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CHƯƠNG 2: HỆ THỐNG KIẾN THỨC NỀN TẢNG CHUYÊN ĐỀ 1: TÌM HIỂU CHUNG VỀ CÁC TỪ LOẠI A Giới thiệu chung từ loại Có loại từ Tiếng Anh Danh từ Động từ Đại từ Liên từ B Các đuôi từ teacher, desk, … run, watch, them, someone, … and, so, but, … Tính từ Trạng từ Giới từ Thán từ nice, awful, … quickly, well, … in, for, at, … Hey, oh dear, … Noun endings - ism - nce criticism (sự phê bình), heroism (đức anh hùng) importance, significance (sự quan trọng), dependence (sự phụ - ness thuộc bitterness (vị đắng), darkness (bóng tối), hardness (sự khó khăn) - ion pollution (sự ô nhiễm), suggestion (sự gợi ý), action (hành động) - ment accomplishment (thành tựu), enhancement (sự đề cao), – (i)ty excitement (sự phấn khích) purity (sự tinh khiết), majority (phần lớn), humidity (độ ẩm), safety (sự an toàn) - age cabbage (cải bắp), damage (sự thiệt hại), language (ngôn ngữ), marriage (hôn nhân) - ship scholarship (học bổng), friendship (tình bạn), hardship (gian khó) - th death (cái chết), growth (sự phát triển), health (sức khỏe) 10 -dom freedom (sự tự do), kingdom (vương quốc), wisdom (sự 11 - hood childhood (thời thơ ấu), brotherhood (tình huynh đệ), likelihood trải) (khả năng) 12 - ure closure (sự bế mạc), nature (tự nhiên), failure (sự thất bại) 13 - cy bankruptcy (sự phá sản), accuracy (sự xác), efficiency (hiệu 14 - (t)ry machinery (máy móc), scenery (phong cảnh), bravery (tính gan dạ) 15 - logy archaeology (khảo cổ học), sociology (xã hội học), biology (sinh 16 - graphy học) bibliography (thư mục), biography (tiểu sử) 17 - or actor (diễn viên), creator (người sáng tạo), doctor (bác sĩ), tailor (thợ may) 18 - er villager (người làng), northerner (người phương Bắc), airliner (phi cơ) 19 - ee employee (nhân viên), payee (người trả tiền), refugee (dân 20 - ist tị economist (nhà kinh tế học), dentist (nha sĩ), pianist (nghệ sĩ 21 - ician 22 - ant dương cầm) magician (thuật sĩ), physician (bác sĩ), musician (nhạc sĩ) assistant (trợ lý), accountant (kế toán), consultant (cố vấn viên) Adjective endings - ent independent (tự do), sufficient (đầy đủ), absent (vắng mặt) - ant arrogant (kiêu ngạo), important (quan trọng), significant (đáng kê) - ful beautiful (đẹp), graceful (duyên dáng), powerful (hùng mạnh) - less countless (vô số), careless (bất cẩn), helpless (không tự lực được) - ic classic (kinh điển), historic (được ghi vào lịch sử), artistic (khéo - ive léo) demonstrative (hay thổ lộ), passive (bị động), comparative (so - ous sánh) dangerous (nguy hiểm), glorious (vẻ vang), hilarious (vui vẻ) - ible audible (nghe rõ), horrible (kinh khủng), terrible (tồi tệ) - able reliable (đáng tin cậy), comfortable (thoải mái), suitable (phù hợp) 10 - al central (trung tâm), general (chung), oral (bằng miệng) 11 - ory mandatory, compulsory (bắt buộc), satisfactory (hài lòng) 12 - ary primary (chủ yếu), temporary (tạm thời), necessary (cần thiết) 13 - y angry (tức giận), happy (vui vẻ), itchy (ngứa) 14 - ly friendly (thân thiện), lovely (đáng yêu), lively (sống động) 15 - ate temperate (cư xử có chừng mực), accurate (chính xác), considerate 16 - ish (chu đáo) foolish (ngớ ngẩn), childish (như trẻ con), bookish (ham đọc sách) Verbs endings - en/ en - listen (lắng nghe), happen (xảy ra), strengthen (làm mạnh mẽ), entrust (giao phó), enslave (nơ dịch hóa) - ate associate (liên kết), fascinate (thôi miên), separate (chia cách) - ize idolize (thần tượng hóa), apologize (xin lỗi), sympathize (cảm thơng) - ify satisfy (hài lòng), solidify (làm đặc lại), horrify (gây khiếp sợ) Adverb endings - ly firstly (đầu tiên), happily (một cách vui vẻ), hourly (hàng giờ) - wise otherwise (kẻo khơng thì), clockwise (theo chiều kim đồng hồ) - ward backward (về phía sau), inward (tiến vào trong), onward (về phía trước) C Vị trí từ loại câu Vị trí danh từ Vị trí Ví dụ Sau tính từ (adj + N) These are interesting books Sau ngoại động từ (V cần O) She buys books She meets a lot of people Sau giới từ (prep + N) He is interested in music Sa từ định: this, that, these, those, He is a student u từ số lượng: many, some, few, She needs some water several, tính từ sở hữu: my, his, her, your, their, beautiful TheirThese houseflowers is beingare built its,… Trước V chia (N làm chủ từ) The man has just arrived Sau enough (enough + N) I don’t have enough money to buy that Vị trí tính từ Trước N (Adj + N) Sau to be Sau linking verbs: become, get, look, feel, taste, smell, seem … Sau trạng từ (adv + adj):extremely (cực kỳ), completely (hoàn toàn), really (thực sự), terribly, very, quite, rather, … Sau keep/ make Sau too (be + too + adj) Trước enough (be + adj + enough) Trong cấu trúc: be + so + adj + that A, an, the, this, that, his, her, their, my, … + (Adj) + Noun Trong câu cảm thán: This is an interesting book I am tired It becomes hot She feels sad It is extremely cold I’m terribly sorry She is very beautiful The news made me happy That house is too small The house isn’t large enough She was so angry that she can’t speak My new car is blue How beautiful the girl is! How + adj + S + V! What + (a/an) + adj + N! Vị trí trạng từ What an interesting film! Sau V thường He drove carefully Trước Adj I meet an extremely handsome man Giữa cụm V She has already finished the job Đầu câu trước dấu phẩy Unfortunately, I couldn’t come the party Sau too V + too + adv They walked too slowly to catch the bus Trong cấu trúc: V + so + adv + that Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident Trước enough: V + adv + enough You should write clearly enough for everybody to read WORD FAMILY LIST responsible Word responsible (Adj) Meaning chịu trách nhiệm + for sth Example A drunk man cannot be held fully responsible for his actions + to sb/sth irresponsible (Adj) vô trách nhiệm Tom is an irresponsible person responsibility (N) trách nhiệm Women bear children and take vô trách responsibility for childcare They thought that the explosion was an act nhiệm of irresponsibility irresponsibility (N) special Word special (Adj) Meaning đặc biệt Example She’s a very special person specially (Adv) đặc biệt She has a wheelchair that was specially speciality (N) nét đặc trưng, made for her Unkind remarks are one of his specialities specialist (N-p) chuyên môn chuyên gia My doctor has referred me to a specialist for a second opinion on the results of my blood test specialize (V) + in chuyên That restaurant specializes in seafood specialization (N) chuyên môn My main specialization was literature hóa eat eat (V) Word Meaning ăn edible (Adj/N) Example Jane never eats breakfast ăn (khơng Only the leaves of the plant are edible độc) eatable (Adj) eater (N-p) ăn Food that is eatable is good enough to người ăn eat, but not excellent I’m still a big eater person Word person (N) Meaning người số nhiều: people personal (Adj) Example Who was the first person to swim the English Channel? cá nhân, riêng tư The book describes his sporting career and gives little information about his personal personally (Adv) đích thân, theo cá life Personally, I think the show is going to be a personalize (V) nhân cá nhân hóa great success I don't want to personalize the issue approve Word approve (V) + of Meaning tán thành, chấp thuận Example He doesn't approve of smoking approval (N) tán thành, chấp He showed his approval by smiling disapprove (V) + thuận phản đối broadly I strongly disapprove of underage không tán thành, drinking Although they said nothing, she could phản đối sense their disapproval of her suggestion of disapproval (N) compare Word compare (V) + with/to Meaning so sánh Example This road is quite busy compared to ours comparison (N) so sánh They made a comparison of different comparable (Adj) comparative (Adj) so sánh so sánh, tương đối countries' eating habits The two experiences aren't comparable "Fatter" is the comparative of "fat" comparatively (Adv) tương đối Inflation was comparatively low in comparison with so sánh với In comparison with the French, the British eat far less fish frequent Word frequent (Adj) frequency (N) Meaning thường xuyên Example The most frequent cause of death is heart tính thường xuyên disease Complaints about the frequency of buses rose in the last year infrequent (Adj) không đặn His letters became infrequent, then stopped completely infrequency (N) không thường She did notice and comment on the xuyên infrequency of our visits Meaning lịch sử Example I studied modern European history at có tính chất lịch sử college How many historic buildings are damaged thuộc lịch sử by fire each year? She specializes in historical novels set in mặt lịch sử 18th-century England The film makes no attempt to be history Word history (N) historic (Adj) historical (Adj) historically (Adv) historically accurate confident Word confident (Adj) Meaning tự tin, tin cậy, Example I'm confident of his skills as a manager confidence (N) confidential (Adj) chắn tự tin, tin cậy bí mật, riêng tư She's completely lacking in confidence A person's medical records are confidential confidentiality (N) cẩn mật, tin All replies will be treated with complete cẩn confidentiality confide in sb giãi bày tâm sự, đủ As sisters, they have always confided in self–confident tin để kể bí mật tự tin thân each other He is self-confident anywhere he goes Meaning nhận ra, thừa nhận Example I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but I nhận recognized her immediately The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly 10 recognize (Adj) Word recognize (V) recognizable (Adj) recognizable landmark recognition (N) nhận ra, thừa His work was slow to gain recognition nhận unrecognizable nhận ra, His voice was muffled by his collar and (Adj) thừa nhận unrecognizable 11 qualify Word qualify (V) + for Meaning đủ tư cách, đủ khả Example This course qualifies you to teach in any qualified (Adj) đủ tư cách, đủ khả secondary school What makes you think that you are qualified for this job? không đủ tư cách, I feel unqualified to speak on the subject khơng đủ trình độ disqualified (V) + loại ra, làm cho He's been disqualified from driving for a from qualification (N) year You'll never get a good job if you don't unqualified (Adj) không phẩm chất, lực have any qualifications 12 mystery Word mystery (N) mysterious (Adj) mystify (V) Meaning điều bí ẩn, huyền bí Example The mystery was solved when the police thần bí, huyền bí discovered the murder weapon His colleague had vanished in mysterious vẻ bí ẩn, khó hiểu circumstances I was mystified by her decision 13 waste Word Meaning Example waste (N) rác thải, lãng phí What a complete waste of time! waste (V) lãng phí, uổng phí Why don' t we just stop wasting time, all hoang phí right? It's wasteful the way you throw so much wasteful (Adj) food away! wastefully (Adv) cách hoang phí Energy and water are used much more wastefully than if these resources were priced properly 14 origin Word origin (N) original (Adj) Meaning nguồn gốc, lai lịch thuộc nguyên bản, độc Example It's a book about the origin of the universe The gardens have recently been restored to originally đáo cách độc đáo, đầu their original glory Originally it was a bedroom, but we turned (Adv) originality tiên tính nguồn gốc, tính độc it into a study We were impressed by the originality of the đáo children's work Meaning thay đổi, biến đổi Example The samples varied in quality but were thay đổi generally acceptable British weather is perhaps at its most various (Adj) khác nhau, thuộc variable in the spring We had various problems on our journey, variety (N) nhiều loại đa dạng including a flat tire like almost every variety of cheese Word hard (Adj) Meaning cứng rắn, khắc nghiệt, Example Heating the clay makes it hard hard (Adj) khó khăn khắc nghiệt, cố It had been raining hard most of the hard–working gắng làm việc chăm chỉ, tích afternoon She was always very hard-working at (Adj) cực school hardship (N) gian khổ It can be a sign of financial hardship to (N) 15 vary Word vary (V) variable (Adj) 16 hard come harden (V) làm cho cứng lại The mixture hardens as it cools 17 know know (V) Word knowledge (N) Meaning biết, hiểu biết Example I don't know anything about this nhận biết, tri thức Her knowledge of English grammar is very thông thạo extensive He's very knowledgeable about German (Adj) well – known tiếng literature The book is by a well-known historian knowingly (Adv) (Adj) cố ý, chủ tâm I've never knowingly offended him Meaning diễn đạt, nhận thức Example He couldn't conceive of a time when he khái niệm would have no job It is very difficult to define the concept of conception (N) quan niệm, nhận beauty People from different cultures have misconception (N) thức hiểu sai, nhận different conceptions of the world It’s a common misconception that conceptual (adj) thức sai thuộc nhận thức, Americans think only about money The main weakness of the proposal is thuộc quan điểm conceptual nhận thức Books on every conceivable subject lined được, tưởng one wall knowledgeable 18 conceive Word conceive (V) concept (N) conceivable (Adj) 19 occupy Word occupy (V) tượng Meaning chiếm đóng, chiếm giữ Example The rest of the time was occupied with occupied (Adj) sử dụng, bận rộn, writing a report This table is already occupied unoccupied kín (người) nhàn rỗi, bỏ không Are there any unoccupied seats in that preoccupy (V) (Adj) chiếm trước, ám ảnh Economic concerns are preoccupying the row? voters in this election occupation (N) chiếm đóng, cơng He missed the bell in his occupation with việc the computer game occupational thuộc nghề nghiệp Back problems are an occupational (Adj) hazard for any desk-bound office worker 20 experiment Word experiment (N) Meaning thí nghiệm Example We can only find the best solution by experiment experiment (V) thử nghiệm The school is experimenting with new teaching methods experimental (Adj) liên quan tới thí The drug is still at the experimental stage experimentally dựa thí nghiệm nghiệm The existence of the electron was thử nghiệm demonstrated experimentally Children need the opportunity for (Adj) experimentation (N) experimentation experimenter (N- người thí nghiệm p) Each participant was tested by a trained experimenter 21 apply Word Meaning Example apply for (v) ứng tuyển I've applied for a new job with the local application (n) đơn xin việc newspaper I've sent off applications for four different jobs applicant (n) người xin việc How many applicants did you have for the job? appliance (n) thiết bị We recommend that an engineer services your áp dụng gas appliance annually The new qualifications are applicable to all European countries dùng sai It will be impossible to recover all the dùng sai misapplied charity money The investigation found evidence of a applicable (adj) misapply (v) misapplication (n) serious misapplication of funds 22 reason Word reason (n) reasonable (adj) Meaning Example lý The reason for the disaster was engine failure, hợp lý not human error I'd like to think I'm open to any reasonable suggestion reasonableness (n) unreasonable tính hợp lý The court will determine the reasonableness of không hợp lý the police activity It seems unreasonable to expect one person to (adj) both jobs reasonably (adv) cách hợp lý Stop shouting and let's discuss this reasonably by reason of He's always asked to these occasions by reason of his position 23 attract Word attract (v) attraction (n) attractive (adj) Meaning Example thu hút thu hút The circus is attracting huge crowds The opportunity to travel is one of the main thu hút attractions of this job We need to make the club attractive to a wider range of people attractively (adv) đầy thu hút She always dresses very attractively unattractive (adj) không thu hút He was short and overweight and generally unattractive attractiveness (n) thu hút High mortgage rates have decreased the attractiveness of home-owning 24 differ Word differ (v) Meaning khác biệt Example The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament different (adj) khác She seems to wear something different every difference (n) khác biệt What's day the difference between an ape and a differently cách khác biệt Are girls treated differently? monkey? differentiate (adv) phân biệt We not differentiate between our employees (v) on the basis of their sex differential (adj) 25 nature Word chênh lệch, khác We have a differential salary structure based on biệt employees' experience Meaning Example nature (n) tự nhiên Fishermen are always at the mercy of the forces of nature natural (adj) naturally (adv) tự nhiên, bẩm sinh People say that breast-feeding is better than bẩm sinh, tự nhiên bottle-feeding because it's more natural He's naturally funny - he doesn't even have to try unnatural (adj) không tự nhiên She's died her hair in an attempt to cover up the grey, but it looks unnatural naturalism (n) chủ nghĩa tự nhiên Ibsen and Chekhov are a few of the dramatists who were influenced by naturalism naturalist (n) nhà tự nhiên học The majority of the people in the foundation were great naturalists 26 attend Word attend (v) Meaning tham dự Example Over two hundred people attended the funeral attention (n) ý Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please? inattention (n) không ý Her disappointing exam results are entirely due to her inattention in class attendance (n) có mặt Attendance at lectures is compulsory attendant (n) người theo hầu, phục The Prince was followed by his vụ attendants ý, chăm chú, chu He was very attentive to her when she was đáo ill attentive (adj) 27 organize Word organize (v) Meaning tổ chức Example They organized a meeting between the teachers and students organization (n) quan, tổ chức The article was about the international aid organizations organizer (n) người tổ chưc We need someone who is a good organizer disorganized (adj) hỗn độn, thiếu trật tự He's impossible to work for - he's so disorganized organizational (adj) reorganize (v) thuộc tổ chức, The job needs someone with excellent quan organizational skills tổ chức, xếp lại I've reorganized my files so that I can easily find what I'm looking for 28 educate Word Meaning Example educate (v) giáo dục The form says he was educated in Africa educator (n) nhà giáo dục Teachers and educators engaged in the public service education (n) giáo dục As a child he received most of his education at home educational (adj) educationally (adv) uneducated (adj) mang tính giáo dục, Reducing the size of classes may improve thuộc giáo dục educational standards phương diện giáo The woman who committed the crime dục was educationally disadvantaged không giáo dục, Her first husband was uneducated, vô học unlovable and impatient 29 convenience Word Meaning Example convenience (n) thuận tiện I like the convenience of living close to work convenient (adj) thuận tiện Our local shop has very convenient opening conveniently (adv) đầy thuận tiện The house is conveniently situated near the hours station and the shops inconvenient (adj) bất tiện It will be very inconvenient for me to have no inconvenience (n) bất tiện Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor car inconvenience 30 demonstrate Word demonstrate (v) Meaning minh họa Example These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning demonstration (n) minh họa Let me give you a demonstration of how the camera works demonstrator (n) người thuyết minh A demonstrator was showing customers how the food processor worked demonstrative hay giãi bày, thổ lộ We're a very demonstrative family (adj) 31 use Word use (n), (v) Meaning sử dụng Example This glass has been used - could you get me a clean one? user (n) người sử dụng Unemployed people are the main users of this advice centre useful (adj) hữu ích Do the exercises serve any useful purpose? usable (adj) sử dụng The specific software is also usable in other areas of research usage (n) cách dùng The earliest recorded usage of the word is in the twelfth century useless (adj) vơ ích Without fuel, the vehicles will become useless for moving supplies unused (adj) không quen I'm unused to getting up so early misuse (v) lạm dụng She was accused of misusing company funds 32 magic Word magic (n) Meaning ảo thuật Example The group is known for its belief in witchcraft and magic magic (adj) thuộc ảo thuật I'll show you a magic trick magical (adj) thần kỳ, tuyệt vời We walked home arm-in-arm in the magical moonlight magician (n) ảo thuật gia There'll be a magician at the kids' Christmas party 33 beauty Word Meaning Example beauty (n) vẻ đẹp The piece of music he played had a haunting beauty beauty spot (phr) danh lam thắng It is also a beauty spot for walking beautify (v) cảnh làm đẹp Money has been raised to beautify the area beautiful (adj) đẹp đẽ She was wearing a beautiful dress 34 compete Word Meaning Example compete (v) cạnh tranh Both girls compete for their father's attention competition (n) thi There's a lot of competition between computer companies competitor (n) người thi đấu, cạnh How many competitors took part in the race? tranh competitive (adj) cạnh tranh You're very competitive - it's meant to be a friendly match! competent (adj) có lực I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job incompetent (adj) cỏi, bất tài He has described the government as corrupt and incompetent competitiveness cạnh tranh (n) She has a heel injury but her competitiveness tends to overcome physical pain competence (n) lực, khả Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable 35 policy Word Meaning Example policy (n) sách What is your party's policy on immigration? politics (n) trị Joe is very active in left-wing politics political (adj) thuộc trị Education is back at the top of the political agenda politically (adv) trị They encourage young people to become more politically active politician (n) 36 sense trị gia He was an effective enough politician Word sense (n) Meaning giác quan, cảm giác Example Did you get any sense of how they might react? sensible (adj) khôn ngoan It would be sensible to take an umbrella Insensitive (adj) thờ ơ, vơ tình The police have been criticized for being insensitive to complaints from the Insensible (adj) public We found her lying on the floor, drunk and bất tỉnh insensible sensitive (adj) nhạy cảm Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism nonsense (n) vơ lý, nhảm nhí This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper 37 ambiguous Word ambiguous (adj) Meaning mơ hồ, nhập nhằng Example His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous unambiguous (adj) rõ ràng It really seemed a clear-cut and unambiguous test ambiguity (n) ambiguously (adv) tối nghĩa, khó We wish to remove any ambiguity hiểu concerning our demands cách khó hiểu Some questions were badly or ambiguously worded 38 harmony Word harmony (n) Meaning hài hòa Example Imagine a society in which everyone lived together in harmony harmonious (adj) hài hòa, cân đối All the buildings on the campus are architecturally harmonious harmonize (v) làm cho hài hòa The garden has been designed to harmonize with the natural landscape harmoniously (adv) nột cách hài hòa We worked together very harmoniously In harmony with hài hòa với We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment 39 achieve Word achieve (v) Meaning đạt Example She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America achievement (n) thành tựu An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young achiever (n) người thành đạt All the women interviewed were achievers in their chosen field achievable (adj) đạt Before you set your targets, make sure that they are achievable 40 simple Word simple (adj) Meaning đơn giản Example The instructions were written in simple English simplicity (n) đơn giản The advantage of the plan is its simplicity simplify (v) đơn giản hóa He tried to simplify the story for the younger audience simplification (n) đơn giản hóa He is proposing simplification of the planning system simplistic (adj) simple – minded (adj) đơn giản hóa, giảm They have a simplistic point of view about tính the war chất phác, ngớ ngẩn He took a simple - minded approach to the problem ... backward (về phía sau), inward (tiến vào trong), onward (về phía trước) C Vị trí từ loại câu Vị trí danh từ Vị trí Ví dụ Sau tính từ (adj + N) These are interesting books Sau ngoại động từ (V cần... people Sau giới từ (prep + N) He is interested in music Sa từ định: this, that, these, those, He is a student u từ số lượng: many, some, few, She needs some water several, tính từ sở hữu: my,... specialities specialist (N-p) chuyên môn chuyên gia My doctor has referred me to a specialist for a second opinion on the results of my blood test specialize (V) + in chuyên That restaurant specializes

Ngày đăng: 24/02/2020, 18:06

