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Master call week 6 tủ tài liệu bách khoa

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I;M$hi Welcome, welcome, welcome Welcome to the Master Call tonight This is Ramit Sethi Lots to talk about tonight We have some great questions They're getting a little bit more advanced We've got questions on positioning, questions on copy, questions on productization and product formats I've spent the last couple of days in studio, here in New York, and I'm spending another day tomorrow It's a marathon session I'm interviewing several, very successful I Will Teach students It's been a pretty fun experience A lot of these students are the cream of the crop One of the students today I spoke to, he joined Earn1K, and it was funny because he had been on my list for eight years, since 2005, and he never joined He never joined anything He bought my book and that was it One of the reasons was, he said that Earn 1K seemed a little too easy for him It was too junior Anyway, he ended up joining, and the course generated over $140,000 for him So we talked a little bit about that I had to make fun of him a little bit for the delays that he took But I thought it was pretty cool to hear people persisting, because it would have been so easy to give up Some of the students I talked to were actually on food stamps Actually, a couple of the students were in some serious financial problems before they came across my material One of them was on food stamps, and about three years later, he is on target to earn $500,000 this year Now, it would have been easy for a lot of people in different situations, whether they were on food stamps, or more commonly, they were just doing fine to kind of stick with the program You know, what everyone told them, and not take any extraordinary steps In fact, we see this right now in Zero to Launch The stuff you are doing right now is very challenging, and it's easy to say, "You know, I haven't found my idea yet I give up." Remember, you're five, six weeks in It took me years to launch my first product Now I have short-cutted a lot of that for you, but I just want to remind you that you're going to see a lot of videos with a lot of successful people in this course You're going to continue to see them on my website, in Brain Trust, etcetera Just remember, it's easy to look at people and paint them with this picture that they were born with it, or they were lucky, or you could never what they But what we don't see are the mental decisions, when they woke up in the morning and they decided to persist and just keep at it So I want to challenge everyone to keep at it as we go through it because this stuff is not easy I have to commend you for showing up every week and asking the tough questions and taking the feedback I give you and putting it into action We're going to go to Carol I R·';J.l!J Hi, can you hear me? I;Mf.iii Oh, I can hear you great Where are you calling from, Carol? ZERO T O L AllNCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 R·M·l!i Sydney, Australia i@f.iii Oh, is everyone from Australia tonight? 1!-M·]!J Looks like it i@fuiii Alright So what is one mental barrier that you have overcome during this course? R·N·l!i Well, I always thought that if other people did something that is close to what I was going to do, that it would be impossible for me to break through and something new I realized that it's totally wrong So even if something has been done out there already around the topic that I would like to tackle, it's always possible to be different in your own way l@§iii That's right Very good We've seen this in virtually every market There is no industry where there's just one player Any industry with any revenue has multiple players In fact, there is usually enough room for many players So that's a great insight Alright, what's your question tonight? '¥'4·1!1 My question is about a product that I already launched, and I went ahead of myself before taking your course I did it on Udemy, actually I'm having a hard time knowing if I'm digging in the wrong direction or not A brief for people who are listening, I'm initially a sound engineer and a music producer, and I've spent about 10 years of my life teaching that So I decided to create a couple of courses on Udemy to teach a software that is called Pro Tools that sound engineers use for that I decided to go for a paid course and a free course One of them, the free one, is just tips and tricks, like little nuggets, and it's called Pro Tools Tapas so it is like a gourmet course The other one, which is a paid one, is a project-based course It guides students how to start making their first electronic music tracks, from A to Z, the whole process ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 After I took your course, I saw a lot of mistakes that I was doing One of which, going ahead of myself, and creating a product before even studying the market or seeing the needs But at the same time, I got confused with the results I got So I'm trying to go backwards now, reverse-engineer things It's been very challenging for me to take a step back and see what I'm doing wrong Because for the free course, I'm getting about 90 persons per month to sign up, and I've got, so far, 15 reviews But for the paid one, I only got 40 people to sign up, out of which, that 15 paid for it The others, I sort ofled them into the course, whether it was free, or with coupon codes, or things like that i;hfuiii Okay, alright Let me pause you right there You just gave everyone a lot of information, so I'm going to sum that up in a couple of sentences You launched a course to teach people how to use this software, Pro Tools, and you launched it on another site called Udemy Your free course is getting about 90 students a month and your paid course, which is $99 dollars, has gotten 15 paid students Correct? U·M·lii That's right i;MMII Okay, what's the question? 1!-#·lii The question is, I'm trying to understand the mentality like between the free course and the paid course Why is this happening, one Second, ifUdemy is a good place to validate an idea or a product? i;MMII Okay, good Well, when you say, why is this happening, what you mean, this? U·M·lii The fact that the free course is getting way more engagement than the paid one I'm not sure if it's the way Udemy is promoting the courses, or it's something that is in my course that works more or less in the concept because both are not identical ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 •MM" Well, hold on a second Why is it surprising to you that the free course would receive more engagement or more students than the paid course? '¥'4·1!1 Yeah, this is not the surprise The thing is that I'm trying to separate the idea between free and paid, and then the two different products, different targets This is what I'm trying to understand, so how to the separation Is it only the free component that is attracting more students or is there something else to it? +;UM+ Well, I don't have intimate knowledge of your market or your products, but in general, free is going to get you a lot more attention You're going to get a lot more people signing up But as you noted in your own question to me, those students don't tend to be very engaged Would you agree? U·M·l!l Yes, that's right I;Uf.iii Alright We see the same thing I can give you some of my own metrics as well On a free email newsletter, depending on the size of your newsletter, etcetera, your open rate will hover anywhere You know, when you first start out, it's going to be very high It might even be as high as 70% Once you reach a certain scale, your open rate of your emails for free users, it will tend to hover around 15% to 30% That's just a ballpark I'm ballparking it for you However, with your paid users, your open rates will hover between 70% and 90% ballpark You're always going to have more people using your free stuff, and yet, your paid people are always going to be higher on a percentage basis So I'm not surprised so far with the numbers What else surprises you? What are your other questions? '¥'4·1!1 People who paid for the course are not watching the course I was expecting, even the people who paid $100 without the coupon code, they are watching 10% I keep looking at the results, and I don't see them moving fonvard So either it's not engaging or they're just collecting courses I'm trying to understand if, again, Udemy is the wrong place to be in ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 •MM" Okay, great You just said three things and the answer to all of those questions is yes You said, "Is it un-engaging?" Probably, yes Now again, I don't know your product I haven't seen it But just speaking statistically, most courses are un -engaging because they don't understand how to make it I mean, it's very hard to create an engaging course So that's number one I'm not being personal; I'm just speaking statistically 1!-M·]!J Yeah, sure +;UM+ Number two, are they just collecting courses? Yes People who buy one course often buy multiple courses That's not a bad thing, but it's been well known, for years and years, that most people or I should say, depending on your market, many people not complete a course And then finally, is Udemy the wrong place to your testing? Yes Why I say that? Do you have any idea? U·!;l·l!i Well, I'm sort of answering my own questions I;Uf.iii Yep 1!-!;l·l!i Because first of all, I'm realizing the mentality I mean, that's my take on it The mentality that users have out there is not the right audience for the type of online courses that we're trying to create with your course It looks like they're more into collecting courses, learning many different topics, and not paying, like free stuff And even if they want to pay, they feel like it looks like an app store for courses '¥'*"' That's correct So let's just break it down Who wins in the game that you are playing right now? 1!-!;l·l!i Udemy, you mean? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 •MM" That's correct That is exactly correct So who are the players There are three players in the market right now that's in your little ecosystem You are the instructor Who are the other two players? 1¥'4·]!1 Udemy, and the audience, so whoever comes to the site 1;1-giii Alright, perfect So who is winning out of this? Are you winning? '¥'4·l!i Honestly, no '¥'*"' Good, you're being honest I appreciate that Are your students winning? '¥'4·l!i It doesn't look like it, no engagement for me It's a no •MM" Correct Who's winning? Udemy I;U$111 Yeah To them, you're an incremental instructor Maybe, hopefully, one day, you get some students, but if not, you're just one of many This is why I encourage you to build your own platform You want to own the experience because right now, you have no idea Is it the wrong audience? Are people on Udemy just cheap? Maybe, maybe not Is it the layout that's wrong? Maybe Udemy doesn't email them every time a module opens up Maybe there are no modules Who knows? You know, there are so many different things that could be wrong but you will never know because you can't control the experience ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 This is why it's absolutely critical to build your own email list and have your own list of people So my recommendation to you is that, you've done it a bit backwards, and that's okay, but everything you're telling me tells me that you know the problems Like, you're being very brutally honest with yourself and that, I appreciate You're not deluding yourself You're not saying, "You know, they really should be doing it more." You're being honest with what the world is So I think that I would start from the beginning Go to the market you believe is the most engaged market, and talk to them Do your research and you'll be able to move through this fairly quickly because you've already identified a lot of problems, hopes, fears, and dreams, and take it in-house Put them on your email list You've got that course material You might want to revamp it into yow· own course, but I would not use another platform to distribute this Does that make sense? llf.#·l!J Okay, it makes sense, yes i;hf.iii Alright Does that answer your question? U·#·l!J Yes, thank you for that i;hf.iii You've got it Great question, great job Keep us updated on it, alright? llf.#·l!J Alright, thanks i;hf.iii Alright, very good Good Here's the funny thing about that question from Carol I like her attitude She came to me, the question had all the right metrics, it was laid out properly Honestly, it would be a little frustrating to be in Carol's place She just went through this whole rigmarole She's not really getting the results she wants, and yet, in her voice, you could hear it You could hear her saying, "Hey, I'm trying to figure it out." I told her, "This is what I think." And she's like, "Yeah, okay, sounds good." ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 You can tell just from her reaction, she's the kind of person who is going to take action and go and fix it Imagine another person who comes in, like Eeyore, just mopey "Uhh, it didn't work This thing sucks I hate the Internet." I mean, who you think is going to succeed? It's the person who takes reality for what it is, not what it should be So I have to say I really appreciate that Ian Q, are you there? Hey, what's up, Ramit? Can you hear me? i;hfuiii Yes, how are you doing? I'm doing great How are you? i;MMI Good, just turn down your speakers, please I'm getting an echo How's that? i;hf.!ii Good Alright, where are you calling from? I'm calling from Antioch, California, by San Francisco i;hf.iii Alright That's a very exotic destination I know it well What is a barrier that you've encountered, a psychological barrier, through Zero to Launch? It started to with the I moved ahead and I was watching the videos for creating premium content, and just basically creating videos, which, from what I understand, is the higher- ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 level content I have this thing where I'm like, man, I sound weird when I listen to myself I don't think I'm very photogenic But I don't think it's about that I think it's about being able to present your product and being able to help people People probably aren't going to care what you look like, as long as your stuff works l@fuiii Good And by the way, you don't sound weird to me, at all You sound great Hah, thanks, thank you 1@@11 Alright, what is your question tonight? I am looking for a tear down of my idea and positioning I'm starting to create my Profit Playbook, and before I go too far into it, I want to see if it can be vetted through your ruthlessness So here it is My idea is to help 25 to 45-year-olds, small to mid-size recreation, practice-based professionals with their marketing, promotion, and retention By practicebased, those tend to be activities like martial arts, yoga, personal training The positioning I want to adopt is I'd like to be my clients' administrative sensei, or their operations guru I want to start simply and make their actions with a systemization and strategy Excuse me, I am reading from something I wrote for this Let's see I want to make sure their actions with systemization strategies and tactics are in line with the spirit of their practice and training I want to be the alternative to aggressive, bottom-line-driven, turnkey consultants or monthly marketing packages i@fuiii Okay, let's tackle this Interesting idea, interesting market You called these people practicebased professionals so karate places, yoga studios, personal training, etcetera, and there's a lot of these people around Would you agree that they typically don't know that much about marketing and administration? I would agree, yes ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 49 •MM" Alright, so we're starting with just questioning our assumptions First of all, they identify themselves as practice-based professionals? No, they don't +;t.W" So where did that term come from? The term "practice" is used in the activity itself, but trying to find a market, I wasn't sure, because I thought just going after martial arts was too small, or yoga by itself was too small Most of them, what they have in common is that each one involves a certain amount of practice that you put in to it My other terminology for it is "recreational teachers" But I think that's what I need to some more research on 'MM" Okay, I agree You need to get the wording right Now, let's talk about your positioning and your market What is your positioning? You called yourself an "administrative sensei" and an "operations guru" Very Eastern influenced and that might be how you feel But you think those words mean anything to them? It depends on the particular activity I think t he terms "sensei" and "guru" can resonate '¥'*'" Alright, let's a role play right now Who should I be? I'm the owner of a karate dojo, how about that? Sure I;U§iii Alright, make your pitch, and make it in 30 seconds Go ahead ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 10 of 49 talk to a beginner, and the way I would talk to an advanced person are also completely different, because of the commitment, the goals, etc Right now, I feel like my website, the copy, kind of caters to everyone I keep everything pretty general Like, "Oh, just drop your score by this many." Very simple things But when I design my first product, I'm wondering if I should niche it down and pick a specific caliber of golfers, say intermediate as opposed to beginner I just was curious what your thoughts was on that, and whether or not you thought my copy was actually hitting the golfer I wanted to hit i;hfuiii Okay This is a good question We're going to get just a little bit more advanced here for a second First of all, as a general rule of thumb, it's okay to start off slightly more general when you've already identified a relatively tight niche That is a pretty complex thing, so I'm going to say that one more time It's okay to start off relatively general when you've identified a relatively tight construct of who your market is For example, you know that you're going after golfers And I assume those are male golfers between a certain age To say that you need to go even deeper on your first product, probably, I might not that And in fact, I didn't that So with I Will Teach You To Be Rich, I was very clear about who I was targeting It was people of a certain age who had a certain view on money and how they wanted to live But I didn't target it specifically towards gender or towards where people live, etc It did end up that because of the way I write I tended to attract a certain type of person, which tended to skew just slightly male That's just because I write in a more masculine way But had I gotten ultra, ultra specific, like six-figure-consulting-level specific, that would have been a very different product than, say a Golden Goose, or an introductory level product The benefit of this approach, like to start offjust golfers who want to focus on one part of their game, or want to get, I don't know, those last 10 points, or whatever it is, it allows you to get a focused group, but a wide swath of people And then you can see, of those customers, which ones actually raise their hand and buy, which ones follow through, which ones want more material Does that make sense? '·#U:t.lhi Yeah i;M$111 Alright And to go even deeper, let's talk about beginners versus intermediate people Again, this is a more advanced concept There will always be more beginners than advanced people There will always be way more beginners Let me try that again There will always ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 35 of 49 be more beginners than intermediate people There will always be way more beginners than advanced people Now, one thing I'm seeing a lot of is people in ZTL, in the community, going to ultra beginners, like people who don't know anything This is the equivalent to you going to people and saying, "Hey, guys, here's why golf is the best game on earth You should play golf because it's so cool." That would be a mistake because you want to find people who have already demonstrated interest You're doing that very well You want people who are already playing golf They understand why golf is cool, and they want to improve their game That is a good beginner level I would never go to someone and try to shake them by their collar, and say, "Hey, guys, personal finance is really, really important so make sure you look at this compound interest." It's just like, you already lost the game You find people who are already interested and that is your beginner level Makes sense? '·#U:t.lhi Yes i;UMI Alright So as for your question on copy, I took a look at the copy Just to really quickly read off what I saw on the site "Do you want to play better golf? Stop spinning yow· wheels and buying club after club Drop your scores by five strokes or more without complicated swing changes." What you think about that? '·#U:t.ldi I think it's alright When you read the first question, it sounds like, I mean, it's just obvious Of course, you want to play better golf Other than that, I'm open all sorts of questions l;hfulli Well, I agree with you It's okay and it's frankly good enough to post, which you've already done, so good job on that But, it doesn't really speak to me in any particular way It's like saying the equivalent of, "Do you want to make more money?" Or, "Do you have problems with money?" Or, "Are you tired?" It's like those pharmaceutical commercials "Do you ever get tired? Doyoueverwake up? Doyouevergethungry?" Yes, I So you need to get a little bit more specific You know your market What did they actually say when it came to understanding their pain points? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 36 of 49 hdd[.]8i That kind of falls back to the question before about what level I want to target because a lot of people identify their goals as a number that they want to break They will say, "I want to break 90", or "I want to break 100", or "I want to break 8o" I felt like, "Oh, I don't really want to say break 80 to someone who is a complete beginner." But I also, don't say "break 100" to someone who has ah·eady done that consistently i;Uf.iii Yeah, well, first of all, is this actually a phrase that people use in golf? "Drop yow· scores by five strokes?" 'MU:HW' Yes i;U$111 They say, "I want to drop my score?" hdd[.]hi "I want to shave five strokes off my game." They'll say something like that Or they'll say, "I want to lower my handicap by X amount i;Uf.iii Good I'm not a golfer, but just "drop your scores", I've never really seen that And I've read some golf-related copy Have you studied other golf copy, by the way? 'MU:HW' I have When you mentioned that on our first call, you said that you studied some copy before So I bought a Golf Digest, and a couple of other magazines and went through them And, what did they say? "'dd[.]hi They usually say, "improve your game", "play better golf", "hit lower scores", "lower your score", "hit further" ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 37 of 49 What you that's uniquely different than all these other people? "'hh[.]hi As opposed to buying a piece of equipment or take a lesson, I propose that through fitness, you can actually improve your game and lower your scores +;t.W" Hmm, this is a tricky one Let's go deeper Let's spend another two to three minutes on this So, I'm a guy I'm hitting 100, I don't know what it is, and you're going to help me some kind of through some kind of fitness work, you're going to help me get my game to be 90, which is better Is that correct? '·UU:Hhi Right 1@$111 How many other things have I already tried? ,.,m:[.]~fi tried a driver There are numerous clubs so you've probably tried a differentf utter Yo You've tried taking lessons and you've tried reayg magazinefl nd fishing for like the tip of the month or something •MM+ Let's try some different copy One approach you could take is, "First, I bought a better club but that didn't work Then, I got" what they call them, "trainers", "coaches"? hhh[.]hi Coaches "Then I got a coach, but that didn't help either (and it drained my wallet!) I knew I wanted a better score and I finally found it using Swing Strength." Alright, not great copy The first two lines were good The last one was horrible You don't need to promote your own product name in the first three lines of copy, but you see the approach that I took there? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 38 of 49 Yeah i@f.iii The approach there was, "I tried this; I tried that." You have to understand your market's level of sophistication So my guess is, if they're finding you, they've already tried certain other things Call that out That automatically distinguishes you from everyone else Right now, your copy says, "Do you want to play better golf?", which is like, "Yeah, I want to eat food and breathe." But by saying, "Have you tried this?" Or, "I tried this; I tried that It still didn't work." And introducing, or "until I found", or "the new solution", whatever It totally changes the dynamic because the people who have tried those things are going to keep reading Does that make sense? *·UU:t.lhi Yes, yes •MM" Alright So, play around with that copy I want you to go pick up a let's see here Where is there a good one? I want you to pick up a copy of this book, "The Robert Collier Letter Book" Now, this, for everyone listening, is a very famous, direct response copybook Most of the copy in this was written in the old advertisements of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, etc This guy is an extreme copywriting genius He sold jackets, coats, umbrellas There is some golf material, if I remember correctly, in there I think Some of the copies are a little bit dated We use a different language now, but I want you to play around with the concepts If you had to sell a coat, how would you it? Now keep in mind, it's really easy to get caught up in writing copy all day long We're building a business here We need to write copy at this stage that is just good enough to get people to opt in, and then get them to take the next step You're not trying to be a copywriting master; you will later, but right now you just need to build the business hhht.lhi Got you 'MM" I'll recommend you get that book if you promise you will not spend five million hours on copy Do you agree? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 39 of 49 '·UU:t.lW' I promise I promise Alright, very good Ah·ight Nice talking to you again Keep it up, alright? 'ÃU'WÃUii Alright, thanks, Ramit ãƠW" You got it Alright Let's see here Okay, we're going to go to Steve B Steve, how are you doing? liBii Hey, how's it going? +;t.W" Pretty good Where are you calling from? fii¥JJ Vancouver +;UN+ Beautiful What's a barrier you've gone through in the course? fii¥JJ One of the things I've realized is that there's a huge difference between understanding what your audience is saying and why they are saying it For example, they say that they want to lose so pounds But they don't want to lose so pounds They want to look fit and sexy Why they want to look fit and sexy? Because they want to get the guy Why they want to get the guy? Because they want to have a happy life, or whatever ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 40 of 49 •MM" Good, very good Alright, excellent That took me years to learn Alright, what is your question tonight? 'Mil I just launched my website It's BehavioralStrength.com I take a psychological approach to fitness, to figure out why people aren't progressing in the gym I can help anyone, and I'm currently a personal trainer, but I am only able to write for skinny guys who want to gain muscle, males basically One of the things I'm having trouble with is all I want people to is to film their workouts, and then send them to me, so I can give them feedback and a form check, and have them that But it's hard to get people to that point I've written some copy and I think it's pretty good, but I'm having trouble getting traffic to really test it •MM" Okay, alright So what is the question? 'Mil I'm having a hard time finding fishing holes because anything, you go online, looking for skinny guys who want to gain muscle, and they're just inundated with bad advice Any forums that are built for that aren't really They've seen too much crap They don't believe I don't know how to make myself stand out and prove to them that I can actually help them How many guys have you helped go from skinny to bigger? Jiii\11 Just one, me Do you have photos? Yeah ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 41 of 49 •MM" Are you coaching anyone right now that's skinny? 'Mil No, all my coaches are older clients that are women, or like computer programmers who just want to get healthy So I'm not sure if I'm even targeting the right market +;t.W" If you can't find someone to coach for free, then you have a big problem because how are you going to find someone to pay If it were me, one thing I would consider is like, you just helping yourself is cool, but that's not enough You'll notice that, with all of my courses, especially the big ones, I even started with Dream Job, I made a point to say, "Look, I got into job offers at Google and Intuit, and all these cool places But I wanted to make sure itwasn'tjust me Maybe I'm special, but I wanted to test it with other people So I tried it with this person and that, and I show that it's not just me." If I were in your position, the first thing I would is get three to five people, and in any way, you know, you could discount your rates I mean, if you wanted, you could it for free Although we both know what happens when people don't pay Whatever it took in order to get some photos The biggest and most compelling thing is for people to see before and after photos in the fitness world So that's number one Any questions on that? 'M:WJ Just more of help trying to find those people, because everyone at my gym can't afford to pay for it And if they don't pay for it, they don't believe you, and they don't trust you, and they don't listen to you +;t.W" Alright, so where you find skinny guys? 'Mil I'm not sure I need to find them I'm not sure At the gym •MM" Think about it Okay, the gym would be one place What else? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 42 of 49 •MMJ Like the beach, maybe? I don't know How would I go and talk to someone? i@f.iii Don't worry about that Let's just worry about where could you find them We'll worry about how to approach them later Where? So the beach is another idea Where else? 'Mil I guess at maybe meet ups, of some sorts 1@$111 Okay, so public meetings, okay What else? •MMJ I can only really think of classifying skinny people as going to a place where they want to get fit already l@.t,jii Okay, forget thinking about just skinny guys because where there are groups of young men, there will be skinny guys Yeah i@fuiii So where else could you find skinny dudes? •MMJ I still really don't know Church ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 43 of 49 •MMJ Okay i@f.iii Church You could go to college You could go to the community college So you have to remember one thing One, you are offering value You are going to help these guys change their lives And by the way, because you're building up your own portfolio, you're going to it at a steep discount, only available to this organization So you go to the pastor, whoever it may be You say, "Look, I'm not trying to make money In fact, I'll donate 100% of this money back to your chw·ch It doesn't matter I'm not doing this for the money But I want five guys who are committed, and they're going to showup three times a week Can you find me those guys?" That's a pretty compelling offer, don't you think? Right? 'MMJ Yes •MM" So you're going to eat the cost in exchange for those photos The minute these guys don't show up once, you cut them off and eliminate them, and you let them know You could the same thing at a community college You could go and talk to some counselor, or teacher You've got to go to the gatekeepers, right Don't be a creep and stand by the chain-link fence, and be like, "Hey guys, let me see your pees." Not a good move, alright There are many, many places I would avoid the beach No matter how skinny you are, no one likes to get approached and be told, "Hey, let me help you work on those delts." It's not going to go well That's a very simple way I would it I also think, what are yow· competitors doing? Where is Scrawny to Brawny, and all these other places? 'MMJ I was just going to say, Scrawny to Brawny is my biggest competitor and they are doing very well But they also have John Berardi, and 1000 people of testimonials to rely on The reason why they work, like if you go through their first free program, it's says, "You have to defeat the scrawny mindsets." So there's so much barriers to people trying to get big because they try something and they know it doesn't work They see all the advertising online, promising them stuff that they're never going to get They won't simply stay consistent and work at it until they can get it ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 44 of 49 •MM" I don't know, man I think that's true for some people, but ultimately, there are a lot of skinny guys who haven't seen those ads They don't know the whole market And I think you should always treat your market with respect, and expect for them to understand a general lay of the land But I also think that a lot of skinny guys are just like, "I don't know what to Tell me what to do." If you can show them a very logical progression You say, "Look, number one, I did this for myself Number two, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just my body type, so I found all these other guys Here are their results Here's them holding up acopyofThe New York Times, so you can see the dates There's no Photoshop It's taken in the same place, blah, blah, blah Once I did this, I knew I had a system that worked, and I can show you how to it No, it won't be easy." And you qualify them You qualify the hell out of them Just like I with all my stuff No, I'm not looking for people who expect to get 20 pounds of muscle in two months It's not going to happen But what I can is show you how to grow that muscle, be consistent, blah, blah, blah, attract whatever." All that stuff All that is true, right, very accurate? liB11 Yeah 'MM" So don't disqualify yourself from the market These guys want your help Right now, you helped yourself, which is good I want to see that you can actually help other people and prove this out But I think that you're on to something But right now, you need to get a little bit more creative with where you're finding these people Right now, all you need is to just get five proof points liiihi Yeah •MM" Do that and you're great to go to the next step How long will that take, by the way? li'i11 Well, three months of work if they actually it But it's really hard and I'm having trouble I want my website to be the online training portion Because I know I can help people if they can send me their videos and then I can give them feedback, and they go it Whereas, on ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 45 of 49 the personal training side, it seems that all the skinny guys I talk to, or even just guys in general, that I can help the most, they don't have enough money to pay for personal training I can definitely help people for free online l@f,iii Wait a minute, hold on You've got a lot of stuff going on How old are you, Steve? J.Jifjj 23, turning 24 1@$111 You're hanging out with a bunch of young, poor kids J.Jifjj Yeah, definitely •MM" Alright, so you ever talk to a 30-year-old guy? J.Jifjj Only in the gym •MM' Yeah, you don't know any 30 -year-old men JiBGJ No •MM' Go find some Now, 30-year-old men It's so funny at my gym One time my trainer told me, when he was early on as a trainer, he went up to this man in the gym and he was trying to give him some pointers The guy turned and looked at him, he goes, "I have coats older than you." So you know, guys don't really like that kind of stuff But my point is, you're only hanging ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 46 of 49 around poor, young people So, of course, they don't have any money You haven't around the right market People who are 29, 30, 31, 32, they start caring about their fitness and they have money Where you live? What city? 'Mil Vancouver, downtown l;hf.lli Yeah, so there's a lot of money there Jjijj Yeah, definitely i;hf.iii You're not talking to the right people You need to go find some 3.0-year-old men You need to find out where they hang out Alright? Jjijj Yeah i;hf.iii By the way, you probably have some friends who are a few years older Check your alumni database, whatever You've got to get creative There's a lot of 30-year-old guys who would love to talk to you, and they are the ones who have money Okay? Jjijj Yeah i;hf.iii The second thing is, this video idea I just want to critique this and then we're going to wrap You're asking people to take a video of themselves in the gym and then send it to you Jjijj Yes ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 47 of 49 •MM" Do you see any problem with that? 'Mil I can see how it would be a barrier to people, but there are thousands of videos online of people already doing this, posting to public forums And I go and help those people, and I get really good feedback from them They're like, "Wow, you gave me exactly what I need to do." But then it's like no more further contact '¥'*"' Okay So what, people post they post videos of themselves doing like bicep curls? liiiiii No, no, the squats and the bench, powerlifting stuff •MM" First of all, I love this because I this myself, and then my friends are like, "Dude, you're a complete douche to take videos of yourself at the gym." Actually, I have my trainer it And I'm like, "Am I? I am." And yet, I love it because I'm like, "I worked hard to lift 320 on that deadlift You're damn right I'm taking a video of that." Let me ask you a question The guys who post these videos, is it like me? Like you're only posting impressive videos? Or is it just like some beginners doing it for the first time? lii@j It's actually both The beginner who doesn't know what he's doing and he needs a lot of help But there are also guys that post them because they think people are going to be very impressed, and then that's actually not that impressive •MM" That might have been me, too Alright, so listen Here's a quick piece of feedback Asking some guys to post a video of themselves only to get critiqued, it's a tall barrier because you've got to have someone videotape you, or you look like a dick videotaping yourself Here's one other thing you could You could say, "Send me a photo of yourself, and I'll give you an evaluation on three exercises you could to help you bulk up." That is much simpler People are used to taking photos You can promise them confidentiality, and you better honor it ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 48 of 49 But moving on past, my general feedback to you is there's a lot of skinny guys who want to get big It's a huge market While you're working on finding these people who are going to be probably older than you, etc., you can start writing remarkable content There is literally 1o,ooo different things you could write for skinny guys How to start off breakfast, how to pack in more calories before lunch, blah, blah, blah, blah There's a million different things, right How to get big without getting fat, all these stuff You can start writing that once you understand your market, and people, when they are searching for certain keywords, are going to come across your site That is how you build your business Okay? J.Jifjj Okay 1;0@11 Alright Keep us updated You have a lot to work on We'll talk more next week if we need to, okay? J.Jifjj Okay, thanks a lot i;h.t,jli Alright, nice job Alright, everybody Thank you for coming That brings us to the end of our Master Call tonight Don't worry, we've got more coming up If you have questions, ifl wasn't able to get to you today, I will try my very hardest to make sure you're at the top of the list next week Again, if you have questions, send it our way I would love to answer them for you And I'll talk to everyone next week Have a great evening ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 49 of 49 ... to That is typically like a low-value e-book You can show them how to it, which is typically a product, ranging from $99 to about $999· Or you can just it for them, which is typically a multi-thousand-dollar... talk more next week if we need to, okay? J.Jifjj Okay, thanks a lot i;h.t,jli Alright, nice job Alright, everybody Thank you for coming That brings us to the end of our Master Call tonight Don''t... market You called these people practicebased professionals so karate places, yoga studios, personal training, etcetera, and there''s a lot of these people around Would you agree that they typically

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2019, 10:09

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