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Master call week 1 tủ tài liệu bách khoa

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MODULE ON F.: Your Game 1'/an Z ER0 T0 LA UN C H.od '¥'*"' Welcome, welcome, welcome Hey, everybody Welcome to our first Zero to Launch Master Class Very, very excited to take a bunch of great questions and see if I can answer them for you A lot of questions tonight on positioning, on finding the right idea, on making sure you're going into a profitable area before you ever start building a website One of the things I really love about the questions I got is people are not asking about websites and, "Should I be using this size URL or links?" That's irrelevant We want to focus on what really matters So along with my answers tonight, I'm going to be sharing some of my stories that have really shaped the way I business, some ways that I've actually sold products, some ways that I've had things sold to me I think that that will really help guide you when it comes to positioning your product, understanding who it is you're going after, and actually some counter-intuitive insights on who to not go after So we're going to tackle all those things tonight The way this is going to work is I have some questions from people I'm going to try to work through as many as I possibly can, and I'm going to call out your name So please get some headphones on, and please get a microphone ready to go I'm going to call your name I'll say something like, "John D," A.K.A John Doe If you're there, I'm going to take your question If not, I'll try to come back to you But try to be ready for the question, and I'll get right to it So we're going to start, and we're going to ask you to share your question in your own words So let me see if I can pull up our first people here We have Chris H Chris H., are you there? Chris, I can hear you 19ii;h"j Yes, I'm here Yes, I'm here +;UM+ Alright How are you doing, Chris? Gii4i I'm doing well How are you? Pretty good Where you calling from? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 GMti I'm calling from Norwalk, Connecticut l@fuiii Alright So before we get started, tell us one surprising insight you've had from the ZTL program so far *9Mti How strong my invisible scripts are 1@6111 Like? ij:i;jtj Like impostor syndrome, like I need to be an expert before I this I have a whole list of topics that I've sort of crossed off because I feel like I'm not enough of an expert i@fuiii Did you expect that? *9Mti I did, but, when I went through the vault material [I thought], "Well you don't have to be an expert It's okay to feel like an impostor, and other people it too." That made me feel a little better and made me look at some of these topics again, but I'm still struggling with some of them So even though I expected it and even though I have an invisible script around it, it's still really strong So yes, I recognize it, but getting over it is still tough i@f.iii Okay, good Keep in mind that you've only been looking at this material for about a week ij:i;jtj That's true ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 i;MMI So it took you years to build and refine these invisible scripts We don't expect to tear them down in one week This is a long, long process Alright, tell me what your question is tonight cg:l4i I came up with two different topics, and it feels like after I'd done the immersion research that there's really no burning pain that I can see in people One topic may have a little bit more than the other, the topic being German language instruction for kids I'm not sure if [I should pursue this idea] given that there is no burning pain, certainly not in the children, [but perhaps] the parents I'm specifically looking at expat parents, German parents who live in the states and who want their kids to learn German I'm wondering if I should just give up on that topic It's one of the topics I picked because I feel like I'm an expert I actually have a background in linguistics I've taught German before I am an expat parent in the U.S with a son in that age group, so I kind of know how it's being taught in the German schools that are here I feel like there really is a gap in the market There's something that I could provide that's not currently there that could make it better i;UMII Okay So what's the question, Chris? cg:l4i The question is: Do I give up on this topic because there's no burning pain and try to pick something else? Or should I pursue it more? i;MMI What makes you think there's no burning pain? g:l4i I get the burning pain of people who need relationship advice, who need weight loss programs The most burning pain I can see in these parents is they feel embarrassed that their kids don't speak their language That they go home to Germany, and the kids can't talk to grandma and grandpa I'm not sure if that's enough of a burning pain to warrant pursuing this subject l;hfuiii I'm smiling right now Chris, you have kids? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 GMti I l@fuiii Okay How many kids? 'M'Mi One i;h$111 And how old is '9='Mi I have a son who is eight, who is actually in that target group that I'd be targeting •MM" Oh Really? Okay Does your son know how to swim? cg:l;~ti Yes 1;1-!fuiii Alright Before he knew how to swim, was it important for you to teach him how to swim? ij:i;~tj Itwas Yes l@fuill Why? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 Gl!¥i Because I felt like it would save his life one day I actually did baby swimming with him i@f,iii Okay That's a good one Did you feel like it was important for him to learn how to ride a bike? 191i;j~j Yes, but not as important as swimming Okay But does he know how to ride a bike? Gl!¥i He does Alright Why? Why' d you teach him that? '9"¥i Because it's something that he wanted to learn He saw other kids riding bikes, and he wanted to try it i@fuiii Okay Very good So when I was a kid, my parents put me into all kinds of sports They would force me to go, but they said, "You don't have to stick with it You just have to try it." So I would play tee ball I would all kinds of these crazy sports Why you think they did that? They wanted their kids to have the exposure to all these different things Now was it a burning pain, like I want to lose 40 pounds, so I can attract a man or a woman? No It wasn't that burning But parents and their love for their children, that's almost some of the most burning pain you can find It's just expressed in different ways So if you are a German speaking pa.r ent, and you don't have the time, or you're embarrassed that your child goes back to Germany and doesn't know how to speak to their grandparents, that's definitely a pain point Is it as burning of a pain point as something else? No I mean, there are things that are more bigger of a pain point But that's definitely something that they care about I know this because ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 I come from parents who speak a different language So they bad to teach us when we were kids I noticed in your question- I'm going to come back to t he German speaking idea in a second you said, "I'm worried that my other topics are less suitable I worry that I'm goin g to miss out on the class and master calls if I can't get my topic figured out this week, because I blah, blab, blab I just don't want to miss out." You remember writing that? cg:14i Right Yes, I i;hfuiii As you bear me say that, what you think? g:l;h"j Well, I think you would probably say there's plenty of time because all this stuff is recorded, and it's in the vault But I feel, especially being on the master calls, I feel like I want to be sort of current because if I still don't h ave my topic figured out by next week, and you guys move onto the next t hing, I feel like I'm going to miss out on the live part of the course if I can't get it figured out in time l;hf,iii Alright So first of all, I have many books that I read every year I come back to them once a year, and every time I read them, I discover something new because I've gotten that much better that year My goal for you is to go through the program over and over, and you're going to discover lots of new insights that you never knew Okay? So put that fear aside Also, notice that you used the word "worry" many, many times We don't make decisions out ofdesperation So if you're saying, "I'm worried about this I'm nervous about that," that's not being deliberate and methodical So I want to put that out of your mind right away Alright? Slowdown Don't worry about falling behind Let's worry about making the right decision, not about some arbitrary timeline Okay? GMti Got you Thank you ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 Alright Very good So let's talk about this German speaking program I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but let's explore it for just a second I gave you my impressions of parents What might a product like this look like? 19ii;h>j It could be a subscription service, where you sign up for different parts of, say, irregular verbs Well let's start with something simple Let's say we will teach your son the most important 100 words Then you move onto simple sentence structure Eventually it would move onto more complex topics like irregular verbs or tenses or something 1;0$111 Well, okay Let's hold on Let's hold on on what the course contains What's the promise? Why they want this? G"4i We will teach your child to speak German fluently, ultimately Why? 19ii;l~j Because I think that's what the parents want That's why the parents would buy the course '¥'&"' Yeah, but why? Why you want to teach them? Why the parents want them to speak German? 19ii;l~j Because they want them to be able to communicate to family in Germany Why? Good And why else? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 Gl!¥i Because it makes the parents feel more connected to their own cultural roots to have their child be immersed in that culture i@§iii Good They want to help them carry on the heritage, right? 1911;1~j Right 1@$111 Okay So if you speak to a parent, they'll use these words They want them to "carry on the heritage." Does this resonate with you when I say that? Gl!¥i Yes Absolutely l@f.iii So we got to use real words We got to use words that our market actually uses and the things they care about Carry on their heritage is real That's how people actually talk Saying, you know, "I'm going to give them how to conjugate verbs," nobody cares That's a bullet point on a sales page First, we want to understand what they truly, deeply want I think you really nailed the two things Number one: The heritage Number two: So they can communicate with their family Those are really positive, powerful things There's also some things that they fear Not carrying on the heritage, being embarrassed, having a gulf that grows more and more By the way, what's that thing about kids learning languages best when they're young? Have you heard that? '911¥1 Yes i@.t,jii How old is your son right now, Chris? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 Gl!¥i He's eight i@f,iii Okay What if he was, say, 17, and he didn't know German? How would you feel? 191i;j~j Probably not so good I mean, it's not too late to start learning, but it's definitely easier as a child I know that from my linguistic background 1@$111 Okay Very good So we definitely have to put that in there So you see how we are going much deeper than just, "I'm going to teach him how to conjugate verbs"? Gl!¥i Right l@f.iii Okay Now, again, I'm not pressing for this or not, but based on what we just talked about, you think that this could possibly be like a pretty good product? 191i;j~j I think so Clearly I have to target it to the right people So I have to figure out I haven't figured out all the fishing holes I know some of the German schools in the U.S are clearly fishing holes So that's going to be one of my challenges, because I don't think there's really blogs or forums dedicated specifically to that So I'll have to dig a little deeper to figure out where these people are '¥'*"' Yep But there's a million places Basically wherever German parents hang out, like German restaurants, German websites Anywhere they hang out, I guarantee you that out of 100 German parents, there's going to be at least a couple who are really busy, and they want their kids to learn how to speak the language But if you can show them that they can use your product to help their children learn the ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM of 29 come back a couple days later You say, "Let's try another workout." And you slowly get their buy-in Again, this is an iterative, slow process You're not going to find the answer tomorrow Does that make sense? Jjifjj Yeah Yeah, it does i;hfuiii Alright So main recommendations to you: Stop telling people that everything they know in their whole life is wrong That will never work You have to listen You have to acknowledge and empathize with them, and slowly you will find out which quadrant or which market is right for you I can already tell you it's not going to be 55 year-old women Okay? They don't want to strength training No matter how many times you tell them, "Hey, you're not going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger," they're not going to listen And even ifthey would listen, it's going to be prohibitively difficult There are, on the other hand, other markets that would be much, much more open to strength training like you There's going to be a certain audience that loves the idea of being strong or bigger or muscular or feeling more confident Now the question is: Who are these people and what language they use? Alright, will you continue doing research on this? Jjifjj Absolutely i;MMI Alright Good job Good questions today I'll talk to you soon Jjifjj Thanks i;U$111 Very good That was a good one I liked that It resonated with me personally as well ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 15 of 29 I;Ublll Let's go now to Anthony Y Give me one second here Anthony, are you there? "'hdt.lhi Hey, Ramit How you doing? •MM" How are you doing, Anthony? Great How are you doing today? I;U$111 I'm doing very, very well Where are you calling from? hddt.l~N Los Angeles, California I;U$111 Beautiful Beautiful Tell us one surprising insight you've had from the program so far *M":t·UN I'd say the most surprising insight - I knew you always talked about doing deep research, but I never really knew how deep it was I really love going onto Amazon reviews and seeing exactly what people want That is after filtering out all the obvious fake ones, but it really helped a lot It was a big mind frame change •MM" Very good Well we're going to go even deeper So what's your question? "'hdt.lhi Okay So you kind of touched on it earlier with people who were asking about the burning paint and also about the fitness My question was pretty much: Is it a red flag if it's not a huge ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 16 of 29 pressing burning pain? So of the areas I identified, I also fitness, and specifically I wanted to target golf fitness Now people in the golf fitness, they want to obviously improve their game, but it's not a huge pressing burning need They never say something like, "Oh, God, how I wish I could hit the ball further," or, you know, "I just wish I'd anything to be a little bit more flexible and shoot a better score." It's things that they like to have, but it's nothing that they're really dying to have Like, "Hey, I need to drop 40 pounds so I can look attractive to my wife." And I guess my main question is: Is it a red flag? Should I proceed? Or should I go to my backup plan? i;hfuiii Okay Love this question, and I specifically wanted to talk to you at this point in the call because this is a different type of approach But there's a lot of similarities in what we heard from the previous callers First of all, you have a market that has a lot of money and time to spend on this This is an expensive recreational sport As a result, the golf world of products is highly sophisticated In fact, right now, there are tons and tons of e-books, video courses, magazines around golf Have you found these yet in your research? '·#U:t.lhi Yep l;hf.lli Okay, good The copywriting [and] the product development is highly advanced In fact, it's been advanced for at least 25 years I have copy that I studied in the golf market that is extraordinarily sophisticated So we know that the market is there We know that these people pay You actually have a very interesting approach, in that you can show them how to improve their golf game by doing some kind of, I guess, flexibility and fitness Is that correct? '·#U:t.lhi Right i;h.t,jli Alright ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 17 of 29 hW:t·#N Strength training, flexibility, etc l@fuiii Exactly Okay But you can't come out and say, "I'm going to teach you how to dead lifts because that's going to make your golf game better," because they're just like, "I don't care about that I want a better club." Right? Right i@.t,jli Alright The way that I would structure this is I'm going to go right to the pitch for just a second By the way, I don't know anything about golf scores What would be considered like a mediocre score to a good score? What would you say? hhdt.l~N I'd say a mediocre score is Ss, and a really good score is anything below So i@f.iii Okay Great So perfect I'm going to write some sales copy for you, but let's just pretend Let's just take this sales copy for a minute, and then I'll show you the psychology behind it So you can say, "I was stuck at an Ss for two years, until I discovered this totally unconventional, counterintuitive approach And within three weeks, I had cracked So over and over and over again." Now that's not great copy, but you see the point It has nothing to with your strength training at all It's going to the pain point, which is there's a lot ofgolfers who are not just beginners These are people who are out there every Saturday You know, they don't take it that seriously It's just recreation for them, but they want to get better, right? Nobody likes to stay stagnant, especially people who are spending thousands of dollars If you could show them how to crack that code, they will anything They will definitely purchase a product that actually shows them legitimately how to get a better score Now in the copy, I would start off with the pain points Later in the program, we're going to talk about sales copywriting But I would say, "Like you, I was stuck Blah, blah, blah I tried this I tried that I got a new golf club None of it worked It was all just tactics, stuff that everyone ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 18 of 29 had tried Until I realized t here was something much deeper, and I looked to the other worlds I looked to professional athletes I looked to this I looked to that What they know th at golfers don't is that m ost of the work in improving the game When you're first starting out, it's how you swing and how you this and that But later, we all get to a certain level To really get to the next level, you have to go deeper." Then you talk about all these invisible things that people That's where you talk about strength training and how just learning how to adjust your hips can give you a 30% boost in how far you hit it or whatever I'm making up all this stuff, but you see where I'm going with this? dhdt.lhi Absolutely i;h$111 Alright So the point here is I love the market They've demonstrated that they have a strong affinity for this They're willing to pay And the reason I chose you specifically to talk to tonight is so many of us are focusing only on beginners But you can choose to go to a more sophisticated level, and you can say, "Hey, I'm targeting intermediate people or even advanced people." Keep that in mind Now I will tell you that candidly I started off targeting beginners, because when I started my business, that's what I knew But I don't want everyone to make the mistake that you only h ave to target beginners There's a lot of people who are intermediate and advanced, and those people, while there's fewer of them, they will also be far more willing to pay Does that answer your question? dW:t·UN Completely Absolutely i;OMI Alright Beautiful Take that Run with it Come back and let us know how it went '·#U:t.lhi Thanks, Ramit i;h$111 You got it Thank you Alright Love that I can already tell Just the way he asked the question, he's going to be very successful I love that ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 19 of 29 '¥'*"' Alright, we're going to go to Andy B Andy B., are you there? •·m·+ Hey How are you doing? Hey, Andy Where you calling from? •·hlofl Cambridge, England I;U$111 Oh, beautiful Alright Welcome Tell us one surprising thing from the program so far • • ,~ Again, similar to, I think it was Steve, the power and the nuances of positioning And just the levels and the depth of research necessary to discover it, you know, going after the will-tells, won't-tells, can't-tells It's very powerful I;Uf.iii Totally It's great stuff Alright So, Andy, tell us your question And for anyone who doesn't know, give a quick introduction because you've worked with another one of my programs before, right? •·m·+ Yes, that's right I've been on Ramit's Figure Consulting course before and got massive value from that I essentially work in the field of online business growth That's really where my question is coming from I've narrowed down the field a little bit more to essentially online product- and service- selling businesses already making, but sort of stuck making, roughly high figure revenues per month They have that itch, that feeling that they want to take their business to the next level of five figures a month and beyond ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 20 of 29 But they don't want to mortgage their life in order to it So my question is around the majority of these businesses, or in this particular niche A number of them have particular sales platforms So we're talking ecommerce website platform I can see value in it and sort of initially niching down to demonstrate various growth strategies and tactics with a particular type of platform that would allow me to I can see lots ofbenefits in doing that, in terms of strategic partnerships and being able to fish in particular people's holes, the platform provided, etc And also to build credibility in the space, as I'm going to be essentially splashing in first time i;hfuiii So let me jump right to this You're thinking about focusing on one software platform and helping those people grow, but you're concerned that you're going to get a little bit too pigeonholed or too "in bed" with that platform Is that right? *·#i·M That's right 1;1-'8111 Alright So this is a good question, and let me first ask you How many people use this software platform that you're thinking of focusing on? *·M·M So they currently have about 13% market share, which is roughly in the ballpark of maybe 300,000 websites i;MMI Alright, so they have 300,000 paying customers? *·#H' The platform itself is a free platform, but once you start customizing it, adding bits and pieces in you start having to pay for bits So essentially anybody who's doing anything usual with it is going to be paying for it i;M.t,jli Okay, good So there's definitely a market of people who would pay, and my guess is that the market would bear pretty high amounts Considering that they're making four figures a month Is that accurate? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 21 of 29 *·#i·M Yeah, I'd say so l@fuiii Alright So, I have two options Obviously you're much more sophisticated than others So I'm going to give you not a black and white answer, but a little bit of a grey answer First I would say, don't worry about getting pigeonholed The first thing to is just focus on getting successful at all, and then you can worry about segmentation, and positioning yourself in the market and things like that, okay That's one answer On the other hand, let's pretend that this software is called Acme Software I really wouldn't want you to come out with a website called AcmeSoftwareConsulting.com Because, at a certain point you're going to want to move beyond that, and then you're stuck So, one way, and I've seen this done many ways We have people who become conversion experts So conversion experts, they could have an entire page for Acme Corp, and they could show you blah-blah-blah, then could have another page for Beta Corp And they could show you all the things they've done with that And what that allows you to is, right now on your conversion optimization website You can just have one page for Acme, but later you know that you could expand I kind of like that model because, when you're a conversion optimization expert, or whatever you choose to call yourself, it gives you room to grow We're just focusing on Acme Does that answer your question? •·m·t• Yeah, it does, I like that l@fulli Anything else? *·#!·'' Just what I mentioned before about narrowing down the next step I'm thinking about essentially re-running the immersion strategy for this particular platform initially to pull out the burning pains and the desires that I get And then steps beyond that, contacting maybe the CEO of the platform See if he willing to kind of ballpark me a share or open that relationship up for the future, and that could potentially get us going ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 22 of 29 '¥'*"' Exactly, that's great I think it's really smart, and remember, if there's a lot of people paying for a platform I guarantee you there's a lot of people who are having pain with the platform So I know person ally that I have certain platforms that I use where I have had to go out and hire specialized consultants, who just focus on that platform, because we just couldn't figure it out And we paid, well I didn't pay happily in this case, but I paid because I need the problem taken care of So I think you're on to something great here Keep us updated, alright? •·U'·t• Okay, thankyou, thank you very much I;U$111 You got it Good to talk to you again *·U'·t+ And you I;Uf,iii Alright, we're going to go now to Ryan R, one second as I pull this up Ryan R., are you there? 1;§.01 Yes, hey, Ramit '¥'*"' Hi Ryan, where you calling from? l;tu~~ Toronto, Canada 'MM" Alright We've got a lot of Canadians tonight Alright, so tell us one surprising insight in the program so far? ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 23 of 29 i;il/.)~1 For me I think it's what other people have touched on, it's the amount of detail you can find when you're doing your research on Amazon, on Reddit, Google I'm a very detailed type of person so I love doing this type of research But going into this level of detail was very eyeopening i;MJ.ili Love it I love when people think they were good enough, and then the find out they weren't even close It's like my buddy, he's a skinny Indian dude too He's like Ramit, I can't gain any weight, 2,100 calories a day and I look at him and I just wanted to laugh I'm like 2,100 I eat that for breakfast I didn't say that to him, I want to stay his friend Instead I just repeat this over and over to my multi hundred thousand email list Alright, so Ryan, tell us your question? i;fd~• My question is basically, a little background I'm into personal finances as well I have a daughter who now is four And I've been teaching her about money since she was one year old You know, just fun games and activities I've seen how she's gravitated towards it, how now she, you know, likes money When she gets money, we have ajar set up, and she wants to put money in her jars, to the point where she goes shopping with my wife She no longer asks my wife for stuff If she wants something, she'll say, "Can I use the money in my jar to pay for it?" So the idea I had was to teach kids Well actually teach working mothers, professional mothers with kids ages two to five, how to teach their kids about money i;hfuiii Okay What's the question? i;h@i I've been finding a lot of parents seem to think that teaching their kids about money is important But the question is how are you able to find out if they're willing to pay? Because I find there's a lot ofwebsites that offer this information for free Some offer some services, some products that they pay for So I don't know if I should continue in this market or move onto another idea l;hf,iii Okay So first of all, this is awesome that you have personal experience So you really know the ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 24 of 29 emotions that come around with a parent teaching their child about money It's awesome And I love the story about she doesn't even ask for anything anymore She just goes That's awesome I can already write 10 pages of sales copy just a.r ound that It's great But I want to caution you against one thing So every so often, I get people emailing me, saying, "Hey, Ramit, you really should speak at high schools or colleges about personal finance." I always turn them down Why you think I that? l;ilf.!~l My guess would be because they don't have disposable money i;UMI Well that's true I mean, they're not going to buy one of my programs But if I was going to speak there, let's just say I would speak for free, or let's even say the school would pay me Forget about the money thing Why would I not it? I'll tell you why Because although I might be able to reach a couple of students, for the most part, that audience just isn't ready to hear that message Like when you were in high school, did you care about some guy, even mister debonaire, Ramit Sethi, come in and talk about personal finance? No 1;¥/.#1 No But I guess I'm kind of unique, in a sense I remember us learning about stocks for one class in high school, and I was very interested, but my dad never let me invest in stocks because he said it's too risky i;UMI Yeah But first of all, you're a weirdo because you're on this call Okay, everyone on this call is a weirdo Not only you read my stuff, not only did you join this program, you joined the master level You're definitely a weirdo Then you're here, listening I joke, but you always have to put yourself aside When I create products or copy, I have to say like, "I know that I am a weirdo, but I know that 8%, gg.g% of my readers are not like this." They are, to some degree, interested in what I am But I've built my entire career, my life, around this They don't want to be some financial expert, or they don't want to understand asset allocation They just want it to work for t hem, and then get on with their lives You understand what I'm saying? l;f/.!~1 Yeah ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 25 of 29 i;MMI So always acknowledge that you are way different than your market Okay? If you were the same, they would have created a product too, and they're definitely not creating a product on this So back to my example Yeah, I could help some high school kids and some college kids, but I have limited time and limited energy in this world I want to go to where it's most helpful So while I think it's great to focus on two-year-olds, I think When you think parents really start thinking about their kids and money? What age? l;i!f.!~i I'd probably say like around 10 to their teenage years, around that age '¥'M" Okay Good theory I think it's definitely closer to the real number than two So what I would is I would start talking to parents, and I would start asking them And different parents, not just your friends who only have two-ye.ar-olds, but older parents Really start to understand their hopes, fears, and dreams around money for their children Keep in mind, we don't yet know if this is a good idea or not But we know that parents claim that they want [it] What they say when it comes to money and kids? What are the words they use? Do you know? M;iW~• A lot of words Yeah, I know Entitlement They don't want their kids to be raised with a sense ofentitlement They don't want them to be spoiled i;MMI Exactly That's the word In fact, yeah So they don't want them to be spoiled One of my friends, who's also an interviewee of Brain Trust, Ron Lieber, writing a book on, you know, how to not raise spoiled children I've also publicly said, "I want my kids to think that I'm poor I'm going to dress them in shoes that are made of paper towels." You know? I've said all these things I'm like- And then I'm going to kill my kids I already have plans to kill them if they are ever spoiled So I have a lot of- I'm a weirdo in that way too Who else plots the murder of their own children? Me Before they're ever born That is me On a recorded call ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 26 of 29 So my point to you is I kind of like this idea, but I don't think you're targeting the right market right now because you are not your market And I want you to go and deeply research like, everyone claims, "Oh, I don't want my kids to be spoiled." So what are you doing about it? Ask them, and find out is it really they really not want them to be spoiled, enough to actually or is it just something they say? Do you understand what I'm saying? M;iW~• So it's like they say it, but how important is it to them, really? i;hfuiii Exactly It's like people who say, "Oh, you know, I really want to lose weight, or I really want to find a girlfriend," or whatever, and they're doing nothing about it They're just sitting there Okay It's like I understand there are psychological barriers, but is it really that important to you that you're sitting and playing World ofWarcraft for the 46th hour in a row, instead of actively learning how to improve yourself and talk to men or women or whatever it is? Does that make sense? M;iW~• Right No, it does I mean, the thing is, I've found and come across, as you probably know, a lot of personal finance people who teach this stuff A lot of big names, you know, who have programs out there already and have books You know, I find there is a market out there, but I guess I come across the stumbling block, where I'm like, well, would they pay? i;hfuiii Yes Okay Great, great final question that I want to address here First of all, keep in mind that gg% of your competition has no idea what they're doing when it comes to marketing They're not sophisticated Most people who created a book, they're writers They're not marketers I don't say that discouragingly I'm a writer as well I'm an author I'm an entrepreneur But when I look at the market, and I see a bunch of books, I'm like, "Okay, so there's probably someone buying this." But I never get scared by other authors because I know that most of them don't know anything about marketing They literally write a book and throw it on the Barnes & Noble shelf and pray someone buys it You're going to be much more sophisticated than anyone That's why one of our beta students, who's in the health space we have a few that are in the health space I taught them not to be intimidated, even though the health space is highly competitive, because most of the people ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 27 of 29 in that space don't know anything about marketing They're like trainers or whatever, but they don't understand how people really think and what gets them to buy So I think there's hints that the market might be interested, but you're right to ask will they actually pay The way you could that, again, go through immersion Run some questions, and if they're interested, say, "Hey, would you be willing to buy a program?" If they say, "Yeah, I'd consider it." You say, '"Well hey, I'm actually creating a program right now It's going to be $50 If you're interested, I'll sign you up right now." See if they would pay Play around Test it It's playful It's fun And create your program right there on the spot Again, we'll get into that It's a little bit more advanced But I think you're on the right path to say, "I sniff something I smell it, but I don't know if this is really leading me in the right direction." Track it down and keep us updated Alright? l;h@l Track it down So you're saying maybe target a different age i;hf.iii Yeah, I think that's the first step for sure 1;¥/.#1 Okay i;hf.iii Alright Keep us updated, Ryan I;Ji@l Thank you Will i;h.t,jli Thank you very much Alright Excellent questions tonight I want to wrap with a couple of comments about some other questions I saw I saw some questions about people saying, you know, they went to their friends, and they asked their friends, "What am I good at?" This is a question here from J.T L Their friends said stuff like, "You're detail oriented, and you're a good listener." This person's like, "Okay, I know, but what does that mean? How I turn that into a product?" ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 28 of 29 The truth is, you have to remember to combine what you're good at with what the market wants as well So [being] a good listener is great, but you're probably not going to create a "how to be a good listener" program For example, for me, I'm pretty good at research I'm pretty good at understanding people So how did I turn that into personal finance or careers? So then I looked at my own history I said, "Well I got interested in money because I took my scholarship money and put it in the stock market." Then with careers, I learned how to use testing and stuff to find great jobs So I combined all those things If you're not sure how to find your idea, it's great to ask your friends But then you have to the additional work and say, "Okay, I'm going to create a list of things that are like 'how to."' So for example, a bad example would be, be a good listener A better example would be, how to have a happier marriage An even better one might be how to attract men or women for a particular market, how to stop your kids from fighting, how to go from socially awkward to a great conversationalist You see, all of these things use your skills, but your end product is probably not going to contain the exact words that your friends told you They're going to tell you whatever is at the top of their head They're not trained in this stuff You take it, you listen, you digest it, but you have to go the extra step and connect the dots to find out where the market is Now this is challenging It's not easy, but you've got the community, you've got a lot of resources and remember, it should take time In Dream Job, people typically had to go to the program something like seven to eight times They had to go through the system before they really nailed their dream job Zero To Launch is even more unstructured So just to remind you, I had another call today about a product we've been working on for months We still cannot crack the code and we're thinking about it, we've had multiple people take a look at it, but if it comes to it I'll just set it aside and maybe I'll pick it up in a couple years or maybe I'll never pick up Be patient We're not looking to create a mediocre product We're patiently, deliberately, methodically waiting to find that right one and we're taking all the steps we need to find it We're carving it away until we find that ultimate truth Alright, so this is just a first of many calls we're going to be together on Next time we're going to go through it even quicker I'm going to take more questions Remember this is going to be recorded, so there's a lot of insights you'll be able to hear as you re-listen to this and finally, make sure you use the community We're all here for you I'm there actively as well So post your questions in the community You're going to have access to thousands of people paying attention to that question who are trained in this material Some of whom may even be in your market who can offer you instant insights Thanks everybody for coming and I'll talk to you next week ZEROT O LAll NCHSYSTEM.COM 29 of 29 ... immersed in that culture i@§iii Good They want to help them carry on the heritage, right? 19 11; 1~j Right 1@ $11 1 Okay So if you speak to a parent, they'll use these words They want them to "carry on... doing, Anthony? Great How are you doing today? I;U $11 1 I'm doing very, very well Where are you calling from? hddt.l~N Los Angeles, California I;U $11 1 Beautiful Beautiful Tell us one surprising insight... right 1; 1- ' 811 1 Alright So this is a good question, and let me first ask you How many people use this software platform that you're thinking of focusing on? *·M·M So they currently have about 13 %

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2019, 09:58

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