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Jung, c g psychology of the unconscious (1916)

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liiliBHiilBn LIBRARY OF WELLESLEY COLLEGE BEaUEST OF Ella Smith Elbert '88 PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS DR " C G JUXG PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of A Contribution to the the Libido History of the Evolution of Thought BY Dr C G Of JUNG the University of Zurich AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION WITH INTRODUCTION, BY BEATRICE M HINKLE, M.D the Neurological Department of Cornell University Medical School and of the New York Post Graduate Medical School Of MOFFAT, YARD AND COMPANY NEW YORK 1916 319406 Copyright, 1916, by MOFFAT, YARD AND COMPANY New York All rights reserved, 3F lis T2 THE 558 SACRIFICE [pp 428-483 up, he was of superhuman beauty, so that Agdistis His relatives sent the full-grown Attis to love with the boy The wedding song Pessinus, in order to marry the king's daughter was beginning when Agdistis appeared and in delirium Attis castrated himself." tector: fell in when he grew ^^Firmicus: " " De Evang Myths," ^* p error, 136, prof, XXVIII rel.," and Creuzer: Quoted by Robertson: " Symbolik," II, 332 Pentheus, as a hero with a serpent nature ; his father was Echion, the adder, ^^ The ^'^ In the festival processions they wore women's clothes typical sacrificial death in the Dionysus cult ^^ In Bithynia Attis was called TrdTrcf (papa, pope) and Cybele, Ma In the early Asiatic religions of this mother-goddess, there existed fish In the worship and prohibition against fish as food for the priests Christian religion, it is noteworthy that the son of Atargatis, identified with Astarte, Cybele, etc., is called 'Ij^i'f (Creuzer: " Symbolik," II, 60) IH20Y2 XPI2T02 Therefore, the anagram of the name of Christ 0EOYTIO2 HiiTHP ^^ = = IXeY2 Spiegel: " Eran Altertumskunde," ^° 2, 76 Der chinesische Kiichengott Tsau-kyun." A Nagel Religions^uissenschaft, XI, 23 ff *' : *" In Spiegel's " Parsigrammatik," pp 135, 166 ** Porphyrins says: ug (As the bull *^ The strangles is koX ravpoq ST/fiiovpybc cjv the Creator, Mithra is oMWpac Archiv fiir kqI yeveatug SeandTTjg the Lord of birth) death of the bull is voluntary and involuntary When Mithra the bull, a scorpion bites the bull in the testicles (autumn equinox) ^^Benndorf: ** " ^^ In Textes et " Bildwerke des Lateran Museum," No 547 Monuments," I, 182 another place Cumont speaks of morbid grace of the features of the hero." "the sorrowful and almost ^^ Infantilism is merely the result of the much deeper state of introversion of the Christian in contrast to the other religions The libido nature of the sacrificed ram helped the first people to the first *'' In Persia, a unquestionable cohabitation: it is also the first animal which they sacrificed (Spiegel: "Eran Altertumskunde," Vol I, p 511) The ram is the same as the paradisical serpent, which was Christ according to the Manichean version The ancient Meliton of Sardes taught that Christ was a lamb, similar to the ram in the Here tlie bush is bush, which Abraham sacrificed in place of his son analogous to the cross (Fragment V, quoted by Robertson:' Ibid) is sin, •^ See above "Blood bridegroom of the mother." From Joshua v:2 learn that Joshua again instituted the circumcision and redemption of the firstborn: "With this he must have substituted for the sacrifice we of children, which earlier it was the custom to offer up to Jehovah, the sacrifice of the male foreskin" (Drews: " Christusmythe," I, p 47) pp THE 428-483] *" See Cumont: Ibid., '" The Zodiacal p SACRIFICE 559 100 sign of the sun's greatest heat '^^ This solution apparently concerns only the dogmatic symbolism I merely intimate that this sacrificial death was related to a festival of vegetation or of Spring, from which the religious legend originated The folk customs contain in variations these same fundamental thoughts (Compare with that Drews: " Christusmythe," I, p 37) °^ A similiar sacrificial death is that of Prometheus He was chained In another version his chains were drawn through a pillar, which hints at the enchainment to a tree That punishment was his which Christ took upon himself willingly The fate of Prometheus therefore recalls the misfortune of Theseus and Perithoos, who remain bound to the rock, the chthonic mother According to Athenaeus, Jupiter commanded Prometheus, after he had freed him, to wear a willow crown and an iron ring, by which his lack of freedom and slavery was symbolically represented (Phoroneus, who in Argos was worshipped as the bringer of fire, was the son of Melia, the ash, therefore tree-enRobertson compares the crown of Prometheus to the crown of chained.) thorns of Christ The devout carry crowns in honor of Prometheus, in order to represent the captivity ("Evangelical Myths," p 126) In this connection, therefore, the crown means the same as the betrothal ring These are the requisites of the old Hierosgamos with the mother; the crown of thorns (which is of Egyptian derivation according to Athenaeus) has the significance of the painful ascetic betrothal to a rock ^^ The spear wound given by Longinus to Christ is the substitute for the dagger thrust in the Mithraic bull sacrifice: "The jagged tooth of the brazen wedge " was driven through the breast of the enchained and sacrificed ^* Prometheus (Aeschylus: "Prometheus") Mention must also be made of the fact that North German mythology was acquainted with similar thoughts regarding the fruitfulness of the death on the mother: Through hanging on the tree of life, Odin obtained knowledge of the Runes and the inspiring, intoxicating drink which invested him with immortality sacrificial °^ I have refrained in the course of this merely orienting investigating from referring to the countless possibilities of relationship between dream symbolism and the material disclosed in these connections That is a matter of a special investigation But I cannot forbear mentioning here a simple dream, the first which a youthful patient brought to me in the " She stands between high walls of snow beginning of her analysis upon a railroad track with her small brother A train comes, she runs before.it in deadly fear and leaves her brother behind upon the track She sees him run over, but after the train has passed, the little fellow stands up again uninjured." The meaning of the dream is clear: the The leaving behind of the little inevitable approach of the " impulse." brother is the repressed willingness to accept her destiny The acceptance is syrnboHzed by the sacrifice of the little brother (the infantile personality) whose apparently certain death becomes, however, a resurAnother patient makes use of classical forms: she dreamed of rection If a mighty eagle, which is wounded in beak and neck by an arrow physician, arrow we go into the actual transference phantasy (eagle erotic wish of the patient), then the material concerning the eagle (winged lion of St Mark, the past splendor of Venice; beak =: remembrances of = = THE 56o SACRIFICE [pp 428-483 certain perverse actions of childhood) leads us to understand the eagle as a composition of infantile memories, which in part are grouped around the father The eagle, therefore, is an infantile hero who is wounded in a characteristic manner on the phallic point (beak) The dream also says: I renounce the infantile wish, I sacrifice my infantile personality (which is synonymous with: I paralyze it, castrate the father In the Mithra mysteries, in the introversion the or the physician) mystic himself becomes aerSg, the eagle, this being the highest degree of The identification with the unconscious libido animal goes initiation very far in this cult, as Augustine relates: " alii autem sicut aves alas percutiunt vocem coracis imitantes, alii vero leonum more fremunt " (Some move the arms like birds the wings, imitating the voice of the raven, some groan like lions) Miss Miller's snake is green The snake of my patient is also green In "Psychology of Dementia Praecox," p i6i, she says: "Then a little green snake came into my mouth; it had the finest, loveliest sense, as if it had human understanding; it wanted to say something to me, Spielrein's patient says of the almost as if it had wished to kiss me." snake: "It is an animal of God, which has such wonderful colors, green, The rattlesnake is green; it is very dangerous The blue and white snake can have a human mind, it can have God's judgment; it is a ^^ It will save those children who are necessary for friend of children Here the the preservation of human life" {Jahrbuch, Vol Ill, p 366) The snake as the transformed prince phallic meaning is unmistakable See Riklin: "Wish Fulfilment in the fairy tale has the same meaning and Symbolism °^ A around in Fairy Tales." patient had the mother the and phantasy that she was finally crept into her ^^ The serpent of Epidaurus Similia similibus "* This Stekel as Traumes," *" is, in contrast, a serpent which coiled endowed with healing power Bleuler has designated as Ambivalence or ambitendency "Bi-polarity of all psychic phenomena" (" Sprache des p 535) am indebted for permission to publish a picture of this statuette to the kindness of the director of the Veronese collection of antiques I " Deluge " is of one nature with the serpent In the Woluspa said that the flood is produced when the Midgard serpent rises up He is called " Jormungandr," which means, for universal destruction The destroying Fenris wolf has also literally, "the all-pervading wolf." Fen is found in Fensalir (Meersale), the a connection with the sea dwelling of Frigg, and originally meant sea (Frobenius: Ibid., p 179) In the fairy stories of Red Riding Hood, a wolf is substituted in place of a serpent or fish ®^ it The is ^^ Compare the longing of Holderlin expressed in his poem " Empedo- Also the journey to hell of Zarathustra through the crater of the Death is the entrance into the mother, therefore the Egyptian volcano That king, Mykerinos, buried his daughter in a gilded wooden cow was the guarantee of rebirth The cow stood in a state apartment and In another apartment near the cow were sacrifices were brought to it placed the images of the concubines of Mykerinos (Herodotus, II, p 129 f ) cles." "Kluge: "Deutsche Etymologie." INDEX Abegg, 182 Caesar, Julius, Aitareyopanishad, 178 Ambitendency, 194 317 Cannegieter, 281 Causation, law of, 59 Cave worship, 375 Chidher, 216, 219 Child, development of, 461 Childhood, valuations, 211 Children, analysis of, 207 regression in, 462 Amenhotep IV, 106 Christ, Abelard, i6 Abraham, 6, 29, 143, 151, 162 Activity, displaced rhythmic, 160 Adaptation to environment, 14 Agni, 164, 185 Agriculture, 173 Analogy, importance of, 156 Analysis of dreams, Arnold, Sir Edwin, 273, 355 Art, instinct of, 145 first, 177 Asceticism, 91 Asterius, Bishop, 375 mother symbolism of, 234, 241 Cohabitation, continuous, 236, 298 Coitus play, 167 wish, meaning of, 339 Communion cup, 410 Complex, 37 law of Bergerac, Cyrano 119 Bergson, Henri, 314 Bertschinger, 203 de, 43, 60, Bleuler, Prof., 152, 194 " Egyptian, of the Dead," 278, 289, 314 Boring, act of, 157, 177 Bousset, 402 Book Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad, 174, 313, 466 Bruno, Giordano, 25 273, 323, 344, 355 40, 83 "Heaven and nuclear, 195 of representation, 70, 76, 95 Compulsion, unconscious, 454 Condensation, Conflict, internal, 196, 328 Bhagavid-Gita, 195 Bingen, Hildegarde von, loi Byron's return, 56, 67 mass, 43 mother, 208 Baldwin, Mark, 17 Baptism, 357 Buddha, 135, 185, 217, 219, 252, 278, 344, 357, City, Augustine, 90, 114 Autismus, 152 Autoerotism, 176 Autonomy, moral, 262 Avenarius, R., 146 Aztec, 205 Bundehesh, 277 Burckhardt, Jacob, 90, 245, 372 and Antichrist, 403 death and resurrection, 449 sacrifice of, 475 Christianity, 78, 80, 85, 255 Chrysostomus, John, 113 Cicero, 136 Antiquity, brutality of, 258 Anxiety, representations of, 292 178, 30, 225, Consciousness, birth of, 361 Creation, by means of thought, 58, 62 ideal, 64 from introversion, 416, 456 from mother, 286, 371 through sacrifice, 466 Creuzer, 268 Cross, 264, 278 meaning of, 296 Cult, Father-Son, 166 Earth, 173 Cumont, Franz, 83, 221, 225, 450, Earth," 117 473 561 r INDEX 562 Cyrano de Bergerac, 43, 60, 119, 317 Dactyli, 132 Death, fear of, 304, 434 phantasies, 117 voluntary, 423 wish for, 320, 419 Dementia praecox, 141, 159, 461 Destiny of man, 390, 427 Deussen, 415, 466 Dieterich, 376, 450 Dismemberment, motive of, 267 Displaced rhythmic activity, 160 Domestication of man, 267, 304 Dragon, psychologic meaning, 402, 410 Dream, analysis, interpretation of, Nietzsche, 28 regression, 26 sexual assault, 10 sexual language of, 433 source of, symbolism, 8, 12, 233 Francis of Assisi, 97 Frazer ("Golden Bough"), 367, 478 Freud, Sigmund, 12, 26, 29, 35, 37, 67, 71, 73, 8i, 133, 139, 151, 189, 232, 281, 367, 421, 459 interpretation of the dream, " Leonardo da Vinci," source of the dream, Frobenius, 237, 275, 280, 436 Galileo, 146 Gilgamesh, 365 God, as creator and destroyer, 70 as sun, 127 " becoming one with," 96 crucified, 295 fertilizing, 348 love of, 200 of creation, 69, 394 vs erotic, 94 Goethe, 417 Gunkel, 286 Hand, erotic use of, 176 symbolism of, 206 Hartmann, 198 Drews, 147 Drexler, 275 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 330 Eleusinian mysteries, 373 Emmerich, Katherine, 322 Erman, 106 Erotic fate, 117 impression, 54, 67 Eusebius of Alexandria, 114 Evolution, 144 Fairy tales, interpretation of, 281 Family, separation from, 344 Fasting, 369 Father, 62, 98, 293 Imago, 55 transference, 71 Faust, 68, 88, 130, 181, 231, 245, 250, 283, 305, 349 Fear, as forbidden desire, 389 Ferenczi, 47, 146 Ferrero, Guglielmo, 34 Finger sucking, 177 Firdusi, 315 Fire, onanistic phase of, 174 preparations of, 163, 165, 172 sexual significance, 167, 172 Firmicus, 379, 419 Flournoy, 37 France, Anatole, 15, 37 Hecate, mysteries of, 403 Heine, 353 Helios, 96, no, 221 Herd instinct, 201 Hero, 32, 191, 200, 379 as wanderer, 231 betrayal of, 38 birth of, 356 psychologic meaning, 135 sacrifice of, 452 teleological meaning, 347 Herodotus, 290 Herzog, 408 Hesiod, 147 Hiawatha, song of, 346 Hierosgamos, 274, 376 Holderlin, 182, 435, 436, 437, 440» 442, 443, 444, 445, 448, 452 Homosexuality, 34 Honegger, 108, 154 Humboldt, 349 Hypnagogic vision, 197 Idea, independence of, 84 274 Imago, Father, 55 Iliad, Immortality, 227, 427 INDEX 563 Incest barrier, 72, 100, 266, 458, 461 Life, fear of, 335 phantasy, 3, 63, 404 problem, 171, 195, 230, 250, 289, 364, 454 463 Incestuous component, 172 Independence, battle for, 344 natural conception of, 343 279 Logos, 63 Lombroso, 212 Longfellow's " Hiawatha," 346 Lord's Supper, 372 Love, 193 infantile, 431 Lucius, 106 Infantilism, 319, 431, 479 Inman, 184, 236 Introjection, 146 Introversion, 37, 329,, 367, 415 hysterical, 50, 98, 193, 201, Macrobius, 226, 314 151 Maeder, willed, 336 Isis, 96, Lilith, Maeterlinck, 64 264 Magdeburg, Mechthild 314 Manilius, 182 Mary, 283, 302 Matthew, Gospel of, 92 Maurice, 297 Mauthner, Franz, 19 Maya, 283 Jaehns, 311 James, William, 21 Janet, Pierre, 142 Jensen, 225 Jew, Wandering, 215, 225 Job, Book of, 58, 60, 68, 326 Jodl, 17 Joel, Karl, von, 190, Mayer, Robert, 138 Mead, 109 360 Jones, Meliton, 113 Mereschkowski, 403 Messiah, 79 Miller, Miss Frank, 41 Kathopanishad, 130 Kepler, 25 Kluge, 409 Koran, 216 Kuhn, Adalbert, 162 Milton, 52 Mind, archaic tendencies, 35 infantile, 36 Mithra, 104, no, 217, 221, 278, 293, 372, 450, 471 Kulpe, 21 Laistner, 281 Lajard, 229 Lamia, 280 Mithracism, Language, 15 Moral autonomy, 262 Mother, 98, 230, 241, 283 heavens as, 301, 456 imago, 250, 303, 319 libido, 469, 474 78, 82, 85, 89, 96, loi, 108, 221, 225, 269, 314 vs Speech, 16 Legends, Judas, 37 Lenclos, Ninon de, Libido, 20, 47, 67, 71, 245, 78, 94, 96, loi, I20, 128, 157, 193, 228, 249 as hero, 417 definition of, 135 descriptive conception, 144 desexualized, 149 genetic conception, 144 in opposition, 292, 308, 329 in resistance, 422 introverting, 415 liberation of, 420 mother, 289, 469, 474 repressed objects of, 203 transference of, 368 transformation of, 171 Licentiousness, 258 longing for, 335, 371, 428 love, 338 of humanity, 201 terrible, 196, 202, 243, 267, 280, 364, 405 transference, 71 twofold, 356, 387, 428 wisdom of, 452 Motive of dismemberment, 267 embracing and entwining, 272 Morike, 11, 354 importance of, 176 as instrument of speech, 176 Miiller, 295 Music, origin of, 165 Mouth, erotic INDEX 564 Mysticism, loi Mythology, 24, 240 Hindoo, 128 Myths, as dream images, 29 of rebirth, 272 religious, 262 Nakedness, cult of, 412 Naming, importance of, 208 Narcissus state, 337 Neuroses, hysteria and compulsion, 142 Nietzsche, i6, 23, 28, 72, 102, 104, 195, 327, 328, 337, 345, 414, 417, 418, 420, 423, 434, 447 on dreams, 28 Nodfyr, 166 Oedipus, 3, 202 Oegger, Abbi, 37 Onanism, 158, 175, Osiris, 264, 436 186 Ovid, 325, 373, 469 Primitive, reduction to, 259 Procreation, self, 358 Projection, 73 Prometheus, 162 Psychic energy, 142 Psychoanalysis, 75, 421 object of, 479 Psychoanalytic thinking, 257 Psychology, unconscious, 197 Psychopathology, 50 Ramayana, 239 Rank, 6, Raven," 12, 29, 356 " The, 66 Reality, adaptation to, 461 corrective of, 146, 261 function of, 144, 150, 416 principle of, 146 Rebirth, 240, 251, 272, 351 battle for, 364 Regression, 26, 27, 172, 173 to the mother, 369 Religion, benefits of, 99 and morality, 85 Paradise Lost," 52 Paranoia, 140 as a pose, 82, 260 sexuality, 78 Paranoidian mechanism, 73 Pausanias, 274 vs orgies, '* Persecution, fear of, 332 Personality, dissociated, 37 Peter, 221, 222 Pfister, 6, 56 Phallic, cult, 33 symbolism, 228, 248, 310 Phallus, 105, 132 negative, 334 Sun, 108 Phantasy, how created, 31 infantile, 462 onanistic, 175 sexual, 140 source of, 32, 460 thinking, 22 Philo of Alexandria, 113, 315 Pick, 37 Pindar, 325 source of, 474 412 Renan, 127 Renunciation, 444 Repression, 6, 67, 73, 150, 161, 342 Resistance, 196 Resistance to primitive sexuality, 156 Revelation, iii, 244 Rhythm, sexual, 165 Rigveda, 165, 247, 416, 456, 465 Riklin, 6, 29, 281 367, 393, 415, 452, 465, Robertson, 378 Rochefoucauld, La, 195 Rodhe, 376, 407 Roscher, 326 Rose, symbolism of, 436 Rostand, 43 Rudra, 128 Plato, 147, 388 Symposium, 34, 298 Plotinus, 147 Plutarch, 311, 375, 436 Poe, 66 Polytheism, 106 Pope, Roman, 200 Preiswerk, Samuel, 378 Presexual stage, i6i, 171, 369 Sacrifice, 287, 294, 391, Christian vs Mithraic, 478 of bull, 473 retrogressive longing, 453, 465 Sainthood, difficulty of, 322 Schmid, 188 Scholasticism, 22 INDEX Schopenhauer, 16, 136, 146, 198, 416, 467, 480 Science, 23, 84 vs Mythology, 24 Self-consciousness, creation of, 303 Self-control, 73 Seneca, 78, 83, 85, 96 Sentimentality, 474 Serpent, 292 Sexual assault dream, 10 impulse, derivatives of, 144, 149 problem, treatment of, 454 Sexuality, and nutrition, 161 and religion, 78 cult of, 256 importance of, 565 Symbolism of eyes, 301 of fish, 223 " forest, 307 " horse, 308 " libido, 105 " light, " moon, 352 ** mother, 241, 278 233 112 " mystery, " serpent, 333, 414, 417, 479 " sun, " 390 sword, 393 " trees, 246, 264, 385 phallic, 33, 228, 248 Symbols, use of, 249, 262, 400 Symean, loi 342 resistance to primitive, 156, 170 Shakespeare, 317 Shiestashvataropanishad," " Tertullian, 114 128 " Siegfried," Silberer, 6, Wagner's, 391 234 Snake, phallic meaning of, no, 413 as symbol of death, 408 Sodomy, 34 Soma, 185 Somnambulism, intentional, 192 Sophocles, 332 Soul, conception of, 299 Speech, 14 origin of, 178 Sphinx, 202 Spielrein, 154, 449 St Augustine, 82 Stage, presexual, 161, 171, 369 Steinthal, 156 Stekel, 12 Subject vs object, 360 Sublimation, 64, 150, 254 Suckling, act of, 160 Sun, 95, 217, 223, 390, 427 as God, 99, 127 energy, 128 hero, 112, 115, 191, 231 night journey of, 237 phallus, 108 worship, 114 Surrogates, archaic, 154 Symbolism, Christian, 115 Christian vs Mithraic, 478 of arrow, 321, 366 " city, 234, 241 " crowd, 233 " dreams, 8, 12 " eating, 372 " everyday thought, 13 Theatre, 43 Thinking, 13 act of, 459 archaic, 28 directed or logical, 14, 36 dream, 22 intensive, 13 limitations of, 19 of children, 27 origin of, 465 phantastic, 22, 31, 36 psychoanalytic, 257 of, 313 Time, symbol Transference, 75, real, 77, 78, 84 171, 201 76, to nature, 82 Transformation, 155 Treading, symbolic meaning of, 349 Treasure, difficult to attain, 186, 365 guardian of, 293, 408 of Death, 278 of Life, 246 Trinity, 147, 225 Tree Tree Unconscious, 197, 201 Upanishad, 131, 247, 466 Verlaine, Paul, 483 Vinci, Leonardo da, Virgil, 90 7, 403 Virgin Mother, 63 Vollers, 221 W^agner's " Siegfried," 391 Waitz, 3«;3 Water, symbolism of, 244, 384, 388 INDEX 566 Watschandies, 167 Work Weber, 165 World as mother, 456 Wundt, 17 Will, conception of, 146 duality of, 194 as a duty, 455 Zarathustra, 423 original division of, 171 as creator, 108, 354 Wirth, 115 Zend Avesta, 464 Woman, Zockler, 278, 296 Wind misunderstood, 342 Zosimos vision, 416 Date Due j-^ m ornr 1978 7^ Rffll zxi 2.^ *M^M EE« a: xiii: r PB * ^ ?!; 'gCf > 'tT ^ ^ w ^e^^: f^isr ^m^R 2304 »EC ^TTJ *MV 73 Lihrary Bureau Cat No 1137 WELLESLEY COLLEGE LIBRARY 5002 03205 0176 ^ A U TH OR J"

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