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tài liệu rất hay bằng tiếng Anh: The information contained in this booklet is purely advisory and for the purpose of assisting contractorsemployers in the areas of environment, safety and health. The content in this booklet does not purport to refer to or guarantee compliance with regulations that may be applicable to such practices and conditions. This booklet should not be considered a definitive listing of all regulations nor an absolute solution to all environmental, safety and health issues. Nike assumes no responsibility for the implementation, management, or procedures contained herein.

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The information contained in this booklet is purely advisoryand for the purpose of assisting contractors/employers in theareas of environment, safety and health The content in thisbooklet does not purport to refer to or guarantee compliancewith regulations that may be applicable to such practices andconditions This booklet should not be considered a definitivelisting of all regulations nor an absolute solution to allenvironmental, safety and health issues Nike assumes noresponsibility for the implementation, management, orprocedures contained herein.

Nike, Inc

One Bowerman DriveBeaverton, Oregon 97005-6453

Copyright © 2002 Nike, Inc

All rights reserved

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Table of Contents

1 ESH Management 1-1

A Management System 1-1

B ESH Committee 1-12

C Injury/Illness System Management 1-15

• Incident/Accident Investigation System 1-16

A Chemical Hazard Communication 3-1

B Hazardous Material Labeling 3-1

C Restricted Manufacturing Substances (RMS) 3-9

D Storage, Handling, Distribution, Dispensing 3-11

4 Facilities and Maintenance 4-1

A General Work Environment 4-1

• Housekeeping 4-1

• Floors and Walls 4-2

• Stairs and Stairways 4-3

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ii ESH Handbook

D Machine Shop Safety 4-23

• General Rules 4-23

• Bench and Pedestal Grinders 4-24

• Air Hoses, Tools and Compressors 4-26

• Fan Guards 4-28

• Portable and Powered Hand Tools 4-28

• Tool and Equipment Maintenance 4-32

• Ladder Safety 4-45

• Compressed Gas Cylinders 4-48

E Contractor and Subcontractor Safety 4-52

F Confined Spaces Protection 4-53

G Welding, Cutting and Brazing (Hot-Work) 4-55

5 Industrial Health 5-1

A Heat Stress Prevention 5-1

B Cold Stress Prevention 5-4

C Occupational Noise Exposure 5-7

H Occupational Exposure Limits 5-39

6 Emergency Preparedness and Response 6-1

A Emergency Action 6-1

B Fire Protection 6-4

• Fire Protection Plan 6-4

• Fire Protection Measures 6-7

• Fire Brigades 6-7

• Fire Extinguishers 6-10

C Medical Services and First Aid 6-18

• General 6-18

• First Aid Kits 6-20

• Eyewash and Shower/Drenching

Equipment 6-22

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Table of Contents iii

7 Personal Protective Equipment 7-1

8 Machine and Equipment Safety 8-1

A Motor Vehicle Operation and Forklifts 8-1

B Energy Control (Lockout/Tagout) 8-10

F Childcare Facility Management 9-21

10 Sampling Equipment/Device Guidelines 10-1

A 3M Organic Vapor Monitors (OVM) 10-1

B Sound Level Metering Guidelines 10-5

11 General Information, Weights and Measures 11-1

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a Appropriateness to the nature, scale and impacts

of its activities, products or services

b Commitment to continual improvement and

pollution prevention

c Commitment to comply with relevant ESH

legislation and regulations, and with other

requirements to which the organization subscribes

d A framework for setting and reviewing ESH

objectives and targets

e Availability to the public

2 ESH Aspects

a The purpose of this section is to define the process

by which contractors/employers identify

significant ESH aspects of its activities, products

or services

b This process must take into account the cost andtime of undertaking the analysis and the

availability of reliable data

c Information already developed for regulatory orother purposes may be used in this process

d This section must address the degree of control

the organization may have over the ESH aspectsbeing considered


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e In documenting the ESH aspects/impacts

identification process, this section must addressthe following:

1) The criteria used to determine significance.2) Applicable processes and operations of thecontractor/employer to be assessed (i.e., processflow charts)

3) Responsibilities for aspects/impacts tion

identifica-4) Consideration of aspects/impacts under bothnormal and abnormal operating conditions.5) How new or planned activities and processesare assessed

3 Legal and Other Requirements

a The purpose of this section is to define the processfor identification and access to legal and otherrequirements to which the contractor/employersubscribes

b This section must also describe the process ofmonitoring these requirements

c Things to look for:

1) This section must specifically identify theregulatory and other relevant ESH require-ments that apply to the contractor/employer(e.g., a listing and the name of the individualwho maintains the list)

2) This section must identify who is responsiblefor reviewing and analyzing draft and finalregulations/legislation and how their applica-bility is documented (e.g., procedural refer-ences)

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3) This section must also address how these

requirements or changes to requirements arecommunicated to employees and management

4 Objectives and Targets

a The purpose of this section is to define the processthe contractor/employer uses to establish and

document ESH objectives and targets

b This section must clearly provide the links

between the contractor’s/employer’s ESH aspects/impacts, ESH policy, and other commitments thecontractor/employer has made with regard to theenvironment

c Things to look for:

1) This section must specifically address how

objectives and targets are set and approved bythe contractor/employer, and specifically howthey are to be documented, measured, reviewedand revised

2) When establishing and reviewing its objectives,the contractor/employer must consider its legaland other requirements, its significant ESH

aspects, its technological options, the financial,operational and business requirements, its

commitment to pollution prevention, and theviews of interested parties

5 ESH Management Program

a The purpose of this section of is to describe the

management program the contractor/employer

will utilize to achieve its established ESH

objectives and targets

b Things to look for:

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1) This section must designate responsibility forachieving objectives and targets at each relevantfunction and level

2) This section must include the means andtimeframe by which the objectives and targetsare to be achieved

6 Structure and Responsibility

a The purpose of this section is to define specificroles, responsibilities and authorities the

contractor/employer has established to facilitate aneffective ESH management system

b This section must clearly designate the

responsibilities for implementation of the

contractor/employer management system

c It must identify the senior management

representative(s) who have specific responsibilityand authority to:

1) Ensure the management system requirementsare established, implemented and maintained.2) Report on the performance of the managementsystem to top management This section mustinclude some discussion of how the contractor/employer is providing resources (human,financial, and technological) to support themanagement system

7 Training, Awareness and Competence

a The purpose of this section is to define how thecontractor/employer identifies training needs andimplements training programs

b These training programs ensure all employeeswhose work may cause a significant impact on theenvironment and/or the safety and health of

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employees are aware of their roles and

responsibilities and are competent to carry out

their work activities as defined in the managementsystem

c Things to look for:

1) This section must clearly describe the dures (related to training) the contractor/

proce-employer has put in place to ensure its

employees understand:

a) The importance of conformance with theESH policy

b) The significant impact (actual or potential)

of their work activities

c) The consequences of deviating from

specified operating procedures

8 Communication

a The purpose of this section is to provide an

overview of the contractor’s/employer’s internal

and external communication systems that supportthe ongoing implementation of the managementsystem

b The contractor/employer is required to establishand maintain procedures for internal

communication between various levels and

functions of the organization and for

documenting and responding to communicationsfrom interested external parties

c This section of the manual must describe or

provide reference to the contractor’s/employer’s

major internal and external communication

systems or procedures for:

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1) Communication of the contractor’s/employer’sESH policies, objectives, targets, and programs.2) Communication of the contractor’s/employer’ssignificant ESH aspects and procedures forevaluating changes

3) Communication of legal and other ments (i.e., Nike requirements)

require-4) Communication of operating procedures andcriteria for operations associated with signifi-cant ESH aspects

5) Communication of emergency preparednessand response procedures

6) Communication of procedures to monitor andmeasure key characteristics of its operationsand activities

7) Communication of employee concerns andquestions

8) Receiving, documenting, and responding torelevant communication from externalinterested parties (e.g., customers, the public).9) Making the contractor’s/employer’s ESH policyavailable to the public

10) Communication of ESH requirements tovendors, suppliers, and contractors/employers

9 Documentation

a The purpose of this section is to describe how thecontractor/employer establishes and maintainsinformation, in paper or electronic form, thatdescribes the core elements of the managementsystem, their interaction, and direction to relateddocumentation

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b All 17 elements of this standard must be described

or cross-referenced in this section

10 Document Control

a The purpose of this section is to describe the

contractor’s/employer’s document-control systemfor controlling all documents required by the

management system are performed

3) Are properly removed from all points of use ormarked as obsolete as appropriate

4) Are retained as necessary for legal or knowledgepreservation purposes when obsolete

b This section must describe how the contractor/

employer plans these activities, including

maintenance, in order to ensure they are carriedout in line with its ESH policies, objectives andtargets

c Things to look for:

1) This section must clearly describe how the

contractor/employer establishes and maintains

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documented procedures to cover situations thatcould lead to deviations from the ESH policy,objectives and targets

2) This section must describe how operatingcriteria is established, as well as the individualresponsible for the procedural activities.3) This section must cover procedures related toidentifiable significant ESH aspects of goodsand services used by the contractor/employerand the process of communicating thoseprocedures and requirements to suppliers andcontractors/employers

12 Emergency Preparedness and Response

a The purpose of this section is to describe thesystem (procedures) the contractor/employermaintains to enable it to identify and respond topotential accidents and emergency situations, andfor preventing and/or mitigating the ESH impactsthat may result

b This section can be generally used to referenceemergency preparedness and response programsthe operation already has in place

c Things to look for:

1) How the emergency preparedness and responseprocedures are reviewed and revised

2) How the procedures are periodically tested(including drills)

3) Who is responsible for generating and taining procedures

main-13 Monitoring and Measurement

a The purpose of this section is to identify how thecontractor/employer establishes and maintains

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b This section must discuss how information is

recorded and performance tracked with regard toESH objectives and targets, and how the process isused to ensure that all equipment used in

monitoring and measurement is properly

calibrated and maintained

c Things to look for:

1) This section must include specific procedures

in place for monitoring and measurement,

including the process for periodic evaluation ofcompliance with relevant ESH legislation andregulations

2) This section must discuss the required features

of the monitoring and measurement

proce-dures including individuals responsible for

b This section must address how the contractor/

employer has assigned responsibility and authorityfor these activities and how it records any changes

to documented procedures resulting from

corrective and preventive action

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c Things to look for:

1) This section must include various means ofmeasuring, monitoring, auditing, self-assessingand other review systems that feed informationinto the corrective action system

2) This section must reveal how managementensures that corrective and preventive actionshave been implemented and that there is asystematic follow-up to ensure effectiveness

15 Records

a The purpose of this section is to describe theprocess the contractor/employer uses to identify,maintain, and dispose of its ESH records

b This section describes the minimum requirementsfor ESH records generation, maintenance andretention procedures

c This section must also identify the records thatwill be used as objective evidence of the

contractor’s/employer’s conformance to therequirements of the management system

d Things to look for:

1) This section must include:

a) Who is responsible for determining whatrecords are required

b) Who is responsible for filing and nance

mainte-c) Guidelines for records management.d) Location of comprehensive ESH recordslists

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16 Management System Audit

a The purpose of this section is to describe the

process the contractor/employer uses to evaluatethe effectiveness of the ESH Management System

b This section must describe the procedure used inthe management system evaluation and includehow the results are presented to senior


c This section must clearly describe the

manage-ment system audit program responsibilities

continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness

b This section is intended to describe how senior

management will address changes to policy,

objectives and targets, and other elements of themanagement system in light of management

system audit results or changing circumstances

which could effect the continual improvement


c This section must clearly describe:

1) The frequency of the management review

2) The individual responsible for initiating the


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3) The scope of the review (e.g., audit results(internal and external), complaints andinformation requests, corrective actionsummaries, objectives and targets)

4) How and where review results will be mented

docu-5) Individuals on the review team

B ESH Committee

1 Formation and Membership

a A committee composed of both employee andmanagement representatives will be established atthe facility

b All working shifts must be represented

c Representatives must serve a minimum one-yearterm

d The committee will select the chairperson

2 Duties and Functions

a The ESH committee’s function is to assistmanagement in developing and maintaining theessential elements of the environment, safety andhealth program The committee will promoteawareness of and provide a means of

communicating environment, safety and healthissues and concerns between management andemployees The ESH committee has the completesupport of senior management

b The committee will establish a written agenda toprescribe the order in which the committee’sbusiness will be addressed during the meeting

c The committee will evaluate the facility’s

environment, safety and health policies and

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procedures, and make written recommendationsfor change or adoption of new policies and

procedures A reasonable time limit must be

established for management to respond to the

recommendations presented by the ESH


3 Employee Involvement

a ESH committee meetings will be held at least

monthly The meetings will be documented in theform of minutes The minutes will be:

1) Posted where employees can read them

2) Maintained for 3 years

b The ESH committee representatives may also elect

to review the minutes with their departments

4 Incident/Accident Analysis

a The committee will review any incidents/accidentsthat have occurred during the past month The

committee will also determine if any accident

trends are developing

b It may be necessary to invite the supervisor whoinvestigated an accident to attend the meeting toclarify questions concerning the investigation


5 Hazard Assessment and Control

a The ESH committee will conduct environment,safety, and health inspections of the facilities,

including the offices and grounds, at least


b The inspections will be documented using an

environment, safety and health inspection


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a ESH committee duties and functions.

b Hazard identification in the workplace

c The applicable Nike Code Leadership Standards(CLS) and any applicable local ESH requirements

d Techniques regarding incident/accident analysisand implementation of corrective actions

7 Minutes Guidelines

a The minutes must be:

1) Typed

2) Brief, concise, and well-organized

3) Distributed within 3 working days (Thecommittee must develop a distribution list.)

b Contents must include:

1) Title

2) Date meeting was held

3) Time meeting was opened or called to order.4) Names and departments of members present.5) Names and departments of members absent.6) Names, titles, and organizations of guests.7) Statements indicating that minutes of previousmeetings were read or acknowledged

8) Unfinished business including report(s) and/orrecommendation(s) not acted on

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2 Injury/Illness Tracking and Records

a Contractors/employers must maintain in each

factory a log and summary of all injuries and

illnesses (resulting in a fatality, hospitalization, lostworkdays, medical treatment, job transfer or

termination, or loss of consciousness) for that

factory, and enter each event no later than 7

working days after receiving the information

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b Contractors/employers must establish a writtensupplementary record of factors (incident/accidentreport form) that caused the injury or illness

c Contractors/employers must post an annualsummary of occupational injuries and illnesses.This posting will include the year’s totals, calendaryear covered, company/factory name,

management signature, title and date Thesummary must be posted by February 1 of eachyear and must remain in place until April 30 ofthe same year If country law requires differentdates than those mentioned, then those dates must

e Contractors/employers must apply these

requirements to all incidents involving factoryemployees, on-site vendors, and visitors, whichresults in personal injury or illness

f Contractors/employers must train all employees inthe incident/accident reporting procedures

g Contractors/employers must conduct an annualreview of this program to confirm that employeesare familiar with the incident/accident reportingrequirements and that the program is managedproperly

3 Incident/Accident Investigation System

a Supervisors must investigate an incident/accident

as soon as possible after the incident to preservephysical evidence and obtain witness statementswhile memories are fresh The supervisor mustdetermine and record all facts surrounding the

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incident Causes and effects must be analyzed todiscover the basic reason for the incident

Necessary action must be taken as soon as possible

to prevent recurrence of the incident

b The supervisor must complete the Supervisor’s

Incident/Accident Investigation Report, with helpfrom the employee Each section of the report

must be thoroughly completed It is important

that the employee describe the incident in his orher own words and that the employee sign his orher name on the appropriate line

c The Incident/Accident Investigation Report must

be completed for all incidents, even those that

don’t result in an injury or illness claim

d A copy of the completed form must be sent to

Nike The original must be maintained by the

human resources department or clinic If the

incident results in a work related injury or illnessclaim, the insurance company needs to receive acopy of the report form

4 Reporting hazards

a Employees are expected and encouraged to reportany hazard that they believe exists in the

workplace No reprisals will be taken against

employees for reporting any condition they feelconstitutes an unsafe condition

b Employees must report hazards to their supervisor,department ESH committee representative, or amember of senior management Employees mustreport hazards on forms provided

5 Evaluating hazards

Facilities must use the following methods and

procedures to identify and evaluate workplace hazards:

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a Quarterly environment, safety and health

inspections conducted by the ESH committee

b Employee reports of unsafe or unhealthy workconditions and subsequent investigations andactions

c Investigation after an employee sustains an the-job occupational incident/accident

on-d Periodic environment, safety and health surveysconducted by environment, safety and healthconsultants employed by the location’s insurancecarrier

6 Correcting hazards

a Serious hazards (those with the potential to causedeath or serious physical harm to an employee)will be corrected immediately All employeesexposed to this hazard will be removed from thearea Employees assigned to correct the hazard will

be provided with all necessary safeguards,

including personal protective equipment anddevices

b All other hazards will be corrected in a timelyfashion with times for correction being agreedupon by senior management and the departmentsupervisor Protection may include temporarywork procedures or personal protective


c In regard to a and b above, if warranted,

administrative action will be taken to protect theenvironment, safety and health of affectedemployees prior to the correction (For example,equipment violation, multiple-shift isolation, etc.)

d Once a hazard is identified, the best course ofaction is to immediately eliminate the hazardous,

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potential for both frequency (number of

accidents) and severity must be addressed first

• Critical—Any condition that requires

immedi-ate action to correct

• Potential—Any condition that, if left

unat-tended, may cause harm

7 Contractor/Employer Incident/Accident Reporting


a Prior to initiating Nike procedures, factory mustidentify and comply with country law

b All incidents and accidents resulting in death,

injury, or causing illness to employees and events(near-miss accidents) must be reported in order to:1) Establish a written record of factors that causeinjuries and illnesses and events (near-misses)that might have resulted in death, injury or

analyzing all phases of incidents and events

c This Incident/Accident Reporting System applies

to all incidences involving contract factory

employees, on-site vendors, contracted third-partyemployees, and visitors that results in (or mighthave resulted in) personal death, injury or illness

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2 Environmental Protection

A Air Emissions

1 General Principles

a Emissions of toxic substances to the outside

atmosphere from production and non-productionsources (e.g., welding, painting, waste burning,etc.) are required to be controlled, minimized and/

or eliminated whenever possible at owned and

contracted facilities

b Contractors/employers must be aware how thesesubstances can be emitted to the outside

atmosphere and how these emissions can and

must be controlled, minimized or eliminated accordance with Nike standards and applicable

in-local requirements The primary areas where

potential air emission will be found are:

1) Solvent cleaning processes (Volatile OrganicCompound (VOC) emissions)

2) Dryers and curing ovens (VOC)

3) Painting and touch-up (VOC and Ozone

Depleting Chemicals (ODC) emissions)

4) Boiler operations (Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


5) Air conditioning equipment bon (CFC) emissions)

(Chlorofluorocar-6) Welding (CO2 and particulate emissions)

7) Grinding (particulate emissions)

8) Chemical storage and dispensing (VOC andODC emissions)


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1) Documentation Controls: Generally refer torequired operating procedures, inspections anddocumentation (see Section 2).

2) Physical Controls: Generally refer to physicalequipment (see Section 3)

2 Air Emission Documentation Controls

To achieve Nike’s air emission objective, each facilitymust be able to demonstrate they have the followingdocumentation controls in place:

a Emission source inventory The facility must haveavailable for inspection an inventory of allemission sources The inventory must include:

Figure 2-1: Stackhead Designs

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1) Location of emission sources

2) Types and quantities of pollutant emitted

3) Air pollution control devices and removal


4) Permit numbers for emission sources and

control devices

b Asbestos Inventory Contractor/employer must

maintain an asbestos inventory that includes thelocation and type (friable versus nonfriable)

c Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

Inventory Contractor/employer

must maintain a CFC inventory

that includes:

1) Location and type of equipment

2) Quantity and type of CFCs

d Ozone Depleting Chemical (ODC) Inventory

(Sample chemicals below.) Contractor/employermust maintain an ODC inventory that includes:1) Location, type and quantity of ODCs

2) Chart depicting ODC quantity versus month/year

Table 2-1: Abbreviated ODC Table

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e Routine inspections and maintenance

Contractor/employer must maintain a record ofinspections and maintenance for all pollutioncontrol devices to ensure their effectiveness

3 Air Emissions Physical Controls

Processes that utilize volatile organic chemicals(VOCs) or emit other toxic substances must have airquality physical control devices installed, such as:

Figure 2-2: Fume Hood Cutaway

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Figure 2-3: Dust and Centrifugal Collector

a Fume hoods and spray booths Must be equippedwith pollution control devices

b Buffing and grinding equipment Must be

equipped with exhaust fans and bag-houses to

collect dust particles

c Pollution control equipment

1) Used filters must be replaced on a regular basis.2) Used filters must be tested to ensure they arenot a hazardous waste prior to disposal

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B Hazardous Waste

1 General Principles

a Hazardous wastes from production and

non-production sources are required to be controlled,minimized and/or eliminated whenever possible.Many countries have specific laws and regulationsthat regulate these substances and each facility

must know these requirements

b A hazardous waste is generally defined by the

3) It is corrosive (acids or oxidizers)

4) It is toxic (generally referred to as poisons)

5) It is explosive (easily ignitable with violent


6) It is radioactive

c The contractor/employer must be aware that

hazardous wastes come from a variety of sourcesand that these wastes left uncontrolled can

adversely impact human health and the

environment Hazardous wastes are required to becontrolled, minimized and/or eliminated in-

accordance with Nike standards and local

requirements The primary areas where hazardouswastes will be found are:

1) Solvent cleaning or materials preparation areas.2) Spot cleaning areas (used rags)

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5) Wastewater treatment sludges.

6) Empty solvent cleaning and wastewatertreatment chemical containers (e.g., drums and

5 gallon (19 liter) cans)

7) Laboratory wastes

8) Cooling tower chemicals

9) Landscaping (pesticides and herbicides).10) Used filters

d All hazardous waste sources must be addressed byDocumentation and Physical Controls andcombinations of both

1) Documentation Controls: Generally refer torequired operating procedures, inspections anddocumentation (see Section 2)

2) Physical Controls: Generally refer to physicalequipment (see Section 3)

2 Hazardous waste Documentation Controls To achieveNike’s hazardous waste management objective eachfacility must be able to demonstrate they have thefollowing administrative controls in place:

a Hazardous waste inventory The facility shouldhave available for inspection an inventory of allhazardous waste sources

1) Waste streams are characterized as hazardous bylaboratory testing or process knowledge

b Hazardous waste reporting The facility mustmaintain a hazardous waste reporting form

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c Hazardous waste handling procedures and

training The facility must have written proceduresfor hazardous handling, storage and disposal anddocumented employee training (including

emergency response and spill training)

d Hazardous waste disposal facilities The facility

must maintain a list of disposal facilities used forall off site disposal including:

1) Date of disposal

2) Location and name of disposal facility

3) Name and quantity of waste disposed

4) Tracking or shipping numbers as applicable

e Routine inspections and maintenance

Contractor/employer must maintain a record ofinspections for hazardous waste storage areas

3 Hazardous Waste Physical Controls Hazardous wastesmust have the following engineering controls in place:

a Hazardous waste containers The facility must usecontainers for hazardous waste (including

containers in satellite accumulation areas) that

meet the following requirements:

1) Are appropriate for the waste being stored inthem (e.g., acids are not stored in metal


2) Are clearly labeled “Hazardous Waste.” (See

Figure 2-4 next page.)

3) Are closed (except when adding hazardous


4) Ignitable wastes are bonded and grounded

(See Chapter 3, pages 17–22.)

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Figure 2-4: Hazardous Waste Labels

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2019, 15:34



