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CHUYÊN ĐỀ 5: GIỚI TỪ + CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ PHẦN 1: GIỚI TỪ I ĐỊNH NGHĨA Giới từ (Preposition) từ loại liên quan từ loại cụm từ, câu Những từ thường sau giới từ tân ngữ (Object), Verb + ing, Cụm danh từ Eg: Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756 II CÁC LOẠI GIỚI TỪ ➢ Giời từ thời gian: at, on, in, before, after, during, by, until/till, since, for, afterwards,… ➢ Giời từ nơi chốn: at, in, on, over, above, below, beneath, under,… ➢ Giời từ chuyển dịch: to, into, from, across, through, along, round, around,… ➢ Giới từ thể cách: with, without, … ➢ Giới từ mục đích: to, for… ➢ Giới từ lý do: at, for, on … Giới từ thời gian • at: vào lúc (thường với giờ): Eg: at dawn, at mid night, at o’clock, at the age of 16… • on: thường với ngày: Eg: on Monday, on June 1st, on Monday morning • before: Before + V.ing Before + mốc thời gian Eg: The meal must be done before 7:00 p.m I must finish my work before I go home • from to/till/until: Eg: My mother works from morning till night • since + mốc thời gian: Eg: I have learnt English since I was a four-year-old child I have lived here since 1998 • during + danh từ/cụm danh từ (“During” không với mệnh đề): Eg: during the Middle Ages, during the summer … • for + khoảng thời gian: Eg: Last night, I slept for hours • till/until + Mốc thời gian/Mệnh đề: Eg: I will wait here until 11:30 • after/afterwards + Mốc thời gian/Mệnh đề: Eg: I called him and then/afterwards I came to visit him Giới từ nơi chốn • at + địa điểm cụ thể, xác định: Eg: at school, at work, at the bus stop… • in: Eg: in the room, in the forest, in the sky… • from: Eg: I’m from Hanoi • on, above, over: Eg: The cat is on the table They built a new room above the garage I put a rug over the sleeping child • under, below, beneath: Eg: Most of the iceberg is under the water The standard of his work is well below the average of his class As a musician, he is far beneath his brother III PHÂN BIỆT MỘT SỐ GIỚI TỪ DỄ NHẦM LẪN at, in , on: • at: dùng trước thời gian ngắn: giờ, phút,giây Eg: at o’clock, at mid night, at this moment,… • in: dùng trước thời gian dài: tháng, mùa,năm, Eg: in June, in 2016, in Spring… • on: dùng trước thời gian chỉ: ngày, thứ ngày (trong lịch) Eg: On Saturday, on this day,… ❖ Phân biệt “On time, in time”: on time: Eg: The 11.45 train left on time in time: kịp lúc Eg: Will you be home in time for dinner? ❖ In/At the end: • In the end, … = Finally: Eg: He got more and more angry In the end he just walked out of the room • At the end/beginning of + sth: Eg: I’m going away at the end of January ❖ arrive in/at: • arrive at: nơi chốn nhỏ sân bay, nhà ga… Eg: They arrived at the airport at 10.00 • arrive in: nơi chốn lớn quận, tỉnh, thành phố, nước… Eg: They arrived in Ha Noi at night in, into, out of: • in: dùng vị trí (địa điểm - không chuyển hướng) Eg: in the room, in the office, • into: dùng chuyển động từ ngồi vào Eg: I go into the room • out of: dùng chuyển động từ Eg: I go out of the room for, during, since: • for: dùng để đo khoảng thời gian Eg: for two months, for the last few years,… • during: dùng để hành động xảy suốt thời gian vật, kiện Eg: during the vacation, during the film,… • since: dùng để đánh dấu thời gian Eg: since last Monday, since I was a child, on, above, up: • on: dùng vị trí đứng liền trên, tiếp xúc bề mặt Eg: on the floor, on the table,… • above: nghĩa cao so với vật khác Eg: The plane is flying above our heads • over: mang nghĩa trùm lên Eg: We put a rug over us under, below, beneath: • under: vật trực tiếp bên dưới, có dính liền bị phủ lên Eg: Under the table were some wine bottles • below: dùng câu mang nghĩa thấp đo đạc nhiệt độ, chiều cao,… có thang điểm hay cấp bậc Eg: This year, the rainfall was slightly below average • beneath: dùng loại văn có tính trang trọng Eg: Coral reefs that lie beneath the waters were a beautiful sight between, among: • between: vật Eg: I sit between Lan and Huong • among: dùng khơng xác định có vật Eg: He was happy to be among his friends again IV GIỚI TỪ CHỈ SỰ CHUYỂN ĐỘNG To: đến nơi Eg: I will move to New York next week When are you coming back to Ho Chi Minh city? from: từ (xuất phát từ địa điểm đó) Eg: Where you come from? away from: di chuyển hướng xa Eg: When you hear the alarm, run away from the building across: qua, ngang qua, băng qua Eg: He went across the street to buy a box of cigarette along: dọc theo Eg: I walked along the street The flowers grow along the side of the wall through: xuyên qua Eg: The sun is shining through the window He walked through a wood into: vào Eg: I silently walked into the room Please throw waste paper into the dustbin onto: lên (bề mặt…) Eg: The cat jumped onto the table Please move these vases onto the kitchen table up: lên (vị trí cao hơn) Eg: up hill and down dale They hiked up the mountain every morning 10 down: xuống Eg: He fell down right on the stage 11 out of: ngoài, khỏi Eg: I can’t get this ring out of my finger Fish can survive for only a short time out of water The bird flew out of the cage 12 past: quá, qua Eg: He is past fifty He ran past the house 13 off: tách khỏi Eg: The cover has come off the book She fell off the ladder 14 toward(s): phía (chưa tới nơi đến) Eg: He was running towards us They drove towards the German frontier ❖ Phân biệt across, over & through • Across: di chuyển từ bên sang bên vật mà có phía thành phố, sông, đường,… Eg: We took a boat across the river • Through: dùng để chuyển động không gian chiều, di chuyển từ chỗ đến chỗ khác môi trường bao quanh: the forest, long glass, … Eg: I love walking through the forest • Over: bao trùm lên V GIỚI TỪ CHỈ MỤC ĐÍCH for + V-ing/Noun: Eg: We stopped for a rest We use chalk for writing on a blackboard to = in order to = so as to + V inf: Eg: We use chalk to write on a blackboard I went out to/in order to/so as to post a letter VI GIỚI TỪ CHỈ NGUYÊN NHÂN for = because of = owing to + N/V.ing: Eg: Aileen is proud of her family for their support Thank you for inviting me to your party through: Eg: He didn’t pass the exam through his ignorance It was through you that we were able to meet again VII GIỚI TỪ CHỈ THỂ CÁCH by: cách Eg: The thief got in by breaking a window The streets are lighted by electricity He made the cake by hand in: Eg: This book is written in English There is a statue in marble with: với Eg: They welcome us with smiles If loving you with all my heart is crime, then I'm guilty without: khơng có Eg: You can’t leave the country without a passport He said that he couldn’t live without her VIII MỘT SỐ GIỚI TỪ KHÁC about: • Khoảng chừng Eg: It is about km • Về Eg: What you think about that? Against: • Chống lại, trái với Eg: struggle against, • Đụng phải Eg: He ran against the trunk • Dựa vào Eg: I placed her against the trunk • So với Eg: The class now has 50 students against 40 last years • Chuẩn bị, dự trù Eg: I saved $2,000 against my study next year of • Của: Eg: These are the works of Shakespeare • Thuộc: Eg: We are of the working class • Vì: Eg: My grandfather died of tuberculous • (Làm) bằng: Eg: She has a house of wood • Gồm có: Eg: He is a man of ability • Trong: Eg: One of my friends is a doctor like: giống Eg: Don’t talk like that! He rides a white horse like mine except: ngoại trừ Eg: Everyone except me got an invitation The restaurent opens every day except Monday IX VỊ TRÍ CỦA GIỚI TỪ Đứng trước danh từ hay Đại từ Eg: He usually visits me on Sundays I bought a cake for him I gave a book to him Sau động từ: Có thể liền sau động từ, bị từ khác chen động từ giới từ Eg: I live in Hanoi I write a letter for him Đứng sau tobe: Eg: Jeam is at home right now The picture is on the wall Đứng sau tính từ: Eg: I’m interested in reading I’m not worried about living in a foreign country Trong trường hợp (dùng đại từ quan hệ), giới từ đặt trước đại từ đặt cuối câu: Eg: Whom are you talking to? = To whom are you talking? The man whom you are talking to is my father = The man to whom you are talking is my father Lưu ý: Vị trí giới từ câu làm thay đổi nghĩa câu Eg: A letter was read from his friend in the class room A letter from his friend was read in the class room With his gun towards the forest he started in the morning With his gun, he started towards the forest in the morning X TÍNH TỪ ĐI VỚI GIỚI TỪ Adj + to • acceptable to: chấp nhận Eg: Is this opposal acceptable to you? • accustomed to: quen Hay dùng: get accustomed to Eg: I soon got accumtomed to his stange ways • agreeable to: đồng ý, thích hợp với Eg: He said the terms were not agreeable to him • applicable to: ứng dụng Eg: “It is not safe to infer that the results of experiments on animals will be applicable to human beings,” I said • appropriate to: thích hợp Eg: It's necessary for the homicide to incur a punishment appropriate to his cruelties • addicted to st: say mê gì, nghiện Eg: Children are often addicted to fairy stories • bad to st: có hại cho, khơng tốt cho Eg: Staying up late is bad to us • contrary to: trái với Eg: Contrary to his expectations, he found the atmosphere exciting • clear to: rõ ràng Eg: You could see clear to the bottom of the lagoon • close to: gần Eg: He spent close to 30 years in jail • dedicated/devoted to: hiến dâng, tận tụy Eg: I am dedicated to making this world a better place She is devoted to her job • engaged to: đính Eg: She was engaged to a lecturer • equal to: đủ sức, đủ khả Eg: I just don't feel equal to the challenge that I'm facing now • essential to/for: cần thiết Eg: Food is essential to/for life • harmful to: có hại Eg: Smoking is harmful to health • faithful to = loyal to: trung thành Eg: He remained faithful to the ideals of the party These brave soldiers are always loyal to their ideal • grateful/thankful to sb for st: biết ơn Eg: I'm grateful/thankful to you for all your help • important to sb: quan trọng Eg: It's important to me that you should be there • indifferent to: thờ ơ, lãnh đạm Eg: The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion • kind to sb: tử tế với Eg: He was very kind to me when the children were ill • likely to: có khả năng/có thể thích hợp Eg: He is not likely to come now • married to: kết Eg: Ali is married to Salma • necessary to:cần thiết, thiết yếu Eg: Sleeping is necessary to health • open to: cởi mở Eg: The system is open to abuse • opposed to: bất đồng Eg: He was bitterly opposed to the war • polite to: lịch Eg: You must be more polite to the customers • related to: liên quan đến Eg: He was related to that crime • responsible to sb:chịu trách nhiệm với Eg: The head of state is responsible to his people and must obey the law • similar to: tương tự Eg: Your hat is similar to mine • sensitive to/about: nhạy cảm Eg: She is very sensitive to other people's feelings • used to: quen với Eg: I’m used to getting up early Adj +of • afraid of: sợ hãi Eg: Are you afraid of snakes? • ashamed of: xấu hổ, bối rối thông qua luật get up give something away give somebody away give in give off something give onto something give out give over give something over to somebody give up give up something give somebody up go after go along go away thức dậy tăng tốc Getting a bill through Congress is a long process I got up at seven o’clock The vehicle got up speed as it ran down the hill There’s quite a wind getting up outside gió mạnh hơn, dội Cụm động từ với GIVE give something because She gave her old clothes away when she you not want or need moved it show where somebody Peter looked down, but his voice gave him is or what they are away doing, when they are trying to keep this a secret accept that you are The enemy was forced to give in defeated, surrender produce a smell, heat, The walls gave off a smell of paint for a sound, etc week lead to a place The balcony gives onto the swimming pool stop working properly, After running for one hour, her legs finally become weaker gave out stop doing something Come on, give over complaining! that is annoying other people give responsibility for The organisation of the meeting was given something to somebody over to the secretary stop trying to Laura has decided to give up her piano something, surrender lessons give something that is The kid gave up his seat to the old lady yours to somebody else end a romantic After five years together, she eventually relationship with gave him up somebody Cụm động từ với GO pursue (an object or a Emma went after her dreams and now she goal) is an actress continue an activity He added funny details to the story as he went along agree with; accept; Alex tends to go along with anything his support an idea wife says disappear I still can't get the stain to go away The medication should make the pain go go back return go by pass go down decrease/ reduce go down with go for become ill with a disease try to achieve or attain go in for go over Have something as a hobby explode ring/make a loud noise no longer good to eat or drink to continue leave one's home to attend a social event stop burning; be extinguished to review go through experience go off go on go out go with/ together go without keep away keep in with keep sth around keep from doing sth keep somebody into keep to sth examine; study carefully Match; harmonise with away Children go back to school after the holidays Put up your hand or the bus will go by without stopping Time goes by so quickly! The price of property has gone down a bit lately Half the team has gone down with the flu Jack trained hard and decided to go for the gold medal Anne really doesn't go in for sports A bomb went off in a crowded restaurant A bomb went off in a crowded restaurant The milk has gone off Don't drink it Sorry for interrupting Please go on Many young people go out a lot The lights went out before we got to the door Please go over your answers before handing in your paper Pete went through a lot of pain after the accident You should go through the contract before signing it That jacket doesn't go with the skirt Abstain from; skip Tony had to go without lunch to finish the report Cụm động từ với KEEP to avoid someone or I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t something listen to stay friendly with It’s a good idea to keep in with the police someone in case you need their help one day to keep something near Josh is never seen without his bag He you always keeps it around to stop yourself from George’s new haircut looked so funny His doing something wife couldn’t keep from laughing prevent somebody from Jack's mother kept him in until he finished going out his homework to stay within the limits of something They had to keep to the path in order not to get lost keep back keep down keep off keep on keep on about keep in keep up keep up with keep up at sth take after sb take apart take sb aback take sb back take down take in take off to not show how you feel to prevent someone from making progress prevent from increasing stop from achieving something to avoid a particular type of food or drink to not walk/step on something to continue doing something to continue to employ someone to continue talking about something in a way that annoys to make someone stay in a place, especially in school as a punishment continue to something go at the same speed to continue, not quit He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back It’s only her lack of confidence that’s keeping her back We have to try and keep costs down Even if you’re intelligent, they still try to keep you down I’m trying to keep off fatty foods return something to a store admit that something you said was wrong separate a structure into parts write information on paper deceive sb to understand and remember something that you hear or read remove clothing etc If you don’t like the scarf, I can take it back I’m sorry I said you were stupid I take it back After the circus was over, the workers took down the big tents She took down my address and phone number and said she’d call me later Don’t be taken in by their promises I’m not sure how much of his explanation she took in We were told to keep off the grass My sister kept on asking me question after question Only highly skilled people were kept on after the merger I don’t know why you keep on about this They were kept in after school Keep up the good work! He had to hurry to keep up with her f you keep up at your studies, you will well in your exams Cụm động từ với TAKE have a similar She takes after her mother – they have the appearance or same green eyes and curly brown hair personality separate something into The technician is taking apart the TV so parts that he can fix it surprise or shock sb The news really took us aback I’d better take my shoes off take on take over take sb through sth take up make after make away with make for make of make off make off with make out make up make up for make way for put off aircraft: start flying become successful or popular to start to employ someone to accept some work or responsibility take control The plane should take off on time Her business has really taken off We’re not taking on any new staff at the moment I can’t take on any more work at the moment Germany took over several other countries during World War II Let me take you through the procedure for operating this machine I’ve recently taken up yoga explain something to somebody in detail start doing something regularly Cụm động từ với MAKE chase sb/ sth I made after the bus, but there was no way I could catch it to escape with The burglars made away with all their something that you have silverware stolen to move towards a place He picked up his umbrella and made for the door to understand sb or the I don’t know what to make of our new meaning of sth teacher to leave quickly, The kids made off when they heard us especially after doing coming something wrong to escape with They made off with our television and our something stereo to understand with I can just make a few words out on this difficulty page create false opinion He made me out to be a liar to pretend He made out that he’d won the lottery to put make-up They made my face up to look like a clown invent (a story/ claim ) He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework become friends again Why don’t you two forget your differences and make up? compensate Nothing can make up for the loss of a child to be replaced by sb or Most of the old buildings have made way sth for hotels and offices Cụm động từ với PUT delay, postpone doing They had to put the wedding off because sth the bride’s mother had an accident prevent sb from Stop laughing – you’ll put her off concentrating put down put aside criticize someone publicly write sth ignore sth save money put up with to tolerate put across convey an idea put up to stay somewhere for the night start wearing sth gain weight put on put out put back turn down turn in turn into turn off turn out turn on turn up He’s always trying to put me down Can you put your phone number down in the book? Both sides need to put aside their differences and continue the peace talks Each month she puts some money aside for her retirement I will not put up with your bad behavior any longer! Television can be a useful way of putting across health messages We put up at a small hotel for the night Dorothy put on her coat and went out She put a lot of weight on after the children were born stop sth burning It took firefighters three hours to put the blaze out to publish Police have put out a warning to people living in the area schedule for a later date We’ve put the trip back until June now put something where it Can you put the book back when you’ve was previously finished with it? Cụm động từ với TURN to lower the volume The TV is too loud Can you turn it down? to refuse or decline a My credit card application was turned request down by the bank to submit something All students are expected to turn in their homework at the end of today's lesson to go to bed I'm tired to stay up I think I'll turn in to change into Ben is a nice guy until he drinks alcohol something different He then turns into a monster! to stop a machine or Turn off the TV if no one is watching it device from working/ performing in the end I looked for my keys all over the house It turned out they were in my jacket pocket all along be present at an event Only 62% of the electorate turned out to vote to start a machine or My father is terrible with computers He device can't even turn one on! attack sb Dan suddenly turned on her and yelled at her to be quiet to increase the volume Don’t turn the TV up – I’m trying to read arrive or appear I hadn't seen her for months and then, one day, she turned up at my house PHẦN 3: 150+ COMMON IDIOMS IN ENGLISH No Idiom rub salt in/into the wound pull yourself together on the house a bitter pill (to swallow) jump for joy be floating/ walking on air drive sb up the wall give sb an earful = tell sb up the trick 10 give up the ghost 11 go/run round in circles Meaning Xát muối vào vết thương (to make a difficult situation even worse for someone.) bình tĩnh, điều khiển cảm xúc (to become calm and behave normally again after being angry or upset.) cung cấp miễn phí (ở bar hay nhà hàng) thực tế khó chịu mà bạn phải chấp nhận (something that is very unpleasant but must be accepted) vui chuyện xảy (to be extremely happy) to be very happy làm tức giận (to make someone extremely angry) quở trách, la rầy (to complain angrily to someone) làm mưu mẹo thành cơng (to achieve the desired result) to stop trying to something because you know that you will not succeed chẳng giải vấn đề (to keep doing or talking about the same thing without achieving Example Losing was bad enough Watching them receiving the trophy just rubbed salt into the wound I tried to pull myself together after seeing my boyfriend flirting with another girl If you have something on the house, it is given to you free by a business All the drinks were on the house Losing to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow - "So how did Robert take the news?" - “He didn't exactly jump for joy." When he got his exam results, he was floating on air My flat-mate is driving me up the wall The old lady gave the children an earful for nearly knocking her over I need something to put these papers in – this folder should the trick All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost The discussion kept going round in circles 20 down in the dumps anything.) to become very confused or worried because you are in a difficult situation to be the main cause of a problem or an unpleasant situation thoát gang tấc (a situation in which you avoid danger although you very nearly not) đến sát (to give yourself only a very short amount of time to something) đảm đương phần việc mình, chịu phần trách nhiệm mình, nỗ lực làm tròn trách nhiệm (to work as hard as other people in a group) If you can something at a push, you can it but it will be difficult đủ cách (by any method possible) Điều tốt lành có lúc phải kết thúc (said when you accept that even enjoyable experiences cannot last for ever) ngập sâu chán nản, buồn bã (unhappy) 21 know one’s stuff ó kiến thức sâu rộng 22 face the music 23 out of this world chấp nhận trích hình phạt với làm, chịu trận tuyệt vời 24 be in sb's shoes đứng cương vị, vị trí 25 hang by a thread khó mà thành cơng tương lai 26 against all the thành cơng bất chấp khó 12 tie yourself in knots 13 have a lot to answer for 14 a narrow escape = close shave 15 cut it fine 16 pull your weight 17 at a push 18 by hook or by crook all good things (must) come to an end 19 I was tying myself in knots trying to explain what happened without getting him into trouble People who sell drugs to kids have a lot to answer for We got out in time but it was a narrow escape He left the hotel at am, which was cutting it fine for his 9.15 meeting The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight At a push I could be there by eight o'clock I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook It's been a fantastic couple of weeks but all good things must come to an end He's a bit down in the dumps because he failed one of his exams When it comes to geography, he certainly knows his stuff Be a man and face the music What a restaurant - the food was out of this world! I wouldn't like to be in Mike's shoes when the boss hears what he's done! The mayor's political future has been hanging by a thread since the fraud scandal Against all the odds, he odds khăn dường vượt qua vấn đề nan giải 27 a hot potato 28 get bent out of shape tức giận 29 sit on the fence trung lập 30 hit the books lao đầu vào học 31 be over the moon get a bang out of sth vui 33 a piece of cake dễ ợt 34 go the extra mile nỗ lực 35 up – to – the – minute đại, 36 on the go bận rộn 37 keep one’s chin up read one’s mind lạc quan cost an arm and a leg be all the rage đắt 41 beat around the bush 42 against the clock 43 call it a day 44 hit the sack 45 get bent out of nói vòng nói vo (to avoid talking about what is important) chạy đua với thời gian (do it as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time.) nghỉ tay, ngưng lại làm việc (to stop what you are doing) ngủ (to go to bed in order to sleep) to become very angry or 32 38 39 40 ìm thấy thú vui từ thứ đọc suy nghĩa phổ biến recovered The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States I'm not getting bent out of shape because people don't respect my opinion I'm used to that You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have to decide whose side you're on I can't go out tonight I need to hit the books She was over the moon about her new bike Even as an adult, I still get a bang out of building sandcastles at the beach For him, taking tests is a piece of cake To be successful, you need to be willing to go the extra mile for your customers Now we're going live to our reporter in Washington for upto-the-minute news on the crisis I've been on the go all day, and I'm really tired She's still keeping her chin up despite all her health problems - "How about a drink, then?" - "Ah, you read my mind!" I'd love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s Don't beat around the bush - get to the point! With her term paper due on Monday, she was racing against the clock to finish it I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day I’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so I think I’ll hit the sack I'm not getting bent out of shape upset 46 easy does it 47 a dime a dozen 48 blow off steam 49 in the nick of time 50 on the ball 51 burn the midnight oil 52 walk on eggs/eggshells 53 round the clock 54 make light of sth 55 a tall story 56 put your foot in your mouth 57 miss the boat 58 find fault with sb/ sth làm việc cẩn thận từ tốn (do it slowly and carefully) điều đó, nhiều, nhan nhản, xoàng (common and not special) giải khuây (relax or unwind) vừa lúc, phút cuối cùng, trước muộn (at the last possible moment) nhanh nhẹn, tinh nhanh (active and aware of things) thức khuya làm việc hay học (to work late into the night) cẩn thận để không xúc phạm làm điều sai (be very careful not to offend someone or anything wrong.) suốt ngày đêm (all day and all night without stopping) xem không quan trọng (to behave as if a problem, is not serious or important) chuyện khó tin (a story or fact that is difficult to believe) nói xúc phạm người khác (to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone) bỏ qua hội tốt (to lose an opportunity to something by being slow to act) phê phán cách gay gắt (to criticize someone or something, especially without good reasons) because people don't respect my opinion I'm used to that - "Can I put it down now?" - "Yes, but it’s fragile so easy does it." Plastic toys like this are a dime a dozen Call me any time you need to blow off some steam We got there just in the nick of time We need someone who’s really on the ball to answer questions from the press We’re going to have to burn the midnight oil to get this job done by tomorrow When my mother is staying at our house, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells He studied round the clock, losing forty pounds during that time It is easy to make light of other people's problems After dinner she told me a tall story about her pet I really put my foot in my mouth – I asked her if Jane was her mother, but she said Jane is her sister.) There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some He's always finding fault with my work 59 blow (one's) own trumpet 60 down the drain 61 as quiet as a mouse as mute as a fish as old as the hills at the eleventh hour a lost cause 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 at heart = bassically = fundamentally at the drop of a hat = instantly = immediately a big fish in a small pond all at once = suddenly apple of one's eye back to the drawing board be on the wagon bucket down be under the weather best thing since slided bread break a leg! = good luck! break the ice bring down the house by and large = in general = on the whole by the skin of one's teeth Khoe khoang, khoác loạc (to boast about one's own abilities) phí phạm, đổ sơng đổ bể (công sức, tiền bạc) (completely wasted or spoiled) câm hến xưa trái đất vào phút chót hết hy vọng/ khơng thay đổi thực chất/ chột làm vua xứ mù quan trọng, đặc biệt nghĩ lại từ đầu/ bắt đầu lại kế hoạch kiêng rượu mưa xối xả cảm thấy khơng khỏe, cảm thấy khó ở, bệnh, ốm ý tưởng, kế hoạch hay, phát minh hay chúc may mắn làm quen, làm thêm, không ngượng ngùng làm cho khán phòng vỗ tay nhìn chung st sốt/ sát I don't mean to blow my own trumpet, but this pasta sauce I made is quite delicious completely wasted or spoiled 80 82 83 84 caught between two stools chalk and cheese chip in close call come to light 85 cut and dried 86 87 drop a brick every now and then few and far between Fly off the handle Get/ Have butterflies in one's stomach Golden handshake 81 88 89 90 91 92 10 10 Get/ Have cold feet Get hold of the wrong end of the stick Get the hand of something Get out of bed on the wrong side Go to one's head Hard of hearing Have in mind Have a bee in one's bonnet about something Hit the ceiling/ roof Hit the nail on the head 10 10 High and low = Here and there In vain 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 tiến thối lưỡng nan khác nhau, khơng có điểm chung góp tiền/ qun góp chết gang tấc đưa ánh sáng, phát thay đổi/ rõ ràng - dễ hiểu lỡ miệng gặp trở nên tức giận, giận, dễ cáu cảm thấy bồn chồn, lo lắng tiền thưởng hậu hĩnh dành cho người xin nghỉ việc hết can đảm, chùn chân hiểu nhầm nắm bắt được, sử dụng bực dọc, cáu kỉnh khiến kiêu ngạo Nặng tai, lãng tai suy tính, cân nhắc đặt nặng chuyện gì/ ám ảnh chuyện trở nên tức giận tìm đáp án đúng, phân tích chuẩn xác, Nói làm Khắp nơi uổng cơng, vơ ích 10 10 10 10 10 10 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 12 12 12 12 It strikes somebody as/ that a strange It never rains but it pours Jump to conclusions Jump the traffic light Keep an eye on Like a fish out of water Let the cat out of the bag Lead somebody by the nose Look daggers at someone Look on the bright side Like water off a duck's back Make a pig of oneseft Make someone's blood boil Make believe Make ends meet Make heavy weather of Make good time Now and then/ Now and again/ At times/ From time to time/ Off and on/ Once in a while/ Every so often Off and on Off the record lấy làm lạ điều tốt xấu đến với khơng mà nhiều lần liên tiếp đưa định vội vàng vượt đèn đỏ Coi chừng, ngó chừng Như gà mắc tóc Để lộ bí mật Dắt mũi Giận nhìn Nhìn nhận vấn đề cách tích cực nước đổ đầu vịt ăn uống tham lam làm người khác giận Giả vờ Xoay xở để kiếm sống Khổ vì, điêu đứng Di chuyển nhanh nhanh, thỉnh thoảng, không đặn cá nhân, riêng tư, Không thức, khơng cơng bố 12 12 Off one's head bị điên, loạn trí On the spot 12 12 12 On second thoughts On probation hồn cảnh khiến xấu hổ/ lập tức/ gặp rắc rối suy nghĩ kỹ 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 On the verge of/ on the brink of/ in the edge of Once in a blue moon One's cup of tea Đang thời gian quản chế, tập bờ vực thứ yêu thích Part and parcel thiết yếu, quan trọng Pay through the nose Play tricks/ jokes on Pull someone's leg Put one's foot in it Put someone/ something at someone's disposal Put on an act trả giá đắt Rain cats and dogs Run an errand mưa nặng hạt Scratch someone's back Sell/ go like hot cakes See eye to eye giúp đỡ người khác với hy vọng họ giúp lại bán đắt tơm tươi, bán đắt hàng đồng tình Sleep on it nghĩ sau, cân nhắc sau Smell a rat trở nên hoài nghi, linh cảm có khơng ổn sẽ, gọn gàng Spic/ spick and trêu ghẹo, chọc phá trêu chọc gây nhầm lẫn, bối rối làm cho gì/ có sẵn sàng theo ý muốn giả bộ, làm Làm việc vặt 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 span Splitting headache Stay/ keep on one's toe Take it amiss Take things to pieces Take someone/ something for granted Take something into account/ consideration To be bound/ sure/ certain to something To know by sight To take pains To make đau đầu búa bổ cảnh giác, thận trọng hiểu lầm tháo mảnh coi nhẹ xem xét việc chắn nhận làm việc cẩn thận tận tụy xoay xở, đương đầu The more, the merrier The last straw đông, vui When pigs fly điều vô tưởng, xảy chắn, định Without fall giọt nước tràn ly ... CỦA GIỚI TỪ Đứng trước danh từ hay Đại từ Eg: He usually visits me on Sundays I bought a cake for him I gave a book to him Sau động từ: Có thể liền sau động từ, bị từ khác chen động từ giới. .. with my friends PHẦN 2: CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ COMMON PHRASAL VERBS break away break in break down break into break in/into break through break off break out break up break with Cụm động từ với BREAK thoát... on: thích thú Eg: The kids are mad keen on computer games at the moment X DANH TỪ ĐI VỚI GIỚI TỪ - GIỚI TỪ ĐI SAU DANH TỪ N + to • according to: theo Eg: According to the archives, he was born

Ngày đăng: 24/02/2020, 18:15

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