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giáo án Anh 6 HKI

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English 6 Week 1 Period 1 Date of teaching: Lesson 1 Làm quen với môn học và cách học I. Mục tiêu chung của môn học Tiếng Anh. - Hình thành và phát triển ở học sinh những kiến thức , kỹ năng cơ bản về Tiếng Anh và những phẩm chất trí tuệ cần thiết để tiếp tục học hoặc đi vào cuộc sống lao động. II. Mục tiêu cụ thể. - Học xong THCS , HS nắm đợc kiến thức cơ bản , tối thiểu và tơng đối hệ thống về Tiếng Anh thực hành hiện đại, phù hợp lứa tuổi. - Có kỹ năng cơ bản sử dụng T.Anh nh một công cụ gioa tiếp đơn giản dới các dạng : Nghe - nói - đọc viết. - Có sự hiểu biết khái quát về văn hoá của các nớc sử dụng Tiếng Anh. - Hình thành các kỹ năng học tiếng và phát triển t duy .Những kỹ năng này sẽ giúp phát triển khả năng sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ và góp phần hình thành năng lực ngôn ngữ toàn diện hơn cho học sinh. III. Cấu trúc sách Tiếng Anh 6. *Giáo viên giới thiệu cho học sinh: - Cuốn Tiếng Anh 6 gồm 16 đơn vị bài học ( Units), mỗi bài học tơng ứng với một chủ đề và đ- ợc chia làm nhiều tiết học đợc phát triển theo trình tự các chủ đề. - Chơng trình học trong năm: Cả năm: 3 tiết. 35 tuần = 105 tiết Kì I : 3 tiết. 18 tuần = 54 tiết Kì II : 3 tiết. 17 tuần = 51 tiết - Điểm : M: 1 15 : 2 V: 2 HK: 1 - Có đầy đủ trang thiết bị, dồ dùng học tập: Máy cát sét, tranh ảnh, đồ vật minh hoạ cho các nội dung giảng dạy. IV. Học sinh: - Học sinh phải là chủ thể của hoạt động học tập: có động cơ học tập đúng đắn, tích cực & chủ động tiếp thu kiến thức, chăm chỉ hoạt động tham gia các hoạt động giao tiếp, mạnh dạn tích cực & có chủ định, có sáng tạo sử dụng Tiếng Anh trong hoạt động giao tiếp. - Kết hợp hoạt động học tập trên lớp và làm bài tập ở nhà. - Học sinh tham gia hoạt động học tập dới sự hớng dẫn của giáo viên. 1. Có đầy đủ sách vở, đồ dùng học tập phục vụ cho môn học Tiếng Anh 6. ( SGK, sách bài tập, sách bổ trợ và nâng cao, một số sách tham khảo, có thể dùng đài băng để luyện nghe ở nhà) V. Cách học: - Học đi đôi với hành, chăm chỉ học tập - Đọc, nói Tiếng Anh rõ ràng, chính xác, đúng trọng âm. - Viết rõ ràng, liền nét, đúng chính tả. - Kết hợp hoạt động trên lớp và làm bài tập ở nhà và giao tiếp với mọi ngời trong thực tế. - Có kĩ năng cơ bản sử dụng Tiếng Anh nh một công cụ giao tiếp ở mức độ đơn giản dới dạng: nghe- nói- đọc- viết. * Giáo viên giới thiệu với học sinh một số câu giao tiép bằng Tiếng Anh thờng dùng trong mỗi tiết học. - Keep silent. - May I go out? - May I come in? - Thank you./ Ok. - Do you know?/ understand? - Sit down, please. - Stand up, please. Period 2 Date of teaching: Unit 1 : Greetings. Lesson 1 : A 1 4 (P.10- 11). A. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Sts wil be able to know how to greet with : Hi / Hello and to introduce yourself with I am / My names . count numbers from 0 to 5 B. Teaching method: T- Wc, H H, individual/ pair work. C. Teaching aids: E.6 textbooks, poster, a tape, astereo. D. Anticipated problems: I. Warm up. - T. checks sts tools ( textbooks, notebooks, fountain pen, ruler.) II. Presentation: 1.Pre- teach vocab: Elicit from Sts, - hello (v): xin chào (mime) - hi (v) : xin chao (mime) - I (pro) (expl) - oh :0 four: 4 - one : 1 five : 5 - two :2 - three : 3 * Check vocab: R.O.R 2. Dialogue build.(A1.2) - Set the scene - Give the instruction a, Lan: . Im Nam:. Nga. b, Ba: Hello. My name. Nam: . Nam. * Make an exchange: T-wc, H- H, open pairs, closed pairs -T Wc - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat then copy. - Go to the board and rewrite. - Listen to the T. - Practice . - Go to the board and fill the missing words. - Listen and repeat then copy. - Get sts to go to the board to write the missing words. * Concept check: - Meaning: - Form: Hi. I’m … Hello. My name is… - Use: ®Ó chµo vµ giíi thiÖu tªn. - Pronunciation. 3. Practise.( A3-4). - Get sts to greet and introduce each other. * Dictation. - T. reads some numbers then ask Sts to listen and write individually then pair compare. Three, five, four, oh, two, one. Four-five-three, three-two-oh… + Get some Sts to read out. * Word cue drill: T. gives instrction. - Run through the cues: Quang Ninh / 033 Hue/054 Hai Phong/031 Ha Noi/ 04 Hai Duong /0320 - T. models: S1: Quang Ninh, please? S2: Oh –three –three. - Make an exchange : T – Wc, H – H, open pairs, close pairs. III. Further practise. * Guessing game: - T. gives instruction + check 0320 . * Ex: S1: 0h – three – three. Nam: No. S2: 0h – four. Nam: No. S3: 0h – three – two – 0h. Nam: Yes. - Pair work. - Listen to the T and write the correct answers individually then pair compairs. - Listen to the T. - Run through. - Listen and repeat. - Practice. - Listen to the T. - T – Wc. IV. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words and some structures. - Practice greeting and intrroducing with your friends - Do Ex. 1, 2 (P.4) - Prepare the new lesson: A 5 -8 (P.2-13). Period 3 Date of teaching: Unit 1 ( Cont–d). Lesson 2 : A 5 – 8 (P.12- 13) A. Objectives: - By the emnd of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with “ How are you?” – “I’m fine”. to great each other and count numbers 6 – 10. B. Teaching method: T – Wc, H – H, individual / pair work. C. Teahing aids: E.6 textbooks, a tape, a stereo, poster. D. Anticipated problems: E. Procedures: I. Warm up: Jumbled words. - T. gives instruction. + w t o : two + e t e h r : three + i f e v : five + r o f u : four + e n o : one + h o : oh II. Presentation. 1. Pre teach vocab: Elicit from Sts. - fine (a): khoẻ - thank (v): cám ơn - miss (n): cô (trẻ) - Mr (n): ông - Mrs (n): bà, cô (có gia đình) * Check voacb: Slap the board. 2. Practice * Rub out and remember dialogue. - T. gives instruction. Ba Lan Ba:, Lan. Lan: Ba: you? Lan: fine. ? Ba: ,thanks. *T. puts A5-P.12 on the board and crosses out some key words. * Make sure sts have to remember the rubbed out words and keep practising the dialogue. - Get sts to practise reading. - Ask sts to fill the missing words. * A6: - T. sets the scene: this is Miss Hoa, Mr Hung. They are talking each other. - T. models: Mr Hung: Hi, ( Miss Hoa) Miss Hoa: Hello, ( Mr Hung) Mr Hung: How are you? Miss Hoa: Im fine, thanks. And you? Mr Hung: Fine, thanks. * Concept check: - Meaning. - Form: How are you? Im (fine). Thanks. - Use: Hỏi thăm sức khoẻ. - Listen to the T. - Play in two groups. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat then copy. - Play in two groups. - Listen to the T. - Practice reading. - Go to the board and fill the missing words. - Listen to the T. - Listen to the T. and repeat. - Listen and give the answers. then copy. - Pronunciation. * Get sts to practise. * A7: - Play the tape.( 2 times) - Get sts to write the information they’re listened themselves to complete the dialogue. - Check with the w.c. 4. Pre- teach number: Elicit from Sts. six eight ten seven nine. -Check vocab: Matching. * Practice: Dictation: - T. reads some telephone numbers: 8200294; 9504423; 720909; 7683045 - Get some sts to go to the board and write them. - Check with the w.c ( T. reads). * Word square: - T. gives instruction: Ask sts to find out the numbers learnt. F I V E G T O S N T W O F N E I G H T O E O N X O E U V T E N O N R E T H R E E X S - Practice. - Listen to the T. - Individual writing and pair compare. - Give the answers. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat. - Individual matching. - Listen and write. - Go to the board and rewrite. - Listen and check. - Listen to the T. - Play in two groups. III. Homework. Learn the numbers: 0-10 by heart. Practise asking and answering about the health. Do ex : 3,4 ( P5) Prepore the new leson. B1-3 Week 2 Period: 4 Date of teaching: Unit 1 ( Cont–d) Lesson 3 : B 1 – 6 (P.14 – 16) A. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to great, count the numbers And talk about “ us”. B. Teaching teaching: T – Wc, H – H, pair/individual work C. Teaching aids: English 6. textbook, poster. D. Anticipated problems. E. Procedures. I. Warm up: Chatting - Get some pairs to play the roles to greet each other and introduce. II. Presentation. 1. Pre teaach vocab: Elicit from Sts. - Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night : Xin chµo. - Good bye: T¹m biÖt - Childen (n): nh÷ng ®øa trÎ. - eleven : 11 - twelve: 12 - thirteen: 13. - fourteen : 14 - fifteen : 15 * Check vocab: R. O. R. 2. Presentation dialogue : B 3 (P.15) - T. gives instruction. a. Miss Hoa: - - , children. Children: - -, Miss Hoa. Miss Hoa : - are - ? Children : We’re - . Thank you. How - - ? Miss Hoa: Fine, - . - -. Children: - ! b. Mom : - , Lan. Lan : Good night, Mom. * Make an exchange: T – Wc, H – H, open pairs, close pairs. - Get some Sts to the board and fill in the missing words. + Check with the Wc. + Answer keys: - Pair work. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat then copy. - Go to the board and rewrite. - Listen to the T. - Practice. - Go to the words and fill the missing words. - Give the answers. a. Good morning, good morning, How, you,fine,are you, thanks, Good bye., bye. b. Good night, * Make an exchange: T – Wc, H – H, open/close pairs. - Get Sts to go to the board and fill in the missing words. * Concept checking: + Meaning: + Form: - Good……… - How are you? - We’re…… + Use : Chµo vµ hái th¨m søc khoÎ. + Pronunciation: III. Practice : 1. Picture drill. - T . gives instruction. * T. modles: S1: Good (morning)! S2: Good (morning)! - Get Sts to play the roles. 2. Write : B4. - T. give instruction. - Get Sts to write the missing words in 3’ individually then pair compare. - Ask Sts to go to the board to fill the missing words. + Check with the Wc. 3. Picture drill: T. gives instruction. 7 + 8 10 + 2 5 + 6 7 + 5 6 + 8 3 + 7 - T. modles : S1: Seven and eight ? S2: fifteen. - Make an exchange: T – Wc, H – H, open/ close pairs. IV. Production: Ordering vocab. - T . gives instruction. - T. reads and Sts listen to the T. and write numbers : from 0 to 15 in their notebooks then order the numbers. - T. reads: six, twelve, two, five, thirteen, eight, eleven, four, fouteen, seven, ten, fifteen, one, three, oh, nine. * Check with the Wc. - Practice. - Go to the board and fill the missing words. - Give the answers and repeat then copy. - Listen to the T. - Listen and repeat. - Play the roles. - Listen to the T. - Individual writing and pair compare. - Go to the board and fill in the missing words. - Listen to the T. - Listen and repeat. - Practice. - Listen to the T. - Individual work then pair c compare. - Give the answers. V. Homework - Learn by heart the new words, the numbers. - Practice speaking E. with your friends. - Do ex. - Prepare the new lesson : C 1 – 4 . (P. 17-18) Period 5 Date of teaching: Unit 1 ( Cont–d) Lesson 4 : C 1 – 4 ( P.17 – 19) A. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice counting numbers from 16 to 20 and asking and answering with “ How old are you?” perfectly. B. Teaching method: T – Wc, H – H , pair/ individual work. C. Teaching aids: E.6 textbook, poster. D. Procedures: I. Warm up: Chatting. II. Presentation. 1. Pre teach vocab: Elicit from sts. - sixteen : 16 - seventeen : 17 - eighteen : 18 - nineteen : 19 - twenty : 20 - How old…… ? :… bao nhiªu tuæi - This is … : ®©y lµ… * Check vocab: R. O. R 2. Practice : a. Pelnamism. - T. gives instruction. Sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20 - Praise the winner. b. Slap the board: Elicit from Sts. - T. gives instruction. 5 20 16 17 11 15 9 18 6 - T – Wc. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen and repeat then copy. -Go to the board to rewite the words individually. - Listen to the T. - Play in two groups. - Listen and give the answers. - Listen to the T. - Play in two groups. - Write some numbers , listen - Praise the winner. c. Bingo : C 5 ( P.19) - T. gives instruction. 3. C 3 (P.19) - Set the scene. - Play the tape ( 2 Ts) - Get Sts to practice reading. * The modles: S1: How old are you ? S2: I’m ( twelve). * Concept check: + Meaning: + Form : How old + be+ S? S + be+ number ( years old) - Use: Hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ tuæi. - Pronunciation. * Note: T. contrasts “ How old are you?” with “ How are you?” *Practise: Picture drill. - T. gives instruction: 12 20 18 11 19 13 15 - T. models: * S1: How old are you? * S2: I’m twelve years old. - Get sts to practise. - T. corrects if necessary. to the T and shout : “Bingo” if win - Listen to the T. - Listen to the tape and repeat. - Practice reading. - Listen and repeat in chorus. - Listen and give the answers then copy. - Listen to the T. - Run through. - Listen and repeat. - Practice. III. Homework: --Learn the number 0- 20 by heart. - Practise speaking English with your friends. - Prepare the new lesson: C5-6 ( P.19) Period: 6 Date of teaching: Unit 1( Cont–d) [...]... nine- nine] 0482140 76 054845832 - Run through 0320 721 353 03 361 2300 031720909 05118 266 99 * Make an exchange: T Wc, H H, open/close pairs - Practice 5 Production: * Survey: T gives instruction - Listen to the T Name Telephone number 1 Hoa 03 361 2300 - Play in groups 2 3 4 5 - T models: S1: Whats your name? - Listen and repeat S2: ( Hoa) S1: Whats your telephone number? S2: ( 033 61 2 300) -T gives limited... g h i 1 J 2 3 19 5 6 k l m n 10 11 S 4 t 20 21 v 22 8 9 o p q r 15 12 13 14 u 7 16 17 18 w x 23 24 y z 25 26 II Presentation 1 Pre teach vocab: Elicit from Sts - thrity: - thirty-one: - forty - fifty: - thirty- nine: - sixty: -One hundred and one: - seventy: - bench(n): ghế dài - eighty: - benches - one hundred: * Check vocab: What and where - Elicit the numbers from Sts 80 100 26 - Listen and answer... Practice speaking English with your friends - Do ex 1, 2, 3 (P.35- 36) - Prepare the new lesson: A 3 5 (P.45- 46) Period 21 Date of teaching: Unit 4 (Contd) Lesson 2 : A 3- 5 (P 45- 46) A Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able practice comprehension reading B Teaching method: T- Wc, H-H, individual / pair work C Teaching aids: E .6 textbook, poster, picture 13 D Anticipated problems: E Procedures:... friends - Prepare the new lesson: B 5 ,6 -Listen to the T - Run through - Listen and repeat - Practice Week 4 Period 10 Unit 2 Lesson 4 : ( Contd) B 56 (P.25) A Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice asking and answering and writing about personal, alphabet and numbers B Teaching method: T Wc H- H, pair / individual work C Teaching aids: E 6 textbook, poster D Procedures: I... instruction - Listen to the T 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 - Play in two groups 3 6 9 * Praise the winner 12 1 How old are you? 2 LN 3 Where do you live? 4 Whats your name? 5 LN 6 How do you spell your name? 7.What the name of yyour city? How do you spell it? 8 LN 9 Whats your street name? How do you spell it? 10 How are you? 11 LN 12 What is your address? 6 Noughts and crosses - T gives instruction Lan H-O-A-I Hue -... new lesson : C 1 (p. 26- 27) Period 11 Date of teaching: Unit 2 ( Contd ) Lesson 5 : C 1 ( P 26 27) A Objectives: - Play in two groups - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with : This / That positive statements and Yes No questions to talk about people and things at school B Language content C Teaching method: T- Wc H-H, pair / individual work D Teaching aids: E 6 textbooks, a tape,... (P.20-21) - Prepare the new lesson : B1,2(P.35- 36) Period 15 Date of teaching: Unit 3 (Contd ) Lesson 3 : B1 , 2 (P.35- 36) A Objectives: - By the end of the lesson Sts wil be able to practice counting numbers from 21 to 100 and pronunciation of plural nouns ( s/ iz/z) perfectly B Teaching method: T- Wc, H H, pair/ group/ individual work C Teaching aids: English 6 textbook, poster, picturre 7,8 D Anticipated... C5 -6 ( P.19) A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to practise with the number 1- 20 B Language content: the numbers C Teaching method: T wc, individual/ pair work D Teaching aids: E .6 textbook, poster E Procedures I Warm up: - T asks some questions asks sts to answer - Listen and answer II Further practice: 1.Pelnamism: - T gives instruction - Listen to the answers Sixteen 16 seventeen... and read s - Do ex.: 1,2(P.21) - Prepare the new lesson: B3,5 Week 6 Period 16 Date of teaching: Unit 3 : (Contd) Lesson 4 : B 3,5 (P.37) A Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with How many are there? questions and answer B Teaching method: T-Wc, H H, individual/group/pair work C Teaching aids: E .6 textbook Poster, picture 9 D Anticipated problems: - Some weaker Sts... him.His fathers name is Kien He is forty and he is a doctor His mothers name is Oanh She is thirty nine years old and she is a nurse His sisters name is Lan She is fifteen and she is a student + Give instruction: - Get Sts to look at the answers given and then to make the questions *Check with the Wc + Answer keys: 1 12 6 Oanh 2 4 7 39 3 Kien 8 a nurse - Play the roles - Listen to the T - Work individually . hơn cho học sinh. III. Cấu trúc sách Tiếng Anh 6. *Giáo viên giới thiệu cho học sinh: - Cuốn Tiếng Anh 6 gồm 16 đơn vị bài học ( Units), mỗi bài học tơng. one- one, eight- two- six- six, nine- nine] 0482140 76 054845832 0320 721 353 03 361 2300 031720909 05118 266 99 * Make an exchange: T – Wc, H – H, open/close

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2013, 23:10



