The story of Ensure Nutrition Shake in Vietnam Company: Abbott Global subsidiary: Abbott Nutrition Vietnam distributor: 3A Nutrition Company Key products of Vietnamese milk market Market share of liquid-milk Market share of powder-milk Make the Difference: Ensure Nutrition Shake providing people with complete, balanced nutrition Price Number of supplier (vnd/bottle) Ensure Nutrition Shake 60 25,000 Output Perfect competition Perfect competition Monopoly
The story of Ensure Nutrition Shake in Vietnam Company: Abbott Global subsidiary: Abbott Nutrition Vietnam distributor: 3A Nutrition Company Key products of Vietnamese milk market Market share of liquid-milk Market share of powder-milk Make the Difference: Ensure Nutrition Shake providing people with complete, balanced nutrition Price Number of supplier (vnd/bottle) Ensure Nutrition Shake 60 25,000 Output Perfect competition Perfect competition Monopoly A B Low revenues High revenues Low costs Low costs C D Low revenues High revenues High costs High costs Input Monopoly To change the situation C => D Print on the label “not to be sold in Vietnam or Mexico” Monopoly output Price Number of supplier vnd/bottle After Ensure Nutrition Shake 45,000 Output Perfect competition Perfect competition Monopoly A B Low revenues High revenues Low costs Low costs C D Low revenues High revenues High costs High costs Input Monopoly