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trờng THPT Nguyễn Đức Cảnh - THáI BìNH Đề thi thử Đại học môn Tiếng Anh năm 2009 Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút Mã đề: 458 Find one mistake among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. Câu 1 : A beaver uses its strong front teeth to cut down trees and peel off its bark. A. its bark B.its strong C. cut down D.peel off Câu 2 : She had to leave because she didn't see eyes to eyes with her boss. A.to leave B.didn't C.with D.eyes to eyes Câu 3 : Newtonian physics accounts from the study of the orbits of the planets and moons. A.accounts B.from C.moons D. study Câu 4 : However well he made at school, he never seemed to be satisfied with the results. A.with B.however C.made D.the results Câu 5 : The population of Singapore is approximately 4.59 million. Though Singapore is highly cosmopolitan and diversity, ethnic Chinese forms the majority of the population. A.million B.forms C.highly D.diversity Read the following passage and indicate the correct word for each of the numbered blanks. Statesmen define a family as "a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by blood, adoption or marriage, (6) _______ includes common-law relationships." Most people are born into one of these groups and (7) _______ live their lives as a family in such a group. Although the definition of a family may not change, (8) _______ relationship of people to each other within the family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (9) _______ paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today, men expect to (10) _______ for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in today's marriages (11) _______ which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This means that men must learn to do their share of family tasks such as caring for the children and daily (12) _______ chores. Children, too, especially adolescents, have to (13) _______ with the numbers of their family in sharing household tasks. The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (14) _______ is a matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a choice. As alternatives (15) _______ common-law relationships and single-parent families have become socially acceptable, women will become more independent. Câu 6. A. which B. that C. what D. it Câu 7. A. must B. need C. would D. will Câu 8. A. a B. any C. some D. the Câu 9. A. taking B. making C. keeping D. performing Câu 10. A. live B. work C. hope D. ask Câu 11. A. in B. for C. with D. to Câu 12. A. home B. family C. house D. household Câu 13. A. carry B. deal C. cooperate D. combine Câu 14. A. time B. families C. happiness D. children Câu 15. A. similar to B. like C. such as D. or else Comlplete each of the following sentences by choosing the best answer. Câu 16 : The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and _______ . A. as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed B.so that the pilot made an error and crashed C.therefore the pilot made it crash D. resulting from the pilot crashing the plane Câu 17 : Recent evidence makes it possible for the investigators to conclude that _______ . A.some paintings by Rembrandt to be faked B.Rembrandt was attributed to some paintings C.some paintings by Rembrandt must be faked D.some paintings by Rembrandt were faked Câu 18 : It is essential _______ . A.for everyone know what to do in case of fire B. that everyone know what to do when there is a fire C.that everyone to know what to do when there is a fire D. for everyone knows what to do in case of fire Câu 19 : After seeing the movie "Pride and Prejudice", _______ . A.the reading of the book interested many people B.the book made many people want to read it C. many people wanted to read the book D. the book was read by many people Câu 20 : Botanists are not sure where the first plant was grown or even _______. A.what plant was B.it was what plant C.what plant it was D.what plant was it Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. Câu 21 : A motorbike knocked Ted down'. - ' _______' A.What is it now? B. What a motorbike! C.How terrific! D. Poor Ted! Câu 22 : Luckily, she remembered _______ with petrol, so she didn't run out on the way there. A.to fill up B.filled up C.filling up D.having filled up 1 C©u 23 : Form a negative verb by adding the prefix _______ to the verb 'lead'. A.un- B.mis- C.im- D.dis- C©u 24 : Not until _______ home _______ that he had taken someone else's bike. A.did he get/ he realised B.he got/ did he realise C.he got/ he realised D.he got/ he did realised C©u 25 : I _______ all the preparations before you _______ home tonight. A.have made/ will have come B.am making/ will come C.will have made/ come D.have made/ will come C©u 26 : After you _______ your exam, I _______ you out to eat. All right? A.finish/ will take B.were finishing/ would take C.have finished/ will take D.finished/ had taken C©u 27 : Our Import- Export Company Limited will have to _______ sales during the coming year. A.expand B. enlarge C.extend D. increase C©u 28 : One condition of this job is that you must be _______ to work at weekends. A.acceptable B.available C.accessible D.capable C©u 29 : Ken _______ his doctor's advice and continued to overwork. A.disregarded B.disassociated C.disowned D.disappointed C©u 30 : I wish I ________ many time. A.would not be interrupted B.will not be interrupted C.would not have been interrupted D.will not have interrupted C©u 31 : You _______ the washing up. I could have done it for you. A.hadn't to do B.needn't have done C.couldn't have done D.mustn't have done C©u 32 : _______ on. I'll just get some paper to write all that down. A. Keep B.Come C.Hold D.Turn C©u 33 : Katy wanted to _______ everything that had happened at the party. A.recount B.claim C.talk D.say C©u 34 : It seems he has no _______ of winning. A. luck B.opportunity C.occasion D. chance C©u 35 : I will not stand for your bad attitude any longer. A.like B.mean C.tolerate D.care C©u 36 : He told everyone that he had flu, but in fact, he just _______ a cold. A.come up with B.come down with C.gone in for D.made up for C©u 37 : _______ good reader can acquire more information in reading for two hours than someone watching T.V can acquire in _______ full day. A.The/ the B.The/ a C.a/ a D.A/ the C©u 38 : In general, by the second year of production, the price of a few technology _______ significantly. A.will decrease B.will have decreased C.has decreased D.will have been decreased C©u 39 : I know for _______ that he was at the scene yesterday. A.certain B.true C.exact D.correct C©u 40 : In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself _______ . A.occupation B.occupied C.occupant D.occupational Read the passage and do the task that follows. Since water is the basis of life, composing the greater part of the tissues of all living things, the crucial problem of desert animals is to survive in a world where sources of flowing water are rare. And since man's inexorable necessity is to absorb large quantities of water at frequent intervals, he can scarcely comprehend that many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives without a single drop. Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to withstand its desiccating effects. No moist-skinned, water-loving animals can exist there. Few large animals are found. The giants of the North American desert are the deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since desert country is open, it holds more swift-footed running and leaping creatures than the tangled forest. Its population is largely noctural, silent, filled with reticence, and ruled by stealth. Yet they are not emaciated. Having adapted to their austere environment, they are as heathy as animals anywhere else in the world. The secret of their adjustment lies in the combination of behavior and physiology. Non could survive if, like mad dogs and Englishmen, they went out in the midday sun; many would die in a matter of minutes. So most of them pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid burrows underneath the ground, emerging to hunt only by night. The surface of the sun-baked desert averages around150 degrees, but 18 inches down the temperature is only 60 degrees. C©u 41. The title for this passage could be _______ . A. Desert Plants B. Life Underground C. Animal Life in a Desert Environment D. Man's life in a Desert Environment C©u 42. The word "tissues" in the passage mostly means _______ . A. the smallest units of living matter that can exist on their own B. collections of cells that form the different parts of human, animals and plants C. very small living things that cause infectious disease in people, animals and plants D. the simplest forms of life that exist in air, water, living and dead creatures and plants 2 C©u 43. Man can hardly understand why animals live their whole life in the desert, as _______ . A. sources of flowing water are rare in a desert B. water is an essential part of his existence C. water composes the greater part of the tissues of living things D. very few large animals are found in the desert C©u 44. The phrase "those forms" in the passage refers to all of the following except _______ . A. water-loving animals B. the coyote and the bobcat C. moist-skinned animals D. many large animals C©u 45. According to the passage, creatures in the desert _______ . A. run and leap faster than those in the tangle forest B. run and leap more slowly than those in tangled forest C. are more active during the day than those in the tangled forest D. are not as healthy as those anywhere else in the world C©u 46. The author mentions all the following as examples of the behavior of desert animals exept _______ . A. they sleep during the day B. they dig home underground C. they are noisy and aggressive D. they are watchful and quiet C©u 47. The word "emaciated" in the passage mostly means _______ . A. living or growing in natural conditions, not kept in a house or on a farm B. able to get what one wants in a clever way, especially by tricking or cheating C. large and strong, difficult to control or deal with D. thin and weak because of lack of food and water C©u 48. According to the passage, one characteristic of animals living in the desert is that _______ . A. they are smaller and fleeter than forest animals B. they are less healthy than animals living in other places C. they can hunt in temperature of 150 degrees D. they live in an accommodating environment C©u 49. The word"burrows" in the passage mostly means_______ . A. places where insects or other small creatures live and produce their young B. holes or tunnels in the ground made by animals for them to live in C. structures made of metal bars in which animals or birds are kept D. places where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found C©u 50. We can infer from the passage that _______. A. living things adjust to their environment B. water is the basis of desert life C. desert life is colorful and various D. healthy animals live longer lives Pick out the word ( among A, B, C or D ) whose stress is different from the rest. C©u 51. A. technological B. punctuality C. representative D. characteristic C©u 52. A. secure B. vacant C. oblige D. equip C©u 53. A. satisfaction B. effectiveness C. accountancy D. appropriate C©u 54. A. fertilize B. implement C. prevention D. enterprise C©u 55. A. accompany B. interview C. dynamism D. comfortable Find one sentence among A, B, C or D that has the same meaning to the given one. C©u 56 : The Prime Minister set up a committee of financial experts. They were to help him discuss and formulate new policies. A.The Prime Minister, who is a financial expert, set up a committee to discuss and formulate new policies. B.The Prime Minister, who was helped by financial experts, set up a committee to discuss and formulate new policies. C.A committee consisting of financial experts who were helped by the Prime Minister discussed and formulated new policies. D.A committee consisting of financial experts was set up by the Prime Minister to help him discuss and formulate new policies. C©u 57 : So far as you've explained the problem, it doesn't sound too bad. A.The problem didn't seem very bad until you've explained it.B.The problem can't be any worse than you've made it sound. C.The problem wouldn't have a bad sound if you explained it.D.If you hadn't explained it so well, the problem would seem worse. C©u 58 : I remember telling you about the due day of the exam paper. A.I remember to tell you when the exam paper was due. B.I think I have told you about the exam paper's due. C.I think I have told you when you sit for the exam. D.I remember I have told you when the exam paper is due. C©u 59 : Rarely has a 15-year-old earned so much money. A.15-year-olds rarely earn money. B.A 15-year-old has never earned that much money. C.A 15-year-old rarely earns lots of money. D.A 15-year-old has seldom earned that much money. C©u 60 : Some economists argue that new technology causes unemployment.Others feel that it allows more jobs to be created. A.Arguing that new technology causes unemployment, other economists feel that it allows more jobs to be created. B.Besides the argument that new technology causes unemployment, some economists feel that it allows more jobs to be created. C.Some economists argue that new technology causes unemployment, so others feel that it allows more jobs to be created. D.Some economists argue that new technology causes unemployment whereas others feel that it allows more jobs to be created. Read the following passage and indicate the correct word for each of the numbered blanks. Medical science has made enormous advances in the twentieth century. Most of the great "killer'" diseases have been (61) _______, and almost every day a new drug appears on the market. But the medical profession is (62) _______ a crisis of confidence. Surveys (63) _______ that less than 40% of people really trust their family doctor. People are (64) _______ away from conventional medicine to look for alternative ways of treatment. The main reason for this is that conventional medicine has (65) _______ to satisfy the needs of the majority of people. In spite of the apparent progress made by medical science, we are actually less (66) _______ than our parents or grandparents. 3 Medical students are taught that diseases are caused by germs, viruses and toxins. Therefore treatment must (67)_______ on attacking these things. The mind and the emotions are not thought to play any part in the disease process. But people who practise "natural" medicine (68) _______ with this principle, and try to treat the whole person. They believe that personality and lifestyle are important when considering a patient's (69) _______ health. Some conventional doctors are beginning to (70) _______ that there is a lot of truth in these ideas, and believe that natural medicine can be a valuable aid. Others still regard it as a dangerous threat to their profession. C©u 61. A. won B. defeated C. erased D. broken C©u 62. A. experiencing B. holding C. bearing D. living C©u 63. A. indicate B. lead C. describe D. point C©u 64. A. growing B. taking C. turning D. coming C©u 65. A. mised B. stopped C. lost D. failed C©u 66. A. healthy B. nutritious C. fine D. wholesome C©u 67. A. aim B. function C. concentrate D. try C©u 68. A. reject B. dislike C. object D. disagree C©u 69. A. normal B. typical C. common D. general C©u 70. A. recognise B. observe C. view D. know Read the following passage and indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps 80% of all human illnesses are related to diet and 40% of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. People of different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites (commonly used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which ingredients on the packaging lables of processed food are healthful or harmful. The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simlpy trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue. A healthy diet is directly related to good health. Often we are unaware of detrimental substances we ingest. Sometimes well- meaning farmers or others who do not realize the consequences add these substances to food without our knowledge. C©u 71. How has science done a disservice to people? A. Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated. B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food. C. As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added to our food. D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables. C©u 72. The word "prone" is closest in meaning to _______ . A. supine B. unlikely C. healthy D. predisposed C©u 73. What are nitrates used for? A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods. B. They preserve the color of meats. C. They are the objects of research D. They cause the animals to become fatter. C©u 74. FDA means _______ . A. Food Direct Additives B. Final Difficult Analysis C. Food and Drug Administration D. Federal Dairy Additives C©u 75. The word "these" refers to _______. A. meats B. colors C. researchers D. nitrates and nitrites C©u 76. The word " carcinogenic " is closest in meaning to _______ . A. trouble-making B. color-retaining C. money-making D. cancer-causing C©u 77. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _______. A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals C. Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for more than 45 years D. Food may cause 40% of the cancer in the world C©u 78. The word " additives " is closest in meaning to _______ . A. added substance B. dangerous substances C. natural substances D.benign substances C©u 79. What is the best title for this passage? A. Harmful and harmless substances in food B. Improving health through a natural diet C. The food you eat can affect your health D. Avoiding injurious substances in food C©u 80. The word "fit" is closest in meaning to _______ . A. athletic B. suitable C. tasty D. adaptable 4 ANSWER KEY 1A 11A 21D 31B 41C 51D 61B 71C 2D 12D 22A 32C 42B 52B 62A 72D 3B 13C 23B 33A 43B 53A 63A 73B 4C 14D 24B 34D 44D 54C 64C 74C 5D 15C 25C 35C 45A 55A 65D 75D 6A 16A 26C 36B 46C 56D 66A 76D 7D 17D 27D 37C 47D 57D 67C 77A 8D 18B 28B 38B 48A 58D 68D 78A 9A 19C 29A 39A 49B 59D 69D 79C 10B 20C 30C 40B 50A 60D 70A 80B Designed by Ly Lien Huong 5 . remember to tell you when the exam paper was due. B.I think I have told you about the exam paper's due. C.I think I have told you when you sit for the exam a family may not change, (8) _______ relationship of people to each other within the family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (9)

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2013, 01:10

