KUMKANG FORMWORK PANEL AND ACCESSORY DETAILS 2015.09.25 www.kumkangkind.com Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION W Wall panel with 50H rocker at bottom (Tấm cốp pha cột vách có chân) Ex) W600, W600x2450 WS Wall panel without rocker; top panel (height 100-600H) (Tấm cốp pha cột vách khơng có chân Top-Panel) Ex) WS600, WS600x2400 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL WC WK DESCRIPTION Wall panel Cutting (Tấm cốp pha cột vách có chân thay đổi chiều cao) Wall panel with recess material attached to its surface (ex: elevator switch box) (Tấm cốp pha cột vách đặc biệt) INDICATION Ex) WC600 Ex) WK600 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL WA WD DESCRIPTION Wall panel with chamfer material attached to its surface (ex: groove line, water drip) (Tấm cốp pha cột vách có vát góc) Wall panel with water treatment material attached to its Surface (Tấm cốp pha cột vách có gờ) INDICATION Ex) WA600 Ex) WD600 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL WE CA DESCRIPTION Wall end panel (Tấm cốp pha cột vách vị trí đầu vách) Corner angle (to join wall panels at the out corner area) (V góc) INDICATION Ex) WE200x2100 Ex) CA2850 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION RK Rocker panel (Chân vách - rocker) Ex) RK50, RK100 IC In-corner panel (Góc vách - IC) Ex) (150+150)x1250 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION B Beam panel (Tấm thành dầm) Ex) B1050x150 DE Beam soffit panel (Tấm đáy dầm) Ex) DE200x900 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION SC SE Slab corner (to join wall panel with slab panel) SE: beam bottom SC (Thanh SC sàn) Ex) SCA750, SEA750 SI SC in-corner (SC góc trong) Ex) SIR(300+300) DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION SO SC out-corner (SC góc ngồi) Ex) SOR(400+400) SH SC hunch (SC dạng chữ H) Ex) SHA(250+95+155) DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION D Slab panel (Tấm sàn) Ex) D600x1200 DA Slab panel with chamfer material attached to its Surface (Tấm sàn có vát góc) Ex) DA450x1050 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DB DS DESCRIPTION Slab panel with water drip material attached to its Surface (Tấm sàn có gờ) Special slab panel (Tấm sàn đặt biệt) INDICATION Ex) DB450x900 Ex) DS250x1200 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DC DD DESCRIPTION Special slab panel with chamfer material attached to its surface (Tấm sàn đặc biệt) Special slab panel with water drip material attached to its surface (Tấm sàn đặc biệt) INDICATION Ex) DC450x670 Ex) DD250x1750 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION MB Middle beam (Xương sàn MB) Ex) MB1050x150 EB End beam (Xương sàn biên EB) Ex) EB900x150 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION PH Prop head (Đầu chống) Ex) PH300x150 JB Joint bar (Nẹp nhôm) 450 DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Accessories NO ITEM SIZE FLAT TIE (La dẹt) ~ SEPA TIE (Ty Gang-form) ~ LONG PIN (Chốt dài) 16*196 ROUND PIN (Chốt tròn) 16*55 http: //www.kumkangkind.com PICTURE Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Accessories NO ITEM WEDGE PIN (Chốt dẹt) ANCHOR BOLT (Ty neo chữ L) PRIMARY BOLT (Ty neo chân vách ngồi) SQUARE WASHER (Bát vng) SIZE 24*70 150*50 250 110*110*3.5t http: //www.kumkangkind.com PICTURE Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Accessories NO ITEM WING NUT (Cánh chuồn) 10 D-CONE (Cốc nhựa) 11 12 AL-WALLER BRACKET (Kẹp gông vách) ALBOTTOM SUPPORTER (Chống chân vách) SIZE 1/2" 1/2"*40mm 50 50 http: //www.kumkangkind.com PICTURE Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Accessories NO 13 14 15 16 ITEM ENO UNIT (Chụp ty Gang-form) AL WIRE TURNBUCKL E (Cáp giằng) AL-HEX B/N S/W (Bu long) DISMANTLIN G TOOLS (Xà cầy) SIZE 1/2" ~ 16x35 780 http: //www.kumkangkind.com PICTURE Competence, reliable partner many years of practical job site experience Partnership-Success http: //www.kumkangkind.com ... DRAWING/PHOTO Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL WA WD DESCRIPTION Wall panel with chamfer material attached to its surface (ex:... Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DC DD DESCRIPTION Special slab panel with chamfer material attached to its surface (Tấm sàn đặc biệt) Special slab panel with water drip material attached...Kumkang Kind Vietnam General information, product planning, engineering Kumkang Aluminum Formwork Panels INITIAL DESCRIPTION INDICATION W Wall panel with 50H rocker at bottom (Tấm