After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: Implement the eight-stage model of planned major change and use everyday strategies for gradual change; use techniques of communication, training and participation to overcome resistance to change;…
Art of Leadership & Motivation HRM – 760 Le c ture 32 FACILITATOR Prof Dr Mohammad Majid Mahmood Review of Art of Leadership & Motivation Learning Objectives • Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: • Explore questions such as: who are you as a leader, what you want to accomplish, what issues are you passionate about, and what is your personal leadership definition; • Understand and conceptually be able to discuss traditional and emerging leadership theories; Learning Objectives • Critically analyze past and current leadership experiences; and • Apply leadership theory to practice to enhance leadership skills, experience and knowledge Leadership "Leadership is constantly changing, and survivors learn to change with it." "Yesterday, natural resources defined power Today, knowledge is power Yesterday, leaders commanded and controlled Today, leaders empower and coach Yesterday, leaders were warriors Today, they are facilitators Yesterday, leaders directed Today, leaders delegate Dr Denis Waitley The Toastmaster, 2012 Leadership “ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, more, and become more, you are a leader” - Leadership is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change Workforce Management Management is more than getting work done through people It is developing people through work If you want to improve your workforce management, then you need to improve the way you lead people L E A D E R S H I P is about influence… ““ The process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives” (Yuk, 2006) Leadership occurs… anywhere 10 Definition of Critical Thinking .the ability to analyze facts, generate and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw inferences, evaluate arguments and solve problems (Chance,1986, p 6) Chance, P (1986) Thinking in the classroom: A survey of programs New York: Teachers College, Columbia University 44 Definitions of Critical Thinking • “reasonable reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to and what to believe” OR • “interpreting, analyzing or evaluating information, arguments or experiences” OR • “examining the thinking of others to improve our own” Ennis, R (1992) Critical thinking: What is it? Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society Denver, Colorado, March 27-30 45 Critical Thinking • In undertaking your critical thinking, you should be: –Persistent and careful and not jump to conclusions –Look for the grounds that support a belief or position: • Reasons –Be aware of the further conclusions to which it tends: • Implications 46 Critical Thinking helps • To recognize propaganda • To analyze hidden assumptions in arguments • To recognize deliberate deception • To assess credibility of information • To work through problems/decisions in the best way Harpern, 1996 47 We don’t achieve excellence in thinking with no end in view Thinking that Grasps the Logic of Things A product of intellectual work that makes no sense, that cannot be rationally analyzed and assessed, that cannot be incorporated into other intellectual work, or used — and hence that cannot play a role in any discipline is meaningless Whether we are designing a new screwdriver, or figuring out how to deal with our children’s misbehavior, we must order our ideas into a system of meanings that make sense to us Dr Richard Paul and Dr Linda Elder, The Foundation for Critical Thinking Press, 2010 49 ALL THINKING IS NOT OF THE SAME QUALITY Aimless Thinking: We are naturally proficient at daydreaming and fantasizing Lacks a purpose Few people need training in aimless thinking Thinking that is random, that roams aimlessly is not critical High Quality Thinking: Has a purpose We originate and produce with a sense of why we are doing so When thinking takes on a challenging task, the mind comes alive, ready for intellectual labor for the achievement of its goal Dr Richard Paul and Dr Linda Elder, 50 The Foundation for Critical Thinking Press, 2010 Theories of Conflict Traditional Theory conflicts are caused by trouble-makers conflicts are bad conflicts should be avoided Modern Theory conflicts are expected between human beings conflicts are often beneficial conflicts are the natural result of change conflicts can and should be managed 51 Types of Conflict • Differences in Style –People's style for a completing job can differ –e.g one person may just want to get the work done quickly (task oriented), while another is more concerned about having it done a particular way e.g artistic • Differences in Background/Gender –Conflicts can arise between people because of differences in educational backgrounds, personal experiences, gender and political preferences • Differences in Personality –This type of conflict is often fueled by emotion and perceptions about somebody else's motives and character –e.g a team leader jumps on someone for being late because he perceives the team member as being lazy The team member sees the team leader as being irrational 52 Types of Conflict • Interdependence Conflicts – A person's job depends on someone else's co-operation, output or input – E.g., a sales-person is constantly late inputting the monthly sales figures which causes the accountant to be late with her reports • Differences in Leadership –Leaders have different styles Employees who change from one supervisor to another can become confused –E.g one leader may be more open and delegates responsibility while another may be more directive For an employee, it becomes a conflict situation 53 Delegation Effective delegation will enable you to: –develop good people, –it will save you time, and –it will give your business the characteristics of a welloiled machine Poor delegation will get you: –frustration, –poor task execution, and –a group of de-motivated employees 54 Ways Companies Integrate Ethics • Top management commitment in word and deed • Company codes of ethics • Develop, monitor, enforce ethical behavior • Seek external assistance 55 How to Insure Improved Organizational Performance Set improvement goals Establish comfort Allow employee influences Provide constructive information In any situation, SOLVING THE PROBLEM IS THE GOAL…NOT WINNING! 57 FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood 1-58 ... and current leadership experiences; and • Apply leadership theory to practice to enhance leadership skills, experience and knowledge Leadership "Leadership is constantly changing, and survivors... and what is your personal leadership definition; • Understand and conceptually be able to discuss traditional and emerging leadership theories; Learning Objectives • Critically analyze past and. .. about influence… ““ The process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish