The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology Edited by David A Winter and Nick Reed This edition first published 2016 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Registered Office John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK Editorial Offices 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148‐5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at‐blackwell The right of David A Winter and Nick Reed to be identified as the authors of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and authors have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services and neither the publisher nor the authors shall be liable for damages arising herefrom If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data The Wiley handbook of personal construct psychology / David A Winter and Nick Reed pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-118-50831-2 (cloth) 1. Personal construct theory. 2. Personal construct therapy. I. Winter, David A., 1950– editor II. Reed, Nick, editor BF698.9.P47W55 2016 150.19′85–dc23 2015026555 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Cover image: Miller Mair, The Starry Night Set in 11/14pt Galliard by SPi Global, Pondicherry, India 1 2016 For Don and Fay Contents Notes on Contributors xi Foreword Rue L Cromwellxx Preface David A Winter and Nick Reedxxviii What Is a Personal Construct? Fay Fransella Part I Personal Construct Psychology and Its Philosophy Personal Construct Theory and Philosophy Trevor Butt and Bill Warren 11 George Kelly: A Revealing Moment Franz R Epting 24 Personal Construct Psychology in Relation to an Integrative Constructivism 34 Jonathan D Raskin Philosophy and Psychology: The Distinctiveness of the Theory of Personal Constructs Bill Warren 45 So Distant, Yet So Close: Kelly, Maturana, and Their Constructivist Theories 57 Gabriele Chiari Part II Methodology 69 Methodologies of Assessment in Personal Construct Psychology Richard C Bell 71 viii Contents Assessment of Hierarchies of Construing Peter Caputi 88 Using Linear Mixed Models with Repertory Grid Data Mark Heckmann and Richard C Bell 99 10 Nonverbal Assessment Methods Beverly M Walker 113 11 Experience Cycle Methodology: A Qualitative Method to Understand the Process of Revising Personal Constructs Lindsay G Oades and Fiona Patterson 125 Part III Society and Culture 137 12 Personal Construct Psychology, Society, and Culture: A Review 139 Harry Procter 13 “Culture’s like an extra layer on top isn’t it?” Sociality and Superordination in Italian and English People Viv Burr, Trevor Butt, and Massimo Giliberto 154 14 Relational Construct Psychology Harry Procter 167 15 The Political Program of Personal Construct Psychology Dušan Stojnov 178 16 Transcending War‐Ravaged Biographies David A Winter 190 Part IV Clinical Applications 201 17 The Continuing Clinical Relevance of Personal Construct Psychology: A Review David A Winter 203 18 Experiential Personal Construct Psychology and the Integral Universe: Theoretical and Clinical Implications Larry M Leitner and Katherine J Hayes 218 19 Dilemma Resolution Guillem Feixas 230 20 A Narrative Hermeneutic Approach to Personal Construct Psychotherapy 241 Gabriele Chiari 532 Index gender, 146, 160, 269, 273, 433 genetic epistemology, 19 Gengler, C.E., 270, 278 genocide, 421–3 Georgia, 141 Gergen, K., 20, 167, 176 Germany, 139, 403 Gestalt coaching, 321 Giddens, A., 489, 498 Gilbert, J.K., 338–340, 348, 350 Giliberto, M., 164, 165, 402, 414 Gillies, J., 260, 262 Gindidis, A., 78, 86, 103, 112 gnosiology, 48 Goffman, E., 187, 188 Goins, S., 191–2, 197, 198 - Gojić, A., 144–5, 152 good, xxii, 17, 294, 301, 311, 420, 455, 469–470 Goodkin, K., 264 Gordon, J.R., 310, 318 Gournay, K.J.M., 209, 217 Gräfenberg, E., 435 Gray, D., 320–321, 329 Gray, D.E., 268–9, 278 Green, D., 214, 215, 412, 414 Green, J.N., 270, 280 Green, L., 75, 85 Greene, A.M., 275, 279 Greene, B., xxvi Greyling, W., 268–9, 278 Grice, J.W., 80, 85, 492 grief, 255–61 Grossman, J.H., 294, 305 grounded theory, 276 group psychotherapy, 211 Guba, E.G., 276, 280 guilt, 16–17, 61, 64, 66–7, 83, 126, 170, 180, 191, 196, 205, 207, 245, 250–252, 257, 286, 291, 325–6, 417, 421, 466, 468, 471, 479, 485, 509–510, 521 Guyton, E., 341, 348 Habermas, J., 52, 56 Hadj Moussová, Z., 383–4, 387, 394, 395 Haizlip, J., 305 hallucinations, 169 Hamad, E., 268–9, 278 Handler, L., 129, 135 Handy, C., 403 Hanieh, E., 121, 123 Hannover, B., 164, 166 Hardison, H.G., 74–75, 80, 86 Hargreaves, T., 489, 498 Haritos, A., 78, 86, 103, 112 Harman, R., 305 Harri-Augstein, E.S., 268–9, 281, 356, 360 Harris, A.S., 115, 123 Hart, H.L.A., 52, 56, 465, 475 Harter, S.L., 116, 122, 123, 209, 215 Harwood, A., 345 Haslam, A., 143, 151 Hassan, E., 129, 135 hatred, 220–221 Havens, L., 219, 228 Hays, W.L., 82, 86, 93, 97 healthcare, 293–304, 345–6 Heckmann, M., 102, 112 Hegel, F., 46, 244 Heidegger, M., 16–17, 243, 249 Hennessy, D., 90, 97 Henze, I., 340, 348 Heraclitus, 244 Herbart, J.F., 359, 360 Heredity and Environment, 374, 381 Hermans, H., 169, 176, 270–271, 279 Hermeneutic constructivist therapy, 241–52 hermeneutics, 11, 14, 17–19, 21, 270 hierarchical classes analysis, 90 Higgins, E.T., 75, 86, 99, 112 Hill, R., 269–270, 279 Hiller, J.B., 128, 135 Hindley, M., 418 Index Hinkle, D.N., 3, 8, 26, 31, 32, 72, 76, 81–83, 86, 89, 91–94, 97, 297, 299, 354, 356, 360, 492, 498, 523 Hitler, A., xxii, 421–2 Hodgkinson, G.P., 312–3, 318 Hoess, R., 145, 169, 421–2, 424 Hogan, N., 260, 264 Hogg, M., 143, 151 Holborow, S., 498 Holland, 401–3 Holland, J.M., 213, 216, 258–61, 262–3 Holland, R., 16, 22, 149 Hollows, A., 346, 349 Holt, J., 355, 360 homicide, 259, 416–24 Honess, T., 93, 97 Hong Kong, 403 Hopi Indians, 372 Hopkins, B., 346, 349 Horley, J., 214, 216, 416, 424 Horowitz, M.J., 264 Hort, L., 142, 152 hostility, 66, 83, 126, 205, 207, 245, 291, 297, 326, 420, 423, 465, 475, 479, 510, 521 Houlette, M., 165 Houston, J., 416, 424 Howard, C.E., 269, 278 Howard, G.S., 269–270, 279 Howells, K., 417, 424 Howkins, E., 346 Hulley, L., 232, 239 human-computer interaction, 268–9 Human Grid, 120 humanistic approaches, 178, 212, 376 human resource management, 268, 306 Hume,J., 357, 360 humiliation, 477–8, 514 Husain, 72–73, 86 Hussein, S., 423 533 Husserl, 15–17, 58, 67, 243–4, 337, 385, 391 Hussey, R., 270, 278 Huxley, T.H., 505, 517 Hwang, J., 294, 305 Iantaffi, A., 345, 349 idealism, 21, 49 identity, 140, 142–5, 162–4, 172, 180, 209, 232–3, 239, 245–6, 251, 256, 270, 364–5, 387, 390, 432–3, 441, 443, 445, 454, 458–61 idiographic approach, 53–4, 77 illness, 214, 293, 304 imagery, 210, 344 Implication Corollary, 94 implications grid, 77, 81–82, 91–93, 354, 523 implicative dilemmas, 80–81, 130, 205, 207, 209, 212, 230–239 India, 224, 272 individuality, 154, 355, 357, 433, 468 Individuality Corollary, 21, 36, 354, 467–8, 519 Information management, 268–9 Ingvarsdóttir, H., 343, 349 integration, 34, 213, 241, 401, 448–450 intellectual capital, 270–271 intellectual disability, 214, 345–6 intensity, 80–81, 105, 108–111 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 487, 498 international relations, 27, 149, 164 Internet, 122, 129, 134, 269, 408–14 interpersonal transaction group, 211 interpretation, 244, 247–9 intersubjectivity, 16, 39–40, 251, 385, 395 interviewing, 73–74, 93, 125, 127–9, 150, 156, 191, 196–7, 343, 386, 492, 522 534 Index introspective approach, 50 invalidation, 5–6, 53, 65, 114, 125–6, 129–34, 203–204, 207, 210–211, 214, 231–2, 246, 250, 252, 288, 290, 310, 365, 368, 373, 394, 418–420, 453, 454, 457–8, 520 invitational mood, 210, 249, 456 Ireland, 400, 404, 410 Israel, 139, 401, 403 Italy, 154–65, 404 Ives, Y., 320, 329 Jaarsma, R., 164, 166 Jackson, P., 270–271, 278 Jackson, T.T., 26, 33 Jacobs, M.C., 264 James, W., 13, 505, 517 Jankowicz, D., 90, 97, 267, 269–71, 274, 279, 311, 319 Jarque-Llamazares, L., 425 Jaspars, J.M.F., 80, 86 Jay, M., 116, 123 Jenkins, O.H., 270–271, 279 Jenks, C., 116, 123 Jerzembek, G., 305 Johnson, V.E., 434 Johnston, R., 320, 330 Jones, D., 93, 97 Jones, H., 83 Jones, H.G., 53 Jordan, N., 260, 263 Joy, B., 320, 329 justice, 296, 298, 300, 376, 476–85 social, 51, 268, 270, 275–6 restorative, see restorative justice Kafka, F., 458 Kalekin-Fishman, D., 139, 141, 145–6, 150, 151, 276, 279 Kant, I., 46, 55, 56, 275, 300, 359 Katz, J.O., 268, 270, 279 Kauffman, L.H., 277 Keesee, N.J., 259–260, 262 Kelly, G.A., xx–xxv, xxvi, xxviii, xxix, 1, 5, 8, 11–21, 22–23, 24–32, 33, 34–42, 43, 45–55, 56, 57–67, 71–79, 81–84, 86, 88–89, 97–98, 113–114, 120–121, 123, 125–7, 135, 139–49, 151, 154–6, 161–4, 165, 167–9, 171, 176, 178, 180–183, 185–6, 188, 194 –5, 198, 203–6, 209–13, 216, 218–21, 225–7, 228, 230–231, 240, 241, 243–9, 251, 253, 256, 262, 267, 272–3, 275–6, 279, 282, 284–92, 295, 305, 306, 309–312, 318, 321, 325, 329, 333, 335, 337, 344, 349, 352–5, 357–9, 360, 361–3, 365–8, 370, 371, 373–7, 379–81, 385–6, 396, 399, 409, 413, 416–7, 419, 424, 426, 430–431, 436, 437, 439, 441, 450, 455–8, 462, 464–79, 482, 484, 485–6, 491–2, 498, 501, 504–7, 517, 518–23 Kempen, H.J.G., 270–271, 279 Kenny, V., 57, 67, 268–9, 279 Khmer Rouge, 422 Khong, B., 446, 450 King, G.A., 75, 86 King, N., 73, 85, 346, 350, 361, 370, 456, 459, 462 Kington, A., 492, 498 Kinicki, A., 268–9, 278 Kirschner, P.A., 357, 360 Kirton, G., 275, 279 Klein, R., 75, 86 Klion, R.E., 208, 216 Knaevelsrud, C., 261, 264 Knežević, M., 144–5, 152 knowledge, xxiii–iv, 13, 19, 21, 35, 40, 58, 500–501, 503, 505, 509–12, 516 knowledge management, 268–9 Kohlberg, L., 375, 381 Kolb, D.A., 362–3, 370 Index Kompf, M., 371, 373, 376, 381 Koopmans, R., 275, 279 Korzybski, A., 32, 379–380, 381 Kramer, K.P., 300–301, 305 Kremsdorf, R., 75, 86, 211, 216 Kuhn, T., xxiv, xxvi, 50, 185, 188, 373, 382 Kulic, C.T., 275, 280 Kumpulainen, K., 128, 135 Kurz, T.L., 341, 349 Kuzu, D., 152, 176, 424 Kwee, M.G.T., 444–5, 450, 451 laddering, 3, 76–77, 81, 91, 94–95, 236, 297, 343, 449, 492, 523 Laing, R.D., 142, 151 Lakatos, I., 50, 52, 56, 334 Landfield, A.W., 24–25, 27—9, 33, 74, 80, 86, 93, 95, 98, 194, 198, 211, 216, 402, 414, 421, 424, 492, 523 Lane, D., language, 17–18, 51–52, 113–116, 168, 243, 246–7, 249, 255, 334, 337, 343, 442, 444, 449, 503, 512 Lankau, M.J., 268–9, 279 Laso, E., 425 Latchford, G., 412, 414 Latimer, J., 484, 486 Laurie, A., 260, 264 law, 51–52, 55, 464–75, 483 Law Commission, 473, 475 leadership, 268–9, 273–4, 299–300, 302, 304 learning, xxiv, 19, 45, 268–9, 320– 323, 325, 328, 334–5, 337–41, 343–6, 352–9, 361–2, 364, 366–8, 371–380, 389–93, 471, 503 Lee., C., 268–9, 278 Lee-Corbin, H., 346, 349 Lehman, D.R., 259, 262 535 Leiman, M., 175 Leitner, A.W., 39, 43, 73, 86, 192, 198, 206, 212, 216, 218–25, 228–9, 402, 407, 414 Lemke, T., 328, 329 Lengnink, K., 341, 349 Letelier, J.C., 62, 67 levels of interpersonal construing, 172–3 Levine, J., 436, 437 Levi-Strauss, C., 141, 149 Levy, L.H., 79, 87 Lewis, G., 468, 475 Lewis, M.W., 268, 270, 280, 308, 312–3, 318–9 Lichtenthal, W.G., 260, 263 LifeMapping, 371, 377–81 life-world, 385, 392–5 Lifshitz, M., 30 Lincoln, Y.S., 276, 280 Lindner, E., 477, 486 linguistics, xiii, 244 Littler, D., 270, 280 Lloyd, Lord, 467, 475 Lock, A., 276, 280 Locke, R., 341, 350 logic, xiii–iv, xxiii, 46, 48, 51, 72, 269, 309–11, 318, 337, 520 Long, T., 345, 349 loose construing, xxv, 8, 66, 83, 116, 121, 130, 132, 162, 204, 207, 211, 237, 245–6, 250, 359, 365–8, 452, 454, 510, 522 loss, see bereavement Loux, S., 165 love, 220–221, 252, 301, 512 Lovelock, J.E., 226–7, 229 Lubart, T.I., 362, 370 Lukes, S., 145–6 Lundy, R.M., xxi Luscher, L.S., 308, 313, 319 McArthur, C., 29, 33 McCarthy, I., 305 536 Index McCarthy, J., 31 McClain, E.G., 277 McDonald, J., 476, 479–82, 486 Mace, T., 498 McGettigan, P., 492, 498 McHolm, A.E., 135 Mackay, M., 261, 264 McKendree, J., 498 McKnight, E., 268–9, 278 McWilliams, S.A., 183, 188, 268, 280, 441, 444, 446, 451, 457, 459, 462 Maercker, A., 261, 264 magic wand technique, 236 Magid, B., 448, 451 Maher, B., 17, 23, 48, 56, 504, 517 Mair, J.M.M., xxviii, 17, 23, 161, 165, 169, 175, 176, 211–212, 216, 244, 253, 272, 280, 338, 349, 406, 413, 414, 453, 457, 459, 462, 501, 517 Mallindine, C., 425 Malott J., 260, 262 management, 3–4, 50, 267–76, 306–18, 345, 404 Mancini, F., 72, 85 Mandela, N., 483 Manning, A.H., 208, 215 Maoris, 476 marketing, 213, 270, 328 marriage, 75 Marsden, D., 270, 280 Martin, G., 305 Martin, R., 140, 151 Martinez, T.E., 260, 262 Marx, G., 413 Marx, K., 47 Maslow, AH., 16, 31, 375, 382 Mason, C., 197, 199 massive open online courses, 409–11, 413 Masters, W.H., 434 Maturana, H., 19, 35, 37, 44, 57–67, 245, 253 Mavin, G.H., 75, 86 May, N., 302, 305 Mazhindu, G., 345 Mead, G.H., 13–14, 21, 31, 154, 156, 165 meditation, xxiii, 445–6 meaning, xxv, 4, 16–18, 36–39, 88, 142, 146, 150, 167, 210, 214, 219–220, 223–4, 234, 244, 248–9, 254–62, 269, 271, 274, 283, 288, 291, 310–311, 315, 322, 324, 326, 335–8, 352, 355–8, 361–5, 368, 372, 374–8, 380, 385, 390–394, 442, 444–7, 449–450, 456, 505–6, 509 meaning constitution analysis, 391–5 Meier, P., xxi–ii, xxvi Meisel, P., 93, 97 Melrose, S., 345, 349 Menand, L., 12, 23 menopause, 119 mentalization, 171 Merleau-Ponty, M., 15–16, 19, 23 metaphor, 116, 118, 121, 211, 255, 339, 343, 368, 373, 445, 455 metaphysics, 46, 366 Metcalfe, C., 209, 213, 216–7 Metz, I., 275, 280 Mignot, P.A.T., 345 Millar, S., 423, 424 Miller, D., 307, 319 Miller, P., 346, 349 Mills, D.M., 270, 280 Milman, E., 260, 262 mindfulness, 439–41, 444–8, 450 MINTS, 272, 275 Mischel, T., 2, 5, mixed models, 100–101, 106, 108–9, 112 Modulation Corollary, 59–60, 63 72, 290, 433, 472, 20 monism, 48 Montebruno, C., 235, 239 Index Montesano, A., 235, 239–240 Moore, D.B., 476, 478–81, 485–6 morals, 46, 304, 375 Moran, D., 15, 23 Moreno, J.L., 32 Morris, C., 122, 124 mothers, 76 motivation, 7, 19, 45, 141, 144, 168 Mpodozis, J., 62, 67 Mueller, D.R., 209, 216 Muise, D., 484, 486 Mullins, N.C., 401, 414 Multigrid one, 101–12 murder, 52, 145, 191, 416, 418–23, 465, 469–470, 473 mass, 419–420 music, 261, 452, 457–60 Myhren, T., 479 narrative, 17–19, 73–74, 127–9, 162, 186, 191, 196, 212–3, 241, 243–5, 248–52, 255–8, 261–2, 324, 338–9, 343–5, 365, 368, 376, 379, 401, 428–9, 443, 445–6, 504, 506–7, 510–13 narrative hermeneutic therapy, 212, 241–52 narrative inquiry, 336, 344 Nazis, 163–4, 423, 466 Neenan, M., 320–321, 329 negative automatic thoughts, 169 Neimeyer, G.J., 268–9, 280 Neimeyer, R.A., 26, 30, 33, 73–75, 77, 80, 85, 86, 87, 95, 98, 100, 112, 114, 119, 122, 124, 204, 208, 211, 213, 215–217, 255–6, 258–61, 262–4, 400–3, 405, 407–8, 410–413, 414–415, 456, 462, 476, 480, 486 neostructuralism, 51 Nesse, R.M., 258, 262 neurological models, 175 New Zealand, 163, 476 537 Nicolo, F., 72, 85 Nier, J.A., 165 Nietzsche, F., 243–4 Nilsen, D., 418 Nin, A., 254, 264 Nirvana, 440 Noaparast, K.B., 34, 44 Noe, K., 17, 23 nomothetic approach, 53–54, 83 non-validation, 206, 245–6, 361, 365 nonverbal constructs, 4, 6, 8, 113, 119, 247 nonverbal techniques, 113–23 norm activation theory, 488–9 Norway, 477–8, 484 Novak, J.D., 268–9, 280 novel writing, 361, 365, 452–4, 456, 459 Nowakowski, M.E., 128, 135 nursing, 345–6 Nuzzo, M.L., 17–18, 20–21, 22, 48, 53, 55, 57, 64, 67, 72, 85, 213, 242–3, 246, 249, 251 Oades, L.G., 125, 127–9, 135, 268–9, 277, 361, 370 Obama, B., 483 Oberg, A., 345, 349 obesity, objectivism, 19–20 obsessive-compulsive disorder, 170 O’Day, P., 83, 85 Ohlde, C., 98 Ohme, U., 457, 462 older adults, 118, 214, 346 Olson, J.K., 334–5, 349 Omdal, H., 128, 135–6 ontological construing, 40, 42–43 ontology, 46, 48, 58, 271, 439, 455 OpenRepGrid, 102 optimal functioning, 126, 203, 205–6, 223 ordination, 80 538 Index organizational psychology, 51, 72 Organization Corollary, 59, 72, 81, 89, 93, 96, 231–2, 433, 468, 519 organizations, 148–150, 267–73, 275–6, 282–97, 299, 302, 304, 306–18, 324, 327–8, 402, 404, 406, 407–8, 411, 413, 452 Orley, J., 190, 198 Ormerod, D., 469, 471, 475 Osterlind, M.-L., 345, 349 O’Sullivan, B., 146, 151, 188 Oxley, H., 142, 152 Ozbilgin, M., 275, 280 Palmer, R., 98 Panh, R., 422–3, 424 paradox, 306–18 Paris, M.E., xxiii, xxvii, 26–27, 32—3 Parkes, C.M., 264 Paroutis, S.E., 313, 319 Parr, J., 268–9, 280 Parry, G., 139, 152, 168, 176, 437 Parsloe, E., 320, 329 partial order scalogram analysis, 91 Pask, R., 320, 329 Patient, S., 148, 153, 191, 198–9, 425 Patterson, T.W., 98 Pattison, P., 82, 85, 92, 97 Pavolvić, 147, 152, 188, 325, 330, 337, 350 Payne, R., 268–9, 278 PCP mailbase, 404, 408 Peck, B.S., 18, 23, 51, 56 Peirce, C.S., 139, 152 Pennebaker, J.W., 261, 264 perceiver-element grid, 156, 173–5, 387, 391, 394, 455 percentage variance accounted for by first factor, 105, 315 perception, 19–20 peripheral constructs, 63, 144–5, 204, 231 permeability, 59, 63, 66, 162, 245, 290, 380, 472, 520 Perry, R.S., 357, 360 personality, 84, 168, 175, 182, 270, 273, 355 person as scientist, 5–6, 12, 38–39, 53, 88, 126, 154, 183, 187, 203, 244, 283, 288, 297, 323, 335, 338, 352, 377, 379–380, 479, 485, 518 personal construct counseling, 2–4, 6–8 Personal Construct Inventory, 83 Personal Construct Psychology Association, 406, 411 Personal Construct Psychology Practitioners Group, 404 personal construct psychotherapy, 2, 6, 21, 53, 57, 146, 209–15, 218–21, 230–39, 241–52, 255, 323, 326–8, 401, 407, 409, 411, 444–5, 448–50, 474 evidence base, 213–4, 407, 412 personal construct theory, xxi, 1, 5, 28–29, 45–55, 58, 66, 84, 96, 399–400, 518–23 perspectivism, 243 Peters, M., 328, 329 Pfenninger, D.T., 192, 198, 223, 229 phenomenology, xxv, 11, 14–21, 48, 58, 73–74, 242–4, 336–7, 384–5, 391–2, 395, 479 philosophy, xxv, 11–22, 34–43, 45–55, 57–67, 242–5, 276, 283, 292, 452 of “as if”, 41–42, 325 Phinney, J.S., 275, 277 phobia, 170 photography, 120–122, 452–3, 457, 459 Piaget, J., 19, 373, 382 Piazza Bonin, E., 260, 262 Index Pickett, K., 478, 485, 486 Pinker, S., 423, 424 Pirandello, L., 162, 165 Plank, R.E., 270, 280 Plata, P., 252 Plato, 46 play, 115, 123, 210, 368–9 Plews-Ogan, M., 305 poetics, 272 poetry, 361, 452–3, 455–6 Polanyi, M., 50 politics, 51, 142–3, 149, 178–88, 272, 275, 419–420, 430, 456 Ponte, P., 342, 351 Ponthieu, L., 75, 87 Poole, M.S., 308, 319 Pope, M., 336, 338–9, 342, 345–6, 348, 350, 354, 356, 360, 362, 370 Popper, K., 50, 181 Porter, J., 268, 280 Portrait Gallery, 117 position, 168, 212 positive coaching, 321 positivism, 48 postmodernism, 11, 51, 270, 380, 450 poststructuralism, 11, 51, 140 post-traumatic stress, 90, 173, 208, 378, 417 power, 142–3, 145–8, 186, 276, 413, 474, 484, 512–3, 516 pragmatism, xxiii, 11–15, 18–19, 21, 27–28, 41–43, 47–48, 118, 154, 323, 337, 442 prayer, 221 Prediger, S., 341, 349 pre-emption, 46, 83, 162–3, 205, 454–5, 521–2 preverbal constructs, 8, 113, 204, 247, 445, 447, 521 Prigerson, H.G., 258, 264 prion disease, 122 539 Procter, H.G., 27, 33, 139, 142, 147, 150, 152, 156, 165, 168–9, 171, 173, 176, 183, 189, 212, 214, 217, 231, 240, 310, 319, 385, 387, 396, 406, 436–7, 455, 462, 482–4, 486 Procter, M.J., 173, 176, 455, 462 professional constructs, 8, 64, 66, 204–6, 211, 292, 417, 521 projective tests, 128 propositional construing, 46, 380, 510, 521 prototype theory, 427, 429, 435 psychoanalysis, xxiii–iv, 53, 186, 230, 241, 401, 427 psychoeducation, 232, 261 psychosomatic problems, psychotherapy, 52–54, 57, 64–65, 67, 71, 73, 148, 173, 193, 255–6, 260–261, 276, 282, 320, 322, 367–8, 400, 406, 408, 439, 452–3, 479, 499–500, 514, 516, 522 Pucurull, O., 240 punishment, 483–4 Putnam, R.D., 484, 486 pyramiding, 95, 297, 492, 523 Quaite, A., 217 Quale, A., 35, 44, qualitative grids, 150, 173, 175, 483 qualitative methods, 73–75, 84, 96, 100, 125, 127, 175, 183, 260, 272, 324, 484, 491 quantitative methods, 73, 78–79, 84, 89, 96, 99–100, 127–8, 260, 272, 484, 491 queer studies, 433 questioning, 499, 501–516 Quinn, R.E., 308, 319 Ramsey, F.L., 81, 87 Randall, R., 270–271, 277 540 Index Range Corollary, 72, 290, 430, 471, 519 range of convenience, 453, 471, 519 Rapaport, A., 277 Raphael, B., 264 Raskin, J.R., 34–36, 39–41, 44, 270, 280, 337, 350 rational emotive therapy, rationalism, 48 Ravenette, T., 116–118, 124, 356, 359, 360, 406 Rawls, J., 276 R Development Core Team, 102, 112 realism, 21, 49, 184–5, 334 reassurance, 248 Reckwitz, A., 489, 498 recognition, 251–2 reconciliation theory, 24 reconstruction, 7–8, 126, 133–4, 196, 210, 214, 245–6, 255, 258, 260, 295, 308–9, 320, 361–2, 365–7, 371, 378, 390–391, 434, 450, 454, 467, 469, 518, 521 reductionism, 183, 490 Reed, N., xxv, 145, 152, 169, 176, 421, 424, 498 reflective practice, 322–3, 343, 363–4 reflexivity, 50, 52, 90, 270, 272–3, 326, 363, 371, 379, 454–8, 460–461 regnant construing, Reichelt, S., 476, 479, 486 Reicher, S., 143, 151 reinforcement, xxiv, 45 relational construct psychology, 167–75, 183, 212, 385 relational construing, 148, 172, 182, 394 Relationality Corollary, 172, 482 relativism, 40, 184, 334 relaxation, 211, 447 religion, xxiii, 30, 46, 51, 259–260, 439 repertory grid technique, 1, 71–76, 78–84, 89–91, 99–112, 119, 144, 150, 181, 183, 191–4, 197, 207, 235, 239, 244, 267–8, 270, 276, 297, 299, 306, 312–8, 324, 326, 336, 340–342, 344, 400–401, 408, 417–8, 449, 491–7, 522 repression, 427 research methodology, 268, 270–272 resilience, 198, 260, 301 resistance, 3, 82, 91–92, 147, 207, 209, 211, 231–2, 283, 291, 326, 340, 344, 445, 492 resistance-to-change grid, 82–83, 91–92, 121, 297, 299, 354 responsibility, 223, 512 transpersonal, 220, 224 restorative justice, 346, 476–85 reverence, 210, 223–5, 227–8, 233 transpersonal, 220, 225 Reynolds, K., 143, 151 Reynolds, M., 270, 277 rhetoric, 366, 368, 514 Richards, I.A., 514, 517 Ricoeur, P., 241, 243, 251, 253 Riedel, W.W., 120, 124 Riley, T., 217 Rivers of experience, 343, 345 Rivers, P.C., 211, 216 Robbins, S., 118, 124, 214, 217 Roberts, J., 343, 350 Roberts, K., 260, 263 Robinson, A.J., 28, 33 Rogers, C.R., 15–16, 29, 32 Rogers, E.H., 489, 498 role, xxi–ii, 53, 61–65, 72, 156, 158–62, 171, 182–3, 244, 250, 269, 286–7, 297, 358–9, 445, 520 Role Category Questionnaire, 75 role play, 210, 244, 299, 385 role relationship, 206, 212, 218–9, 222–3, 225 Index Roma people, 383–95 Ronkin, N., 441, 451 Rorty, R., 27, 33 Rosch, E.H., 19–20, 23, 427, 435, 438 Rose, N., 186–7, 189, 322, 329 Rosenberg, S., 75, 86, 90, 97, 209, 216 Rosenthal, R., 128, 135 Ross, A., 346, 350 Ross, H., 150, 152 Rossotti, N., 83, 87, 209, 217 Roth, W.-M., 339, 350 Rothenberg, A., 312, 319 Rotter, J., 31 Ruiz, A.B., 57, 67 Rychlak, J.F., 50, 56 Sabatier, C., 275, 277 Sacks, H., 427–430, 434, 436, 438 Sacks, O., 375, 382 Sages, R., 386, 391–3, 396 St Pierre, J., 128, 135 Salla, M., 240 Salmon, P., 356, 360 Sam, D.L., 275, 277 Sammons, P., 492, 498 Sánchez, V., 80, 85 Sandberg, S., 128, 136 Sandy, C., 260, 262 San Francisco Human Rights Commission LGBT Advisory Committee, 437, 438 Santayana, G., 375, 382 Sarangi, S., 150, 152 Sartre, J.P., 16–17 Sául, L.A., 80, 85, 235–6, 239–240, 310, 318 Saunderson, W., 145, 153 Savage, D., 432 Scandinavia, 477–8 Scandura, T.A., 268–9, 279 Scepticskull, 400, 415 541 Scheer, J., 139, 149, 152, 268–9, 280, 361, 370, 404, 406–8, 410, 415, 453, 459, 462–3 Scheff, T., 148, 152 schema, 168–9, 373, 375, 378 ‘schizophrenia’, 205, 207–8 Schlitz, M., 221, 229 Schlutsmeyer, M.W., 268–9, 281 Schmidt, L.A., 135 Schön, D.A., 321, 329, 363–4, 370 Schorling, J., 305 Schulz, J., 152, 424 Schwartz, S.H., 489, 498 science, xxiii–iv, 12–13, 50–52, 178, 184–5, 188, 334 science education 338–340 Scott, E.M., 340, 350 Sears, M., 299, 305 Seashore, C., 25 Seeman, M., 148 selective mutism, 125, 128–34 self, xxi–ii, 14, 19, 21, 41, 61–66, 72, 74–75, 78, 83, 99, 161–2, 168, 182–3, 187, 191–2, 209, 225, 235, 245, 249, 251, 256, 258, 270, 322, 325–6, 371–2, 376–7, 379–380, 419–21, 439–440, 443–6 self-categorization theory, 143 self characterization, 16, 18, 73–75, 207, 211, 244, 272, 344, 417, 419, 449, 522 self discrepancy theory, 75, 99 self-organized learning, 269 semantic polarity, 169–71 sentence completion, 343 Serbia, 404 serial invalidation hypothesis, 207 serial killing, 148, 418–9 Sermpezis, C., 197, 198, 208, 217 Sewell, K.W., 90, 98, 208, 217, 456, 463 sex, xxi, 426–37 542 Index Shakespeare, W., 455 shame, 196, 327, 479–480, 515 Shapira-Lishchinsky, O., 342, 350 Shapiro, B., 339, 345, 349 Shapiro, S.L., 449, 451 Shaw, F.J., 24–25, 33 Shaw, M.L.G., 79, 81, 87, 90, 97, 268–9, 278 Sherman, L.W., 484, 486 Shotter, J., 167, 176–7, 270, 280, 366, 370 Shove, E., 489, 498 Shye, S., 91, 98 Sierra Leone, 190–198 Silver, C., 259, 262 Simon, H.A., xxiv, xxvii Sims, S., 93, 97 Sireling, L., 209, 217 Skeat, W., 320, 330 Slaby, J., 492, 498 Slater, P., 79, 87 slot rattling, 82–83, 418 Smail, D.J., 406 small private online courses, 410–411, 413 Smith, W.K., 308, 313, 319 Smithson, M., 90, 98 snake interviews, 343 Snowling, A., 346, 350 social construction, 14, 40, 155, 168, 367, 421, 427–9, 433–4, 441, 443 social constructionism, 19–21, 39, 54, 167, 186, 241, 276, 337, 450 social constructs, 146, 169 social identity theory, 162, 165 sociality, 13, 27, 39–40, 72, 154–65, 195, 198, 210, 215, 390, 416, 423, 459, 461, 474, 482, 484 Sociality Corollary, 27, 39–40, 171, 218, 272–3, 290, 354, 361, 457, 474, 483, 520–521 social practice theory, 489 social psychology, 400 social work, 346, 404 society, 20, 47, 139–150, 155, 180–181, 183, 186–7, 321–2, 328, 336, 380, 431–2, 467, 469, 472, 478, 485, 515–6 sociology, 12, 139–41, 149, 271, 375 Socrates, 46 Soffer, J., 15, 23, 49 Soldevilla, J.M., 152, 176, 424 Soldz, E., 80, 87 Soldz, S., 80, 87 South Africa, 139–140, 272, 483 Southall, I.M., 118, 124 Spaemann, R., 300 Spain, 403–4 Spangenberg, N., 90, 98 speech therapy, 404, 413 Spiegelberg, H., 14, 23 Spinoza, B., 46, 48 sport, 51, 413 Stam, H.J., 167, 176 Standing, L., 408, 415 Stedmon, J., 363, 369 Stein, M., 114, 116, 124 STEM, see science education stereotypes, 143, 156, 521 Stern, P.C., 489, 498 Sternberg, R.J., 362, 370 Stevens, C.D., 34, 44, 361, 365–6, 368, 370, 457, 463 Stewart, A., 313, 319 Stewart, V., 313, 319 Stockton, L., 77, 86, 95, 98 Stojnov, D., 139, 143–5, 147, 152, 168, 171, 176, 183, 189, 275, 280, 325, 330, 337, 350, 385, 396, 435, 438 storytelling, see narrative Strang, H., 484, 486 Strauman, T., 75, 86 Strawson, P.F., 143, 153 Index stress, 52, 193 (see also post-traumatic stress) Stringer, J., 261, 264 Stringer, P., 154, 165, 182–3, 189 Strong, T., 276, 280 Stroud, A., 76, 85 structural coupling, 63 structure determinism, 35, 37, 59, 63 stuttering, 128 submergence, 204, 521 suffering, 440, 445, 450 suicide, 140, 148, 173, 209, 259, 418, 455 Sundin, J., 148, 153, 191, 198–9 Sunley, R., 341, 350 superordinate constructs, 3, 7, 49, 63, 72, 76–77, 81–82, 90–91, 94–5, 119, 143–4, 161, 163–4, 169, 204, 295, 297, 373, 432–3, 453–5, 459, 468–9, 473, 519, 520, 522 super-patterns, 142, 269 supervision, 51 support, 248 surrealism, 455 suspension, 204, 210, 361, 419, 457, 521 Swann, F., 422–3 Symon, G., 270–271, 281 symptoms, 128, 208–9, 214, 218, 220–224, 231–5, 252, 260 262, 416 Sypher, B.D., 76, 87 systemic approaches, 186, 212, 401 Tajfel, H., 143, 153, 162, 166 Tatli, A., 275, 280 tattoos, 90 Taylor, D.S., 270–271, 281 teaching, see education technical eclecticism, 211, 439 Tedeschi, R.G., 256, 262 ten Kate, H., 94, 98 543 terror, 196, 218, 510, 514–5 terrorism, xxii, 150 text, 74, 434 textual grid, 418, 421 Thayer, H., 12–13, 23 theater, xxi–ii, 261, 452, 456–9 theology, 46 theory of mind, 171 theory of planned behaviour, 489 therapeutic relationship, 212, 214, 252, 413, 521 thinking, 46, 179 thought disorder, 207 Thomas, J.C., 268–9, 281 Thomas, L.F., 79, 87, 269, 281, 356, 360 Thompson, B., 261, 264 Thompson, E., 19–20, 23 Thompson, G., 28 Thorpe, R., 270, 278 thought disorder, threat, 6, 24–31, 64–65, 67, 83, 126, 144, 194–6, 205, 207, 210–212, 245, 250–252, 283, 286, 288, 291, 297, 326, 359, 420–421, 423, 458, 472, 479, 485, 501, 509–510, 514, 521 Ticic, R., 232, 239 tight construing, xxv, xxix, 66, 129–34, 204, 208, 211, 245–6, 359, 365–6, 452, 454, 510, 522 time, 371–5, 457–8, 460 Tjok-a-Tam, S., 345, 350 Toews, B., 477, 486 Torres, M., 238 tourism, 270–271 traditional healing, 192 transitive diagnosis, 46, 119, 206 trauma, 258, see also post-traumatic stress Travis, L., 25 Treagust, D.F., 340, 348 trust, 417 544 Index Tschudi, F., 2, 8, 128, 136, 194, 236, 240, 354, 356, 360, 417, 419, 425, 476, 479–480, 483–5, 486, 523 Turing, A., 466 Turner, 143, 153, 162, 166 Turkey, 358 Turner, R., 277 Tutu, D., 483 Ubuntu, 482 Ugazio, V., 169–71, 176 unconscious, 45, 113 understanding, xxv, 499–516 United Kingdom, 79, 154–65, 273, 400–404, 407, 410–412, 488 United States of America, xxv, 47, 79–80, 224, 401–3, 407, 412, 477–8, 481 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 477 universe, xxvi, 49, 440, 445 integral, 218–28, 441 Urbano Giralt, S., 192, 199 Usher, I., 320–322, 328, 330 Vaihinger, H., 32, 41–42, 44 validation, xxiv, xxvi, 5, 25, 66, 114, 126, 130, 132, 164, 197, 207, 209–210, 214, 233, 246, 256, 286, 289–290, 310, 325, 365, 378, 448, 453, 457–8, 520 value-belief-norm theory, 489 values, xxii, 149, 169–170, 178, 289, 291, 293–304, 342, 364, 390, 420, 436, 445, 450, 473, 477–8, 488, 512 Van de Ven, A.H., 308, 319 Van Driel, J., 340, 348 van Dyke, J.G., 261, 264 van Kan, C.A., 342, 351 van Loon, R.J.P., 270–271, 279 Van Oudenhoven, J.P., 164, 166 Van Rekom, J., 77, 87 Varela, F., 19–20, 23, 35, 37, 44, 57–58, 67, 245, 253 Varlotta, N., 239 Vaughan Smith, J., 320, 322, 327, 330 Vaughn, C.M., 39, 44 Vaz, A., 337, 351 Vedder, P., 275, 277 Velicogna, F., 402, 414 Verloop, N., 340, 342, 348, 351 Villegas, M., 74, 85 Vince, J., 99, 112 Viney, L.L., 74, 87, 89, 97, 119, 123, 125, 127, 129, 135, 213–214, 216–217, 522–3 Vining, J., 487, 498 violence, 383, 390–391, 416–417, 420, 423, 473 von Foerster, H., 18 von Glasersfeld, E., 35, 37, 39, 44, 242, 337, 357, 360 Vygotsky, L., 169 Wagner, B., 261, 264 Walker, B.M., xxviii, xxix, 81, 87, 89, 95, 97–98, 121, 123, 206, 217, 246, 253, 276, 279, 361, 365, 370, 408, 415, 522, 523 Wallace, B.A., 449, 451 Wampold, B., 221, 229 war, 190, 196–8, 274 way of life, 208, 512 Ward, J.M., 165 Warren, W.G., 11–12, 16, 23, 34, 44, 52, 56, 186, 188, 189, 268, 281 Watson, J., 12, 19 Watson, S.B., 83, 87, 212, 217, 412, 415 Watson, W., 76, 87 Watts, D.M., 337, 339, 351 Weathersby, R.P., 310, 318 Weinreich, P., 145, 153 Index Wendt, A., 149 Wexler, D., 52, 56 Whitehead, C., 455, 463 Whitmarsh, L.E., 488, 498 Whitmore, J., 320, 330 Whitney, D., 305 Wierenga, B., 77, 87 Wilkinson, R., 478, 485, 486 Williams, A., 305 Willie, R., 90, 98 Willutzki, U., 146, 153 Wilson, W., 27 Winter, D.A., xxv, xxviii, xxix, 34, 44, 75, 83, 87, 91, 96, 99, 112, 148, 152–3, 176, 191–2, 194, 196–7, 198–9, 206, 208–9, 212–213, 216–217, 236, 240, 246, 253, 354, 356, 360, 402, 405, 412, 415, 416–420, 424–5, 435, 438 Wolf, N., 437, 438 Wolff, K.E., 90, 98 Wood, N., 192, 199 Woods, C.R., 270–271, 281 Woods, D., 484, 486 Woolf, P., 481, 486 Woolf, V., 173–4, 176 Wortman, C.B., 258–9, 262 Wray, M., 320, 329 Wright, R.P., 313, 319 Wright, S., 492, 498 Young, A.J., 260, 262 Young, E., 268–9, 281 Youngs, D., 150, 152 Youngson, R., 293, 304, 305 Yugoslavia, 139 Zajonc, R.B., 76, 87, 277 Zehr, H., 477, 486 Živcović, S., 365, 369 Zolner, K., 270, 278 Zorn, T.E., 76, 87 Zuboff, S., 148, 153 Zylbersztajn, A., 339 545 WILEY END USER LICENSE 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The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology Edited by David A Winter and Nick Reed This edition first published 2016 © 2016 John Wiley. .. Italy, introduced personal construct theory in Italy in the early 1980s A member of the editorial board of both the Journal of Constructivist Psychology and Personal Construct Theory & Practice,... the analysis of grid data He has edited two books on personal construct psychology He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Constructivist Psychology and Personal Construct Theory & Practice,