Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020

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Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020

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Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020 Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020 Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020 Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020 Đề thi và đáp án Kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên Thái Bình năm học 2019-2020

SỜ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO THAI BÌNHĐẺ THI TUYẺN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THÁI BÌNH NĂM HỌC 2019-2020 MƠN TH I: DỊA LÍ Dành cho thí sinh thi chuyên Địa lí Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (Không kể thời gian giao để) Câu I Ỵi^đlệm}ơỳtấ vào Atlat Địa lí Việt Nam kiến thức đà học: Khí hậu nhiệt đới ẩm gió mùa ành hường đến sàn xuất nông nghiệp nước ta? Nhân tố làm cho sơng ngòi nước ta có hàm lượng phù sa lởn? Câu II (1,5 điếm) Dựa vào Atlat Địa lí Việt Nam kiến thức học: Chứng minh cấu sử dụng lao động cùa nước ta có thay đổi mạnh mỗ sau đơi Vì trình độ thị hóa nước ta thấp? Câu III (2,0 điểm) Cho bảng số liệu Diện tích, sản lượng lúa nước ta giai đoạn 2000 - 2015 2000 2007 2015 Diện tích (nghìn ha) 7666,0 7207,4 7825,0 Sản lượng (nghìn tân) 32530,0 35942,7 45091,0 Năm (Nguồn: Niên giám thống kê, NXB Thống ké năm 2016) Nhận xét giải thích diện tích, sản lượng lúa nước ta giai đoạn 2000 - 2015 Tại năm gần ngành nuôi ưồng thủy sàn nước ta phát triển mạnh? Câu IV (2,0 điếm) Dựa vào Atlat Địa lí Việt Nam kiến thức học: Chứng minh Đơng Nam Bộ vùng có ngành thương mại phát triên mạnh cà nước Tại “sống chung với 10” nhừng biện pháp đề sử dụng hợp lý tạo tự nhiên Đồng sông Cừu Long? Câu V (3,0 điếm) Cho bảng số liệu: Giá trị xuất, nhập khấu nước ta giai đoạn 200S - 2016 (Đơn vị: triệu USD) Năm 2005 2010 2012 2016 Xuất 32447,1 72236,7 114529,2 176580,8 Nhập 36761,1 84838,6 113780,4 174803,8 (Nguồn: Niên giám thống ké, NXB Thống kê năm 20 ì 7) Vỗ biểu đồ thích hợp thổ chuyển dịch ca cấu giá trị xuất nhập cùa nước ta giai đoạn 2005 - 2016 Nhận xét chuyên dịch cấu giá trị xuât nhập khâu cùa nuớc la giai đoạn 2005 - 2016 giải thích nguyên nhân - hết (Thi sinh sử dụng Aílat Địa li Việt Nam xuất từ nám 2009 đến làm bài) Họ tên thí sin h số báo danh Cán coi thi khơng giái thích thêm \ y SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THĨ TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYẾN THÁI BỈNH THÁI BỈNH NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020 HƯỚNG DẢN CHẮM BIÉU ĐIẾM MƠN: ĐỊA LÍ (Dành cho thí sinh thi chun Địa lí) ĐÁP ÁN GỊM 02 TRANG Câu I n III Nội dung Khí hậu nhiệt đói âm gió mùa ảnh hưởng nhu đền sản xuất nông nghiệp nước ta? * Thuận lợi: - Nguồn nhiệt ẩm dồi sở đồ phát triển nòng nghiệp nhiệt đới, khả thâm canh, tăng vụ lớn - Khí hậu phân hóa theo mùa, theo độ cao, theo bắc - nam nên cấu trồng đa dạng: nhiệt đới cận nhiệt, ôn đới - Cơ cấu mùa vụ, cấu trông có khác vùng * Khó khàn: - Nhiều thiên tai, dịch bệnh ảnh hưởng đến nảng suất trồng, vật nuôi Nhân tố làm cho sơng ngòi nước ta có hàm lượng phù sa lởn? - Địa hình nước ta Va đồi núi có độ dốc lớn độ che phú rừng giảm - Khí hậu nhiệt đới gió mùa nóng ẩm mưa nhiều theo mùa làm trình xâm thưc diễn manh mẽ Chúng minh cấu sử dụng lao dộng nước ta có thay đổi mạnh mẽ sau đơi mói - Cơ cấu lao động theo ngành kinh te thay đổi theo hướng tích cực phù hợp với q trình cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa: giảm tỉ trọng lao động nóng lâm - ngư nghiệp, tăng ti trọng lao động công nghiệp - xây dựng dịch vụ (dẫn chứng) - Cơ cấu lao động theo thành phần kinh tê thay đồi theo hướng: tăng ti trọng lao động khu vực có vốn đầu tư nước khu vực Nhà nưức, giảm ti trọng lao động khu vực Nhà nước (dần chứng) Vì trình độ thị hóa nước ta thâp? - Xuât phát điêm nên kinh tê nước ta thâp (nông nghiệp lạc hậu công nghiệp nhỏ bé, chịu ảnh hường cùa chiến tranh) - Nước ta Ưong giai đoạn đâu q trình cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa Nhận xét giải thích diện tích, sản lirựng lúa nước ta giai đoạn 2(MM) - 2015 * Nhận xét: - Giai đoạn 2000 - 2015, diện tích sàn lượng lúa tăng tốc độ tăng khác nhau: diện tích tăng 1,02 lằn; sản lượng tảng 1,4 lân - Diện tích táng biến động: giai đoạn 2000 - 2007 giảm 458,6 nghìn ha; giai đoạn 2007 - 2015 tăng 617,6 nghìn - Sản lượng lúa tăng liên tục, tốc độ tăng cao so với diện tích * Nguyên nhân: - Diện tích giàm chun đơi đât trồng lúa sang mục đích sừ dụng khác (trong khác, chuyên dùng, thổ cư ) - Diện tích tăng tăng vụ chuyển đôi cấu thời vụ - Sàn lượng tăng lăng diện tích suất Trong tăng suất Tại năm gần ngành nuôi trồng thủy sàn nước ta phát triển mạnh? - Thị trường mở rộng: thị trường quốc tề mờ rộng tham gia WTO đặc biệt thủy sản thâm nhập vào thị trường tiềm năng: Hoa Kì, Ý Diêm 1,0 0,25 0,25 0.25 0,25 0,5 0,25 0,25 1,0 0,5 0.5 0,5 0,25 0,25 1,5 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,5 0,25 IV Nhật Bản Thị trường nước tiềm nẩng: dân dông, mửc sông tăng - Công nghiệp chế biến, sờ vật chất kỹ thuật, dịch vụ ni trơng phát triển, sách hỗ ượ Nhà nước Chứng minh rang Đông Nam Bộ vùng có ngành thương niại phái triển manh cà nước _ * Ngoại thương phát trien mạnh nhât: - Tập trung nhiều tinh, thành phố có giá trị xuất nhập cao nước. ^ _ _ Tình/thành phốXuắt (triêu USD) Nhập khâu (triệu USD) 17470 Tp Hơ Chí Minh 18930 6686 1020 Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu 6330 5474 Đơng Nai 4668 Bình Dương 5060 - Là vùng xuât sicu lớn nhât nước: 5/6 tinh, thành phô xuât siêu (trừ Đồng Nai) * Nội thương phát triển mạnh: - Tồng m ức bán lẻ hànạ hóa doanh thu dịch VỌỈ tiêu dùng tính theo đầu người cao nhắt tồn quốc: tất tinh đạt từ triệu đến triệu đồng trơ lên - Thảnh phố Hồ Chí Minh, Binh ĨXrongđạt 16 triệu đồng cao toàn quốc Tại “sống chung vói lũ” pháp đc sử dụng Ị«ffiJ£và cai tạo tự nhiên Đồng sông Cừu Long? - Mùa lũ gây ngập sâu diện rộng, lũ lcn chậm rút chậm, nên đât yêu khó đắp đê - Lũ mang lại nguồn lợi lớn về: thủy sản nước ngọt, phù du sinh vật (0,25 điểm), phù sa dể bồi dấp đồng bằng, nguồn nước dể tạo dắt (0,25 điểm) Vẽ biêu đồ thích họp thê chuyển dịch CO’ cẩu giá trị xuât nhập nước ta giai đoan 2005 - 2016. _ * Lập bảng: Cơ câu giá trị xuât nhập cùa nước ta giai đoạn 2005 - 2016 (Đơn vị %) 2010 2005 Năm 2012 2016 100,0 100,0 Tông sô 100,0 100,0 45,9 Xuât khâu 46.8 50,1 50,2 Nhập khâu 53,2 54,1 49.9 49,8 - Yêu cầu: đúnẹ khống cách năm, tì lộ hai miền biểu đồ, cỏ giải, ten biểu đọ - KhôiĩQ cho điếm ỉ tronq trường hợp sau: vẽ dạng khác, vẽ chồng miền từ chân biếu đồ, sai khoáng cách năm - Trừ 0,25 điệm mác I loi: thiếu tên biếu đồ, thích, đơn vị _ Nhận xét chuyên dịch cấu giá trị xuât nhập nước ta giai đoạn 2005 - 2016 giải thích nguvên nhân _ _ * Nhận TvKàn vpf1 xét: - Giai đoạn 2005 - 2016, cấu giá trị xuất nhập khấu nước ta có sụ chuyền dịch theo hướng tích cực: tầng tỉ trọng giá trị xuất khâu, giảm ti trọng giá trị nhập với số liệu thay đổi tương ứng là: 3.4% - Giai đoạn 2005 - 2010 nhập siêu, giai đoạn 2012 -2016 xuấi siêu * Nguyên nhân: - Do tác động công Đôi theo hướng cơng nghiệp hóa đại hỏa - Nhập siêu nhập nhiều máv móc thiết bị, nguyên nhiên vật liệu dồ phát triển sản xuất - Xuất siêu kinh tế mờ cửa, hội nhập sâu rộng hơn, phát trién cùa kinh tế tạo nhiều sán phẩm cỏ eiá trị cho xuất khẩu. Tỏng điểm toàn hài 0,25 Ũ* 2: 0,2 0.25 0,25 0,25 "0,75 “ 025 0.5 1,5 "05 1,0 1,5 0,5 0,25 0.25 0.25 0,25 SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO THAI BÌNH, ĐÈ THI TUYẾN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THÁI BÌNH NĂM HỌC 2019-2020 MƠN THI: HĨA HỢC (Dành cho thí sinh thi chun Hóa) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (Khơng kế thời gian giao đề) ĐÈ CHÍNH T H Ú ệ p ề gềm 02, trang Cho cát sô liệưsau: Kí hiệu Nguyên tử khối Số thứ tự H c 12 16 N 14 s 32 16 Cl 35,5 17 Na 23 11 Br 80 35 AI K 27 39 13 19 Ca 40 20 Fe 56 26 Cu 64 29 Mg 24 12 Ag 108 47 Ra 137 56 C âu (1 điếm) Nhiệt phân lượng MgCCb sau thời gian thu chất rắn A khí B I lấp thụ hết khí B bàng dung dịch NaOH thu dung dịch c Dung dịch c vừa tác dụng dược với BaCh, vừa tác dụng với KOH Hòa tan chắt rán A dung dịch IĨ SO lỗng dư thu khí B dung dịch D Xác định thành phần A, B, c , D viết phương trình hóa học xảy C ầu (1 điểm) Viết phương trình phản ứng hỏa học xảy (nếu có) thí nghiệm sau: a) Fe3Ơ4 vào dung dịch HC1 b) Cho từ từ dung dịch HC1 đến dư vào dung dịch NaAlCh c) Cho Ba vào dung dịch C 11SO d) Cho FeC h vào dung dịch AgNƠ3 dư C ấu (I điểm) Cho a mol CO hấp thụ hết vào dung dịch chứa b mol NaOH - Nếu b = 2a thu dung dịch X - Nếu b = a thu dung dịch Y - Nếu b = l,4a thu dung dịch z Chỉ dùng hóa chất thiết bị, điều kiện thí nghiệm cần thiết hày trình bày phương pháp nhặn biết dung dịch X, Y, z C âu (I điểm) Cho chất sau: H 2O, benzen, C H OH, CH COOH, C Hs(OH) , chắt hco axit lactic (CH 3-CH(OH)-COOH) Hày cho biết chắt tác dụng với Na Viết phương trình phản ứng minh họa Câu (1 điểm) Cho dung dịch chứa 29,375 gam hỗn hợp A gồm muối NaX NaY (X Y nguyên tố có tự nhiên, chu kì liên tiếp thuộc nhóm VIIa), vào dung dịch AgNƠ dư thu 59,125 gam kết tủa Xác định X, Y tính phẩn trăm khối lượng mồi chất hỗn hợp A (Cho biết số hiệu nguyên tử cùa X < Y) Trang Câu (1 điểm) Cho 3,25 gam hỗn hợp X gồm kim loại kiềm M (hóa trị I) kim loại N (hóa trị 11) tan hồn toàn ưong nước thu dung dịch Y (gồm hai chất tan) 0,045 mol PỈ2 (dktc) Chia dung dịch Y thành phần bẳng nhau: - Phần đem cô cạn thu 2,03 gam chất rắn khan z - Phần cho tác dụng hoàn toàn với 100 ml dung dịch HC1 0,4 M thu in gain kết tủa a) Xác định kim loại M N b ) Tính m C ảu (ỉ điểm) Đốt chảy hoàn toàn m gam hidrocacbon A thể khí, mạch hờ, nặng hưn khơnỵ khí thu 7,04 gam CƠ Sục m gam hidrocacbon A vào nước brom dư đến phàn ứng hoàn tồn thấy có 25,6 gam brom phản ứng a) Xác định công thức phân tử viết công thức cấu tạo cùa hidrocacbon A b) Cho m gam hidrocacbon A nói tác dụng hết với Ag Ơ dư dung dịch NH Tính khối lượng kết tủa thu C âu (I điểm) Cần lấy 4,86 kg gạo (chứa 80% tinh bột) để điều ché 4,6 lít dung dịch rượu ctylic có độ rượu D° Cho biết hiệu suất chung trình 50%, khối lượng riêng C H OH nguyên chất 0,8 gam /ml a) Tính giá trị D b) Rượu uống vào thể ngấm vào máu gan ảnh hưởng trực tiếp tới sức khỏe người Trung bình thề m ột người trưởng thành có khoảng lít máu Già sử người trường thành uống 10,417 ml dung dịch rượu D ° trên, nồng độ cồn máu người a (mg)/100ml máu Tính a? (Giả sử lượng rượu uông vào ngấm vào máu gan chưa đào thải m ột lượng rượu khỏi máu) C âu (1 điểm) Hỗn hợp A gồm este mạch hờ CxHyCOOCnH n+i CxHyCOOCmH2m-i (m n • 1) Néu đun nóng 15,7 gam hỗn hợp A với dung dịch NaOH dư sau phản ứng hoàn toàn thu muối axit hữu 7,6 gam hồn hợp rượu Để đốt cháy 15,7 £am hổn hựp A cần vừa đủ 21,84 lít O thu 17,92 lít CO (Các khí đo đktc) a) Xác định cơng thức cấu tạo có chất hồn hợp A b) Tính phần trăm khối lượng mồi chất hỗn hợp A C âu 10 (1 điểm) Chia m gam hỗn hợp X gồm Na, Al, Fe thành phần bàng nhau: - Cho phần vào nước dư thu 4,48 lít H (đktc) - Cho phần vào 1,2 lít dung dịch HC1 IM thu duợc 11,2 lít H (đktc) dung dịch Y Cho 1,2 lít dung dịch NaOH IM vào dung dịch Y, sau phản ứng lọc lấy két tủa z đcm nung ưong khơng khí đến khối lượng khơng đồi thu 17,1 gam chất rán E (Biết phản ứng xảy hồn tồn) Tính m phần trăm khối lượng kim loại trơng hỗn hợp X h ế t -Họ tên thí sin h số báo danh (Cán coi thi khơng giài thích thêm) Trang SỞ GIÁO n ụ c: DÀO TẠO THÁI BÌNH KỲ THI TUYÉN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THÁI BÌNH Nă m h ọ c 2019-2020 ĐÁP ÁN GƠM 05 TRANG HƯỚNG DÂN CHẮM BDÈU ĐIẾM MÔN: HỎA HỌC (Dành cho thí sinh thi chun Hóa) Câu Câu Câu C âu Nội dung Điểm A: MgCƠ3 MgO B: CỎ2 C:NaHCƠ3 v N a 2C D: MgSƠ4, H2SO4 dư 0,25đ PTHH: M gC Ơ - > MgO + CO C ổ + 2NaOH — >Na2C03 + I I2 O CO + N a O H - >NaHCƠ3 0,25đ BaC h + N a2CƠ3 - > B aC 03ị + 2NaCl 2NaHCƠ3 + K O H - >Na2C + H2 O + K2CO 0,25đ MgCOs + H S O - > M g S + H O + CƠ Í MgO + H S O - ■> MgSƠ4 + H O 0,2 đ 0,25đ a) Fe30 + 8H C - »FeC h + 2FcCb + 4H20 b) HC1 + NaAlƠ + H O - > Al(OH)3 + NaCl Al(OH)3 + 3HC1 - >A lC b + H O c)Ba + H 2O - > Ba(OH ) + H2 Ba(OH )2 + CuSƠ4 — > Cu(OH )2 + BaSƠ! d) FeCỈ2 + 3A gN Ơ >Fe(N03)3+ 2AgCl + Ag 0.25đ 0,25đ CO + N a O H - >Na2CƠ3 + H O CO + N a O I I - >NaHCỠ3 Nếu b = 2a dd X chứa Na CƠ Nếu b = a dd Y chứa NaHCCb Nếu b = 1.4a dd z chứa Na2CƠ3 NaHCOỉ 0.25đ Cho dd BaCh dư vào ống nghiệm: - khônạ thấy xuất kết tủa dd Y -có xuat kết tủa dd X dd z BaC b + Na2CƠ3 - > B aC 03i + 2NaCl 0.2 5đ 0,25đ Lọc bỏ kết tủa ống nghiệm sau đun nóng dd ống có 0.25đ kết tủa dd z khơng có kết tủa dd X 2N aH C 03 - >Na2CƠ3 + H20 - CO Ĩ BaC k + Na2CƠ3 > BaCoãl + 2NaCl C âu Các chất phản ứng với Na là:: H , C H OH, CII COOII, 0,25đ C H (OH)3, axit lactic (CH -CH( H)-C 0 ĨI) " 0,54 PTHH: 2lhO + N a - » 2NaOH + H 2 C H OH + N a - >2C H2C3Hs(ONa)3 + 3H2 C âu CH3-CH(OH)-COOH + N a - > CH -CH(ONa)-COONa + H: 0.5d Trường hợp 1: muôi NaF NaCl Chỉ xảy pư: NaCl + A g N O s - > AgCl + NaNOj 473/1148 — 473/1148 (moi) - > % khối lượng NaCl 82,05% % khối lượng NaF = 17,95% 0?5đ Trường hợp 2: muối khơng có NaF muối phản ừng với AgNƠ tạo kết tủa Gọi CTPT trung bình muối N&Ỹ: amol NaX + A g N O s - > AgX + NaNƠ3 a = (59,125-29,375)/( 108-23) = 0,35 mol 0.25d - >X = 60,93 - > X Y Clo Brom Gọi số moi NaCl NaBr lằn lượt X, y ta có: 58,5x+ 103y = 29,375 x + y = 0,35 — ^ X = 0,15; y = 0,2 % khối lượng Nỉkci = 29.87% % khối lượng NaBr = 70,13% C âu 0,25 đ Khi cho X tác dụng với nước: I-Ĩ2Ơ + 2M — -> 2MOH + H2 (1) Do dd Y tác dụng với HC1 thu kết tủa N kim loại tác dụne MOH 0,25đ N + M O H - » M 2NO + H2 (2) Phần 2: Chất rắn MOI I M 2NO Gọi X, y số mol M N troníỉ hồn hợp X ta có M.x + N.y = 3,25 (I) X + 2y = 0,09 (II) (M + 17).(x-2y) + (2M + N + 32).y = 4,06 (III) 0.25(1 Giải hệ ta có: X = 0,05; y = 0?02 5M + 2N = 325 Vì M kim loại kiềm nên cặp nghiệm thỏa mãn M = 39 (Kali); N = 65 (Kẽm) 0.25d Trang Câu C âu Phần cho tác dụng với MCI thu kết tủa Zn(OH )2 Số mol HC1 = 0,04 mol KOH + HC1 — > KC1 + H20 0,005 - >0,005 K 2Z 11O + HC1 - > Zn(OH )2 + 2KC1 0,01 — >0,02 0,01 Zn(OH)2 + 2HC1 - >ZnC h + H O 0,0075 < - 0,015 Ta có Zn(OH ) lại = 0,0025 mol, m 0,2475 gam 0,25đ a) Sô mol CO = 0,16 mol, sô mol B ĩ = 0,16 mol Gọi A CnH2n+2-2a CnH2 n+2 -2a + (3n+l-a)/2 O —>► n CO + (n-a+ 1) H O CnH2n^2-2a + aBĩ2 —> CnH2n+2-2a Bĩ2a 0.25 d Vì Số mol CO =số m ol B ĩ - >n=a vi A chất khí nên n < Vì n = a nên A có CTPT CnlỈ2 - >ta có trường hợp: 0,25đ A C 2H loại Ma < 29 A C H loại khơng có CTCT thỏa mãn A C 4H cỏ CTCT là: CH^C-C^CH 0.25đ b) CH=C-C=CH + Ag Ơ - > AgC=C-C=CAg + H O 0,04 - > 0,04 - >khối lượng kết tủa = 10,56 gam 0,25đ a)Khôi lượng tinh bột = 4,86.80% = 3,888 kg = 3888g (C6Hio05)n +n H O - >n C H 12O C 6H 12O6 — > C H OH + CO 0,2 đ khối lượng C 2H OH thực té ứiu = (3888.2.46/162).50% = 1104 gam - >Thề tích C H OH nguyên chất thu = 1104/0.8 = 1380 ml - ■>Độ rượu D = (1380/4600) 100 = 30° 0,25đ b) Thể tích rượu nguyên chất =10.417.30% = 3,125 ml Khối lượng rượu nguyên chất = 3,125.0,8 = 2,5 gam Trong lít máu có chứa 2.5 gam rượu nguyên chất Vậy 100 ml máu có chứa 50 mg rượu nguyên chất - >a = 50mg/l OOml máu C âu 0,5đ Gọi CTPT trung bình este R.COQR hay C xỉ \ỹO i So mol CO = 0,8 mol Số mol O = 0,975 mol CxH ỹOí + (X + - - 1)0: — X CO + -H 2O Trang 0,25đ t BTKL có khơi lượng H O = 15,7 + 0,975.32 - 0.8.44 = 11,7 gam - >số mol H O = 0,65 moi Gọi số mol cste a Bảo tồn ngun tố oxi ta có: 2.a + 0,975.2 = 0,8.2 + 0.65 - >a= 0,15 mol RCOO R + NaOH - > R C O O N a+ ÃOH ,1 - > 0.15 mol R + 17 = 7,6/0,15 - » R = 33,67 - >2 rượu là:C2ĨỈ50H 0,25đ CH 3-CH 2-CH -OH CH3-CH(OH)-CI h C âu 10 Ạ ĩ Ta cổ R + 44 + R = 15,7/0,15 - » R = - >R C 2H Vậy CTCT este là: CH C H -C O O -C H -CH CH2=CH-COO-CH -CH -CH3 CH2=CH-COO-CH(CH 3)2 0.25d Gọi X y số mol cstc ta có: X + y = 0,15 lOOx + 114y =15,7 - >X = 0,1; y = 0,05 - > % khối lượng C5H s0 = 63,69% % khối lượng C H 10O2 = 36.61% 0.2 5đ Sô mol H (phân 1) = 0,2; sô mol H (phân 2) = 0,5; Số mol NaOH = ,2 ; số mol HC1 = 1,2 Gọi số mol Na, Al, Fe mồi phần X, V, Phần 1: H O + Na — >NaOH + 1/2 H X 0,5x AI + NaOH + H 2O —>NaAlƠ2 + 3/2H2 y , X -Neu X > y số mol H = 0,5x + l,5y = 0,2 (1) -Nêu X < y số mol H = 0,5x + l,5x = 0,2 (2) Cho phần vào dd HC1 Số mol HC1 pư = 2(số mol H2 ) = mol - >HCI dư 0,2 mol — >Na, Al, Fe hết N a + HCl — »NaCl + I/ H — > 0,5x AI + 3H C - >A lC b + / H — > y l,5y Fe+ 2HC1 -> F eC k + Hỉ z z Ta có 0,5x + l,5y + z = ,5 - >X + 3y + 27 = ] (3) Dung dịch Y chưa NaCl, AICI3 , FeCh, IỈC1 dir Cho Y tác dụng với 1,2 mol NaOII: HC1 + N a O H - > NaCl + H O ,2 - > 0,2 AICI3 + 3NaOH ->Al(OH )3 + NaCỈ — * 3y FeCb + NaOH ■»Fe(OH)2 + 2N aC l Trang z — > 2z z số mol NaOH lại 1,2 - 0,2 - 3y- 2z = X (theo (3)) xảy tiếp pư NaOH + Al(OH)3 - >NaA102 + 2H20 X y 0.25đ Xét trường hợp 1: Néu X > y th ì k é t tủa chi chứa Fe(OH )2 Fe(OH ) + 1/2Ơ - >Fe2Ơ3 + H 2O Z——> 0,5z từ (1) (3) ta có z = ,3 - » khối lượng E = khối lượng Fe2Ơ 0,15.160 = ^ 17,1 ——> loai 0.25d Xét trường hợp Nếu X < y theo (2) ta có X = 0,1 (4) Kết tủa z chứa Al(OH)3: y-x mol; Fe(OH) : mol 2A 1(0H )3 - > AJ2 O + 3H20 y-x ( y-x)/2 17,1 gam chất rắn E gồm: AI2 O Fe2 Ơ Ta có 102.0,5 (y-x)+ 0 ,5 z = 17,1 (5) Giải hệ (3),(4),(5) ta có V = 0,2, z = 0,15 (thỏa mãn X < y) m= 23.2x + 27.2y + 56.27 = 32,2 gam 0.25đ % khối lượng Na = 14,29% % khối lượng AI = 33,54% % khối lượng Fe = 52,17% 0.25 đ \ -Hết Trang SỞ GD ĐT THÁI BÌNH ^ _ Mâ đề thi: 457 I ĐÉ THI TUYÊN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THẢI BÌNH Năm học 2019-2020 MƠN THI: TIÉNG ANH (Dành cho tất thí sinh) Đề gồm 03 trang Thời gian làm bài: 60 pỉtíư (Khơng ké thời gian giao đế) Thí sinh làm vào Phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each o f the following questions 1: A challenge B machine c chocolate D charity 2: A lived B wanted c needed D started 3: A rough B tough c cough D plough M ark the letter A , By c or D on vour answ er sh eet to indicate th e word th a t differs fr o m the other three in the position ofprimary>stress in each o f the following questions 4: A commercial B generous c detective 5: A typhoon B climate c quarter D polluted D humor Mark the letter A, ByC or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 6: It is rude to ask the American questions about their age, marriage or income A polite B acceptable c gentle D impolite 7: How on earth could they demolish such a lovely old building and put a car park there instead? A preserve B desưoy c decrease D upgrade Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 8: I could see the finish line and I thought I was home and dry A successful B unsuccessful c excited D disappointed 9: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on that island The islanders even exported the surplus A good crops B large quantities c large crops D small quantities M ark the letter Ay B, c or D o n y o u r answ er sheet to indicate th e correct answ er to each o f the following questions 10: I en jo y _ to the cinema by my father A to take B to be taken c being taken D taking 11: Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only w ork _but also save energy A effective B effectiveness c ineffectively D effectively 12: Mr Brown said that _ A he d id n ’t w atch T V last night c he hadn’t watched TV last night 13: We saw many cars and people A who B that B he d id n 't w atched TV the previous night D he hadn’t watched TV the previous night were moving to the country side c whom D are these D ten - minute _ 14: These books are yours, _ ? A are they B aren’t these c aren’t they 15: After each period, we have a _break A ten - minutes B ten minutes c ten minute : r v e some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there A had B paid c done 17: The smaller the room is, the furniture it needs D which D made Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 457 A little B more c fewer 18: We all felt cold, wet and hungry; , we were lost A however B moreover c although D less D bccausc 19: I have promised to _ her daughter next week when she is away on business A look for B take after c take off D look after 20: Have you ever been to Philippines before? A no article B a c the D an Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each o f the following questions 21: It's a pity that I can speak English well A If only I can speak E nglish well B I w ish I could speak English w ell, c I wish I can speak English well D I wish I can’t speak English well 22: ,ÈWhy don you get your hair cut, Garvin ? ” said Adam A Garvin was suggested to cut his hair by Adam B Adam suggested Garvin to have his hair cut c Adam advised Garvin to have his hair cut D Adam advised Garvin to cut his hair 23: The living room isn as big as the kitchen A The living room is bigger than the kitchen B The kitchen is bigger than the living room, c The kitchen is smaller than the living room D The kitchen isn’t as big as the living room M ark the letter A , By c or D on y o u r answ er sheet to indicate the sentence th a t best com bines each pair o f sentences in the following questions 24: A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare I can t remember his name A I can’t remember the name o f the speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare B A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can’t remember his name, c The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can’t remember D The speaker whose name I can’t remember he will come to talk about William Shakespeare 25: He is very intelligent He can solve all the problems in no time A Because he is very intelligent so he can solve all the problems in no time B He is so intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time, c He is too intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time D Although he is very intelligent, he can solve all the problems in no time M ark the letter A , B, c or D on y o u r answer sh eet to indicate the m o st suitable response to each o f the following exchanges 26: Peter: “Do you work in an office, Fred?” Fred: “ ” A Not anymore I’m an English teacher now B No, I work as a bank clerk, c Yes, I am But I don’t like it D Yeah, but I'm out of work now 27: Bill: “I heard you won the first prize in the singing contest Congratulations!" Alex: “ _ ” A Yes, w ith pleasure c N o problem B T hank you I’m glad you like it D That’s very kind o f you to say so Thank you M ark the letter A , By c or D on y o u r answ er sheet to indicate the u n d erlined p a rt that needs correction in each o f the following sentences 28: We are worried about these harmful chemicals will pollute the lake A B C D Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 457 29: My brother worked for this organization since it was first founded A B C D 30: You should get up early and morning exercise regularly to stay healthily A B C D Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each o f the numbered blanks in the following passage Everyone wants to reduce pollution But the pollution problem is as complicated (31) _it is serious It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that (32) _ people For example, exhaust emissions (33) automobiles cause a large percentage of all air pollution (34) _, automobiles provide transportation for millions of people Factories (35) _ a lot of waste which pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people 31: A as B than c since D because 32: A beneficiary B benefit c beneficially D beneficial 33: A at B for c from D in 34: A However B Moreover c Furthermore D Therefore 35: A emit B offer c release D throw Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the following questions According to Dr Lee, here are the most important things a student should to be a good language learner First, you should always go to class and be early enough to get ready for lessons You should sit straight and pay attention to die lectures And you ought to actively ask and answer questions in class Second, you should try to use your new language outside of the class at any time possible Especially, it is much better if you can practice the language with indigenous speakers - people whose mother tongue is the language you are learning Finally, learning a new language is sometimes daunting: therefore, you mustn’t give up 36: What is the best title of this passage? A The Importance o f Language B A New Way of Language Learning c Advice on Language Learning D Joining a Language Class 37: To whom did the author write the passage? A students B doctors c teachers D engineers 38: How many tips on learning a language did the author mention in the passage? A four B two c three D five 39: According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT _ A Learners had better use the new language outside of the class B Learners should get to class early c Students shouldn’t practice the new language with other people D Students ought to ask and answer questions in class 40: The word “indigenous” could be replaced w ith A good B studious c active D native THE END Họ tên: Sổ báo danh: Giám thị coi thi không giải thích thêm Trang 3/3 - Mã đề thi 457 SỞ GD ĐT THÁI BÌNHđề thi: 516 i Đê gồm 03 trang ĐÈ THI TUYÈN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUN THÁI BÌNH Năm học 2019-2020 MƠN THI: TIẾNG ANH (Dành cho tất thí sinh) Thời gian làm bài: 60 pỉt út (Không kế thời gian giao đè) Thí sinh làm vào Phiếu trả lòi trắc nghiệm Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs front the other three in pronunciation in each o f the following questions 1: A started B wanted c lived D needed 2: A charity B chocolate c challenge D machine 3: A tough B plough c rough D cough Mark the letter At B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position ofprimary stress in each o f the following questions 4: A typhoon B climate c quarter D humor 5: A generous B polluted c detcctive D commercial Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 6: It is rude to ask the American questions about their age, marriage or income A gentle B impolite c acceptable D polite 7: How on earth could they demolish such a lovely old building and put a car park there instead? A upgrade B decrease c destroy D preserve M ark the letter Ay By c or D on y o u r answ er sheet to indicate the word(s) O P P O SIT E in m eaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 8: I could see the finish line and I thought I was home and dry A excited B disappointed c unsuccessful D successful 9: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on that island The islanders even exported the surplus A large crops B large quantities c small quantities D good crops M ark the letter Ay B, c or D Oft y o u r answ er sheet to indicate th e correct answ er to each o f the following questions 10: I enjoy to the cinema by my father A being taken B to be taken c taking 11: Have you ever been t o Philippines before? A no article B the c a 12: Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only energy A effective B effectiveness c effectively 13: The smaller the room is, th e furniture it needs A more B less c little 14: After each period, we have a _ break A ten - minutes B ten minutes c ten minute 15: We all felt cold, wet and hungry; , we were lost A however B moreover c although 16: I’vesome research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there A had B made c paid 17: We saw many cars and people _ were moving to the countryside A w hich B that c w ho D to take D an work hut also save D ineffectively D fewer D ten - minute D because D done D whom Trang 1/3 - Mã đề thi 516 18: Mr Brown said th a t _ ' A he didn’t watch TV last night c he hadn’t watched TV last night B he didn’t watched TV the previous night D he hadn't watched TV the previous night 19: These books are yours, _ ? A are they B aren’t they c aren’tthese D arc these 20: I have promised t o her daughter next week when she is away on business A take after B look for c take off D look after Mark the letter At By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each o f the following questions 21: It's a pity thai I can speak English well A I wish I can speak English well B I wish I can’t speak English well, c If only I can speak English well D I wish I could speak English well 22: “ Why don you get your hair cut, Garvin? ” said Adam A Garvin was suggested to cut his hair by Adam B Adam advised Garvin to cut his hair c Adam advised Garvin to have his hair cut D Adam suggested Garvin to have his hair cut 23: The living room isn 't as big as the kitchen A The living room is bigger than the kitchen B The kitchen is bigger than the living room, c The kitchcn is smaller than the living room D The kitchen isn’t as big as the living room Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair o f sentences in the following questions 24: A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare can remember his name A I can’t remember the name o f the speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare B The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can't remember, c The speaker whose name I can’t remember he will come to talk about William Shakespeare D A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can’t remember his name 25: He is very intelligent He can solve all the problems in no time A He is so intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time B He is too intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time c Although he is very intelligent, he can solve all the problems in no time D Because he is very intelligent so he can solve all the problems in no time Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each o f the following exchanges 26: Peter: “Do you work in an office, Fred?” Fred: “ ” A Yes, I am But I don’t like it B Not anymore I’m an English tcachcr now c No, I work as a bank clerk D Yeah, but I’m out of work now 27: Bill: “I heard you won the first prize in the singing contest Congratulations!" Alex: “ _ ” A T h at’s very kind o f you to say so Thank you B N o problem c Yes, with pleasure D Thank you I’m glad you like it Mark the letter Ay B , c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each o f the following sentences 28: We arc worried about these harmful chemicals will pollute the lake A B C D 29: My brother worked for this organization since it was first founded A B C D Trang 2/3 - Mã đề thi 516 30: You should get up early and morning exercise regularly to stay healthily A B C D Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each o f the numbered blanks in the following passage Everyone wants to reduce pollution But the pollution problem is as complicated (31) _ it is serious It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that (32) _ people For example, exhaust emissions (33) automobiles cause a large percentage of all air pollution (34) _, automobiles provide transportation for millions of people Factories ( ) _ a lot of waste which pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people 31: A as B than c since D becausc 32: A beneficiary B benefit c beneficially D beneficial 33: A at B for c from D in 34: A However B Moreover c Furthermore D Therefore 35: A emit B offer c release D throw Read the fo llo w in g passage a n d m ark th e letter Ay By c or D on y o u r answ er sh eet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the fo il owing questions According to Dr Lee, here are the most important things a student should to be a good language learner First, you should always go to class and be early enough to get ready for lessons You should sit straight and pay attention to the lectures And you ought to actively ask and answer questions in class Second, you should try to use your new language outside of the class at any time possible Especially, it is much better if you can practice the language with indigenous speakers - people whose mother tongue is the language you are learning Finally, learning a new language is sometimes daunting; therefore, you mustn’t give up 36: What is the best title o f this passage? A A N ew W ay o f L anguage L earning B A dvice on Language Learning c Joining a Language Class D The Importance of Language 37: How many tips on learning a language did the author mention in the passage? A four B two c three D five 38: The word “indigenous” could be replaced w ith A good B studious c active D native 39: To whom did the author write the passage? A engineers B doctors c teachers D students 40: According to the passage, all o f the following statements are true EXCEPT A Students shouldn’t practice the new language with other people B Learners had better use the new language outside of the class, c Students ought to ask and answer questions in class D Learners should get to class early THE END Họ tên: s ố báo danh: Giảm thị coi thi khơng giải thích thêm Trang 3/3 - Mà dề thi 516 SỞ GD ĐT THÁI BÌNHđề thi: 671 I ĐÈ THI TUYỀN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THÁI BÌNH Năm học 2019-2020 MÔN THI: TIF.NG ANH (Dành cho tắt thí sinh) Đề gồm 03 trang Thời gian làm bài: 60 phủi (Khơng kế thời gian giao để) Thí sinh làm vào Phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each o f the following questions 1: A chocolate B charity c challenge D machine 2: A wanted B started c lived D needed 3: A plough B tough c cough D rough Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position o f primary stress in each o f the following questions 4: A generous B polluted c detective D commercial 5: A typhoon B climate c humor D quarter M ark th e letter Ay B, c o r D o n y o u r answ er sh eet to indicate th e word(s) C L O S E S T in m eaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 6: How on earth could they demolish such a lovely old building and put a car park there instead? A upgrade B decrease c destroy D preserve 7: It is rude to ask the American questions about their age, marriage or income A impolite B acceptable c gentle D polite Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the H'ord(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 8: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on that island The islanders even exported the surplus A large crops B large quantities c small quantities D good crops 9: I could see the finish line and I thought I was home and dry A disappointed B excited c unsuccessful D successful Mark the letter At By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the following questions 10: The smaller the room is, th e _furniture it needs A little B less c more D fewer 11: I enjoy _ to the cinema by my father A being taken B taking c to take D to be taken 12: We all felt cold, wet and hungry; , we were lost A however B moreover c although D bccause 13: We saw many cars and people _ were moving to the countryside A who B whom c that D which 14: After each period, we have a break A ten - m inutes B ten - m inute c ten m inute _ 15: I’v e some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there A had B made c paid 16: Have you ever been to Philippines before? A no article B a c the 17: Mr Brown said th at _ D ten m inutes A he d id n ’t w atch TV last night c he hadn’t watched TV last night D done D an B he d id n 't w atched TV the previous night D he hadn’t watched TV the previous night Trang 1/3 - Vlã đề thi 671 18: These books are yours _ ? A aren’t they B are they c aren’t these D are these 19: Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only work but also save energy A effectiveness B effectively c ineffectively D effective 20: I have promised to her daughter next week when she is away on business A look for B take after c take off D look after Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each o f the following questions 21: The living room isn 't as big as the kitchen A The living room is bigger than the kitchen B The kitchen is bigger than the living room, c The kitchen is smaller than the living room D The kitchen isn’t as big as the living room 22: It’s a pity that I can speak English well A If only I can speak English well B I wish I could speak English well, c I wish I can speak English well D I wish I can't speak English well 23: “ Why don you get your hair cut, Garvin? " said Adam A Garvin was suggested to cut his hair by Adam B Adam suggested Garvin to have his hair cut c Adam advised Garvin to cut his hair D Adam advised Garvin to have his hair cut Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair o f sentences in the following questions 24: A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare I can remember his name A The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can’t remember B I can’t remember the name of the speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, c The speaker whose name I can’t remember he will come to talk about William Shakespeare D A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can't remember his name 25: He is very intelligent He can solve all the problems in no lime A Although he is very intelligent, he can solve all the problems in no time B He is so intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time c Because he is very intelligent so he can solve all the problems in no time D He is too intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each o f the following exchanges 26: Bill: “I heard you won the first prize in the singing contest Congratulations!” Alex: ” A That’s very kind o f you to say so Thank you B No problem c Yes with pleasure D Thank you I’m glad you like it 27: Peter: “Do you work in an office, Fred?” Fred: “ ” A Yeah, but I’m out o f w ork now B Y es, I am But I d o n 't like it c No, I work as a bank clerk D Not anymore I’m an English teacher now M ark the letter Ay B, c or D on y o u r answ er sh eet to indicate the underlined pari that needs correction in each o f the following sentences 28: My brother worked for this organization since it was first founded A B C D Trang 2/3 - Mã dc thi 671 29: You should get up early and morning exercise regularly to stay healthily A B C D 30: We are worried about these harmful chemicals will pollute the lake A B C D Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each o f the numbered blanks in the following passage Everyone wants to rcduce pollution But the pollution problem is as complicated (31) it is people For serious It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that (3 ) _ example, exhaust emissions (33) _automobiles cause a large percentage of all air pollution (34) automobiles provide transportation for millions of people Factories (35) waste which pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of peopli D because c since B than 31: A as D beneficial c beneficially 32: A beneficiary1 B benefit D in c from B for 33: A at c Furthermore D Therefore B Moreover 34: A However D throw c release B offer 35: A emit R ead the fo llo w in g passage a n d m ark the letter A , R, c or D on y o u r answ er sheet to indicate th e correct answer to each o f the following questions According to Dr Lee, here are the most important things a student should to be a good language learner First, you should always go to class and be early enough to get ready for lessons You should sit straight and pay attention to the lectures And you ought to actively ask and answer questions in class Second, you should try to use your new language outside of the class at any time possible Especially, it is much better if you can practice the language with indigenous speakers - people whose mother tongue is the language you are learning Finally, learning a new language is sometimes daunting; therefore, you mustn’t give up 36: What is the best title of this passage? A Joining a Language Class B The Importance of Language c A New Way o f Language Learning D Advice on Language Learning 37: According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT A Students shouldn’t practice the new language with other people B Learners had better use the new language outside of the class, c Students ought to ask and answer questions in class D Learners should get to class early 38: How many tips on learning a language did the author mention in the passage? A two B four c five D three 39: The word “indigenous” could be replaced w ith A good B studious c native D active 40: To whom did the author write the passage? A engineers B doctors c teachers D students THE END Họ tê n : s ỗ báo danh: Giám thị coi thi khơng giải thích thêm Trang 3/3 - M đề thi 67 SỜ GD ĐT THÁI BÌNH ĐÈ THI TUYỂN SLNH LỚP 10 THPT CHUN THÁI BÌNH Năm học 2019-2020 MƠN THI: TIẾNG ANH (Dành cho tất thí sinh) Mầ đè thi: 780 Đề gồm 03 trang Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (Khơng kế thời gian giao đề) Thí sinh làm vào Phiếu trả lòi trắc nghiệm M ark th e letter A , By c o r D on y o u r answ er sh eet to indicate th e word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each o f the following questions 1: A machine B challenge c charity 2: A started B wanted c lived 3: A plough B tough c cough I), chocolate D needed D rough Mark the letter A, B , c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position ofprimary stress in each o f the following questions 4: A detective B polluted c generous D commercial 5: A climate B humor c quarter D typhoon Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 6: How on earth could they demolish such a lovely old building and put a car park there instead? A destroy B upgrade c preserve D decrease 7: It is rude to ask the American questions about their age, marriage or income A acceptable B impolite c polite D gentle Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 8: I could see the finish line and I thought I was home and dry A disappointed B excited c unsuccessful D successful 9: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on that island The islanders even exported ihc surplus A large quantities B small quantities c good crops D large crops Mark the letter /4, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the following questions 10: After each period, we have a break A ten - minutes B ten - minute c ten minute D ten minutes 11: We all felt cold, wet and hun g ry ; _ we were lost A moreover B however c because D although 12: We saw many cars and people were moving to the countryside A who B whom c that D which 13: Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only w ork _ but also save energy A effectiveness B effectively c ineffectively D effective 14: I’v e some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there A had B made c paid D done 15: The smaller the room is, the furniture it needs A iess B little c more D fewer 16: Have you ever been to Philippines before? A the B no article c an D a 17: I have prom ised to A look for h er daughter next w eek w hen she is aw ay on business B take after c take off D look after Trang 1/3 - Mă đề thi 780 18: These books are yours, _ ? • A are these B aren’t they 19: I enjoy _ to the cinema by my father A taking B to take 20: Mr Brown said t h a t A he didn’t watch TV last night c he hadn’t watched TV last night c arc they D aren’t these c being taken D to be taken B he didn't watched TV the previous night D he hadn’t watched TV the previous night Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each o f the following questions 21: " Why don you get your hair cut, Garvin? ” said Adam A Adam suggested Garvin to have his hair cut B Adam advised Garvin to cut his hair c Garvin was suggested to cut his hair by Adam D Adam advised Garvin to have his hair cut 22: The living room isn as big as the kitchen A The living room is bigger than the kitchen B The kitchen is bigger than the living room, c The kitchen is smaller than the living room D The kitchen isn’t as big as the living room 23: It’s a pity that I can speak English well A I w ish I could speak E nglish w ell c I wish I can speak English well B I w ish I c a n ’t speak English well, D If only I can speak English well Mark the letter A, B , c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair o f sentences in the following questions 24: A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare I can remember his name A The speaker whose name I can’t remember he will come to talk about William Shakespeare B A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can't remember his name, c The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can't remember D I can’t remember the name of the speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare 25: He is very intelligent He can solve all the problems in no time A Although he is very intelligent, he can solve all the problems in no time B He is too intelligent that he can solveall the problems in no time c Because he is very intelligent so he can solve all the problems in no time D He is so intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time M ark the letter Ay B, c or D on y o u r answ er sheet to indicate the m ost suitable response to each o f the following exchanges 26: Peter: “Do you work in an office, Fred?” Fred: “ ” A Yeah, but I’m out o f work now B Yes, I am But I don't like it c No, I work as a bank clerk D Not anymore I’m an English teacher now, 27: Bill: “I heard you won the first prize in the singing contest Congratulations!" Alex: “ _ ” A Thank you I’m glad you like it B N o problem , c That’s very kind o f you to say so Thank you D Yes, with pleasure Mark the letter A, By c or D on vour answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each o f the following sentences 28: My brother worked for this organization since it was first founded A B C D Trang 2/3 - Mà đề thi 780 SỞ GD ĐT THÁI BÌNHđề thi: 842 I Để gồm 03 ang ĐÈ THI TƯYẺN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUN THÁI BÌNH Năm học 2019-2020 MƠN T in : TIẾNG ANH (Dành cho tất thí sinh) Thời gian làm bài: 60p h ủ i (Không kể thời gian giao dề) Thí sinh làm vào Phiếu trà lời trác nghiệm Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each o f the following questions 1: A plough B tough c cough D rough 2: A challenge B charity c machine D chocolate 3: A needed B wanted c lived D started Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position o f primary; stress in each o f the following questions 4: A climate B humor c quarter D typhoon 5: A generous B commercial c detective D polluted Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 6: How on earth could they demolish such a lovely old building and put a car park there instead? A preserve B upgrade c destroy D decrease 7: It is rude to ask the American questions about their age marriage or income A polite B impolite c gentle D acceptable Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each o f the following questions 8: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on that island The islanders even exported the surplus A large quantities B small quantities c good crops D large crops 9: I could see the finish line and I thought I was home and dry A unsuccessful B excited c disappointed D successful Mark the letter Ay By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the following questions 10: These books are yours, _ ? A are these B aren’t they c are they D aren't these 11: Companies now realize that consumers want products that will not only work but also save energy A effectiveness B ineffectively c effectively D effective 12: We all felt cold, wet and h u n g ry ; , we were lost A however B although c moreover D because 13: I’ve some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there A had B made c done D paid 14: W c saw m any cars and p e o p le w ere m oving to the countryside A which B that 15: Mr Brown said th a t _ A he didn’t watch TV last night c he hadn’t w atched TV last night c whom D who H he didn’t watched TV the previous night D he h a d n ’t w atched T V the previous night 16: I have promised to _ her daughter next week when she is away on business A look for B take after c look after D take off 17: Have you ever been to Philippines before? Trangl/3-M ă đề thi 842 A no article B the c a D an 18: I enjoy _ to the cinema by my father A taking B to take c being taken 19: After each period, we have a break A ten minutes B ten - minute c ten - minutes 20: The smaller the room is, th e _ furniture it needs A little B less c fewer D to be taken D ten minute D more Mark the letter A, By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each o f the following questions 21: The living room isn as big as the kitchen A The living room is bigger than the kitchen B The kitchen is bigger than the living room, c The kitchen is smaller than the living room D The kitchen isn’t as big as the living room 22: “ Why don you get your hair cut, Garvin? ” said Adam A Adam advised Garvin to have his hair cut B Adam suggested Garvin to have his hair cut c Adam advised Garvin to cut his hair D Garvin was suggested to cut his hair by Adam 23: I t’s a pity that I can *t speak English well A I wish I can speak English well B If only I can speak English well c I wish I could speak English well D I wish I can’t speak English well Mark the letter Ay B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair o f sentences in the following questions 24: He is very intelligent He can solve all the problems in no time A Although he is very intelligent, he can solve all the problems in no time B He is too intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time c Because he is very intelligent so he can solve all the problems in no time D He is so intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time 25: A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare Ỉ can remember his name A I can’t remember the name of the speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare B A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can't remember his name, c The speaker whose name I can’t remember he will come to talk about William Shakespeare D The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can’t remember Mark the letter A , By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to each o f the following exchanges 26: Peter: “Do you work in an office, Fred?” Fred: “ ” A Not anymore I’m an English teacher now B Yeah, but I’m out of work now c No, I work as a bank clerk D Yes, Ỉ am But I don’t like it 27: Bill: “I heard you won the first prize in the singing contcst Congratulations!'’ Alex: ” A T hat’s very kind o f you to say so Thank you B Thank you I’m glad you like c No problem it D Yes, with pleasure Mark the letter A, By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each o f the following sentences 28: Wc are worried about these harmful chemicals will pollute the lake A B C D Trang 2/3 - Mà đề thi 842 29: You should get up early and moming exercise regularly to stay healthily A B C D 30: My brother worked for this organization since it was first founded A B C D Mark the letter A, By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each o f the numbered blanks in the following passage Everyone wants to reduce pollution But the pollution problem is as complicated (31) _it is serious It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that (32) people For example, exhaust emissions (33) automobiles cause a large percentage of all air pollution (34) _, automobiles provide transportation for millions of people Factories (35) a lot of waste which pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people 31: A as B than c since D bccausc 32: A beneficiary B benefit c beneficially D beneficial 33: A at B for c from D in 34: A However B Moreover c Furthermore D Therefore 35: A emit B offer c release D throw Read the following passage and mark the letter A, By c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the following questions According to Dr Lee, here are the most important things a student should to be a good language learner First, you should always go to class and be early enough to get ready for lessons You should sit straight and pay attention to the lectures And you ought to actively ask and answer questions in class Second, you should try to use your new language outside of the class at any time possible Especially, it is much better if you can practice the language with indigenous speakers - people whose mother tongue is the language you are learning Finally, learning a new language is sometimes daunting; therefore, you mustn’t give up 36: What is the best title of this passage? A Joining a Language Class B A New Way of Language Learning c The Importance o f Language D Advice on Language Learning 37: How many tips on learning a language did the author mention in the passage? A five B three c two D four 38: According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT A Students ought to ask and answer questions in class B Learners should get to class early c Learners had better use the new language outside o f the class D Students shouldn't practice the new language with other people 39: The word “indigenous” could be replaced w ith A good B studious c native D active 40: To whom did the author write the passage? A students B doctors c engineers D teachers THE END Họ tên: Sỗ báo danh: Giảm thị coi thi khơng giải thích thêm Trang 3/3 - Mà đề thi 842 THÁI BÌNH THẢI BÌNH Năm học 2019-2020 rỷị G1Ả0 0ỤC o\VÂ v \ MÔN n i l : TIÉNG ANH (Dành cho tắt thí sinh) Đ ẢO í AO, ' Mã đ ê 298 Mã đ ê 364 Mã đ ê 457 Mã đê 516 Mã đê 671 Mã đê 780 Mã đề 842 ... DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THAI BÌNH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨ C ĐÁP ẤN GÒM 0^ TRANG KỲ THI TUYẺN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THẢI BÌNH NĂM HỌC 2019-2020 HƯỚNG DÀN CHẲM VÀ BIÉU ĐIỂM MƠN: SINH HỌC (Dành cho thí sinh thi chuyên. .. sinh: số báo danh: (Cán coi thi khơng giái thích thêm) SỞ GIẢO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THAI BÌNH ĐÁP ÁN CIIÍNH THỨC KỲ THI TUYẺN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THÁI BÌNH NẢỈVĨ HỌC 2019-2020 HƯỚNG DÃN CHẮM... danh (Cán coi thi khơng giài thích thêm) Trang SỞ GIÁO n ụ c: VÀ DÀO TẠO THÁI BÌNH KỲ THI TUYÉN SINH LỚP 10 THPT CHUYÊN THÁI BÌNH Nă m h ọ c 2019-2020 ĐÁP ÁN GÔM 05 TRANG HƯỚNG DÂN CHẮM VÀ BDÈU

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2019, 11:10

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