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iqtfio& lllr iii ,li il, il i.i" a: "t-" r ' '-.1 q, " : Grcmm*r Frrends oxroRD 1INIVERSITY PRESS OX-FORD UNIVBRSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6Dp oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford It fUfthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachl I(ua1a Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofEces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Uklaine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxrono ENGLTsH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UI( and in certain other countdes @ Oxford University Press 2oo9 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published zoog 2013 2012 2011 709876 No unautlorized photocopying ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, A1l rights resewed No part without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this sarne condition on any acquirer Any websites refeiled to in this publlcation are in the public'domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 478ooo Printed in China This book is printed on paper fiom ceftified and well-managed sources ACI(NOWLE D GEMENTS lllustraaonsby: Andy I(eylock/Beehive lllusffation (characters) and Simon Smith ffimmffwmffm Storter He[[o! Question words Whct , ?Who ?,How ? How oLd Schoolthings Questions with is The indefinite orticle Whot's this? A ond on Mg tog.s Possessive odjectives (1) Present simpLe of be (1) Mg 6nd:,gour Is this , ? Yes, it is No,,it isnlt; Mg bodg Regulor pluroI nouns Present simple of be (2) Demonstrotives PLuroL Review -s Are This ond these L6 I 20 ]obs Subject pronouns (1") Yes/no questions (L) Questions with is At the park Wh- questions (1) Prepositions of pLoce Where's ? In, on ond under Subject pronouns (2) Yes/no questions (2) MU .? fomilg He ond she 22 I'm ond gou're Are gou ? Jomie's ond Alison's Possessive's 30 Review 2' 34, Clothes MU home MU Lunch ReviEw Are theg ? Yes, theg ore No, theg oren't Possessive odjectives (2) His ond her Wh- questions (2) Yes/no questions (4) Adverbs Where ore ? Is he in ? Is she in ,?'Aretheg in ,.,,? Upstoi,fsond,dbwnstoite " ,, : , ": ,' Hove got I've got ond I hoven't got Hove gou got ? Yes, I hove No, I hoven't (L) 3'," ' trip l 12 Fomilg meot Hove got (2) He's got, she's got ond it's got Present sirnpte: like (1) Adjectives Adjectives Present simple: Like (2) Wh- questions (3) Do gou Like ? Whot gou [ike? Review4 13 Mg room 15 44 Ab,itities Atthe beoch 50 58 62 ;';"'l There's ond there ore There's ond there qre Is there ? Yes, 1* : 48, 1O Mg friends 11 Zoo Yes/no questions (3) Con for obiLitg there is No, there isn't Con ond con't Coh it,;rr?,]Ies;,:it corn,,,Nor Let's Let's Imperotives Negotive imperotives Imperotives Negotive imperotives it.csnft , ,, 68 72 76 Grommor reference 78 airiliv :itiitiiii$.rl i rllil iiliiari sgliieiri]lgrl]$ f * {.' i" ,,,"- i[ ilii l il I :1 liii "l : -' Question words l'm ftne, thank you Who's thisz How are you? :; i- ''lr riir lll"rrl'r':i:'-i" i:i li -.*w ;1i4 In o question, whot osks obout things ond who osks obout peopte We sog How ore gou? when we meet someone Storter Unit ; "* Motch t He[Lo -. ., t Whot's Uour nome? \ \ How ore gou? Who's this? I'm fine, thonk gou This is Alison Mg nome's Iomie HeL[o Look ond write JJettld Whot's How Who's -ffi* r, o,*ffip !1'! li My name's Jamie are you? l'm ftne, thankyou thisz rhis r.-? -e*" _ir-L your name? is Alison Storter Unit How old are you? How old osks obout'oge (tm trft L't +4 ffih Motch t How otd ore gou? How old ore gou? g How old ore gou? How old ore gou? s How old ore gou? @ ffi I'm two &hq M I'm three * I'm six ffi rft-\ I'm five M ffi \ w Storter Unit ive ) I'm fou r Write four ievErf e( t How old ore gou? How old o re -yQ u g Howoldore How & old ore w # ? ffi ct ? old ? ,- How gou three ore gou ? Uou eight ten I,M I,M @ I,M ffi I,M Reod ond colour Find the hidden word Cotour whot red Cotour who bLue Colour how gellow i how how how how how how how whot how who how how how how how how how how how how how whot how who how how how how how how how how how how how whot how who how how how how how who who who how whot how who how whot whot whot how how who how who how whot how who how whot how whot iho* how who who who how whot how who how whot how whot how how who how how how whot how who how whot how whot how how who who who how whot how who how whot whot whot , Storter Unit Questions with is The indefinite article " 'lnll"' What's thisZ Whot's this? is o question We use it tofind out obout things We onswer with lt's o Write ond motch t Whot's this? penciL Whot's door th is? @ window ffi What's thisz book What's thisZ A ond cn ore orticles Theg come before singu[or nouns It's a pencil It's a book We use on before q, e, i, o or u It's on appte Unit Write the words in the correct box +ffi -sryt€ pencil rubber ruter book oronge on\ p e-n _op p [,e Write o or on Whot'sthis? Andwhot'sthis? It's , # Whot'sthis?@ _o bag It's oron9e It's book It's oppLe wh\ Whot'sthis? ,/ Andwhot'sthis?M It's _ -, - pencil cose Unit L ls there a car? Yes, there is ond No, there isn't ore short onswers We use thern if the question begins Is there ? Is there a ball? Yes, there is No, there isn't No, there isn't = No, there is not" P Tick (/) the correct short onswer t Is there o bed? Is there o shetf? Is there o tog box? No, there isn't D Yes, there @ No, there isn't Yes, there No, there isn't Yes, there is D D D D D D is is Is there o cupboord? No, there isn't Yes, there is Look ond write Yes, there is No, there isn't Is there a cor on the shetf? Is there a botl on the shelf? Is there o blonket on the bed? Is there o cupboord? Yo .t there ILJ _ - t [s ' , -, , Unit 13 Can tor ability I cgn runl A snake can't run A bird can fly t can't fly Can meons that g,6u ore obte.to sonnething.rlt,o[wo,gs cornes before o not'herverb, flg ,, A bird can fly It can Alison can run She can run Con't meons thot Uou ore not oble to something A snake can't run It can't run con't = connot Iamie can'tfly He / can'tfly True or folse? Write T or ry Unit L4 , ,T ^$ F A bird sing T- A rnonkeg sing A bird con't sing F A monkeg con't sing Afish swim A porrot swim AJish con't swim A porrot co n't swim A snoke run A tiger run A snoke con't run A tiger co n't ru n Write the words in the correct order zebra A A zebro co n't c_o"n'_t A run A co Lk wo [k co n't fish Jt monkeg to A fLU n't ffi po & cot rrot A swim co n't ptoU Write or c0n't t lamie c-o.n write A I monkeu write , Iomie run A snoke * ru n Iomie swim A swim fish A bird f Lu Io mie Jtu Alison H *,g* % Write true sentences t r bird / sing monkeg /f|.9 A bird c-sn ling bird / A run monk"V /ctimb s bird /ftU bird /climb m_onke,y Esnlt Jty monkeg / run monk"g /sing Unit L4 (/) ond write obout Uou Tick , Icon i Icon't 'to[k |lr ,t l 1 I cqn tglk, irl ] I;Ili run I I I : I I f!-" I ILL' JJ iwotk i I lsins 11i ", - - - i ".-"1. * -.- "-" , .i i i lswiml I ! l1 liii Csn it ? is o ges/no question we use it tolfind out wihot animols ond things ore ob[e to it ond No, it con't ore short onswers We use them if the question begins Con it ? Ye5, Cun it'run? ,/ Yes, it cor We use he or she X No, it con't tofind out whot peopl,e ore obLe to d" ,-/# Unit 14 Motch Con itfl"U? Con it swim? Con it climb? Con it No, it con't Yes, climb? Con it run? Con it run? it Look ond write he Con she Con it J**rtffi Yes, it No, she con't No, she con't Con Yes, he No, it con't Con he run? Yes Con , he- Co ? 4W it run? t n she swim toLk? .'', cLim b? ftu? t Unit 1"4 Lef 's Imperatives Negative imperatives Let's play football That's a Eood idea We use Let's os o wog of suggesting to somebodg thot gou something together Let's otwogs comes before onother verb woLk ru n Let's cLim b to Lk sing drow Let's pLoU footbo[1 find sheLLs swim in the seo go in o boot write tet's = Let us moke o sondcostle Motch I Let's moke o sondcostle Let's plog footboLL Let's drow Let's find shells Let's go in o boot Let's swim in the seo @ =#N *4ffi'' 72 Unit 15 Look ond write Use Let's ond the words in the box JeA{ find sheLLs hove on ice tol.l.g pl.oU footboLl moke o sondcostle swim in the seo Jomie, Letls- re-a*d tr Jo m ie: fo m ie: Jo m ie: Write the words in the correct order t swim in I ieo Let'i ,the JQotboLL sondcostle make sh-eLls, , ,o,n,, good: ',ideo Thot's'o , Let's pl.ou Let's swim ln the seo Let's ice a Lottg ,Let's hove ,find Let's Unit L5 7:? Iump ond run or,e imperoti,ve forms lVe can use on imperotive to te[L somebodg to something ! This is on excLomotion mork We often use it of the end of the sentence when the verb is on imperotive Motch t Find the boLL! Run! : Cotch the boLL! Woit! s Look! 74 Unit L5 dF Dom't forget yaur hat, Alison @ J4 Don't forget is o negotive imperotive We use o negotive imperotive to tel"t somebodg not to something we use don't ona o verb J Imperotive Negotive imperotive Forget Don'tforget Run Dgn't run Don't look Look don't = not # Q V Moke the imperotives negotive r wolk! L)cn'[ wellk Run! Stond up! PLo g bo s Hove on ice LoLlg! LL! Look ond write Don't swim # ffi Don't wo[k Don't Don't run flg Don't run o kite! I Unit 15 Describe the picture There ore flve T-shlrts Motch t It swim She con't swim He drow He sing s She jump It con't jump Review There's Write short onswers A*Ytr Con it swim? Yes , it totk? tt ean t- Con it cLimb? Con he drow? Con it sing? ,Look ond write EJ*+tc-lf Let's swim Let's go Let's ctimb ffi{3 :t!4 /rJt\\ ;\ !1 \Y QHP ,(flp Let's run l&+ xK '1:qgz dr\ q'1 1:-'@ \a ).! ciB=: ffi ffiffinffiffiffiP* ry,-*_{ in o boot! Look ond write Don't wolk _lon+swffi Don't swlm FIU Drow tu o picture! ## -\M Review .d #@ ffi w*,eu& -Mffisffi&.e&&ffi&F & 6se & trrqin&&seR &m s *n***ffiMffiffid&trffi 'qBww &sess#swffiwffi w %@e e &@s p 'k& ffi &fufu Possessive odjectives Subj,ect:,PfOhoun,s Ir r.rri , r.,.ri.r -:ri.tl '., UOrU ff ;:,,r r, r,.,, r tti,t i,, tt r.t',.: '.'' r ' i ::.t.r.',i:.' :r ;,r',,, :::':r,,'.-:'.,, :.' , ;::.,:" 5h]e, ,,,,'.,:,1,:,,,,,.',,,,, r1 ::: l" :., r,,,i ri.r'i.r'':lrll:r mu rr I uour :' his her its r.l i{ ,,.,.,,r:i,, 'li','1,.,,.,;.,11,,,,,111,:,:,::':,:;;",,.,;1i.;;:','::";:; ::.:,: li\Ierli ,,rr',r i rliir.t'.rl'i it,.l': : ):': theU.l],,i., tllt:,t,]:]l.,ll,itutliltt : : ::::' :' : ].,.,i,',,,]t,tti:,,]il our their Affirmotive ShortJorm I,M uou're he's she's it's Iom uou ore he is she is it we're gou're theg're Interrogotive om I? ore gou? is he? is she? is it? ore we? ore gou? ore theg? 78 Long Jorm is we ore uou ore theg ore Negotive Short form I'm not gou oren't he isn't she isn't Long form I om not gou ore not it isn't he is not she is not it is not we oren't gou oren't theg oren't we ore not gou ore not theg ore not Short onswers Yes, I om No,I'm not Yes, gou ore No, gou oren't Yes, he is No, he isn't Yes, she is No, she isn't Yes, it is No, it isn't Yes, we ore No, we oren't Yes, gou ore No, gou oren't Yes, theg ore No, theg oren't Grommor reference I Alfirmotive Short Jorrn I've got gou've got he's got she's got it's got we've got gou've got theg've got Interrogotive hove I got? hove gou got? hos he got? hos she got? hos it got? hove we got? hove gou got? hove theg got? Alfirmotive I like gou like he likes she likes it [ikes we like gou like theg Like Interrogotive I Like? gou Like? does he Like? does she [ike? does it Like? we Like? gou tike? theg [ike? Long form I hove got gou hove got he hos got she hos got it hos got we hove got gou hove got theg hove got Negotive Short forrn I hoven't got gou hoven't got he hosn't got she hosn't got it hosn't got we hoven't got gou hoven't got theg hoven't got Short onswers Yes, I hove Yes, gou hove Yes, he hos No, gou hoven't No, he hosn't No, she hosn't No, it hosn't No, we hoven't No, gou hoven't No, theg hoven't theg hove Negative Short form I don't Like gou don't Like he doesn't tike she doesn't Like it doesn't Like we don't [ike gou don't tike theg don't Like Short onswers Yes, I Yes, gou Yes, he does Yes, she does Yes, it does Yes, we Yes, gou Yes, theg forrn I hove not got gou hove not got he hos not got she hos not got it hos not got we hove not got gou hove not got theg hove not got No,I hoven't Yes, she hos Yes, it hos Yes, we hove Yes, gou hove Yes, Lonq Long form I not Like gou not Like he does not Like she does not like it does not Like we not tike gou not tike theg not like I don't No, gou don't No, he doesn't No, she doesn't No, it doesn't No, we don't No, gou don't No, theg don't No, Grommor reference lner* -a * Bs Affirmotive Short form there's Negotive Long form there is there ore Interrogotive is there? Yes, ore there? Yes, Shortform there isn't there oren't Long form there is not there ore not Short onswers there is No, there isn't there qre No, there oren't trm Affirmctive Shortform I con't con't con't con't it con't we con't gou con't theg con't I uou he she it we uou theg Interrogotive I? gou? he? she? co n it? we? gou? theg? Affirmotive Negotive gou he she Long forrn I connot gou connot he connot she connot it connot we connot gou connot theg connot Short onswers Yes,I No,I con't Yes, gou No, gou con't Yes, he No, he con't Yes, she No, she con't Yes, it No, it con't Yes, we No, we con't Yes, gou No, gou con't Yes, theg No, theg con't Grommor reference cotch Jind ftu forget hove jump [ook ptou run stond up swim woit woLk per*t{qr*s Negotive don't cotch don't Jind don't J[g don't forget don't hove don't ju mp don't Look don't pLog don't run don't stond up don't swim don't woit don't woLk For students prepari ng Ca for the mbridge ESOL Young Lea rner's exa msi Storters: Grommor Friends Lond2 Movers: Grommor Friends ond Flgers: Grommor Friends ond OXFORD ENGLISH lsBN 978-0-1 9-47801 2-4 ll[illtililill[illtililt ... Whot gou [ike? Review4 13 Mg room 15 44 Ab,itities Atthe beoch 50 58 62 ;';"'l There's ond there ore There's ond there qre Is there ? Yes, 1* : 48, 1O Mg friends 11 Zoo Yes/no questions (3) Con... )o4 ( It's q boLL @ -0 -J