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Quá trình đấu tranh giành và củng cố độc lập dân tộc ở indonesia (1927 1965) tt tiếng anh

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION PHẠM THỊ HUYỀN TRANG THE PROCESS OF STRUGGLE FOR AND CONSOLIDATION OF NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN INDONESIA (1927 - 1965) Major: World history No.: 92.29.011 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL HISTORY DISSERTATION Hanoi - 2018 The work has been made at: HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION Science instructor: Prof PhD Do Thanh Binh Review 1: Prof PhD Hoang Khac Nam University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Viet Nam National University, Ha Noi Review 2: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Ngoc Mao Institute Of History Review 3: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thu My Institute For Southeast Asian Studies The dissertation will be protected before the University-level Committee of dissertation evaluation To be organized at the Hanoi National University of Education On………………………………………… The dissertation can be founded at: - National Library, Hanoi - Library of Hanoi National University of Education INTRODUCTION The urgency of the subject Indonesia - the world's largest island country with thousands of islands, has important andstrategic location and is also a center for economic and cultural exchange of the region and the world Thus, Indonesia became the object of aggression of many colonial countries in the West as early as Portugal, Spain, Holland, England, etc but only the Netherlands with superior military advantage and maritime is enough to get rid of the other rivals, become the owner of this archipelago From the time of the Dutch invasion and rule, the Indonesian people stood up to become a strong armed struggle, characterized by feudalism movements, bourgeois movements, proletarian movements However, by 1927, the Indonesia's struggle for independence entered a more drastic phase with the impact of new factors The struggle for independence and strengthening in Indonesia from 1927 to 1965 was a difficult and challenging process In the 1927 - 1941, political organizations in Indonesia were successively established to fight for the colonial government to recognize independence Due to various reasons, these movements failed to win In 1942, Japan entered Indonesia and implemented a military - style policy, while Japan also made "sweet promises" of returning independence In this context, the revolutionary leaders, led by Sukarno, Hatta stirred up a new struggle movement, in the direction of peaceful cooperation with the Japanese in preparation for the independence - claiming process When the Japanese declared unconditional surrender to allies (August 15, 1945), the youths urged Sukarno and Hatta to declare independence, not accepting independence as a gift from the Japanese Sukarno read the Statement of Independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, giving birth to the first independent state in the Southeast Asia Immediately after independence, the Indonesian people continued to enter the armed struggle and fought on the negotiating table with the Netherlands for five years (19451950) to continue to prove to the world that the Republic of Indonesia is not a gift from the Dutch In the 1950s - 1965, the government of the Republic of Indonesia in turn implemented economic, political, diplomatic policies to strengthen national independence This is also the hinge period when Indonesia washaving many choices to go to modern society Achievements and limitations in the first 20 years of building and defending the country will help Indonesia get long and strong development in the future It can be said that the process of struggling and consolidating for independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) is a special and unique historical process in the region and the world as well It is impossible to find a model of socialist or capitalist theories applied in this process, nor can it be seen as a duplication of this process in any country of the world Thus, the study of the struggle for and strengthening of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) has profound scientific and practical significance In terms of scientific significance, study of the topic will contribute to resolving issues of nationality, national liberation as well as strengthening of national independence, not only in Indonesia, but also for other ethnic groups in the world At the same time, the study of the topic points to one way which helps achieve complete independence of Indonesia, which is national independence associated with harmony and national unity In terms of practical significance, the study of the subject is the basis of the history: in the struggle for and strengthening independence and class in the society, there are ways and means suitable to the historical context, that class will be the leader of the nation On the other hand, research on the topic has contributed to increasing the understanding of an important historical period in Indonesia as a basis for the strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Indonesia Based on the above scientific and practical significance, the researcher has decided to choose the issue of "The process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965)" as the subject of doctoral history dissertation Purposes and research tasks The purpose of the dissertation is to clarify the complex movement and nature of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia from 1927 to 1965 and the special and unique nature of that process The task of the dissertation: First, to analyze the factors affecting the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965); Second, to clarify the process of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 1965); Thirdly, to clarify the characteristics and achievements and limitations of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) Object and scope of the study 3.1 The subject of the dissertation is the process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) 3.2 Scope of the study In terms of Space: The dissertation explores the process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence (1927 - 1965) in Indonesia, in the context of Southeast Asia and the world In terms of time: It is limited from 1927 to 1965 However, in order to ensure the systematic and comprehensive study, the dissertation expands the scope of research before 1927 to contribute to the clarification of factors affecting the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) Resources The dissertation focuses on the exploitation and use of the following main sources of data: Original sources include archives such as documents on Dutch colonialism, Declarations, action plans, congressional reports from political and religious organizations in Indonesia, memoirs, autobiographies, speeches by revolutionary leaders, letters, writings, poems Original Declaration of Independence dated 17 August 1945; The Lingadjati Agreements, the Renville Agreement, the protocols between the Dutch government and the Indonesian government in the years 1947 - 1949 The references include: monographs, research articles, some historical websites… Methodology and research methods 5.1 About methodology The dissertation is based on the viewpoints of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought and the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the issue of nationality, the fight for liberation and the protection of national independence 5.2 About research methods Historical Method, Logic Method is the main research method In addition, methods of analysis, syndissertation, comparison, and political methods are also used to draw conclusions from the research Contribution of the dissertation - Is the first systematic study from the perspective of a Vietnamese researcher on the process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia from 1927 to 1965 - Clarify the process of movement in different historical periods to see the complex change, from division to unification, from conflict to national harmony - Clarify the characteristics, as well as the achievements and limitations of this process - Supplement the sources and references for teaching and research on the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia in particular as well as the history of the national liberation struggle in Southeast Asia in general Dissertation structure Apart from the introduction, conclusions, references and annexes, the content of the dissertation is presented in chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of the issue study status Chapter 2: Struggle for National Independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1945) Chapter 3: Struggle to Protection and Consolidation National Independence in Indonesia (1945 - 1965) Chapter 4: Some Remarks on the Process of Struggle for and Consolidation of National Independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) CHAPTER OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUE STUDY STATUS 1.1 Researches related to thesis topic 1.1.1.Studies of Indonesian history related to the topic Works of Vietnamese researchers The study of Indonesian history in a regional approach has been studied by Vietnamese scholars over the last 20 years Some of the most notable examples include South East Asia after World War II (1945 - 1996), by Tran Thi Vinh (Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 1995) The History of Southeast Asia since the Second World War (1945 1999), by Le Van Anh, Nguyen Van Tan (Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005); Southeast Asian history, by Luong Ninh, Do Thanh Binh, Tran Thi Vinh (Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005); Southeast Asia’s History from the primitive to the present, by the group of authors: Luong Ninh, Do Thanh Binh, Tran Thi Vinh, (National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2015) The History of Indonesia, by the author Vo Van Nhung (Historical Publishing House, Hanoi, 1962), gives an overview of the struggle for independence and consolidation of Indonesia since the Dutch invasion in 1957 Comprehensive studies of Indonesian history in the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century refer to the process of struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia, such as the History of Indonesia from the fifteenth century, XVI to the 1950s, by Huynh Van Tong (Institute for Extension Education, Ministry of Education and Training, Ho Chi Minh City, 1992); Indonesia - Historical Paths, by Ngo Van Doanh, (National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1995) Works by Indonesian’s researchers In 1979, Mochtar Lubis published Indonesian Land under the rainbow (Oxford University Press, USA), a relatively straightforward study of Indonesian history since the formation of the country in 1966 From 1992 to 2008, Indonesian scholars have in turn produced a study of the history of the country in the six volumes: Sejarah nasional Indonesia (History of Indonesia) by M.D Poesponegoro and N Notosusanto, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, Indonesia Through six volumes, the entire picture of Indonesian history vertically has been reflected Indonesian history is also covered in Sejarah nasional Indonesia: Masa prasejarah sampai masa proklamasi kemerdekaan (History of Indonesia: from Prehistoric to Independence declaration), by M.J.A Anshori (published in Mitra Aksara Panaitan, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010) The works of foreign scholars Compared to Vietnam, the study of Indonesian history has received more attention from foreign scholars at both the regional and national perspectives:Indonesia, J.D Legge, (published by Pretice - Hall, New Jersey, 1964); A history of modern Southeast Asia: Colonialism, Nationalism, and decolonization, by J Bastin, (published by Prentice - Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersay, 1968) In 1981, M Ricklefs published a detailed, specific account of Indonesia's history from the 14th century to the "new order" of President Suharto The process of colonial aggression and domination, as well as the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia, is covered in Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, and Chapter VI of the book In 1983, D.R Sardesai publishes Southeast Asia: past and present (Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi), which provides a balanced and readable interpretation of regional history, including Indonesia from prehistory to the sixties XX century The study is likened to an encyclopedia of Southeast Asian history, Southeast Asian History, by D.G Hall, (National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1997), in which Indonesian history is also presented in full chronological order The writings cover the process of struggling and consolidating independence in Indonesia such as: Modern Southeast Asian History by Clive J Christie (National Political Publisher, Hanoi, 2000) The A Short History of Indonesia, by C Brown (published by Allen & Unwin, Australia, 2004); History of Southeast Asia, by Marry Somers Heidhues (Publisher of Culture and Information, Ho Chi Minh City, 2007); The idea of Indonesia: A history, by R Elson, Cambridge University Press, London 1.1.2 Studies directly related to the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia Works of Vietnamese researchers The Indonesian struggle for independence (1942 - 1950), by Nguyen Van Hong, (internal reference of the National University, Hanoi, 1991) research on the struggle for freedom and to defend national independence in Indonesia since the Japanese occupation of the country, until the end of 1950 The road to save the country in struggle for national liberation in some Asian countries, by Do Thanh Binh (National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1999), goes into the analysis of the path of liberation and independence of the Indonesian people in the years 1927 - 1945 The August 1945 Revolution and the Indonesian Declaration of Independence are also typical events that many researchers have mentioned in their works Including the works: "Southeast Asia in the struggle against Japanese fascism (1941 - 1945): History and problems," by Tran Thi Vinh, Southeast Asian Studies, No 5, 2005; "The Way to Independence of Indonesia," by Jan Pluvier (A Collection of Writings in South East Asia in August 1945, The Fight for Independence and National Construction, World Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005); "The uniqueness of the August 1945 revolution in Indonesia", by Bui Thi Anh Van, Southeast Asian Studies Journal, No 5, 2010 The study of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927-1965) was also directly and directly addressed by the authors from the regional and international perspectives Typical examples are the 20th Century National Liberation Movement - a new approach, by Do Thanh Binh, (Publisher of Pedagogic University, Hanoi 2005, reprinted in 2010); Volume 4: Southeast Asia during the colonial period and the struggle for independence (from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries), by the author, Tran Khanh (ed.), (Publisher Social Science, Hanoi, 2012); Volume 5: Southeast Asia in the struggle for national independence and national construction (from 1945 to 1990) by the group of authors, by Pham Duc Thanh (Editor) Society and Science Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012) In addition, some historical PhD theses also mentioned briefly the events of the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia at this stage: "The process of consolidating the independence of the Republic of Indonesia (1967 - 1998)", PhD dissertation of the History of author Dinh Thanh Tu, Hanoi, 2010; "The Road to Malaya's Independence from the Late 19th Century to 1957", PhD dissertation, History of the author Ly Tuong Van, Hanoi, 2014 The process of struggle consolidation of national independence in Indonesia also mentioned specifically in “Beyond Political Skin: Convergent Paths to an Independent National Economy in Indonesia and Vietnam” PhD dissertation of the History of author Pham Van Thuy, Leiden, Holland, 2014 Works by Indonesian’s researchers In the book Sejarah revolusi nasional (History of the national revolution) by N Dekker (Balai Pustaka Publishing House, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1980), the struggle for and protection of national independence in Indonesia from 1945 to 1949 was reproduced Again, quite clearly The struggle for independence that has been studied in the light of modern Islamic contributions to the Indonesian nationalist movement is also mentioned in Muhammadiyah: The Political Behavior of a Modernist Organization under Dutch Colonialism at Gadjah Mada University, Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1989 Twenty years of Indonesian foreign policy 1945 - 1965, published in Duta Wacana University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 1990 presented Indonesia's foreign policy to Western countries, the Soviet Union, Asia, Africa, and the United States Latin The struggle for protection and consolidation of independence in Indonesia is also mentioned in Genesis of Power: General Sudirman and the Indonesian Military in Politics, 1945 - 49 by S Said, published in Jakarta, Indonesia 1991 From 1999 to 2014, the author of P.A Toer, K.S Toer, E Kamil published the Kronik: Revolusi Indonesia booklet (Annals of the Indonesian Revolution) consists of four volumes (from 1945 to 1949), published by Kepustakaan Popular Gramedia, Jakarta, Indonesia, with a list of events Meticulous and reliable data, the book is a useful reference of the thesis Studies about the Declaration of Independence on August 17, 1945: “Jepang dan perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia”, of the author Yasmis, Jurnal Sejarah Lontar, Vol.4, No 2, Juli - Desember 2007; “Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945: Revolusi politik bangsa Indonesia”, of the author Haryono Rinardi, Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha, Vol , No 1, 2017, hlm.143-150 The works of foreign scholars Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, of the author G M T Kahin, first published in 1952, at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, is a full and deep study of the relationship between nationalist formation in Indonesia and the struggle for independence from the early twentieth century to 1950 In contrast to Kahin's generalized approach, Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson, in Java, in Occupation and Resistance, 1944 - 1946, published by Cornell University, Ithaca and London, entered in 1972 An in - depth analysis and revealing of the important points of the Indonesian revolution in 1944 - 1946 The Indonesian National Revolution 1945 - 1950 by Anthony Reid, Longman Publishing House, London, England, was first published in 1974 presentation of two typical events: the August Revolution in 1945 and the struggle for independent protection in the years 1945 - 1950 Studies of the Japanese overthrow of the Netherlands and the monopoly of Indonesia, as well as Japanese policies toward the islands, are covered in numerous books, including The Japanese Occupation of Borneo, 1941 - 1945 by Ooi Keat Gin (published in Routledge, London, 2011), or in the article "Irony in Indonesia: Promises, Aspirations, and the Japanese Military Presence, 1942 - 46" by E Fenrich, published by Welebaethan: Journal of History, California, 2007 Studies on domestic and foreign policies of the Indonesian government, such as:"From Colonial to Guided Economy" in T.R McVey (ed.), By Douglas Paauw, (published by HRAF, New Haven, 1963); Indonesian communism under Sukarno: Ideology and politics by R.Mortimer, first published by Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, in 1974 There are also studies on the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) associated with the life of the first president - Sukarno as: The life and times of Sukarno by C L M Penders, published in 1974, by Oxford University Press, UK; Sukarno and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence by B.Dahm, published in 1969, by Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1.2 Studied issues and non - studied issues In general, the research has solved some of the following problems: Firstly, the authors have studied the history of Indonesia since its formation so far, culture, religion, ethnicity, etc Secondly, the authors have made preliminary studies on some typical events directly related to the process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia However, there has been no systematic study of the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia from 1927 to 1965 Especially, the activities of armed struggle and political struggle , as well as the characteristics, achievements and limitations of this process in a cross - cutting whole is still a major issue that needs to be addressed 1.3 Issues that need to be addressed by the dissertation Based on the survey of research related to the topic, the dissertation focuses on clarifying some issues as follows: First, to clarify factors influencing the process of struggle for independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1945) and clarified new elements during the period of consolidation of national independence in this country (1945 - 1965) Second, to clarify the process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia in the process of mobilizing from 1927 to 1965, focusing on forms of armed struggle, political struggle and diplomatic struggle for independence and domestic and foreign policies of the Indonesian government (1945 - 1965) to strengthen national independence Third, an analysis of the characteristics of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia from 1927 to 1965, thus pointing out its own features and unique features, and presenting its achievements and the limitations of this process are to have a comprehensive and objective research CHAPTER 2: STRUGGLE FOR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN INDONESIA (1927 - 1945) 2.1 Factors affecting the struggle for independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1945) 2.1.1 Rule policy of the Dutch colonialists, the Japanese military and the transformation of economic - social - cultural life in colonial Indonesia Invasion and policy of the Dutch colonialists, the Japanese military * Invasion and ruling policy of the Dutch colonialists The Dutch process of Indonesia began in the sixteenth century and was basically completed in the early twentieth century Throughout the process of invasions and rulership over the islands, through policies such as the Culture System, Free Economic Policy, Ethical Policy, the Netherlands implemented a monopoly of trade and closed down colonial in economics, harsh and imposing in politics and making Indonesia one of the most reliant on culture - education * Japan's military occupation and rule The Japanese occupation of Indonesia from Germany after Germany launched a lightning strike on Denmark and Norway (9/4/40), however, after the incident Pearl Harbor, Japan advanced launches lightning strike in Indonesia In less than three months (from 10/1/1941 to 9/3/1942), Japan captured Indonesia and drove the Dutch out of the archipelago The Japanese adopted harsher policies than the Dutch, including setting up military government everywhere, forbidding Indonesians to flag and sing Indonesian Raya songs, recruiting Indonesian soldiers into the nets Japan's military service (Volunteer Defense for the Fatherland, Heiho); Mobilization of people in Indonesia with the labor force of romusha; Change the influence of Western culture in Japanese culture… 11 The activities of fighting for independence in the years 1927 - 1941 in Indonesia took place quite vibrant and take a certain step compared with the period before 1927, whereby the road to fight for independence has gradually formed clear It is the path of unity, unification of political forces to create the strength of the whole nation in the struggle for independence Struggling activities in the field of literary In the 1920s and 1930s, many modern writers and poets demonstrated their opposition to colonialism by restoring traditional values Most prominent are Sanusi Pane (1905 1968) Along with the work of a group of writers, the traditional poet is a group of modern writers and poets, led by Takdir Alisyahbana (born 1908) Jamaluddin (Adinegoro) is also one of the authors of modern literature Typical works were born in the years before the Second World War such as: “Layar Terkembang” by Takdir Alisyahbana, published in 1936; Armin Pane's “Belenggu”, published in 1939 In general, the struggle in the field of literary takes place quite exciting Through the writings, poems, novels, the authors have reflected some of the negative aspects of the colonial regime, expressing the love of the homeland, the love of couples, the idea of solidarity Most contributed greatly to the transformation of the Indonesian revolution at a later stage 2.2.2 Fight for independence in 1942 - 1945 Armed struggle activities The first major armed struggles took place in the non - Java islands and by the peasantry, typified by the struggle of the Aceh people (November 1942); “Pontianak rebellion” (from mid - 1943 to early 1944) in southwestern Kalimantan; “War Majang Desa” (from May to August 1945) in the Sanggau district In the years 1944 - 1945, some Javanese farmers also took up the insurgency: the Singaporean village of Friangan (February 25, 1944), Indramayu villages (from April 1944 to May 8/1944) Indonesian soldiers in the Japanese army also rebelled strongly during the uprising at Blitar on February 14, 1945 Despite the suppression by the junta, the form of armed struggle has returned for the first time in more than a decade, in the struggle for independence in Indonesia and has had a great impact In support of the bourgeoisie and intelligentsia of political struggle in cities The activities of political struggle During the Japanese occupation, all non - cooperative activities, whether in urban or rural areas, were suppressed and prohibited, the group of anti - Japanese revolutionary activists were arrested and detained So Sukarno and Hatta decided to fight politics through 12 peaceful cooperation with the Japanese, through which they addressed Indonesia's demands for the return of independence from Japan Sukarno advocated the establishment of the Pusat Tenaga Rakyat (PUTERA) Center to turn PUTERA into a unified organization for the political movement in Indonesia, to encourage and nurture more national spirit On March 1, 1944, the Japanese government dissolved PUTERA and replaced it with a new organization called the People's Service Association (Djawa Hokokai), led by the Japanese, Sukarno and Hasjim Asj'aril Along with the armed struggle, peaceful and legitimate political activities also contribute to promoting the spirit of national unity, forcing the Japanese to think more about the question: Made to Indonesia Struggling activities in the field of literary The struggle for independence in the field of literary in Indonesia during the Japanese occupation period was rather hectic, despite the fact that the Japanese government carried out much more restrictive measures than the Dutch rule One of the most prominent writers of this period was Idrus (1921 - 1979) with the famous short story “Kota - Harmonie” (published in 1943) In the field of prose, Idrus, Chairil Anwar (1922 - 1949) with his work “Diponegoro” (1943) The works, though not pointed to the Japanese military, also criticized the harsh life of the people under Japanese occupation, praised the country's love for the country and promote solidarity and unity This is the foundation for the struggle for national independence in Indonesia to flourish and reach the final victory The activities of the parliamentary struggle to prepare for the establishment of the new government In the 1943 - 1944, although the movement of political struggle took place quite vibrant, but the Japanese still quite faint in solving the problems of Indonesian independence By the end of 1944, in early 1945, when the Japanese were growing increasingly depleted on the Asia-Pacific front, Japan's concessions to Indonesia's independence were indeed boosted Taking advantage of that opportunity, revolutionary leaders launched a new form of struggle - a parliamentary struggle to bring the Indonesians to new government positions in preparation for independence In September 1943, the Japanese government established the Central Advisory Council and Sukarno was appointed president of the agency In September 1944, Barisan Pelopor was formed to train forces for guerrilla warfare On March 1, 1945, the Indonesian Independent Investigation Commission (Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia - BPUKI) was formed, including most of the leaders of the national revolutionary movement such as Sukarno, Hatta, Agus Salim, 13 Ki Hajar Dewantoro, Soetardjo, Taman Siswa, Radjiman Wedioningrat, to draft the Indonesian Constitution; A draft of government agencies, including elected President and Vice President BPUKI is also based on the five principles that Sukarno introduced in its first session on June 1, 1945 as a basis for unity Later on, these five principles became Pancasila ideology for Indonesian national independence Declaration of independence and seizure of power in August 1945 in Indonesia On August 7, 1945, after knowing that the Soviet Union was going to fight in the AsiaPacific front, Japan declared dissolution of the BPUKI and replaced it with the Indonesian Independent Preparatory Committee (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia - PPKI) led by Sukarno and Hatta, consisting of 27 members from all over the archipelago On August 8, 1945, Sukarno, Hatta, Radjiman and other Indonesian leaders arrived in Dalat (Vietnam) to discuss the date of the declaration of independence set earlier than expected on August, 24, 1945, and PPKI will meet on August 19, 1945 On August 15, 1945, Japan declared the surrender of the unconditioned Allies, the bohemian elite (intellectuals, patriotic youth) kidnapped Sukarno and Hatta at am on August 16, 1945 and Arrived to the town of Rengasdengkloc, southwest of Djakarta, to ask them to declare independence without delay On August 17, 1945, in front of the house of 56, Pegansan Timua Street, the Declaration of Independence was read in a concise and clear manner Although the words of the Declaration were skilful in talking about the transfer of government, the Declaration was adopted by the Indonesian people as a million, calling for the uprising to take over The claiming government after the Declaration of Independence was successful, with little bloodshed 14 CHAPTER 3: STRUGGLE FOR PROTECTION AND CONSOLIDATION NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN INDONESIA(1945- 1965) 3.1 New factors influence the process of struggle for consolidate national independence in Indonesia (1945 - 1965) 3.1.1 World and regional situation after World War II After World War II, the world situation changed, affecting the process of consolidating independence in Indonesia: The victory of Allied forces in World War II; Socialism from one country to the world system; The confrontation between the two Soviet states in all matters of international relations; The re - invasion of the Western powers against the colonies The struggle for national liberation in Asia, Africa and Latin America after the Second World War continued to grow strongly, united in a common organization - the Non Aligned Movement In South-East Asia, the rapidly growing national liberation movement has collapsed step by step the colonial system of colonialism, forcing imperialists to withdraw After gaining independence, a number of countries in Southeast Asia have been struggling to defend national independence and have embarked on national construction and consolidation 3.1.2 The change of the Indonesian situation after the Declaration of Independence in August 1945 Immediately following the Declaration of Independence (17 August 1945), Indonesian people established their own new government, Sukarno was elected president, Hatta was vice president, Sjahrir became prime minister PPKI officially ratified the Constitution drafted earlier On August 22, PPKI issued a decision to establish the Indonesian National Committee (Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat - KNIP) and was considered a temporary parliament On June 3, 1947, the Government became the Indonesian National Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - TNI) In late August, early September 1945, Dutch colonialists hid the British army back to invade Indonesia From mid-July 1947 to early 1949, the Dutch launched the Product Campaign (July 21 - August 5, 1947) and Operation Crow (December 19, 1948 - January 5, 1949).In both campaigns, the Netherlands brought a large force of expeditionary troops with a heavy amount of war material Although the Netherlands has controlled most of the 15 central areas of the archipelago (Java and parts of Sumatra), but from here, it faces a war of national defense from the Indonesian people 3.2 Struggle to protect national independence and unity of the country 3.2.1 Struggle to protect national independence Armed combat activities The armed struggle of the Indonesian people to defend national independence has been carried out since the arrival of the British army in Indonesia to disarm the Japanese army In the fight against the two campaigns: Product and Crow, the Indonesian people along with the military conducted guerrilla warfare, unflattering the spirit of the Dutch soldiers, and at the same time bankrupt the plan of pacify In August 1949, a ceasefire was declared throughout Indonesia Fighting activities on the negotiating table The first talks between the Netherlands and the Republic of Indonesia took place in late 1945 and early 1946, with the Dutch representative Van Mook and the Indonesian representative - Sukarno, and later is Sjahrir On March 25, 1947, in Jakarta, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia officially ratified the Lingadjati Agreement Under this agreement, the Republic of Indonesia has for the first time forced the Netherlands to recognize Indonesian sovereignty over the islands of Java and Sumatra On 17 January 1948, the Renville Agreement was signed On December 30, 1949, the Netherlands signed with the Indonesian Hague Agreement, formally ending its direct rule over more than three centuries in the country 3.2.2 Struggling for the unity of the country After the signing of the Hague Agreement, the Indonesian government and people continued to fight to abolish the Federalist regime, establish the Republican institution, unify the country On August 17, 1950, the united Republic of Indonesia was restored after five years of tireless struggle of the people of the United States for unity 3.3 Struggle to consolidate the national independence (1950 - 1965) 3.3.1 Establish and strengthen the political system During the fifteen years (1950 - 1965), through two political models: liberal democracy (1950 - 1957) and direct democracy (1957 - 1965), the Indonesian government implemented many measures to build set up a democratic political system The first is to build a political system based on the existence of many parties 16 The second measure, change the government to appease the contradictions of the political factions The third measure, the President linked to the PKI to create a counterbalance to the military 3.3.2 Developed economies - cultural independence, autonomy After struggling to defend national independence and unification, the state and people of Indonesia embarked on the task of developing an independent, autonomous economy In order to overcome the immediate difficulties, in the 1950s and 1957s, the Indonesian government implemented the policy of "free economic", with the main aim of bringing the economy out of control of foreign capital Indonesian, restore the economy to pre - war levels In 1957, a "guided" economic development was set up to develop an independent, self - reliant, self - reliant economy under the direction of the State The content of the direction of economic development " guided " as follows: Firstly, the development of the economic sector of the state: the nationalization of all assets of foreign capital, the strengthening of the role of the State and the economy, the formation of state economic establishments Secondly, the implementation of national economy planning, through the eight - year plan (1960 - 1968) Thirdly, the State's policies are adjusted in favor of the state economic sectors, both controlling and linking with the Chinese capital Fourthly, use the national banking system as a means of borrowing and spending the state Along with that, cultural policies were also implemented by the new government, to eliminate the influence of colonial culture, build a modern national culture, based on traditional cultural values 3.3.3 Executing foreign policy to enhance Indonesia's position in the international arena Foreign policy with the Netherlands and the issue of West Irian recovery (West New Guinea) After the Round Table Conference (12/1949), the Dutch government and the Indonesian government failed to find common ground in resolving the Western Irian dispute In 1950, 1952, 1954, Indonesia held meetings with representatives of the Netherlands to discuss the issue of West Irian Differences in the position of the two countries in the West Irian issue forced Indonesia to stop negotiations and give comments to the United Nations General Assembly Since 1955, Indonesia has fought for the initiation of protocols relating to the abolition of the Netherlands - Indonesia Alliance In 1956, Indonesia unilaterally declared the 17 abolition of the Netherlands - Indonesia Alliance By the end of 1959, early 1960s, small Indonesian armed groups began to infiltrate West Irian to attack the Netherlands The situation is extremely severe and war is expected to occur at any time Under pressure from the United States and international opinion, the Dutch were forced to declare that they would transfer West Irian to Indonesia on May 1st 1963's foreign policy to the US and the Soviet Union In the 1950s - 1965, when the "Cold War" was in a state of tension, the relationship between Western states, led by the United States, and the Soviet Union and the socialist states has created regional conflicts in many areas, including Southeast Asia With a strategically important position, Indonesia has become a place of dispute over the influence of the great powers and is trapped in the Soviet "bipolar" relationship In that situation, it was forcing Indonesia to have diplomatic foreign policy to protect its national independence and not be dragged into the war of one of the "two poles." Thus, Indonesia has maintained a single, independent, positive principle throughout the 1950s, friendly to both the United States and the Soviet Union, but not to the capitalist or socialist model Indonesia's foreign policy to Asian, African, Latin American and neighboring countries For countries with traditional ties such as India, Indonesia implements friendly foreign policies, actively supports the struggle to consolidate its independence For countries with relatively high living quota in Indonesia such as China, the Indonesian government also maintains a relatively friendly foreign policy In its foreign policy with other Asian, African and Latin American countries, Indonesia clearly demonstrates its solidarity and its role in the struggle against colonialism in the world In April 1955, Indonesia hosted the Bangdung Conference and became one of the five founding countries of the Non - aligned Movement For neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia implements foreign policy is quite tough and represents a confrontation 18 CHAPTER 4: SOME REMARKS ON THE PROCESS OF STRUGGLE FOR AND CONSOLIDATION OF NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN INDONESIA (1927 - 1965) 4.1 Achievements and limitations 4.1.1 Achievement Liberating the Indonesian people from the colonial rule of the Dutch colonialists, the Japanese military, opened the era of independence, freedom and unification Before the Dutch colonialists invaded and ruled, Indonesia experienced glorious history Indonesian history has witnessed the existence of powerful feudal states such as the largest sea empire in Southeast Asia - Srivijaya (7th century AD), the Majapahit empire (14th century) But For more than 300 years under Dutch domination, more than three years under the Japanese military occupation, Indonesia has become a poor, underdeveloped colony After Indonesia declared independence on August 17, 1945, Japan's rule was completely overturned in this country Not only liberating the country, but also people from the condition of slavery, backward thinking, constraints have changed, and everything becomes possible In 1949, during a formal ceremony at the Dutch Palace, the Dutch had to officially recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia The economic, political, social and cultural life of the Indonesian people has been changed positively Politically, since the establishment of the Indonesian State in 1950, Indonesians have enjoyed basic civil rights: the right to vote, the right to freedom of association Party, the right to participate in the state administrative apparatus In economic terms, soon after independence, the Indonesian government introduced new economic policies aimed at overcoming inequalities between Indonesians and Dutch, putting the economy under Dutch control and the Chinese into Indonesian hands Thanks to policies that encourage the development of domestic commerce, an indigenous class of merchants has emerged as an important player in the Indonesian economy In terms of culture - society, the biggest change is in the field of education The use of Indonesian language was widespread in the education system as well as in all public organizations, in the communications system and in the media Indonesian language has been firmly established, becoming the official language of the new Indonesian nation In the field of health and public health, the progress made by Indonesia seems promising In these years, daring plans have been developed, such as Leimena's Bandung Plan, which promises strong improvements to public health 19 Maintaining national independence, contributing to promoting the struggle for independence in countries in the region and in the world With its foreign policy of independence, Indonesia did not only maintain its independence from 1945 to 1965, but also regained its colonial territories, preserved its territory, and strongly supported it For the struggle for national independence in the countries in the region and the world As one of the earliest independent claimants in Southeast Asia, and one of the five founding members of the Non - Aligned Movement, Indonesia's voice was a great encouragement to the movement To fight for independence in the region and in the world such as Vietnam, Korea, Asia and Africa For actions that link Asian nations to the establishment of a pro - Western organization against the Communists of the Philippines, Indonesia vehemently opposes it because it not only affects the country's active, independent policy It also influenced the struggle for independence of other Asian nations 4.1.2 Limitations In addition to the great achievements achieved, the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) still has certain limitations Firstly, there is a frequent conflict between the parties during the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) The contradictions between the political factions in the government have made the political situation unstable, and the conflicts between political factions are inevitable Secondly, during the Indonesian government's implementation of its policy of independent consolidation, many socio - economic issues remain unresolved, such as unstable economic growth, imbalance, rising inflation, population explosion 4.2 Characteristics 4.2.1 The goal of national independence linked to harmony and national unity In the 1920s and 1930s, many political organizations were established in Indonesia, very active, but due to the lack of solidarity and unity, the movement did not generate enough power to force itself colonial rights have to yield When Japan invaded Indonesia (1942 - 1945), Japanese rule had a strong impact on Indonesia 's unification, in that it was either a secular nationalist revolutionary force or a revolutionary force Islamic networks, are trying to create a certain harmony in the struggle for independence from Indonesia Thus, the Declaration of Independence and Revolution took office in Indonesia in August 1945 successfully and limited bloodshed In the course of the struggle to consolidate independence (1945 - 1965), Indonesia experienced many divisions between political forces But in the end, the divisions still have to come to a consensus in decisions to ensure the interests of the nation: 20 4.2.2 Islam plays a decisive role in the choice of the way of salvation in Indonesia Islam is one of the symbols of national unity, against colonialism throughout the centuries Thus, in the struggle for independence and consolidation in Indonesia, which use Islam as a tool to unite the nation, that class becomes the leading class Thanks to the gathering of Islam, the path to national liberation of the bourgeoisie of Indonesia, which is characterized by bourgeois intellectuals, has attracted a wide range of people from all walks of life, religion Finally, Indonesian history has chosen the bourgeois revolutionary road 4.2.3 The form of peaceful political struggle played a major role, but other forms of struggle also supported and contributed to the success of the Indonesian revolution The form of non - cooperative political struggle began to emerge in Indonesia in 1927, when Sukarno founded the PNI party, taking the Marhadism doctrine as the basis of the ideology of struggle Besides the form of non - cooperative political struggle, there exists a form of cooperative struggle with peace, with goals At the same time, this period also promoted the role of pressuring the Japanese government, facilitating the peaceful political struggle in the city to victory In the years 1945 - 1965, the Indonesian people continued their armed struggle against the Dutch colonial invasion and the withdrawal of Western Irian In the face of armed struggle, the Indonesian government has also launched a struggle on the diplomatic and diplomatic front, calling for international support for its struggle to consolidate its independence, Forcing the Dutch government to sit at the negotiating table to recognize Indonesia's independence, as well as its territorial integrity 4.2.4 The struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia from 1927 to 1965 was linked to the leadership of Sukarno Firstly, Sukarno was the one who set up the right and proper strategy for the independence in Indonesia, contributing to the struggle for independence in Indonesia Secondly, Sukarno acted as a propaganda speaker who attracts the people for his own way Thirdly, Sukarno contributed to the draft Constitution and drafted the Declaration of Independence for Indonesia Fourthly, Sukarno has repeatedly dissolved political protests, trying to unite the classes, classes, political parties and religions in Indonesia to maintain relative political stability throughout His years as President (1945 - 1965) Fifthly, the power to focus too much on the President, policies are arbitrarily put, deviate the principle of democracy 4.2.5 In the process of fighting for and consolidating national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965), PKI increasingly lost its leadership role, PNI became more and more dominant PKI is the first political organization of the proletariat in Southeast Asia and also the 21 earliest political organization in Indonesia However, due to many objective and subjective reasons, the Party has failed to uphold and promote its leadership of the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia, but has also become increasingly blurred in the process In contrast, PNI came into being at the right time after the PKI's suppression of the uprising in Java and Sumatra, but PNI drew lessons learned from liberal political organizations The ethnicity is right, consistent with the Javanese tradition and the majority of the working population (especially the peasants), so PNI has become the largest and most respected political organization in Indonesia Many of the kernel of the PKI are very many to take the role of the leading game of the leading in the first players of the following struggle and the Civilization trying to reach independence Indonesia (1927 - 1965) In which, the strategy line, history book of PKI and cannot be used with the complete history of Indonesia and no have experience in the party building components are the original owner 4.2.6 Indonesia has received great support from the international community: capitalist countries, socialist countries and Asian, African and Latin American countries With its foreign policy of independence, Indonesia has received a great deal of support from the international community, including those with different political models Meanwhile, the struggle for national independence of other countries, such as China, Vietnam, only received support from socialist and colonial countries, or India It also received support from Asian and Latin American countries This is also a unique feature in the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965)… In the capitalist bloc, the United States and Australia were two early supporters of Indonesia In the socialist bloc, the Soviet Union and China have also made friendly moves to Indonesia's struggle for independence and freedom, beginning in the mid - 1950s Asian, African and Latin American support for Indonesia's struggle for and consolidation of independence has been strong since Indonesia's Declaration of Independence on August 17, 1945 In particular, India is the most active nation in the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia both physically and mentally In Southeast Asia, Vietnam is one of the countries that strongly supports Indonesia's struggle for and consolidation of independence, including the struggle for the return of Western Irian 22 CONCLUSION From the struggle for consolidation of independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965), some conclusions can be drawn: The Indonesia's struggle of national independence and consolidation (1927 - 1965) was divided into two periods, each period being influenced by different factors and objectives In the period of independence (1927 - 1945), Indonesia was still under colonial rule of the Dutch colonialists and Japanese militaries and the struggles that took place in Indonesia during this period meant only one The only goal: national independence, in the period of consolidation (1945 - 1965), Indonesia became a sovereign state with legitimate government Given the circumstances, the goals of each period are different, so the way and the form of struggle of each period is different However, these are two periods of the same process, struggling to consolidate independence as a continuation of the struggle for independence, showing the choice of a path to modern Indonesia The struggle for independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1945) went through two stages: The First Period (1927 - 1941) was the period of struggle for independence under the domination of the Dutch colonialists At this stage, the main form of struggle is political struggle that takes place in two ways: “noncooperation” and “cooperation” Most of the political organizations established during this period used one of two methods of fighting “noncooperation” or “cooperation” to claim colonial rule to recognize Indonesia's independence However, due to the lack of solidarity and unity, the struggles for independence at this stage have not been won and most have been forbidden by the colonial government The second phase (1942 - 1945) began when the Japanese entered Indonesia and ousted the Netherlands to capture the archipelago Authoritarian policies, as well as Japan's promise to give Indonesia the freedom of the future, have fueled the country's struggle for independence in a new move In addition to the form of peaceful political struggle, in some rural areas there has been the emergence of armed revolts However, the rapid changes in World War II forced the Japanese to make concessions for the preparation of an independent state in Indonesia When the imperial government announced its surrender to the Allied unqualified, the pemuda prompted revolutionary leaders to draft the Declaration of Independence and publish it to the Indonesian people on August 17, 1945 With this event, Indonesia has really gained independence, not to receive independence as a gift from the Japanese After the Declaration of Independence, the Indonesian people faced the Dutch invasion of Britain with the help of Britain, under the name of Allied forces, to disarm Japan In the 23 spirit of defending national independence, in the years 1945 - 1950, the Indonesian people had armed struggle against two major Dutch military campaigns (Operation 1947 and Operation Crow In 1948, at the same time fiercely fighting at the negotiating table, calling for international support, forced the Netherlands to sign diplomatic agreements in turn: the Lingadjati Agreement (March 1947), the Renville Agreement (1/1948) and finally the Round Table in La Hay (12/1949), the Netherlands officially recognized Indonesia's independence The Republic of Indonesia was officially united on August 17, 1950 with President Sukarno's statement During the 1950s and 1965s, the Indonesian government faced difficulties in political, economic and social instability in the country, struggling to maintain its independence and Irian Western recovery is still in Dutch hands In order to solve these problems, the Indonesian government has put forward quite comprehensive policies and measures: building and consolidating the democratic political system, developing an independent, autonomous, Foreign "independence", "positive", enhancing Indonesia's position in the international arena However, due to the newly established government, the fledgling state, and five years of independent warfare, the measures taken by the government and the Indonesian government to strengthen independence In this stage, it is not effective The greatest achievement of the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) was the liberation of the Indonesian people from the oppression of the colonialists, the fascists, the opening of an era of independence and self - determination and unification of the country For more than 300 years under the Dutch rule and over three years under the Japanese military occupation, Indonesian people aspired to live in an independent, independent country, exercising their basic civil rights The government's consolidation policies in the 1950s and 1965s also brought about positive improvements in the socio - political, cultural and social life of Indonesians, and contributed to the The national independence, strongly support the movement of national liberation in the countries in the region and in the world In addition, the struggle for and consolidation of independence in Indonesia (1927 1965) still has certain limitations such as the conflict between national leaders and the main factions conflicts between religions or in the same religion leading to internal armed conflicts, adversely affecting the unity of the whole nation Many socio - economic issues remain unresolved, particularly economic instability, rising inflation and population 24 explosion These limitations make the goal of a prosperous society impossible to achieve in the near future Thus, through the nearly 40 years of struggle for consolidation of national independence (1927 - 1965), the Indonesian people liberated themselves from the slavery of the colonialists, fascists, declared independence and established the united Republic of Indonesia, creating a prerequisite for the country's development in the coming years Although the Indonesian government's economic, political and diplomatic policies and measures have not really brought about a prosperous Indonesian society, it is also the first platform for Indonesia to have lessons learned precious experience in the construction of the country in the direction of industrialization and modernization LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED BY AUTHOR Pham Thi Huyen Trang (2013), “Did the Indonesian Communist Party lose itsleadership right in the people's struggle for revolution in August 1945?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, No (2013), ISSN 0868 - 2739, pages 44 - 49 Pham Thi Huyen Trang (2016),“The failure of reform movement in Indonesia in the early twentieth century”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, No (2016), ISSN 0868 2739, pages 50 - 57 Pham Thi Huyen Trang (2018), “Factors leading to the victory of the August 1945 Revolution in Indonesia”, Journal of Science, Hanoi National University of Education, No 63 (2018), ISSN 2354 - 1067, pages 113 - 120 Pham Thi Huyen Trang (2018), “Struggling to defend national independence and unification in Indonesia from 1945 to 1950”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, No (2018), ISSN 0868 - 2739, pages 34 - 42 ... of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965); Second, to clarify the process of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 1965); Thirdly, to clarify... in Indonesia (1927 - 1965) Object and scope of the study 3.1 The subject of the dissertation is the process of struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927 - 1965). .. revolution in Indonesia" , by Bui Thi Anh Van, Southeast Asian Studies Journal, No 5, 2010 The study of the struggle for and consolidation of national independence in Indonesia (1927- 1965) was also

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