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Luận án tiến sĩ Lịch sử: Quá trình đấu tranh giành và củng cố độc lập dân tộc ở Indonesia (1927 - 1965)

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Mục đích của luận án là làm rõ các giai đoạn phát triển và bản chất của quá trình đấu tranh giành và củng cố độc lập dân tộc ở Indonesia (1927 - 1965), đồng thời chỉ ra nét riêng biệt, độc đáo trong con đường đi tới độc lập dân tộc của quốc gia này.

BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƢ PHM H NI PHM TH HUYN TRANG QUá TRìNH ĐấU TRANH GIàNH Và CủNG Cố ĐộC LậP DÂN TộC INDONESIA (1927 - 1965) LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ LỊCH SỬ Hà Nội - 2018 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƢ PHẠM HÀ NỘI PHẠM THỊ HUYỀN TRANG QUá TRìNH ĐấU TRANH GIàNH Và CủNG Cố ĐộC LËP D¢N TéC ë INDONESIA (1927 - 1965) Chuyên ngành: Lịch sử giới Mã số: 92.29.011 LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ LỊCH SỬ Người hướng dẫn khoa học: GS.TS Đỗ Thanh Bình Hà Nội - 2018 LỜI CAM ĐOAN Tơi xin cam đoan đề tài Luận án cơng trình nghiên cứu riêng Những số liệu sử dụng luận án trung thực Các kết rút từ cơng trình nghiên cứu chưa cơng bố Tơi hồn tồn chịu trách nhiệm cơng trình nghiên cứu Tác giả Phạm Thị Huyền Trang LỜI CẢM ƠN Được hướng dẫn, giúp đỡ tận tình nhà khoa học, tơi hồn thành luận án Với tình cảm chân thành, tơi xin bày tỏ lòng biết ơn sâu sắc đến GS.TS Đỗ Thanh Bình, giảng viên khoa Lịch sử, Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội Tôi xin gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành tới Thầy, Cô giáo Khoa Lịch sử, Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội; Ban Lãnh đạo Trường Đại học Tân Trào, Lãnh đạo Khoa KH Cơ bạn bè, đồng nghiệp gia đình giúp đỡ tơi hồn thành cơng trình luận án Trong q trình hồn thành cơng trình luận án khơng tránh khỏi thiếu sót, tơi kính mong nhận dẫn, góp ý nhà khoa học, thầy giáo, cô giáo đồng nghiệp để luận án tiếp tục bổ sung hoàn thiện Xin trân trọng cảm ơn! Hà Nội, ngày tháng năm 2019 Tác giả Phạm Thị Huyền Trang DANH MỤC CÁC TỪ VIẾT TẮT Hiệp hội quốc gia Đông ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BP Balai Pustaka Phòng Văn học Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Ủy ban điều tra độc lập Kemerdekaan Indonesia Indonesia DPR Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Hội đồng Nhân dân GAPI Gaboengan Politiek Indonesia Gerindo Gerakan Rakjat Indonesia Phong trào nhân dân Indonesia GOC Good Offices Committee Ủy ban Tốt HBS Dutch High School Trường Trung học Hà Lan ISDA Indies Social Democratic Association KBS Keimin Bunka Shidosho BPUKI KNIL KNIP MASYUMI MIAI Nam Á Liên đoàn đảng dân tộc Indonesia Hiệp hội Dân chủ Xã hội Đơng Ấn Văn phòng Văn hóa Trung ương The Royal Netherlands East Indies Quân đội Hoàng gia Hà Lan Army Đông Ấn Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat Ủy ban Trung ương Quốc gia Indonesia Partai Majelis Syuro Muslimin Hội đồng tư vấn Hồi giáo Indonesia Indonesia Majlis Islam Ala Indonesia Liên đoàn tổ chức Hồi giáo MPR Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Hội đồng cố vấn Nhân dân NEOFOS New Emerging Forces Lực lượng NU Nahdlatul Ulama Các nhà thần học thức tỉnh OLDEFOS Old Established Forces Trật tự cũ Parindra Partai Indonesia Raja Đảng Indonesia vĩ đại Partindo Partai Indonesia Đảng Indonesia PETA Pembela Tanah Air PI Perhimpunan Indonesia Hiệp hội Indonesia PKI Partai Komunis Indonesia Đảng Cộng sản Indonesia PNI Partai Nasional Indonesia Đảng Dân tộc Indonesia Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia Giáo dục Quốc gia Indonesia Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Ủy ban trù bị độc lập Indonesia Indonesia Permufakatan Perhimpunan Politikek Hiệp hội Chính trị Nhân dân Kebangsaan Indonesia Indonesia Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Chính phủ Cách mạng Cộng Indonesia hòa Indonesia PNI - (PNI baru) PPKI PPPKI PRRI Quân tình nguyện bảo vệ Tổ quốc Liên đoàn thương nhân Hồi PSI Persantuan Sarekat Islam PSII Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia Liên minh Đảng Hồi giáo PUSA Persatuan Ulama - ulama Seluruh Aceh Liên minh ulama Aceh PUTERA Pusat Tenaga Rakyat Trung tâm sức mạnh Nhân dân RUSI Republic of the United States of Indonesia giáo Cộng hòa Liên bang Indonesia SEAC East Asia Command Bộ huy Đông Nam Á SI Sarekat Islam Hội Liên hiệp Islam giáo Shumubu Kantor Urusan Agama Văn phòng công tác tôn giáo TKR Tentara Keamanan Rakyat Quân đội An ninh Nhân dân TNI UNCI VOC Volksraad Tentara Nasional Indonesia Quân đội Quốc gia Indonesia United Nations Commission for Ủy ban Liên Hợp Quốc Indonesia Indonesia Vereenigde Geoctroyeerde Oost Indische Compagnie People's Council Công ty Đông Ấn Hà Lan Hội đồng nhân dân MỤC LỤC MỞ ĐẦU 1 Tính cấp thiết đề tài Mục đích nhiệm vụ nghiên cứu Các nguồn tài liệu Phương pháp luận phương pháp nghiên cứu Đóng góp luận án Bố cục luận án CHƢƠNG 1: TỔNG QUAN TÌNH HÌNH NGHIÊN CỨU VẤN ĐỀ 1.1 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu có liên quan đến đề tài luận án 1.1.1 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu khái quát lịch sử Indonesia có liên quan đến đề tài 1.1.2 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu có liên quan trực tiếp đến trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia 14 1.2 Những vấn đề đƣợc nghiên cứu chƣa đƣợc nghiên cứu 24 1.3 Những vấn đề luận án tập trung nghiên cứu giải 25 CHƢƠNG 2: ĐẤU TRANH GIÀNH ĐỘC LẬP DÂN TỘC Ở INDONESIA (1927 - 1945) 26 2.1 Những nhân tố tác động đến trình đấu tranh giành độc lập Indonesia (1927 - 1945) 26 2.1.1 Chính sách cai trị thực dân Hà Lan, quân phiệt Nhật chuyển biến đời sống kinh tế - xã hội - văn hóa Indonesia thời thuộc địa 26 2.1.2 Sự phát triển phong trào đấu tranh giành độc lập Indonesia trước năm 1927 35 2.1.3 Sự thành lập Đảng Dân tộc Indonesia 42 2.1.4 Phong trào đấu tranh giành độc lập giới năm 1927 - 1945 44 2.2 Quá trình đấu tranh giành độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1927 - 1945) 47 2.2.1 Đấu tranh giành độc lập năm 1927 - 1941 47 2.2.2 Đấu tranh giành độc lập năm 1942 - 1945 58 Tiểu kết chương 73 CHƢƠNG 3: ĐẤU TRANH BẢO VỆ VÀ CỦNG CỐ ĐỘC LẬP DÂN TỘC Ở INDONESIA (1945 - 1965) 75 3.1 Những nhân tố tác động đến trình đấu tranh bảo vệ củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1945 - 1965) 75 3.1.1 Tình hình giới khu vực sau Chiến tranh giới thứ hai 75 3.1.2 Sự thay đổi tình hình Indonesia sau Tuyên bố độc lập tháng 8/1945 78 3.2 Đấu tranh bảo vệ độc lập dân tộc thống đất nƣớc 82 3.2.1 Đấu tranh bảo vệ độc lập dân tộc 82 3.2.2 Đấu tranh thống đất nước 87 3.3 Đấu tranh củng cố độc lập dân tộc (1950 - 1965) 88 3.3.1 Xây dựng củng cố hệ thống trị 88 3.3.2 Phát triển kinh tế - văn hóa độc lập, tự chủ 92 3.3.3 Thi hành sách đối ngoại nhằm nâng cao vị Indonesia trường quốc tế 97 Tiểu kết chương 106 CHƯƠNG 4: MỘT SỐ NHẬN XÉT VỀ QUÁ TRÌNH ĐẤU TRANH GIÀNH VÀ CỦNG CỐ ĐỘC LẬP DÂN TỘC Ở INDONESIA (1927- 1965) 108 4.1 Thành tựu hạn chế 108 4.1.1 Thành tựu 108 4.1.2 Hạn chế 115 4.2 Đặc điểm 122 4.2.1 Mục tiêu độc lập dân tộc gắn liền với hòa hợp thống dân tộc 122 4.2.2 Hồi giáo đóng vai trò định đến lựa chọn đường cứu nước Indonesia 126 4.2.3 Hình thức đấu tranh trị ơn hòa đóng vai trò chính, hình thức đấu tranh khác hỗ trợ góp phần đến thành cơng cách mạng Indonesia 130 4.2.4 Quá trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập Indonesia từ năm 1927 đến năm 1965 gắn liền với vai trò lãnh đạo Sukarno 133 4.2.5 Trong trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1927 - 1965), PKI ngày dần vai trò lãnh đạo, PNI ngày thắng 140 4.2.6 Indonesia nhận ủng hộ lớn lao quốc tế: nước tư chủ nghĩa, xã hội chủ nghĩa nước Á, Phi, Mĩ Latinh 143 Tiểu kết chương 147 KẾT LUẬN 148 DANH MỤC CÁC CƠNG TRÌNH KHOA HỌC ĐÃ CƠNG BỐ CỦA TÁC GIẢ 151 TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO 152 PL-13 11 Bản đồ Indonesia: ( Nguồn:https://www.lonelyplanet.com/maps/asia/indonesia/map_of_indonesia) PL-14 PHỤ LỤC NHỮNG HOẠT ĐỘNG QUÂN SỰ CỦA HÀ LAN Ở INDONESIA TRONG NHỮNG NĂM 1947 - 1949 Hình 1: Bản đồ lãnh thổ Indonesia bị Hà Lan chiếm chiến dịch Product Java Sumatra Chú thích: Vùng bị chiếm đóng vùng màu đỏ ( Nguồn: Adapted from Petra Groen and D.W Staat, Inzet in Nederlands - Indie 1945-1950 (Amsterdam: Van Soeren & Co, 1992), p 46) PL-15 Hình 2: Bản đồ lãnh thổ Indonesia bị Hà Lan chiếm chiến dịch Crow Java Sumatra Chú thích: Vùng bị chiếm đóng vùng màu đỏ (Nguồn: Adapted from Petra Groen and D.W Staat, Inzet in Nederlands Indie1945-1950 (Amsterdam: Van Soeren & Co, 1992), p 107) PL-16 PHỤ LỤC Thiệt hại chiến tranh nông nghiệp địa Triệu guilder a) Mất vốn mùa trồng lâu năm 135 b) Mất thu hoạch lâu năm chiến tranh 720 c) Mất mùa gặt lúa chiến tranh 320 d) Mùa thu hoạch giai đoạn phục hồi lâu năm 255 Tổng 1.400 (Nguồn: Indonesian Economics, Published by the Netherlands Indies goverment, 1947; p 35) PL-17 PHỤ LỤC The Linggadjati Agreement (Hiệp định Linggadjati) Signed on March 25, 1947, between the Netherlands Commission - General and the Delegation of the Republic of Indonesia Preamble - The Netherlands Government, represented by the Commission General for the Netherlands Indies, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by the Indonesian delegation, moved by a sincere desire to ensure good relations between the peoples of the Netherlands and Indonesia in new forms of voluntary cooperation which offer the best guarantee for sound and strong development of both countries in the future and which make it possible to give a new foundation to the relationship between the two peoples, agree as follows and will submit this agreement at the shortest possible notice for the approval of the respective parliaments: Article - The Netherlands Government recognizes the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as exercising de facto authority over Java, Madura and Sumatra The areas occupied by Allied or Netherlands forces shall be included gradually, through mutual cooperation, in Republican territory To this end, the necessary measures shall at once be taken in order that this inclusion shall be completed at the latest on the date mentioned in Article 12 Article - The Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic shall co-operate in the rapid formation of a sovereign democratic State on a federal basis to be called the United States of Indonesia Article - The United States of Indonesia shall comprise the entire territory of the Netherlands Indies with the provision, however, that in case the population of any territory, after due consultation with the other territories, should decide by democratic process that they are not, or not yet, willing to join the United States of Indonesia, they can establish a special relationship for such a territory to the United States of Indonesia and to the Kingdom of the Netherlands PL-18 Article - The component parts of the United States of Indonesia shall be the Republic of Indonesia, Borneo, and the Great East without prejudice to the right of the population of any territory to decide by democratic process that its position in the United States of Indonesia shall be arranged otherwise Without derogation of the provisions of Article and of the first paragraph of this Article, the United States of Indonesia may make special arrangements concerning the territory of its capital Article - The constitution of the United States of Indonesia shall be determined by a constitutent assembly composed of the democratically nominated representatives of the Republic and of the other future partners of the United States of Indonesia to which the following paragraph of this Article shall apply Both parties shall consult each other on the method of participation in this constituent assembly by the Republic of Indonesia, by the territories not under the authority of the Republic and by the groups of the population not, or insufficiciently represented with due observance of the responsibility of the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic, respectively Article - To promote the joint interests of the Netherlands and Indonesia, the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall cooperate in the establishment of a Netherlands Indonesian Union by which the Kingdom of the Netherlands, comprising the Netherlands, the Netherlands Indies, Surinam and Curacao, shall be converted into the said Union consisting on the one hand of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, comprising the Netherlands, Surinam and Curacao, and on the other hand the United States of Indonesia The foregoing paragraph does not exclude the possibility of a further arrangement of the relations between the Netherlands, Surinam and Curacao Article - A The Netherlands Indonesian Union shall have its own organs to promote the joint interests of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of Indonesia B These organs shall be formed by the Governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of Indonesia and, if necessary, by the parliaments of those countries PL-19 C The joint interests shall be considered to be cooperation on foreign relations, defence and, as far as necessary, finance as well as subjects of an economic or cultural nature Article - The King (Queen) of the Netherlands shall be at the head of the Netherlands Indonesian Union Decrees and resolutions concerning e joint interests shall be issued by the organs of the Union in the King's (Queen‟s) name Article - In order to promote the interests of the United States of Indonesia in the Netherlands and of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in doncsia, a High Commissioner shall be appointed by the respective Goverment Article 10 - Statutes of the Netherlands Indonesian Union shall, furthermore, contain provisions regarding: A Safeguarding of the rights of both parties towards one another and guarantees for the fulfillment of their mutual obligations B Mutual exercise of civil rights by Netherlands and Indonesian citizens C Regulations containing provisions in case no agreement can be reached by the organs of the Union D Regulation of the manner and conditions of the assistance to be given by the services of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United States of Indonesia as long as the services of the latter are not, or are insufficiently, organized; and E Safeguarding in both parts of the Union of the fundamental human rights and liberties referred to in the Charter of the United Nations Organization Article 11 - A The Statutes of the Netherlands Indonesian Union shall be drafted by a conference of representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the future United States of Indonesia B The statutes shall come into effect after approval by the respective parliaments Article 12 - The Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall endeavour to establish the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands Indonesian Union before January 1, 1949 Article 13 - The Netherlands Government shall forthwith take the necessary steps in order tc obtain the admission of the United States of Indonesia as a Member PL-20 of the United Nations Organization immediately after the formation of the Netherlands Indonesian Union Article 14 - The Government of the Republic of Indonesia recognizes the claims of all non-Indonesians to the restoration of their rights and the restitution of their goods as far as they are exercised or to be found in the territory over which it exercises de facto authority A joint commission will be set up to effect this restoration and restitution Article 15 - In order to reform the Government of the Indies in such a way that its composition and procedure shall conform as closely as possible to the recognition of the Republic of Indonesia and to its projected constitutional structure, the Netherlands Government, pending the realization of the United States of Indonesia and of the Netherlands Indonesian Union, shall forthwith initiate the necessary legal measures to adjust the constitutional and international position of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the new situation Article 16 - Directly after the conclusion of this agreement, both parties shall proceed to reduce their armed forces They will consult together concerning the extent and rate of this reduction and their cooperation in military matters Article 17 - A For the cooperation between the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic contemplated in this agreement, an organization shall be called into existence of delegations to be appointed by each of the two Governments with a joint secretariat B The Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall settle by arbitration any dispute which might arise from this agreement and which cannot be solved by joint consultation in conference between those delegations In that case a chairman of another nationality with a deciding vote shall be appointed by agreement between the delegations or, if such agreement cannot be reached, by the President of the International Court of Justice Article 18 - This agreement shall be drawn up in the Netherlands and Indonesian languages Both texts shall have equal authority (Nguồn: Agung I.A.A.G (1990), Twenty years Indonesian foreign policy 1945 - 1965, Duta Wacana University Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; p 548 - 551) PL-21 PHỤ LỤC The Conference on Indonesia, New Delhi, 1949 (Hội nghị Indonesia, New Delhi, 1949) Resolution I Adopted on 22nd January 1949 This Conference of representatives of the Governments of Afghanistan, ustralia, Burma, Ceylon, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, akiscan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen, Affirming their support of the purposes and principles of the United ations and the obligation of all member states to accept and carry out the decision of the Security Council in accordance with the Charter; Having considered the situation in Indonesia in the light of all available data and, in particular, the repons submitted by the Good Offices Committee of the Security Council; Being of the opinion that the Dutch military action launched on the 18th December 1948 constitutes a flagrant breach of the Charter of the United Nations and defiance of the efforts of the Security Council and its Good Offices Committee to bring about a peaceful settlement; Noting that the Netherlands authorities have failed to give full effect to the resolutions of the Security Council adopted after that date; Finding that this action is directed against the very existence of the Republican Government which the Security Council and several member Governments of the United Nations, including the Netherlands Government itself, have recognised; Conscious of the danger to the peace of South - East Asia and of the world through the continuance of hostilities in Indonesia; Recognising that the people of Indonesia are entitled, according to the principles of the Charter, to independence and the exercise of full sovereign rights; Recognising further that the maintenance of international peace and security and the development of friendly relations among nations based on respect for the PL-22 principles of equal rights and self - determination of peoples constitute the high and steadfast purpose of the United Nations; Firmly convinced that the Security Council is properly seized of the Indonesian question, as a breach of the peace and an act of aggression, under Article 39 of the United Nations Charter; RECOMMENDS to the Security Council of the United Nations A (1) That members of the Republic Government, other Republican leaders and all political prisoners in Indonesia, be immediately restored to complete freedom; (2) That the Republican Government be enable to function freely and, to this end, (i) the Residency of Djogjakarta be handed back immediately to the Republic and the Netherlands authorities refrain from taking any action that may interfere with the effective functioning of the Government of the Republic That Government should also have facilities for communication and freedom of consultation throughout Indonesia; (ii) such areas of the Island of Java, Sumatra and Madura as were held by the Government of the Republic on the 18th December 1948, be restored to the Republic not later than the 15th March 1949; (iii) Dutch forces be withdrawn (a) immediately from the Residency of Djogjakarta, and (b) progressively from the rest of the Republican territory mentioned in (ii) Such withdrawal to be effected in stages and under conditions to be prescribed by the Good Offices Committee or any other body to be appointed by the Security Council and to be completed not later than the 15th March 1949; (iv) All restrictions imposed by the Netherlands authorities on the trade of the Republic be immediately removed; (v) Pending the formation of the Interim Government referred to in (3), the Republican Government be afforded facilities for communication with the outside world PL-23 (3) That an Interim Government composed of representatives of the Republic, and representatives of territories in Indonesia other than those under the authority of the Republic, commanding the confidence of the Indonesian people, be formed not later than 15th March, 1949, with the approval and assistance of the Good Offices Committee, or any other body that may be appointed by the Security Council Pending the results of the deliberations for the Constituent Assembly referred to in paragraph (6) below, no new regional governments shall be formed or recognised (4) That, subject to the provisions of paragraph (5), such Interim Government shall enjoy full powers of government including control over its armed forces To ensure these, all Dutch troops shall be withdrawn from the whole of Indonesia on a date to be determined by the Good Offices Committee, or any other body appointed by the Security Council Pending such withdrawal, Dutch forces shall not be used for the maintenance of law and order except at the request of the Interim Government and with the approval of the Good Offices Committee or any other body that may be appointed by the Security Council (5) That the Interim Government shall have such freedom in external affairs as may be determined, in consultation with the Interim Government and the Netherlands authorities, by the Good Offices Committee or any other body that may be appointed by the Security Council (6) That elections for the Constituent Assembly of Indonesia be completed by 1st October 1949; (7) That power over the whole of Indonesia be completely transferred, by the 1st January 1950, to the United States of Indonesia whose relationship with the Netherlands shall be settled by negotiation between the Governments of the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands; (8) That the Good Offices Committee, or any other body appointed by the Security Council, be given authority to secure the application of the foregoing recommendations under the supervision of the Security Council to whom it shall report as frequently as may be necessary PL-24 B That, in the event of either party to the dispute not complying with the recommendations of the Security Council, the Council shall take effective action under the wide powers conferred upon it by the Charter, to enforce the said recommendations Member States of the United Nations represented at this Conference pledge their full support to the Council in the application of any of these measures C That the Security Council be pleased to report, for consideration by the United Nations General Assembly at its adjourned session commencing in April 1949, the measures taken or recommended by the council for a solution of the Indonesian problem and the action taken by the parties concerned to give effect to these measures Resolution II Adopted on 22nd January 1949 In order to ensure close co - operation among themselves on matters dealt with in Resolution I, this Conference recommends to the participating Governments, whether member States of the United Nations or not: (a) That they should keep in touch with one another through normal diplomatic channels; (b) That they should instruct their representatives at the Headquarters of the United Nations or their diplomatic representatives to consult among themselves Resolution III Adopted on 22nd January 1949 The Conference expresses the opinion that participating Governments should consult among themselves in order to explore ways and means of establishing suitable machinery, having regard to the areas concerned, for promoting consultation and co - operation within the framework of the United Nations (Nguồn: Agung I.A.A.G (1990), Twenty years Indonesian foreign policy 1945 - 1965, Duta Wacana University Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; p 545 - 547) PL-25 PHỤ LỤC Letter to President Soekarno from Vice President Mohammad Hatta, March 20, 1956 (Translation from the Indonesian text) (Thƣ gửi Tổng thống Soekarno Phó Tổng thống Mohammad Hatta, ngày 20 tháng năm 1956 (Bản dịch từ văn tiếng Indonesia) No 17/56 His Excellency President Soekarno Istana Bogor Bung Karno, This noon I requested the Chairman of the Supreme Court for more explanation of the second part of the Supreme Court's opinion concerning the draft bill for the abrogation of the Indonesian - Dutch Union, approved by the People's Representative Council (Parliament) at its session on February 28, 1956 In fact there is no doubt concerning the Court‟s explanation According to the provisions of our constitution there is no authority possessing the legal power to examine a bill and test its legality vis vis the constitution as exists in the United States of America The draft bill that was presented by the government and approved by the People‟s Representative Council is therefore valid in law The problem of whether a bill could be enforced retroactively is a juridicial matter However this does not preclude a decision on the matter by the People‟s Representative Council in concurrence with the government In the opinion of the Supreme Court there is no objection in general to enacting a law retroactively The one exception is if it concerns a penal provision On this matter the Supreme Court is cautious and declines to state its opinion since this problem concerns a political issue But from the above it could be concluded that the legislative body (the government and the People‟s Representative Council) has the authority to decide in the matter of retroactivity This conclusion was not opposed by the Chairman of the Supreme Court Personally Mr Wirjono Prodjodikoro approves it PL-26 Personally I am of the opinion that there is no need for a retroactive provision as stated in article of the draft bill for the abrogation of the Indonesian-Dutch Union By virtue cf this bill all steps taken by the government within the framework of the unilateral abrogation of the Union have become valid in law However, in general there is no objection to its inclusion since it has already been stated in the bill and approved by parliament Therefore I propose that you sign the draft bill forthwith in order to make our position vis - - vis the Dutch clear Furthermore withholding the presidential signature from a draft bill which had been approved by the Peoples Representative Council could be charged with being unconstitutional This will create grave consequences for the development of our democracy and constitutional government The outgoing cabinet has no preferences as to when the bill should be signed by the newly appointed prime minister and the minister for foreign affairs of the new cabinet This is with the condition however that a statement will be made forthwith abrogating the Union by law This will clarify our position vis - - vis the Dutch But in my opinion such a procedure is not in good taste because it will put Mr Ali Sastroamidjojo in a very awkward position He belongs to the opposition group that has opposed the abrogation of the Union by the present government and the People‟s Representative Council (Parliament) After it had been proved that the bill had been approved legally, how could he and the other members of the cabinet countersign it? If you have not signed the draft bill by March 28 it will be regarded as approved according to article 94 of the Constitution At this time you will have to countersign it unless before that date the new cabinet states its objections before the People‟s Representative Council (Parliament) Such a situation will create dissension in the new cabinet and have far - reaching consequences Constitutionally this is also an unusual and faulty practice One does not usually first express his objections to a draft bill and then later submit a draft bill of PL-27 the same substance Such a procedure is a debasement of the constitutional performance of government In order to prevent the emergence of a conflict of grave consequences it is in your best interests to sign the draft bill abrogating the Indonesian - Dutch Union By doing so the abrogation will become a reality agreed to by all groups The new cabinet can concentrate all its attention on the implementation of the abrogation of the Union and deal with its consequences Respectfully, Vice President Mohammad Hatta (Nguồn: Agung I.A.A.G (1990), Twenty years Indonesian foreign policy 1945 1965, Duta Wacana University Press, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; p 565 - 566) ... làm rõ tiến trình vận động đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1927 - 1965); Ba là, thành tựu hạn chế đặc điểm trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1927 - 1965). .. tạo dựng nên tranh toàn diện, khách quan trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1927 1965) Đồng thời, trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập dân tộc Indonesia (1927 - 1965) đặt... ra, số Luận án Tiến sĩ Lịch sử đề cập cách khái quát đến kiện tiêu biểu trình đấu tranh giành củng cố độc lập Indonesia giai đoạn như: Quá trình đấu tranh củng cố độc lập dân tộc Cộng hòa Indonesia

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2020, 14:21



