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Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date: 30/08/2007 Teaching date: 8A / ; 8B: / Period 1 : ¤n tËp KiÓm tra– I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to practice some phrases about classroom managements used during the years II. Teaching aids: Some small pictures, text book. III. Procedure: Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1. Presentation 2. Practice 3. Production 4. Consolidation 5. Home work * Have ps look at the pictures and describe the activities. Answer this questions: + What are these students doing? + Why do they do these activities? + Do you often do these activities in your lesson? * Pre teach some phrase words. - Guide ps to read these words a few times - Call some ps to read these words in front of the class. - Call some ps to practice the dialogue in front of the class. Have ps play a game: “Simon says” - Remind ps remember all the classroom activities that will be used during the lesson. - Learn by heart the phrases words above. - Guides how to prepare period 2 – Unit 1- Getting started – Listen and read. * Look at the pictures then answer. - They are standing up in the class. b) They are greeting the teacher. c) Yes, we are *Some classroom managements - work in pairs - work in groups - stand up - sit down - open your books - close your books - listen to me - keep silent - don’t talk + Practice these phrases in front of the class. - Remember to study at home. 1 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date: 31/08/2007 Teaching date: 8A / ; 8B: / Period 2 : Unit 1: My friends Lesson 1 - Getting started - Listen and read I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to ask and give information about someone. Describe one’s favorite activities. II. Teaching aids: Some small pictures about activities, text book. III. Procedure: Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1. Warm up 2. Presentation 3. Practice * Have ps look at the pictures and describe some groups of friends and their favorite activities. Answer this questions: + What are these students doing? + What time of the day do you think it is? + Do you like soccer/reading books? * Pre teach some new words. - Guide ps to read these words a few times - Checking vocabulary by rub out and remember. - Call some ps to read these words in front of the class. * Pre-questions: ?1 Is Nien Lan’s friend or Hoa’s friend? I. Getting started a) They are playing soccer. b) They are reading books. c) They are playing chess. d) They are playing volleyball. ( In the morning /afternoon / evening) ( students’ answers) II. Listen and read 1. Vocabulary: - To seem ( translation) - A next door neighbor ( explanation) - to look like ( translation) - smile ( miming ) - photograph ( real object ) 2. Answers: - She is Hoa’s friend 2 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn 4. Production ?2 How old is Nien? ?3 Where does Nien live? ?4 Is she a beautiful girl? * Ask students to read the dialogue in groups between Hoa, Lan and Nien on page 10. - Call some ps to practice the dialogue in front of the class. * Comprehension questions: - Ask ps to read the dialogue again and answer the questions in exercise 2 in page 11. - Ask ps to practice in pairs. - She is twelve years old - She lives in Hue - Yes, she is 3. Practice the dialogue with a partner. ( Practice reading in groups ) 4. Answer the following questions. a. P1: Where does Nien live? P2: Nien lives in Hue. b. P1: Does Lan know Nien? P2: No, she doesn’t c. P1: Which sentence tells you that Hoa is older than Nien? P2: The sentence is: “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class.” d. P1: When is Nien going to visit Hoa? P2: At Christmas. 5) Home work : - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercise 1,2 (work book ) - Guides how to prepare period 4 (Read) The end 3 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:03/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / . Period 3 : Unit 1: My friends (Continued ) Lesson 2 – Speak + Listen I, Objectives: By the end of the lesson Sts can describe people’s appearance. Listen and complete the conversations. - Vocabulary : blond , build , straight , curly , bold , dark - Structures : Review simple present of to be / to have - Skills: Speaking , listening II, Teaching aids : Book , chalk , cassette , tape III, Procedures : Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1) Warm up: 2) Pre- speaking ? Who ’ s absent today ? * Brain storming: Ask ps to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair. +) Checking: - Write new words - Review how to use the verb ‘to be’ and ‘to have’. - Work in silence (2 , ) - Work in pairs. (6-8 pairs of Sts do ) -Some pairs of SS practice aloud. -T corrects the mistakes. * Word cues drill a) he / tall / thin b) she / short / slim thin curly body build hair III. Speak: 1) Read the dialogue: New words: blond (adj), curly (adj) build (adj) , bold (adj) straight (adj) , dark (adj) - to be : thi , la , (t¶ d¸ng vãc) to have : co (tãc , da ) 2) Now take turns to make similar dialogues- use the adj in the table: a) He is tall and thin 4 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn 3) While - speaking 4) Post- speaking c) He / short / fat d) Long / black - Some pairs of Sts can describe about their classmates. * Pre-teach some phrases. Explain how to use these phrases and guide them to read. - Make model with two SS in the class. - Have ps read in silence all the phrases given and the 4 open- dialogues in text book on page 12 and 13 - Sts guess how to complete - Listen to the tape ( 3 times ) - St gives the answers. - Listen again once more to correct. b) She is short and slim c) He is short and fat d) She has long black hair Ex: P1: This person is tall and fat. He has curly hair. P2: Is this Long ? P1: Yes. IV. Listen : 1) I’d like you to meet 2) Nice to meet you 3) I’d like you to meet 4) It ’ s a pleasure to meet you . 5) Come and meet. 6) How do you do? - Nice to meet you - The pleasure is all mine - How do you do ? I'd like you to meet my teacher * Answers: 1) I’d like to meet my cousin 2) Nice to meet you 3) I’d like you to meet 4) It’s a pleasure to meet you 5) How do you do 6) Come and meet 5) Home work : - Learn by heart adjectives. - Guides how to prepare period 4 (Listen) The end 5 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:07/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / . Period 4 : Unit 1: My friends (Continued ) Lesson 3 - Read I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the passage about Ba and his friends Vocabulary: character, orphanage, joke, sociable, generous, reserved, outgoing, annoy, sense of humor. II/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks. III/ Procedure: Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1. Warm up 2. Pre - Reading - Checking the old lesson by asking a pupil to write some vocabulary. * Pre-teach vocabulary: - Have ps read the words in chorus then ask them to read again in front of the class. - Checking by rub out and remember * T/F statements prediction: + Set the scene: These statements are about Ba and his friends, read them and guess which are true, which are false. - Have ps practice in pairs. Call some ps to give their answers. - Write the answers on the board. * Answer T’s questions V. Read. * Vocabulary. Character , Orphanage Reserved , Sociable Tell jokes , Sense of humor * T/F a) Ba only has three friends-Bao, Khai and Song. b) Ba and his friends have the same characters. c) Bao – Song and Khai are quite reserved in public. d) They all enjoy school and study hard. 6 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn 3. While readin g 4. Post reading - Ask the to read the text then correct the answers. * Multiple choice: - Have ps practice the exercise 1 on page 14. - Ask them to work in pairs to choose the best answer. a) Ba talks about . of his friends. b) Bao’s volunteer work c) Khai and Song d) Ba’s friends sometimes .his jokes. - Call some pairs to tell their answers * Comprehension questions Ask ps to work in pairs to do exercise 2 on page 14 a) How does Ba feel having a lot of friends? b) Who is the most sociable? c) Who like reading? d) What is a bad thing about Ba’s jokes? e) Where does Bao spend his free time? + Have ps practice in pairs- asking and answering these questions. Guess Correct a. b. c. d. F F F T 1) Choose the best answer. - A. three B. all C. four D. none - A. helps him make friends. B. cause problems at exam time. C. does not effect his school work D. takes up a lot of time. - A. like quiet place C. dislike school B. don’t talk in public D. enjoy sports - A. answer B. do not listen to C. laugh at D. get tired of * Answer: a) – A; b) – C ; c) – B ; d) – D - Ps practice answering the questions. a. He feel lucky having a lot of friends. b. Bao is the most sociable c. Khai likes reading. d. His jokes sometimes annoy his friends. e. Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. 5-Homework: Ask ps learn by heart new words and do exercise in text book. The end 7 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:08/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / . Period 5 : Unit 1: My friends (Continued ) Lesson 4 - Write I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a paragraph about their closed friends. II/ Teaching aids: text books and picture. III/ Procedure: Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1. Warm up 2. Pre - writing * Net work: - Have ps write adj about characters of man. * Ask ps to read the information about Tam then answer some questions. - Have them work in pairs. - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. - Ask ps if they understand the text or not Character VI. Read. 1) Read the information about Tam. a) P1. What his name? P2. His name is Le Van Tam. b) P1.How old is he? P2. He is fourteen. c) P1. What does he look like? P2. He is tall and thin. He has short black hair. d) P1. What is he like? P2. He is sociable, humorous and helpful. e) P1. Where does he live? P2. He lives at Tran Hung Dao 8 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn 3. While writin g 4. Post writing * Ask ps to write a similar form for their partners. Use the following questions as prompts. a) What is his/her name? b) How old is he/she? c) What does he/she look like? d) What is he/she like? e) Where does he/she live? f) Who does he/she live with? g) Who is/ are his/her friend(s)? - Call some ps to ask and answer these questions in front of the class. * Have ps write a paragraph about one of their partners using the form they’ve made above. - Call some ps to read in front of the class. street. f) P1. Whom does he live with? P2. He lives with his mother, father and elder brother. g) P1. Who is his friend? P2. Ba and Bao 2) Fill in similar form for your partner. Name: . Appearance: Character: Address: Family: Friends: Age: . - Practice in pairs. 3) Now write a paragraph about your partner. + Sample: This is my friend. His/her name is and he/she is . years old/ He/she at in with his/her , his/her parents and his/her . sister, . . He/she is . and . He/she has black hair. He/she is rather shy but friendly and helpful. He/she has a lot of friends but his/her close friends are . and 5-Homework: Have ps write a similar paragraph about one of their family members. The end 9 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:10/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / . Period 6 : Unit 1: My friends (Continued ) Lesson 5 – Language focus I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about general truths and write some sentences using “not adj + enough to + V .”. II/ Teaching aids: text books , cards and pictures. III/ Procedure: Stages Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents 1. Warm up 2. Presentation 3. Practice * Brainstorming: - Have ps write as many adjectives as they can on the board. * Pre-teach vocabulary: - Explain some new words: - Guide ps to read carefully. * Checking vocabulary by: ‘rub out and remember’ - Have ps complete 2 paragraphs in exercise 1 on page 16. * Revision of simple present tense. - Review simple present tense: formation, usage. Adjectives VII. Language focus. 1. Vocabulary: - Planet - Mars - Mercury - silly 2. Complete the paragraph. a) 1. is living; 2. sent 3. was ; 4. is b) 1. are ; 2. came 3. showed ; 4. introduced 3. Complete the dialogue: 1. sets ; 2. goes 3. moves ; 4 is 10 [...]... page Thanh Cong Delivery Service 23 to get information and write the Date: June 16 message Time: After midday - Ask them to work individually 18 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn 4 Post writing - Call some Ps to read their messages again - Correct any mistakes if necessary + Set the scene: Tom phoned Nancy, but she was out Lisa, Nancys sister took a message for Nancy... Have ps practice at home and prepare new lesson Ask them to do exercises in workbook The end 13 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:13/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / Period 8 : Unit 2 : Making arrangements Lesson 2 Speak + Listen I, Objectives : By the end of the lesson students can make and confirm arrangements; Listen and get message on the phone... page 17 Production Ask and answer the questions a) How many people are there in the picture? b) What does each person look like? c) What is each person wearing? 5 Look and describe: a) There are 4 people in the picture b) Students answers c) Students answers 5-Homework: Prepare Unit 2 carefully Do all exercises in workbook The end 11 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing... mistakes - T guides how to make similar arrangements by substitution - Make similar arrangements (2 pairs of Sts work) a) Pre - Listening : -T introduces about the lesson and message 4 - Gives new words Production - Asks Sts to listen and answer these questions b) While - Listening : -Listen to the tape (3 time to get once by once) - Listen and answer - Listen and check - Correct mistakes - Fill in... ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:11/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / Period 7 : Unit 2 : Making arrangements Lesson 1 - Getting started + Listen and read I Objectives: - By the end of the lesson sts can read and understand the content of the dialogue and answer the questions - Vocab : fax , machine , mobile phone , answering machine , telephone directory , downstairs , outside , introduce , a bit - Grammar:... choose the right answers * Set the scene: Hoa is very sad Contents Food E.g rice, meet, vegetables, beef, fish, chicken, noodles, bread, peas IV Listen 1) New words: - special - green pepper - fried rice - garlic 2) Look at the picture Check the right items * Answers: a) Fried rice b) Pan c) garlic and green peppers d) ham and peas 26 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn... Read 1 New words: - Explain the meaning of new words - Guide Ps to read in chorus - Call Ps to read again + Checking by rub out and remember - precaution ( translation ) - a socket ( realia ) - a match ( realia ) - an object ( translation ) - safety ( adjective) - to destroy ( translation ) - to injure ( picture ) - Have Ps read the statements and guess which is true and which is false * T/F statements... put all dangerous objects out of childrens reach? 4 Post 2 Comprehension questions + Possible answers: a Because children often try to eat and drink them b Because the kitchen is a dangerous place c Because playing with one match can cause the fire d because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill Ask Ps to work in groups, discussing e Because the dangerous... Preparing date:22/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / Period 11 : 19 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Unit 2 : Making arrangements Lesson 5 Language focus I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to talk about intentions with be going to and know how to talk about their future plans II Contents: Vocabulary: action movies, fishing rods Grammar: Be going... Nguyen wanted to see the principal in the morning 3, Her telephone number is 646 837 094 5, Home work : - Make similar dialogue (make arrangement ) - Prepare ( Read) The end 15 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn Preparing date:15/09/2007 Teaching date: 8A: / ; 8B: / Period 9 : Unit 2 : Making arrangements Lesson 3 Read I, Objectives By the end of the lesson Sts can understand . ( students’ answers) II. Listen and read 1. Vocabulary: - To seem ( translation) - A next door neighbor ( explanation) - to look like ( translation) -. 4 is 10 Lesson plan E8/prepared by GiangYB- Email: ntgiangyb@yahoo.com.vn 4. Production - Have ps complete dialogue between Ba and Tuan. - Have ps complete

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2013, 19:10



