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Exercise - Unit 1

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Unit 1 I. Pick out the word pronounced different from that of the other words : 1. A. six B. dinner C. kitchen D. climb 2. A. drink B. lead C. minute D. continue 3. A. great B. tea C. seat D. meat 4. A. till B. finish C. cousin D. it 5. A. feel B. heart C. leave D. pea 6. A. hit B. bit C. client D. little 7. A. heat B. repeat C. beat D. head 8. A. begin B. seen C. in D. sit 9. A. dip B. heat C. field D. creep 10. A. panic B. live C. give D. dive II. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of other the words: 1. A. alarm B. kitchen C. water D. morning 2. A. buffalo B. tobacco C. continent D. family 3. A. afternoon B. Vietnamese C. timetable D. Japanese 4. A. district B. office C. purchase D. routine 5. A. passenger B. usually C. wonderful D. discotheque III. Complete the sentences by using the correct tense of verbs: slow down – take part – win – revolve – turn – fall – save – float – fight – hold – jump – ride – sell – shake – stay – swim – teach - think 1. Local girls___________ national contests. 2. First, you ___________ the dial, then you press the ignition switch … 3. The hero meets a girl in a café, ___________in love with her and ……. 4. We usually ___________in the general knowledge quiz on Fridays. 5. The earth ___________around the sun. 6. If he ___________up, he’ll soon be able to afford a new computer. 7. When you hear the police siren, you ______and pull in, to allow emergency vehicles to pass. 8. Woods ___________ on water. 9. Paul ____________ the soft drink so hard that it sprayed all over his clothes. 10. Carol didn’t want to go on vacation with us, so she ______home alone all week. 11. Since I hurt my knee, I can’t go jogging. Yesterday, I ____________in the pool for an hour instead. 12. I was terrified just standing over the pool on the high diving board. Finally, I took a deep breath, held my nose, and ____________ into the water. 13. The climber, who was fearful of falling, ________the rope tightly in both hands. 14. Johnny pushed Alan down on the floor, and the two boys ____________for a few minutes 15. Before Louise started her own company, she ______chemistry at the university. 16. Before I made my decision, I ____________about it for a long, long time. 17. My car wouldn’t start this morning, so I ____________ my bicycle to work. 18. I needed money to pay my tuition at the university, so I ____________my motorcycle to my cousin. IV. Complete the sentence using: always – often – sometimes – never – usually – seldom 1. My roommate eats only vegetarian food and I like beef and chicken. We always cook separate meals. I (eat) ____________ my roommate’s meal. 2. The little boy in the street is begging for food. He comes from a poor family and never gets enough to eat. The little boy (be) ____________hungry. 3. On most Sundays, my family gets together for a big meal. My family (get) ___________together for a big meal on Sundays. 4. Peter tries to finish his homework before he goes to bed, but he usually falls asleep. Peter (finish) ____________ his homework before he falls asleep and decides to go to bed. 5. My friends like to play video games, but I don’t join them because the games are too violent. I (play) ____________ video games with my friends. 6. Jenny’s job starts at 8:00. most days of the week, Jenny arrives around 7:30. Jenny (arrive) ____ ___ at work early. 7. I like to relax every night by taking a long, hot bath. I (take) ____________a long, hot bath in the evening. V. Choose the correct word : 1. It ______ me one hour to read the book. A. made B. gave C. took D. brought 2. We are contented ______ our exam results. A. by B. with C. foe D. of 3. What lesson do you have ______8.30 a.m on Tuesday? A. at B. on C. in D. of 4. After lunch, I often ______a rest. A. get B. go C. give D. take. 5. My sister usually practices ______ the piano in the evening. A. plays B. to play C. playing D. to playing 6. She ______on well with he colleagues. A. gets B. takes C. does D. comes 7. They either read stories ______play games. A. and B. or C. nor d. not 8. I love ______my mother with the housework . A. help B. to helping C. helped D. helping 9. What do you often do ______the afternoon? A. on B. at C. in D. for 10. We had dinner at 6 p.m, ______we went to the cinema. A. when B. then C. also D. now. 11. I usually have lunch ______my children at home. A. at B. with C. for D. together 12. It takes me 30 minutes ______to work. A. to go B. go C. going D. to going. 13. Which do you prefer, ______fishing or shopping? A. go B. went C. to going D. going. 14. I ______home at 9 a.m this morning. A. leave B. leaving C. left D. had left. 15. She often ______ morning exercises. A. takes B. take C. took D. will take 16. We sometimes go shopping ______Sunday morning. A. at B. in C. for D. on 17. My brother ______me last month. A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. visiting 18. When I came in, she continued ______my diary. A. read B. reads C. to read D. to reading 19. A few minutes ______the police appeared. A. before B. later C. after D. then 20. They ______at the clubs two days ago. A. arrived B. came C. phoned D. took part. VI. Complete the sentences with the appropriate preposition: 1. That’s very kind ________you to do so. 2. I didn’t know Adrian was married ________Gloria. 3. What was the reason ____________the delay? 4. What time we get there will depend ___________how bad the traffic is. 5. I really didn’t do it __________purpose, but I know she thinks I did. 6. Are you coming _________car or ________foot? 7. I’m really proud ________my mother, being so independent _________her age. 8. Are you good __________repairing cars? VII. Choose the underlined part that is incorrect: 1. It takes me 30 minutes get to the railway station. 2. Thu is practicing to play basketball in the front yard. 3. Instead for going fishing, we went shopping last week. 4. I love to playing with their children everyday. 5. Although it was raining, but they played football. 6. We are contented of what we do. 7. What lesson do you have at 8.00 a.m. at Friday? 8. What do you often do on the morning? 9. Is it interesting to attending this course? 10. My brother gave off smoking when he was 18 years old. VIII. Write a complete letter: Dear Sir, 1. I / write/ complain/ about/ work/ your company/ do/ my house/ last week  ________________________________________________________________ 2. Three men/ arrive/ Monday/ paint/ inside walls  _________________________________________________________________ 3. They use/ wrong/ color/ drop paint/ over carpet. _________________________________________________________________ 4. They also/ break / valuable vase  _____________________________________ 5. Foreman / assure me/ they repaint /walls  _________________________________________________________________ 6. I / go away/ on business/ and not return/ until Friday  ________________________________________________________________ 7. All walls/ still / same color  _________________________________________ 8. Foreman also promise/ company/ pay for/ damage to / vase  _________________________________________________________________ 9. I enclose/ bill/ for this  _____________________________________________ 10._________________________________________________________________I not pay / your bill/ decorating/ until/ house /painted properly  _________________________________________________________________ Yours faithfully, Martin Spruce IX. Read this letter and choose the correct word: Dear Mum and Dad, This is just a quick letter to let you know that I am fine. We are all working hard because the exams are only a few weeks away, but our teacher (1) ______ he thinks we’ll do well. (my landlady is not so sure – she keeps (2) _ ___ me I should stop (3) _____so much TV and do a bit more reading!) Anyway, we had a wonderful time at a half – term. I went off to Paris for (4) ______ days with some of the others from the school, and we went on a guided (5) ______of the city. We saw most of the famous (6) ______ like the Louvre, where they have an amazing (7) ______ of paintings, and the Eiffel Tower. Then we went down to the South of France (8) ______ train. It was so fast – the whole (9) ______was only about four hours. We spent (10) ______ time in Nice and in Cannes as well, and we all really enjoyed it. Anyway I must go now as I’ve to do a bit of homework for tomorrow. Will you write soon? Love, Janie 1. A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks 2. A. saying B. telling C. speaking D. talking 3. A. watch B. watched C. to watchD. watching 4. A, a little B. a little C. a few D. few 5. A. trip B. visit C. tour D. excursion 6. A. shows B. sights C. views D. looks 7. A. set B. group C. gallery D. collection 8. A. in B. by C. with D. on 9. A. voyage B. travel C. drive D. journey 10. A. a little B. little C. few D. a few . Unit 1 I. Pick out the word pronounced different from that of the other words : 1. A. six B. dinner C. kitchen D. climb. it sprayed all over his clothes. 10 . Carol didn’t want to go on vacation with us, so she ______home alone all week. 11 . Since I hurt my knee, I can’t go

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2013, 11:10

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