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INVERSION OF SUBJECT AND VERB Nguyên tắc chung: 1) Với động từ BE: …… BE + S ……… 2) Với dộng từ thường: a) Ở các thì đơn (HT đơn, QK đơn): ……. DODOESDID + S + V ………… b) Ở các thì hoàn thành (HTHT , QKHT): ……. HAVEHASHAD + S + PPV3 ………… 3) Với các động từ tình thái (MV): ………. Modal V + S + V ................. IĐẢO NGỮ VỚI NO VÀ NOT: 1) I will lend you no money from now on.  No money …………………………………… 2) I won’t lend you any money from now on.  Not any money ………………………………. IIĐẢO NGỮ VỚI CÁC TRẠNG TỪ PHỦ ĐỊNH: Never, rarely = seldom = little, hardly (ever), scarcely (ever) 1) I will never speak to him again.  Never …………………………………. 2) He has rarely got mark 10 in math.  Rarely …………………………………. 3) I seldom listen to rock music.  Seldom ………………………………….. 4) She little understands me.  Little ……………………………………… 5) They hardly (ever) speak in public.  Hardly (ever) ……………………………….

UNIT - CONNECTIVES Cause Adverb clause words Because Since Now that Transitions - Because the weather was cold, we stayed home - He failed the test because he didn’t study - Now that (= because now) I live only a few blocks from work, I walk to work and enjoy it (explanation of a new situation) Conjunctions for - The child hid behind his mother, for he was afraid of the dog Prepositions Because of Due to Owing to Due to / Because of the fact that - Because of the cold weather, we stayed home - Due to the cold weather, we stayed home Effect Adverb clause words So that … Such … that … - It was such good coffee that I had another cup - The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it Transitions Therefore Consequently - Ann didn’t study Consequently, she failed the test - Ann didn’t study Therefore, she failed the test - Ann didn’t study She, therefore, failed the test - Ann didn’t study She failed the test, therefore - Ann didn’t study, and therefore, she failed the test Conjunctions so - Ann didn’t study, so she failed the test Prepositions CONTRAST Adverb clause words Unexpected result even though although though Direct contrast while whereas - Even though / Although / Though it was cold, I went swimming - Mary is rich while / whereas John is poor Transitions Conjunctions Prepositions nevertheless nonetheless however … still but … anyway but … still yet … still despite in spite of despite / in spite of the fact that however on the other hand - It was cold Nevertheless, I went swimming - It was cold; nonetheless, I went swimming - It was cold However, I still went swimming But - Mary is rich; however, John is poor - John is poor; Mary is rich, however - Mary is rich John, on the other hand, is poor - Mary is rich, but John is poor - It was cold, but I went swimming anyway - It was cold, but I still went swimming - It was cold, yet I still went swimming - I went swimming despite the cold weather - I went swimming in spite of the fact that the weather was cold CONDITION Adverb clause words if unless only if even if whether or not in case in the event that - If I don’t eat breakfast, I get hungry - You’ll get wet unless you take your umbrella Transitions Otherwise Conjunctions or (else) - I always eat breakfast Otherwise, I get hungry during class - I always eat breakfast, or (else) I get hungry during class Prepositions NOTES: VỊ TRÍ VÀ DẤU - Adverb clause: đứng trước theo sau mệnh đề độc lập dùng dấu ‘,’ adverb clause đứng trước - Preposition + cụm danh từ Dùng dấu ‘,’ preposition đứng trước mệnh đề độc lập - Transition: dùng với câu thứ cặp câu Transition di chuyển nhiều vị trí câu thứ Dùng dấu ‘.’ ‘;’ để ngăn cách câu Dùng dấu ‘,’ để ngăn cách transition với phần lại câu - Conjunction: đứng mệnh đề độc lập Dùng dấu ‘,’ đằng trước conjunction UNIT 10 + 11: MODAL VERBS FUNCTIONS ABILITY (khả năng, lực) MODAL VERBS Can, could, be able to FUTURE POSIBILITY (có thể xảy tương lai) REQUEST (yêu cầu) May, might, can, could, be likely to Can, could, will, would OFFER (đề nghị) Can / Shall I / Shall we PERMISSION (xin phép) Can / could / may ADVICE, OBLIGATION, NECESSITY (lời khuyên, bắt buộc, cần thiết) Should, ought to, had better, have to, must, have got to, be to Must not Must, may, Can’t, couldn’t, might not PROHIBITION (cấm) LOGICAL ASSUMPTION (giả định có cứ) PREFERENCE (sở thích) 10 SOMETHING IN PROGRESS IN THE PRESENT (một việc diễn tại) 11 SOMETHING IN PROGRESS IN THE PAST (một việc diễn khứ) 12 SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE PAST (một việc xảy khứ) Would like, would prefer, would rather Would prefer not, Would rather not Modal + be + Ving Modal + have been + V-ing Modal + have + PP - advice (should / ought to) (lời khuyên) - prediction (dự đoán) EXAMPLES He can speak five languages We will be able to swim very fast after this swimming course He may win the race She will leave tomorrow She’s ready now Can you close the door? Could you please help me with this exercise? Answer by Can or Will, or OK, Sure, Sorry, … Can I help you? Shall we it for you now? Answer by OK, thanks; That would be nice,… Can we go to the movies tonight? May I leave early today? Answer: Sure, Go ahead, Certainly,… Students ought not to too much homework You’d better study for the test if you don’t want to fail I am to be at the airport by pm tomorrow They mustn’t bring pets into this restaurant You have worked all night these days You must be very tired Tom couldn’t be at the library now I just saw him five minutes ago I would prefer to watch this film I would rather eat at home Tom is in the library now He must be studying for his test tomorrow Don’t call me tonight I could be going to the movies with my family Sue wasn’t at home last night when we went to visit her She might have been studying at the library She should have studied hard during the course last semester (but she didn’t) The grass is all wet It must have rained very hard last night Marry can’t have been at home She ate out - unreal condition in the past (If 3) with me I would have accepted this job, but I didn’t want to leave my country - unnecessary things You needn't have washed the dishes I would've put them in the dishwasher DEGREE OF CERTAINTY PRESENT TIME a) Affirmative - Why isn’t John in class? 100% sure: 95% sure: Less than 50% sure: b) Negative 100% sure: 99% sure: 95% sure: Less than 50% sure: He is sick He must be sick He may be sick He might be sick He could be sick Sam isn’t hungry Sam couldn’t be hungry Sam can’t be hungry Sam must not be hungry Sam may not be hungry Sam might not be hungry PAST TIME a) Affirmative - Why wasn’t Mary in class? 100% sure: She was sick 95% sure: She must have been sick She may have been sick Less than 50% sure: She might have been sick She could have been sick b) Negative - Why didn’t Sam eat? 100% sure: Sam wasn’t hungry 99% sure: Sam couldn’t have been hungry Sam can’t have been hungry 95% sure: Sam must not have been hungry Less than 50% sure: Sam may not have been hungry Sam might not have been hungry FUTURE TIME 100% sure: 90% sure: Less than 50% sure: Kay will well on the test Kay should well on the test Kay ought to well on the test Kay may well on the test Kay might well on the test Kay could well on the test UNIT 12: TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS TRANSITIVE VERBS (Ngoại động từ): diễn tả hành động trực tiếp lên người vật đó, theo sau danh từ tân ngữ trực tiếp Eg: Let’s invite Sally You surprised me Có thể đổi qua thể bị động INTRANSITIVE VERBS (Nội động từ): diễn tả hành động dừng lại người nói người thực hành động đó, khơng cần tân ngữ trực tiếp Eg: Sit down The children are playing Không thể đổi qua thể bị động Nhiều động từ vừa ngoại động từ vừa nội động từ Eg: He ran as fast as he could He has no idea how to run a business Flowers grow in the garden They grow flowers in the garden UNIT 13: COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Tính từ ngắn – Tính từ dài a Tính từ ngắn - Có âm tiết: loud – louder – loudest ; short – shorter – shortest - Có âm tiết kết thúc bằng: -y, -ow, -et, -er, -le happy – happier – happiest ; narrow – narrower – narrowest ; quiet – quieter – quietest ; clever – cleverer – cleverest ; simple – simpler – simplest b Tính từ dài - Có âm tiết kết thúc –ed: bored – more bored – the most bored - Có âm tiết, không kết thúc -y, -ow, -et, -er, -le useful – more useful – the most useful - Có âm tiết trở lên: expensive – more expensive – the most expensive c Có số tính từ vừa tính từ ngắn vừa tính từ dài: free, keen, safe, sure, true, wise, clever, common, gentle Comparatives S + V + COMPARATIVE ADJ/ADV + THAN + PRONOUN / S + V / NOUN Eg: She is more clever / cleverer than him Tom did the exam better than I did Her house is more beautiful than mine / my house * Có thể sử dụng even, much, (by) far, a lot, ( ) times để làm tăng mức độ so sánh Eg: He is even better than his brother This book is much more expensive This river is three times longer than that river * Dùng từ a bit, a little, slightly để giảm mức độ so sánh Eg: He studies a bit harder than me This hotel is slightly cheaper than that one  Comparison of noun • There are more / fewer boys than girls in my class • We drank more / less coffee than he did Superlatives S + V + SUPERLATIVE (+ N) Eg: This film is the longest of the three John is the most outgoing person in class This is the commonest / the most common mistake Irregular Good Bad Much / many Little Far Old better worse more less farther / further older / elder the best the worst the most the least the farthest / the furthest the oldest / the eldest Positive comparison S + V + AS + ADJ/ADV + AS + NOUN / PRONOUN / S + V S + V + NOT + AS/SO + ADJ/ADV + AS + NOUN / PRONOUN / S + V Eg: John said that no other car could go as fast as his car Ann cannot cook as/so well as her sister does *Có thể dùng twice / half Eg: Your room is twice as large as mine He works half as hard as he used to  The same as Eg: Tom’s salary is as much as mine Tom’s salary is the same as mine  Tom gets the same salary as me Double comparison S + V + COMPARATIVE AND COMPARATIVE Eg: Their business is getting better and better It rained more and more heavily as the game was going on There are less and less people coming to this vacation spot THE COMPARATIVE + S + V, THE COMPARATIVE + S + V Eg: The earlier she leaves, the sooner she will arrive The more you study, the more knowledge you gain The more dangerous it is, the more I like it INVERSION OF SUBJECT AND VERB Nguyên tắc chung: 1)- Với động từ BE: 2)- Với dộng từ thường: a)- Ở đơn (HT đơn, QK đơn): b)- Ở hồn thành (HTHT , QKHT): ………… 3)- Với động từ tình thái (MV): …… BE + S ……… …… DO/DOES/DID + S + V ………… …… HAVE/HAS/HAD + S + PP/V3 ……… Modal V + S + V I-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI NO VÀ NOT: 1) I will lend you no money from now on  No money …………………………………… 2) I won’t lend you any money from now on  Not any money ……………………………… II-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI CÁC TRẠNG TỪ PHỦ ĐỊNH: Never, rarely = seldom = little, hardly (ever), scarcely (ever) 1) I will never speak to him again  Never ………………………………… 2) He has rarely got mark 10 in math  Rarely ………………………………… 3) I seldom listen to rock music  Seldom ………………………………… 4) She little understands me  Little ……………………………………… 5) They hardly (ever) speak in public  Hardly (ever) ……………………………… III-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI: No sooner …… than; Hardly/Barely/Scarcely…… when/before…… 1)- No sooner + had + S + PP/V3 + than + clause 2)- Hardly/Barely/Scarcely + had + S + PP/V3 + when/before + clause - As soon as I arrived home, the phone rang  No sooner …………………………………………… IV-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI ONLY: - Only after N/V-ing: sau - Only later: Chỉ sau - Only once: lần - Only then : đến lúc - Only when + clause : chi đến - Only if + clause : - Only by N/V-ing : cách - Only with N/V-ing: với - Only in this/that way : cách này/đó 1) I realized that I had forgotten to put on a stamp only after posting the letter  Only after ……………………………………………………………………………… 2) She will love him only when she understands him  Only when ………………………………………………………………… 3) We can pass the exam only by working harder  Only by …………………………………………………………………… 4) We will be successful only in this way  Only in this way …………………………………………………………… 5) You are allowed to enter this room only if I have given permission  Only if …………………………………………………………………… V- ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI CÁC CỤM GIỚI TỪ CÓ NO: - At no time : chưa - By no means: không - In no way : khơng cách - On no condition : tuyệt đối không - On no account : khơng lí - Under/In no circumstances: hồn cảnh khơng - For no reasons = On no account : không lí - No longer: khơng - Nowhere Ex: 1) He never knew she came from a rich family  At no time ………………………………………………………… 2) Keith certainly can’t be held responsible for the accident  In no way ………………………………………………………… 3) Passengers aren’t permitted to open the doors under/in any circumstances  Under/In no circumstances ………………………………………… 4) He no longer works as an accountant  No longer ………………………………………………………… 5) The wallet couldn’t be found anywhere  Nowhere ………………………………………………………… VI-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI SO ………… THAT VÀ SUCH ……… THAT : 1)- SO ……… THAT : 6) He worked so hard that he forgot his lunch  So ……………………………………………………………………… 7) The play is so interesting that the theatre is likely to be full every night  So …………………………………………………………………………  Such ……………………………………………………………………… 8) He bought so many books that he couldn't read them all  So many ………………………………………………………………… 9) Alice has so much homework that she can't finish it all  So much ………………………………………………………………… Note: Dùng SO MANY/FEW/MUCH/LITTLE không dùng SUCH 2)- SUCH …………… THAT : - It was such a boring speech that I got sleepy  Such …………………………………………………………………… Note: trường hợp BE + SO MUCH/GREAT đổi thành SUCH + BE + NOUN - The force of the storm was so great that trees were uprooted  Such was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted VII-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI : NOT ONLY ………… BUT ALSO NOT ONLY mệnh đề đảo BUT ……… ALSO mệnh đề thường - He is not only good at English but he can also draw very well  Not only …………………………………………………………………………… VIII-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI: NOT UNTIL/TILL (THEN/LATER) NOT UNTIL/TILL + mệnh đề thường + mệnh đề đảo 1) I didn’t know where I was until I asked a passer-by  Not until ………………………………………………………………………… NOT UNTIL/TILL THEN/LATER + mệnh đề đảo (mãi đến lúc đó/sau này) 2) I didn’t recognize him until later  Not until ………………………………………………………………………… IX-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI NEITHER/NOR VÀ SO: - They don’t like chicken, and neither/nor I - He had no money, and nor did he know anyone he could borrow from - She can play the guitar, and so can I * ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI NEITHER……………… NOR : - There is neither excitement nor entertainment in this small town  Neither is there excitement nor entertainment in this small town X-ĐẢO NGỮ TRONG CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN: 1-CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 1: IF + S + V …… -> SHOULD + S + V ……… - If anybody phones me, please tell them I’m busy  Should ………………………………………………………………………… 2-CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 2: a- Có động từ to be: IF+ S + WERE + Adj / N / Pronoun > WERE + S + Adj / N / Pronoun - If I were you, I wouldn’t that  Were ………………………………………………………………… b- Có động từ thường: IF S + P/V2 …… -> WERE + S + TO V …………… - If he worked more slowly, he wouldn’t make many mistakes  Were ………………………………………………………………… 3-CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 3: IF S + HAD + PP/V3 > HAD + S + PP/V3 ………… -If they had realized the danger, they would have done it differently  Had ………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: Đối với ba loại câu điều kiện, mệnh đề IF phủ định ta đặt NOT sau chủ từ XI-ĐẢO NGỮ SAU CÁC TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ PHƯƠNG HƯỚNG HOẶC VỊ TRÍ: Khi câu có từ cụm trạng ngữ phương hướng vị trí nội động từ đảo lên trước chủ ngữ 1) David began to open the parcels A dictionary was inside the first  David began to open the parcels Inside the first ………………………… 2) The knights came round the corner  Round the corner …………………………………………………………… 3) His father sat in an armchair  In an armchair ………………………………………………………………… Note: -Động từ TO BE thường sử dụng dạng đảo ngữ này, ngồi ta dùng nội động từ chuyển động như: CLIMB, COME, FLY, GO, HANG, LIE, RUN, SIT, STAND, …… -Thường dùng dạng đảo ngữ động từ khứ đơn -Trường hợp đảo ngữ này, không sử dụng trợ động từ mà sử dụng trực tiếp động từ đặt trước chủ từ -Không đảo ngữ chủ từ đại từ (sai): In an armchair sat she CLEFT SENTENCE Subject focus: It is/was + subject + who/that + verb a) My father bought a new car last Saturday  It was ………………………………………………………… b) English becomes more and more popular in the world  It is …………………………………………………………… Object focus: It is/was + object + that + S + V a) I met Lan at the party  It was ………………………………………………………… b) She sent her friend the postcard  It was ……………………………………………………… Adverbial focus: It is/was + adverbial phrase + that + S + V a) My father bought a new car last Saturday  It was ………………………………………………………… b) I was born in this house  It was ………………………………………………………… c) You can kill computer viruses by using some software  It is ………………………………………………………… d) The father repaired the bicycle for Nam  It was ……………………………………………………… Note: e) My sister didn’t write this letter  It was ……………………………………………………… f) Thường dùng It’s me It’s us It’s I It’s we INVERSION 1.I have never seen such a mess in my life  Never 2.Children learn a lot about how to behave in a situation like this  Only in 3.The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition  Only by 4.They had to wait for twelve hours before the flight left  Only after a 5.A country can’t be prosperous if it’s not quite independent  Only when 6.The realization that I had made a big mistake came later  Only later 7.She doesn’t understand how much suffering she had caused  Little 8.She didn’t shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy  Not a tear 9.John did not celebrate a party until he received the offer of promotion in writing  Not until 10.The men continued to feel unsafe until they crossed the border  Not until 11.Diana sprained her ankle and broke her leg  Not only 12.Immediately after their arrival, things went wrong  No sooner 13.Just after solving one problem, I was faced with another Hardly 14.They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them  So 15.He is so foolish that he can’t remember his lessons  So 16.He never suspected that money had been stolen  At no time 17.I won’t go out that way to visit him again on my account! On no 18.I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances  Under no 19.I didn’t realize how ill he was until I visited him  Not until 20 If Smith resigned, I might stand a chance of getting his job  Were 21.They would have discovered land sooner if they had carried a compass  Had 22 If you have any further questions, please ask to see the manager  Should 23 If she found out that he was cheating on her, she would go mad  Were 24 I didn’t know about those problems, so I moved here  Had 25 Because he didn’t understand the problem, he committed those mistakes  Had PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE  The subjunctive is always the same as the base form  SHOULD is sometimes used instead of the subjunctive E.g » The doctor recommended (that) I rest for a few days » The doctor recommended that I should rest for a few days  You can use the subjunctive for the present, past, or future  Note the subjunctive BE E.g » I insist (that) something be done about the problem » The chairperson proposed (that) the plans be changed » It is crucial that she not be there before Tom arrives » It is important that a car be waiting for the boss when the meeting is over  You can use the subjunctive after these verbs: advise They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times ask She asked that she be kept informed of developments command The commission commanded that work on the building cease demand The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn insist I insisted that he have dinner with me order They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted propose She proposed that the book be banned recommend I recommend that he see a lawyer request She requested that no one be told of her decision until the next meeting require The situation required that he be present suggest I suggest that you take a vacation urge The report urged that all children be taught to swim  You can use the subjunctive after these adjectives: advised* It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance important / vital crucial It is important / vital / crucial that he attend lectures every day imperative It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week necessary / essential It is necessary / essential that he find the books obligatory It is obligatory that all employees wear protective clothing proposed* It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years recommended* It is strongly recommended that the machines be checked every year required* It is required that all students wear uniform at school suggested* It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early urgent It is urgent that the new law be passed SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT Danh từ không đếm kết hợp với động từ số Eg: The grass is growing all over the field Các danh từ nối với liên từ and kết hợp với động từ số nhiều Eg: Rice and rubber from Vietnam are exported to many countries Nhưng danh từ tạo thành thực thể, chúng kết hợp với động từ số Eg: The bread and butter was all we had (=bread with butter on it) Với danh từ nối với or, either…or, not but, not only…but also, động từ kết hợp với danh từ gần Eg: Either Mary or I come to the party Not only cigarettes but also alcohol is banned in the campus Với danh từ nối với with, like, as well as, together with, along with, in addition to, other than động từ kết hợp với danh từ (chính chủ từ động từ) Eg: The manager, together with his assistants, has arrived every, each, one kết hợp với động từ số Eg: Each student / Each of the students has to homework some, part, all, most, almost, the rest, the remainder of … phân số kết hợp với động từ số hay số nhiều phụ thuộc vào danh từ theo sau of Eg: Most of the house was destroyed Most of the tomatoes are too ripe Three quarters of the earth surface is water Only a third of the students are qualified for the new course Đại từ bất định kết hợp với động từ số Eg: Someone has eaten all the food Các danh từ đo lường, thời gian, khoảng cách, tựa đề sách thường kết hợp với động từ số Eg: Twenty kilometers is too far to walk Five minutes is not enough for me to it A hundred thousand dollars is a big sum of money BUT: Ten dollars are scattered on the floor There / Here + be + N, động từ phụ thuộc vào danh từ theo sau Eg: Here are the keys There is a table and four chairs in the room There are four chairs and a table in the room 10 Khi từ để hỏi, cụm từ mệnh đề làm chủ từ, thường kết hợp với động từ số Eg: Who wants tea? – We all do, please What has happened? – Several things have happened What the boy wants now is a glass of water Reading books is one of my favorite hobbies 11 Danh từ tập hợp (collective nouns) thường với động từ số xét thực thể với động từ số nhiều xét phận / thành viên Eg: The whole team is playing very well My family is a happy one My family are early risers Army Association Audience Board Choir Class Club College Committee Community Company Congress Council Crew Crowd Family Gang Government Group Jury Military Navy Orchestra Staff Team University 12 Một số danh từ có hình thức số nhiều danh từ vật gồm hai thành phần kết hợp với động từ số nhiều Eg: The supermarket own-label goods are cheaper than branded goods The company’s earnings per share have fallen by 29p Goods Scissors Clothes Pincers / pliers Outskirts Shorts Belongings Trousers / pants Earnings Jeans Surroundings Glasses / spectacles Binoculars Shoes Sneakers Boots BUT: A pair of + … + động từ số Eg: A pair of binoculars is necessary for your tip Your new pair of jeans is really fashionable 13 Tên môn học, bệnh, môn thể thao số từ khác tận –s kết hợp với động từ số Eg: Mathematics is my favorite subject Measles is a dangerous disease Dominos is a good game for relaxing Mathematics Measles Physics Mumps Politics Rickets Economics AIDS Statistics Linguistics Athletics Gymnastics Billiards Darts Dominos News 14 Một số danh từ số nhiều không tận –s/-es kết hợp với động từ số nhiều Eg: Many young people are out of work now Sheep were grazing in the fields People Cattle Children Fish Women Sheep Police Deer Reindeer 15 Danh từ ngơn ngữ kết hợp với động từ số ít, danh từ dân tộc kết hợp với động từ số nhiều Eg: English is spoken in many parts of the world The English really like to drink tea 16 The number of + plural N + singular V A number of + plural N + plural V Eg: The number of days in a week is A number of students were absent yesterday ... ta đặt NOT sau chủ từ XI-ĐẢO NGỮ SAU CÁC TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ PHƯƠNG HƯỚNG HOẶC VỊ TRÍ: Khi câu có từ cụm trạng ngữ phương hướng vị trí nội động từ đảo lên trước chủ ngữ 1) David began to open the... IX-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI NEITHER/NOR VÀ SO: - They don’t like chicken, and neither/nor I - He had no money, and nor did he know anyone he could borrow from - She can play the guitar, and so can I * ĐẢO NGỮ... S + V I-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI NO VÀ NOT: 1) I will lend you no money from now on  No money …………………………………… 2) I won’t lend you any money from now on  Not any money ……………………………… II-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI CÁC TRẠNG

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2020, 15:57

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