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THONG TIN VE LU~N AN TIEN st Ten d~ tai lu~n an: Anh hutmg ella d(lo due Nho gido d(Ji vai xay dung gia dinh van hoa u vung dang biing song Hang hi?n Chuyen nghanh: Chu nghia xa hQi khoa hoc Ma sa: 62220308 HQ va ten nghien ciru sinh: TrfuI Thi Thuy Chinh Kh6a dao tao: K32 (2016 - 2019) NgU'iri hmrng din khoa hoc: PGS, TS Nguyen Thi Ngan TS Pham Thj Hoang Ha Ten CO' sir dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri quoc gia H6 Chi Minh 8.T6m t~t cac k~t qua mei ciia lu~n an 8.1 Nhit'ng dong gop mai vJ m!it hoc thui)t If lui)n - Tren co So' nghien ciru, tiSp thu nhtrng ySu t6 hop ly cua cac cong trinh da cong b6 co lien quan, luan an trinh bay, luan giai co h~ thong vS dao dire Nho giao va anh huang cua no d6i voi xay dung gia dinh van hoa vung d6ng bang song H6ng hi~n - Lu?n an gop phftn cung c~p nMing lu?n cu khoa hQc cho Dang, Nha nu6c va cac tinh vung d6ng b~ng song H6ng dS xay dVng cac giai phap nh~m phM huy anh huang tich cvc, h(;ln chS anh huang tieu cvc cua d(;loduc Nho giao d6i v6i xay d\ffig gia dinh van hoa hi~n a 8.2 Nhit'ng tliJm mm rut tit kit qua nghien euu, khao sat - Qua nghien Clru,khao sat thvc tS, lU?n an da lam sang to thvc tr(;lllgsv anh huang tich cvc va tieu cvc cua d(;loduc Nho giao d6i vai xay d\ffig gia dinh van hoa vling d6ng b~g song H6ng hi~n thS hi~n thong qua cac m6i quan h~ gia dinh: M(jt la, quan h~ gifra cha my va cai; Hai la, quan h~ gifra vq va ch6ng; Ba la, quan h~ gifra anh, chi, em; B6n la, quan h~ gifra gia dinh d6i vai xa hQi Til do, lU?n an xac dinh mQt s6 v~ dS d~t cfuI giai quySt til th\fc tr(;lllganh huang - LU?n an xac djnh cac phuO'llg huang cO'ban va giai phap chu ySu nh~m phat huy anh huang tich cvc, h(;ln chS anh huang tieu cvc cua d(;lo duc Nho giao d6i v6i xay d\ffig gia dinh van hoa vung d6ng b~ng song H6ng hi~n Cac giai phap C\l thS la: Thir nhdt, nang cao nh?n thuc cho gia dinh va cQng d6ng; Thir hai, d~y m(;lnhphat triSn kinh tS, van hoa; Thir ba, nang cao hi~u qua quan ly nha nu6c vS gia dinh; Thir tu, d~y m(;lnhgiao d\lc d(;loduc gia dinh a a NGHIEN cUu SINH )PGS, TS Nguy~n Thi Ngan Trin Thi Thuy Chinh INFORMATION OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS Thesis title: The influence of Confucian morality on the construction of cultural families in the Red River Delta today Major: Scientific socialism Code: 62 22 03 08 PhD Candidate: Tran Thi Thuy Chinh Training course: No32 (2016 - 2019) Supervisors: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Thi Ngan Dr Pham Thi Hoang Ha Training institution: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Summary of the new contributions 8.1 Contributions in terms of academic and theories - On the basis of research, to absorb the rational elements of the relevant published works, the thesis presents, systematic explanations on Confucian morality and its influence on the construction of cultural families in the Red River Delta today - The thesis contributes to providing scientific arguments for the Party, the State and the provinces in the Red River Delta to develop solutions to promote positive influence and limit negative influence of Confucian morality on the construction of cultural family today 8.2 New findings and main results of the thesis - Through research and field surveys,the thesis has clarifiedthe reality of the positive and negativeinfluenceof Confucianmorality on the constructionof cultural families in the Red River Delta region today, through relationships in the family: Firstly, in the relationshipbetweenparents and children; Secondly, in the relationship betweenhusband and wife; Thirdly, in the relationshipbetween siblings;Fourthly, in the relationshipbetween the family and society From there, the thesis identifies a number of issuesto be addressedfrom the situationof that influence - The thesis identifies the basic directions and major solutions to promote positive influence, limiting the negative influence of Confucian morality on the construction of cultural families in the Red River Delta today Specific solutions are: Firstly, raising awareness for families and the community; Secondly, promoting economic and cultural development; Thirdly, improving the efficiency of state management of the family; Fourthly, promoting family moral education ON BEHALF OF SUPERVISORS Assoc.Prof., Dr Nguyen Thi Ngan PHD CANDIDATE Tran Thi Thuy Chinh

Ngày đăng: 28/10/2019, 10:30


