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Performance Analysis of Session-Level Load Balancing Algorithms Dennis Roubos , Sandjai Bhulai , and Rob van der Mei Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Faculty of Sciences De Boelelaan 1081a 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands E-mail: {droubos, sbhulai, mei}@few.vu.nl Abstract Load balancing (LB) is crucial for the efficient operation of big server clusters In the past, many different LB strategies on the request level have been developed with great effectiveness in parallel applications However, the LB problem is not yet solved completely; new applications and architectures require new features In particular, secure environments require that LB is done at session level instead of request level; that is, once a session has been assigned to a server, all subsequent service requests are directed to the assigned server Despite the fact that many commercial products have been brought to the market to implement LB at the session level, little insight has been obtained into the efficiency of such session-level LB algorithms, leaving ample room for performance improvement and optimization Motivated by this, we study session-level LB with a focus on algorithms that are simple and easy to implement in real systems The performance of the load balancer is highly dependent on the request profiles of the different sessions and the information that is available for decision making We make this trade-off between the information that is available to the load balancer and the efficiency of the algorithm explicit by developing new algorithms, and compare their efficiency with existing algorithms The algorithms are mainly based on the load of each server and the number of active sessions running on them Extensive validation in an experimental setting shows that our algorithms outperform the existing ones, and as such, provide a simple, easy-toimplement yet effective means to improve the efficiency of large server clusters Keywords: Load balancing, performance evaluation, session-level load balancing Introduction Many content-intensive applications have scaled beyond the point where a single server can provide adequate processing power This raises the need for flexibility to deploy additional servers quickly and transparently to end-users Load balancing (LB) is the process of distributing service requests across a group of servers It has emerged as a powerful solution that addresses several requirements that are becoming increasingly important in computer networks, such as increased scalability, high performance, and high availability and disaster recovery Load balancing makes multiple servers appear as a single server by transparently distributing user requests among the servers, and thus creates scalability The high performance is achieved by directing service requests to the servers that are least busy and therefore capable of providing the fastest response times The improvement in application availability occurs when LB automatically redistributes end-user service requests to other servers within a server farm when a server fails Moreover, it improves security by protecting the server farm against multiple forms of DoS (Denial of Service) attacks The literature on the performance and effectiveness of LB algorithms is widespread We refer to [11] for an excellent overview of the available LB techniques applied in different application areas However, the vast majority of the performance-related papers on LB that have appeared are focused on request-level LB (also often referred to as server LB), i.e., where each individual request of a client may be directed to a different server, or service (cf [8] for an overview of request-level LB algorithms) A main disadvantage of request-level LB algorithms is that they are highly vulnerable to unsecured transactions In secure environments where confidentiality of data and integrity of the network is of high importance, it is crucial that LB is done at the session level instead of request level Unauthorized data queries should be kept separate from accessing the data of clients directly Therefore, a farm of terminal servers can serve as an intermediate layer to the outside world so that clients should request a session for all activities for outgoing data traffic In these cases, the LB algorithm is carried out only when a user requests a new session Once the session has been assigned to a server, all subsequent service requests generated in this session are directed to this server Note that it is not desirable to switch this session to a different terminal server due to large overhead and switching times This creates additional complexity for LB algorithms, since, e.g., the future requests during an active session are not known Motivated by this, a wide variety of commercial session-level LB products have been brought to the market (see, e.g., [4 , , 5]) Rather surprisingly, however, despite the large number of available products, relatively little is known about the efficiency of these session-level LB algorithms These observations have raised the need for studying and optimizing the effectiveness of session-level LB algorithms In this paper, we study load balancing of sessions on a farm of terminal servers Whenever a new session is requested by a client, the load balancer needs to assign it to one of the available terminal servers The sessions remain active for as long as the clients not terminate their sessions Hence, all activities (e.g., browsing the web, opening files) by a client induce load on the terminal server on which the session is assigned to We focus on load-balancing algorithms that are easy to implement in real systems Since the load balancer has little information on future requests to arrive, the algorithms are mainly based on the load of each terminal server and the number of active sessions running on them We make this trade-off between the information that is available to the load balancer and the efficiency of the algorithm explicit by developing new algorithms, and compare their efficiency with existing algorithms We show that our algorithm outperforms the existing ones through extensive validation in an experimental setting Therefore, we provide a simple, easy-to-implement yet effective means to improve the efficiency of large server clusters ✒ T S1 CL1 ❅ T✲ 0♠ ✛ 1♠ T1 ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❘ ❅ ✲ LB ❅ ✒ ❅ CLi CLI ✲ T Sj ❅ ❅ ❅ ❘ T SJ ❅ Figure 1: Configuration of the system under study The paper is organized as follows In Section we present our model for the behaviour of the clients and the terminal servers The LB algorithms used by the load balancer are treated in Section These algorithms are validated in Section in an experimental environment Next, we use the model to evaluate other LB algorithms for several client and session profiles in Section Finally, we conclude the paper in Section Model The configuration of the system under study consists of a set of clients {CLi | i = 1, , I}, a load balancer (LB), and a set of terminal servers {T Sj | j = 1, , J} as depicted in Figure Each client CLi can be in a state s ∈ {0, 1}, representing whether the client has an active session or not The time a client stays in state s is modeled by the random variable Ts which has a general distribution This process models clients in the system that start a session after a period of T0 time units have elapsed, and terminate sessions after an active period of T1 time units This process resembles the on-off process, which is a well-known model for capturing the long-range dependence in traffic models As soon as a client requests a new session, the load balancer decides which terminal server to assign the session to The clients send requests during an active session, which are directed to the terminal server on which the session is active The requests that are generated during a session are jobs that generate workload for the servers We distinguish K different types of requests that are generated by the clients The time between two successive requests has a general distribution The job size is represented by the random variable Xk , which has a general distribution The processor time that it takes to complete a job of type k is a function fk of Xk The terminal servers serve each job according to a discipline where each of the active jobs receive a fraction of the processor capacity To calculate the fraction of processor capacity that each job receives at a particular moment, consider a terminal server with N processors and n jobs running on its system simultaneously at that time Then we determine the fraction of processor capacity according to the following steps: CL1 ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ type k type k + ✲ time t ✛ CL2 T1 ✲✛T0✲✛ T1 ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ time t Figure 2: Example of two clients The big dashed boxes are sessions with session length T1 and an inter-session time of T0 The little solid and dashed boxes are jobs that require fk (Xk ) processor time Step Let assign := 100 · N, n_assigned := 0; Step Each job j receives r := assign/(n − n_assigned)% of the capacity; Step 2a For each job j that needs a fraction of b% < r% , and which does not have a fraction assigned yet, assign the fraction b and let n_assigned := n_assigned + and assign := assign − b; Step 2b If n_assigned = n , done; Step 2c Else, if at least one assignment has been made in step 2a, goto step 1, else goto step 3; Step Assign to all remaining jobs a fraction assign/(n − n_assigned)% of the processor capacity Note that the fraction b in Step 2a above depends on the job type Therefore, the previous algorithm can lead to two possible outcomes Either all jobs receive a fraction of the processor capacity that sum up to 100 · N , or the jobs not consume all processor capacity, and thus, the processor remains idle for some fraction of time For illustration, Figure shows an example with two clients CL1 and CL2 Both clients have several sessions over time with several jobs running within each session Notice that fk (Xk ) is the amount of processor time it takes to complete a job of size Xk However, this is not the time that a client necessarily perceives due to processor sharing, since the presence of other jobs in the system can slow down the processing rate for a job of type k In reality, the processor handles only one task at the time However, switching between tasks is very fast and, therefore, we can model the handling of all tasks simultaneously at time scales in the order of seconds with each task having a longer service duration Hence, the use of the processor sharing discipline is well-justified, i.e., clients perceive the processing times to be different than the actual processor time that the task needs The load balancer uses information about the load of each terminal server to assign a session to one of the terminal servers We define the load as the number of active jobs, i.e., jobs that are waiting for processor capacity as well as jobs that use processor capacity The load is calculated every seconds by the system We denote the r-th update of the load by load(r), which is calculated as follows [10]: load(r) = load(r − 1) · e− 60m − 60m + n(r) · (1 − e ), with m equal to , , or 15 for the calculation of the m-minute load average (denoted by m-LA), and n(r) the number of active jobs at the r-th update moment Note that the model has the flexibility to handle multiple client classes as well by changing the probability distribution of T0 and T1 , and thus effectively creating clients with different session profiles Similarly, the request profiles can be changed by making the request parameters client dependent Our objective is to minimize a performance measure that takes into account the differences in load between any of the available terminal servers Minimizing this difference means better load balancing, while better load balancing implies a better overall response time, as is generally known Therefore, we consider the average of the absolute differences in the 1-LA between any of the terminal servers as our performance measure throughout the paper Algorithms In this section, we present load balancing algorithms that are evaluated in our experiments The first part of this section is devoted to seven main LB algorithms, while the last part considers four methods to periodic updates of the, so-called weights, that are used by some of the main LB algorithms In the sequel, we will use T Sj for the j-th terminal server, cj for the number of active sessions on terminal server T Sj , wj for the weight of terminal server T Sj , and lj for the load of terminal server T Sj at the moment a session needs to be assigned to a terminal server 3.1 Main LB algorithms • RR – Round Robin is a simple, well-known algorithm that does not use the state of the system and is often used when no state information is available It assigns a new session to server T S(j +1) mod J if the previous session was assigned to server T Sj • WRR – Weighted Round Robin is a variant on RR that uses weights to create a scheme for assigning sessions to terminal servers We distinguish between two schemes in assigning new sessions The first scheme is described below and is implemented in LVS (Linux Virtual Server) [2]: LVS Scheme Step Set vj = wj , and determine the GCD (greatest common divisor) of the weights vj ; Step Divide all vj by the GCD; Step Add the server with index equal to arg maxj vj to the scheme and lower vj with Repeat step until all vj = The second scheme is the Golden Ratio method [9], which can be described as follows: Golden Ratio Scheme √ Step Let M = j wj and φ−1 = 12 ( − 1); Step Order the M numbers · φ−1 mod 1, · φ−1 mod 1, , M · φ−1 mod from smallest to largest; Step Let the k-th smallest number correspond with the k-th position in the scheme; Step Assign · φ−1 mod , · φ−1 mod , , wj · φ−1 mod to the first terminal server, (w1 + 1) · φ−1 mod , , (w1 + w2 ) · φ−1 mod to the second terminal server, and so on Both the LVS and the Golden Ratio scheme yield as output a periodic sequence, say (α1 , α2 , , αP ), based on the weights as input This sequence prescribes that the i-th session is assigned to terminal server T Sf (i) with f (i) = αi mod P • LC – Least Connection is a well-known, greedy algorithm in the sense that it assigns a new session to the terminal server with the least number of connections at that time instance Thus, it assigns a new session to server T Sj for which cj = min{c1 , c2 , , cJ } • WLC – Weighted Least Connection is similar to LC, but uses weights for the assignment of new sessions It assigns a new session to server T Sj for which cj c1 c2 cJ = , , , wj w1 w2 wJ • LBA – Load Based Assignment is similar to LC, since it assigns to the terminal server with the least load instead of the server with the least number of connections Thus, it assigns a new session to terminal server T Sj for which lj = min{l1 , l2 , , lJ } • WRST – Weighted Remaining Session Time balancing tries to infer the future load by looking at the total expected remaining session time and compares this to the actual load The algorithm does not only take the current load into account, but also an inference of the load in future Therefore, it could be better to assign a new client to a heavier-loaded terminal server in case this terminal server handles active sessions that will be closed in short times To our knowledge, an algorithm like WRST has not been mentioned in the literature yet The precise description of the algorithm is as follows Let ❊(RSTj ) be the total expected remaining session time of sessions on terminal server T Sj This number can be determined as follows: ❊(RSTj ) = ❊(RSTs | current session duration of s = t − s∈Sj start time of s), with Sj the set of all sessions active on T Sj and t the time an assignment has to be made The conditional expectation can be calculated explicitly, given the (empirical) probability distribution of the session length, by computing the residual lifetime It assigns a new session to terminal server T Sj for which lj · ❊(RSTj ) = min{l1 · ❊(RST1 ), , lJ · ❊(RSTJ )} • PR – Probability Assignment is similar to RR, however, it uses random assignments instead of deterministic assignments Moreover, the assignment probabilities are determined by weights that can be updated dynamically Thus, a new session is assigned to terminal server T Sj with probability pj , where pj is given by pj = 3.2 wj J k=1 wk Update algorithms In this subsection we explain how the weights of some of the main LB algorithms can be updated We present four update algorithms, LP1, LP2, LOB, and AL The first algorithm updates the weights proportional to the load on the terminal servers However, under the LVS scheme, this could create unbalanced assignments, which could potentially lead to a decrease in the LB performance LP2 alleviates this problem by normalizing the smallest weight to one The LOB algorithm adopts the approach where the least loaded terminal server receives the highest weight Finally, the AL algorithm [1] takes not only the load into account, but additionally uses information on the number of sessions assigned to a terminal server as well In the sequel, we assume deterministic update moments with fixed update intervals Moreover, by wj (τ ) and cj (τ ) we denote the τ -th update of the weight of terminal server T Sj and the number of sessions on terminal server T Sj at the moment of the τ -th update, respectively Note that the update intervals for the weights can be potentially different from the update intervals for the load • LP1 – Load Proportional updates the weights according to wj (τ ) = PJ k=1 lk if lj = 0, lj max 1, N k=0 lk if lj = • LP2 – Load Proportional is the same as LP1 with the exception that LP2 divides each wj by the minimum over all weights Hence, there is at least one weight equal to while the proportions are maintained • LOB – Load Order Based assigns the weights 1, 2, , J to the descended ordered list of the terminal servers based on the load • AL – Aggregated Load considers an aggregated load number ALj and the update of the weights is given by wj (τ ) = wj (τ − 1) + · AL − ALj , with AL = max 1, J J ALk , k=1 if ≤ wj (τ ) ≤ 100 and wj (τ ) − wj (τ − 1) ≥ 2.5, else wj (τ ) = wj (τ − 1) The number ALj represents information about the load of terminal server T Sj and the number of new sessions assigned to server T Sj during the last update interval Let ALj be defined by ALj = 0.7 · lj + 0.3 · INPUTj , where INPUTj is given by: INPUTj = 1/J nj PJ k=1 nk if if J k=1 nk J k=1 nk = 0, = 0, + with nj = cj (τ ) − cj (τ − 1) For every update algorithm, we round off all the weights to the nearest integer number so that it is useful for determining a scheme Furthermore, the combination of the main LB algorithm with an update algorithm is denoted by their names with a dash in between, e.g., WRR-LP1 means that the main LB algorithm WRR is used and the weights are updated according to the LP1 method Model validation The outcomes of the mathematical model are compared to the experimental results In an experimental environment with two terminal servers, we configured an LVS load balancer to assign clients to one of the two available terminal servers The clients were simulated by a couple of PCs We ensured that the processors of the terminal servers were the bottleneck We were able to control a variety of parameters, such as the probability distributions for the length of a session and for the time in between Within an active session, the clients retrieved HTML pages from a predefined set of possible websites The time in between such requests was specified through a probability distribution We performed extensive experiments and compared the outcomes of the LB algorithms with a simulation of the model of Section In these experiments, our performance measure that we focused on was the average of the absolute differences of the 1-LA between both terminal servers For a couple of representative experiments, these results can be found in the first two columns of Table The value between brackets is the standard deviation of the same performance measure The last column depicts the relative difference with respect to the experimental environment In the considered cases, it turned out that the performance was within the confidence interval obtained via simulation Furthermore, the same relative performance was obtained using the mathematical model and the experimental environment We conclude that our model describes the performance of a real system very well Consequently, we can use the model for further experiments for evaluating different LB strategies (see Section 5) Algorithm RR WLC-LP1 WRR-AL Simulation 1.9825 (1.5540) 0.6156 (0.6865) 2.6987 (2.1346) Experimental env 2.0404 (1.3842) 0.5565 (0.4158) 2.8300 (2.6669) Difference (in %) 2.8% (12.3%) 10.3% (65.1%) 6.2% (20.0%) Table 1: Performance obtained via simulation and the observed values in an experimental environment Numerical results In this section we consider different scenarios and focus on the performance measure, i.e, the average of the absolute differences in the 1-LA between the terminal servers Hence, all experiments use the 1-LA as load information, unless mentioned otherwise We show that there is a significant difference between the studied LB algorithms Furthermore, we show the impact of the size of the update interval on the performance measure and we analyze both the LVS and the Golden Ratio scheme Suppose the session length T1 has a lognormal(7.7697 , 1.5169) distribution and that T0 has an exponential distribution with parameter 0.000172 The time unit is in the order of seconds, so, on average, each client starts a new session approximately 90 minutes after the last session was closed by that client We distinguish between two request types, namely HTML and PDF requests An HTML request has a file size X1 in bytes that is distributed according to a lognormal(10.0421 , 1.1712) distribution A PDF request, which is on average larger than an HTML file, has a file size X2 with a lognormal(11.0709 , 2.2349) distribution The time in between two HTML (PDF) requests is exponentially distributed with parameter 0.033 (0.000054) The functions Sk for k = 1, are given by Sk (xk ) = 0.0001 · xk Note that the lognormal distribution typically occurs in practice [6, 7] Moreover, the parameters of the distribution in this setting have been obtained from analyzing data from an operational environment The average usage of the processor is 80% for HTML jobs and 50% for PDF jobs We simulate 100 clients, use terminal servers with each having processors A simulation run consists of independent runs, each having a length of 100,000 seconds and a warm-up period of 10,000 seconds In the experiments, we update the weights every 150 seconds, unless stated otherwise The initial weights are equal to for the LP1, LP2, and LOB method, and is equal to 10 for the AL method For the PR method, we choose all weights equal with no updates, so that PR assigns the sessions uniformly over the terminal servers Finally, we mention that the WRR algorithm uses the LVS scheme unless stated otherwise Table shows the average absolute difference between the 1-LA numbers Three algorithms are performing significantly better than the other two methods The results could be expected, since the PR (in this case) and the RR method are stateless LB algorithms, i.e., the LB scheme is independent of the actual state of the system In Table , we investigated the influence of the update interval Most of the time it is best to update the weights frequently However, there is no general rule that can be Algorithm LC WRST LBA PR RR Performance measure 2.35 2.38 2.50 3.91 4.09 Table 2: Performance of five main LB algorithms applied to determine the optimal update frequency There is a significant improvement in performance when using the update algorithms together with WRR and PR while the performance of LC cannot be increased by huge steps Table shows that a small update interval is quite good, but using a too small interval performs worse In particular, a small update interval works well in combination with AL Algorithm WRR-LP1 WRR-LP2 WRR-AL WLC-LP1 WLC-LP2 WLC-LOB WLC-AL PR-LP1 PR-LP2 PR-LOB PR-AL Update interval (seconds) 30 150 300 600 3.48 3.43 3.02 2.97 3.55 3.18 3.22 3.16 2.89 3.69 3.96 3.89 2.30 2.34 2.42 2.69 2.24 2.27 2.42 2.70 2.45 2.65 2.88 3.14 2.95 3.11 3.11 3.44 3.34 3.06 3.42 3.59 3.21 3.07 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.26 3.27 3.44 2.90 3.60 3.87 3.85 Table 3: Performance for different update intervals By increasing the number of terminal servers and keeping the number of clients constant, we see that the choice of the algorithm becomes less important, i.e., the performance of all algorithms becomes almost the same The algorithms that use load information, can base their calculations on three load numbers Using the most updated load information, namely the 1-LA, gives the best performance relative to the 5-LA and the 15-LA There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon Big changes in the load are represented faster in the 1-LA than it would be in the 5-LA or 15-LA It is important to see whether the performance of the algorithms is specific to the chosen system parameters Therefore, consider the same system, but with 200/250 clients and terminal servers Table before the double lines gives the results We see that if the performance was already good, then the performance remains good in the two new 10 Algorithm RR LC PR LBA WRST WRR-LP1 WRR-LP2 WRR-AL WLC-LP1 WLC-LP2 WLC-LOB WLC-AL PR-LP1 PR-LP2 PR-LOB PR-AL 100 clients; TS Diff Ind Rank 4.09 180 16 2.35 104 3.91 172 15 2.50 110 2.38 105 3.43 151 12 3.18 140 10 3.69 163 14 2.34 103 2.27 100 2.65 117 3.11 137 3.06 135 3.07 135 3.26 144 11 3.60 159 13 200 clients; TS Diff Ind Rank 4.00 173 15 2.31 100 5.25 227 16 2.53 110 2.45 106 2.61 113 2.87 124 3.56 154 14 2.58 112 2.52 109 2.74 119 2.86 124 3.26 141 12 3.09 134 11 3.02 131 10 3.37 146 13 250 clients; TS Diff Ind Rank 5.29 210 15 2.52 100 5.76 229 16 2.75 109 2.68 106 2.88 114 3.90 155 12 4.37 173 14 2.82 112 2.69 107 3.15 125 3.35 133 3.80 151 11 3.63 144 10 3.29 131 3.91 155 13 Diff 1.65 1.38 2.52 1.59 1.32 1.64 1.59 6.33 1.59 1.66 2.21 2.31 1.91 1.92 1.91 3.80 Ind 125 105 191 120 100 124 120 480 120 126 167 175 145 145 145 288 Table 4: Performance for different situations situations Now, consider a totally different situation in which we make the following changes to the original situation: only HTML requests remain, the length of a session is uniformly distributed on [300, 1800], and there are 250 clients From the last two columns in Table , we may conclude that an update algorithm can be better avoided, since in most of the situations it is worse than just RR or LC In the description of the WRR method, we identified two schemes (the LVS and the Golden Ratio Scheme) to assign clients to the terminal servers To test which one of them is better, we considered the original system, but now with 150 clients and terminal servers Table shows the average absolute difference between the 1-LA for both schemes as well as for the PR method We conclude that the LVS method works best in combination with LP1, while the Golden Ratio method works best in combination with all remaining update algorithms (i.e., LP2, LOB, and AL) However, when we compare the performance of PR in combination with LP1 and LP2, we conclude that PR performs better than LVS or Golden Ratio We modify the situation in which there are 50 users of type and 50 users of type Type clients can only retrieve HTML pages, while type users can only send PDF requests All other settings remain the same It is then observed that WRST also performs better than LC WRST has an average absolute difference equal to 0.77, while LC has a value equal to 0.93 Conclusion In this research, our objective was to find easily implementable algorithms to balance the load over the available terminal servers, since this yields better response times We have seen that three algorithms perform very well in general: WRST, LC, and LBA The 11 Algorithm LP1 LP2 LOB AL WRR-LVS 5.9 5.93 3.11 5.09 WRR-Golden Ratio 6.14 4.42 3.08 4.31 PR 4.94 4.38 3.54 4.76 Table 5: Performance for three different methods performance of RR can be improved significantly, e.g., by using a mechanism to update the weights of WRR periodically However, caution must be paid to using update mechanisms, since the performance does not improve in all situations Furthermore, there is no general rule that states how to choose the size of the update interval Moreover, we observed that using that 1-LA provides the best load information LB algorithms can be divided into two groups, static and dynamic algorithms The performance of static algorithms is poor, due to the fact that these algorithms not take state information into account Load balancing can be done better by using additional information on the terminal servers Information on the usage of a terminal server, expressed in the load, and information on the session lengths turn out to be useful This can be seen from the performance of our developed algorithm WRST that does use this information It outperforms the existing methods; compared to LC, it performs equally well and in most cases even better Furthermore, we looked at two possible schemes for server assignments to use in combination with WRR It is better to make a scheme according to the Golden Ratio method This scheme yields balanced sequences of server assignments for a given ratio of weights This is in contrast to the LVS method, where it is relatively easy to overload an underloaded server when all new sessions are assigned to the underloaded server References [1] http://kb.linuxvirtualserver.org/wiki/dynamic_feedback_load_balancing_scheduling [2] http://kb.linuxvirtualserver.org/wiki/weighted_round-robin_scheduling [3] http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/ms972338.aspx [4] http://www.icmgworld.com/corp/k2/k2.loadbal.asp [5] 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starts a new session... distributed with parameter 0.033 (0.000054) The functions Sk for k = 1, are given by Sk (xk ) = 0.0 001 · xk Note that the lognormal distribution typically occurs in practice [6, 7] Moreover, the... Competitive World , pages 887–894, 1999 12 [8] T Bourke Server Load Balancing O’Reilly Media, 2 001 [9] O.J Boxma, H Levy, and J.A Weststrate Efficient visit orders for polling systems Performance