Unit – L and R Sounds Hi, this is AJ and welcome to Unit Now the two sounds we're learning in this unit are very difficult for many people, especially, uh, many people from Asian countries Japanese people for example I know have difficulty with these two sounds, R and L, R and L They're very important sounds in the English language You need to pronounce them correctly so they sound different Let's start with L, L, okay, (laughs) the L sound Now the L sound has an open mouth Okay, we're going to start with an L at the beginning of a word Okay, and your jaw, this is your jaw, this area of your mouth is called the jaw It's the part you use to bite, right? Your jaw's going to be down La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la So you're not, your mouth is not closed, mmm, it's open and it's kind of relaxed You kind of relax it when you make an L sound And then your tongue, your tongue is going to go up It's going to touch the back of your top teeth so it's hard for you to see but it's going to go up and touch these teeth up here, the back of your top teeth, not bottom, top, top Can you see that? My tongue is up La La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Okay, so again jaw and mouth open and relaxed and the tongue goes behind your top teeth La, you make the sounds, right, mmm and then you just drop it, la Now when you make the L sound don't close your mouth Keep your mouth open Really your mouth, your jaw does nothing Your jaw just stays open It's all happening from your tongue La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la I need to sing that L sound again and again and all I'm doing is moving my tongue to my teeth, touching my teeth and then I drop it and back to my teeth, drop it La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la The mouth moving a little bit but almost nothing La, la, la, la, la, la Let's practice some words Large, large, large So the L starts the tongue is touching the top teeth and then just drops and then you say the rest of the word Large, large, large From the side, large, large Laugh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, laugh, laugh, laugh Language, language, language That's good Learn, learn, learn, learn Very good Luck, luck, luck Here's one that's difficult It's got an L beginning and the end Loyal, loyal, loyal, loyal, loyal Let's talk a little more about the L at the end of a word because the action is kind of backwards When the L's at the end your tongue will go up and at the end so you'll go loyal, loyal The final L sound, your tongue goes up and touches your teeth, the back of your front teeth, your top teeth, and that's at the end It'll just, it'll go up as you make the sound and it will stay there so loyal So the word skill, skill See my tongue finishes in that position touching the tongue if it's at the end of a word Skill, skill, skill, skill I will I will it Will, will, will, will, will Here's one, I will if we push it together to make a mash up, a, a short word, I'll, I'll, I'll The L's at the end I'll, I'll, I'll it I'll, I'll, I'll All right very good Now the R sound, how is the R different? Some people can't hear the difference or can't make the difference so let me teach you how to the R and how it's different than L Now first difference with R, is that this will help you say it more correctly, is that you can naturally push your cheeks These are your cheeks right here, sides of your face You can push your cheeks and your lips and your mouth forward a little bit on the R Now in real speech it's very small It just kind of tightens a little bit It gets a little tighter but when we practice we're going to it a little bit bigger than normal We're going to exaggerate So that's the first thing You kind of make that little fish face (laughs) with the R That might help you make it more correctly Now another big difference, the biggest difference, is the tongue position And remember the L, the L the tongue is touching the teeth but in the R the tongue goes back, the front of the tongue, the tip It curls up and back It goes up and back for the R, rrr You can't see it because it's now it's back in the middle of my mouth but it's curling up, curling and going up The throat goes mmmp, like that, mmmp, rrr And then the final part vibration again The tongue, especially the front of the tongue, vibrates, shakes, also your throat will vibrate And for a, a good R make it strong, strong vibration So the three parts again Push your face forward a little bit like that, you're kissing Tongue curls up and back, right, up towards the top of your mouth and backwards And then your tongue vibrates It shakes and so does your throat Rrr, rrr, rrr, rrr, rrr, that's the R Let's practice some words with R Make that vibration very, very strong Now if you're a Spanish speaker or Italian, this is going to be really easy for you, but if you're Japanese, this might be very tough Let's it Raise, raise, lift up, raise, that strong vibration, raise Your tongue is shaking inside your mouth and it's also back and up Raise, raise Red, red, red Here's one that has two in it Rare means it's not usual, rare R at the beginning and at the end Rare, rare, rare, rare, rare Good Royal, royal R at the beginning, L at the end Royal just means like a king or queen Royal, royal, royal, royal, rrr Get that vibration Royal, royal, royal, royal Result, result, result, result Ready, ready, ready Okay the final note about both R and L at the end of words, when they are at the end of words, you need to pronounce them very, (clap sound) very, strongly So again if an R is at the end of a word, make the vibration extra strong, make it a little slower, a little big longer because the big problem that a lot of speakers have, especially speakers from some countries in Asia, is that they cut the R's at the end of words or they cut the L's So, uh, the word rare for example they'll say, "rer, rer, rer, rer," and the final R is, is weak and people can't understand it So the final R, the R's at the end of a word, have to be very strong, rare, er, er, er Americans love this R sound and they love it at the end of words too It's got to be strong, rare, rare, or even in the middle, very, right, it's not vary, it's very That R in very is super important, very, make it strong Same with words with L's at the end Make the L's strong If you're putting like I will, will, don't say wi, wi, wi, wi That's too weak Make the L very strong, will, la, la, la, la, la, will (clap sound) okay, don't worry because we're going to practice these words a lot Let's a couple with the R at the end and then in the training you're going to be practicing lots and lots, okay? Just a few with the R at the end Fire, fire, right? Fire, fire Strong R at the end Fire, fire Better, better, better, better Future, future, future, future, rrr, future All right, you're ready for the training Training is where you will really practice this and improve your pronunciation of both R and L And by the way for some speakers, like again I mentioned, uh, people from Spanish speaking countries, Italian, you might actually need to make your R's a little softer because some Spanish speakers, for example, will make that super strong R, rrr, rrr We don't that in English If you it too strong, rrrah, right, very, it sounds strange You want So if you're from (laughs) a Spanish speaking country or then actually soften your R's, a little less vibration might be best So you have to listen carefully so you can adjust so that your vibration is the same as mine See you in the training audio Unit – Practice Session Time for the training audio Lots of energy! Follow the five day method Let's start now I'll reach my long term goal for the future by following the powerful, effortless language training plan I program my brain like a computer to receive really powerful results faster I love regular training and practice I'll be loyal to the system of regular daily learning until I reach the level I want I resolve to work smarter not harder I resolve to control my feelings while focusing on powerful, positive goals I laugh whenever I make a mistake I understand that perfection is impossible, but I'll constantly improve I'll constantly grow, learn, and raise my level I'm always getting better, smarter, happier, and more skillful This is the power of regular training I love this training because I'll certainly acquire the English skill I require for success Now, at a medium speed I'll reach my long term goal for the future by following the powerful, effortless language training plan I program my brain like a computer to receive really powerful results faster I love regular training and practice I'll be loyal to the system of regular daily learning until I reach the level I want I resolve to work smarter not harder I resolve to control my feelings while focusing on powerful, positive goals I laugh whenever I make a mistake I understand that perfection is impossible, but I'll constantly improve I'll constantly grow, learn, and raise my level I'm always getting better, smarter, happier, and more skillful This is the power of regular training I love this training because I'll certainly acquire the English skill I require for success Now, a littler faster I'll reach my long term goal for the future by following the powerful effortless language training plan I program my brain like a computer to receive really powerful results faster I love regular training and practice I'll be loyal to the system of regular daily learning until I reach the level I want I resolve to work smarter not harder I resolve to control my feelings while focusing on powerful, positive goals I laugh whenever I make a mistake I understand that perfection is impossible, but I'll constantly improve I'll constantly grow, learn, and raise my level I'll always be getting better, smarter, happier, and more skillful This is the power of regular training I love this training because I'll certainly acquire the English skill I require for success Unit Page of CLICK HERE .. .Unit – L and R Sounds Hi, this is AJ and welcome to Unit Now the two sounds we're learning in this unit are very difficult for many people, especially,... carefully so you can adjust so that your vibration is the same as mine See you in the training audio Unit – Practice Session Time for the training audio Lots of energy! Follow the five day method Let's... training I love this training because I'll certainly acquire the English skill I require for success Unit Page of CLICK HERE