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VERB FORM I Bare infinitive: (bare) động từ nguyên mẫu không To Sau modal verbs: Will Shall/ should / could/ can / may / must/ might/ had better/would rather and why not ? Sau auxilary verbs: do, does, did Sau make, let, help (sau help có To inf) Passive voice → dùng to inf theo sau Trừ let (But in passive : feel, +O + to infinitive) Sau động từ giác quan:(verbs of perception): see, hear, smell, feel, taste, watch, notice … Vo (bare) → hành động xong S + V + object Vo (ing) → hành động diễn Sau had better (tốt hơn) would rather (thà hơn), had sooner Sau thành ngữ: to nothing but + Vo (bare): khơng làm mà Can not but + Vo(bare): khơng cách khác Causative form (Thể sai khiến): S + have + object (chỉ người) + Vo (bare) Simple present tense: I, you, we, they +Vo (bare) Bắt đầu câu mệnh lệnh: (imprative) 10 Do anything/ nothing/ everything But/ Except + bare infinitive II To infinitive (V1) động từ nguyên mẫu có To) Rút gọn clause of result theo công thức sau (phrase of result) S + V + too adj/adv (for object )+ to inf S + V + too + adjective + a + noun + infinitive S + V + adj/adv enough (for object)+to inf (enough + noun + to- inf) Rút gọn: clause of purpose theo mẫu sau (phrase of purpose) to inf S+V+ in order for object to inf so as to inf It + take+ (object) + time + to inf Causative form: S+ get + object (chỉ người) + to inf to inf after question words : what / where/ who / whom/ which/ when / how ………… 6/ Những động từ sau đây, theo sau to infinitive: S + V + to inf afford : cung cấp đủ 21 manage : xoay xở agree : đồng ý 22 mean : muốn appear : 23 need : cần (chủ động, người) arrange : xếp 24 offer : mời ask : hỏi 25 plan : dự định, kế hoạch attempt : cố gắng 26 prepare : chuẩn bị beg : đề nghị, xin 27 pretend : giả vờ care : quan tâm 28 promise : hứa claim : cho là, tuyên bố 29 refuse : từ chối 10 consent : đồng ý, tán thành 30 regret : tiếc (tương lai) 11 decide : định 31 remember : nhớ (tương lai) 12 demand : yêu cầu 32 seem : dường 13 deserve : xứng đáng 33 struggle : đấu tranh, cố gắng 14 expect : trông đợi 34 swear : thề 15 dare : dám 35 threaten : dọa 16 fail : thất bại 36 tend : có khuynh hướng 17 forget : quên (tương lai) 37 volunteer : tình nguyện, xung phong 18 hesitate : ngập ngừng 38 wait : đợi 19 hope : hy vọng 39 want : muốn (chủ động) 20 learn : học 40 wish : ao ước 10.b Những động từ sau đây, theo sau Obj + to inf: S + V + objective + to inf advise : khuyên 23 require : yêu cầu allow : cho phép 24 recommend : khuyên Trang 1/10 ask : hỏi, đòi hỏi 25 teach : dạy beg : năn nỉ, xin 26 tell : bảo cause : gây 27 urge : thúc giục, thuyết phục challenge : thách thức, thách đố 28 want : muốn convince : thuyết phục 29 warn : cảnh báo dare : dám 30 help : giúp đỡ encourage : khuyến khích 31 would like : thích 10 expect : trơng đợi 32 would prefer : thích 11 forbid : cấm 33 appoint : định làm 12 force : bắt buộc 34 charge : giao nhiệm vụ 13 hire : thuê, mướn 35 choose : lựa chọn 14 instruct : dẫn 36 compel : cưỡng bách 15 invite : mời 37 defy : thách 16 need : cần 38 desire : ao ước, thèm thuồng 17 tempt : cám dỗ 39 direct : hướng dẫn, huy 18 intend : dự định 40 implore : yêu cầu 19 order : lệnh 41 provoke : xúi giục 20 permit : cho phép 42 Teach, explain, know, understand, discover, 21 persuade : thuyết phục consider, think, believe + how + to inf:Chỉ cách thức 22 remind : nhắc lại III Gerund: Danh động từ: A Gerund as a noun (subj , obj, complement & appositive) Đứng sau thành ngữ: it is no use, it is no good: there is no use, there is no good: vơ ích can’t stand / bear / help: khơng thể chịu Sau hai tính từ: busy, worth after prepositions (Prepositional Object ) Ex: she is interested in listening to music Note : look forward to / be ( get) used to / be accustomed to/ object to / confess to / contribute to / take to + Ving ( to here :preposition) Adverbial Modifier ( trạng ngữ) By/Without + V-ing ( thể cách) He earns money by doing manual work He looked at me without saying anything For + V-ing ( mục đích) Money is used for buying things After/at/in/on/before while/ upon + V-ing ( thời gian) On returning home I found that the door was open We ate while listening to the radio B Gerund as a verb: có object bổ nghĩa trạng từ admit : thừa nhận 26 hate : ghét advise : khuyên (không object) 27 mention : nhắc tới, nĩi tới anticipate : tham gia 28 mind : phiền appreciate : đánh giá cao 29 miss : nhớ, lỡ, avoid : tránh 30 postpone : đình, hõan complete : hòan thành 31 prevent : ngăn cản consider : xem xét 32 practise : luyện tập delay : trì hõan 33 recall : gợi lại, nhớ lại dread : sợ 34 recollect : gợi lại 10 detest : ghét 35 recommend: khuyên, dặn dò 11 discuss : thảo luận 36 regret : tiếc nuối (quá khứ) 12 dislike : khơng thích 37 remember: nhớ (qúa khứ) 13 deny : từ chối 38 resent : tức giận, phật ý 14 enjoy : thưởng thức 39 resist : cưỡng lại, phản kháng 15 excuse : xin lỗi 40 risk : liều lĩnh 16 finish : hoàn thành 41 stop : ngừng, từ bỏ 17 forget : quên (qúa khứ) 42 start : (hoặc To inf) Trang 2/10 18 forgive 19 fancy 20 imagine 21 involve 22 include 23 keep 24 love 25 like : tha thứ : tưởng tượng : tưởng tượng : làm liên lụy : bao gồm : tiếp tục : (hoặc To inf) : thích 43 suggest : đề nghị 44 tolerate : bỏ qua 45 understand: hiểu 46 restrict : hạn chế, giảm bớt, ngăn ngừa * can’t bear, can’t stand, can’t help * it is no use, it is no good, there is no use * look forward to * busy, be worth * there's no point in have difficulty/ trouble Note: Stop + to V: có nghĩa là: dừng lại để làm việc dó Ex: I met my old friend when I was going to work, so I stopped to talk with him (tôi đi, dừng lại để nói chuyện) Stop + Ving ~ give up: Bỏ thơi khơng làm việc Ex: The students stopped talking when the teacher came in (trong trường hợp có nghĩa nhóm học sinh thơi khơng nói chuyện nữa) Forget + to V: qn làm ~ (not) remember to + V Ex: I forgot to lock the door, so I had to come back to lock it (câu nghĩa quên không khố cửa tơi phải quay trở để khố) Forget + Ving: Qn làm ~ (not) remember + Ving Ex: I forgot meeting him (Câu nghĩa gặp khơng nhớ gặp) Regret + to V: tiếc nuối làm gì(thường thơng báo cho tin khơng tốt) Ex: I regret to tell you that the match has been cancelled Regret + Ving: Hối hận làm Ex: I regret telling him my problem.(tơi hối tiếc nói cho biết khó khăn tơi.) Remember/Forget/Regret V – ing: việc xảy To-infinitive: việc chưa xảy ra/ cần phải làm Try V – ing: thử làm việc To – infinitive: cố gắng làm việc Need/want/require V – ing (need + to be + Vpp): mang nghĩa bị động (chủ ngữ vật) To – infinitive: mang nghĩa chủ động (chủ ngữ người) Like/Dislike/Prefer/Hate/Detest V – ing: thích/ghét thật To-infinitive: thích cho tốt nên làm Prefer + V-ing to V-ing: thích Feel like + Vo ing: thích Advise, allow, permit O + To infi Vo- ing Advise/allow/recommend/permit/forbid + O + to Infinitive Advise/allow/recommend/permit (no Object) + Gerund (V-ing ) Go on + to inf = move to something different Go on + gerund = continue doing the same thing Mean (meaning 'intend')+ to infinitive: I mean to get to the top by sunrise Mean {meaning 'involve' (used only with an impersonal subject)} + the gerund: He is determined to get a seat even if it means standing in a queue all night Prefer to and prefer doing *'prefer to (do)' or 'prefer ~ing' (what you prefer in general): * I don't like cities I prefer to live in the country or I prefer living in the country The differences in structure after prefer We say: - Prefer sth to sth else Or prefer doing sth to doing sth else But prefer to sth rather than (do) sth else Ex: * I prefer this coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday * I prefer driving to travelling by train but * I prefer to drive rather than travel by train * Ann prefers to live in the country rather than (live) in a city Would prefer (I'd prefer ) (what somebody wants in a particular situation not in general): Trang 3/10 * 'Would you prefer tea or coffee?' 'Coffee, please.' We say 'would prefer to do' (not 'doing'): * 'Shall we go by train?' 'Well, I'd prefer to go by car.' (not 'I'd prefer going') * I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema Verbs + possessive adjective/pronoun object + gerund Would you mind + Vo- ing? Would you mind if + S + past Subjunctive …? Recommend, begin, start, continue + To inf /Vo – ing TENSES Thì Dạng Form Nhận biết ( signal words) Thì Dạng Form Nhận biết ( signal words) Thì Dạng Nhận biết ( signal words) SIMPLE PRESENT (Hiện đơn) SIMPLE PAST (Quá khứ đơn) S + V(e/es) - always, usually, occasionally, often, … - Every: every day, every year… - Once a day, twice…, times… - Nowadays, frequently, from time to time, normally, regularly, occasionally, as a rule S + V2ed - yesterday, this +time - last + time: last week, last Sunday… - Time + ago: two months ago, five years ago… - in the past - This morning PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Hiện tiếp diễn) PAST CONTINUOUS (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) S + am/is/are + V-ing - now, at present, right now, still, Today, - At the moment, this week, these days, - Sau câu mệnh lệnh : Keep silent! The baby is sleeping Look! He is running * Note: Những động từ không dùng HTTD: - Động từ giác quan: hear, see, smell, taste, feel - Động từ tình cảm, cảm xúc: love, hate, like, dislike, want, wish - Động từ trạng thái, liên hệ, sở hữu: look, seem, appear, have, own, belong to, need, realize … - Động từ sinh hoạt trí tuệ: agree, understand, remember, know, forget S + was/were + V-ing PRESENT PERFECT (Hiện hoàn thành) S + has / have + V3ed - Just, already, ever, yet, recently, lately, - since, for : since 2000, for years - so far, up to now, for ages, for a long time, up to the present, how long, this is the first time/second time… - many times / several times - At that moment - When / As + S + (simple past), S + was/ were Ving When I came, she was crying - While : A dog crossed the road while I was driving - As long as PAST PERFECT (Qúa thứ hoàn thành) S + had + V3ed - V(simple past) + after + S + had +V3ed - S + had V3ed + before + V(simple past) - By the time/end + S + V (simple past), S + had V3ed: lúc - By + (the past time): by 2003, by last year - By the time + clause Trang 4/10 Thì Dạng Nhận biết ( signal words) SIMPLE FUTURE FUTURE with INTENTION ( FUTURE without INTENTION ) (Tương lai dự định) (Tương lai đơn)(tương lai không dự định) S + will/shall + V0 S + am/is/are + Going + to + V0 - tomorrow, maybe, perhaps,think,not think - Tomorrow, next day, today, - next + time : next week, next Monday - Look!, Take care!, - in the future Note: Một số cách hòa hợp mệnh đề mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian: TLĐ + until / when / as soon as + HTĐ I will phone you when I arrive the airport TLĐ + after + HTHT He will go home after he has finished his work QKĐ + while / when / as + QKTD (hành động ngắn – dài) It started to rain while the boys were playing football QKTD + while + QKTD (hai hành động song song) Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister was playing games HTHT + since + QKĐ I have worked here since I graduated TLHT + by / by the time + HTĐ He will have left by the time you arrive QKHT + by the time / before + QKĐ (hành động trước – sau) He had left by the time I came QKĐ + after + QKHT I went out after I had finished my homework Khi chia động từ cần ý hòa hợp chủ ngữ (S) động từ (V): - S1 + and + S2 => chia ĐT số nhiều Ví dụ: Tom and Mary were late yesterday - Each, every, no + noun => chia ĐT số Ví dụ: Each boy and girl has a textbook No student is present - (N)either + S1 + (n)or + S2 => chia ĐT theo S2 Ví dụ: He or you are the best student Neither I nor he likes football -S1, as well as + S2 => chia theo S1 Ví dụ: John, as well as you, is responsible for that report * Chủ ngữ danh từ đo lường, giá cả, tiền => chia ĐT số Ví dụ : 5,000 dollars is a big sum of money * Đại từ bất định (everyone, something, nobody…) => chia ĐT số Ví dụ : Everybody is in the room EXERCISE 1: Câu 1: What we need most books A are B is C to be Câu 2: I’m sure I locked the door I clearly remember _ it A to be locked B to have locked C to lock Câu 3: I meant to get up early but I forgot _ up my alarm clock A wind B wind C wound Câu 4: Both a poem and a short story been written by the young author A having B to have C have Câu 5: Are you _ of the danger that you are facing? D were D locking D to wind D has Trang 5/10 A sensation B senseless C sense D sensible Câu 6: There a few flowers in this garden last summer A is B are C being D were Câu 7: I consider the job but in the end I decided against doing it A took B to be take C taking D to take Câu 8: Collecting old coins and paper notes one of my hobbies A being B were C are D is Câu 9: I don’t like the hot weather Thirty degrees too warm for me A being B was C is D are Câu 10: The number of pupils getting poor marks since the beginning of the semester appalling A are B to be C have been D is Câu 11: I can’t imagine _ a car! A having not B to not have C not having D not to have Câu 12: A decade a period of ten years A describes B describing C describe D is describing Câu 13: We asked the piano so early in the morning, but she won't A Marie to stop playing B Marie stop to play C Marie to stop to play D that Marie stops playing Câu 14: Do stop _ I am doing my homework A talk B to talk C talked D talking Câu 15: The teacher encouraged _ the football team A joined B joining C to join D join to Câu 16: The teacher permits us _ out in a minute A gone B to go C went D going Câu 17: I promise that I won’t forget _ the cat A feeding B to feed C fed D food Câu 18: Tom doesn’t agree but the rest of us A done B C does D doing Câu 19: If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _ knocked down A to be B been C being D be Câu 20: A good teacher makes her students the world from new perspectives A view B to view C to be viewed D viewing EXERCISE Câu 21: The English to drink tea A has liked B to like C like D likes Câu 22: He reminded me _ to give the book back to John A not to forget B not forget C forgot D forgeting Câu 23: The skiers would rather through the mountains than go by bus A traveling by the train B to travel on train C traveled by train D travel by train Câu 24: How can you let such a silly incident your friendship? A that wrecks B wreck C to wreck D wrecking Câu 25: Harry says she doesn’t remember _ Sally before A meet B meeting C to meet D meets Câu 26: I remember to Paris when I was a very small child A to be taken B to take C taking D being taken Câu 27: must go now I promised _ late A to not be B I won’t be C not to be D not being Câu 28: Could you please stop _so much noise ? Trang 6/10 A to make B make C to have made D making Câu 29: Have you finished _ your hair yet ? A wash B washing C washed D to wash Câu 30: One of the girls in this department is my niece A work B worked C to work D working Câu 31: Jim is 65, but he isn’t going to retire yet He wants to carry on _ A to worked B work C worked D working Câu 32: Much progress been made in recent years A has B have C having D to have Câu 33: As we entered the room, we saw a rat towards a hole in the skirting board A was scampering B to scamper C scamper D scampering Câu 34: I really missed _tennis as I used to A played B play C playing D to play Câu 35: The Games really became a festival that impressed sports _ A enthusiasts B enthusiastic C enthusiasm D enthuse Câu 36: He tried to avoid _ my question A answer B how to answer C answering D to answer Câu 37: If you‘ve got a headache, why don’t you try _ an aspirin? A taken B taking C took D take Câu 38: Three weeks _not enough holiday A are B were C was D been Câu 39: She tries to be serious, but she couldn’t help _ A to laugh B that she laughed C laughing D laugh Câu 40: Neither he nor they here yesterday A were B are C is D be EXERCISE Câu 41: We’ve arranged _ outside the school at about 4.30 A met B meeting C that we meet D to meet Câu 42: Linguistics out the ways in which languages work A find B finding C to find D finds Câu 43: You can’t stop me _ what I want A to B that I C doing D Câu 44: It’s not worth _a return ticket A for buying B buying C to buy D of buying Câu 45: The Philippines of more than 7,000 islands A consists B consisting C consisted D consist Câu 46: The United Nations its head quarters in New York city A to have B having C has D have Câu 47: The examiner made us _ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center A to show B showed C show D showing Câu 48: My parents wouldn't _ to the party A allow me going B allow to go C allow me go D allow me to go Câu 49: The police come to the site of the accident A to have B has C having D have Câu 50: Jim as well as I always busy doing English homework A is B has been C are D am Câu 51: Mr Thomson with his wife and his three children abroad A to be B is C are D have been Câu 52: My brother together with his friends often in the park Trang 7/10 A jog B jogging C to jog D jogs Câu 53: ‘How about going to the theater?' 'OK,' but I would rather a concert.' A have attended B to attend C attend D attending Câu 54: Five thousand pounds stolen in the robbery last night A are B were C being D was Câu 55: We hope that the students themselves will enjoy part in the projects A to take B to be taken C being taken D taking Câu 56: We are going to have my house _ tomorrow morning A paint B to be painted C painting D painted Câu 57: good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream A Making B To make C Make D For make Câu 58: Everybody trying to their best at present A to be B have been C are D is Câu 59: One of my neighbours curious about other people’s private life A were B been C is D being Câu 60: He urged us faster A working B to work C work D worked EXERCISE Câu 61: Not only a dog but also two cats at home in his garage A is B are C been D was Câu 62: Do you want _ with you or you want to go alone? A me to come B that I will come C that I come D me coming Câu 63: The pilot along with his passengers rescued last night A was B have been C am D is Câu 64: The panda’s habitat is the bamboo forest A naturally B natural C nature D natured Câu 65: “All right, I’ll wait for you” She agreed _ for me A not to wait B to wait C wait to D waiting Câu 66: They supper when the telephone rang A were having B have been having C have had D had Câu 67: Sally's low test scores kept her from _ to the university A being admitted B to admit C admitting D to be admitted Câu 68: All the passengers were made their seat belts during the turbulence A buckling B to buckle C buckle D for buckling Câu 69: That you take a computer course very necessary A is B am C are D have been Câu 70: I got my friend her car for the weekend A let me borrow B to let me borrow C let me to borrow D to let me to borrow Câu 71: Her mother prevented her from out alone at night A going B to go C go D not to go Câu 72: My brother is studying _ engineering A electronic B electrical C electric D electrified Câu 73: A large number of reporters at the meeting yesterday A being B is C are D were Câu 74: The problem of among young people is hard to solve A employees B employers C employment D unemployment Câu 75: Farmers can enrich the soil by using A fertile B fertilize C fertility D fertilizers Câu 76: Each of you a share in the work Trang 8/10 A to have B having C have D has Câu 77: She always dreams, but nothing to realize her dreams A B does C is doing D is doing Câu 78: Some people are concerned with physical _ when choosing a wife or husband A attractiveness B attraction C attractive D attractively Câu 79: Look at the state of the gate It needs as soon as possible A being repaired B be repaired C repairing D to repair Câu 80: A number of students volunteered to the job A to have B having C have D has EXERCISE Câu 81: Would you mind showing me how the lift? A work B to work C to work D working Câu 82: Neither Daisy nor I glad to that A has been B am C are D is Câu 83: I like _the kitchen as often as possible A clean B to clean C that I clean D not cleaned Câu 84: Ann offered _after our children while we were out A look B look to C looking D to look Câu 85: She promised back again A is coming B not to come C coming D came Câu 86: “She _tea”, let’s go to the dinning room A was making B has made C has been making D made Câu 87: Martin failed _ the rent on time again A that she paid B paying C paid D to pay Câu 88: Alice didn't expect to Bill's party A being asked B asking C to be asked D to ask Câu 89: Either John or his children breakfast each morning A makes B make C making D to make Câu 90: Tracey doesn’t want _ her friends and family A leave B leaving C left D to leave Câu 91: He has been very interested in doing research on _ since he was at high school A biologist B biology C biological D biologically Câu 92: My mother made me _ at home at night A stayed B staying C stay D to stay Câu 93: Last summer, he to Ha Long Bay A has been going B has gone C was going D went Câu 94: I you for ages A didn’t meet B was not meeting C haven’t met D haven’t been meeting Câu 95: If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop _ lunch A having had B to have C having D for having Câu 96: Are you sure you told me about the party? I don't recall _ about it A having been told B to have been told C having told D to have told Câu 97: Linda likes wearing _ clothes A colourless B colourfully C colourful D colour Câu 98: Her own mistakes made her very _ of the faults of others A tolerate B tolerant C tolerated D tolerable Câu 99: Working as an astronaut require high _ knowledge A technician B technical C technique D technically Trang 9/10 Câu 100: It is interesting _ a good film A watching B watched C watch D to watch - - HẾT Trang 10/10 ... Câu 80 : A number of students volunteered to the job A to have B having C have D has EXERCISE Câu 81 : Would you mind showing me how the lift? A work B to work C to work D working Câu 82 :... look Câu 85 : She promised back again A is coming B not to come C coming D came Câu 86 : “She _tea”, let’s go to the dinning room A was making B has made C has been making D made Câu 87 : Martin... again A that she paid B paying C paid D to pay Câu 88 : Alice didn't expect to Bill's party A being asked B asking C to be asked D to ask Câu 89 : Either John or his children breakfast each

Ngày đăng: 29/10/2019, 09:19

