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ac example writing 6 10

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Example Writing Answers for the ieltshelpnow.com Academic Practice Tests - 10 Below you will find example writing answers for all the writing questions in the ieltshelpnow.com Academic Practice Tests, tests to 10 All of these example reports and essays were written by an IELTS examiner in order to give examples of good answers Please refer to the question papers while you are reading these reports and essays so that you understand the questions that are being answered We hope this will give you an insight into how the writing answers should be written for IELTS Academic module We must also point out that there are many ways of answering the writing questions with band quality and that we have only produced one example for each question Academic Writing Practice Test Task In this report I am going to describe two tables The first table shows predicted figures for UK immigration for the years 1984 to 2000 The second table shows the actual UK immigration figures for the same period The predicted immigration figure for 1984 was 38 000 This predicted figure rose slowly by 1, or thousand each year until 1988 when the figure was 46 000 The next two years saw large increases, first to 80 000 in 1989 and then 87 000 in 1990 The next thee years showed decreases, the predicted figures being 91 000, 80,000 and 67 000 From 1993 to 2000 immigration was predicted to go up steadily finishing at 148 000 for the year 2000 The actual immigration figures for the same period were different Some years‛ figures were higher and some were lower than what was predicted Immigration for 1984 and 1985 was higher than what was predicted with figures of 58 000 and 60 000 respectively From 1986 to 1990 immigration rose steadily to 100 000 The next two years showed a decrease similar to the predictions and then in 1993 immigration rose again It continued to rise steadily to 163 000 in the year 2000 although in one year, 1996, there was a small dip This ends my report (219 words) Task The policy of having compulsory national service in a country is quite a controversial one In some countries it is a good idea and even an essential part of their society In other countries however it would not work and is not even really necessary Many countries have compulsory national service Some countries that I know that have it are France, Germany, Austria and Korea I didn‛t it myself but I have friends from these countries that did it and they did not enjoy it The reason for it though is not enjoyment The reason is to have a population who are semi-trained for the protection of their country In my country we had national service after World War Two until 1960 At that time my country needed a large army in order to meet its obligations at home and abroad After 1960 however the army became a wholly professional one A lot of people still feel that national service should continue as it gives discipline and experience to many young people who need this kind of training However the population is such now in my country that national service would create an unnecessarily large army that would be a massive drain on public resources which come in turn from ordinary citizens‛ taxes I only know one country that has national service for both men and women and that is Israel This country definitely needs national service due to the terrible situation in which it finds itself They have to have compulsory national service though I am sure that they would scrap it if their security situation changed In conclusion I feel that national service is a necessary evil in some countries as they feel they have to have a force of men trained that can protect their country In my opinion though, countries that can with just a professional army not need national service any more and, by stopping it, they no longer have the extra cost of funding it I therefore disagree with the statement that all countries should adopt national service (347 words) Academic Writing Practice Test Task In this report I am going to describe a bar chart It shows the types of job that employed men and woman held for the year 2003 Figures are given in hundreds of thousands Many more men were managers than women in 2003 There were approximately 600 000 men employed as managers whereas only just under 200 000 women were employed in this capacity Men and women shared professional jobs much more equally and here the figure for women (approx 680 000) was slightly higher than the figure for men (approx 640 000) Jobs as semi professionals were more common for men There were about 500 000 men employed as semi professionals compared with about 360 000 women As regards tradepersons, far more men were employed in this capacity The figure for men was approximately 900 000 whereas the figure for women was just over 100 000 Figures for jobs in production were similarly mismatched with about 540 000 men and about 100 000 women employed in this field Clerical jobs however, accounted for more women employed than men with approximately 945 000 women and 885 000 men respectively Finally about 400 000 men were employed as labourers compared to about 290 00 women This ends my report (208 words) Task I agree with this statement very much as this is an issue that I feel strongly about I feel very much that we should reduce the amount of fossil fuels that we use and I believe that investment by governments in public transport will help reduce the increase in transport pollution At rush hour every city in the world experiences huge congestion on their roads This is because nearly everyone who can afford a car owns one and uses it whenever they can Very often cars which can fit five people in them only have one occupant Just imagine the amount of unnecessary pollution! Now a bus with fifty seats could carry drivers of fifty cars Pollution would be hugely reduced To force more people into using public transport, governments could increase private fuel prices and car taxes Some people say that buses are not reliable enough, that there are not enough of them and that the prices have become too high However, if the government invests more so that there are many more buses and trains, all at cheaper prices, then more people would use them and so the money taken would pay for the extra buses and employees Governments could in turn reduce fuel prices for public transport so that prices could be lowered more easily Of course it would be even better if we could get everyone to use transport that didn‛t use fossil fuels at all Denmark and Holland are famous for having lots of people who travel to work and back by bicycle Maybe this will happen more in the future Is my view realistic or am I just a dreamer? I feel that it‛s just a dream People prefer their own cars and don‛t like buses I still feel though that governments should try (300 words) Academic Writing Practice Test Task In this report I am going to describe two pie charts The first pie chart shows the marital status of the Australian population in 1999 The second pie chart shows the marital status of the Canadian population in the year 2000 The first pie chart shows that 53% of the Australian population were married in 1999 The next highest group was for people who had never been married with 29% of the population 7% of the Australian population in 1999 were widowed and also 7% were divorced Just 3% of the population were separated but not divorced and finally 1% of the population were involved in a same sex marriage The second pie chart shows that a smaller percentage (41%) of the Canadian population in 2000 were married than were in Australia in 1999 A higher proportion (46%) were single The percentages for divorced, widowed and separated but still married people were slightly lower in Canada with 5%, 6% and 2% respectively There is no data for same sex marriages in Canada in 2000 This ends my report (176 words) Task Success is certainly something which means different things to different people In general I believe that being happy implies success in life Thus, if someone has achieved what he wants out of life and he or she is happy with that, then you can see this person as successful As an example of this I would like to look at two friends of mine One is an incredibly successful businessman and has a business empire worth many millions of pounds Anyone looking at him would think him a successful person To my mind though it is more important to see whether he is happy and this is more a measure of his success He is happy He does what he loves and also is lucky enough to have a great family which he spends a lot of time with Another friend of mine is a history teacher who lives a quiet life in the countryside with his wife and son He too has what he wants in life and, although he does not have the material wealth of my other friend, I wouldn‛t class him as any less successful They have both achieved what they want So, to some people success is money, some it‛s a family and to some it‛s just being able to get on with life To me success is happiness I am not completely happy with my life at the moment but I have a plan and the plan is slowly working out To me success is to be secure in work, home and the future for myself and my family With any luck this will come about fairly soon and then I will look at myself as being a success That does not mean I think of myself as a failure now It takes time to achieve what I want Therefore I hope I have shown that success can mean different things to different people and that, for me, the basis of success is happiness (330 words) Academic Writing Practice Test Task In this report I am going to describe two line graphs The first line graph shows figures for New Zealand imports from Australia between 1994 and 2004 The second line chart shows figures for New Zealand imports from Japan for the same period The figures are in New Zealand dollars The first line graph shows that Australian imports into New Zealand began at $4 billion in 1994 This rose steadily to $5 billion in 1996 After that imports from Australia decreased sharply to about £3 billion in 1999 in spite of a small rise in 1998 Then there was a sharp rise to approximately $7 billion in 2000 and 2001 Although there was a dip in 2002 ($5 billion approx), imports then rose to about $8 billion in 2004 Japanese imports started at $3 billion in 1994 and they rose steadily to just under $7 billion in 1997 They then dropped to approximately $4 billion in 1999 before rising again to about $6 billion in 2000 Imports then dropped dramatically to about $3 billion in 2001 and then dropped further to about $2 billion in 2004 This ends my report (186 words) Task It is undeniable that the US film industry dominates world cinema This is not to say that there are not flourishing film industries in other countries Many great films are released from many different countries and a lot of these films are technically as good and, in artistic terms, often much better than the “Hollywood Style” films that we know so well I believe that governments ought to invest in their own film industries and also to assist them in other ways such as tax breaks By doing this their industries will become more successful and be more able to express their own culture As an example of this I would like to look at the Indian film industry “Bollywood” as it is known has become hugely successful The more successful Bollywood has become, the more it has attracted investment Thus after some time the industry contributed on a large scale to the Indian economy Thus money initially invested in film industries is not money thrown away The worry is that of course you need people of talent and vision to invest in So, the people in charge of investment must know what they are doing The UK film industry has received help from the government and high quality, money-making films have been the result In order to compete with the US though, this investment must continue Only then can films around the world continue to portray cultures and viewpoints different to that the US film industry I therefore wholeheartedly agree that governments should invest in their own film industries to protect and develop their own cultures (267 words) Academic Writing Practice Test 10 Task In this report I am going to describe how uranium is mined, processed, used and then discarded Uranium is found under the ground and so it must be mined Once the mined uranium has been extracted, it is taken to a processing centre Here the uranium is converted into a form that can be used as a fuel in a nuclear power station To this, the uranium is changed into a gas and enriched before it is reformed as U-235 fuel pellets The fuel pellets are then used in nuclear power stations to provide up to billion kilowatts of electricity from just one station After the fuel has been used for about four years it is removed from the power station and stored Some of the used fuel can be re-processed and re-used in a power station to produce more electricity Finally, old stored fuel that cannot be re-processed is put into stainless steel containers and then buried deep in the ground This ends my report (176 words) Task It is true that all of the major systems around the world, whether they are to with government, welfare or education, are based and reliant on computers I not, however, believe that this has created excessive risks Before the advent of computers, human society survived very well It is true that if all computers crashed, this would cause huge problems but it would only mean that we would go back to the situation that we had before People would suffer, maybe I would too, but the world would not end Reliance on certain systems is the price that we pay for progress The very idea that all computers could crash is ludicrous anyway All places which deal in life and death situations have back up generators that can provide power in the event of a power cut Power cuts are only temporary and if something happened that completely destroyed the electrical systems of a country, such as nuclear war, people would have far more important things to worry about Computers are now reliable and we have armies of technicians who can repair or replace faulty systems Things can and will go wrong but this would happen whether we were reliant on computer systems or on humans The difference is that computers will make fewer mistakes from day to day! In conclusion I would therefore say that I disagree with the idea that our reliance on computer technology has created a dangerous situation I believe our lives are better and safer because of this reliance (257 words) ... invest in their own film industries to protect and develop their own cultures ( 267 words) Academic Writing Practice Test 10 Task In this report I am going to describe how uranium is mined, processed,... with about 360 000 women As regards tradepersons, far more men were employed in this capacity The figure for men was approximately 900 000 whereas the figure for women was just over 100 000 Figures... cars and don‛t like buses I still feel though that governments should try (300 words) Academic Writing Practice Test Task In this report I am going to describe two pie charts The first pie chart

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2019, 22:51
