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  • HANOI – 2019


    • CODE: 9220201.01

  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Van

  • HANOI – 2019

Nội dung

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ***** HOANG TRA MY CONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS IN OFFICE SETTINGS: A STUDY BASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIES (Mở thoại kết thoại bối cảnh văn phòng: Nghiên cứu liệu phim Mỹ phim Việt) A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics HANOI – 2019 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ***** HOANG TRA MY CONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS IN OFFICE SETTINGS: A STUDY BASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIES (Mở thoại kết thoại bối cảnh văn phòng: Nghiên cứu liệu phim Mỹ phim Việt) MAJOR: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CODE: 9220201.01 A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics Supervisor: Prof Dr Hoang Van Van HANOI – 2019 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify my authority of the dissertation submitted entitled CONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS IN OFFICE SETTINGS: A STUDY BASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIES In fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics at Vietnam National University, Hanoi Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the dissertation Hoang Tra My HANOI, 2019 i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deep gratefulness and my sincere gratitude to many people without whose help the present dissertation could not have been completed First and foremost, I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Prof Dr Hoang Van Van, for his invaluable guidance, insightful comments, endless support and conscientious supervision Throughout the course of this work, I wish to express my deep indebtedness to him for his kindness of giving me useful feedback and advice regarding the dissertation as well as his constant encouragement to help me to overcome obstacles in accomplishing my dissertation I am also extremely thankful to Dr Huynh Anh Tuan, the Dean of Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for his knowledgeable suggestions, support, understanding and kindness My gratitude also goes to all the lecturers and examiners for their value support and scholar knowledge that I benefited from their teachings and lectures at all levels of the research project I particularly extend my warm thanks to Prof Dr Nguyen Hoa, Prof Dr Nguyen Quang, and Assoc Prof Dr Le Hung Tien for their insightful comments and suggestions to my dissertation My sincere gratitude also goes to the personnel departments, administrators and language and informatics center of Mien Trung University of Civil Engineering for their generosity of creating all favourable conditions including time, financial supports, and permission for me to conduct the research Also, I am indebted to my friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to finish this study Lastly, I wish to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my parents, my husband and my son for their support to help me overcome the obstacles and challenges during the process of accomplishing this study Also, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to my husband for his tolerance, endurance, patience, and supports for me as well as his devoted care for our little son when I am busy with this dissertation Without his immense help, love, encouragement and sacrifice, this work could not have been completed ii ABSTRACT Under the cross-cultural pragmatic perspective, this study aims at yielding insights into the way Americans and Vietnamese open and close a conversation in office settings Specifically, the purpose of this study is to identify opening and closing structures formed with sequences as well as verbal strategies employed in each sequence In addition, the justification and interpretation of conversational opening and closing processes are primarily grounded on the cultural background of the two languages Methodologically, the data are staff-manager conversations occurring in office settings and gathered in American and Vietnamese movies Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied in the present study The data are coded qualitatively and manually based on the concept-driven categories and data-driven categories Then, the recurrent patterns of conversational opening and closing sequences and strategies are quantified to assist the process of comparison and contrast between the two languages The dissertation discloses meaningful and practical findings Regarding the structures, conversational opening and closing sections in both languages are complete discourse structures Sequentially, opening sections are constructed with four sequences including summons-answer, greeting, phatic communion and topic initiation whilst closing sections are formed with three sequences namely topic termination, pre-closing and terminal exchange In terms of strategies, opening and closing strategies are analyzed in each sequence Totally, there are 26 opening strategies including three summons-answer strategies, four greeting strategies, 15 phatic communion strategies and four topic initiation strategies whilst there are 22 closing strategies including four topic termination strategies, 15 pre-closing strategies and three terminal exchange strategies These findings indicate that the main part of English and Vietnamese opening and closing sections is phatic talk, functioning to assist the transition to and from a conversation smoothly and politely In summary, from the findings of the study, significant applications and suggestions are given The close-knit relationship between language and culture as well as between language and power proved in the study suggests that language users need to acquire both linguistic and pragmatic input to master a target language The findings of the study are beneficial to Vietnamese learners and users of English, learners of Vietnamese as a foreign language and teachers because they serve as guidance for teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Vietnam iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement of authorship i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv List of figures .ix List of tables ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale .1 1.2 Aims and research questions of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Research methodology 1.6 Organization of the study CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction 2.1 Theoretical concepts .8 2.1.1 Conversation The concept of conversation Mundane and institutional conversations .9 Conversations in office settings .10 2.1.2 Conversational opening and closing 11 The concept of conversational opening 11 The concept of conversational closing 12 Opening and closing sequences .13 2.1.3 Phatic communion 15 The concept of phatic communion 15 Phatic communion in office settings 16 Phatic communion in conversational opening and closing 17 2.2 Cross-cultural pragmatics 18 2.2.1 Pragmatics and politeness theory 18 Pragmatics .18 The concepts of face and politeness .18 Politeness theory in conversational opening and closing .20 iv 2.2.2 Workplace cultures 21 High vs low context cultures 21 Power distance .22 Individualism-collectivism 23 2.3 Review of related studies 24 2.3.1 Previous studies on conversational opening 24 Telephone conversational opening 24 Greetings .25 Opening of different types of conversations 29 2.3.2 Previous studies on conversational closing .32 Conversational closing 32 Closing of different types of conversation .34 Face-to-face conversational closing .38 2.3.3 Previous studies on conversational opening and closing 40 Openings and closings of different types of conversation 40 Openings and closings of face-to-face conversations 43 2.4 Theoretical framework: concept-driven categories 45 2.4.1 Conversational opening sequences and strategies 45 2.4.2 Conversational closing sequences and strategies .47 2.5 Summary .51 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY Introduction 53 3.1 Research questions .53 3.2 Research methods 54 3.3 Data collection 55 3.3.1 Review of data collection methods 55 3.3.2 Justification for collection of scripted conversations 57 3.3.3 Justification for collection of data in office settings 58 3.3.4 Data selection criteria 59 3.3.5 Data collection procedures 61 3.3.6 Data description 61 3.4 Data analysis 63 3.4.1 Phases of content analysis .63 3.4.2 Pre-coding .64 v 3.4.3 Coding .65 Qualitative content analysis 65 Coding with concept-driven categories 66 Coding with data-driven categories .68 3.4.4 Analytical procedures 69 3.5 Summary 70 CHAPTER IV: ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE CONVERSATIONAL OPENINGS IN OFFICE SETTINGS Introduction 71 4.1 English and Vietnamese opening structures in office settings 71 4.1.1 English and Vietnamese opening sequences in office settings 71 4.1.2 English and Vietnamese opening structures formed with sequences .75 English and Vietnamese one-sequence opening structure 76 English and Vietnamese two-sequence opening structure 79 English and Vietnamese three-sequence opening structure 84 English and Vietnamese four-sequence opening structure .87 The disorder of English and Vietnamese opening sequences 89 Concluding remarks .90 4.2 English and Vietnamese opening strategies in office settings 91 4.2.1 English and Vietnamese summons-answer strategies 93 Knocking on the door 94 Calling the other’s address term 97 Using attention-getting tokens .100 Concluding remarks .100 4.2.2 English and Vietnamese greeting strategies 101 Using greeting verb .103 Calling the other’s address term 108 Using time-bound greeting 111 Using greeting proper 112 Concluding remarks .112 4.2.3 English and Vietnamese phatic communion strategies 113 Referring to the other's state 116 Referring to the current situation/ work 117 Referring to previous task/ action 117 vi Asking confirmation question 118 Inviting the other to sit down 119 Referring to oneself’s state 120 Referring to personal life at home 121 Inviting the other to come in 122 Offering a drink .122 Expressing surprise 124 Referring to external circumstances/ objects .124 Expressing pleasure, expressing apology and expressing thanks 125 Asking/ checking for the other’s availability for talking 126 Concluding remarks .126 4.2.4 English and Vietnamese topic initiation strategies 127 Asking for the reason of the talk 128 Telling the reason of the talk 129 Using disjunct markers 130 Using topic initiation devices 131 Concluding remarks .132 4.3 Summary .133 CHAPTER V: ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE CONVERSATIONAL CLOSING IN OFFICE SETTINGS Introduction 135 5.1 English and Vietnamese closing structures in office settings .135 5.1.1 English and Vietnamese closing sequences in office settings 135 5.1.2 English and Vietnamese closing structures formed with sequences 138 English and Vietnamese one-sequence closing structure .138 English and Vietnamese two-sequence closing structure .141 English and Vietnamese three-sequence closing structure .144 Concluding remarks .145 5.2 English and Vietnamese closing strategies in office settings 145 5.2.1 English and Vietnamese topic termination strategies 147 Using agreement tokens 147 Using disjunct markers 149 Asking for any further topic 150 Informing the ending of the conversation 150 vii Concluding remarks .151 5.2.2 English and Vietnamese pre-closing strategies 151 Giving summaries/ results of the contact .153 Referring to future contact/ actions 154 Expressing gratitude/ thanks/ acknowledgement 155 Informing the other of the need to leave (reasons/ excuses) 156 Referring to external circumstances/ objects 157 Giving wish expressions 158 Expressing apology .159 Referring to the other’s state 160 Referring to oneself’s state 161 Assigning the other tasks/ actions 162 Allowing/ asking the other to leave 163 Paying the other a compliment 164 Undertaking a task .165 Reassuring the other 166 Encouraging the other 167 Concluding remarks .168 5.2.3 English and Vietnamese terminal exchange strategies 169 Saying goodbye .170 Asking the other’s permission for leaving .171 Informing the other of the leaving 171 Concluding remarks .172 5.3 Summary .172 CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Recapitulation .174 6.2 Conclusions 176 6.3 Implications 179 6.4 Limitations and suggestions for further research 181 REFERENCES 183 APPENDIX 201 viii Manager: Cậu ngồi Kế này, chuyện hôm cậu đánh thằng Cư xảy chuyện lớn Tơi nghe nói gia đình họ muốn kiện cậu tòa Cậu có biết chuyện khơng? Staff: Em khơng biết gia đình họ lại kiện em ạ? 32 33 34 35 Cảnh sát hình - Chạy án (Phần 1) (Tập – 13:48) Manager: (Knocking on the door) Staff: Mời vào, Chào ạ! Manager: Chào cháu Nào, tơi đến xem anh làm việc Staff: (showing the screen of computer to him) Manager: Hay đấy, vấn đề nghiên cứu hay Cháu làm đi, cần hỗ trợ Cháu phải làm ntn để khách hàng sử dụng thẻ điện tử ngân hàng khơng bị bọn hacker lấy trộm mật mã Câu hỏi số (tập –24:40) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Vào đi! Staff: Anh ạ! Manager: Anh ngồi Đề xuất anh ko chấp nhận Quý bố già tên trùm nguy hiểm Nguyệt thực (Tập 23 – 11:25) Manager: Hân! Staff: Ơ, anh Hồng! Manager: Cơ khơng chứ? Hơm làm sớm vậy? Staff: Dạ!tại tối hơm qua em bị ngủ Manager: Ừ!nếu nhà nghỉ ngơi Tôi không khắt khe với phụ nữ đâu Staff: À, chuyện anh nhờ em, em nói với cậu Hòa Cậu Hòa nói thu xếp cho anh em gặp tổng giám đốc công ty IQ Manager: Ừ!vậy tốt Suits (season 3, episode – 5:35) Staff: Jessica 203 kinship term (subject) + greeting verb + address term: kinship term (the partner) + polite particle - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices: personal name + Interjection (Này) - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Greeting Strategy: greeting verb + Address term: kinship term (the partner) + polite particle - Greeting Strategy: greeting verb + Address term: kinship term (the partner) - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices (Nào) - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Greeting Strategy: Address term: kinship term (the partner) + polite particle - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Greeting Strategy: surprise marker (Ơ) + Address term: kinship term (the partner) + address term: personal name - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (early coming) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to personal life at home - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the current situation/ work - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices (À) - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name 36 37 38 39 40 Manager: Harvey Staff: I don't recall giving you my key Manager: I don't recall authorizing you to negotiate behind Deron Williams' back Staff: His back is just fine I'm standing right behind it Manager: Then why is the contract he signed in my hand? How much did you ask for? Madam Secretary (season 1, episode – 15:51) Staff: Madam Secretary, Mr Jackson is asking to see you Manager: Already? He wants an update on the pipeline report? I You can tell him this: I'm on page 411 and I have real problems with it Have you read this? Designated survivor (season 1, episode 12 – 1:51) Staff: Mr Vice President Manager: Seth, I thought you'd be at the hospital Staff: Just got back Manager: How is he? Staff: Recovering rapidly The president should be back in the residence by the end of the week Designated survivor (season 1, episode – 01:25) Staff: Good morning, Mr President Manager: Morning Anything happen during the three hours I slept? Staff: Per your orders Pentagon's working around the clock to find Majid Nassar Schools have reopened Suits (season 3, episode 14 – 23:15) Staff: Hi Manager: Hi Staff: I heard you were back Should you be doing that? Manager: Prescribed Light walking Need to get the blood flowing Staff: Okay Good Look, Louis, I am I'm sorry about what happened I really am Manager: Well, I'm gonna be fine, Rachel Staff: Good I actually wanted to talk to you about a contracts issue Suits (season 3, episode 11 – 24:41) 204 - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (the presence of the other) - Greeting Strategy: Address term: honorific + title - Summons-answer Strategy: Address term: honorific + title - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (the presence) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to previous task/ action - Greeting Strategy: Time-bound greeting + Address term: honorific + title - Greeting Strategy: Time-bound greeting - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hi) - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hi) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (walking in his office) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself - Topic Initiation Strategy: Using disjunct marker: Okay – Look - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hi) + Address term: 41 42 43 Manager: Hi, Donna Staff: Hi, Louis Manager: I'm nothing if not a big man, and I am not ashamed to admit when I am wrong Staff: You got Mike's transcript Manager: Arrived this morning Suits (season 2, episode – 34:15) Manager: Good morning, Monica Staff: Jessica Manager: You look tired Did you get much rest last night? Staff: I want to explain Manager: I'm not here for excuses Staff: Then why are you here? Cảnh sát hình - Chạy án (Phần 1) (Tập – 23:50) Staff: Anh ạ! Manager: Ờ, Cậu làm số à? Staff: Vâng ạ! Manager: Mấy phim? Staff: Báo cáo anh 11 rưỡi Manager: À, cậu đưa lại cho tơi viết cơng ty Hồng Qn Staff: Anh định in à? Manager: Theo cậu có nên khơng? Staff: Nếu đăng tốt q Madam Secretary (season 1, episode – 34:20) Staff: Hey Manager: Hey Staff: Uh, I was just headed to you Manager: What's that? Staff: A speech that should shake up the standoff Are there any metaphors? I'm kind of off metaphors for a while Staff: Uh, Saigal needs to push around the U.S before accepting its aid, right? 205 personal name - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hi) + Address term: personal name - Greeting Strategy: Time-bound greeting + Address term: personal name - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (being tired) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to personal life at home - Greeting Strategy: Address term: kinship term (the partner) + polite particle - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the current situation/ work - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices (à) - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hey) - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hey) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to previous task/ action - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk 44 45 46 47 Manager: Unfortunately, yes Suits (season 1, episode – 8:10) Staff: You wanted to see me? Manager: Sit down I looked through your work on the Bainbridge briefs Spectacular You caught the discrepancies between listed assets and potential assets That had a huge impact, Mike Staff: Yeah, I know Millions But anyone would've caught that, right? Đối thủ kỳ phùng (Tập 29 – 5:40) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Mời vào! Staff: Anh Thiết Manager: Chào anh Staff: Anh cho gọi à? Manager: Vâng, mời anh ngồi Hơm tơi định gặp anh để nói chuyện anh lại Hà Nội công tác nhân xin cảm ơn anh Tuy gửi Hoa chúc mừng ngày cưới vợ chồng tôi, thật cảm động trước lòng anh Staff: Thấy anh vui tơi mừng, tơi thành thật chúc mừng vợ chồng anh hp bên Manager: Xin cảm ơn anh Staff: Nghe nói anh bị điều tập huấn cho hội nghị xúc tiến đầu tư tỉnh Manager: Họ nói đích danh giám đốc sở ban ngành phải mà không cho thay Câu hỏi số (tập –24:40) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Vào đi! Staff: Anh cho gọi ạ? Manager: Ờ! Anh ngồi Anh nắm thông tin kẻ biến chất đội ngũ ta chưa? Staff: Tơi tìm người tin tưởng ngầm điều tra Tôi không muốn rút dây động rừng Mưa bóng mây (Tập 20– 4:00) 206 - Phatic Strategy: Asking confirmation question - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Greeting Strategy: Address term: kinship term (the partner) + address term: personal name - Greeting Strategy: greeting verb + Address term: kinship term (the partner) - Phatic Strategy: Asking confirmation question - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Phatic Strategy: Referring to previous task/ action - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself (happy) - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Phatic Strategy: Asking confirmation question - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Summons-answer Strategy: Address term: kinship term + 48 Staff: Chị ơi, Manager: Chị đau đầu quá, em? Staff: Chị ơi, sau chị tuyên bố cho anh Nghĩa rút vốn từ mặt hàng khác để đầu tư nhập mặt hàng cao cấp anh phụ trách anh làm tay ảnh hưởng đến lợi nhuận Designated survivor (season 1, episode – 9:35) Staff: Morning, Mr President Did you get any sleep? Manager: I'm sure that bedroom's seen a lot of things, but I don't think a good night's sleep is one of them Look, I need you to stay on top of the Nassar investigation Use every resource our intelligence community has to offer Staff: Absolutely, sir 49 Đối thủ kỳ phùng (Tập – 30:00) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Mời vào! Staff: Cháu chào ạ! Manager: Thức à, vào cháu Cháu ngồi Có việc vậy? Staff: Thưa chú, cháu nghe nói tập đồn Bỉnh Sơn tích cực xin giảm án cho tay cựu trưởng phòng Vũ Cư, em ruột Vũ Gia, phó viện trưởng viện kiểm sốt thành phố Manager: Tin tức lan truyền nhanh thế, cháu nghe đâu vậy? Mọi người bàn tán chuyện nhiều 50 Câu hỏi số (tập –20:00) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Vào đi! Staff: Chào thủ trưởng! 207 Interjection - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk “what is this?” - Greeting Strategy: Time-bound greeting + Address term: honorific + title - Phatic Strategy: Referring to personal life at home (sleeping) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to personal life at home (sleeping) - Topic Initiation Strategy: Using disjunct marker: Look - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Greeting Strategy: Address term: kinship term (subject) + greeting verb + Address term: kinship term (the partner) + polite particle - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name + polite particle (à) - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to come in - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk (What’s up?) - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices (honorific particle + Address term: kinship term (the partner) (thưa chú) - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Greeting Strategy: greeting verb + address term: title 51 52 53 54 Manager: Cậu ngồi đi! Staff: Vâng ạ! Mời thủ trưởng uống nước Manager: Tay cậu rồi? Staff: Đạn sượt qua Manager: Do Linh công tử làm? Designated survivor (season 1, episode – 2:00) Manager: Congresswoman, what a pleasant surprise! Staff: Sir, it's been a whole week since Majid Nassar confessed to the Capitol bombing The entire country is on pins and needles Where are we on our search? Suits (season 2, episode 13 – 12:23) Staff: Louis I just need I just-Manager: Yeah Staff: Looks delicious What is that? Manager: It's a spinach and kale power smoothie I'm in the middle of my quarterly cleanse Manager: What you want? Staff: To apologize for any misunderstanding we might have had Manager: That you might have had Staff: I had And it was huge I looked up your record You're a white-collar genius Designated survivor (season 1, episode 16 – 19:36) Manager: Kimble, how nice to see you Staff: Thank you, sir I know you've got a Senate vote coming up fast, so I won't take much of your time What I came to tell you is, with the proper encouragement, I think a few moderate Republicans in the Senate might just vote yes Manager: What kind of encouragement are we talking about? Designated survivor (season 1, episode – 10:28) Staff: Thank you for taking the time, Mr President Manager: I'll always make time for you, Kimble Staff: I know how busy you must be since your schedule's been cleared of most every appointment I suppose you could say I’m looking for explanations 208 - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to drink - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself - Greeting Strategy: Address term: title - Phatic Strategy: Expressing surprise - Greeting Strategy: Address term: honorific - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Phatic Strategy: Referring to external circumstances/ objects - Phatic Strategy: Referring to external circumstances/ objects - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Phatic Strategy: Expressing pleasure - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (being busy) - Topic Initiation Strategy: Telling the reason of the talk (What I came to tell you is…) - Phatic Strategy: Expressing thanks (for seeing) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the other’s state (being busy) 55 56 57 58 59 In one day, you fired your Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and arrested a sitting governor It's erratic, sir And now I find out that parking lot H at the Pentagon was full this morning at 3:00 a.m Madam Secretary (season 1, episode – 17:52) Staff: Madam Secretary, I'm sorry to interrupt Manager: Did you hear back from the China desk? Staff: Uh, yes We're holding a Chinese spy that Beijing very much wants back Suits (season 2, episode – 33:38) Manager: Louis, got a minute? Staff: I'm a little busy, but sure Manager: I deserve that A little payback among senior partners is fair play Staff: I'm listening Suits (season 2, episode – 38:24) Manager: Mind if I come in? Staff: Uh, truth be told, I was taking off for the afternoon Manager: Late night? Staff: Nothing I can't handle Manager: I believe it I heard your speech to the associates And I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was Staff: Thank you Manager: I always knew you were the right man for the job, so it feels good to see it in action Ván tình yêu (Tập 19 – 34:39) Manager: Ngồi con! Staff: Dạ! Manager: Có chuyện muốn nói với hả? Staff: Dạ, suy nghĩ kĩ cô Chuyện mà hôm trước cô muốn giúp cho vào trường Tư thục, thấy công việc cô bận thật khơng muốn làm phiền chuyện riêng Suits (season 2, episode13 – 27:28) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Louis Manager: Hi, Donna What can I for you? 209 - Greeting Strategy: Address term: honorific + title - Phatic Strategy: Expressing apology (for interrupting) - Summons-answer Strategy: Address term: personal name - Phatic Strategy: Asking/ checking for the other’s availability for talking - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself (being busy) - Phatic Strategy: Asking/ checking for the other’s availability for talking - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the current situation/ work (being busy) - Phatic Strategy: Asking/ checking for the other’s availability for talking - Phatic Strategy: Referring to the current situation/ work (ability of handling work) - Phatic Strategy: Referring to previous task/ action - Topic Initiation Strategy: Telling the reason of the talk - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Greeting Strategy: Address term: personal name - Greeting Strategy: greeting proper (hi) + Address term: 60 61 62 63 64 Staff: Not for me For Katrina Manager: Which one's Katrina again? Staff: Okay, you know what? You've had your fun Time to let it go Madam Secretary (season 1, episode – 24:44) Staff: Good evening, Russell Manager: I have something to say that the president thought you should hear in person Staff: I'm sure it gives you no pleasure to say it Manager: That speech of yours was reckless, impulsive, damn near insubordinate Ván tình yêu (Tập 15 – 33:28) Staff: Bác cho gọi ạ? Manager: Ừ Con ngồi Bác có chuyện muốn hỏi Staff: Dạ Chuyện bác? Manager: Giữa Ngọc cấp có vấn đề khơng? Staff: Sao tự dưng bác lại hỏi vậy? Designated survivor (season 1, episode 18 – 14:03) Manager: Madam Speaker Staff: Mr President Manager: Well, this afternoon took a turn, didn't it? Staff: Yes, sir Please Staff: Thank you Đối thủ kỳ phùng (Tập – 27:50) Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Mời vào! Man: Dạ, em chào anh ạ! Manager: Cậu ngồi Kế này, chuyện hôm cậu đánh thằng Cư xảy chuyện lớn Tơi nghe nói gia đình họ muốn kiện cậu tòa Cậu có biết chuyện khơng? Staff: Em khơng biết gia đình họ lại kiện em ạ? Đối thủ kỳ phùng (Tập 26 – 5:41) 210 personal name - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk - Greeting Strategy: Time-bound greeting + Address term: personal name - Topic Initiation Strategy: Telling the reason of the talk “I have something to say that…” - Phatic Strategy: Asking confirmation question - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Topic Initiation Strategy: Telling the reason of the talk “I have something to ask you” - Topic Initiation Strategy: Asking for the reason of the talk - Greeting Strategy: Address term: honorific + title - Greeting Strategy: Address term: honorific + title - Topic Initiation Strategy: Using disjunct marker: Well - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Greeting Strategy: polite particle + Address term: kinship term (subject) + greeting verb + address term: kinship term (the partner) + polite particle - Phatic Strategy: inviting the other to sit down - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices: personal name + Interjection (Này) - Summons-answer Strategy: Knocking on the door Staff: (Knocking on the door) Manager: Mời vào! Staff: Dạ!báo cáo chú, cháu mời họp Manager: Thôi 65 66 67 68 69 70 English and Vietnamese closing extracts House of cards (season 2, episode - 12:45) Manager: Anything cheap Staff: Goes to the interns Manager: You know what to with the cards Staff: Yes, sir Scandal (season 1, episode - 14:41) Staff: Since when are you two on opposite sides? Liv's one of us Manager: Fix the Keating thing Now Nguyệt thực (Tập - 17:16) Staff: Nhưng mà kêu xem thường cách viết khơng thể làm Con chào chú! Suits (season 1, episode - 9:43) Staff: Okay, what’s gonna happen now? Manager: I suggest you get on the phone, call the patent office, and find out who beat us to it Then, you’re gonna have Donna find any judge who will listen, so we can get an injunction, and stop whoever it is from launching their product first Staff: Okay, got it Manager: Now I’ve gotta call Wyatt and calm him down Staff: Okay! House of cards (season 2, episode - 28:57) Manager: When I say I've heard it, you need to know I mean that Staff: Of course, sir Manager: Is there anything else? Staff: No, sir Good night Manager: Good night Ván tình yêu (Tập 17 - 20:40) 211 - Response to Summons-answer Strategy: Inviting the other to come in - Topic Initiation Strategy: Topic initiation devices (polite particle + reporting verb (báo cáo) + Address term: kinship term (the partner) Closing strategies - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens - Pre-closing Strategy: Assigning the other tasks/ actions - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Saying “goodbye” - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens - Pre-closing Strategy: Informing the other of the need to leave (reasons/ excuses) - Topic Termination Strategy: Asking for any further topic - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Saying “goodbye” - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens 71 72 73 74 75 76 Manager: Con gọi điện qua cho bên chủ đầu tư báo sai phạm Hoàng Gia Pháp đấu thầu Sau đó, báo cách xử lý sau Staff: Dạ, hiểu Con phòng làm liền Manager: ừ! Lập trình cho trái tim (Tập 24 - 9:17): Staff (woman): Ừm, việc em… Manager: Em suy nghĩ Nếu đồng ý báo cho anh để làm hồ sơ Staff: Vâng, em trả lời anh sớm Em xin phép ạ! Manager: Ừ Designated survivor (season 1, episode 9- 37:05) Staff: she seemed to be a bit obsessed with me I just hope she isn't trying to convince the speaker of any, uh, fantasy or conspiracy theory Manager: Thank you for letting me know I'll keep an eye out Staff: Yeah Manager: Good night, Peter Lập trình cho trái tim (Tập - 25:23) Staff: …………… Manager: ………… Manager: Thôi, để chiều mai nói sau vậy, anh phải họp chút Sáng mai vấn Staff: Dạ, Em trước anh ạ! Manager: Ờ! Nguyệt thực (Tập - 6:55) Manager: Nè Hồng Staff: Dạ! Manager: Em qua phòng Nam lấy hồ sơ giùm anh, nói anh cần gấp Staff: Dạ! Madam Secretary (season 1, episode - 00:32) Manager: Oh, and Matt you know I count on your discretion Staff: Of course Đối thủ kỳ phùng (Tập 24 - 13:54) Staff: …………… 212 - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Informing the other of the leaving - Pre-closing Strategy: Giving summaries/ results of the contact - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Asking the other’s permission for leaving - Pre-closing Strategy: Expressing gratitude/ thanks/ acknowledgement - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Saying “goodbye” - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers - Pre-closing Strategy: Informing the other of the need to leave (reasons/ excuses) - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Informing the other of the leaving - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers Terminal Exchange Strategy: Informing the other of the 77 78 79 80 81 82 Manager: ………… Manager: Khơng biết nữa, có vấn đề Thơi, tơi khơng muộn Staff: Vâng Suits (season 3, episode - 12:00) Manager: So you can think of this office as a reminder of what you did to Harvey or as a symbol of what you can accomplish at the firm Now, you still have something to say? Staff: No No I don’t Zippo, Mù tạt Em (Tập 32 - 22:55) Staff: Dạ, em khơng anh ạ! Anh cần không ạ? Manager: À, không Anh cảm ơn! Staff: Em xin phép ạ! Suits (season 3, episode 14 - 13:58) Manager: I don't know that And the man just had a heart attack And I'm not going to call him and ask him Staff: I know that, and I don't want you to Manager: Then this conversation is over Suits (season 2, episode - 23:31) Manager: And how much is that going to cost? Staff: 10% of the new equipment fund Nailed it Manager: So, all we need to is find a legal way to get at that money Staff: Yeah, so you want me to go tell Daniel how proud you are of me, or we that together later? Have, like, a group thing? Manager: I'll give him the good news Mưa bóng mây (Tập 14 - 00: 10) Manager: Cố gắng hoàn thành sớm nhá! Staff: Vâng ạ! Sếp yên tâm ạ! Designated survivor (season 1, episode 21 - 5:30) Staff: Tactical team's en route We'll have him in custody within the hour Manager: I want updates as soon as they come in Staff: Yes, sir 213 leaving - Topic Termination Strategy: Asking for any further topic - Topic Termination Strategy: Asking for any further topic - Pre-closing Strategy: Expressing gratitude/ pleasure/ thanks/ acknowledgement - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Asking the other’s permission for leaving - Topic Termination Strategy: Informing the ending of the conversation - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers - Pre-closing Strategy: Giving summaries/ results of the contact - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Reassuring the other - Pre-closing Strategy: Paying the other a compliment - Pre-closing Strategy: Expressing gratitude/ thanks/ acknowledgement 83 84 85 86 87 88 Manager: Great work, Director Foerstel Thank you Staff: Thank you, Mr President Zippo, Mù tạt Em (Tập 18 - 32:18) Staff: Anh ơi, có việc khơng ạ? Anh nói với em anh cơng tác kí nghiệm thu cho em mà Manager: Giờ anh có chút việc Có trao đổi sau nhá! Staff: Ơ Anh! Designated survivor (season 1, episode 20 - 28:16) (The President’s secretary informs him about a phone call) Staff: I'm sorry, sir Manager: Next time Suits (season 3, episode - 19:43) Manager: No, I don't But are you ready to use your relationship with Rachel to get her father to turn? Staff: Doesn't matter, because I'm not gonna that I'm just gonna use it to get him to hear me out in the first place Manager: Good luck with that House of cards (season 2, episode 10 - 25:03) Staff: I'll let Agent Rockland know Sorry for interrupting you, sir Manager: You didn't interrupt anything Staff: Good night, sir Manager: Good night, Meechum Câu hỏi số (tập -20:00) Manager: Tôi xem báo cáo cho ý kiến sau, trước mắt cậu tập trung vào chun án z141, nhiên có thơng tin báo lại cho tơi Staff: Vâng! Manager: Cậu viết đơn xin nghỉ phép ngày đi, vết thương xem không nhẹ đâu, đừng chủ quan Staff: Vâng, thưa thủ trưởng Tôi xin phép Manager: Ừ Đối thủ kỳ phùng (Tập 28 - 8:10) Manager:…………… 214 - Pre-closing Strategy: Informing the other of the need to leave (reasons/ excuses) - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to the external objects/ circumstances - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Giving wish expressions - Pre-closing Strategy: Expressing apology (for interrupting the other) - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Saying “goodbye” - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to the other’s state - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Asking the other’s permission for leaving - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Asking the other’s 89 90 91 92 93 94 Staff: Em hết cách rồi, dù em có nói hay có làm câu trả lời anh không đồng ý Em mệt lắm, em muốn phòng nghỉ ngơi Suits (season 2, episode - 40:30) Manager: But that’s okay I’ll go to somebody else Staff: Wait, Harvey Stop You don’t think I can win? Manager: I know you can’t This isn’t some bank loan, junior Staff: Get out I’ve got a trial to prepare for Manager: Good! House of cards (season 2, episode 11 - 14:01) Manager: Was there a message? Staff: No Just the watch Manager: Let's find Doug Staff: Right away, sir Cảnh sát hình - Chạy án (Phần 2) (Tập - 37:03) Staff: Dạ thưa bác, hai hôm trước Đức phải bệnh viện sốt xuất huyết ạ! Manager: Sao lại khéo chọn lúc để ốm Thôi được, cô gọi chánh văn phòng vào cho tơi nhá! Staff: Dạ, ạ! Cảnh sát hình - Chạy án (Phần 2) (Tập 14 - 15:40) Staff: điều dễ (Someone is knocking on the door) Manager: Thôi, em đi, anh có khách, đằng cửa ngách ý House of cards (season 2, episode - 37:15) Staff: We've exhausted our options It's either Blythe's people, or it won't pass Manager: They're too loyal to him Staff: Okay Go I'll figure it out Manager: I can stay if you need me Staff: No, get to your wife I know where to find you Designated survivor (season 1, episode 21 - 21:24) Staff: I met with General Cochrane He helped me put together this list of staffers inside of the Richmond Administration that fit the criteria we're talking about High-level access, involvement in choosing the Designated Survivor 215 permission for leaving - Pre-closing Strategy: Allowing/ asking the other to leave - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to the state of oneself (busy) - Pre-closing Strategy: Assigning the other tasks/ actions - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers - Pre-closing Strategy: Assigning the other tasks/ actions - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers - Pre-closing Strategy: Allowing/ asking the other to leave - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to the external circumstances - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens - Pre-closing Strategy: Allowing/ asking the other to leave - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Paying the other a compliment - Pre-closing Strategy: Assigning the other tasks/ actions 95 96 97 98 99 100 Manager: Great work Get these to Agent Ritter as quickly as possible Staff: Yes, sir House of cards (season 1, episode - 19:00) Manager: Somebody we control completely Staff: I'll keep my ear to the ground Manager: Good I haven't eaten since yesterday Suits (season 3, episode - 26:47) Staff: He won't be the problem Ava said she'd rather rot than see him take over her company Manager: I'll take care of Ava Nguyệt thực (Tập 11 - 17:46) Staff: …… Manager: ……… Staff: Dạ, em xin phép phòng kế tốn trước, xong việc anh gọi cho em nghe Còn việc chỉnh sửa hồ sơ dự án anh cố gắng hồn tất hôm Manager: Ok Tất hồ sơ bên phòng thuế gửi qua, cậu nói tụi giải êm đẹp, nha! Staff: Dạ, anh yên tâm! Manager: Ừ! Zippo, Mù tạt Em (Tập 22 - 14:43) Manager: Tôi bảo thư ký đặt vé cậu thu xếp công việc Staff: Ơ sếp mà em! Manager: Thơi cố lên Khi có vợ tơi tạo điều kiện cho Suits (season 3, episode - 24:44) Staff: Please tell me you never have Manager: Would I tell you if I had? Staff: I'll take that as a no Manager: Good night, Louis Hôn nhân ngõ hẹp (Tập - 15:40) Staff: (knocking on the door) Manager: Mời vào Staff: Em chào anh ạ! Anh xem giúp em tập hồ sơ ạ! 216 - Pre-closing Strategy: Undertaking the task - Pre-closing Strategy: Informing the other of the need to leave (reasons/ excuses) - Pre-closing Strategy: Undertaking the task - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Asking the other’s permission for leaving - Pre-closing Strategy: Giving summaries/ results of the contact - Pre-closing Strategy: Assigning the other tasks/ actions - Pre-closing Strategy: Reassuring the other - Topic Termination Strategy: Using disjunct markers - Pre-closing Strategy: Encouraging the other - Pre-closing Strategy: Referring to future contact/ actions - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Saying “goodbye” - Pre-closing Strategy: Expressing gratitude/ thanks/ acknowledgement - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Asking the other’s permission for leaving 101 Manager: Anh cảm ơn! Staff: Dạ! em xin phép ạ! Zippo, Mù tạt Em (Tập 21 - 28:48) Manager: Thế nên phải lưu ý Staff: Vâng em nhớ ạ! Manager: Ok Anh đây! Staff: Dạ! - Topic Termination Strategy: Using agreement tokens - Terminal Exchange Strategy: Informing the other of the leaving 217 ... OFFICE SETTINGS: A STUDY BASED ON AMERICAN AND VIETNAMESE MOVIES (Mở thoại kết thoại bối cảnh văn phòng: Nghiên cứu liệu phim Mỹ phim Việt) MAJOR: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CODE: 9220201.01 A dissertation... solidarity and rapport and also maintain good relationships between or among coworkers, so enhances strong working relations (Holmes, 2000; Pullin, 2010) Similarly, Tsang (2008) supposed that the major

Ngày đăng: 29/02/2020, 08:41



