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Trờng THPT lơng ngọc quyến Tổ Ngoại Ngữ - thể dục Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam Độc lập - Tự do Hạnh Phúc Kế hoạch giảng dạy Môn tiếng Anh 10 ban cơ bản Năm học 2007-2008 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Tiến Dũng. Nhiệm vụ đợc giao: Dạy tiếng Anh các lớp 10 A ban cơ bản I. Cơ sở xây dung kế hoạch: Căn cứ vào chỉ thị năm học của ngành, các nghị quyết của trờng của tổ đề ra, các văn bản hớng dấn về giảng dạy bộ môm định mức chỉ tiêu đăng ký thi đua cho tong khối lớp THPT. Đối với học sinh lớp 10 ban cơ bản, chơng trình đòi hỏi nhiều kiến thức ứng dụng thực tế, các ký năng giao tiếp nghe nói đọc viết dể có thể giao tiếp với ngời nớc ở mức độ yêu cầu Đặc điểm tình hình a) Thuận lợi Đợc sự quan tâm nhiều mặt của nhà trờng, hội phụ huynh, các cấp các ngành nên hoạt động dạy và học có nhiều thuận lợi đặc biệt là về phơng tiện dạy học hiện đại (Máy vi tính, máy chiếu đa năng, máy chiếu Over head ) Học sinh đợc học tiếng Anh từ lớp 6 nên có một số lợng kiến thức nhất định về bộ môn ngoại ngữ. Ngoài ra các em đợc học tiếng Anh theo nguyện vọng(Tự chọn) Đội ngũ giáo viên năng động, kiến thức đạt chuẩn, nhiệt tình công tác và có nhiều kinh nghiệm giảng dạy b) Khó khăn: - Qua điều tra cơ bản, có thể thấy rằng năng lực học bộ môn của học sinh chỉ ở mức độ trung bình và không có nhiều hớng thú học. Các kỹ năng giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh nh nghe, nói, viết hầu nh cha đợc hình thành Nguyên nhân: - Hầu hết học sinh cha ý thức đợc tầm quan trọng của môn học, lời biếng. Đa số học sinh học đối phó - Do quá trình học tập ở những lớp dới của các em cha hiệu qủa dẫn đến rỗng kiến thức làm cho quá trình học tiếp theo của các em gặp nhiều khó khăn về vốn từ vựng, cấu trúc ngữ pháp, và đặc biệt là các kỹ năng giao tiếp II. Ph ơng h ớng nhiệm vụ, mục tiêu, chỉ tiêu, phấn đấu và các mặt hoạt động: 1. Giảng dạy lý thuyết: - Theo đúng phân phối chơng trình của Bộ GD-ĐT hớng dẫn, theo tài liệu chỉ đạo chuyên môn - Bài giảng sử dụng mọi phơng tiện giảng dạy, dụng cụ phù hợp - Bồi dỡng học sinh giỏi bộ môn, giúp đỡ học sinh yếu kém - Giáo dục đạo đức, tinh thần, thái độ học tập bộ môn của học sinh 2. Chỉ tiêu phấn đấu, đăng ký thi đua - 6% học sinh có lực học giỏi - 65% học sinh có lực học từ trung bình đến khá Sổ kế hoạch giảng dạy môn tiếng Anh English teaching yearly schedule - 1 - - Không để học sinh ngồi nhầm lớp - Không để tiêu cực trong kiểm tra thi cử và bệnh thành tích trong giáo dục - Không vi phạm đạo đức nhà giáo - Danh hiệu thi đua: Lao động giỏi III. Giải pháp: 1. Giáo viên - Nhiệt tình tận tuỵ trong giảng dạy. Dạy kết hớp với giáo dục nhân cách học sinh. Không ngừng học hỏi, tự bồi dỡng để nâng cao chuyên môn. Tích dự giờ đồng nghiệp, họp rút kinh nghiệm, tham gia các buổi hội thảo, các lớp tập huấn chuyên môn. - Thực hiện giảng dạy theo phơng pháp mới: Lấy học sinh làm trung tâm và sử dụng phơng pháp giao tiếp - Tổ choc kiểm tra đánh giá đúng thực chất theo quy định của Bộ - Phối hợp các lực lợng giáo dục trong và ngoài trờng, hội phụ huynh học sinh để cùng giáo dục giúp hình thành nhân cách học sinh 2. Học sinh - Đảm bảo duy trì sỹ số lớp, có đầy đủ sách giáo khoa và sách bài tập theo yêu cầu của chơng trình, - Tích cực tự giác trong học tập. Thực hiện đầy đủ mọi yêu cầu của giáo viên - Không ngừng cố gắng vơn lên trong học tập 3. Nhà trờng - Tạo nhiều điều kiện hơn nữa cho tổ chuyên môn nh mua thêm sách tham khảo, đài cát xét, băng nghe . - Tạo điều kiện về thời gian và kinh phí để giáo viên đợc tham gia các lớp tập huấn nâng cao trình độ và nghiệp vụ. Tham gia học hỏi giao l với các trờng khác 4. Dự trù kinh phí - Tổ chức câu lạc bộ những ngời yêu thích tiếng Anh trong học sinh: 1500.000đ - Mua tài liệu tham khảo: 500.000đ - Mua phần mềm ứng dụng: 600.000đ Ngày 1 tháng 9 năm 2008 Ngời lập kế hoạch Bế Thị Hằng Sổ kế hoạch giảng dạy môn tiếng Anh English teaching yearly schedule - 2 - KÕ ho¹ch cô thÓ theo tõng bµi Tháng Tuần PPCT Tên bài Số tiết Mục đích yêu cầu Kiến thức trọng tâm Phương pháp Phương tiện Ghi chú 9 1 1 2 3 Preparative lesson Unit 1 reading Unit 1 Speaking 3 - Help students know how to study English 10 effectively - Guess meaning in context - Passage comprehension Scanning for specific information - Asking and giving information from the table - Talking about daily activity Class activities, language skills, supporting materials Every day activities, one's daily routine Reading comprehension School subjects, one's activities, speaking skill Explanation Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Books, referent books English 10, pictures English 10, pictures, sample talk 9 2 4 5 6 Unit 1 Listening Unit 1 Writing Unit 1 Language Focus 3 Monologue: - Listening and numbering the pictures - Deciding on true or false statements Writing a narrative: - Narrative and the past simple - Stages of a narrative Pronunciation: /i/ - /i:/ Grammar and vocabulary - The present simple - Adverb of frequency - The past simple A talk of a cyclo driver, All the tasks in the book The sample wring of a plane experience, a narrative about a hotel fire How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences. The present simple, Adverb of frequency, and the past simple Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample writing English 10, CD, CD player 9 3 7 8 9 Unit 2 Reading Unit 2 Speaking Unit 2 Listening 3 - Reading for exact information - Passage comprehension - Making question and giving response in small talks Dialogue - Listening to small talks and numbering the pictures -Completing a dialogue Some school talks, All the tasks in the book Start and close an informal conversation Listen to a some small talks and do all the tasks Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 3 - 9 4 10 11 12 Unit 2 Writing Unit 2 Language Focus Unit 3 Reading 3 - Filling in a form Pronunciation: / / - / :/ Grammar and vocabulary - Wh questions - Gerund and to infinitive -Vocabulary comprehension: matching - Deciding on true or false statements - Passage comprehension Scan for specific information Form definition, personal information, simple form’s requirement How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences. Wh questions; gerund and to infinitive The main content of the reading passage about Marie Curie All the task that follow Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample writing English 10, CD, CD player English 10, Referent 10 1 13 14 15 Unit 3 Speaking Unit 2 Listening Unit 3 Writing 3 -Asking and answering about people’s background -Roles play Dialogue: -Deciding on True or False statement - gap- filling -Writing about people’s background Information about people’s background Making an interview The main content of the interview of Bob and Sally All the given tasks Information in a CV A writing about one’s background Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample writing 10 2 16 17 18 Unit 3 Language Focus Test Your Self A Test 1 3 -Pronunciation: / / and / / -Grammar: Infinitive with to / infinitive without to - Focus on the main points of the lessons - Help student be familiar with the test - Get feed back How to produce those sounds and practise them in sentences. Infinitive with to / infinitive without to The 4 language skills in the first theme Applying skills The 4 language skills in the first theme Applying skills Communicative Language Teaching Test Test English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player Questionnaire, CD, CD player 10 3 19 20 Test 1 Correction Unit 4 Reading 3 - Correct the test - Understand the test fully Vocabulary comprehension: matching -Deciding on true or false The 4 language skills in the first theme Applying skills The reading passage of Pham Thu Thuy, a teacher in a special class All the tasks that follow Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Questionnaire, CD, CD player English 10, Referent Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 4 - 21 Unit 4 Speaking statements -Passage comprehension Making an interview: matching and reporting on results Ask and answering about one’s education Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample talk 10 4 22 23 24 Unit 4 Listening Unit 4 Writing Unit 4 Language Focus 3 Monologue: - Listening and numbering the pictures - Deciding on true or false statements Writing a letter of complaint : - Pronunciation: /o/ - /o:/ Grammar and vocabulary - The + adjective - Used to + infinitive - Which as a connector A talk of a cyclo driver, All the tasks in the book The sample writing of a complain letter How to produce those sounds and practice in words and sentences. The + adjective - Used to + infinitive - Which as a connector Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample writing English 10, CD, CD player 11 1 25 26 27 Unit 5 Reading Unit 5 Speaking Unit 5 Listening 3 - Vocabulary comprehension: matching - identifying the main ideas - Passage comprehension - Asking and giving information about modern invention. Talking about them Monologue - Deciding on true or false statements - Filling in the gap The passage about Computer’ uses All the tasks that follow Start and close an informal conversation Talking about the uses and importance of modern Technology Listen to a man’s experience of using computer Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player 11 2 28 29 30 Unit 5 Writing Unit 5 Language Focus Unit 6 Reading 3 - Writing instructions Pronunciation: / u/ - /u:/ Grammar and vocabulary - The present perfect - The present perfect passive - Who, which, that -Extensive reading: multiple- choice question - Passage comprehension - Intensive reading: gap-fill Giving instruction on how to use a card phone and other modern machines How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences. Wh questions; gerund and to infinitive The main content of the reading passage: A letter about an excursion All the task that follow Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample writing English 10, CD, CD player English 10, Referent Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 5 - 11 3 31 32 33 Unit 6 Speaking Unit 6 Listening Unit 6 Writing 3 -Expressing agreements and disagreements - Giving opinion Monologue: -Listening and numbering the pictures - gap- filling - Comprehension question -Writing a confirmation letter The structures expressing the agreements and disagreements Making a conversation The main content of the talk about a holiday All the given tasks Letterform, request expression, Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample writing 11 4 34 35 36 Unit 6 Language Focus Test Your Self B Test 2 3 -Pronunciation: / / and / / -Grammar: The present progressive ( with a future meaning) - Be going to - Focus on the main points of the lessons - Help student be familiar with the test - Get feed back How to produce those sounds and practise them in sentences. The 4 language skills in the first theme Applying skills The 4 language skills in the first theme Applying skills Communicative Language Teaching Test Test English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player Questionnaire, CD, CD player 12 1 37 38 39 Test2 Correction Unit 7 Reading Unit 7 Speaking 3 - Correct the test - Understand the test fully Vocabulary comprehension: matching -Deciding on true or false statements -Passage comprehension - Asking and answering questions about uses of media - Talking about different types of media The 4 language skills in the first theme Applying skills -The main content of the reading about three TV programmes All the tasks that follow Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Questionnaire, CD, CD player English 10, Referent English 10, handout of sample talk 12 2 40 41 Unit 7 Listening Unit 7 Writing 3 Monologue: - Listening to radio news - Gap- filling Writing about advantages and Two radio news All the tasks in the book Communicative Language Teaching English 10, CD, CD player Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 6 - 42 Unit 7 Language Focus disadvantages of the mass media - Pronunciation: / ei / - / ai /-/oi / Grammar - The present perfect - Because of and in spite of The reading about the advantages and disadvantages of TV How to produce those sounds and practice in words and sentences. The present perfect Because of and in spite of Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample writing English 10, CD, CD player 12 3 43 44 45 Unit 8 Reading Unit 8 Speaking Unit 8 Listening 3 - Vocabulary comprehension: matching - Scanning for specific information - Passage comprehension - Talking about plans and their possible results ( in the village) Monologue - Deciding on true or false statements - Filling in the gap The passage about the changes of a village All the tasks that follow Talking about the plans and their possible results The changes of a village Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player 12 4 46 47 48 Unit 8 Writing Unit 8 Language Focus Test Yourself C 3 - Writing an informal letter: giving directions Pronunciation: / au/ - / / Grammar : -Reported speech: statements - Conditional sentence type 1 -- Focus on the main points of the lessons - Help student be familiar with the test Giving a letter giving directions How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences. -Reported speech: statements - Conditional sentence type 1 Listening, reading grammar, and writing skills Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample writing English 10, CD, CD player English 10, Referent, CD player 1 1 49 50 51 Review 1: Reading Review2: Listening Review3: Writing 3 - Revise and improve student's reading skills - Revise and improve student's listening skills - Revise and improve student's writing skills Reading lessons from Unit1 to 8 Different kind of exercises Listening lessons from Unit1 to 8 Different kind of exercises Writing lessons from Unit1 to 8 Different kind of exercises Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player English 10, handout of sample writing Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 7 - 1 2 52 53 54 Review 4: Language focus 1 Term Test 1 Term Test Correction 3 - Revise and improve student's pronunciation and grammar skills Get feed back, evaluate students - Correct the test - Understand the test fully Language focus from unit1 to 8 Making an interview The 4 language skills in the first term, Applying skills The 4 language skills in the first term, Applying skills Communicative Language Teaching test test English 10, handout of sample talk English 10, CD, CD player 1 3 55 56 57 Unit 9: Reading Unit 9: Speaking Unit 9: Listening 3 -Vocabulary comprehension: gap- filling -Passage comprehension -Cloze reading: gap-fill -Taking a bout causes and consequences - Offering solutions - Reporting on discussion results -Monologue: deciding on True or False statement -Comprehension questions • Vocabulary about Oceans and Marine life • The main content of the reading passage and the tasks • Speaking a bout some threats to the health of the ocean, consequences and possible solution • Listening to some information about whales Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, pictures English 10, sample conversation English 10, CD, CD player 1 4 58 59 60 Unit 9: Writing Unit 9: Language focus Unit 10: Reading 3 - Describing information from a table - Pronunciation: / / - / / - / / -Grammar: +Should +Conditional sentence type 2 - Vocabulary comprehension: matching -Deciding on True or False statement -Identifying the main Idea • Writing a paragraph about Sperm Whale and Dolphin • How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences • Conditional sentence type 2 • Vocabulary about Environment • The main content of the reading passage and the tasks • Reading skills Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, sample writing English 10, referent books English 10, referent books 2 1 61 62 Unit 10: Speaking Unit 10: Listening 3 -Talking about the new kind of the zoos -Reporting on discussion results Monologue: - Sequuencing events - Deciding on True or False • Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of zoos • Reporting skills • Listening about a forest fires • Listening to specific information Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, sample conversation English 10, CD, CD player Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 8 - 63 Unit 10: Writing statement - Identifying specific information -riting a letter of invitation • Writing a letter to invite a friend to spend a weekend together Communicative language teaching English 10, sample writing 2 2 64 65 66 Unit 10: Language focus Unit 11: Reading Unit 11: Speaking 3 -Pronunciation : / b / - / p / Grammar: The passive voice -Finding words from context -Passage comprehension -Making plans -Expressing regrets -Taking about an excursion How to produce those sound and practise in words and sentences The passive voice The main content of the reading passage and the tasks Making plans Expressing regrets Taking about an excursion Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures 2 3 67 68 69 Unit 11: Listening Unit 11: Writing Unit 11: Language focus 3 -Monologue: - gap- filling - Comprehension questions Writing a letter of acceptance or refusal -Pronunciation /d/ - / t/ Grammar: - Conditional sentence types 3 Listen to a some small talks and do all the tasks Do all the tasks Write a reply letter for an invitation How to produce those sound and practise in words and sentences Do all the tasks Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures 2 4 70 71 72 Test your self D Test 3 Test 3 Correction 3 -Focus on the main points of the lessons -Help student be familiar with the test -Get feed back -Evaluate student -Correct test 3 -Consolidate what has been studied Listening, reading grammar, and writing skills The 4 language skills .Applying skills The 4 language skills . Applying skills Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures 3 1 73 74 75 Unit 12: Reading Unit 12: Speaking Unit 12: Listening 3 -Vocabulary comprehension: gap fill -Passage comprehension -Asking and answering questions about music -Talking about favorite kind of music -Dialogue : The reading about music Do all the tasks Reading what Ha Anh say about music then do all the tasks Listen to the dialoque about Van Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 9 - - Deciding on true or false statement - Comprehension questions Cao musician Do all the tasks 3 2 76 77 78 Unit 12: Writing Unit 12: Language focus Unit 13: Reading 3 -Writing a profile -Pronunciation: / s - / z / -Grammar - to + infinitive to talk about purposes - Wh- question -Finding words from context -Passage comprehension -Identifying the main ideas -Write about the life story of Van Cao -How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences -to + infinitive to talk about purposes - Wh- question Reading about a brief history of cinema Do all the tasks Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures 3 3 79 80 81 Unit 13: Speaking Unit 13: Listening Unit 13: Writing 3 -Expressing attitude -Expressing preferences -Talking about a film Dialogue : - Deciding on true or false statement - Comprehension questions Describing a film Ask and anwser about hobby watching films. Discribe a film which sts had seen Listen and know the plans of Lan and Huong next week Write a short paragraph about a fovourite film Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures 3 4 82 83 84 Unit 13: Language focus Unit 14: Reading Unit 14: Speaking 3 -Pronunciation: / f/ - / v / -Grammar and vocabulary: - Attitudinal adjectives - It is/ was not until .that . - a/an and the -Vocabulary comprehension: matching - Scanning for specific information: gap-fill -Deciding on True or false statements - Asking and answering questions about the World cups -Talking about the World cup winners -How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences - Attitudinal adjectives - It is/ was not until .that . - a/an and the Read a passage about the history of World cup Do all the tasks to understand the passage clearly. Learn new words though situations Asking and answering questions about the World cups Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures Sæ kÕ ho¹ch gi¶ng d¹y m«n tiÕng Anh  English teaching yearly schedule - 10 - [...]... Van MieuQuoc Tu Giam Do all the tasks that follow English 10, pictures - 11 - 97 5 Unit 16: Speaking 1 98 Unit 16: Listening 99 5 2 Unit 16: Writing 100 Unit 16: Language focus 101 Test your self F 102 5 Term Review 104 3 Term Review 103 3 3 Term Review 105 2nd Term Test 3 -Asking and answering questions about a historical place -Taking about a historical place from given information Monologue: - Listening... cities English 10, pictures English 10, pictures English 10, referent books English 10, pictures Listen to the passage about the Statue of Liberty -Describing a city -How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences - none- defining vs defining relative clauses - although to connect contrasting ideas Read a passage about Van MieuQuoc Tu Giam Do all the tasks that follow English 10, pictures... English 10, referent books Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books English 10, pictures Write a passage to describle a city The 4 language skills Applying skills The 4 language skills Applying skills The 4 language skills in the year, Applying skills English 10, ... York Do all the tasks Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books -Pronunciation: / / - / / -Grammar - none- defining vs defining relative clauses - although to connect contrasting ideas -Understanding... -How to produce those sounds and practise in words and sentences - will vs going to - will : making prediction - will making offers Communicative language teaching Communicative language teaching English 10, referent books -Consolidate knowledge -Pre- testing -Get geed back -Evaluate students -Correct the test -Understand the test fully -Vocabulary comprehension -Deciding on true or false statements -Passage... pictures Write a passage to describle a city The 4 language skills Applying skills The 4 language skills Applying skills The 4 language skills in the year, Applying skills English 10, pictures English 10, pictures - 12 - . Hạnh Phúc Kế hoạch giảng dạy Môn tiếng Anh 10 ban cơ bản Năm học 2007-2008 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Tiến Dũng. Nhiệm vụ đợc giao: Dạy tiếng Anh các lớp 10 A ban. phần mềm ứng dụng: 600.000đ Ngày 1 tháng 9 năm 2008 Ngời lập kế hoạch Bế Thị Hằng Sổ kế hoạch giảng dạy môn tiếng Anh English teaching yearly schedule -

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013, 20:10

