 340 2,99 0.012942.X253 350 3,07 0.012943.Z263 360 3,15 0.012944.S273 370 3,23 0.012945.T283 380 3,31 0.012946.R293 390 3,39 0.012947.V303 400 3,47 0.012948.D313 410 3,55 0.012949.E323 420 3,63 0.012950.C333 430 3,71 0.012951.Z343 440 3,79 0.012952.S353 450 3,87 0.012953.T363 460 3,95 0.012954.R373 470 4,03 0.012955.V383 480 4,11 0.012956.W393 490 4,19 0.012957.X403 500 4,27 0.012958.F413 510 4,35 0.012959.G423 520 4,43 0.012960.E433 530 4,51 0.012961.T443 540 4,59 0.012962.R453 550 4,67 0.012963.V463 560 4,75 0.012964.W473 570 4,83 0.012965.X483 580 4,91 0.012966.Z493 590 4,99 0.012967.S503 600 5,07 0.012968.ANaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/3aSim. UNI 5912Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM30 3,5 40 66 14 80 0,63 0.000707.W24 90 0,68 0.000708.E34 100 0,74 0.000709.F44 110 0,79 0.012896.K54 120 0,85 0.000710.R72 58 130 0,90 0.012897.L68 140 0,95 0.000711.Q78 150 1,01 0.012898.R88 160 1,06 0.000712.H98 170 1,12 0.012536.H108 180 1,17 0.000713.K118 190 1,22 0.012539.R128 200 1,28 0.000714.L85 125 210 1,34 0.012541.V135 220 1,41 0.000715.M145 230 1,47 0.012543.X155 240 1,54 0.000716.N165 250 1,60 0.012899.V175 260 1,66 0.012900.B185 270 1,73 0.012901.X195 280 1,79 0.012902.Z205 290 1,86 0.012903.S215 300 1,92 0.012904.T225 310 1,98 0.012905.R235 320 2,05 0.012906.V245 330 2,11 0.012907.W255 340 2,18 0.012908.E265 350 2,24 0.012909.F275 360 2,30 0.012910.R285 370 2,37 0.012911.Q295 380 2,43 0.012912.H305 390 2,50 0.012913.K315 400 2,56 0.012914.L325 410 2,62 0.012915.M335 420 2,69 0.012916.N345 430 2,75 0.012917.P355 440 2,82 0.012918.X365 450 2,88 0.012919.Z375 460 2,94 0.012920.W385 470 3,01 0.012921.K395 480 3,07 0.012922.L405 490 3,14 0.012923.M415 500 3,20 0.012924.N425 510 3,26 0.012925.P435 520 3,33 0.012926.Q445 530 3,39 0.012927.H455 540 3,46 0.012928.S465 550 3,52 0.012929.TNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/2eSim. UNI 5911 STANDARD N°REV. 01PAGINAPAGEDIOFSOSTITUISCEREPLACES3.150.400 - 3.150.4017.300.120 - 7.300.121ALL. 02-P.05 di 12 - Prigionieri. ANN. 02-P.05 of 12 - Studs.10 313.100.401Fig. A02.1/1Lato radiceStud endLato dadoNut endbmu45°u45°(1): In alternativa (per d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Bonificato.(1): Alternative (for d ≤ 40) EN 10083-1 - C40E+QT Quenched & Tempered.Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM48x3 3 62 102 18 120 2,47 0.000765.X108 22 130 2,61 0.013003.X32 140 2,75 0.000766.Z42 150 2,89 0.013004.Z52 160 3,02 0.000767.S62 170 3,16 0.013005.S72 180 3,30 0.000768.A82 190 3,44 0.013006.T92 200 3,58 0.000769.B121 89 210 3,72 0.013007.R99 220 3,86 0.000770.G109 230 4,00 0.013008.C119 240 4,14 0.000771.V129 250 4,28 0.013009.D139 260 4,42 0.000772.W149 270 4,56 0.013010.S159 280 4,70 0.000773.X169 290 4,84 0.013011.N179 300 4,98 0.000774.Z189 310 5,12 0.013012.P199 320 5,26 0.013013.Q209 330 5,40 0.010689.L219 340 5,54 0.013014.H229 350 5,68 0.013015.K239 360 5,82 0.010691.E249 370 5,96 0.013016.L259 380 6,10 0.013017.M269 390 6,24 0.010693.G279 400 6,38 0.013018.V289 410 6,52 0.010695.B299 420 6,66 0.013019.W309 430 6,80 0.010697.D319 440 6,94 0.013020.R329 450 7,08 0.013021.Q339 460 7,22 0.010699.N349 470 7,36 0.013022.H359 480 7,50 0.010701.Q369 490 7,64 0.013023.K379 500 7,78 0.010704.L389 510 7,92 0.013024.L399 520 8,06 0.013025.M409 530 8,20 0.010707.P419 540 8,34 0.013026.N429 550 8,48 0.013027.P439 560 8,62 0.010710.M449 570 8,76 0.013028.X459 580 8,90 0.010713.C469 590 9,04 0.013029.Z479 600 9,18 0.013030.WNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/3cSim. UNI 5912Codice /CodedP PassoPitchbm b L-b LMassaMasskgM42x3 3 55 90 10 100 1,60 0.000754.R20 110 1,71 0.012969.B30 120 1,82 0.000755.V96 34 130 1,92 0.012970.G44 140 2,03 0.000756.W54 150 2,13 0.012971.V64 160 2,24 0.000757.X74 170 2,35 0.012972.W84 180 2,45 0.000758.F94 190 2,57 0.012973.X104 200 2,67 0.000759.G109 101 210 2,78 0.012974.Z111 220 2,88 0.000760.E121 230 2,99 0.012975.S131 240 3,10 0.000761.T141 250 3,21 0.012545.S151 260 3,32 0.000762.R161 270 3,43 0.054914.W171 280 3,54 0.000763.V181 290 3,65 0.012549.D191 300 3,76 0.000764.W201 310 3,87 0.012976.T211 320 3,98 0.010688.K221 330 4,09 0.012977.R231 340 4,20 0.012978.C241 350 4,31 0.010690.H251 360 4,42 0.054734.A261 370 4,53 0.012980.T271 380 4,64 0.010692.F281 390 4,75 0.012981.P291 400 4,86 0.012982.Q301 410 4,97 0.012983.H311 420 5,08 0.012984.K321 430 5,19 0.012985.L331 440 5,30 0.012986.M341 450 5,41 0.012987.N351 460 5,52 0.012988.W361 470 5,63 0.012989.X371 480 5,74 0.012990.V381 490 5,85 0.012991.H391 500 5,96 0.012992.K401 510 6,07 0.012993.L411 520 6,18 0.012994.M421 530 6,29 0.012995.N431 540 6,40 0.012996.P441 550 6,51 0.012997.Q451 560 6,62 0.012998.Z461 570 6,73 0.012999.S471 580 6,84 0.013000.G481 590 6,95 0.013001.V491 600 7,06 0.013002.WNaturale/PlainCl. 5.8 (1)EN ISO 898-1Tab. A02.1/3bSim. UNI 5912 [...]... ricavato -Barre filettate adatte per filettature interne "Destre": -ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2 -3 Tolleranza 6H -Categ ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A" d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B" -Manufact according to: - DIN 97 6-1 -General prescriptions: ISO 8992 -Thread: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 Tolerance 6g -Materials: See table -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Finishing:... 1-2 -3 -Tolerance stud end: Sk6 DIN 1 3-5 1 (2m UNI 7324) -Tolerance nut end: 6g ISO 96 5-1 -Materials: See table -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Finishing: See table -Required Marking: Property class -Studs suitable for internal threads "Right": -ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 Tolerance 6H -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A" d > M16 (M16x1,5) -. .. 4042) Ex des.: 0.050218.T - Threaded rod DIN 97 6-1 - M20x1000 Cl 4.8 - EN ISO 89 8-1 Plain (or Coated Fe/Zn5 ISO 4042) -Fabbricaz secondo: - DIN 97 6-1 -Prescrizioni generali: ISO 8992 -Filettatura: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2 -3 .Tolleranza 6g -Materiali: Vedere tabella -Categorie ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Finitura: Vedere tabella -Marcatura richiesta: Classe... 8992 -Filettatura: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2 -3 -Tolleranza lato radice: Sk6 DIN 1 3-5 1 (2m UNI 7324) -Tolleranza lato dado: 6g ISO 96 5-1 -Materiali: Vedere tabella -Categorie ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Finitura: Vedere tabella -Marcatura richiesta: Classe di resistenza -Prigionieri adatti per filettature interne "Destre": -ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2 -3 Tolleranza... 1000 1000 1000 1000 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 + /-4 ,5 0,502 0,728 0,995 1,33 1,65 2,08 2,56 3,00 3,88 4,74 5,81 6,88 9,41 12,4 Codice /Code Naturale Plain Tab A03.1/3 DIN 97 6-1 Passo fine - Fine thread P l Passo d Pitch mm M8x1 1,25 1000 Zincate Zinc coated Cl 4.8 Massa Mass kg Cl 4.8 Cl 5.8 EN ISO 89 8-1 EN ISO 89 8-1 + /-4 ,5 0,319 0.160962.H... 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Tiranti complet filettati adatti per filettature interne "Destre": -ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2 -3 ) Tolleranza 6H -Categ ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A" d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B" -Certificazione (vedere tabella): -ASTM A193 punto 18 (EN 10204 - 3.1B) -ASTM A193 punto 18.2 (EN 10204 - 2.2) -Manufact accord to: - ASME B16.5 -General prescriptions:... ASME B16.5 -Thread: ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 ) Tolerance 6g -Materials: See table -Finishing: See table -Required Marking: Property class -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Stud bolts full threaded suitable for internal threads "Right": -ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 ) Tolerance 6H -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A" d... accord to: - ASME B16.5 -General prescriptions: ASME B16.5 -Thread: ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 ) Tolerance 6g -Material: ASTM A193 - B7 -Finishing: Rolled and oiled -Required Marking: Property class -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Stud bolts full threaded suitable for internal threads "Right": -ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 ) Tolerance... ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 Parti 1-2 -3 ) Tolleranza 6H -Materiale: ASTM A194 2H (per dadi in acciaio al carbonio con passo fine applicare EN ISO 89 8-6 ) -Finitura: Naturale -Categorie ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M16 (M16x1,5) - "A" d > M16 (M16x1,5) - "B" -Dadi adatti per filettature esterne "Destre": -ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 P. 1-2 -3 ) Tolleranza 6g -Categ ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l... (M16x1,5) - "B" -Nuts suitable for external threads "Right": -ASME B1.13M (ISO 261-ISO 965 P. 1-2 -3 ) Tolerance 6g -Grades ISO 475 9-1 : d ≤ M24; l ≤ 10d o 150 mm - "A" d > M24; l > 10d o 150 mm - "B" -Certificate: ASTM A194 point 13 (EN 10204 - 3.1B) -Nota: M27 e ≥ M33x2 non previsti nella Norma ASME B18.2.4.1M -Note: M27 and ≥ M33x2 not foreseen by ASME B18.2.4.1M ALL 51-P.07 di 09 - 50-ASME "Metrici" - Tiranti, . DIN 97 6-1 .A0 3- Threaded rods.A03. 1- .. DIN 97 6-1 .Fig. A03.1/1-Fabbricaz. secondo: - DIN 97 6-1 .-Prescrizioni generali: ISO 8992.-Filettatura: ISO 261-ISO. 2.3.009.-General prescriptions: ISO 8992.-Thread: ISO 261-ISO 965 Parts 1-2 -3 .-Tolerance stud end: Sk6 DIN 1 3-5 1 (2m UNI 7324).-Tolerance nut end: 6g ISO 96 5-1 .-Materials: