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Ebook Tiếng Anh dành cho giới bác sĩ và y tá: Phần 2

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Nối tiếp nội dung phần 1, phần 2 cuốn sách giới thiệu tới người học các bài đàm thoại các tình huống ở khoa ngoại, bệnh phụ khoa, phòng khám kế hoạch hóa gia đình, ở nhà thuốc bệnh viện, lấy mẫu xét nghiệm,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

Unit Fifteen The Family Planning Clinic Phong kham ke hoach hoa gia dinh Practical English 100 Key Sentences (71 - 75) 71 Did you have a check-up before the coil was fitted? Ba co kiem tra trade dat vong khong? 72 H ow long is it since the coil was fitted? Ba dat vong duoc bao lau roi? 73 I suggest that you also use another method of birth control, for example, the rhythm method Toi de nghi ba cung nen dung bien phap ngua thai khac, chang han nhu bien phap theo doi thdi gian giao hop an toan 74 Since you're not allowed to have m ore children, it's bet­ ter for you to take extra-precautions Vi ba khong duoc phep co them con, ba nen co bien phap phong ngita ky 75 If after a week there’s no change, come back and see me again Neu sau mot tuan ma khong thay doi, quay lai day kham lan nua 124 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T3 Dialogue I A - d o c to r bac si B = p a tie n t benh nhan A: W hat can I for you, Ms W ang? Ba can gi, thi/a ba W angi B: W ell, doctor, m y p eriod s1 have been very irregular since had a coil fitted, and also have a stan t discharge2, w hich is very inconvenien t, and I'm w orried som ethin g is wrong Da thi/a bac si, tit kh i dat vong, kinh nguyet td i khdng deu va cung b i rong kinh rat la bat tien Toi set co van de gi A: Did you have a ch eck-up before the coil was fitted? Ba co kiem tra tnJdc kh i dat vong khong? B: Yes, o f course Vang, cd a A: How long is it sin ce it was fitted? Ba dat vong bao lau r o i? B: Ju st tw o m on th s ago C h i cach day thang Ti6ng Anh d£mh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 125 A: Tw o m onth s is not very long for your body to gel back to norm al after having a baby and having th e coil fitted But I'll give you so m eth in g w hich should clear up the discharge If after a w eek th ere’s no change, com e back and see me again H thang chua du d e c a the ba trd la i binh thucfng sau sinh va sau dat vong N td i se cho ba d iin g thuoc de het rong kinh N e u sau m ot tuan khong co thay d o i gi hay quay la i kham Ian nUa Dialogue II A = p a tie n t B = doctor A: benh nhan bac si My period is late and I'm w orried that I m ight be preg­ nant But since I've been using a coil, is th at possible? Toi bi tre kinh nen to i so co that roi N vi td i da dat vong, co the nao td i cd thai khdn g? B: There's a sm all possibility How late is your period? Cd it kha ndng Ba tre kinh bao la u ? A: Tw o w eeks tuan B: I’ll send you for a pregnancy test It4 w on't take long Bring the result back to m e th is afternoon Tdi se dua ba d i th if thai Khdng lau dau TrUa dem ket qua la i cho tdi 126 - Tieng Anh danh cho gicii Bac ST & Y T i (Thirty minutes later when the patient brings back the result.) (30 phut sau, benh nhan dem ket qua lai.) W ell, you're lucky this tim e T h e test proved negative5, but to be on th e safe side in future, you'd b etter take extra-precautions I suggest th at you also consid er using another m ethod o f birth control, for exam ple, the rhythm m ethod Since you're n o t allowed to have any m ore ch il­ dren, it's b etter for you to take extra-precautions A, Ian ba m ay mSn Ket qua th it am tinh Nhung tU ray ve sau de chSc Sn, ba nen co bien phap phdng ngUa ky Toi de nghi ba cung nen tinh den viec dung m ot phuong phap tranh thai khac, ch$ng han nhu bien phap kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet Vi ba khdng duoc phe p cd nUa, ba nen dS phOng ky hon A: see, doctor Da td i hieu, thUa bac si Words and Expressions coil /kail/ n vong tranh thai = intra-uterine (contraceptive) device (IUD) inconvenient /,inkan'vi:njant/ a bat tien discharge /dis'tjaidy n mau pregnant /'pregnant/ a negative /'negatrv/ a co thai am tinh extra-precaution /’ekstrapri'koijan/ n phong ngi/a ky rhythm /'ndam/ n chu ky kinh nguyet rhythm m ethod bien phap kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet contraception /.kDntra'sepJan/ n thuoc ngUa thai TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 127 condom /’kondam/ n bao cao su pessary /'pesan/ n vbng nang intra-uterine /,intra'ju:tarain/ a tif cung Notes period kinh nguyet Day la ti/ rut gon cua menstrual period, hien duoc dung rat bien Thuat ngti lien quan la m enstruation ho3c menses discharge chi sU kinh (vaginal discharge; discharge from below) something d day co nghla la thuoc It chi sU kham thai negative dm tinh, neu ket qua la duong tinh thi at h3n co r5c roi Exercises I Substitution drills My periods have been very irregular since I had the coil fitted I have taken this medicine I began to use this m ethod of contraception I had the operation 128 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bic ST & Y T3 Did you have a check-up before the coil was fitted? before you took the contraceptive? before you becam e pregnant? during the first months of pregnancy? the coil was fitted? you have taken the medicine? How long is it since you have been practising shadow boxing? you had your last kidney stone? I suggest that you also use another method of birth the rhythm method, control, for exam ple, using the condom, taking a pill, fixing a pessary II Fill in the missing words have been very and also I and I'm w o rried since I My which is is not very long for after I'll give you som ething, which sh o u ld _ the discharge Well, you a r e _ this time The test proved you'd better but to be I suggest that you also use another method of for e x a m p le , • Tig'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 129 III Translate the following into English TO b3t dau dung thuoc b £c si cho Ian tn/cfc, bao tuf toi rat kho chju Toi thudng bj tieu ch^y va dau bung Sd r£ng bao tuf toi co van de Ba mdi dat vong duoc tuan, nen co the chua trd lai binh thudng duoc Sau hai tuan, neu v£n chay mau am ho, hay den day kham lai Thong thudng, ba se khong dinh thai sau duoc dat vong nhung doi cung co ngoai le Vay, de ch ac an, toi de nghj ba nen can than hon IV Read the following passages carefully, and talk about what has happened In the simplest possible term s, IVF is a method by which a woman who has difficulty conceiving is som etim es able to have a baby After her m enstrual cycle has been m onitored, she begins treatm ent Fertility drugs are adm inistered so that her ovaries are stimulated to release an abundance o f follicles, which are then re­ trieved The woman's partner is asked to provide a sem en sample to insem inate the eggs contained in the follicles in the laboratory The next day an em bryologist checks to see which, if any, eggs have been fertilized If success was achieved, a physician transfers one or more of the fertilized eggs, which are now referred to as embroys, to the woman's uterus If requested, the rest o f the em­ bryos will be cryo-preserved for later im plantation After fifteen days, blood is drawn for the first pregnancy test 130 - Tieng Anh dcinh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta Unit Sixteen At the Hospital Pharmacy O nha thuoc benh vien • • Practical English 100 Key Sentences (76 - 80) 76 The tea will stop them from working Tra se lam thuoc m at tac dung 77 Give him one of these graduations twice a day Cho be uong mot mtic thuoc mot fan 78 It tells you here on the label Nhan thuoc co chi cach sii dung 79 Shall I avoid any particular food? Toi co phai kieng loai thtic an nao khong? 80 This solution is to paint on his skin Dung dich dung de boi len da be TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 131 Dialogue I A = t h e sick child's p a ren t me cua dua tre benh B = pharm acist duoc si A: Here's my child's p rescription Toa thuoc cua to i day a B: Ju s t a m om en t, please H ere you are I ll ju s t explain w hat you have to Give your child tw o tab lets three tim es a day after m eals If he w on’t take th em , grind them up, and, as they taste b itter, m ix th em w ith a teaspoon o f sugar, or dissolve th e pow der in sw eetened orange ju ic e Xin d o i m ot dung thuoc an N eu be thuoc dang, hoa tan bot A: chut Thuoc day Tdi se g ia i thich cach sCi Cho be uong vien ba Ian m o i sau beta khdng chiu uong, hay nghien th u o c va, v) pha thuoc vd i m uong ca p h e duOng hoac thuoc vao rnJcfc cam cd pha them di/dng Can I dissolve th em in tea? Tdi pha thuoc bang nude tra dwoc khdng? B: No T h e tea w ill stop th em from w orking A nd h ere’s his cough m ixtu re Give him one o f th ese gradu ations twice a day Khdng Tra se lam th u o c m at tac dung Con d a y la thuoc ho cua be Cho be uong m ot m ite thuoc m d i hai Ian A: I see D o I need to shake the b o ttle ’ A the Cd can p h a i ISc chai thuoc khdng? 132 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta B: Yes, it tells you here on the label Now 3, this solu tion is to paint on his skin I'll give you a bag o f cotto n buds to use w ith it F irst shake the b ottle, paint it over the w hole o f the infected area using a cotto n bud, and after use, m ake sure you screw the top tightly back on the bottle, and store it away from heat and light Can, nhan thuoc co c h i cach s ii dung A, nCfa, dung dich dung de b o i len da be Toi se dua ba m ot tin bong gon de b o i thuoc Trade tien, lac chai, b o i thuoc khdp vung da b i nhiem trung bang bong gdn, ro i sau b o i xong nhd van ndp ky va cat chai tranh nhiet va anh sang A: Is it necessary to keep it in the fridge? Cd can cat tu lanh khdng? B: No, that's n o t necessary Ju s t keep it in a cool dark place Khdng, khdng can thiet Chi can de cho m at va toi Dialogue II duoc si p a tie n t benh nhan A = pharm acist B = A: This is your herbal m ed icine Every m orning soak one bag in 0 m is o f cold w ater for or hours, then heat it up4 quickly As soon as it starts to boil, turn down the heat, and sim m er it for m inu tes T h en turn o ff the heat Leave it to cool, th en pour out the liquid to drink, being careful not to let any o f the leaves go into the cup Day la thuoc bac cua ba day M d i sang ngam g o i thuoc vao 500 m ililit n ad c lanh khoang hay tieng, ro i dun nong that nhanh Ngay bat dau soi, bdt Ida va de soi riu riu khoang 30 phut Xong tat bep D e nguoi ro i rot thuoc uong, n h d dC/ng de la thuoc rdt vao tach TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 133 Don't worry I'll give you some laxatives to make your bowel movements normal I know you're busy, but you must slow down Rest for one week, drink lots of water, and eat three healthy meals a day m For the past few days, I've had a bad stomach-ache Everything I eat goes straight through me, and I've been often feeling nau­ seous Is your diarrhoea very serious? Do you have gas? How often, have you vomited? Is your vomit very serious? Your temperature is normal Your pulse is normal Your ECG report is normal Your X-ray report shows no problem But your tongue is a little coated You've got the flu Let me prescribe some medicine Take these black pills as directed on the label The Radiology Department, Lab and ECG Department are all lo­ cated at the end of the corridor on the first floor You should rest as much as possible Take the medicine as pre­ scribed Eat lots of food, and drink lots of water Within three days, you'll show great improvement IV What seems to be the trouble? Can you describe the pain? Does your family have a history of heart trouble? When you usually notice the pain? Do you have any other symptoms? Do you eat fruits and vegetables? Do you often eat them raw? Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 233 V Do you feel uncomfortable? When you usually feel painful? How long does it usually last? Do you have difficulty in breathing? How long have you had this? When does it usually affect you? What you do? Do you have a good appetite? Have you ever had any serious diseases before? When did you take your last holiday? Is it serious? U nit T en When does the headache usually occur? Does it come on in the moming when you wake up? At your age, and as this is the first time you ve had this problem, the best thing for you is to get plenty of rest If my diagnosis is confirmed, you'll have to see a specialist and get further treatment For the past month, I often had problems concentrating, and now I have trouble remembering things I prefer to take medicine than be operated on 234 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T£ in When you normally feel nauseous? Does it occur before or after the meal? You're already getting along in years, and since this is the first time you've had this problem, it seems that the best treatment for you is to balance your life with the nature As soon as our diagnosis is confirmed, we'll send you to the operation room immediately For the past few weeks, my vision has gotten worse and worse, and now, I can't even see things in front of me clearly I'd rather take the medicine than be operated on IV 1, The patient is not having a nervous breakdown This is probably a psychiatrist giving recommendation to the patient who is under a stress and who is in bad health because of the stress This is a doctor's advice for a workaholic, someone who works all the time and never spends time relaxing, playing sports or en­ joying life This is a doctor's advice given to a person who is in good health, but is showing small symptoms of stress or problems U nit E lev en n Come over here and I'll test your eyes Now, I'm going to examine your eyes You must have strained your eyes Ti&ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 235 I'll give you some eyedrops, which often can correct this problem in the early stages before it gets worse Use these drops times a day until your eyes clear up To my great surprise, the rash disappeared by itself Take this mixture, or your cough will develop into pneumonia I'll just open your eyelid to have a look m Have you ever had an eye exam? Come, use this to cover your right eye Use your left eye to read the signs where I point with this stick, and tell me if the arrows point up, down, left or right It appears swimming has caused this problem with your eyes Did you use eyedrops when you finished swimming this week? From now on, never rub your eyes with your hands, or rub your eyes with dirty towels U nit T w elv e n Is the pain still persistent? First I felt faint, and broke out in a rash Can you sit up straighter? First let me adjust your neck to relieve your spinal pressure OR: First let me straighten your legs to relieve your pinched nerve Do you still have any pain in your hip joint? 236 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta I feel much better now, doctor The treatment seems to have worked / be effective / be working It's very important that you follow my advice Otherwise, your leg will become infected, and you'll need an operation OR: It's very important that you follow my advice Otherwise, your arm will become dislocated, and you'll require an operation Don't any strenuous work, or lift anything heavy Last night, a co-worker and I were moving a trunk when I sud­ denly felt a sharp pain in my lower back It was so bad that I immediately broke out in a cold sweat Can you sit a little straighter? Now turn your upper torso, and let me examine it Was the last treatment I gave you effective? Now, I'll manipulate the joint to put it back in place Don't be afraid It won't hurt Now, you're free to go But I hope you'll follow my treatment after you leave here It sounds like someone is explaining the traditional Chinese methods of doctors and the traditional Chinese perspective on health Someone is explaining the differences between holistic medicine and conventional medicine Ti&ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 237 U nit T h irteen n I can see from your X-ray that your leg is broken in three places, and I'm afraid we'll need to operate When you wake up, your leg will be in a cast Your leg will have to be in traction for one week We'll make sure that you get the best care possible I'll ask someone to telephone your family to let them know that you've been in an accident We'll give you some painkillers to keep the pain under control OR: We'll give you some ice-pack to keep the swelling down You can ask the nurse to heat it up for you Relax and rest yourself Ask your family to bring in your favorite food Make the most of your time in bed, and remember you don't have to work m The X-ray shows that your right shin bone is broken in several places, and I'm afraid we'll have to operate I must put your right leg in a cast, and I'll immediately send some people to notify your family Don’t worry We'll try our best to give you the best treatment possible 38 - Tieng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta It won't hurt to eat some marrow bone soup, and it will you some good It's normal that you feel pain now because the anaesthesia has wom off But now, we'll ask the nurse to give you some pain­ killers It sounds like a doctor is talking to a patient's family, giving them the good news of a successful operation, and giving them information on when they can visit patients Somebody who is not healthy has come to see the doctor But after the doctor checked him, there was no problems found, and so the doctor's now giving him advice, and encouraging the patient to exercise more in order to help to control his weight problem U nit F o u rte e n n Have you noticed anything else abnormal / unusual? I’d better give you a pap smear test Please take off your pants and underwear I'm just going to test your urethras Try to relax, and don't think what I'm doing These two lab tests should both be finished by tomorrow If we find it's benign, we'll need to remove it, and if we think it's ma­ lignant, we'll need to admit you for the further treatment TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 239 Do you have any other abnormal symptoms? want to listen to your lungs as you breathe, and your heart beat Please unbutton your coat, lift up your sweater Don't worry Hold still Breathe slowly The result of these two lab tests will be available soon If it s negative, then you're free to go But if it's positive, we'll immedi­ ately notify your family and admit you for treatment IV A doctor is consulting with another doctor about a case of a woman who has abnormal vaginal bleeding This is a doctor reporting his patient's situation to a senior doctor U nit Fifteen My periods have been very late since I was fitted with an IUD, and also I have very heavy bleeding, which is very inconvenient, and I'm worried there might be a problem Two months is not very long for your period to return to normal after you have had an abortion I'll give you something, which should stop / slow down the dis­ charge Well, you are lucky this time The test proved negative, but to be on the safe side, you'd better take further precautions I suggest that you also use another method of birth control, for example, temperature charting 240 - Tien g Anh da n h cho gidi B ac ST & Y T i m Since I started taking the medicine you prescribed last time, my stomach has been very uncomfortable I often experienced loose bowel movements, and my stomach often hurts I'm afraid my stomach has a problem You've just had the coil in place for one week, and your body has not returned to normal After two weeks, if you still experi­ ence wetness down there, then come back and see me Ordinarily, you won't get pregnant after being fitted with an IUD, but sometimes there're exceptions So, in order to be on the safe side, I suggest you use extra-precautions IV This is a doctor explaining to a new patient the process of IVF Unit Sixteen I'll just explain what this medicine is for If he won't take them, crash them, and, since they taste bitter, mix them with something sweet, or dissolve the power in some kind of liquid If you dissolve them in tea, the tea will counteract the effect This solution is to apply on your rash, and I'll give you a bag of cotton balls to use as applicators After use, make sure you screw the top on securely, and store the bottle away from heat and sunlight Shall I avoid any particular food? TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 241 This is your medicine Please read the directions on the label Before you take this bottle of liquid medicine, please shake it well Don't dissolve this powder in tea The tea will counteract the medicine's effect You may dilute this bitter cough mixture by adding some water and add some sweet syrup When you're finished, please screw the top on securely Don't use a metal pan to boil the herbs You’d better use an earthenware pot When you’re taking this medicine, try to use bland food, and stay away from seafood IV This is a pharmacist talking to a patient, and telling him theyve run out of the medicine that the patient needs, and sug­ gesting that the patient go to a drugstore to find the medicine U nit S ev en teen II The liver function test has to be done on an empty stomach Hold out your hand I'm going to take a blood sample You'll only feel a small prick Here's a box for your stool sample Use something to scrape off the size of a bean, and put it in the box Now, this is a bottle for your urine sample We just need it half full 242 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac S7 & Y Ta m You've already eaten breakfast, so we can't give you a liver test Starting tonight stop eating, and tomorrow morning, don't eat breakfast At 6:30, come here and we'll take your blood sample I'm going to take a small blood sample from your middle finger Don't worry It won't hurt Please take this cup and box, and go to the toilet next door and you can take your urine sample and stool sample Be careful to keep the cup and the box clean As for the stool sample, we just need a little bit The urine sam­ ple we need half a cup Do you understand? Unit Eighteen Come over here, hold on to this, with your back flat against the plate Put your head like this, and rest your arm here Now, please put your elbow further forward Would you please bend your waist a bit more? Don't move while the machine is taking your picture That's everything for today You can put your clothes back on and go home now TiSng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 243 m Please lie down on this X-ray table Rest your knee on this X-ray plate Don’t move Take oft the clothes above your waist, and put on this gown Press your chest against this and rest your chin here Hold your breath when I ask you to it Please bend your forearm and rest your elbow on the X-ray table with your wrist turned upward Good! Now your best to press your shoulders down Now, take a deep breath Hold your breath, and swallow this banum meal Good! IV This is a relaxation treatment being given by a psychiatrist to a patient Unit N ineteen n Is this where I come for a shot? Do you know if you're allergic to any antibiotics? Roll up your cuff, and I’ll give you an examination It's important that you come here consistently Otherwise the course may not be effective I'll just use this cotton ball to clean it 244 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ti in Please sit down and roll up your sleeve, and I'll give you a peni­ cillin allergy test The test shows that you're allergic to penicillin Starting tomorrow, you need to come to the hospital to get a shot every day The treatment will last for 10 days You can de­ cide yourself whether mornings or afternoons are better, but you should be consistent in your visits, and it should be around the same time When you go home, apply a warm towel to the injection spot Don't rub it The pain will soon go away U nit T w en ty n Altogether you owe 100 yuan I'm sorry I'll have to give you all your change in small bills / coins Let me see your paper work and I'll see what your total bill is Just a moment, please, and I'll work out the total Well, that comes to 200 yuan altogether m Show me your paper work, and I'll work out how much you owe Well, altogether you owe 50 yuan Please pay in small bills If you give me a 100-yuan bill, I can't give you change Please go to the window next door to break down this bill You don't need to stand in the line Just go straight to the window Would you mind if I pay in coins? Tig'ng Anh d in h cho gidi B ac ST & Y Ta - 245 Tieng Anh danh cho GlCfl BAC SI & Y TA Practical English for Medical Personnel (ta i b in ) Bien dich N gu yen Trung Tanh - N g u y e n Thanh Thi/ - P ham Tan Q u y e n Chju trach nhiem xu$p luu chieu thing 9-2008 Note ... ngi/a ky rhythm /'ndam/ n chu ky kinh nguyet rhythm m ethod bien phap kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet contraception /.kDntra'sepJan/ n thuoc ngUa thai TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 127 condom... cach day thang Ti6ng Anh d£mh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 125 A: Tw o m onth s is not very long for your body to gel back to norm al after having a baby and having th e coil fitted But I'll give you... tell you? Thay chua! Toi nhSc anh cai gi? There! I said you would hurt yourself Thay chua! Toi noi la anh se bi dau ma I'll my best Toi se co NUdc tieu va phan khong phai noi muon lay la co ngay,

Ngày đăng: 21/01/2020, 19:15

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