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Ebook Những nội dung cơ bản của Bộ Luật dân sự năm 2005: Phần 2

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Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo tiếp nội dung cuốn sách Những nội dung cơ bản của Bộ Luật dân sự năm 2005 qua phần 2 sau đây. Luật này có nhiệm vụ bảo vệ quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp của cá nhân, tổ chức, lợi ích của Nhà nước, lợi ích công cộng; bảo đảm sự bình đẳng và an toàn pháp lý trong quan hệ dân sự, góp phần tạo điều kiện đáp ứng nhu cầu vật chất và tinh thần của nhân dân, thúc đẩy sự phát triển kinh tế - xã hội.

KEY ISSUES IN THE 2005 CIVIL CODE 345 INTRODUCTION To diíĩíỉeminatc the kcy issucs of cnnctcd important codes a n d taivs such as the Civil C(XỈc, the Invcstnieỉìt Lcau, the Ixnv on IntcỊỊcctuol Propcrty a n d thc Enterprise Law to the husincss community, Victnamcsc a n d [oreigìi rcodcrs, the Jucliciaỉ Pithlishiniĩ Housc, in ựoordiuation ivith the International Latc Department, the Ministrỵ ofJiisticc, piỉbỉishcs sonw books lìì both Victnanìcsc a n d English to iniroduce thc code a n d loivs s a id ahocc ỉt is our hopc th at íhc pubtications of the ổudicial Publishing ỉỉouíic Lvill bí' usefuỉ for Ihosc domcsỉic an d [ordgn in dividuals and o rg a m z a tio n s Luho are intercstcd in le aniing ahouí the Victnamesc laivs Wc,' also hope th a t thcse books ivilỉ contribute to ensuring transparency o f the Vietìiamesc ỉegal system - one o f the rcquircments for this country to hecome a mcmher o f the Worỉd Trade Orga n iza t ion (WTO) We, therefore, have the honor to introduce this book to readcrs! Janiiaiy 2007 TH E JU D IC IA L PƯ BLISHING HOƯSE 317 Partl INTRODUCTION TO THE 2005 CIVIL CODE 349 Part I Introduction to the 2005 Civìl Code I sTRllC I URK ()F THK 2005 C I\ IL CODK The 0 Civil Codc comprises o f 36 Chapters, 777 Artỉcỉes ivhivh a re d i v i d c d in to th e fo l l o w i n g Parts: P a r t One: G en eral p ro v ỉsio n s coniprises of C h ap ters Chaptcr /: Tasks and effect of the Civil Code (Articles 1-3) Chapter II: Basic principles (Articles 4-13) Chapter ///: Indivicluaỉs (Articles 14-83) comprises of Sections: Scction 1: Civil law capacity and civil actcapacitv of individuals (Articles 14-23) Section 2: Personal rights (Articlcs 24-51) Section 3: Place of residence (Articles 52-57) Section 4: G uardianship (Articlcs 58-73) Section 5: Notice of search for persons who are absent from their places of residence, declaration of missing persons and declaration of death (Articles 74-83) Chapter rV\ Legal persons (Articles 84-105) comprises of Sections: Section 1: General provisions on legal persons (Articles 84-99) Section 2: Types of legal person (Articles 100-105) C h apter V: Pamily households and cooperative groups (Articles 106-120) comprises of Sections: Section 1: Pamily households (Articles 106-110) Section 2: Cooperative groups (Articles 111-120) Chapter VI: Civil transactions (Articles 121-138) Chapter VII: R epresentation (Articles 139-148) 351 Key issues in the 2005 Civil Code Chaptcr VIII: Time limits (Articles 149-153) Chapter IX: Statute of limitations (Articles 154-162) Part Two: Property and ovvnership rights comprises of Chapters; Chapter X: General provisions (Articles 163-173) Chapter XI: Types of property (Articles 174-181) Chapter XỈI: Contents of ovvnership rights (Articles 182-199) comprises of Sections: Section 1: The right to possession (Articles 182-191) Section 2: The right to use (Articles 192*194) Section 3: The right to disposition (Articles 19Õ-199) Chapter Xlll: Forms of ovvnership (Articles 200-232) comprises of Sections; Section 1: State ovvnership (Articles 200-207) Section 2: Collective ownership (Articles 208-210) Section 3: Private ovvnership (Articles 211-213) Section 4: Common ownership (Articles 214-226) Section 5: Ovvnership by political organizations, socio-political organizations (Articles 227-229) Seclion 6: Ownership by socio-political-professional organizations, social organizations, socio*professional organizations (Articles 230-232) Chapter x rv: Establishm ent and term ination of ovvnership rights (Articles 233-254) comprises of Sections: Section 1: Establishment of ovvnership rights (Articles 233-247) Section 2: Term ination of ovvnership rights (Articles 248-254) Chapter XV: Protection of ownership rights (Articles 255-261) 352 Part I Introduction to the 2005 Civíl Code C h a p te r XVI: Other provisions on ovvnership rights (Articles 262-279) Part Three: Civil obligations and civil contracts comprises of Chapters C h a p te r XVII: General provisions (Articles 280-427) compris- es of Sections: Section 1: Civil obligations (Articles 280-282) Section 2: Performance of civil obhgations (Articles 283-301) Section 3: Civil liability (Articỉes 302-308) Section 4: Transfer of the right to demand and transíer of civil obligations (Articles 309-317) Section 5: Security for the performance of civil obligations (Articles 318-373) Section 6: Term ination of civil obligations (Articles 374-387) Section 7: Civil contracts (Articles 388-427) Chapter XVIII: Commonly used civil contracts (Articles 428­ 593) comprises of 13 Sections: Section 1: Contracts for property sale and purchase (Articles 428-462) Section 2: Contracts for property exchange (Articles 463-464) Section 3: Contracts for the donation of property (Articles 465-470) Section 4; Contracts for property loan (Articles 471-479) Section 5: Contracts for property lease (Articles 480-511) Section 6: Contracts for property borrovving (Articles 512-517) Section 7: Service contracts (Articles 518-526) 353 Key issues in the 2005 Civil Code Section 8: Contracts for transportation (Articles 527-Õ46) Section 9: Processing contracts (Articles 547-5Õ8) Section 10: Contracts for the bailmentoí propertv (Articles Õ59-566) Section 11: Insurance contracts (Articles 567-580) Section 12; M andate contracts (Articles 581-589) Section 13: Promise of reward and competition for prizes (Articles Õ90-593) Chapter XỈX: Performance of tasks vvithout m andate (Articles 594-598) Chapter XX: Obligation to return the property possessed, used, benefits enjoyed thereừom vvithout a legal basis (Articles 599-603) Chapter XXI: Liability to compensate for dam age ơutside contract (Articles 604-630) comprises of Sections: Section 1: General provisions (Articles 604-607) Section 2: Determination of damage (Articles 608-612) Section 3: Compensation for damage in a num ber of speciric cases (Articles 613-630) Part Four: Inheritance comprises of Chapters Chapter XXII: General provisions (Articles 631-645) Chapter XXIIỈ: Testam entary inheritance (Articles 646-673) Chapter XXIV: Inheritance at law (Articles 674-680) Chapter XXV: Paym ent and division of inheritable estate (Articles 681-687) Part Five: Provisions on the transter o f land use rights com- prises of Chapters Chapter XXVI: General provisions (Articles 688-692) 354 Contents of the 2005 Civil Code P art four INHERITANCE 602 Chapter XXII GENERAL PROVISIONS 602 Inherỉtance right o f in d iv id u a ls 602 A rtic le 631 A rtic ỉe 632 Individuals* righ t o f equ a lity ỉn inheritance A x tic le 3 602 Time a n d p la c e for opening inheritance 603 A rtic le 634 Estate 603 A rtic le 635 Heirs 603 Time at ivhich the heir*s righ ts a n d obligatỉons arise 603 Performanc€ of p r o p e r ty obligations left by the decedent 603 A rtic le 636 A rtic le 637 Estate a d m in is tr a to r s A rtic le 638 A rtic le 639 Obligations of the estate adm ỉnỉstrator A rtic le 640, Rights o f the estate a d m in i s tr a t o r 604 604 605 Article 641 ĩnheritance by persons entitled to m u tiially inherit each other*s estate who die simultaneousiy A rtic le 642 D ỉsclaim er o f inheritance 606 A rtic le 643 Persons not e n title d to enjoy estate 606 A rtic le 644 Estates ivithout heirs s h a ỉ l beỉong to the S ta te A rtic le 645 607 S ta tu te o f ỉim ita tio n s for in ỉtia tin g 705 Key issues in the 2005 Civíl Code ỉnheritance-related laivsuỉts 607 ChapterXXIIt TESTAMENTARYINHERITANCE 608 A rtic le 646 Testaments 608 A rtic le 647 Testators 608 A rtic le 648 Rights o f the testa to r 608 A rtic le 649 Porms o f testa m e n t 608 A rtic le 650 Wrỉtten testam en ts 609 A rtic le 651 Oral testam en ts 609 A rtic le 652 Law ful testam en ts 609 A rtic le 653 Contents o f ivritten testam en ts 610 A rtic ỉe 654 Witne8se8 to the m a k in g o f testaments 610 A rtỉc le 655 Written testa m en ts m a d e ivithout Uĩitnesaes 611 Written testam ents m a d e in the presence of Uỉitnesses 611 Testaments notarixed or authenticated 611 Procedures for m a k in g testa m en ts a t p u b l ic notary offỉc€8 or People*8 Com m ittees o f communeSị ivards or toỉvnships 611 Persons not alloived to n otarize or a u th en tic a te testam ents 612 Written testam en ts are as v a lid as n o ta r iz e d or a u th e n tic a te d testam en ts 612 A rtỉc le 656 A rtic le 657 A rtic le 658 A rtic le 659 A rtic le 660 A r tic le 661 T estam ents m ade by p u b lic notaries 706 Contents of the 2005 Civil Code at places o f residence 613 Amendment, supplementatioriy substitution a n d annulm ent o f testaments 613 A rtic le 662 A rtic le 663 J o in t testament of h u sb a n d a n d wife Amendment, supplementation, suhstituiion a n d an n u lm en t o f jo in t testam ents o f hu8h a n d a n d wife 614 A rtic le 664 614 A rtic le 665 Custody o f testaments 614 A rtic le 666 Lost or d a m a g e d testam ents 615 A rtic le 667 Legal effect of testaments 615 A rtic le 668 Legal effect ofjo in t testam ent o f hu8- hand a n d wife A rtic le 669 616 Heirs ỉndependent from contents of testam en ts 616 A rtic le 670 Estate used for tvorshipỉng 616 A rtic le 671 Testam entary donation 617 A rtic le 672 Announcement of testam ents 617 A rtic le 673 Interpretatỉon o f testam ents 618 Chapter XXỈV INHERITANCE AT LAW 618 A rtic le 674 Inheritance at laiv 618 A rtic le 675 Cases o f ỉnheritance a t lau) 619 A rtic le 676 Heirs a t la w 619 A rtic le 677 Inheritance by substitution 620 A rtic le 678 Inherỉtance relationship between 707 Key issues ỉn the 2005 Civil Code a d o p t e d children a n d th eir adoptive Ịathers, adoptive mothers a n d their biological p a r e n ts 620 Inheritance relatỉonship betivccn stepchỉldren a n d their 8tepfathers and/or stepmothers 621 Inheritance ỉn cases where wife a n d h u s b a n d have d i v id e d th eir common property, are a p p ly in g for dỉvorce or have m a rr ie d another person 621 A rtic le 679 A rtic le 680 Chapter XXV PAYMENT AND DIVISION 0F ESTATE 621 A rtic le 681 Meetỉng o f heỉrs 621 A rtic le 682 E state d istrib u to r s 622 A rtic le 683 P rỉo rity o r d er o f p a y m e n t 622 A rtỉc le 684 Dỉvỉsion o f estates in accordance w ith testam ents 623 A rtỉc le 685 Diviaion o f estate by law8 623 A rtic le 686 R estrictions on division o f estate 624 Dỉvision o f estates in cases ivhere netu heỉrs a p p e a r or ivhere heirs are d ỉs in h e r ite d A rtic le 687 624 Part fìve PROVISIONS ON THE TRANSPER F LAND USE RIGHTS 625 ChapterXXVI GENERAL PROVISIONS Article688 Bases for establiahment o f land use rights 708 625 625 Contents of the 2005 Civit Code A rtic le 89 Porins o f transfer o f l a n d use rights 625 A rtic le 690 Price for transfer o f l a n d use righ ts 625 Principles for transfer o f land use rỉghts 625 Effect o f transfer o f l a n d use righ ts 626 A r tic le A rtic le 692 Chapter XXVII CONTRACTS FOR EXCHANGE OF LAND USE RIGHTS A r tic le Contracts for exchange o fla n d use rights A rtic le 69 626 626 Contents of tracts for exchange of la n d use rights 626 Obligations of p a r tie s to the exchange o f land use rights 627 A rtic le A rtic le 96 R ig h ts o f p a r tỉ e s to the exchange of latid use righ ts 627 Chapter XXVIII CONTRACTS FOR ASSIGNMENT 0F LAND USE RIGHTS A rtic le 697 628 C on tracts for a s s ig n m e n t o f l a n d use rights 628 Contents o f c on tracts for assign m ent o f land use rights 628 Obligations of the lancl use right assignor 629 R ig h ts o f the la n d use righ t assỉgnor 629 A rtic le 698 A r tic le 9 A rtic le 700, A rtic le 701 O blỉgatỉons of the l a n d use righ t assignee A rtic le 702 629 R ig h ts o f the la n d use righ t assignee 629 709 Key íssues in the 2005 Cìvil Code Chapter XXÍX CONTRACTS FOR LAND USE RIGHT LEASE, SUBLEASE 630 Section CONTRACTS FOR LAND USE RIGHT LEASE Contracts for la n d use righ t lease A rtic le 703 A rtic le 704 630 Oblỉgatỉons of the land use right lessor R igh ts o f the la n d use rig h t lessor A rtic le 706 A rtic le 707 630 Contents of contracts for la n d use r igh t lease A rtic le 705 630 Oblỉgations o f the land use right lessee 631 631 632 A rtic le 708 R ig h ts o f the la n d use righ t lessee 632 A rtic le 709 Delay in p a y m e n t o f rent 633 A rtic le 710 Compensation for d a m a g e c au sed by recovery o f la n d 633 The righ t to continue leasing la n d use rìghts when one p a r t y dies 634 Assỉgnm ent o f la n d use r ig h ts durỉng the term o f a l a n d use rìght lease 634 A rtic le 711 A rtic le 712 A rtic le 713 Term ination o f tracts for la n d use right lease 63 Section CONTRACTS FOR LAND USE RIGHT SUBLEASE A rtic le 714 710 Contracts for la n d use rig h t sublease 635 635 Contents of the 2005 Civit Code Chapter XXX CONTRACTS FOR LAND USE RIGHT MORTGAGE 635 A rtic le 715 Contracts for land use right mortgage 635 A rtic le 716 Scope o f la n d use rig h t m ortgage 636 A rtic le 717 Ohligations of the ỉand use right mortgagor 636 Rights of the land use right mortgagor 636 A rtic le 718 Oblỉgatỉons o f the l a n d use rỉght A rtic le 719 mortgagee 637 A rtic le 720 Rights of the land Itse right mortgagee 637 A rtic le 721 Handling of mortgaged land use rights 637 Chapter XXXI CONTRACTS FOR ưVND USE RIGHT DONATION Contracts for la n d use righ t donation A rtic le 722 A rtic le 723 637 637 Contents o f contracts for la n d use right donation 638 A rtic le 724 Obligations o f the land use right donor 638 A rtic le 725 Obligations of the land use right donee 638 A rtic le 726 Rights o f the la n d use rig h t donee 638 Chapter XXXII CONTRACTS FOR CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION WITH LAND USE RIGHT VALUE 639 Contracts for Capital contribution with the la n d use righ t ưalue 639 A rtic le 727 A rtic le 728 Contents of the tracts for Capital 711 Key issues in the 2005 Civỉl Code contributỉon ivith the la n d use rỉght value 639 O blỉgations o f p a r t ỉ e s contributin g Capital with the la n d use rig h t value 640 R igh ts o f p a r t ỉ e s contrihuting Capi­ ta l ìvith the la n d use righ t value 640 O bligations o f p a r t i e s receỉving Cap­ ita l contributed ivith the l a n d use rỉgh t value 640 R ig h ts o f p a r t i e s receiving Capital contrỉbuted ivith the l a n d use righ t value 641 A rtic le 729 A rtic le 730 A rtỉc le 731 A rtic le 732 Chapterxxxni INHERITANCE 0F LAND USE RIGHTS A rtỉc ỉe 733 A rtic le 734 Inherỉtance o f la n d use rights 641 641 I n d ỉvid u a ls e n title d to bequeath l a n d use rights 641 Inheritance o f the righ ts to Iise l a n d assỉgn ed to households hy the S ta te 642 A rtic le 735 Part six INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSPER 642 Chapter XXXIV C O P Y R IG H T A N D R E L A T E D R IG H T S 642 Section COPYRIGHT A rtic le 736 712 The a u th o r 642 642 Contents of the 2005 Civil Code A rtic le 737, Ohjects of Copyright 642 A rtic le 738 Contents of Copyright 643 Time at which Copyright arỉses a n d the effect of Copyright 643 A r tic le 740 Oivners of Copyright 644 A rtic le 741 Divisỉon o f rights o f co-authors 644 A rtic le 742 Transfer o f Copyright 644 A rtic le 739 Contracts for tra n sfe r o f p ro p e rty rỉghts in Copyright A rtic le 743 645 Section RIGHTS RELATED TO COPYRIGHT A rtic le 744 Objects o f copyrỉght-related rights A rtic le 745 Oivners a n d contents o f the righ ts to 645 645 perforrnances 645 Oivners a n d contents o f the righ ts to audio records, video records 646 A rtic le 746 A rtic le 747 Otvners a n d contents o f the rỉghts to b roadcasts 646 Oivners a n d conten ts o f the rỉghts to sate llite signals c a rry ỉn g coded p r o g r a m s 646 A rtic le 748 A rtic le 749 Transfer o f re la ted r ig h ts 647 Chapter XXXV INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND THE RIGHTS TO PLAUĨ VARIETIES A rtic le 750 647 Objects of i n d u s tr ỉa l p r o p e r ty rights 713 Key issues in the 2005 Cívil Code a n d the rights to p l a n t ưarỉetỉes 647 C on tents o f i n d u s t r i a l p r o p e r t y r ig h ts a n d the rights to p l a n t varieties 647 Bases for establish ỉn g in d u s tria i p r o p e r t y rights a n d the righ ts to p l a n t varietỉes 649 T n sfer o f i n d u s t r i a l p r o p e r t y r ig h ts a n d the rights to p l a n t varỉeties 649 A rtic le 751 A rtic le 752 A rtic le 753 Chapter XXXV/ TECHNOLOGY TRANSPER 650 A rtic le 754 Technology transfer rights 650 A rtic le 755 Objects o f technology transỊer 650 A rtic le 756 Technologies ivhich m ust not he t n s fe r re d 651 A rtic le 757 C ontracts for technology tran sfer 65 P a rt seven CIVIL RELATIONS INVOLVING POREIGN ELEMENTS 651 Civil reỉations involving (oreign elements 651 A p p lic a tio n o f civil law s o f the S o c ia list Republic ofV ietn a m , ỉn tern a tio n a l treatieSy (oreign la w s a n d in te rn a tio n a l p r a c tỉc e s 65 Bases for the a p p iỉc a tỉo n o f laivs to s ta te le s s persons or (oreigners w ith two or more for~ eỉgn n a tio n a litie s 652 A r t i c l e 758 A rtic le 759 A rtic le 760 714 A rtic le 761 Civil legaỉ c a p a c ỉty o f [oreigners 653 A rtic le 762 Civil act c a p a c ỉty o f [oreỉgners 653 Contents of the 2005 Civil Code A rtic le 763 Determ ination of persons as h avin g nOy h a v ỉ n g l o s t o r h a v i n g b e e n r e s t r ỉ c t e d ỉ ri y c i v i l a c t 654 cap a cỉty A rtic le 764 Determ inatỉon of persons as missing or deơ d A rtic le 765 654 Civil legal capacity o f [oreign legal persons 654 A rtic le 766 P roperty ownership rỉg h ts A rtic le 767 At-law ỉnherỉtance involving [oreign elements 654 655 A rtic le 768 T estam entary inheritance 655 A rtic le 769 Civil contracts 655 A rticle 770 Forms o f cỉvil contract 656 A rtic le 771 Cỉvỉl contracts entered in absentia 656 A rtic le 772 U n ila tera l cìviỉ transactions 657 A r tic le 773 Compensation for damage outsùle contract 657 Copyright involving [oreìgn elements 657 Industrỉal property rights a n d the rìghts to p lan t varietieSị ivhich in{'

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2020, 03:37

