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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS SUMMARY Field: English Language Code: 8220201 EXCLAMATIONS IN ENGLISH WITH REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE (CÂU CẢM THÁN TRONG TIẾNG ANH TRONG SỰ LIÊN HỆ VỚI TIẾNG VIỆT) NGUYỄN THỊ TRANG Hanoi, 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS Field: English Language Code: 8220201 EXCLAMATIONS IN ENGLISH WITH REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE (CÂU CẢM THÁN TRONG TIẾNG ANH TRONG SỰ LIÊN HỆ VỚI TIẾNG VIỆT) NGUYEN THI TRANG Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Ho Ngoc Trung Hanoi, 2018 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled Exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language Except where the reference is indicated, no other person‟s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2018 Nguyễn Thị Trang Approved by SUPERVISOR Date:…………………… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been completed without the help and support from a number of people First and foremost, I am indebted to many people without whose help the present thesis could not have been completed First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Assoc Prof Dr Ho Ngoc Trung from Hanoi Open University for his invaluable guidance, insightful comments and endless support A special thanks goes to the teachers, friends at Faculty of Post Graduate, Hanoi Open University, students at People‟s Public Security University of Technology and Logistics as well as many others, without whose support and encouragement it would never have been possible for me to have this thesis accomplished Last but not least, I owe the completion of this dissertation to my parents and my husband and two daughters, who always given me their love, understanding and encouragement throughout my study Finally, my sincere thanks are due to all of you who will give me some comments after reading the thesis To all mentioned and to many more, my heart extends the warmest thanks ii ABSTRACT This study looks at Exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese from syntactic, pragmatic and cultural perspectives The major concern is finding out the linguistic and cultural features of English and Vietnamese exclamations as well as discussing the similarities and differences between them To achieve this end, descriptive method is used to investigate the linguistic and cultural features of exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese and find out the similarities and differences between them from syntactic, pragmatic and cultural perspectives Basing on the qualitative and quantitative approaches, the study has pointing out the various features of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese from 173 examples Syntactically, this special means of expression in the two languages can be in the form of single words, complete sentences Also, exclamations can combine with another interjection or other word classes to form complete and incomplete sentence In terms of pragmatics, exclamations have different functions to show anger, disappointment, surprise, sadness, regret, refusal, warn, happiness, support, request and the like Furthermore, the cultural aspect is also embeled in exclamations of the two languages In addition, experimental method, error analysis and statistical technique are applied as the supporting ones to find out the particular mistakes made by students at People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics when using and translating English exclamations Besides, a questionnaire was distributed to one hundred students at People‟s Public Security University of Technology and Logistics who acted as significant means to collect reliable data and information for research from students‟ habits in using and translating English and Vietnamese Exclamations in order to enhance the effectiveness in teaching, learning and translating English and Vietnamese exclamations at People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics The above features of exclamations and their similarities and dissimilarities are discussed in details in the following chapters iii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Speech Acts Classification by Austin and Searle 15 Table 4.1 Exclamations as interjections 42 Table 4.2 Summary of cultural features of English and Vietnamese exclamations 55 Table 4.3 Summary of cultural features of Vietnamese exclamations .57 iv TABLE OF CONTENT STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II ABSTRACT III LIST OF TABLES IV CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale .1 1.2 Aims and objectives of the research 1.3 Scope of the research 1.3.1 Academic scope 1.3.2 Social scope 1.4 Significance of the research 1.5 Design of the study CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW .5 2.1 Review of Previous Studies 2.1.1 Review of Previous Studies Overseas 2.1.2 Review of Previous Vietnamese Studies 2.2 Theoretical background 2.2.1 Syntactic theories of English exclamation Definition and classification of the sentence 2.2.2 Pragmatic theories 11 The concept of pragmatics 11 Speech Acts Theory 12 Exclamations and speech acts .15 Language and culture 18 2.3 Theoretical framework of the study 19 2.3.1 An overview of exclamations in English 19 2.3.2 An overview of exclamations in Vietnamese 21 Syntactic features of Vietnamese exclamations 21 Pragmatic features of Vietnamese exclamations 23 2.4 Summary .29 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 Research-governing orientations 30 3.1.1 Research approaches 30 v 3.1.2 Research questions 30 3.1.3 Research setting .31 3.1.4 Principles for data collection and data analysis .31 3.2 Research methods 34 3.2.1 Data collection techniques .34 3.3 Summary 34 CHAPTER SYNTACTIC, PRAGMATIC AND CULTURAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH EXCLAMATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE 36 4.1 Syntactic features of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese 36 4.1.1 Syntactic features of English exclamations 36 4.1.2 Similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese exclamations in terms of syntactic features 44 4.2 Pragmatic features of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese 45 4.2.1 Pragmatic features of exclamations in English 45 4.2.2 Similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese exclamations in terms of pragmatic features .52 4.3 Cultural features of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese 53 4.3.1.Cutural features of English exclamations 54 4.3.2 Cultural features of Vietnamese exclamations 55 4.3.3 Similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese exclamations interms of cultural features 57 4.4 Difficulties in using English exclamations faced by the students of the People‟s Police University of Technology and Logistics 58 4.4.1 Common mistakes made by students at People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics when using exclamation in English and Vietnamese .58 4.4.2 Suggestions for teaching and learning English exclamations at People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics 59 4.4.3 Suggestions for People‟s Public Security of Technology and Logistics students to translate English exclamations into Vietnamese 62 4.4.4 Summary 64 CHAPTER CONCLUDING REMARKS, LIMITATION OF STUDY AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 65 5.1 CONCLUDING REMARKS .65 vi 5.2 LIMITATION OF STUDY 66 5.3 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTHER STUDY 66 5.3.1 Suggestions on Language Teaching 66 5.3.2 Suggestions on Language Learning 67 5.3.3 Suggestions for further study 68 REFERENCES VIII vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION This thesis reports the result of investigating into the linguistic and cultural features of English and Vietnamese exclamations as well as discussing the similarities and differences between them Moreover, the students‟ attitudes towards the learning of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese as well as how to enhance the effectiveness in teaching, learning as well as translating English and Vietnamese exclamations at People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics is also paid attention to This introductory chapter provides a detailed description of the problem the thesis attempts to solve, states the aims of the study and presents an overview of the thesis 1.1 Rationale Along with the language development of human society, English is considered as the most popular language to exchange information and ideas among different nations as well as cultures The need of learning English becomes more and more urgent in order to meet the demand of integration into the world economy and exchange of culture with other countries It is undoubted that both Vietnamese and foreigner desire to master English as the native speakers; Nevertheless, they often have a lot of difficulties that prevent them from gaining successful conversations One of the reasons for these problems lies in the way people understand and use exclamations Exclamation is inevitably frequent in our society As usual, the term “exclamation” is used sloppily to refer to the kind of phenomena An exclamation is a pragmatic construction whose role is to express the speaker‟s emotion and feeling However, even if we agree that this is a meaningful distinction, the term exclamation remains a sloppy concept It is an evidence of a reflection of the speaker‟s emotion and feeling Its use and realization may differ considerably from language, from culture to culture, pragmatically In daily conversation, thanks to exclamation, people can easily express their feeling and thought When there are differences and similarities across cultures in its use, they are often peculiar and unpredictable Therefore, it is obvious It is, when many pragmatists claim that exclamation is a unique characteristic of a particular culture A universal view, however, is that the consciousness of the use of exclamation is very much associated with personal character of the speaker as well as the context and situation in which it occurs Although there is likely no exact evidence to predict what one really feels through exclamation, psychological, and pragmatic (ii) Translation by using an exclamation with dissimilar from, but the same meaning Sometimes, the exact exclamation which is the exact equivalent of the original is unlikely to exist in the target language In such cases the translator has to find an exclamation which express same meaning, but with dissimilar form An example of this type is translating a primary exclamation by a secondary exclamation as in God which can be translated as Trời or Giời (iii) Translation by using a non-exclamative structure with similar meaning In some situations, the translator is incapable of looking for any suitable exclamation to convey the meaning Here, he or she has to translate the exclamation by using a non-exclamative structure, just to compensate this loss of meaning For instance, exclamation “good job!” in English, when converting into Vietnamese, there has no equivalent one so a non-exclamative structure like “Anh/Chị làm tốt lắm” can be used (iv) Translation by an exclamation with different meaning Sometimes, the translator insists on translating an exclamation by an exclamation in the target language, just to keep the original form reserved In example [172], “oh my God” would be translated into Vietnamese with the most appropriate equivalent of “ôi trời ơi” (v) Omission In some situations, the translator simply ignores the exclamations, thinking that it has no harm to the meaning So, he or she omits it This is a prevalent strategy used by People‟s Public Security of Technology and Logistics students With the sentence “ Well, that is very surprising!” now and then, Vietnamese students take no notice of the exclamation “ Well”, and only translate the rest one but still keep the meaning of the sentence (vi) Addition of elements During the translation process, the translator occasionally adds some elements to the meaning of an interjection to make it understandable For example, in the phrase good job!, the translated version is “Anh/Chị làm tốt lắm!” The translator add the subject “anh/chị” to make the translation text more understandable Moreover, so as to help People‟s Public Security of Technology and Logistics students in translating English exclamations, English language 63 teachers can also be granted from the results of the study They can teach exclamations regarding the features of exclamations represented in this study Therefore, I also have the desire to change the teaching curriculum at my faculty I would like to introduce the teaching of English exclamations at my faculty as exclamations are effective means of expression Students can communicate successfully and their English sounds more natural if they are able to use English exclamations fluently 4.4.3 Summary In this chapter, the author dealt with the actual mistakes made by my students at People‟s Public security university of Technology and Logistics when using exclamation in English and Vietnamese The data shows that they made mistakes in using exclamations both surface and deep structure Some suggestions for overcoming these problems were given, and the teacher‟s role is very important It is very necessary for English teachers have good understanding of English The author thinks that teachers should give students different kinds of exercises such as: Translation, rearrange, finding out exclamations structures,…etc from elementary to advanced level Moreover, teachers have improve their methods in teaching English and they should know how to dealt with each types of mistakes to find out the reasons Students hardly recognize their mistakes so teacher task is how to help them and give them the best methods to study In order to master English in general and English Exclamations in particular, students should practice exclamations regularly in daily conversation both in English and Vietnamese It is also the student‟s attempts in suffering from this problems The teachers should cooperate with students to get good achievements effectively It is also recommended that students should practice finding exclamations structures in their textbooks These suggestions are intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning English exclamations at People‟s Police university of Technology and Logistics which are in fact, problematic to some extent 64 CHAPTER CONCLUDING REMARKS, LIMITATION OF STUDY AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 5.1 CONCLUDING REMARKS The aim of the study is to investigate the syntactic, pragmatic, and cultural features of exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese Based on the findings presented in the previous chapter, the following remarks can be drawn The research on exclamations under the considerations of three dimensions: Syntactic, pragmatic and cultural features will be taken Under the syntactic consideration, there is a variety of structures used in exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese More specifically, in English, we have found 16 structures under types: Wh-elements, so/such, exclamatory questions, and phrases In Vietnamese, exclamations are mainly formed in devices including interjections and idioms, particles, adverbs, and exclamatory questions It is significant to find out the prominent elements in exclamations in both languages are using interjections and exclamatory questions However, while English exclamations are concretized by certain structures, Vietnamese ones are formed by using combination with subordinate elements in initial, neutral or final position in the sentence What following is the chapter four, with regards to the former, it covers with syntactic features of exclamation while the latter studies its pragmatic functions And in the former, The two also share some criteria for identifying exclamations such as: facticity, extreme degree quantification and inability to function in question and answer pairs However, differences are impossible to avoid In the chapter 4, speech acts in general and exclaiming _ an illocutionary act in particular is on our focus What coming next is that the roles of exclamations in terms of pragmatic use which are presented in detail and though in different backgrounds and identities, in each situation in English with reference to the Vietnamese use exclamations for the pragmatic functions much It means that they mean more than what they exclaim and exclamations are the best means for them to send their hidden messages to the addressee Pragmatics of each exclamation is the same when the roles of exclamations in both languages are comparatively analyzed 65 Lastly, it is concerned that the tendency of using English exclamation kinds and mistakes made by the 2nd year students at People‟s Police university of technology and logistics university via their English exclamations Concerning the success of an investigation, the questionnaires cover three responsibilities: Ranking kinds of exclamations to see which one is students‟ favor, giving out a range of exclamation kinds according to the frequency of most being used and presenting them via figures and graphs, discovering mistakes including with suggested solutions Then from the data collected, it is hoped to give a better insight of exclamations in general and specially, exclamations are made best use of by interlocutors in terms of three functions: syntactic, pragmatics and cultural features of exclamations Including with these objectives, Vietnamese students will have an appropriate application to different situations and therefore, their competence as well as confidence of using exclamations will be better for sure Hopefully, this thesis will help readers have a better understanding of exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese under the considerations of syntactic, pragmatic and cultural perfectives 5.2 LIMITATION OF STUDY It is obvious that this thesis has made an investigation into linguistic features of exclamations used mainly in stories, conversations of English, Australian and American authors, which includes syntactic, pragmatic and culture dimensions, and their distributions in literature as well However, there are some other aspects that have not been dealt with within the scope of this framework and thus, some following further researches into Exclamations in both languages should be carried out in order to have an overall look at the problem: - Linguistic and Cultural features of Exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese - Pragmatic features of English exclamation in literary works Therefore, mistakes and shortcomings are unavoidable 5.3 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTHER STUDY 5.3.1 Suggestions on Language Teaching In daily communication, using exclamations is an efficient tool Through this thesis, first of all, teacher should create more opportunities for the learners to practice adjectival phrases denoting personality in conversations The teachers can easily help the students to use exclamations appropriately and properly One thing 66 that is not less important is that this paper is considered as a tool for translation helping the students to translate more vivid and more poetic when the students can grasp thoroughly the basic knowledge Besides, this also helps the students vary writing structures, enhance writing skills, as well as help the students to know more about these two languages when comparing this aspect of exclamation In addition, teachers should encourage learners to talk and talk more exclamation as they are able to in order to encourage learners to practice speaking, teacher should be generous and sympathized with student‟s mistakes and limitation when they cannot give the right or perfect responses This may help the students broaden their knowledge about exclamations not only in familiar structures they have learnt but also in expanded structures and examples clearly illustrated in the paper so that the students can follow easily It is inevitable that there are still some unsatisfactory things that students may get stuck with concerning syntactically or grammatically patterns Therefore, learning those is always a long process to achieve as for both the teachers and the students Furthermore, based on the students‟ knowledge, the teachers can help the students intrinsically approach English by means of comparing the two languages and remarking the differences for students to take notice of As the students can tell apart clearly between the English and Vietnamese exclamatory sentences, they will use them more easily and properly From similarities and differences pointed out, the students are expected to get enough acquisition to consolidate their English knowledge and from there they can prompt themselves to achieve a higher level in both languages Beneficially, the teacher may create a more active environment for students to study through teaching exclamations particularly in speaking skill because in spoken forms, exclamations are mainly expressed by speakers‟ intonation and attitudes towards giving complaints or compliments, encouraging students to use exclamations more often in daily lives as an indispensible part of everyday conversations In sum, the last target of the teachers is to help students understand and use English appropriately and efficiently 5.3.2 Suggestions on Language Learning To use adjectival phrases denoting personality in daily communication, there are a lot of ways to choose an appropriate structure or function etc In addition, learners should know how to use them effectively and successfully 67 The research paper is conducted based on valuable reference sources in reference books, literary works, and dictionaries The research on exclamations under the syntactic considerations has been taken Especially, a contrastive analysis of exclamations in English and Vietnamese is made for the sake of finding out the similarities and differences in terms of syntax between two languages It is also concerned about using English exclamation kinds and mistakes made by students via their English exclamations Concerning the success of an investigation, the questionnaires are delivered to discover mistakes made by students at so that suggested solutions could be pointed out to help the process of teaching and learning English exclamations to Vietnamese learners better Hopefully, coming to this topic, this writing helps its readers achieve a better understanding of exclamations in English and Vietnamese under the considerations of syntax Then, our ultimate aims are achieved and more importantly, it may set a good base for the further study on the same topic or the topic of such kind 5.3.3 Suggestions for further study This study is hoped to provide a brief foundation for a look into exclamations in English and in Vietnamese If having conditions to continue this topic, we hope to investigate exclamations in more kinds of speech act in real life in order to provide a system more comprehensively Here are some suggestions for further studies:  A study on exclamatory utterances in a specific literature work or a specific film  A study on exclamations in English and Vietnamese 68 REFERENCES English a) Books Alexander, L.G.(1992) Longman English Grammar Longman Austin, John L 1962 How to Things with Words Oxford University Press, Oxford 3.Azar B.S (1998) Understanding and Using English Grammar Prentice Hall regents Englewood Cliff, New Jersey 07632 Biber, D.(1999) Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English London: Longman Brown, G and Yule, G (1983) Discourse Analysis Cambridge University Press Brown, Penelope, Stephen Levinson 1987 Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bruti S & Pavesi, M 2008 Interjections in translatedItalian: looking for traces of dubbed language In A Martelli and V Crystal, D 1995 The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Linguistics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dickens C (2000) Oliver Twist Retold by Deborah Tempest Pearson Education Limited England 10 Downing, A and Locke, P (1992), A University Coures in English Grammar, NewYork: Prentice Hall 11 Hutchison Tom.1999 lifeline elementary student‟s book 12 Leech, Geoffrey N., 1983 Principles of Pragmatics Longman, London 13 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 2003 Essex: Pearson Longman 14 Miles Craven & Kristin D Sherman 2011 Q: Skills for Success – Listening and Speaking Oxford University Press 2011 15 Nicholas Sparks 2012 Safe Heaven Hachette Book Group, USA 16 Quirk, R., S Greenbaum, J Leech & J Svartik (eds.) 1985 A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language London: Longman 17 Searle, J R 1969 Speech acts Cambridge: Cambridge University Press viii 18 Searle, J R 1975 Indirect speech acts In P Cole & J L Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and semantics Vol Speech acts (pp 59-82) New York, San Francisco, London: Academic Press 19 Searle, J R 1979 Expression and meaning Cambridge: Cambridge University 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Tố Hữu (1961), Gió lộng, Nxb Văn học 12 Nhất Linh (2000), Nhất Linh truyện ngắn, (Trịnh Bá Đĩnh TC-GT), Nxb Văn học, Hà Nội 13 Nguyễn Thị Lương (2005), Câu tiếng việt 14 Lê Quang Minh(1999), 100 tình giao tiếp tiếng Anh, Nxb Hà Nội 15 Literature Publisher 2005 Tuyển Tập Nam Cao 16 Trọng Phụng (1998) , Số đỏ, Nxb Văn học, Hà Nội 17 Phùng Phương Qúy (2016) Ma rừng, Nxb Công an nhân dân 18 Nguyễn Quang Sáng (1982), Chiếc lược ngà, Nxb Văn học 19 Nguyễn Kim Thản (1963), Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt 20 Lê Đức Thọ (1983), Điểm tựa, Nxb Hội Nhà văn 21 Hồ Ngọc Trung 2013 Lectures on Discourse Analysis Education Publisher, Hanoi b) Scientific Reports, Doctoral Thesis Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngọc 2004 Câu cảm thán tiếng Việt Phan Bảo Trâm.2014 Dấu hiệu ngữ dụng văn hóa lời cảm thán tiếng Việt x c) Textbooks Sách giáo khoa “ Văn học” ( lớp 8,9,10,11,12), Nxb giáo dục Hà Nội Appendix 1: Summary of the syntactic features of exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese Linguistic features Vietnamese exclamations ơ, thôi, à, Exclamations as single ah, oh, hey, well, yeah, Này, hừm, great, wonderful, yes, wow, a, dạ, vâng, hả, hử, words (interjections) bẩm, nhé, nhỉ, úi, trời, ạ, ái, ôi Exclamations as group of words English Exclamations Syntactic eatures ôi giời ơi, ôi trời ơi, khổ quá, ôi trời cao đất lunatic, Good heavens, or dày ơi, chao ôi, Lạy trời for crying out loud, well lạy đất, lạy chúa,giời done!, good job!, what a thật có mắt!, thơi thì, pity! dào, tốt lắm, thật đáng oh my God, oh no, damn God blesses you! tiếc, thương thay, đồ chết tiệt, Quý hóa quá! God saves me! God heavens what a mess! Đời, đời! Nguy How generous! What a nuisance! Wow, what luck! Oh, what a surprise! A meeting of minds! Oh yes? mất! Lộn hết ruột! Thật ầm ĩ! Cha bố tiên nhân nhà mà ày! Kệ bố nhà! Kệ tiên nhân vợ! Khốn nạn lắm! cho thị xi Appendix 2: Summary of the Pragmatic Features of exclamations in English with reference to Vietnamese Pragmatic features Showing surprise English exclamations Oh, wow, whoa, wonderful, great Vietnamese exclamations ờ, ôi, ý, trời/giời ơi, a Anger or Bloody hell!, Oh, no, oh my À, hừm, này, tức thật, god!Damn it!, What a nuisance!, disappointment Fuck out!, Bugger you!, You sod! Oh, no! What a pity! trời ơi, ôi, dạ, ơi, tiếc Sadness or pity quá, tiếc, ối trời cao đất dày ơi, A! Expressing a thank wow you Expressing refusal a Oh, no, yeah, well Chết nỗi, dạ, ấy, ơ, kìa, bẩm khơng ạ, thơi Expressing advice Oh, well, it‟s a good idea, Keep Ơ, ấy, chết nỗi, kìa, này, thôi, or encouragement up the good work! Expressing a warn Oh my god! Oh! Really? Câm mồm! Cẩn thận chút nào! Này, ừm, chà, giỏi, tốt, tuyệt vời, tuyệt quá, quý hóa Showing compliments Oh, hey, yeah, well done, Expressing happiness Wow, “Ah! God! Life! oh my A, ơ, sướng quá, hoan hô, god, cheer, whoa Showing complaints Oh, well, oh my god, oh my goodness Ơi, hay, hừm, giời ạ, trời/giời ơi, giời ôi, chao ôi, thượng đế ôi, ôi Expressing fears oh my god, Oh, a, á, ơ, ôi, hơ, ôi giời ơi, ối làng nước ôi, cứu, Showing refusals Oh, no, yeah, well, Mmm Chết nỗi, dạ, ấy, ơ, kìa, bẩm khơng ạ, thơi Showing doubts Oh! Really? à, ô, ơ, ê, hừm, thật ư, thật không, lại chả giỏi xii Appendix 3: Vietnamese exclamations Vietnamese exclamations Ơ, ấy, chết nỗi, kìa, này, thơi, thơi nào, À, hừm, này, tức thật, hừ, hằm hằm Meanings giving advice expressing anger Này, ôi, ừm, chà, giỏi, tốt, tuyệt vời, tuyệt showing compliments q, q hóa q Ơi, ô hay, hừm, giời ạ, trời/giời ơi, ôi giời ôi, complaining chao ơi, thượng đế ơi, ẹc, mà có trời biết, lộn hết À, khổthật quá, conveying ruột, này, ầm ĩ,nèái chà, chà clarification/explanation A, ơ, sướng quá, hoan hô, expressing delight or joy A, á, ờ, ôi, ô hay, ấy, dạ, hừm, vâng, ừ, phải đấy, tốt, Ơ, để xem đã…, ờ, dạ, mời… functioning as responses Chết nỗi, dạ, ấy, ơ, kìa, bẩm khơng ạ, thơi, showing refusals ờ, ôi, ý, trời/giời ơi, a, ồ, ô showing surprise À, ô, ơ, hừm, thật ư, thật không, expressing doubts Lạy trời ơi, thơi thì, dào, tội nghiệp quá, thương quá, A, á, ơ, ôi, hơ, giời ơi,ối Ơi, dạ, thơi, ồ, ối, trời ơi, ơi, trời đất ơi, ôi trời cao đất dày ơi, tiếc quá, tiếc Ái, úi, ôi, u, shhhh, ái Lêu lêu, ôi Hú hồn, lạy chúa, trời ơi, lạy trời lạy đất, hú vía A lơ Bye bye, tạm biệt, chào Vĩnh biệt Xin chào A lê extending concern, sympathy Cha bố tiên nhân nhà mày, khốn nạn, mẹ kiếp, kệ bố Nỡm lắm, phải gió Khơng đời nào, bẩm khơng Kia colloquial swears Thơi chết regretting expressing hesitation showing fears expressing pity conveying pain mocking praying starting a phone call saying goodbye goodbye forever saying hello going ahead loving terms negating giving direction xiii Appendix QUESTIONAIRES ON THE USE OF ENGLISH EXCLAMATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE Dear students, You are invited to participate in questionnaires on the use of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese In this paper, there are 20 questions related to MA Thesis on English with reference to Vietnamese Please complete the form by writing in the spaces or circling A, B, C, D to indicate your choice All the information here will be used for the analysis in the MA Thesis on English and Vietnamese exclamations only, not for any other purposes Your assistance in fulfilling the following items is great appreciated - o0o Fill in your personal information Name : ……………………………… Gender: A Male B Female Date of birth : ……………………… University : …………………… Do you know what exclamation is? A Yes B No How often you use English exclamations? A Always B Often C Sometimes D How often you meet exclamations in your course books? Never A Always B Often C Sometimes D Never During the lessons, when meeting exclamations, what your teachers do? A Explain clearly B Explain thoroughly C Explain unclearly D Ignore Which feature of English exclamations you find most interesting in? A Syntactic B Pragmatic one C Culture one one Which feature of English exclamations you find easiest to recognize? A Syntactic B Pragmatic one C Culture one one Which feature of English exclamations you find the most difficult to recognize? A Syntactic B Pragmatic one C Culture one one Personally, which area of English exclamations you have better understanding xiv of? A Their syntactic features C Their cultural features B D Their pragmatic features Their other features In daily communication, how often you have the habits of using exclamations? A Always B Often C Sometimes English D Ignore 10 In translation, if encountering an English exclamation, how often you translate it into Vietnamese? A Always B Often C Sometimes D Ignore 11 If you have to translate English exclamations into Vietnamese, you take care of their cultural aspect? A Yes, always B Yes, sometimes C Yes, often D No, never 12 In your opinion , who use exclamations more often ? A The English B The Vietnamese 13.What you think of English Exclamations? A Very useful B Useful C Nothing special Personally, which area of English exclamations you have better understanding of? 14 Do you like using English exclamations in conversation? A I like them very much B Yes, they are ok C I don‟t like them at all 15 What are the benefits of using English exclamations to your speaking skills? A English exclamations makes speaking lessons more enjoyable and more fun B English exclamations make speaking lessons more challenging and difficult C English exclamations lower my anxiety and shyness, and then develop my confidence in speaking D English exclamations help students show their thought more effectively? 16 Translate the following sentence into Vietnamese: Sarah: “Oh my God, I‟ve missed the bus!” Christ: Don‟t worry Another will come here in ten minutes ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… 17 Translate the following sentence into Vietnamese: “Mum I‟ve got 600 on the TOEFL test ” “ Good job!” xv ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Translate the following sentence into Vietnamese: “Wow! What a nice coat you are wearing!” Thanks, my mother bought it for me …………………………………………………………………………………… 19 Translate the following sentence into Vietnamese: “ Our team has just won the last football match” “ Well, that is very surprising!” ……………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Translate the following sentence into Vietnamese: Good afternoon class! How are you today? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you very much for your time! xvi ... attitudes towards the learning of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese as well as how to enhance the effectiveness in teaching, learning as well as translating English and Vietnamese exclamations. .. OF ENGLISH EXCLAMATIONS WITH REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE 36 4.1 Syntactic features of English exclamations with reference to Vietnamese 36 4.1.1 Syntactic features of English exclamations. .. difficulties in studying and using English, which include the studying and using English and Vietnamese Exclamations Furthermore, in Vietnamese settings, one of the four types of sentences is exclamations

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2019, 20:47