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ĐẤU TRANH CHÍNH TRỊ ở QUẢNG NAM đà NĂNG TRONG KHÁNG CHIẾN CHỐNG mỹ từ năm 1954 đến 1965 tt tiếng anh

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HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION TU ANH NGUYET POLITICAL STRUGGLE IN QUANG NAM AND DA NANG IN THE RESISTANCE WAR AGAINST AMERICA FROM 1954 TO 1965 Major: Vietnamese History Code: 62 22 03 13 ABSTRACT OF HISTORICAL DOCTORAL THESIS HUẾ, NĂM 2019 The work is completed at: Faculty of History, University of Education, Hue University Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Le Cung Review 1: Review 2: Review 3: The thesis will be presented at Hue University Thesis Council at At hour month year The thesis can be found at the Library of University of Education, Hue University INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the topic An important factor in the victory of the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975) is the right combination of building political forces with military forces, political struggle with military struggle In the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975), the political struggle plays an important role in the cause of liberation of the South and the reunification of the country Political struggle in the Southern revolution from 1954 to 1975 has the participation of many people such as workers, farmers, students, pupils, intellectuals, followers of religions and small businesses , national bourgeois, taking place in many different forms such as rallies, demonstrations, hunger strikes, strikes, selfimmolation, with legal, half-legal and non- legal properties, against new colonial policies of America and the Saigon government On the basis of bringing into full play the strength of the great unity of the nation, the political struggle has formed strong political armies as the core force in the struggle for people, land preservation and rebellion to regain the mastery; support effectively for military struggle and become a prop for the consumed armed forces and destroy the life force of the enemy The political struggle has made it difficult for the American empire and the Saigon government to impose new colonialism and to implement war strategies in the South Due to the influence of natural and socio-economic conditions of each locality in the South, the political struggle is plentiful and diverse with different forms and levels The political struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang is also one such case Da Nang is the second largest city in the South, the political and military center of strategic Region including the provinces: Quang Tri, Thua Thien, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai America and the Saigon government attempted to build QN - DN into a marine, continental, air force complex, with the ambition of the strong military force both on land, on the sea and in the air America and the Saigon government will prevent the important revolutionary defensive line force on the southern battlefield, gain an important area for long-term separation in the North and South As all over the South, at the battlefield of QN - DN, the main motto of struggle is: combining political struggle with armed struggle, attacking the enemy in all strategic areas with 3-pronged attacks With the policy of "Workers - farmers - soldiers – intellectuals" combination, the political struggle in QN - DN took place quite enthusiastically and contributed significantly to the victory of the Southern revolution in general and QN - DN in particular However, the political struggle in QN - DN during the resistance war against America for national liberation has not been studied systematicly and completedly, the published research works are not much Therefore, the research of the political struggle movement in QN - DN in the resistance war against America for National Liberation in general, from 1954 to 1965 in particular is a work of deep scientific and practical significance In terms of the scientific significance, the research of the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 helps us to understand the policies of America and the Saigon government in QN - DN, more broadly for the entire the South to draw the cause of the political struggle movement in QN-DN; understand the developments, properties, characteristics and meaning of the movement; and more fully understand a historical period of the resistance war against America for national liberation of the QN – DN people Researching the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 helps us clearly see the Party's proper leadership as well as the creation of the QN-DN people in the resistance war against America for national liberation In addition, reseaching the movement also helps us realize the importance of Southern political struggle in general, the political struggle in QN - DN in particular In terms of practical significance, the research of political struggle in QN-DN from 1954 to 1965 contributes to enriching and perfecting the history of QN - DN in the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975) The thesis provides materials to help teachers apply in the local history lectures in QN - DN to educate patriotism, revolutionary traditions, national pride and homeland for generations of QN - DN, thereby drawing some historical experiences in promoting human factors, building political forces to serve the process of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country in the new era With the above-mentioned meanings, we choose the topic "Political struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965" as the topic of doctoral thesis specialized in Vietnamese History Subject and scope of the research * Research subject The thesis studies on the political struggle in QN - DN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965, including the struggle movement of workers, farmers, pupils, students, followers of religions, ethnic minorities, and a part of officials, officers and soldiers in the army of the Saigon government … * Research scope +Space: The thesis studies on the political struggle in QN - DN in all three regions: mountainous, rural and urban areas The administrative boundaries of Quang Nam and Da Nang have changed many times: from 1952 to 1962, Quang Nam province and Da Nang city was an administrative unit of Quang Nam - Da Nang, from the end of 1962, according to the revolutionary government, Quang Nam - Da Nang was separated into two provinces of Quang Nam (the enemy called Quang Tin) and Quang Da (the enemy called Quang Nam) Therefore, in the thesis, we consistently use the political struggle in QN – DN + Time: The limit of the thesis from 1954 to 1965, particularly from the signing of the Geneva Agreement (July 21, 1954) to before March 8, 1965 when America began to implement the strategy "Local War" However, in the process of implementing the thesis, to clarify the content, we can mention, extend the time forward or after the above delimiting time Purposes and tasks of the research * Research purposes On the basis of inheriting the previous works, the thesis collects and synthesizes from the existing data sources to recreate the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965, thereby adding historical research results of the resistance war against America, for national liberation in the area; simultaneously, providing scientific arguments, contributing to improving the quality of politics, ideology and people mobilization, promoting the strength of the people, building a great unity of the people, especially traditional education in the current period * Research tasks In order to achieve the above research purpose, the author focuses on solving the following basic tasks: - Analyzing the strategic position, generalizing the population and socio-economic conditions, the patriotic and revolutionary traditions of the people of QN - ĐN - factors affecting the political struggle - Clarifying the leadership and direction of the Party for political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 - Objectively and honestly reappear the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 - Analyzing and interpreting the characteristics and role of political struggle in QN - DN in the resistance war against America; draw lessons from experience of struggle to be able to inherit and apply in building security and defense posture in this area Source of materials and research methodology * Source of materials Published sources of materials: Including documents of the Party, State, works of Ho Chi Minh President, of the leaders of the Party and State of Vietnam; published domestic and foreign research works and articles published in newspapers, magazines, related to the Vietnam War in general, about the resistance war against America for national liberation of QN – DN people in particular This source of materials is very rich and diverse, providing materials on many different aspects of the political struggle as the Party's policy, the political struggle activities of the Southern people including the people of QN - DN Central and local archives In QN - ĐN, there are reports, summaries, resolutions, dispatches, directives, of Party committees, authorities, revolutionary organizations in the Provincial Archive Center, Provincial Propaganda and training commission, Military Command In addition, the thesis also explores materials at the Center of Archive of Military Command Region V, the Information and Documentation Department of the Vietnam Military History Institute and Department of Party Central Office archives In particular, the National Archives Center II in Ho Chi Minh City and the National Archives Center IV include reports, statements, public documents, official documents, Archives is an important, basic source of data for the author to deploy and implement the thesis * Research methodology In the course of the study, we use the method of history and logic method mainly In addition, we also use a number of methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison and interdisciplinary (fieldwork, statistics, observation, interviews) to solve specific problems of thesis Contributions of the thesis The thesis has the following contributions: Firstly, the thesis analyzes and clarifies the dominant policies and tricks of America and the Saigon government in QN - DN, thereby making clear the cause of the political struggle movement of the QN – DN people Secondly, reappearing the overall picture of the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 Thirdly, contributing to affirming the great role of political struggle as one of the two basic forms of struggle of the Vietnamese revolution Drawing some experiences on building political bases and people mobilization, serving as a basis for reference and application in the process of planning and implementing the Party's and State's undertakings and policies for QN - DN today Fourthly, contributing to providing more materials and some clarification points of QN - DN history in the resistance war against America; clarifying some experience lessons to apply to the cause of national renewal; educating local history, providing materials for teachers at all levels; educating patriotism and pride of local people so that they can participate in building the country today Thesis Layout In addition to the introduction (5 pages), conclusions (4 pages), references (20 pages) and appendix (42 pages), the thesis content (150 pages) is composed of chapters: Chapter Research overview (19 pages) Chapter Political struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1960 (55 pages) Chapter Political struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang in the resistance war against America from 1961 to 1965 (44 pages) Chapter Nature, characteristics and historical significance (33 pages) Chapter RESEARCH OVERVIEW 1.1 Research situation related to the thesis 1.1.1 The working group studies the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975), including the political struggle in the South The research of political struggle in the South in the resistance war against America (1954-1975) has typical projects such as: Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy, Party History Department (1993), Vietnamese Communist Party History (2 episodes), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Steering Committee summarized the war under the Politburo (1995), Summarizing the resistance war against America - Victory and lessons, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Steering Committee summarized the war under the Politburo (2000), Vietnam Revolutionary War (1945-1975) - Victory and lessons, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Editorial Council of South Central history of resistance (1995), South Central resistance, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Standing Party Committee - Military Command Region V (1999), Summary of political mobilization in soldiers of Region V battlefield in the resistance war against America for national liberation 1954-1975, People's Army Publishing House, Hanoi; Tran Van Giau (2006), Editor, People's Army Publishing House, Hanoi; Le Cung (2008), Southern Vietnam Buddhist Movement in 1963, 4th printing, Thuan Hoa Publishing House, Hue; Sharing in a flag (2010), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Editorial Council of Southern History of Resistance (2011), The main issues in the Southern History of Resistance (1945-1975), National Political Publishing House Truth, Hanoi; Ministry of Defense - Vietnam Military History Institute (2013), History of the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975) consists of episodes, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Le Cung (editor), (2014), Southern Vietnam Buddhist Movement (1964-1968), Thuan Hoa Publishing House; Le Cung (editor), (2015), The Southern urban movement in the resistance war against America (1954-1975), Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House; Le Duan (2015), Letter to the South, Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House; The research of political struggle in the South in the resistance war against America (1954-1975) is also reflected in a number of doctoral thesis, articles published in magazines and conference proceedings such as: Vu Thi Thuy Hien (2000), Southern women participate in the political struggle against the "Special War" strategy of the American Empire (1961-1965), Party History Journal, No 7; Phi Van Thuc (2006), The Party leads the political struggle in some big cities in the South from 1961 to 1968", the Doctoral Thesis, Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy, Hanoi; Trinh Thi Hong Hanh (2010), "The political struggle in the resistance war against America for national liberation (19541975)", Party History Journal, No 6; Tran Thi Lan (2014), The political struggle in the Central Highlands in the resistance war against America from 1961 to 1968, Doctoral Thesis, University of Education, Hue University; Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen (2016), Worker movement in the southern cities of Vietnam in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965, Doctoral Thesis, University of Education, Hue University In general, although the above mentioned works are presented in the form of summary, history, thesis papers or scientific articles at different levels and aspects, they have clarified many issues related to reasoning and the practice of political struggle in the South, especially in the cities during the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975) In addition to the domestic works, there were number of works of both Vietnamese and foreigners researching the Vietnam War or the political memoirs of those involved in Saigon regime before 1975 At different levels, these works also mention to the content of topics such as: Avro Manhattan (1984), "Viet Nam why did we go?", Chick publications, CA; Gabrien Kolko (1991), Anatomy of a war, People's Army Publishing House, Hanoi; Robert McNamara (1995), Retrospective - Tragedy and lessons about Vietnam, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi; Neil Seehan (2003), Flashy Deception, People's Public Security Publishing House, Hanoi These works show the role of political struggle in the resistance war against America for national liberation, the political struggle is considered as an important reason to explain America's defeat in South Vietnam In addition, related to the political struggle movement in the South during the war against the US there were also works such as: Jerrold Schecter (1967), The New Face of Buddha, John Weatherhill, Tokyo; Dr Robert Topmiller (2005), Immaculate Lotus, translated by Minh generalizing America policies and Sai Gon government in QN - DN This source of material is the basis for the author to draw the characteristics and meaning of political struggle in QN - DN in the resistance war against America for national liberation Fourthly, generalizing some prominent political struggles of the QN – DN people against America and Saigon goverment from 1954 to 1965 as struggling for the implementation of the Geneva Agreement in 1954-1956, struggling for civil democracy, struggling for the liberation of the mountains (1959-1960), the Buddhist movement in 1963, and starting the rural and delta liberation in the years 1964-1965; At the same time, there are initial assessments and judgments about those struggles Although the materials on America and the Saigon government have not been exploited much, the author inherited to supplement and reinforce the own judgment of the thesis 1.2 The thesis continues to solve the issuses On the basis of inheriting the results of the relevant research works, to comprehensively solve the issue of political struggle in QN - DN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965, The thesis focuses on clarifying the following contents: Firstly, clarifying the factors affecting the political struggle in QN DN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965 as natural, economic - social conditions; the patriotic and revolutionary tradition of the people of QN - DN before 1954; especially the new colonial nature of policies, measures of political - military, economic - social, cultural educational implemented by America and Saigon goverment in QN DN, from that, clarifying the main cause of the political struggle in QN DN from 1954 to 1965 Secondly, clarifying the guidelines and policies on the political struggle of the Party Central Committee, Union Region V, especially the local Party Committee in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965 The analysis and clarification of the Party's guidelines and policies must closely follow the enemy's plots and actions, and simultaneously compare with the results of the political struggle to see the acumen of directing the Party's political struggle Thirdly, reappearing the political struggles in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 The reenactment of the developments of the political struggle is based on a variety of source of material, especially archives of the revolutionary and Sai Gon government to ensure 11 objectivity and comprehensiveness Fourthly, clarifying the properties, characteristics and historical significance of the political struggle in QN - ĐN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965 The properties, characteristics and historical significance including experience lessons proved by historical materials from the political struggle movement of the local people, thereby serving as a basis for application in construction, strengthening the security - defense in QN – DN today Chapter POLITICAL STRUGGLE IN QUANG NAMDA NANG IN THE RESISTANCE WAR AGAINST AMERICA FROM 1954 TO 1960 2.1 Overview of natural, economic and social conditions, patriotic and revolutionary traditions of Quang NamDa Nang people 2.1.1 Natural condition Natural condition of QN - DN has two-sided impact on the political struggle: On the one hand, the terrain of QN - DN mountain and forest accounts for 56% of the natural area, so it is very convenient for guerrilla war, building revolutionary base; there is Ho Chi Minh road going through the western region of QN - DN, so it is also convenient for receiving the food sources and human resources of the great northern rear; densely populated urban areas are favorable for the organization of political struggle forces On the other hand, the small urban area is almost surrounded by mountains and sea; The rural plain is close to the highway, and it is divided, so the opponent is easy to control, prevent and isolate the struggles 2.1.2 Socio-economic condition QN - DN has quite specific conditions about economic life, population, religion, workers, students, etc These conditions impact in different directions, at different levels for political struggle in QN - DN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965 2.1.3 Patriotic and revolutionary traditions of Quang NamDa Nang people since the French invaded until July 21, 1954 During the period from the time France starting to invade our country in Da Nang (September 1, 1858) to the Geneva Agreement 12 (1954), the people of QN - DN together with the people of the whole country organized the struggles to keep the country These patriotic and revolutionary traditions has built up the spirit of resilient struggle to help the people of QN - DN overcome all difficulties and challenges, to contribute to the people of the South as well as the people of the whole country in the cause of the South liberation and reunification the country (1954-1975) 2.2 Policies of America and Sai Gon goverment in Quang NamDa Nang from 1954 to 1960 2.2.1 Political - military From 1954 to 1960, the big political policies of the Sai Gon governmnet applied to the South have been deployed in the area of QN - DN such as undermining the Genève Agreement, "Communist accusation", the "animal dropping movement" Meanwhile, in terms of military, after basically understanding the plains and urban areas, since 1960, Sai Gon goverment has stepped up military activities aimed at revolutionary bases in mountainous areas 2.2.2 Socio-economic In terms of economy, Ngo Dinh Diem government implemented a number of prominent policies such as land reform, establishment of "mansion areas" and "secretive areas" In terms of society, after the Geneva Agreement (July 21, 1954), America and Sai Gon government by various measures coerced and seduced northern people, mainly Christians who migrated to the South QN - DN is one of the provinces in the Central region that receives the most migrants from the North 2.2.3 Culture- education In terms of culture, like many other localities in the South, in QN - ĐN, the Saigon government enforced a clear religious discrimination policy In terms of education, comparing to other provinces in the Central region, QN - DN in the years 1954-1960 was quite developed However, educational institutions are strictly controlled by the Saigon government with various measures to prevent students from participating in the struggles 2.3 Policy of Party on the political struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang from 1954 to 1960 2.3.1 Policy of the Party Central Committee In the period of 1954-1960, the Party Central Committee has 13 been on the basis of closely following the policies and measures of Sai Gon government to propose appropriate guidelines and timely lead the people to struggle politically That is the policy of enforcing the Geneva Agreement; against "Communist accusation"; struggling for civil and democracy rights; liberating the mountain; 2.3.2 Policy of Interregional V Acquiring the policy of the Party Central Committee , Interregional V step by step sets out guidelines to direct Party organizations and people to enter the new struggle period 2.3.3 Policy of local Party Committee The policy of directing the enforcement of the Geneva Agreement, against "Communist accusation” struggling for civil and democracy rights; liberating the mountain; of the Party Central Committee and the Inter-Regional V, specified by the Provincial Party Committee of QN - DN in the process of leading local people to participate in the political struggle 2.4 Content of the political struggle in Quang namDa Nang from 1954 to 1960 2.4.1 Struggling for demanding America and Ngo Dinh Diem government to enforce the Geneve Agreement (July 21, 1954) After the Geneva Agreement (July 21, 1954) in QN – DN, the political struggle movement for demand Sai Gon bgovernment to enforce the agreement was raised The movement was expressed in many different forms, such as rallies, breaking into the camp of struggle; demonstrations against revenge on resistance officers; strikes, spreading leaflets, taking the signature agreeing to negotiate the general election to the International Commission for the control of the armistice 2.4.2 Struggling against America and Ngo Dinh Diem government organizing “referendum” (October 23, 1955) and National Assembly election (March 4, 1956) Implementing the policy of the Central Government, Party organizations in QN - DN promptly propagated the secret among the people about the conspiracy of Ngo Dinh Diem government, proposed specific and appropriate forms of struggling against "referendum" and National Assembly election (March 4, 1956) organized by America and Ngo Dinh Diem organization Although it did not prevent the National Assembly election of Ngo Dinh Diem government, the struggle 14 movement against national assembly election along with struggle movement against the "referendum" in QN - DN showed the fraud, fake democracy face of the Saigon government before public opinion, reinforced people's belief in the leadership of the Party 2.4.3 Struggling against “Communist accusation” QN - DN is one of the key areas to implement the "Communist accusation" of Ngo Dinh Diem government From the beginning of 1955, along with the construction and consolidation of the government apparatus at all levels, America and Ngo Dinh Diem goverment started the "Communist accusation" campaigns and carried out continuously in the following years However, in QN - DN, the political struggle was still ongoing with flexible forms Typically, it was the "reverse accusation" form in Dien Ban and Dai Loc; spreading leaflets, hanging banners; struggling in Hoi An prison, … 2.4.4 Struggling for civil and democratic rights People of QN - DN continuously raised movements for civil and democracy rights This movement has attracted a lot of people from urban to rural areas 2.4.5 Political struggle in the mountains In the years 1959-1960, to fight against the policy of concentrating people, ethnic minorities in the mountainous areas of QN - DN boycotted the "swearing" ceremonies and political activities held by the Saigon government; organizing the "seasonal enemy" not to allow Sai Gon goverment to enter the village Moreover, with the support of the armed forces, the people have revolted to destroy a series of concentrated areas of Saigon government like the struggle of fellow citizens of Paduong and Thanh My (Ben Giang) The highlight is the revolt of Mr Tia village, Phuoc Son district on March 13, 1960 Chapter POLITICAL STRUGGLE IN QUANG NAMDA NANG IN THE RESISTANCE WAR AGAINST AMERICA FROM 1961 TO 1965 3.1 Policy of America and Sai Gon government in Quang NamDa Nang from 1961 to 1965 3.1.1 Political - military Supported by America, the Saigon government urgently conducted 15 to pacify, isolate people into strategic hamlets, using the method of "slapping fishing water" Together with the strategic hamlets, the 13/61 Act issued an "state of emergency", requesting officials at all levels, along with youths to study and understand "obligations of national officials in an emergency", about "duties of youths in an emergency, ","status and career of Ngo President " Based on these laws, the Ngo Dinh Diem government promoted "Communist accusation campaigns", conducted persecution, purged opposing people or for anyone who disagreed 3.1.2 Socio-economic From the end of 1960, the socio-economic situation in QN - ĐN, especially in urban areas, first of all Da Nang had profound changes In terms of society, with the policies of repression, terrorism, restraint of America and Sai Gon government, it made every activity, the life of people very difficult In addition, the Sai gon goverment found many measures to prevent all activities of non-Catholicism religions, especially Buddhism 3.1.3 Culture - education In terms of culture - education, QN - DN in the years 1961-1965 had many changes In terms of education, the Sai Gon government had given priority to institutions of private schools, the system of Catholic private schools in the South under Ngo Dinh Diem government developed very fast Public schools did not have any significant improvement policies, local authorities clearly saw weaknesses, but not intervene, because if anyone differently did it, it would be considered against Catholicism 3.2 Policy of Party on the political struggle in Quang NamDa Nang from 1961 to 1965 3.2.1 Policy of the Party Central Committee In the period of 1961-1965, stemming from the practice of the South, following the policies and measures of the Sai Gon government, the Party Central Committee had proposed appropriate policies to promptly lead the people struggle politically That is the policy of struggling against the "national policy" of strategic hamlet; demanding for civil and democracy; liberating the plain rural areas, 3.2.2 Policy of Interregional V Abding by the policies of the Party Central Committee and the Interregional V step by step set out the policy of political struggle in the 16 locality In particular, the Inter-regional V has drawn into stages in directing the people mobilization against the strategic hamlet 3.2.3 Policy of the local Party Committee On the basis of the direction of the Central Party Committee and Inter-regional V, the Party Committee of QN - DN step by step concretized the guidelines and policies of the Party in the locality such as struggling against the "national policy" of the strategic hamlet, liberating the plain rural areas, 3.3 Content of political struggle in Quang NamDa Nang from 1961 to 1965 3.3.1 Struggling against the strategic hamlet In order to encourage people to fight against the "national policy" of strategic hamlets, propaganda is directed by the Provincial Party Committee of QN - DN through promoting meetings and spreading leaflets In particular, the mass movement against the strategic hamlet in QN - ĐN was effectively implemented when coordinating with the armed forces, typically breaking the "model" A Dong strategic hamlet (5-1963) 3.3.2 Struggling for civil and democratic rights Political struggle for civil and democratic rights in the years 1961-1965 in QN - DN took place under many rich and diverse contents, forms, contributing to the general victory of the people QN - DN, doing failure step by step conspiracy tricks of America and Sai Gon government 3.3.3 Claiming freedom of belief and religious equality in 1963 This was the longest and most fierce struggle movement and attracted the most participation of people in the history of the political struggle in QN - DN in the period 1954-1965 The struggle movement of the QN – DN Buddhism surpassed the local limit, making an important contribution to the movement of Southern Buddhism in 1963 3.3.4 Struggling against the Labor party, dictatorial governments after the coup dated November 1, 1963 Struggling against the Labor Party basically has two forms: First, struggling to eliminate the labor party members continuing to participate in the Sai Gon government after November 1, 1963; secondly, struggling for the Saigon government to handle labor party members with many crimes against the people of QN - DN From 17 August 16, 1964, struggling against the Labor party was closely linked with the struggling against dictatorship and military Nguyen Khanh when he launched "Vung Tau Charter Immediately to protest the "Vung Tau Charter" (August 16, 1964), on August 22, 1964, "Da Nang student struggle force" was established 3.3.5 Political struggle in rural lowland communities late in 1964, early in 1965 Winning the Autumn-Winter campaign of 1964, on the battlefield of Quang Nam, Quang Da, the vast rural area of the coastal plain of Quang Nam, Quang Da was liberated, the mountains and a part of the Western revolutionary forces took control, the armed forces and revolutionary people were growing In order to continue to promote armed struggle in combination with stronger political struggle, to attack the Saigon army to contribute to the bankruptcy of the "Special War" strategy of America, RegionMilitary Command Region V opened "Nguyen Van Troi campaign" on the whole battlefield, in which Quang Nam was the key Chapter PROPERTIES, CHARACTERISTICS AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE 4.1 Properties 4.1.1 Ethinicity In the political struggle in QN - DN in the period 1954-1965, the nation was a prominent feature, which stemmed from the patriotic spirit of the people and the legitimacy of the resistance conducted by our people under leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam Ethnicity was expressed in determining the objectivess, subjects of struggle and the participation of the people 4.1.2 Democracy and people’s life In QN - ĐN during the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965, many struggles for democracy, especially democracy in the field of religion and politics had become very wide movements Typically, they were the movements of people organizations such as Da Nang Union of Porter Labor and Da Nang Union of Labor, Da Nang Federation of Students, Meanwhile, struggling for objectives of people's life such as asking for increment, demanding housing, demanding freedom of 18 business, trading, farming, fishing, achieved very specific results 4.2 Characteristics 4.2.1 Political struggle in QN - ĐN had solidarity and mutual support among social classes; rich and creative forms and measures The political struggle in QN - ĐN in the period 1954-1965 had wide popularity, gathering most social classes More remarkably, the social classes did not fight separately but always had solidarity and mutual support, creating a synergy to counter the plots and tricks of America and Saigon government Political struggle of people in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 had rich and diverse forms such as spreading leaflets, hanging slogans, rallies, demonstrations, marches, making petitions, issuing newspapers, burning American cars, occupying headquarters, hunger strikes, In each form of struggle, there were their own creations, creating the strength for local political struggle 4.2.2 Political struggle in Quang NamDa Nang from 1954 to 1965 took place very drastically The political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 almost carried out all the most drastic forms such as in Hue and Saigon, though the number and scale were not equal Meanwhile, if compared to other provinces such as Phu Yen, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and the Central Highlands, the political struggle in Quang Nam and Da Nang há surpassed about the drastic 4.2.3 QN – DN actively responded and coordinated with other localities to struggle In the period 1954-1965, the people of QN - DN responded to most major political struggle movements in other cities of the South In addition, QN - DN also actively contacted and coordinated with other localities In return, the struggle of the people of QN - ĐN also received support from other localities 4.3 Significance of the movement 4.3.1 The movement proved the indomitable spirit of the people of Quang NamDa Nang Political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 was vivid demonstrations to show resilience and indomitableness; was the culmination of the patriotic tradition of the QN – DN people in the resistance war against America 4.3.2 Affirming the role and important position of political struggle 19 in “three-pronged attacks” in Quang NamDa Nang Struggling against the enemy with "three-pronged attacks”: Politics, military and solidier mobilization were the unique creation of the Vietnam people's war in the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975) The role of the political struggle in the "three-pronged attacks” in the area of QN – DN was expressed in the following two aspects: political struggle was both sharp attack, and effective support for armed struggle; contributing to strengthening solidarity and attachment to mountainous ethnic groups, creating strength, creating a position and power for the revolution 4.3.3 Political struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang from 1954 to 1965 contributed to the development of Quang Nam - Da Nang revolution in particular and the South in general In a comparative view, if the political struggle in the Central Highlands, Quang Tri and Khanh Hoa directly impacted the local government of the Republic of Vietnam, disturbing the rear of the Saigon government, contributing to making bankruptcy war effort of America and the Sai Gon government in the area, the political struggle in QN - DN along with Saigon - Gia Dinh, Hue – would be the focus of the headquarters of the America empire and the Saigon government so the political struggle should had a stronger impact on the psychology and will of the enemy The political struggle in these big cities often had have a great resonance, a chain effect, spread and entice political struggle movement in other cities across the South 4.3.4 Contributing to enrich the experience lessons for the cause of national liberation Closely incorporating "three-pronged attacks” to create the synergy to win This is a popular lesson of the Southern revolution in the resistance war against America for national liberation (1954-1975), but each locality has its own nuances The reality of the QN - DN revolutionary movement shows that, when and where there is a right combination between "threepronged attacks”, at that time and there the movement achieved high efficiency Promoting the role of local Party organizations The successes and limitations of the construction of revolutionary bases from 1954 to 1965 were useful reference 20 experiences for the Party Committee, government and people of QN DN in the process of implementing two tasks national construction strategy and national defense in the province today Always thoroughly grasping people's thought is the source of the power of revolution People force always plays an important role in the struggles However, to complete the revolutionary career, the people must be educated, enlightened and organized The political struggle in QN ĐN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965 demonstrated that the success of the revolution depended heavily on the implementation of the lesson "people are the source of the power of revolution" in both consciousness and practice This lesson is affirmed by the QN – DN Provincial Party Committee that it has a great direction value not only in the current period but also later CONLUSION With its geographical location, favorable natural condition, QN - DN becomes a strategic area of revolution as well as of Saigon government Along with natural condition, socio-economic conditions of QN - DN also have characteristics In addition, through the historical process, generations of people of QN - DN have built up a precious patriotic and revolutionary tradition, becoming a strong spiritual motive that always accompanies the people during the process of existence and development These are considered factors affecting political struggle in QN - DN in the resistance war against America for national liberation from 1954 to 1965 In order to step by step build QN - DN into a strong base to support effectively the process of implementing new colonialism in the locality in particular, the South in general, from 1954 to 1965, America and Sai Gon government has implemented policies on military political, economy - society, culture - education Those policies of America and the Saigon Government through the periods on the one hand have caused the revolutionary forces to face many difficulties in directing and organizing the political struggle On the other hand, this is the main cause of the outbreak political struggles in QN - DN in the period 1954-1965 Implementing the direction of the Party Central Committee and 21 Inter-regional V, in each stage of the resistance on the basis of local practices, the Provincial Party Committee of QN - DN proactively proposed policies and launched the people to participate in the political struggle Overall, the policy of directing political struggle in the period 1954-1965 of the Provincial Party Committee of QN - DN closely followed the conspiracy and actions of America and the Saigon government; flexible in determining objectives, measures and forms of struggle to meet the requirements of the revolution However, there are also unreasonable times leading to losses for the revolutionary movement With honest and straightforward attitude, the Provincial Party Committee of QN - DN seriously withdraws its experience and repairs defects to lead people to step by step to victory It should be noted that, not all struggles, the people movement in QN - ĐN in the period 1954-1965 was directly led by the Party, but sometimes it is the spontaneous reaction of the people or can be mobilized and organized by the patriotic people, although all share the same goal agianst America empire and the Saigon Government During the resistance war against America for national liberation from 1954 to 1965, in terms of time and struggle movement, the people of QN - DN participated in most typical political struggle movements in the South outbreaking immediately after July 21, 1954 as the movement to enforce the Geneva Agreement (1954-1956), for the general election, struggling against America and Ngo Dinh Diem's government on organizing "referendum" (October 23, 1955) and electing the National Assembly (March 4, 1956), to struggling against "Communist accusation" (1955-1958), struggling for democracy, people’s life and political struggle with armed struggle in the mountains, the strategic anti-hamlet movement (1961-1963), the movement for belief freedom and religious equality (1963), the movement of rural plain liberation in the end of 1964 , early 1965 … In terms of space, the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 took place in all three strategic areas In the mountainous areas of Giang, Hien, Phuoc Son and Tra My districts, under the leadership of the Western delegation of officials, the District Party Committees and ethnic minorities have used flexible forms of struggle to defeat the plot of the Saigon government for mountainous areas Although the rural areas as Duy Xuyen, Tien Phuoc, Tam Ky, Dai Loc, Dien Ban, are not really strong, the political struggle took place quite 22 continuously, in which there are times of effective coordination with military struggle as in the years of 1961-1963 during the strategic anti-hamlet movement, from the end of 1964 to the beginning of 1965 in the plain rural areas liberation movement Meanwhile, in the most urban areas of Da Nang, Hoi An, Tam Ky, political struggle took place fiercely during the period 1963-1965 Typically, it wass the Buddhist movement in 1963 and the movement to struggle against the Party of Labor, against dictatorial government after the coup (November 1, 1963) Thus, it can be said that the political struggle in QN - ĐN in the resistance war against America from 1954 to 1965 was carried out continuously and took place in three strategic areas, despite the uneven scale and level among regions, gradually increasing from mountainous to rural areas to urban areas This is entirely consistent with the policy of directing the political struggle of the Communist Party of Vietnam In terms of scale, in the resistance war against America (19541975), compared to localities like Quang Tri, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, the South Central pole or the Central Highlands, the political struggle in QN - DN has the better part In particular, there are QN - ĐN movements only after a few political struggle centers in the South such as the movement for freedom of belief and religious equality in 1963 after Hue and Saigon From 1954 to 1965, the new colonial policies of America and the Saigon government applied in the South were deployed in QN - DN That means that the main reason for political struggle in the South is also the main reason leading to political struggle in QN - DN and political struggle in QN – DN is an inseparable part from political struggle in the South This is an important factor leading to political struggle in QN - DN and political struggle in the South has similar characteristics and properties In other words, the properties and characteristics of political struggle in QN ĐN and the ones of the political struggle in the South are difficult to separate However, it is important that the political struggle in QN - DN from 1954 to 1965 proved, and supplemented into the properties and characteristics of the political struggle in the South with its own local historical material That is the property: Ethnicity, people, democracy and characteristics: political struggle in QN - DN has solidarity, mutual support of social classes, rich and creative forms and measures; taking place very drastically; QN - DN actively responded and coordinated with 23 other localities to struggle Following the patriotic and revolutionary tradition, from 1954 to 1965, the people of QN - DN actively participated in the political struggle and achieved great results separately in each province, contributing to prove the indomitable spirit of the people of QN - DN; affirming the important role and position of political struggle in the "three-pronged attacks" in the area of QN - DN; the movement has contributed to the development of QN – DN revolution in particular and the South in general; enriching lessons for national liberation Looking in the context of QN – DN, this is a strategic location with many America military units, and the Allies of America residing, many military agencies stationed, restraint apparatus and security work always operating at the highest level, the above mentioned significances deserve to be recognized by history Researching on the political struggle in QN - DN in the period 1954-1965 gives us many useful things, helping to more comprehensively and deeply understand about the face-to-face, long and continuous struggle of QN - DN people with the Saigon government backed by America right on the enemy's lair It is the struggle of people in battle who not carry an inch of iron in their hands but have full power of righteousness and patriotism Although not born and raised on the land of QN – DN, with sincere and grateful hearts to the previous generation of Quang origin, the author of the thesis based on source of materials from many sides has reappeared the political struggle of the people of QN - DN in the period 1954-1965 Through this, the author hopes to contribute a small part of his effort in clarifying this revolutionary period; simultaneously educating the patriotic tradition for the young generation of QN - DN; drawing experience lessons for the construction of QN - DN in the current and future period 24 LIST OF WORKS RELATED TO THE PUBLISHED THESIS Tu Anh Nguyet (2016), "Struggling for enforcement of the Geneva Agreement in Quang Nam - Da Nang in the years 1954-1955", Journal of Theoretical Activities of Academy of Politics Region III, No (136) Tu Anh Nguyet (2017), "Looking back at the movement of Quang Nam - Da Nang Buddhism in 1963", Journal of Theoretical Activities of Academy of Politics Region III, No (148) Tu Anh Nguyet (2017) (written together) " The movement against civil isolation and strategic hamlet demolition in Quang Nam - Da Nang (1961-1964)", “Proceedings of the 2017 Young Scientific Conference, University of Education – Hue University, Information and Communication Publishing House Tu Anh Nguyet (2018), "Buddhist Movement of Quang Nam - Da Nang in 1963", Science Journal of Hue University, Episode 127, No 6A (2018) Tu Anh Nguyet (2018), Political Struggle in Quang Nam - Da Nang in the resistance war against America (1961-1965), the school-level scientific topic, Hue University of Education Tu Anh Nguyet (2018), "Political struggle movement in Quang Nam Da Nang (1964-1965)", Central Social Sciences Journal, No (53) Tu Anh Nguyet (2018), "The strategic hamlet demolition movement in Quang Nam - Da Nang (1961-1963), Journal of Military History, No 321 (9-2018) ... (period 1954- 1968)", People's Army Publishing House, Hanoi ; Executive Committee of Quang Nam - Da Nang Women's Union (1995), History of Quang Nam - Da Nang women's movement (1954- 1975), Quang Nam. .. national liberation 1954- 1975, People's Army Publishing House, Hanoi; Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee - Da Nang Municipal Party Committee (2006), Quang Nam - Da Nang Party Committee History (1930-1975),... scientific proceedings: Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Quang Nam Province (2003), "Quang Nam hero of Ho Chi Minh era", Proceedings

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2019, 07:07



