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Master call week 5 tủ tài liệu bách khoa

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I;M$hi Welcome, welcome, welcome to our newest Zero to Launch master call, week five Can't wait to dive in tonight Just wanted to tell you an interesting experience I had this morning I went to get my teeth cleaned Where you find someone to clean your teeth, right? I live in two cities, so I have two different dentists, etc But I didn't really have a dentist in New York So I went looking I actually asked my assistant to look for me Who are we kidding? And I said, "Just find me someone that'll clean my teeth I don't need anything fancy I'm going to pay cash Just find me something simple." So she comes back to me and she says, "I found the perfect place." I said, "Oh, really?" I started to get excited So sh e schedules an appointment, she says, "I love them because they have a super clear website All they focus on is cleaning your teeth and teeth whitening That's it." And I said, "Sounds good." So I didn't even care about the price I didn't even know the price until I walked in there today I walk in I say, "Hi, my name's Ramit I have an appointment at noon." They said, "Great, fill out these forms." And one of the forms explained what it is they They said, "We are not a general dentistry service We cleanings and we teeth whitening That's it." The space was minimalist It was very modem Like you would imagine it's the Uber of dentists It's very simple, clean I go in there; they explain some stuff to me They said, "Are you looking for teeth whitening today?" I said, "Nope,just want to get my teeth clean." They did it; it took about an hour I walked out of there And it's interesting The price I paid was actually more than I paid for a full checkup at my regular dentist in San Francisco Let me say that again Just to clean my teeth, not to an X-ray, etc Just to clean my teeth, it cost more than the general dentist I see in San Francisco What does this tell you? It tells you that specializing can be incredibly profitable and incredibly valuable to your target audience See, I don't want million different options And frankly, if you're a dentist, how are you going to compete against all the other dentists? Well, this dentist said, "Hey, I'm going to focus on just these one or two things I'm going to tum my customers over quickly So maybe instead of 6o minutes, we it in 45 because we so many, we're so specialized And I'm going to charge the same or even more." That's a totally different way oflooking at business You're de- commoditizing yourself You're becoming a specialist And if I just want my teeth clean, because let's say I have a tea stain or something like that, I know whom I'm going to go back to So keep this in mind for your own business You don't have to just what everyone else is doing Clever strategy comes in all forms and all industries And today's example of a dentist is just yet another one Another way you can take what everyone else is doing and zig when they zag So I want to give you a quick heads-up on who we're going to talk to today Here are a few names that we're going to speak to We have a lot; I want to try to get to everyone tonight And if I don't, don't worry I'm still around I will be talking in the forum, and I'll be here next week as well So we're going to start with Cynthia B., then Katie A., Garrett D., DonnaS and Jenny L And from there, we'll move on to several other people that I've got scheduled as well So stand by as we go to our first person Cynthia B., are you there? ZERO T O L AllNCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• Hey, Ramit Yeah, it's Cynthia l@§iii Hey, Cynthia Remind us where you're calling from tonight? lfh"*' I'm calling from Atlanta '¥'*"' Alright So usually, I ask people, "What surprised you about the program?" But this time, I want to ask you something else What interesting psychological effects have you been noticing as you go through the program? For example, what barriers have been coming up? Tell us a little bit about that mmw• Oh So I feel this program has really taught me a lot about patience I've taken a few programs before, and I was always in a rush to get my website out, to get my products out But with you, I really like how much you're really supporting us to overcome any struggles,like the random emails that I get from you, your support on the forum and here So I feel I've been way more focused than before And even though I have barriers, I feel like every time I have struggle, even though you don 't me, I feel like you're talking to me directly and you're really hitting the spot You're calming me down '¥'*"' Perfect And that's a great answer and I appreciate that Just one question You said you've done other programs and you would rush to get a website up Yeah i@f,iii Could you contrast the difference between what you did there and what you felt, versus what you're doing here and what you feel? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• Yeah, definitely So before, I felt it was way more competitive The whole atmosphere was competitive I felt like, "Who's going to get his thing up first?" I didn't really feel a lot of support as a community I definitely did not expect you to be there for us on the forum That was definitely a huge thing for me that totally surprised me And it's really made me feel that you're there to take care of us and to listen to us For the other programs, I felt the level of details .! felt like everything was dumped at us at once, and it was very overwhelming With you, I feel like I will always go back to your program and I will always have the answers And th is is something I always discuss with my husband Even if I don't finish the whole thing or even if I'm not on time, I know that I will use your material again If I ever have a question, I know that my question will be answered in your material •MM" Excellent Alright, I really appreciate that So let's dig into your question tonight How can I help? m~mlt·' So I posted my question before on the forum Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm a certified life coach I'm a new author And my new niche is helping single, ambitious women between the ages of 24 and 35 heal from their breakup and really focusing on loving themselves and attracting a long-term relationship So what I've been struggling with is really positioning myself For my audience, most of my clients right now are basically women who got dumped I really don't like to use that word, but this is how it is And they feel like, really, their heart is broken They feel there is something wrong with them They are afraid that they're going to be alone forever; they don't know what to But their dream is to really be in a long-term, successful relationship while they're independent and they're confident So they don't want to lose themselves again in a relationship My question is I'm not really sure if I'm positioning myself clearly, and I feel I don't want to move forward before I know that at least I nailed my positioning 8o% so that I don't go back and forth, because this is what happened to me before in my previous niches So I just want to m ake sure that I'm nailing this So what is your question? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• My question is, I'm not really sure how to position myself clearly i@f.iii I understand Let's take it step by step First of all, I know that we had a rather involved back and forth in the community Which was good; I really appreciated that you took what I had to say, as well as other people So you told me that the most burning pains that your audience has is, number one, "I'm heartbroken because you left me." Number two, "What's wrong with me?" Number three, "I don't want to be alone forever What should I do?" Good Their main dreams Number one, "Be strong, confident and independent." Number two, "Be loved for who they are and feel safe and secure in a lasting relationship," also known as marriage '41h'*' Yeah Good So I took a look at your website And I want to read off the copy that's right at the top Because this is your headline and your sub-headline, and then you go right into an opt-in box So I'm going to read off that copy and then we're going to work on that together, okay? •wnnm.• Okay Awesome •MM+ Alright So there's a nice picture of you looking towards the copy, which is great And the headline says, "I'll help you create a lasting and mindful love story!" with an exclamation point And then, underneath it, in size 12 to 14 font, "Three toxic habits that push men to leave (Even the most successful women) Enter your email address to discover what they are and learn the number one secret to getting over your BF in record time for free." And then you prompt them to enter their email and the button says, "Give me free access." Okay What you think about this? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• It's confusing to me because I feel it has two different messages It has their dream, which is to create a lasting love story, which is marriage And the other thing it has their pain, their deep pain Their boyfriend just left them i@§iii Mm-hmm lfd"*' So I feel they're conflicting Yeah m~uw• But at the same time, the reason why I feel confused about this is because at that point, when they come to me, they're not ready to be with someone else They don't want to think about someone else They want to think about, "What's going on with me? Why did he leave me?" i@§iii Okay Let's talk about that for a second lfd"*' Okay •MM" You know what a lot of people come to me and ask? "Hey, Ramit, can you give me free money?" Alright? A lot of people ask that Do you think I engage with that? @~"*' No i@§iii Actually, that's a weird question because I engage with all my trolls But in general, you think I really take them seriously? No If someone comes to me, "Hey, Ram it, can I borrow ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 $2o,ooo?" "No." "Can you give me free XYZ?" "No, I give away all my stuff for free Go use it Most of it." So just because people come to you with something does not mean you need to respond to that specific thing Okay? That's a simple lesson to keep in mind People want to come to me They literally say, "I want to start a passive income business." I'm like, "You work at Target You make $8.50 and you're telling me you want to make $1 million this year? It's not going to happen." Okay? lfd"*' Okay i;h$111 So what we want to understand is, yes, where are they coming to you from? But also what is their ultimate aspiration? As the expert, as the person who has been through it and is guiding them through this challenging process, you need to be able to show them the possibility of what they can do, even though they may not even be in that mindset yet Do you see how "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" said, "Yes, it is possible to live a rich life Yes, you can have two apartments or buy a round of drinks" or whatever When very few other people were saying that Does that make sense? IJ1dl:lt.i Yeah Yeah, it does i;hfuiii Alright So let's analyze your copy and then we'll move back up to the positioning level as well, okay? m~nm.• Okay l;hb"l One thing I sense here from your copy is that you're trying to squeeze everything into the first time you meet them, which is the top of your website ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 Yeah i@f.iii That's like, just to take the dating analogy, if we meet at a bar and you say, "Oh, what you do?" And I'm like "Oh, my God I really got to impress her So I'm an author, I'm an entrepreneur, I also this, I went to this school, then I this, and I wear these cool clothes, and I'm in this cool place." And you're just like, "Ugh, too much, too soon," right? ôtdliM* Right Yeah MM" So we want to really get to the tip of the sphere and hone that number one thing that will just get them to the next step So I would say don't worry that you have so much more to say Your goal is just to get them to give you their ezrw.il address Get permiss»tf> engage in that ~ _, relationship And over the next week, month, even years, youkan really ~rt to show t hem everything you have to offer So that's number one Number two Do women want a mindful love story? '*h"*' Hmm Well, it's going to come back to me, because I •MM+ Say it out loud to me Say that just in a normal sentence Let's see if you can even keep a straight face Say it ''*"*' Well, because I feel this is what I want or this is wiiat I have, so I would like to share that with other people i@f.iii Okay, but can you just say it to me? "I want a " say it ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• I want a mindful love story i@f.iii Does that sound authentic? lfh"*' No, it sounds weird i@fuiii It sounds like bullshit It sounds like a life coach speaking And by the way, you know I love to joke around about life coaches ''*"*' I know 'MM" I it lovingly because some of them are very good, but almost all of them are horrible at marketing So this is classic life coach speak Which is like, "Oh, my God Let me look at my own life." It's like you concoct these increasingly convoluted words that you end up in the clouds Let me just read it off to you "I'll help you create a lasting and mindful love story." And you're like, "Got it Nailed it." But you never took that one extra step ofjust reading it out loud And ifyou do, you realize it just doesn't sound authentic Do you agree? m~nm.• Yeah, I agree I agree about the mindful part l@fulil Okay Do you think the only problem with that is the word "mindful?" Say it to me Say it out loud Let's just try it ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• I'll help you create a lasting and mindful love story I think it's "mindful love story," the last three words i@§iii Okay, so give me something else Talk like a real person «tdliM* I sound so weird I just got out of surgery I'll help you create a lasting, long-term relationship 1@$111 Okay So I will say that I think that's better I think that's a little bit generic, but at least it sounds authentic If you met a woman and she said, "What you do?" You say, "Oh, I help women create lasting relationships." That sounds normal, right? @~"*' Yeah i@§iii And then, what if you said, "I help women create lasting and mindful love stories." Do you know what goes through my head? lfd"*' What? •MM" I'm like "Oh, God It's some woo lady who's about to sell me on a MLM program." Okay? Now, I'm not the target market, but I can pretty much tell you that that's what a lot of people would think - ~ So let's continue moving on I want to go through some copy examples And ~· aga¥:~r4 move up to positioning So I don't think that women want a mindful love story ~ou tell meJ n I their own words, what does your market want? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 65 mn•w• They want to find the right guy who's going to commit to them And they can be completely themselves with him They want to feel secure and safe They want to know that he's the one and they don't have to go through all the roller coasters yeah, basically i@§iii Let me ask you that one more time I want you tighten up Because you started off really strong and then you devolved into a lot of random stuff Tighten it up Give me the three most important things that your market wants lfdlim.• They want to be with a guy who's going to commit to them Number one mmw• They want to safe and secure in their relationship i@§iii Number two lfd"*' And they want to be themselves •MM" Okay, number three Fine Now, you feel that one of those is stronger by 100 times than the other one? @~"*' Yeah Committing The commitment part ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 10 of 65 •MM" Yes, I agree with that So keep focusing on all the things they want to Remember that even in your crunchy tactics, I'm going to offer you a little solution You can write some of them yourself But I guarantee you there are some awesome YouThbe videos where Bono or someone is talking about like Sting "Oh, when I get nervous, I this." And you can write some wrapper content around that video and put the video in It's valuable for you to have found information It's also valuable for you to create your own So just keep in mind, you can also use other things out there that are in the public domain, okay? •·t.l~'U·* Okay Great Thank you so much You got it Keep me updated Nice job +·t·UW·* Absolutely Thank you I;Uf.iii Alright, very good Very good What you guys say we keep going on? Love this Oh, we got a little follow-up from last week We're going to go to Jenny Stand by Jenny L., are you here? "MIW' I am here •MM" Hey, Jenny, how you doing? il@ht I'm doing good Doing good ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 51 of 65 •MM" Alright Before we jump in and a follow-up from last week, tell us about an emotional barrier you encountered over the last 14 days? ll@h' I would say kind of before I joined this course, I really had a hard time finding people to kind of push me to my limits and stuff And I guess finally kind of being in the community to kind ofget that, it was a little bit of a shock to the system to kind of get over and kind of realize that, "Oh, over here, I really wasn't doing the work on this and I need to go back and go through t~t" Like what? ll@hi Well, I did a lot of my work for Never North before I joined Zero to Launch And then, I started kind of creating another consulting offer for my design part of the business And I was kind of starting to rush and put it out, just, you know, whatever And it was kind of like "Whoa, bring back to earth We need to the work on this, too." And then, also kind ofjust getting back really good feedback as well I;Uf.iii Good, excellent Alright, what's your question, tonight? ii@W' So last week, we talked about my positioning and I was really confused And after a conversation, I realized that, yes, I was getting lost in the message of "Why," too much •MM" Before we get into all of this, remind everyone, in one sentence, what did we talk about? Because most people will not remember il@hi Okay So my site is Never North And it's to help conscious creatives kind of great work and find their freedom And I was having trouble understanding how to frame the positioning on my site about where I should go ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 52 of 65 And I really got lost into the "Why" of my site, which was kind of "Design a Better Tomorrow" which was very unclear And by the end of the call, we kind of came to the positioning of focusing on the building the business side of things Kind of focusing on that as a positioning for the site So after that, I went back and processed everything and I went back through my data And I realized, "Wow, this was right in front of my face," and really gained a lot of clarity So I went back and I reevaluated my data And my important insight was that understanding how to read the data Because some of my numbers that were really high, like we said on the "Fear" stuff where people really respond, they're not people that take action So even though I got lower numbers on something else, I get more high-quality students So really kind of understanding how to read that data and then kind of going back through not only the numbers, but back through emails and my audience notes and stuff like that And pulling back out, like, once I had the focus that I needed to focus on, it was much easier for me to find that for the copywriting So I went back through my emails and pulled out all the phrases and the words that they used And started - 1@6111 Let's talk about the copy ideas you came out with You have, what, six here? II @Ihi Yeah I have a couple changes since then i;hfuiil Before we do, just one question: can you read off the thing you had last week? It was something about conscious creatives Can you read that off? ii§Miji From the question last week? i;h$111 Yeah What was the actualcopyyouhadlastweek? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 53 of 65 "M'*' Right now, the tagline was "Design a Better Tomorrow." And on the homepage, it's, "I love working on projects that inspire and motivate me, and I like to it more often." And then it kind ofleads to a different page instead of the email opt-in And on the footer, it's really lame because it was just something I kind of typed in before I developed But it's, "We treat our email subscribers the best because they said yes to a better tomorrow." So it's very unclear +;t.W" Super unclear Alright So tell me what your new ones are li@WM So the new ones are "Got talent, but stuck in the grind? Flip your switch and find freedom in freelancing." The education- •MM" Say that again Do it again a little slowly so everyone can hear it ll@h' Sure "Got talent, but stuck in the grind? Flip your switch and find freedom and freelancing." Okay •mmr• "The education art school never gave you." i;M$111 Okay il@hi "No bullshit,just results Honest business building for the conscious creative." ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 54 of 65 Okay il@hi And then, there were just kind of two questions to reel in Which is, "Tired of losing your creative soul to the grind?" And, "Have you forgotten how good it feels to be creative?" +;t.W" Alright How you feel about these, in general, compared to last week? ii@Wi A lot better A lot better I really like the "Got talent, but stuck in a grind? Flip your switch and find freedom in freelancing." I really like, "The education art school never gave you," but I haven't really kind of figured out how to word it just right yet •MM" Well, I have to tell you, overall, I like these a lot I asked you to come back and I'm very pleased, very impressed with the results you've gotten Definitely much more focused, much less vague You're getting to the heart of what they really want There is a couple that I have as my personal favorites But I'm not even going to mention them to you because I want you to continue digging I want you to talk to people and see what resonates with them At this point, don't post on the group "Hey, guys Which of these best?" Because everyone, including me, is just going to give you bad advice So continue your research, find out what people really want Once you narrow it down to two or three, then you can start to ask people, "What you like, what you not like? Does this resonate," etc 'H*M I did ask when I launched Never North, I got a group of volunteers, six or seven people that kind of helped me out on stuff And so they're my core audience and So I asked them for feedback on some of these And the ones that they resonated with, they really liked the "Find freedom in freelancing." "The art school education" and "Have you forgotten how good it feels to be creative?" Those are the ones that kind of really resonated with them But mostly the "Find freedom in freelancing" one ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 55 of 65 Good 'I)rpically, we some internal focus groups with our own staff And let me just tell you what happens The dream is that one of them is so much better than everything else that it just becomes crystal clear and pops out That rarely happens But when it does, it's so obvious; you can't ignore it Typically, what happens is everyone has an opinion and we have to wade through it And then, ultimately, we make the decision So don't feel like someone is going to come down from heaven and tell you, "You're blessed, my child, and this is the headline to use." It's not going to happen Ultimately, you will have to make the decision The good news is that it's never set in stone Okay? ii@@fi Yeah Perfect 1@$111 Alright Keep me updated Good job il@hi Alright Thanks i@f.iii Alright We're going to go now to Selena Many of you remember Selena from our ZTL beta students It's going to be an exciting call We have some very advanced questions to tackle Standby Selena, are you there? liUJd-1 Yes, I'm here Hey, how's it going? liUJd-1 I'm good, thankyou ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 56 of 65 •MM" Alright So before we jump in, I'll a quick reintroduction, because many people know you You've been a ZTL beta student And you've posted, recently, online with your program, which did you had an awesome launch and you're in the middle of that Before we jump in, tell us any emotional barriers you've had in the last two months when it comes to ZTL? lid 3d-' Yeah There have been a lot of them So let's see One thing is that I made the decision to launch a product that's pretty expensive So it's my first group program It's $297 a month, but it's ten-month payment plan, so it's $3,000 But it's just something that I felt strongly about doing anyways So that was, I think, a major challenge Other emotional challenges? I don't know That's the main thing that comes up for me What was challenging about that? li#hd-' What was challenging about that? Well, one is that, you know, I mean, there are a couple of things, right? So there are a lot of people on my list who have been only around for two years So there are people on my list who have just been there for a couple of months And so I'm starting off with something really big And I just kind of had the realization recently that with you, for example, people work maybe they buy a $197 product and then a $497 and then $1,000 And then, they move up to $2,000 and so on And I'm kind of starting right at $3,000 So it is what it is and I still feel good about it But there are certain challenges with that, obviously I;Mfuili Got it And that can be very uncertain when there are not too many guidelines to follow Alright Beautiful How can I help tonight? What's your question? li#hd-' So I launched the product, it was great I did a webinar And a lot of people sliiv~ trp for dl~l I had over goo people register and 40% showed up - I;U§ili Excellent Very good numbers How you feel about that? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 57 of 65 liU#R* I think it's ridiculous I'll just share it with people, but my list is 4,000 I don't know, I think it was like 25% of my list signed up for my webinar, so I think that's pretty major i@§iii Yeah That's outstanding Just to take a minute here, let's celebrate those numbers because both of those numbers are absolutely outstanding Nine hundred people off a 4,000-person list-roughly 20 to 25% that is unheard of And then a 40% attendance rate is extremely good It's interesting you say that because we had anot her person in ZTL who posted something like I believe it was 10% of people who registered actually showed up Which is much more of a typical attendance rate So you clearly have really mastered the connection with your audience I'm on your list So I know that you've spent a lot of time just offering value You rarely are pitching But when you pitch, you pitch hard and I appreciate that I think that's a great thing and it shows, actually, a profound respect for your readers So I want to congratulate you on those numbers They're really outstanding li#hU·* Thank you Yeah, so I feel good about them But one thing that I'm finding is that I'm having to hand sell people a lot into my program And I don't mind doing it for now, but I also just know that's not a sustainable path And I think that with ZTL, you're teaching us how to build a business where there is passive income and you're not going to have to talk to each person to enroll them And just to give some further background There were about seven people that had wanted to work with me before and I told them about my program I had a conversation on the phone and they just signed up And then, on the webinar, I gave a time-sensitive bonus; eight people signed up And then, at the end of the webinar, I let people that I'd be happy to speak to them And So I set up 15- minute conversations I would say probably like 70 or 8o% of those will convert or have converted Now, I have 22 people in my program It's pretty good It's like $66,ooo But it's like more than half, I'm having to have a conversation And so I've done the firstemailin my sales sequence to my list, where I shared oneofthethree secrets and I'm going to share all three and then I'll have more emails But one thing that I'm finding when people talk to me on the phone, they're like "Oh, my gosh You mentioned you had 930 people register for the webinar I'm afraid of being lost in the crowd." And really, it's 22 people in the program, so it's a manageable number and I will get to know people And so I wasn't sure if like, as I'm promoting this program to my list, I need to say ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 58 of 65 something, since this is a fear That this is an intimate group That there are X number of people in the program or I only expect X number But then I feel like if I say that, I would be appealing to them, on the one hand, I'm almost kind of sending the message that smaller is better And I don't think that's necessarily true Because in ZTL, honestly, it doesn't make a difference to me whether there's 1,000 or 2,000 or 3,000 people You're still really involved and I get so much value from the community And I really feel like I need to walk people through a system There's a lot of information I have to convey as you in ZTL People wanted to sign up to get your help with an info product; it's not worthwhile to even it one-on-one It's too expensive and there's just too much to convey So I just want to because I'm going to launch this program again, as well I guess I wanted to get your advice on given that this is a high price point, that a lot of these people haven't worked with me yet, but they've all been telling me they want to work with me, what might be some best practices as I communicate that? i;hf.iii Perfect Great Good question It's actually a very advanced, sophisticated So this is a great question to spend some time on tonight and then we'll wrap So let's take all these things in turn What you're doing has to be very thoughtful because, as you pointed out, you don't want to necessarily imply that smaller is better Because one day, you'll have a product with 1,000 people in it These are the kind of questions that someone who lovingly nurtures their readers thinks about You not hear scammy Internet marketers thinking of these questions because all they want to is maximize the local maxima They want to maximize their launch And they don't care about what happens a year from now But you, by contrast, are like, "What I say now that's going to help the right people select this product? And if they don't want it, that's okay Because a year from now or three years from now, they might join a different product." So these are great questions to be asking Here's a couple ways that I would think about it Number one, my clearest message to you tonight is to contextualize Most people don't understand what your product offering is relative to everything else Remember Ramit's number one rule of marketing: Nobody gives a damn about you So to you, you spend all day and all night slaving over the copy and the positioning and the product To them, you're but a 10- minute blip, if even that, on their radar So you have to contextualize what this does, what this gets them and how it functions, relative to other products that you offer, that you may offer or that other people offer Let me explain ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 59 of 65 What I might is say something like this You could say, "Subject line: Join me for an intimate group on XYZ." Whatever that subject line, the point is to focus on the small group aspect And you say, "You know what? When it comes to growing your business, you have many options You have free material You could go buy a $10 book You could buy an information product You could blah Or at the highest level, you could have a one- on-one coach fly to your house." And most of us don't need a $6o,ooo-a-year business coach But on the other hand, most of us, if we're honest with ourselves, we're not going to use all the free material out there It's just too much to wade through What we look for? For a lot of the people who have been e- mailing me over the last week, you've been telling me, "I'm excited," and then it's like "Testimonial, testimonial." But it's not a sales testimonial It's like, "I would love to work with you one day." That's what you want to paste in there Two or three extremely short ones, just hammering home your points, so you can show, not tell Then, you say, "I created," the name of your program, "because I wanted to create an intimate group of" blah, blah, blah "Now, what this means for you is," and then you lay out exactly what it is It means that they will get individual attention from you It also means that the investment will be substantial because you don't even one-on-one stuff anymore On the other hand, if this isn't right for them, then you lovingly point them and say, "This might not be right for you And if not, that's okay You might want to go get a book You might want to this or that But for the people who are ready," and blah, blah, blah and you qualify them right there "This product is for you." So that's what I mean by contextualizing Does that help? J1U3R' Yeah, that helps i;hfuiii Very good I don't think that you want to mention a limit of how many people like you had asked should you limit your program to 35 people? Now, you can certainly that ifyou want And it will increase sales, there's no doubt about that But the question is, how many have you already sold so far? J1U3R' Twenty-two l;hfuiii Alright and how many more days in the launch? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 60 of 65 liU#R* I have three weeks I guess two weeks i@f.iii Two weeks? liU#d-* The course starts in three weeks, yeah i@fuiii Good Lord Your launches are very different than mine So you think you could get more than 35 people in the next two to three weeks? liU#R* Possibly But I'm feeling like it's going to have to just be a ton of sales conversations 'MM" Alright So that's a whole separate issue We're going to talk about that in a second But if you limit it to 35 people, my confidence level is fairly high that you will get 35 people The question is, how many more could you get? Maybe five more, maybe ten more In the grand scheme of things, $2o,ooo, $30,000, it's not life changing, right? liU#d-* Yeah •MM" So you can decide that's a strategic decision Do you want to limit it? How much capacity, etc I think either way, you're going to end up around 35 to so people, okay? So that's one thing The separate question before I get to that, let me talk about other ways to introduce scarcity Because there are a lot So you can content You can say, "You get X bonus if you join by this date," or for the first 30 people to join or whatever That's one thing In my experience, that's not particularly powerful Certainly at the high-end, it's not as powerful as people think ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 61 of 65 Time: extremely powerful "This course closes by this day." Number of peopfe, we'iure;!Iy talked about that Price, it's going up There's an infinite number of ways you can leverage scarcity All authentically Does that make sense? 11U3h-' Would it be helpful to remove the payment plan by a certain date? l;hf.lli No That almost just feels punitive We want to be good stewards to our students And scarcity, it can be a very fine line between scarcity and kind ofjust being an asshole You know what I mean? So we don't want to that The final question you had, which I want to talk about, is you mention that you're making a lot of sales call and that's a little frustrating, is that right? 11U3h-' Yeah I feel like it's not sustainable And I feel like some people don't even need to talk to me They just want to feel heard and then they sign up anyway, you know? Because I got really great feedback on my webinar A lot of people emailed me I should probably screenshot some of these emails where someone's like, "Selena, this is like the best webinar I've ever been on in my life," type of situation And on Facebook, 100 people would "Like" my posts on my personal page and I'd get 40 comments So I know that the content is good and that people are being really affected by it and they're thinking about it But it's the issue about, "How I really get them to take action?" And is it something where I email people who attended the webinar but didn't sign up and ask them why? I feel like there's something that I need to be doing to really kind of shake and connect with people i;M$111 Mm-hmm Okay So this is a tough one, and I'm going to give you some candid feedback You live in a market of sales calls Would you agree that most of the people who are doing what you're doing at your price points are doing a lot of sales calls? 11U3h-' Yeah Even my coach told me it was a bad idea to let people join the program, given the high price point Right away, she was like, "You have to sales calls," and she said one in four would say yes So if I had followed that advice, I would have had to have 88 sales calls And I didn't that to get my 22 ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 62 of 65 •MM" Here's the deal It's always important to understand the context of what's around you For example, if you're a 20- or 30- something person and you live in San Francisco and you go out to bars, you dress like shit because it's normal You think that it's normal to wear a North Face and fiats to a bar, because that's what everyone else in San Francisco does Take one look at someone in New York, they would laugh you out of the bar if you that So it's important to understand what's normalized in your market and what's not In your market, it's normal to have sales calls I hardly ever well, I never do, but I even have staff We hardly ever sales calls, okay? I mean, if you think about other products, they only sales calls, like enterprise sales You have followed a well-trodden path and it's worked out very well for you But if you want to get to the next level, you may want to start questioning your assumptions I think that because you offered the sales calls and because your market is trained to expect them, that of course they took it up, who would not want to talk to Selena for free for 30 minutes, right? So my candid feedback-and this may be tough to hear-is that I think you will be able to launch a program without sales calls However, I think that it will take time, probably over 18 months of training your list And it will probably result in reduced conversions up front until you figure out exactly how to word your emails, your messaging, your videos, and all that stuff So that people don't come to expect that crutch that you've trained them to expect iiU3d-' Right Another thing I was thinking about is this is not the only product I have So with a product that's more accessible, I wouldn't have a sales call for a $497 product And then, the thing is, I think that as people start getting results in my program, I can send emails as case studies And then to help people if they're interested in being get no get clients the next time To kind of sign up on the early bird list And maybe, those are people that maybe I offer them sales calls, but not to my entire list I just don't want people to think that I'm just available to talk to them every time I have an offer I;U$111 What's the price point on this product, by the way? $3,000 ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 63 of 65 •MM" Okay, great, so this is good So in general, what we know is that over I'm going to generalize here But roughly once you get over $3,000, some kind of personal involvement is definitely encouraged, if not required So by "personal," I mean a webinar Or once you get into the higher things-we're talking $1o,ooo+-at that point, usually, they definitely want to talk to someone on the phone I would say even $7,000+ But I think that at a $3 ,ooo price point for your market ! mean it's crazy how much money is transacted in your market; it's insane A $3,000 product with a beautiful webinar like I know the one you did, I honestly think you could start slowly pulling back on those sales calls, you know? So give it time Absolutely for a $497 product, you will not sales calls But for now, I say what you need to to get that six-figure launch I'm very confident you're going to get 35 sales Leverage scarcity thoughtfully; be gracious about it And then, long-term, just remember you want to be providing ultimate value And what you're doing is working So don't create fears about what's going to happen later Deal with those fears when you come to them Right now, just tackle your launch and just close this You're going to an awesome job li3h:t-' Okay Awesome, thanks, Ramit I;Uf.iii Alright Thanks, Selena Great call Alright, everybody Fun to wrap on a pretty advanced call with the last one I mean, we're talking about $6o,ooo here At these levels, we're saying $30,000 here or there doesn't really matter It can sound intimidating Like, "$3o,ooo, Ramit, that's a lot of money That's more than half of my income last year." And it is It is a lot of money I'll never take those numbers for granted because I remember making $u,ooo one year I remember going to Google to eat for free three times a week because all my friends worked there And I'm sitting here doing a startup So I remember those things But I also remember making the right decisions, knowing that the money would come And all the results would come in buckets, in droves It would flood ifi made the right decisions That's the stage you're at now ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 64 of 65 Make the right decisions, be deliberate, and be methodical Do not rush into an idea; that's the worst thing you can Take your time And know that we're going to be here for months and years to come Thanks, everybody, for the call I'll see you in the community And I'll talk to you again next week Have a great night ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 65 of 65 ... Where are you calling from tonight? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 27 of 65 '2-Si!i From Los Angeles i@f.iii Beautiful, alright Katie, tell us what has transpired for you psychologically and emotionally?... single, ambitious women between the ages of 24 and 35 heal from their breakup and really focusing on loving themselves and attracting a long-term relationship So what I've been struggling with... the copy that's right at the top Because this is your headline and your sub-headline, and then you go right into an opt-in box So I'm going to read off that copy and then we're going to work on

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2019, 10:17

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