Lab 3 - Emitters. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: What is Emitters? Emitter tool; working with type Emitters: omni, directional and volume; create emitters from object; the spacecraft flight; open water tap.
Author: Khieu Van Bang Email: Maya Dynamics Basics Lab 3: Emitters CONTENTS Basics: What is Emitters ? Emitter Tool Working with type Emitters: omni, directional and volume Create Emitters from Object Examples: The spacecraft flight Open Water Tap Emitters Basics 1) BASICS Emitters Basics 1) BASICS 1.1) What is Emitters ? 1.2) Emitter Tool 1.3) Working with type Emitters: omni, directional and volume 1.4) Create Emitters from Object 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.1.1) What is Emitters ? Emitters generate moving or stationary particles as an animation plays You can use emitters to create smoke, fire, fireworks, rain, and similar objects 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.1.1) What is Emitters ? Types of emitters: o Point emitters (directional and omni) emit particles from a position in the workspace or from particles, vertices, CVs, edit points, or lattice points o Surface emitters emit particles from random, evenly distributed positions on the outer faces of NURBS or polygonal surfaces o Curve emitters emit articles from random, evenly distributed positions of a NURBS curve o Volume emitters emit particles from a closed volume You can choose from cube, sphere, cylinder, cone and torus Emitters Basics 1) BASICS 1.1) What is Emitters ? 1.2) Emitter Tool 1.3) Working with type Emitters: omni, directional and volume 1.4) Create Emitters from Object 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.2) Emitters tool The tools used to create and control Emitters o o o o o Basic Emitter Attributes Distance/Direction Attributes Basic Emission Speed Attributes Volume Emitter Attributes Volume Speed Attributes 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.2.1) Basic Emitter Atributes Emitter type : Select one of these choices from the pop-up menu o Omni: Sets the emitter type to an omnidirectional point emitter o Directional: Sets the emitter type to a directional point emitter o Surface: Emits particles from randomly distributed positions o Curve: Emits particles from randomly distributed positions on or near a curve o Volume: Emits particles from a closed volume Rate (Particle/Sec): average rate at which particles are emitted per second Scale Rate by Object Size: the size of the object emitting the particles affects the rate of particles emitted per frame Need Parent UV (NURBS Surface emitters only): adds parentU and parentV attributes to the particle shape and sets the needparentUV attribute to on Cycle Emission: Cycle Emission lets you restart the random number sequence of the emission Cycle Interval: Defines the interval in frames for restarting the random number sequence when using Cycle Emission 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.2.1) Basic Emitter Atributes Note: difference between created Emitter by “Create Emitter” and “Emit From Object” Emitters Basics 1) BASICS 1.1) What is Emitters ? 1.2) Emitters Tool 1.3) Working with type Emitters: omni, directional and volume 1.4) Create Emitters from Object 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.1) Make Emitter on curve 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.2) Make Emitter on object 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.2) Make Emitter on object 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.3) Make Emitter on surface 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.3) Make Emitter on surface 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.3) Make Emitter on surface 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.4) Make Emitter on vertex 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1.4.5) Make Emitter on other Emitter Step 1: Create a Emitter Step 2: Select created Emitter, then Create new Emitter Step 3: Change type Emitter and attribute Emtters Basics 2) EXAMPLES Emtters Basics 2) EXAMPLES 2.1) The spacecraft flight 2.2) Open Water Tap 2) EXAMPLE 2.1) The spacecraft flight This example is a form of set key parent Emtters Basics 2) EXAMPLES 2.1) Create a text effect 2.2) Open Water Tap 2) EXAMPLE 2.2) Open Water Tap This example is a form of set key lifePan Thanks! ... BASICS 1 .3. 1) Omni Emitters 1 .3. 1.1) Basic Emitter Attributes 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 1) Omni Emitters 1 .3. 1.2) Distance/Direction Attributes ? ? 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 1) Omni Emitters 1 .3. 1 .3) Basic... EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 1) Omni Emitters 1 .3. 1.4) Livespan Mode ? 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 1) Omni Emitters 1 .3. 1.5) Types of Particle render ? 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 1) Omni Emitters 1 .3. 1.5) Types of... BASICS 1 .3. 2) Directional Emitter 1 .3. 2.4) Livespan Mode 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 2) Directional Emitter 1 .3. 2.5) Types of Particle render 1) EMITTERS BASICS 1 .3. 2) Directional Emitter 1 .3. 2.5)